• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,110 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Cold Hearth, Warm Heart Part 2 [19] [E]

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard

Cold Hearth, Warm Heart
Part 2

“You are trying hard to make me look bad, Jer I know you are.” Rhede growled.

Jer'rahd simply smirked walking beside the loaded wagon pulled by two Guard ponies. He had picked up a gift for every pony in the family as well as a selection of chocolates and some various fruits, though no oranges, for the Pelts.

The snow had stopped though there was still a fresh coat of the white stuff covering the roads from Canterlot down to Ponyville.

The pair of Guards pulling the wagon were grumbling to each other about working on Hearths Warming when they thought he couldn't overhear them. He smiled having picked the pegasus Wedge and the earth pony Biggs out of the roster specificly.

Both of them had gotten a bad pull of duty for the holiday and as such were not able to make it back to their own homes and families. There were a number of others like them as well who had duty, but most of them lived nearby or had come out to Canterlot to be with the ones who couldn't leave.

Biggs Hosen and Potato Wedge didn't really have that option. The pair of them lived on the far side of Equestria near the frozen north in Vanhoover so making a trip up there was nearly out of the question this time of the year any way.

Jer'rahd had adjusted the shifts a little to allow them the day off today at least. While it would not be enough for them to make it back home, the Pelt gathering might be the next best thing. Of course they didn't know it yet and simply thought a superior officer had abused his power to make them drag a cart for him.

Rhede was pulling a smaller cart himself loaded down with gifts from both him and Velkorn that was only half the size. Jer'rahd barely ever spent any of his wages so he had plenty to spare when he did decided to splurge.

“I don't need to try and make you look bad Rhede, you do it so well yourself.” Jer'rahd grinned.

“Forget that, you're just trying to butter mom up so she forgives you for missing the last few years.” Rhede growled

“Perish the thought.” Jer'rahd waved his hoof at his friend dismissively.

Starfall flew slowly along with the wagons with Cloud Dancer sitting on her back, her own little wings fluttering with her mothers. Starfall had bundled the filly in more scarves and hats than the entire rest of the group, save Velkorn, wore. It was no wonder the foal could not fly, she looked like a wrapped present herself.

Velkorn was not doing much better, the zebra was used to hot climates the snow was evidently something she was not used to and she had over done her own covering looking little more than a large bundle of clothing trudging along with the others. Bleu was not happy with the weather either and had wrapped herself into a thick blanket before planting herself on Jer'rahd's back under his own long coat. Rhede had kept his normal light robes and Jer'rahd had worn a long dark blue dress coat neither of them showing any problem with the cold.

“An apple or two my frozen blue tail, how can some ponies whose job it is to deal with weather miss count by four apples?” Bleu snarled.

“At least the roads are clear Bleu.” Jer'rahd chimed up.

The group left Canterlot nearly an hour ago, traveling along one of the merchant roads toward a small town at the base of the mountain. Ponyville was little more than a farming town, one or two houses and only one fair sized general store.

Once the small caravan made it into the town itself Jer'rahd found himself pausing at a vacant lot by the side of the road looking at the slightly raised plot of land there. Rhede sighed walking up to his friend looking it over as well.

“All that haste to tear it down and all these years later and there is still nothing there.” Jer'rahd grumbled.

“You knew there would not be. They never did want to build anything there, just erase it.” Rhede sighed.

“Yeah.” Jer'rahd shook his head.

“Boss whats so special about that lot?” Bleu mentioned , poking her nose out from her bundle of cloth to see why they stopped.

“Used to be where my house was.” Jer'rahd admitted before turning away to continue along the road without a glance back.

The group moved on the road until it turned into little more than a path between trees as it left the town headed north closer to the edge of the Everfree Forest. Finally the group came into sight of a massive multistory farmhouse, a place that easily dwarfed a number of nobles homes in Canterlot.

The whole place was decorated for Hearths Warming, magic crystals blinking and casting small flame spells into the air that formed into hearts or other shapes. Decorated trees and candy canes sat every where along the path and around the home. A statue of three ponies huddled together, rested in the middle of the yard, a great fiery heart above them being circled by the illusions of Windigo trying to flee it. Trees and stars were every where, the entire fruit orchard for as far as any pony could see was covered in glittering lights and decorations.

Every pony but Rhede and Jer'rahd's jaws had dropped at the sight of a home decorated more lavishly than the entire Canterlot Castle.

“Seems she did not go full out this year Rhede.” Jer'rahd admitted appraising the decorations.

“I guess she's finally feeling her age. Besides the Pegasus choir from a few years ago spent more time inside drinking hot chocolate then outside singing.” Rhede shrugged.

“What the heck? You been holding out on us juicy bits?” Bleu stammered.

“Bleu please stop that … I did say Pelt was a common name. We are a big family with ponies from all........ crud ….. we've been spotted Jer.” Rhede stated suddenly his eyes narrowing.

“Already? Fine lets get this over with. You might wanna take off Bleu. You two take the cart towards the house, stop at the front, but don't let any pony get to it until we get there. Velkorn, Starfall, you might wanna take Rhede's Cart and go along with them.”

“What ? Whats going on. Sir is there a problem?” Wedge questioned

Jer'rahd glanced over to the guards pulling the wagon with a smirk.

“Nothing we can't handle, take that over to the front door and wait there.” Jer'rahd ordered.

“Here it comes Jer.” Rhede stated.

Rhede's gaze was lifted skyward and Jer'rahd''s eyes followed his friend's gaze upward as well. The shadow over them growing larger as Velkorn and the Guards took off running.

“What? I thought Maw banned the catapult years ago?” Jer'rahd cursed.

“Guess she made the use fair game again. Probably just for us Jer.” Rhede sighed.” Glad to see their aim has improved though.”

“INCOMEING!!” Jer'rahd shouted diving to the side as Rhede dodged the other way.

The giant snow ball crashed into the group, burying them under a mountain of snow with only the wagon movers avoiding it.

