• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,110 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Volcanic Ash

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard

Volcanic Ash

Twilight listens intently as Rarity went on with a somewhat giddy tone. It seems she had some sort of confirmation that Big Mac and Fluttershy were a couple. Some pony said some pony else said, that Big Mac had been going over to the pale yellow pegasus' house quite often as of late.

Twilight was not entirely convinced, but she was happy for her friend. Even though Rarity was just recycling old news now and was starting to sound like a gossiping hen. Of course she could not say much simply due to the fact she had been doing the same thing to Spike for a few weeks now.

“Hmmm I am still rather surprised the poor thing managed to find her self a colt friend without help. Nothing against Fluttershy, she's a darling, but I never thought she would have the nerve.”

“We she did take that confidence course. It seemed to do wonders for her.”

“Indeed, though I do wish she would stop trying to keep it a secret I do want to congratulate her, but I won't just out and say it.”

Twilight shrugs a bit setting up her research. Rarity purses her lips as if considering something.

“Might be nice if AppleJack and Rainbow stopped hiding their interest in each other as well. We are their friends, I would think they would know we would be supportive of them.”

“I am sure they will tell us when they are ready to Rarity, though it would be nice to stop pretending we don't notice.”

“It would indeed, but then we would miss out on all the juicy gossip.. Ah well, I suppose I should let you get back to your studies. I have much to catch up on if I wish to give a proper decision to Princess Luna. I really do feel sorry for the poor dear for having had her best friends near her this long and not felt able to do anything about it.”

“Rarity how far have you even read?”

“Well I think they were about to have the second Gala. I believe the dragonling Bleu was put in charge of it .”

“You are a bit behind. Things are already more complex now, and the Second Dragon War is not even over yet.”

“Oh Pish, it cannot be that bad now..... Can it?”

Rarity watched Twilight's expression as the purple unicorn turns to set up the last bit of her preparation.

“Here we go.”

“Good luck darling.”

Twilight let the rush of the spell carry her and went straight to the pony the most active in all this Jer'rahd.


The armored unicorn looks down at the valley, the crescent moon high above casting a dim light down over the seemingly calm city. He knew it was anything but however, there were no lights save the glow from the volcano in the towns center. Make shift fortifications blockaded the streets and he could see dark figures running around the streets as if trying to prepare for the worst. A few dragons had already tried to fly off and were cut down and dropped back into the city center by the pegasi circling.

Was this what the dragons saw before an attack? A whimpering collection of creatures doomed to die at another s whim? Did they both to pause and reflect on what they were going to do to the ponies they attacked? These were the fathers, mothers, younger siblings, and elders of those that went to war for the dragon nation. Would destroying them offer any sort of payback? Any semblance of justice? Or was this just an act of revenge, pure and simple?

Jer'rahd snorts clearing any thoughts of not following his orders out of his mind. He had steeled himself for this, and the only thing that drove him on, was that when this city fell there would be no place for any dragons that survived to call home. No city or land from which to stage attacks on other nations from simply due to being larger and stronger than everyone else. A fact that they had lived by for centuries which was now proving horribly false as their favored prey rose up to eliminate them. A blow here would keep Equestria safe from the dragons.

“Sir, we have incoming.”

Jer'rahd looks up as a single green dragon glides though the air landing on the path leading down into the valley that the city filled. The dragon clutched a staff in its clawed hands with a strip of white cloth dangling from the end like a flag.

A mummer went along the line of the ponies behind him, a white flag. How often had they ignored that from the ponies? He glares at the figure as it slowly approaches. The dragon was rather large and most likely one of the gods that Rhede had spoken of, Swamp Claw he thought, not that the name mattered at this point.. The officer next to him spoke up as Jer'rahd nodded to him.

“Speak your piece dragon.”

“Um yes, sorry, whom am I addressing now?”

“You are addressing the Demon of Dullahan.”

The dragon visibly paled, clearly hoping to have been talking with the Princess or any one else. He shifted nervously looking back to the city.