Rhede popped his head up from the giant snow pile before Jer'rahd did the same from the other side of it , the pair failing to dodge the massive snowball. The pair glare at the young ponies at the top of the hill on the other side of the orchard dancing around the catapult. The large wooden device barely hidden behind a few rows of trees now that it had fired. The two stallions glance to each other and nod.

“Rhede. Rook to pawn six. Knight to pawn three.” Jer'rahd stated.

“On it Jer.” Rhede grinned.

The two dive back under the snow mound as Cloud Dancer burrows her way out and bounced around on top of the pile of snow shouting as Bleu and Starfall slowly emerge.

“Do it again! Do it again!!!” Cloud Dancer shouted.

“HAHAHAHA .” a small thin reddish orange furred colt with a bright red mane and tail laughed. “Oh we got them good this time. Miss a few years of our war will you? We brought back the heavy artillery. We got another round ready Wolf?” The colt asked.

A larger and some what chunky gray and whited furred colt with a black mane and tail grinned.

“Give me a moment, Fox I'll load it, you see where they went?” Wolf nodded as his brother lifts a spyglass up to look down at their targets.

“I see some movement down there. Uh oh, looks like they had a foal with them. She seems fine, but Maw's not gonna be happy about that.” Fox winced.

“Hey we waited till the wagons moved.” Wolf admitted.

“That was not enough to stop us Fox, Wolf, you should have fired again!” a voice called from the snow around them.

“Its Jer'rahd!!they're here, Evasive maneuvers!!! FALL BACK WOLF RUN!!” Fox yelled.

“Too late!” Rhede shouted.

Rhede leaps out of the snow flinging snowballs at the pair like they were his daggers. The sudden barrage forced the two ponies back to take cover behind the catapult. Though Rhede's distraction gave Jer'rahd the time he needed to roll one of the large catapult snowballs over the pair with his magic. The ball kept rolling from the push with the pair of colts stuck in it, gathering speed as it tore down the hill towards the trio pulling them selves out of the snow from the first attack.

“Uh oh” Jer'rahd winced.

“Wrong way Jer.” Rhede sucked in a breath.

The ball of snow bound ponies tore down the hill towards the others. Starfall took off into the air dragging Cloud Dancer with her. Bleu had just shaken the snow from her blanket when she saw the new snow ball heading towards her. She yelped and dove down trying to burrow back down into the first pile before being hit by the rolling snowball. The rolling ball bounced across the road with the new dragonling addition and struck one of the apple trees on the other side of the field, exploding and leaving the colts and Bleu stuck in the decorated tree.

“I think that counts as a win Jer.” Rhede grinned.

“I can agree with that.” Jer'rahd laughed.


“Six years? I get nothing from either of you for six years. Both of you have been in Canterlot for two years and you just now decided to come out here?!!”

“He was in Canterlot mom I was in the Zebra lands most of that time.....” Rhede placates.

“Thanks a lot Rhede way to throw me under the cart. I am sorry Mrs. Pelt, but..” Jer'rahd began

“JER'RAHD, what did I tell you.” the mare yelled thwacking the gray furred unicorn with a hoof.

“I am sorry...... Maw ….” Jer'rahd corrected.

“Better.” Maw stated.

The Guards, and the others simply stand and stare in awe. They had barely made it into the coat room of the huge farm house when this tiny gray blue earth pony mare stormed towards them and had the most savvy pony and the most dangerous pony any of them knew cowering before her.

“I must learn her secret.” Bleu whispered.

“No, Bleu, just no, you would abuse that sort of power far too much.”Starfall hissed back.

The inside of the house was decorated just as garishly as the outside. The two colts had been scolded for launching their attack and sent to prepare extra places at the table for Wedge and Biggs. The two Guards were welcomed into the house quite openly and invited to stay for dinner and the festivities. Easily thirty or forty other ponies were already milling around the large dining area and living room with shouts and laughter of other foals somewhere drawing Cloud Dancer's attention.

“So since you two idiots have been gone so long, lets have the introductions before I have tah beat you.” Maw demanded.

“Of course Maw.... The Guards here are Corporal Potato Wedge and Corporal Biggs Hosen from The Canterlot Division of the Forty Second.” Jer'rahd stated.

“Ma'am” Wedge nodded.
“Miss Pelt.” Biggs smiled.

“Nice to meet you two boys. I can't believe Jer'rahd here had you pulling all that mess on the holiday all the way from Canterlot.” maw Glared at the gray unicorn from under the bangs of her silvery brown mane.

“Quite alright Ma'am, we were not able to make it home this year any way.” Biggs placated.
“It has been rather entertaining so far.” Wedge grinned glancing to Jer'rahd.

“You two go help yourselves to the snacks on table, mingle and all that. I'll make sure you get some of the leftovers before you go.” Maw smirked.

“Thank you Ma'am.”
“Thank you.”

She watched the two wander off towards the food before looking up at Jer'rahd who was trying to hide a smirk.

“Being nice to those two doesn’t get you back in my good graces just yet colt, it's a start mind you. Cause it's good ta see that you haven’t forgotten what I taught yah, but yer not outta the hot water yet, not yet.” Maw glared forcing Jer'rahd smirk to fade.

“This is Bleu Scale. Bleu this is Rhede's mother Maw.” Jer'rahd continued.


Every pony blinked having not seen the mares tail even move til it had belted Jer'rahd in the side of the head. The silvery brown length vanishing back under the purple shawl she wore over her back that covered her cutie mark.

”Ow. “ Jer'rahd grumbled rubbing his ear. “ She's also my adoptive mother, Maw Pelt.”

“Adoptive mother?” Starfall asked.

The small pony looked at the dragonling before her. Bleu was still in awe at the mare, she was only a little taller than Bleu was when she sat on her back legs. How the heck did this little mare manage to have a huge pony like Rhede as a son?

“Took the colt in when his grandfather died. Nasty business that whole deal was. Hmmm, Never had a Dragon here before might need to see what we can whip up for yah. You work with my boys then I gather?” Maw asked.