“Um yes... sorry, we would like to offer a unconditional surrender to your forces, you have already crushed our military might all that we have left are civilians and hatchlings in no shape to fight you. Please we ask for your mercy, that this be ended before any one else is killed needlessly.”

A red glow flashed from the eye of the armored pony, the officer who had been speaking swallows hard darting out of the way as Jer'rahd growls and begins speaking loud enough that the gathered soldiers behind could hear him.

“Mercy.. MERCY?!? You DARE to ask us for mercy? You, who have slaughtered thousands of ponies, made meals out of us, raided our lands as you saw fit for generations. Violated your own treaties and promises on a whim. Killed our mothers, our fathers, sisters, brothers, murder our loved ones for no reason other than your own greed and blood lust. You dragons DARE to ask for mercy after all you have done to us? “

The dragon takes a step back its gaze locked on the glowing eye before it in the darkness.

“I personally have suffered at your kinds claws losing love, family and friends, I have seen first hand the depredations your kind wages war with. And what I have seen and felt is NOTHING compared to those who are here after losing everything to your kind.”

The unicorn spits on the ground before the dragon.

“There will be no mercy for your kind tonight dragon, it is the time of harvest. All of the rage and hate that you have sown is here ripened with pain and loss you inflict. The only mercy that will be shown to any of you this night will be from what ever waits for you in the afterlife. And I do not think the demons of Tartarus are very forgiving”

The Waning Moon rips out of its scabbard on his side as Jer'rahd's magic whips it across the short distance between the dragon and the gathered ponies. The weapon slices through the staff and burrows itself deep in the green dragons chest. The beasts eyes widen as it looks down at the double edged sword sunk into its chest, before the weapon yanks up ward cutting though the dragons rib cage and tearing out its throat, whirling through the air again to float at the General's side.

“I want nothing left of this city by dawn but dust and bodies. Commence the bombardment we move in, in one hour.”

“Yes sir.”

The officer salutes, shouting out the order to fire, magic cannons and catapults that had been placed to surround the city begin the attack rocks, bomb crystals and destructive spells rain down on the dark capitol of the dragons bringing the light of death to its citizens.

Jer'rahd watched as the ancient buildings in the valley below were lit up as explosions and boulders slammed into them turning ancient draconic architecture to rubble with the first salvo. Buildings that had probably stood since before the ponies founded Equestria were blasted to dust under the withering hail of shots.

He glances down at the green dragon god's corpse, watching its blood soak into the white flag, turning it a dingy red.


Bleu swore as the cannons fired right next to her. There were only about twenty of them that had been spared with another ten stolen from what the dragons brought with them, but never had a chance to use before they were beaten.

Boss had them all ringing the valley to fire into the city below for a estimated hour. Any dragons that tried to fly away were to be set upon by the pegasus flying over head or shot down with cannon fire.

Bleu was placed in command of the northwestern squad, Boss's group was covering the whole south with the majority of the cannons. Rhede was in the east with the rest, there was a small gap between her group and Rhede's where the cannon fire did no reach , but there was enough pegasi in the air that didn't matter very much.

Newly promoted Cannoneer Sergeant Hooves seemed to be the only one enjoying himself and Bleu was not certain that was not just from the field promotion and that he liked the sound of the cannons.

This was not even slightly amusing to her. There was no sense of fairness in this, she knew she wanted this threat to end and she was sure this was the way, but just indiscriminately killing of all these dragons?

From what she understood most dragons were solitary creatures, they only gathered in numbers to wage war or for protection. There were a few other dragon settlements ,but most of those had been abandoned as the majority of them sought shelter from the invading armies in Cindervale.

The Equestrian army had crushed three such towns on the march here not stopping long enough to do more than reduce what ever town they found to ash. Most of the dragons that lived there had either fled or were put to the sword. There would be be no prisoners taken.

Bleu looked back over the city the spires and turrets of stone and gemstone that were shattering and collapsing before her eyes. If she had ever wanted to know anything about her races past , this would have been the place. Now she would learn nothing all ties with her people were cut with this attack.

She was not sure she really wanted to be here any more, wasn't this the same thing the dragons had done to the ponies? Attacking civilians and killing indiscriminately. This had gone from a war to an attempt at genocide, one that was succeeding.

She sighs wondering how Rhede was dealing with this sort of mentality, or if he was thinking like this at all. The ponies around her were grim, but also unwavering in their intent. Many of the ones who came with Jer'rahd to Cindervale had nothing to return to when they went home, having lost everything, this was justice in their eyes. Maybe she was just finally having some pangs about killing her own species.

She lifts her head, starting to chuckle, her laugh growing louder as the absurdity of it hit her. She had nothing in common with any of these creatures aside from her looks and abilities, and even those were taught to her by ponies. By one pony in particular who had done her best to raise the strange little creature that hatched from an egg, treated as a sister when no one else in the world would have anything to do with her. A mare who taught her the few spells she knew, taught her to sing and to laugh, hired a pegasus who helped teach the little dragon to fly. A bright soul whose only goal in life was bringing peace to others with her singing. And here she was starting to feel sorry for the very monsters that brought about her death far too soon. The sick twist of it forced her to laugh at the gall that her emotions had, tried to make her sympathize with these dragons.

Bleu continued to laugh as Cindervale burned.


Rhede stares down at the explosions amid the rock and wood structures in the valley. The glow of the magic fire caused by the cannons giving a odd rainbow coloration to the billowing smoke rising from the valley. The flames caused by the cannons could be put out the same way normal fires could with water or spells , but they burned anything, wood, metal, stone and flesh. This close to the volcano water was not easily accessed and Rhede had made sure his team had taken out any visible wells and fire fighting teams that they could spot.

The wells in the city had been the first targets, then next anything that looked like a military garrison or a defensible position. Most of the dwellings looked like strange growths of crystal and rock, almost if the buildings had been grown instead of built, it was rather similar to how the Elk's homes were. He smirks slightly remembering the female he had met there briefly, wondering how she was doing, Mossflower if he remembered the name correctly. Perhaps once this is over he might check up on her, see if he had another little foal running around somewhere.

He shook his head clearing it of the happy distraction. He sighs digging into a small pocket in his robes pulling out a little book. He had not mentioned this part to Velkorn, he doubted she would quite understand it, or be happy with it.

He flipped open the book with a hoof flicking across the pages. Names and locations filled the book, dates were next to some of the names a few locations were crossed out and new locations added in. He had started this book back when the mares first started paying attention to him. There were hundreds of names in here, as well as the places they lived, gender and coloration’s. He smiled running his hoof over some of the names remembering them fondly, though the smile quickly vanished as he came to a large swath of names that had been marked through.

With the attacks on Manehatten, Dullahan, and Canterlot, more than half of his book had been crossed out in the last three years. Many of those crossed out names had not even reached their first birthday, others would never reach their second, thanks to the dragons.

The others thought that he was having issues just due to his father and siblings being killed. No, it went a great deal beyond that. This war had cost him nearly half of the children he sired. Despite never meeting any of them, he kept track of them sent bits to the mothers who had a hard time of coping. He even had a few pulled from homes that had turned out to be abusive or worse. The foals he sired might never know who their father was ,but that did not mean he was not looking out for all of them.

Perhaps his mother was right and his grandfather and father had screwed with his moral a bit while he was growing up. But at some point he hoped to gather them all together and have Maw welcome them to the family. Something that would be that much harder now with the number that had been lost.

He shut the book not needing to get any angrier. He had found his calm again and he need not try to make himself lose it once more. Tucking the ledger back into his robes he looked out over the city watching it crumble around the dragons. Not caring if the ones that were down there deserved it or not.


Luna lay her head on her forelegs , barely feeling up to move, let alone command the injured and the medical group. Thankfully Velkorn was around to take charge of the whole thing and as the medics were already under her branch of the Guard, there was no issue.