“You can say that.” Bleu muttered.

“She was in the same boat as me Maw. I am sure you heard about Platinum.” Jer'rahd stated.

“Indeed I did, so you were Platinum's dragon partner hmm? Saw one of her shows a long while back beautiful voice. I am sorry to hear about that dear. A little late I know, still. How did you end up with this worthless ungrateful lout?” Maw ranted as Jer'rahd sighed.

“Hmm, only two insults that time, shes warming back up to you Jer.” Rhede whispered.

“Stuff it boy I’ve not even started on your hide yet.” Maw snapped without even looking over at Rhede.

“Boss here kept me from being deported. Took over for Platinum being my partner.” Bleu opted for the short version of it.

“Did he now? Stupid law that, a throw back from the Dragon war. No idea why they would bother to enforce it now.” Maw sighed.

“Uh oh, I know that tone Jer.” Rhede winced backing away from Jer'rahd who swallowed hard.

“Ahhh see. Bringing somebody else into the family without even consulting me hmmm colt? You better be damned lucky I like her or I would tan your flank good. Paw'll likely have a fit, but so what.” maw shouted at him. “Well don't let me stop you now, keep introducing.”

“Errr sorry Maw, this is Starfall and her daughter Cloud Dancer.” Jer'rahd continued.

Starfall felt a little odd as it was rare any other pony wound up looking literally up to her.

“Nice to meet you dear. You too little one. The rest of the children are in the back room over there if you want to go play with them.” Maw's voice seemed to completely change in talking with Starfall and Cloud Dancer. Starfall was rather surprised at the sudden shift in tone.

The little filly was of course being shy though at hearing the word 'play' she did manage to flutter out of her mothers grip and flit off in the direction she was pointed in. Starfall moved to follow, but was somehow stopped by little more than Maw Pelts stare.

“Don't worry none about her, Beuford is watching the foals and no harm'll come to her with him there. Now dear please tell me you were smart enough not to get attached to either of these idiots romantically . You seem to have a better head on yah than that.” Maw shrugged glaring at the two stallions who did there best to look else where.

“No, not at all, no matter how your son tried... err, Rhede tried... I am under Jer'rahd's command in the 42nd however.” Starfall stated.

“His command? You mean some one thought promoting him past dishwasher was a good idea.” Maw stared at him in mock awe.

“I am a General now Maw.” Jer'rahd rolled his eyes with a sigh.

“Pfft, like that makes a lick of difference here, that’s your job tonight too by the way, keep it in mind.” Maw ordered.

Jer'rahd winced as Rhede smirked.

“Finally we have Velkorn, former Queen of the Zebra lands.” Jer'rahd continued.

“Tis a pleasure to meet you this is true , though your sons have told me nothing about you.” Velkorn nodded.

[“They wouldn't, ungrateful louts.”] Maw grumbled.

[“You speak Zebra Mrs. Pelt? “] Velkorn blinked in surprise her ears perking up.

[“I speak a great many languages dear, rather need too for the merchant business. There’s something about you...... I would like to talk to you more later, but let me finish with these two.”] Maw considered.

[“Of course.”] Velkorn agreed.

“So is that every pony?” Maw asked.

“There might be two or so more coming Maw.” Jer'rahd glanced over at Rhede who shrugged.

“So who else should we be expecting?” Maw demanded.

“Princess Luna and any escort of Guards she may bring and .. ahem... My mare friend Scarlet.” Jer'rahd rubbed his temple with a hoof.

Maw Pelt's gold eyes narrow at this information as she looked between the two stallions.

“Your not pulling my tail now are you?”

“We did invite her and Princess Celestia , though the latter declined.” Rhede shrugged. “ Princess Luna simply said she would consider it.

“ Not that Colt. The Goddess of the Moon showing up I can believe. But that you have a mare friend finally is pushing it. This isn’t another one just after Rhede is it?” Maw growled.

“Way to show support Maw.” Jer'rahd sighed.

“Don't get lippy with me. You know dern well I can still beat the crap outta yah.” Maw snapped.

“Sorry, but as far as I know she has not even met Rhede And I have dated other mares since I left...” Jer'rahd sighed.

“I call bullshit. If not for Rhede you barely would have started dating at all. It's kinda a pain in the ass having a boy who is to shy to bring me some legitimate grand foals.” Maw stated sitting back to fling her fore hooves into the air.

“Bleu...” Jer'rahd muttered. “A little help here....”

“Well boss did date Platinum for a little while which is how I met him. We figure hes not incompetent , he just has high standards.” Bleu admitted.

“A bad combination with his lousy looks and worse attitude.” Maw snorted getting a chuckle from Rhede and a abashed frown from Jer'rahd. “Right then! All of y’all go eat. I wanna hear more about this mare friend of his. And Rhede I will deal with you later, don't think you're gitting off easy just cause I've been focusing on yer brother here.”

Maw's voice softened again as she looked to Jer'rahd. “Any ways. You got a walk to take Jer'rahd. Its been too long since yah been there. Got a lot to say I'd imagine.”

“I know Maw, I planned to head out there after letting every one know I was here.” Jer'rahd nodded.

“I'll let them all know if Fox hasn’t yet, I swear that colt has the biggest mouth.” Maw sighed as she rose with a groan.

“Mom are you doing alright? That sounded like it hurt a bit...you also seem to have put on a little weight...” Rhede asked glancing down at his mother.

“WHAT WAS THAT RHEDE!! You better not be calling me fat boy!!!” Maw shouted getting up into Rhede's face somehow.

Bleu and Starfall both leaned back wondering how the mare had gone from sitting down to standing on a stool just to be eye level with her son when neither of them had even seen the stool move.

“Errrr.” Rhede stammered as the others back away from the pair.

“Wait you mean about the middle? Oh yeah that’s just paw proving he's still a virile stallion” Maw stated suddenly changing her tone.

“You're pregnant again?!!” both Jer'rahd and Rhede shout.