Granted there were odd ways about her. Before anything was set up properly she tracked down one of the unicorn doctors and after a bit of questioning, proceed to beat the crap out of him. When she was finally asked what had happened she was too pissed off to speak pony and required a translator. From what information was gathered, the unicorn in question had been the one who had tended Bleu.

When she confronted him with the shoddy work he had done on the dragon, he admitted to it and proceeded to throw out every racial slur against both dragons and zebra's that seemed to exist. Velkorn seemed to be taking it in stride until the point where the unicorn started bringing Rhede into the tirade as well.

There was not a single pony in the camp who came to his aid as Velkorn proceeded to kick his teeth out and beat him unconscious. After ward she patched him up, stripped him of his rank and ability to practice medicine in the guard and put him with the rest of the injured. She then apologized to the other medics for making their work harder by removing an able doctor.

No pony seemed to mind that either.

Luna was a bit surprised at the anger the zebra showed, but then again she was also surprised her General of medical did not help any of the injured dragons they had fought. With what the Goddess of Night knew about the zebra medic, she never voluntarily left any one behind who was injured. This must have been harder for Velkorn than the zebra was letting on.

The Princess sighs glancing over at her bunk mate. With the injuries, most of the tents had been turned into medical tents. She was lucky she only had to share a tent with Starfall and Velkorn, not as if the zebra had slept yet. Starfall on the other hoof, had done nothing but sleep. Although that was most likely due to the potion Velkorn had given her.

The main force had left that morning heading for Cindervale, Luna had kept three of Starfall's Shadow bolts behind and sent them back to Canterlot with a message to Tia, Baelit, and a group of nobles that Rhede had said would fall over themselves to help.

The letter simply explained the situation as well as the intent to return home with the wounded after encountering the dragons military might directly. The result of the battle as well as the fact the force was now split was not mentioned.

Velkorn was certain the Queen's Cross would come to their aid and Rhede had almost guaranteed the nobles would, just to save themselves. Like much of what Rhede said at times she was not sure on what he meant, but he seemed to know what he was talking about so she went with his suggestion.

Tia was the one she was worried most about. Luna's sister had been recovering still the last time she was in Canterlot and the Sun goddess had not seen Luna's new look. The Princess of the night was not entirely certain how her sister would take it. Add that to her clear dislike of the campaign against the dragons and Luna was expecting to get quite an earful from her when they returned.

Not that it mattered. Nothing Tia said or did was going to change what had happened at this point. Luna sighs, knowing her sister was going to want to punish someone for ruining all the hard work that she had put towards peace, even if it was a false peace. Rhede had already said Celestia was likely to lock him away when he returned. She also knew that Jer'rahd would take any such punishment for her with out a thought. She smiles softly continually impressed by his degree of loyalty to her and the others.

She would not let it come to that. The stars help Tia if she tried to punish any of her Generals, or any troops that had come with her at all. Celestia had an entire nation that fawned over, and loved her.

Luna only had those that served in the Guard, and of those there were only five she was sure even liked her. She was sure as buck not going to let Tia do anything to any of them.



Jer'rahd let the Commander shout the order to charge, his eyes and expression hidden under his armored helm as he watched the troops rush towards the burning city as the last few cannon shots landed. Two other groups poured into the city from other points outside the valley preventing any sort of ground escape, and the force of pegasi moved back over the crater circling and looking for any targets or any who tired to fly out.

The smoke and fires burning below reminded him of what remained of the city in the crater after the beast was done. It was fitting that the primary settlement of the dragons would be reduced to little more than a hole in the ground after all they had done for years.

This would not be all of them unfortunately. From what Rhede and Luna had told him some would be holed up in caves sleeping for years at a time. But Cindervale was their capitol, everything that went on in the dragon nation came through this place. Every thing started here and while he would love to hunt down the dragons that were hiding Leveling the source of their unity would have to do for now.

The town was being swept clean, there was no resistance to speak of and the few dragons that fought back were easily felled. Few if any of these beasts were warriors, and against well trained fully armed ponies used to fighting such creatures, they stood no chance.

Jer'rahd was quite aware that they were outnumbered here, but with the bombardment and the attack in the dead of night the few fighters that remained were easily taken out. He watched quite a few head towards the castle built into the volcano at Cindervale's heart, he could not pronounce the name of it, and when Rhede had told him it sounded as if he was coughing up a hairball. Not that it mattered if they ran and hid there or not. The last bastion of dragon resistance and supposed safety would simply make it easier to destroy the dragons when they were all gathered in one place.

Bleu and Rhede were to meet him at the base of the volcano by the castles main gate. All three groups would sweep the city from every side, killing any thing they found, and destroying the buildings. Each group had a unicorn who could mark a target with a glowing rune that allowed the cannons to target it that much easier and reduce it to rubble.

Jer'rahd starts down the path trotting though the city watching as his troops burst into a building to search it. Another group at the end of the street marks a structure with a rune then dashes clear as cannon shot scream through the air from all sides slamming into the already barely standing building bringing it down. There were not very many buildings still intact after the bombardment, but the ones that were were being brought down by the concentrated fire.

The General's eyes turn back to the looming structure built into the towering mountain at the cities center, ash and smoke flows out of the top of the active volcano, though not in any amount that would bother the pegasi circling the city. Cindervale was roughly the same size as Canterlot if all the buildings and area suddenly grew to accommodate dragons.

He wished Luna had been able to come, not only to see the end of her war, but it would have been much easier if she had some spell to make the volcano erupt and do all this work for them. All they would need to do then was wait for the dragons to come up for air from the lava and kill them.

A few cries and screams echoed in the night as the ponies swarmed over the city ripping into any structure that still stood and killing any occupants if they found any. There were no Griffons here, no Diamond dogs, no Rams, Orc's or Trolls. This was a city built by the dragons for the dragons. A fitting graveyard for the dragon race.

Jer'rahd pauses as a armored dragon walks towards him flanked on either side by a pair of pony guards. Bleu was wearing the armor of Laughter as a way to set herself apart from the other dragons here, Jer was glad she was taking no chances at being mistaken for a target. Her current inability to fly likely helped identify her as well.

Rhede strode up from the other side also in full armor though he wore a cloak over top of the armor. He must have taken the time to change, as Jer'rahd had last seen him in his usual robes.

The three stopped before the main gate of the castle, a few more roars of pain and screams sounded behind them. The front door was already half blown off its hinges and was easily ripped the rest off by Jer'rahds magic. They waited a time until about half the troops that had entered Cindervale joined them. The entire group was silent as it entered the castle.


Velkorn was exhausted and her team was not much better, sixty medics caring and operating on over a thousand injured and dieing ponies. They had been going straight for nearly twenty four hours now and mistakes were starting to be made. There were far too many ponies in need of constant aid for any sort of useful shift sleeping schedule to work. The medical team barely had time for meals let alone sleep.

Velkorn did not like the idea of what she was going to implement, but she gave out three vials of the foul mixture she had given the pegasi that pulled her here. They were only to take one every twelve hours starting from that point, afterwords they would desperately need rest. It was not a solution, only a quick fix , but one needed to save as many ponies as possible until some sort of help arrived.

Velkorn downed a vial herself, shivering as the rush hit her almost immediately upon the liquid touching her tongue. The dangers of this substance were well documented in the book, as well as the benefits.

The mixture would restore the mind and body from any fatigue, as well as amplify strength, quickness, and clarity of thought. It gave these boons however at the cost of a immense strain on the body that could result in longer term health problems with repeated use. The worst part about it was the rush was very addictive. She knew what it could do, and she still had to fight not to have another shot of it when the first wore out back when she first tested it.

Thankfully she was the only one who knew how to make this stuff and since she was able to fight off her own addiction, she would not share how it was made to those who might have weaker wills.

With the mixture given out the results were immediate. There were no further mistakes from fatigue and the amount of patients that could be helped in an hours time nearly doubled. The number of ponies who may die dwindled further as the night wore on. Velkorn simply hoped that they could keep up this pace until help arrived.