“What? Don't want a seventeenth brother or sister?” Maw cackled.

“Shouldn't you be a little past that Maw?” Jer'rahd asked.

“Seems I ain’t, and I get enough lip from the kids I did pop out, I don't need any from you to Jer'rahd. Go do what you need to and let me worry bout what comes from knocking horseshoes with my husband. I'll grill yah later on your mare.” Maw grinned wide.”Though why you didn’t escort her out here yourself I have no idea.”

“She had things to do this morning or I would have.” Jer'rahd admitted.

As Maw Pelt wandered off Bleu stared after her in awe.

“It has become quite clear that I must meet Rhede's father to see the stallion that made him who he is.” Bleu stated flatly.

“Then you want to talk to Rhede's grandpaw then.” Jer'rahd sighed. “That stallion was his real influence. Convinced him that a stallions worth is measured in the mares he beds. And poor stupid Rhede took it to heart, not knowing he said it as a joke.”

“I am right here still.” Rhede growled.

The wind whipped up a little sending a flurry of snow into Jer'rahd's side, the white flakes collected on his coat as he stared down at the snow piles before him.

He had left the party only about fifteen minutes ago, but he could find this place in his sleep. The stone wall behind it marking the edge of the property was tall enough to poke out of the snow, though otherwise there was little more than a sheet of pure white surrounding him every where save the path he took to get here,

His horn glowed brightly pushing aside the snow from the four stones at the back of the field. The Pelt family had been the ones who helped found Ponyville and had been here a long time. Generations of their family was laid to rest in this part of field, as well as four ponies not of their family, but given the honor of being laid to rest here with the others.

Jer'rahd settled himself in the space between the two central graves tucking his legs under him and looking at the names on the tomb stones with a sigh. The cold wind died down a little, but he had yet to feel it any way. Besides he would be cold here even in the dead of summer.

He pulled four roses out of his coat laying one each at the base of each headstone.

“Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma. It has been a while since I came here, sorry for that it, has been a busy few years....” Jer'rahd explained.

The wind picks up again as he continues talking telling them the events that had lead up to this point.

“So wait they met how?” Bleu demanded.

The group had stuck rather close together at first, with the exception of Rhede who had been dragged off by a older red furred and gray maned pony bigger than even he was. One of the cousins mentioned that the behemoth was Rhede's father and Bleu's mind almost snapped at the sheer size difference between Rhede's parents. Starfall and Velkorn ignored the reeling dragonling speaking with Rhede's eldest sister, Mink.

“They beat the crap out of each other. Rhede was a bit of a bully when he was younger. At one point he was picking on some foal or another and Jer'rahd tried to stop him. The two got into a massive brawl that got Jer'rahd his cutie mark along with a busted lip. Rhede clearly beat him of course, but the next day he was right back fighting Rhede again when he tried to pick on some pony else. Confused the crap out of my brother. He's always been the biggest and yet here was this tiny new pony who not only stood up to him, but kept doing it. Eventually Rhede just started going after Jer'rahd and fighting him, not even picking on any other foals. At one point a few other bullies thought Rhede had marked Jer'rahd as a easy target and went after him as well. Rhede intervened and he and Jer'rahd beat the crap out of the lot of them then turned and went back to beating each other up. They have been friends since.” Mink laughed. “So , Starfall was it ? Is that your daughter flying around in the other room?”

“Oh, Cloud Dancer, yes she is......” Starfall beamed.

Bleu and Velkorn quickly wandered off letting Starfall rant to the unfortunate sister.

[ A little later]

Bleu stared up at the old stallion and the old orange stallion stared back at her. The other elderly ponies in the room watch the two with interest and the occasional cough.

“You ain't winning this dragon.” Grandpa Pelt growled.

“I can do this all day.” Bleu snapped back.

Velkorn sighed and wandered off before the staring contest between the two got any more boring.


[ A little later]

[“Just the zebra I wanted to see.”] Maw called.

Velkorn had poked her nose into the kitchen, which was a flurry of activity of ponies running about cooking setting up displays and generally tearing about the room under the watchful glare of Maw.

“Lucy, Linus take care of this pot here would you? Aunties gonna go sit down a bit, Linus put the blanket away while in the kitchen.” Maw demanded.

“But its cold Auntie.” Linus protested as his sister rolled her eyes.

Maw Pelt heads off into a side room settling herself on the bench gesturing to the spot next to her for the zebra to take a seat on. She shifted a moment to get comfortable as Velkorn settled in looking over at the other mare.

[“Linus is a good boy, but the Vanpelt side of the family is a little slow.”] Maw sighed.

[“You wished to speak with me for some reason Mrs. Pelt?”] Velkorn asked skipping the small talk she wouldn't get any way.

[“Just hoping you'll satisfy and old mares curiosity.”] Maw placated.

[“You are hardly what one could call old.”] Velkorn smirked.

[“Flattery will not get you out of the questions dear.”] maw Chuckled. [“So then, which one of them is it?”]

[“Excuse me?”] Velkorn blinked.

[“My boys, call it a gut feeling, but you seem to be sweet on one of them. My instincts are usually good about that sort of thing, not too specific but good.”]Maw nodded.

[“Ummm I am not sure what to say to that ...”] Velkorn blinked.

[“ Hesitation and your lack of reaction from Jer'rahd's Mare friend showing up leads me to believe its Rhede isn’t it?”] Maw sighed.

Velkorn nodded lightly flushing a little as the older mare laughs.

[“Oh you have some bad taste in stallions hun. That one's my own flesh and blood and I think he's part ass. All my dads fault mind, you filling his head with all his conquests before mom locked him down. My old man's probably got more kids out there in the world then you have stripes. Rhede's almost exactly the same, I really hope you knew that, colts been sewing wild oats most of his life.”]

[“I was aware of that, though not that there were as many as you seem to believe....”] Velkorn frowned.

[“Might be might not be, only Rhede knows for sure how many he has, probably remembers all of them too. Good head on him just aimed wrong. Surprised he has not managed to knock you up.”] Maw commented bluntly.