Bodies lined the halls, tapestries burned on the stone walls, and blood flowed over the stone like a river. In every shadow, and behind every door of this place was a dragon. With every room they took there were at least two dragon corpses left behind. Dining rooms were smashed, studies and living quarters were ripped apart and set ablaze. Jer 'rahd saw a few of his troops gathering trophies, either from dead dragons they had killed or some sort of loot from the quarters they had found. He was not thrilled with the idea they were doing this, but he did not stop them.

So far the injuries had been minor, nothing that could not be quickly treated with a field kit, or that would stop any pony from continuing. This was a boon that Jer'rahd hoped would last, none of these ponies was a rookie, they had made it though the assault by the main force of dragon's army relatively unscathed. If they were not members of the 42nd yet, they would be invited after this battle.

Bleu and Rhede had stuck near him the entire trek, the trio had mowed down anything they saw in the hallways letting the troops that followed clear and burn all the rooms they passed. They eventually arrived in an area with many branching hallways. Several dragons were rushing through here and took off down the split paths the moment they saw the ponies.

There was a green dragon among them that Jer'rahd recognized.


Bleu looked after the ones running ignoring them to peer down the corridors that surrounded them.

“Any ideas on where to go now Boss?”

Bleu glances back at where Jer'rahd was, only to find him missing. She looks around in a panic trying to figure out where he went.

“Damn it not again, Rhede did you see where Boss went? Rhede? OH COME ON!!”

The other armored pony was no where to be found either, and the gathered troops had not seen either of them leave.

“GRAAAAH, fine, sure boss I’ll take control of the attack while you go gallivanting off to Luna knows where. No problem Rhede I’ll do all the work while you skip off for some reason GAH stallions!!”

Bleu snorts a bit of lightning in annoyance.

“Alright, I can deal with this shit. Every pony fan out, spread down these tunnels and continue the mission, if you find anything of note, I am going down this passage here, send a runner if need be. Once your chosen path is clear come back, mark the passage and move to join up with the next group. Ten of you with me the rest follow your commanding officers.”


Bleu winced a little at the shout of easily a hundred ponies filling the hall way around her. She moved off down the path she chose smelling something very familiar, but not anything she could put a claw on.


Jer'rahd gallops down the corridor, his blade lashing out occasionally to kill or drive back any dragon that got in his way, as he pursued his target. He caught a glimpse of a green tail slipping into a room before a heavy oak door slams closed behind it.

The door exploded into splinters as the armored pony hit it with both his weapon and his fore hooves. He steps into the room whipping his head sending wood splinters scattering about. His gaze shifts around the small study the light from his eye casting everything in a red tint. Cowering behind a over turned desk was the green dragon who had left him in a silo and started filing it with water. Jer'rahd smiles fangs bared.

“We meet again dragon. You never did tell me your name, though at this point, I don't really care. I will share with you something I thought of however, just so we are even on the monologuing bit. You mentioned I killed you mate when she attacked Dullahan. You realize if she had not done that, none of this would be happening? I don't know how much control or sway you may have had in what she did, but if she had not attacked Dullahan I likely would be a happily married pony with no further ties to the Guard. Because of your green bitch both Bleu and I had a reason to hate your kind. That battle was what made me famous and brought me to the attention of Celestia as a candidate for a Element bearer. That brought me closer to Princess Luna, and she brought me here. So as I peel the scales from your body I want you to think on the fact that if you had just told your mate to stay home, none of this would have happened.”
The armored unicorn chuckles advancing towards the cowering beast.

“Congratulations on picking a real winner as a love interest if any one remembers you at all it will be as “mate to the one who brought doom on the dragon race”. Enough banter, you claimed to know everything about me, you don't know shit. You have no idea what you did to me do you? What you made me live through? Allow me to give you a small sample.”

His magic grips the desk the dragon was cowering behind flinging it at the open door, baring the entrance so he would not be interrupted. It was not long before the screaming started.


Twilight whips her head back at the first scream, tumbling through the space made by the spells magic. She pants hard, visibly shaking even here. She had only seen what he had been planning to do to the dragon as it crossed his mind, and the images sickened and terrified her. What Jer'rahd and Bleu had done to Claymore was a slap on the hoof compared to what was going through Jer'rahds mind at the moment to do to this dragon.

She exhaled even though she didn't need to in this space trying to calm herself and look at things rationally. Was this sort of darkness was due to his interaction with the books, or if it was simply something he had been hiding all this time? Perhaps with the torture the dragon had put him through this sort of thing might be thought of as justice of some kind. Or at least some sort of karmic backlash. In either event she was not going back to his window for a while. She certainly hoped the others would not be as bad.

Twilight dove into Rhede's window hoping his actions were less graphic.


The room seemed cramped, towering cases of books hugged every wall and filled the room floor to massively domed ceiling. Books and scrolls filled every conceivable place on the shelves each tome nearly as large as a pony. Several dragon corpse lay about the room each felled by a assortment of well placed daggers and in one case a letter opener. Standing with a small neat pile of books on one side of him and a large pile of carelessly flung tomes to the other side was a red earth pony with a black mane, tail and left foreleg flipping hastily through one book after another. Rarely would he stack one to his side, most received a good kick sending the book into the pile with the others.

“Buck it no, this is not useful either.”

He looks along the spines of the books mouthing the words in draconic, before yanking down another book and flipping though it with a hoof.

“No, no, no, and NO!!”

He whirls around suddenly slinging the book with his hooves, smashing the heavy tome into the dragon who had been trying to sneak up behind hims face. The yellow dragon staggers back flailing, before being slammed to the ground by a large red pony plowing into him.

“Ah hello there mister dragon, I do not suppose you might happen to be the librarian of this little place now would you?”

The dragon blinks wincing at the armored stallion and offering a meek nod.

“Excellent, I am attempting to find something and your card catalog is far out of date.”

The dragon swallows hard.

“Why …. why should I help you?”

“Well the primary reason is you are still alive, mostly due to you possibly being useful to me. Depending on how useful you are, I might let you walk out the door.”

“What... what are you looking for?”

“Any information you might have on the Elements of Harmony, Gods, The Gray Grimiore, The Red Tome, Discord, the experiments on the half dragons, The Order, and a alicorn princess named Aviana.”

“ I … I don't know half of those, but .. there are some sealed tomes I think..... the room, the room behind the desk holds the more secure volumes, that are not for the public... … I think some of what you are looking for might be there.”

“Thank you very much, give my regards to who ever you meet in your after life.”

“GAH, NO... You said you would let me leave!?”

“I said I may let you leave, not that I would but granted even if I did say I will there’s a interesting secret. And I'll give it to you for free.”

Rhede leans in his nose pressing to the dragons muzzle as he grins.

“I am not the Element Bearer of Honesty, and you did try to kill me.”

His blacked hoof slams into the dragons throat, shattering scales and crushing the beasts windpipe. He hops off the flailing beast as it struggles to try and breath.

“I am the Element bearer of Generosity dragon, and I am giving your kind back double what you have given to us ponies.”

He ignores the beasts gurgling response making his way to the door it had mentioned and kicking it open. The room was small by dragon standards, though Rhede still thought it was bigger than his quarters in Canterlot. There was a large cabinet against the far wall with a large lock keeping it closed.

Rhede looked the lock over a moment before pulling a few bits of wire from his mane and starting to work on the lock. The heavy steel weight dropped to the ground with a thud after only a moment or two. The earth pony grumbles about not making locks like they used to as he pulls open the cabinet.

He looks over the books for a few moments smirking to himself. If these tomes titles were correct and they had anything at all in them about what he wanted to know they would be worth it. The problem was the size of the books would make bringing the back to Canterlot rather difficult.

“Holey sheeeeet. Some one got in here before we did?”

“Lot of bodies, but nothings burning you think it was one of the Generals sarge?”