[“ No, we have not done, well anything like that. He seems to be avoiding me in regards to such things.”] Velkorn sighed.

[“Really?”] Maw perked her ears as she pondered. [“Well I can tell you it is not because you're a Zebra. Fools traveled a good bit and I know he used to date a zebra at least once. Stupid boy'd probably try to bed a dragon that was trying to eat him, might pull it off too.”]

[“ I do not know then, he is friendly enough to me. And there are times I know I have not been subtle in my attentions towards him.”] Velkorn grumbled.

[“He's not Jer'rahd, he wouldn't miss a mare wanting him. Unless...oooh. You sure you he's the one you want hun? Colt's got a great deal of baggage with him.”] Maw grinned wide.

[“He is …. it is rather hard to explain why, I have had other male interests, but not like him. I am becoming frustrated however with his rejection, whether he means it or not.”] Velkorn sighed.

[“Let me give you a bit of advice then hun. Don't give up. Keep going at him till that idiot gets it into his head what you want. Put up with his crap then when you get him, make him pay for it.”] Maw grinned. [“ Worked wonders with dad.”]

[“If you insist...”] Velkorn blinked at the advice.

[“Oh I do more than insist. I am gonna get some legitimate grand foals out of one of this lot sooner or later. Jer'rahd's the third oldest and Rhede's right after him. I had hopes for Lion my oldest, but he turned out to be a colt cuddler. No problem with that except it means no grand foals. And I still don't know what Mink's preference is she doesn't seem interested in stallions or mares.”] Maw throws her hooves in the air in exasperation. [“So those two are the my next hope. So get him interested in yah and get to work on the grand kids!!”]

“This must be the place. I thank you for walking out here with me Princess, but you really did not need to come with me this far.” The mare bowed.

The black mare looked up at the Princess of the Night clearly nervous in her presence. The wind caught her red hair blowing it about her face and back, though Luna could tell the mare was doing her best not to meet her gaze. The white scarf and jacket she wore left her book cutie mark bare though she wore socks the same color as her scarf to protect her legs.

“While I was not planning to escort you out this far in all honesty, this does indeed also seem to be the place I was invited.” Luna admitted.

Princess Luna wore little more than her her usual short crown and regalia, a small glow remained around her form, radiating from her horn and melting the snow around her and keeping her warm as well without the need of hiding herself under layers. Still perhaps she should have bundled up. Less ponies were likely to recognize her that way.

She had met this mare trying to find directions to the Pelt's at the general store in town. Luna had gotten a bit lost herself having never been to Ponyville before and was not entirely certain which of the homes was the Pelts. The shop keep had poked his head out just long enough to give directions and was greatly surprised to see the Princess there.

The reaction was typical panic at the sight of her, and a bit of the usual bowing and scraping. Luna let it go being used to it and she was ignored when she requested him to stop any way. The walk here had been rather silent, but something was nagging at the back of Luna's mind about the mare that had temporarily become a traveling companion. She had heard the name 'Scarlet' from some where, but for the moment she could not think of where.

Possibly something to do with Rhede? One of his conquests perhaps? Or was it to do with Jer'rahd? Luna's mind kept dancing around the answer and driving her crazy. She was not used to being up in the day like this, and in the middle of the after noon at that, she was tired, doing her best not to be cranky and the niggling bit of information her own brain denied her was just adding to it.

Luna had seen the down side of not bringing any guards right after she left, being unable to bring any of the gifts she had selected for the Pelt family and her friends, she smiled at that thought. Jer'rahd's was not finished yet any way and the rest she could have delivered later. Hearths Warming wasn't until tomorrow any way.

Tia had her usual Hearths Warming Eve party going on and likely would party so hard she would sleep through the raising of her own sun. Luna would need to be awake to raise the sun in the morning or Hearths Warming would never get started. It was not a problem, but it did mean she would like a little bit of sleep before having to preform the duel tasks. She sometimes wondered if Celestia really was the older sister in the two with how often she tried to shirk her duties.

Her traveling companion knocked lightly on the door as Luna's gaze shifted over the sheer amount of decorations filling the yard and orchard. Tia could take notes from this home on what to do in Canterlot.

Rhede opened the door to greet who ever was knocking. He spotted Luna and smirked, then the other mare caught his attention and he suddenly turned as white as the snow outside. He recovered quickly, and before Luna could question the sudden flash of fear. She did not think it was because of her, but she doubted this bookish mare with her would get that sort of reaction.

“Hey Princess welcome. Glad you could make it. You Must be Scarlet I assume?” Rhede stated barely hiding the hint of fear in his voice.

“I am. Jer'rahd invited me, he did say it was alright to come out here.” Scarlet practically purred with a hint of menace that Luna didn't think possible.

Luna easily picked up on the tone. Clearly the mare must know Rhede, an ex perhaps. That honestly would explain everything.

“Oh its no trouble. Jer's out at the moment, but please both of you come in say hello to my mother at the head of the table and grab a plate.” Rhede continued without pause moving aside for them both to enter.

As Rhede stepped aside Luna noted a worried look on his face and a glance that seemed a silent plea for her to help. Not knowing the relation ship of the two Luna opted to ignore it. Rhede perhaps deserved what he got given how annoyed Scarlet seemed.

Still it did bother her a little, she took note of the way his eyes remained on the black mare as she greeted Maw. It wasn't the obvious look of lust he usually had. Luna actually though his expression was similar to the ones she often saw on subjects she addressed.


The little mare at the head of the table distracted Luna from her pondering as despite her stature the rotund Maw Pelt had a rather commanding presence about her.

The little mare looks between the two saying some greeting to Scarlet before sending her off to the table, before looking up at the Princess regarding her curiously the way a cat watches a mouse. The little mare was actually starting to make Luna nervous before she finally spoke.

“You must be Princess Luna. Nice of you to join us. Grab a plate and help yourself before the rest of this lot eat everything.”

Luna was greatly surprised to learn the mare she had been traveling with was the same one Jer'rahd had been dating recently. Rhede's reaction worried her further since that was the case. Luna took a moment to ask him , though the red earth pony completely denied it. He claimed the fear he showed was because he thought she was someone else.

Luna was not sure she believed him as he was acting particularly less suave then usual. Granted that might just have been due to the little mare shouting orders at him every time he turned around. It was odd to think Rhede and Jer'rahd were legally considered brothers it was even odder to consider them such, but out of the group, those two had the most secure friendship.

It was rather convenient that Rhede and Jer were chosen by her sister to seek the Elements of Harmony particularly with them being so close already. Tia had said Rhede was more a key player in that mission than Jer'rahd was, Luna was a bit miffed about being kept in the dark even though she knew Rhede worked for The Order. Tia seemed to trust him, so for now she did as well. For now she planed to try and enjoy herself and forget all the pitfalls that still lay ahead to find the Elements.

Her ears perked hearing Bleu's voice from one of the side rooms, Chewing on a bit of celery the Princess poked her head in the door , getting a few glances but mostly being ignored. She wasn't sure how she felt about that , but took note that Bleu held the rooms, mostly stallion, occupants full attention.

The little dragon sat on a table at the front of the room and offered a small wave to Luna as she continued.

“So this stallion and his wife are at the doctor and she's giving birth and the pain is really showing on her with the birth of this foal. A lot of screaming and crying, most of you guys know the scene. “ Bleu paused as a few of them nod or mutter in agreement. “ So the doc mentions that as a Unicorn, he's developed a new spell. One that takes some of the pain of the birth from the mother and gives it to the father instead. The stallion being all big and bad flanked like he is readily agrees so that he can help out his wife. The doc casts the spell and sets it at a low bit of pain, just so the stallion can get used to it. The stallion doesn't so much as flinch and his wife seems to be eased a little. He tells the doc to let him have a bit more and the doc does. So the stallions still standing there like nothings going on and the Doc is really impressed. His wife’s getting better and he doesn’t seem to even be bothered by it. So the doc asks and the stallion tells him to turn the spell all the way up. So the doc cranks the spell , the wife's giving birth with no pain what so ever and the doc's just amazed that the husband is taking this much pain like it's nothing.”

Bleu takes a sip from a glass of water as the room all seemed to lean forward waiting for the rest of the story.

“So the foal's born without any issues and the next day the pair of them head back home only to find the mail stallion dead on the front porch.”

The joke took a moment to sink in before the older ponies around the dragonling start laughing their heads off. Bleu took a small bow as she grinned basking in the laughter before she spoke again.

“You think that was good, how's this.... There once was a pony from Neightucket.....”

Luna ducked back out of the room before Bleu's jokes get any more racy.


Velkorn was standing near the main table, trying out several of the dishes that were being pointed out by a peach colored earth pony with a blue blanket draped over his back like a cape. Luna wasn't sure who he was, but Velkorn seemed amused by what ever they were talking about.

Starfall and several other mothers were in a , chatting loudly about what their children had done recently. Yet another section of the party to avoid, as while she liked foals well enough, listening to their mothers brag about them was not something she enjoyed. She briefly wondered if that would change if she ever had foals.

Scarlet for the most part had gotten into a conversation with Mrs. Pelt about Jer'rahd. The two seemed to be getting along well enough. That seemed to bode well for Jer'rahd at least, well until Mrs. Pelt remembered some interesting, and horrifyingly embarrassing story from Jer'rahd's foal hood to tell her.

She spotted a pair of guards as well, still in armor, sans their helmets, being chatted up by a small group of mares. Given the group of mares were likely Rhede's sisters, the guards were doomed.

Jer'rahd was the only one she did not see. She was told he would be along shortly and that he was off taking care of something. With him gone and the others busy, Luna wasn't comfortable with really talking with any one else she didn't know.

She decided to wander into the one room she had not seen yet and the one with a great deal of foalish laughter eminateing from it. Still this was rather nice. She was greeted by the ponies here with respect of her station, but no pony bothered to bow or grovel, and a few had engaged her in polite, if some what brief and topic less conversations.

It was … delightful. She could not remember the last time she had been able to wander about with out a disguise and be treated as a normal pony. Mrs. Pelt had treated her much like any other guest in her home, which included planning to send her home with leftovers after commenting about how she was too thin.

Luna ducked her head into the other room an was rather surprised at the sheer amount of toys and games scattered all over the place. There were easily twenty or so foals running around playing this that or the other. It was a scene of pure chaos that she was sure even Discord would have been proud of. It reminded her quite a bit of Cloud Dancer's birthday party. Speaking of the filly she easily spotted Starfall's foal in the mess and despite the majority of the ponies she had seen at the party being earth ponies, there was a unicorn foal or two as well as a another pegasus foal in here. Either Mrs. Pelt had adopted them or the family got around. She fully expected it was the latter knowing how Rhede was.

She turned her head to look to the other side of the room and came face to face with a very large,shiny black nose surrounded by white and brown fur. The nose was just below two very large black eyes that were staring dead at her and just above a very big open mouth full of rather large and sharp teeth.

Luna's scream brought most of the room running into the foals room.

The sight that greeted them would be remembered and joked about for generations. The Goddess of War and the Night pinned under the largest sheepdog that had likely ever existed in Equestria. The giant beast was currently dragging its massive tongue across the Princess's face as the foals bounced around them laughing at her predicament.

“help...”Luna muttered,

“Beuford git off of her already, she doesn’t want to play.” Maw fussed with a smirk.

The massive dog slipped off Luna and padded over to the diminutive mare sitting down before her with a thud that seemed to shake the house. His tail started beating against the floor as he looked down at Maw as if expecting a treat for listening so well.

Jer'rahd kicked the snow off his hooves and stepped inside giving himself a shake to clear the snow from his coat before hanging it on a hook by the door.

His ears perked up as he heard singing from the main room.

“The fire of friendship lives in our hearts,” nearly shouted a horrible noise that was more akin to a cat dragging it's claws over a chalkboard crossed with a beached whale burbling out a foals song created by slapping their hooves in the mud, than singing.

That was Rhede alright, Maw must have forgotten how bad his singing was if she let him lead off a carol. Thankfully every pony quickly remembered and Jer'rahd could hear him being shut up as every one else sang louder to drown him out before the foal's started crying or Beauford started howling.

“As long as it burns we cannot drift apart ,“

That was Bleu, her singing had decidedly improved. Not that it was ever bad to begin with though she herself thought she sucked and did her best to practice when she could. Granted at the moment she sounded like she was mocking Rhede, by caroling like a drunken barmaid and still managing to sound better than he did.

“Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few “

Jer'rahd walked into the kitchen grabbing a bite to eat before heading for the main room. That was Starfall's voice with Cloud Dancer chiming a off key accompaniment to her mother. The rest of the family was back ground, Maw must have some how convinced her guests to take lead on the caroling this year.

“Laughter and singing will see us through (will see us through)”

Was that Biggs and Wedge? He ducked his head into the room, moving in behind the choir. Yep, that was the pair of them, singing along with two of Rhede's sisters. If Fisher and Faux had taken a liking to those two, they were doomed. They were also likely going to be spending a great deal more time making trips to Ponyville now as well. Might be good to get the transfer paperwork ready before they asked. This place needed a new outpost with it's nearness to the forest any way.

“We are a circle of pony friends “

He was impressed. Luna sang very well easily as good as Bleu did normally and the little dragon had been trained to sing.

“A circle of friends we'll be to the very end.”

He smiled moving over to stand next to the mare singing. Her voice did not have the perfect pitch of some of the others, but he could listen to her sing the rest of the night with no trouble. Maw kept her eye on the pair of them as the second chorus started. Scarlet took the brief pause to give him a quick kiss. He felt most of the eyes in the room had suddenly turned to him and couldn't hide the blush creeping up his face as he tried to ignore the stares. He smirked sheepishly and was a little too aware of the odd look Rhede gave him. He couldn't recall seeing that sort of expression from his friend before.

Was that jealousy?

That was a rare thing from Rhede, and something to laugh at him about later.


The rest of the night wound up being quite loud and insane. Bleu had continued her dirty joke contest with the Elders and she was actually losing to Grandpaw Pelt.

Velkorn had taking to gleaning as much information as she could about Rhede from his family. Granted little of it was good, though Rhede oddly didn't try to stop Maw from telling the most embarrassing stories she could recall.

Starfall had returned to talking with some of the other mothers about their foals. A few of the foals were still playing, though most had worn themselves out and Cloud Dancer was asleep on her mothers back, likely dreaming of what ever Santa hooves might be bringing her the next day.

Jer'rahd spent most of his time with Scarlet being assaulted with questions from the family. That eventually devolved into a minor food fight. Someone had evidently picked up on Jer'rahd's new disdain for oranges and the younger relatives had started chasing him around with the fruit.

Luna spent most of her time talking to Maw Pelt about anything and everything and she seemed rather happy with how the conversation went all over the place between the two.

Faux and Fisher had all but claimed the two Guards. The pair of them offering drinks and making themselves seem as nice and cute as they possibly could to keep the interest of Wedge and Biggs. It was quite clear that the two mares already had the Guards wrapped around their hooves. Doomed.

The foals managed to all gather and be woken up again to open some of the gifts that were brought for them. Strangely enough every pony wound up with at least something, including the two Guards.

Jer'rahd had bought a set of gemstone and silver earrings for Scarlet, the rubies matching her hair rather well.

Bleu received a chocolate covered gems assortment, that barely lasted two seconds after the box was opened.

Starfall received a knit hat that matched her eyes and Cloud Dancer was buried in toys.

Luna received one of Velkorn's tribal masks, as did Maw Pelt who recognized it as the one for “welcome” rather quickly.

Bleu and Jer'rahd had selected a long white scarf for Luna as well with a cute gray bunny on either end of it.

The Princess was a little upset she had not brought anything this trip, despite Maw's protests that she did not need to get anything. Luna some how managed to resist the order from the smaller mare and promised to send something out with some Guards as soon as she could. Both Wedge and Biggs volunteered for the delivery mission because of course they would.

The Princess did take the time to head outside once and she was accompanied by nearly the entire family who were interested in seeing her raise the moon as the sun set. The applause and cheering at the nightly task that came from the family brought a small blush to Luna's face.

Not long after that the few guests that had not managed to drink themselves silly started heading out.

While having his saddlebags filled with leftovers he spotted Rhede talking with Scarlet, a rather upset look on his face, though a smile remained on Scarlet's. Jer'rahd couldn't hear the conversation, but perhaps he needed a word with Rhede later about it. If he was trying to hit on her, Jer'rahd was going to be hitting on him literally.

After more than a few threats from the diminutive mare about coming to see the family more than once a year, but the stars help them if they missed next year's celebration, he managed to say good bye and slip out into the snow with Scarlet.

The two of them had not made it far when Luna trotted up along side of them with Bleu on her back planning to accompany the pair back to the city. Scarlet seemed just as upset by the company as he was though she recovered nicely before the Princess and dragonling saw her expression.

While it would have been nice to be alone with her he rather liked having the company, and seeing Princess Luna in a good mood seemed to bolster all of their spirits further. Luna had put on her new scarf forcing Bleu to move over to sit on Jer'rahd's back or risk getting beaten up by the bunnies of the wind blown scarf.

Not long into the trip Bleu passed out on his back, and by the time they reached the gates she was snoring like a saw. Luna took to the air mentioning something about needing a nap before having to do her sisters work for her, she wished them both a good holiday and left. Finally alone with his mare friend and a snoring dragonling he escorted Scarlet back to her home.

“This was definitely an interesting night Jer'rahd. I gather you won't be busy tomorrow?” Scarlet nearly purred.

“If I am, I can easily make time to not be for you.” Jer'rahd grinned.

“Any chance your friend here might be persuaded to head out of the house for a little while as well if I come to visit?” Scarlet flicked her tail along his side.

“I should be able to arrange something. Have a good night Scarlet.” Jer'rahd chuckled.

“It won't be bad, but it could be better. Pity Bleu did not decide to stay at the Pelt's” Scarlet murred.

She offered a quick kiss to him, ducking inside her place leaving Jer'rahd and the snoring dragon to make the trek back home. His hooves crunched in the snow as he wandered back to his house lightly whistling the Hearths Warming song to himself.

Honestly he couldn't recall the last time he had been this happy and content.


Twilight pulled back into the stary void floating there pondering. She was rather curious as to what was said to Scarlet by Rhede. While she didn't think she knew him that well, his expression didn't seem like one of interest in Scarlet, it seemed more like one of fear.

Still she could sate her curiosity easily enough. She refocuses on the spell altering the time a little before slipping into Rhede's window to hear the conversation.

“What the buck are you doing here Scarlet?”Rhede whipped his head back looking around to see if any one else was close enough to hear them.“They cannot be considering replacing me already, the mission hasn't even started yet past the group finally being selected.”

“There's been a change of plans Rhederic. I am not here for you. I am here for Jer'rahd. He did invite me after all.” Scarlet grinned.

“Bullshit, I thought that story of your rescue sounded a bit too convenient. Why are you here? What purpose did they have to put you on this mission as well?” Rhede growled

“Oh please Rhederic we both know you have no sway over me to even think about making demands or getting me to answer. Besides it's clear you would have a problem complementing the second part of the mission if and when the Elements are retrieved. You are too attached to things like friends and family. You never should have been admitted into The Order, but your position was unique. Personally I would have had you killed early on, but I don't make the orders I just follow them as long as the pays good.”

“There is a chance to stop another war before it starts. That is a perfect reason to recover the Elements it is what The Order was founded for.” Rhede snapped. “ If we can get the Element's it shouldn't even matter who has them.”

“You are the only pony who has bothered to believe that nonsense in centuries. Most of the inner circle would make a massive profit from another war. Besides it's not as if you have any say in the matter your just a minion same as I am.” Scarlet shrugged. “ The only difference is I enjoy what I do.”

“What are they planning to do then?” Rhede demanded getting a glare from the mare.

“If the order comes through, I am going to kill him. With Jer'rahd dead the little group Celestia put together falls apart. Granted I could kill any of them and that same thing would happen. Jer'rahd's just been the easiest to get close to. He has some sort of hero fantasy I think. Sucker for a damsel in distress too, I've met horny colts who were harder to get close to.” Scarlet laughed. “I can't kill Luna, Starfall is likely to get herself killed with that stupid quest of hers and she'd be easy enough to manipulate by holding her foal as collateral any way. Velkorn's a Queen and so long as she's after you she's easy. No one would care about the dragon except Jer'rahd and he'd be the biggest pain if he was focused on avenging her. Thus you cut the issues off at the worst point you can.”

“They need to be convinced to let this mission be completed. I cannot allow you to kill him.” Rhede snapped.

“HA, great joke there Rhederic. You know why I don't care about telling you all this? It's because you can't do a damn thing about it. You rat me out and your life and your families lives are all forfeit. We would wipe out every Pelt to the last foal, including those ones you have in your little book. Even telling Celestia wouldn't help as they would all be corpses before she even made her first order to do something. Besides we both know I taught you everything you know, but not even half of what I know. Ponder that Rhedric. Not like you have to. Just sit down shut up and stay out of my way. Ahh it seems lover stallion is ready to go. Remember what I said there Pelt. Do not interfere with my mission. Or else.”

Rhede stared at the green eyes of the mare shivering from something far colder than the snow on the ground as she walks off with his best friend.


Twilight blinked, not liking where this was going and dropped back into where she left off with Jer'rahd.

It was already hearth's Warming Day.

Jer'rahd yawned shifting up from his couch to move towards the door. It was odd that he had nothing to do but wait for his mare friend. Bleu had gotten up on her own much earlier saying she was headed out to be a real Santa Hooves. Most likely she and Luna were going to bring the presents to the Pelts and Bleu wanted to know what Luna got her.

It was about mid-afternoon now and the knock on the door was the long awaited arrival of Scarlet.

Jer'rahd smirked pausing a moment to check his reflection in a hall mirror before going to answer the door. He had barely opened the door when Scarlet pushed past it pressing against him and kissing him fiercely.

He returned her kiss eagerly, kicking the door shut as she turned, pulling away from him and leading him down the hall. Her tail flicked along his side as she passed as if enticing him on.

He winced at the touch of her tail feeling a sharp pain from the contact. He paused looking back wondering if she had a burr in her tail that scratched him, only to see a dark line of blood oozing from a long slash across his side.

He stared in confusion at the wound as the simple cut quickly flared up as if his skin itself had lit on fire. The feeling spread as he managed a few steps forward to the slowly retreating mare before his muscles seized up sending him crashing to the floor, his hooves no longer finding any purchase. He slammed into the wall as he fell on his uncut side ,his body locking up as he managed a questioning and pained look at the mare. Scarlet snapped apart a bracelet around her hoof, the red coloration of her mane changing to black and her fur turning bright blood red, her cutie mark remained a book, but instead of the gold unicorn on the cover, there was a dagger with something green dripping from it.

“Ahh well. It was fun while it lasted. Of course it might have lasted longer if your idiot friend had not gone to Council. He was suppose to be the one to kill you when you retrieved the Elements of Harmony. Pity The Order saw fit to have you killed sooner. At least you won't suffer long, wing snake venom tends to kill Unicorns and Pegasi rather quickly. Good thing your not a Earth Pony, stuff takes hours to kill them. Don't worry though lover. You won't be alone long, the rest of your friends will be joining you shortly. Well except for Pelt, he is one of us after all. Just lay there and be a good little corpse while I wait for your little blue friend.”

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