“Probably, those three are damn crazy from what I can tell. Glad they are on our side.”

Rhede trots out of the store room to see a group of about six ponies looking at the still twitching yellow dragon.

“Gentle colts. You have perfect timing. I have a special mission for you all.”

They all look up to see Rhede and snap to salutes.

“What is it you need sir.”

“Fetch me a cart..”

He looks back at the room.

“A rather large one.”


Bleu was pissed, and she was taking it out on anything that stood in her way. The scent was getting stronger and it was driving her crazy. She could not tell where she remembered it from but she knew she knew it.. The Guard's flanking her split off every so often to clear a room as they passed, before rushing back to catch up with her though wisely staying out of her way.

She slunk down the hall barely feeling the temperature rise as they progressed. One of the pony guards that had advanced ahead of her yelped loudly and danced back wards on his rear hooves blowing on one of his front ones as smoke rose from the singed limb. Bleu moves to where he had been pressing a fore claw to the floor feeling the heat from it but not at all bothered by it.

“I think this might be as far as we can go with you sir. We can round up some pegasi to fly along, but I think we are getting too close to the center of the volcano for us to be any good.”

“That’s fine, head back up the hall a little ways. I will see whats ahead and come back,”

“Be careful sir.”

“Thanks Major , but it will take more than just some heat to kill me.”

“As you say Sir.”

Bleu moves further down the corridor, the walls becoming less smooth and more rocky and porous. A molten bubbling sound caught her attention as well as frantic shouting in draconic.

The tunnel ends in what looks like a large cave mouth that opens up into a vast chamber with a large pool of bubbling molten lava taking up the center of it. The walls of the chamber stretch high into the air opening into the night sky. A large flat area ran around the outskirts of the lava pool stopping at a recess in the wall, a pair of green dragons and a black worked franticly trying to collect what looked like multi colored rocks filling several large bags with them.

Bleu blinks a moment, the realization dawning as she realized what the smell was. It was a instinctual thing, the last time she had been here was as a egg. This is where the dragon eggs were laid and incubated, in the heart of a volcano. Those were not rocks they three were putting in backs they were unhatched eggs.

One of the green dragons saw her and shouted something out. The other two turn to look swearing something before the black dragon roars. He sets an egg aside and charges towards her, the other two start packing even more franticly. She barely registered the black watching the two try as best they could to save the eggs.

When black dragon was finally close enough it fired a cone of acid at her. Bleu easily moved out of the way of it, darting forward and plowing into the larger dragon knocking him onto his back. She hopped onto his chest her armored claws gripping his throat and easily jabbing the skin through his scales.

“Struggle and I will kill you, you two come any closer and this one dies. Do any of you three speak Pony?”

One of the greens had been rushing forward to aid the black though at her words it froze waving the one behind it to keep packing. Bleu glared up at the one between her and the eggs noticing the massive clutch gathered behind the pair. There was no way they were going to save them all. The pangs of regret tickled at Bleu's mind again as the green spoke up.

“I... I speak a little.”

“Good I am going to make this simple and to the point so you can understand me...”

She exhales glancing back to the tunnel she came down, wondering what Luna or boss might think about this. Seeing dragons killed from a distance or killing the ones actively fighting was one thing.

These three were trying to save their young while the whole rest of the city was either hiding or fighting, only these three came for the unhatched. That had to count for something didn't it?

“Take what you have and fly directly north east towards the sea. Once you are out of these lands you do not stop running.”

Bleu shifts stepping off the black dragon leaving small points of blood from where her armored claws hand pierced his neck scales. He scrambles away from her glancing back at the green then to the armored dragon again before darting over to the the bags grabbing one and lifting it into the air. The green by the eggs did the same. The one that spoke pony glances between Bleu and the two flying away.

“Thank you.....”

“Don't thank me. When I said don't stop running I mean ever. Teach you children to run, to always keep moving. To watch every shadow as they flee, because if you stop, if you settle any where on this planet for long, we will find you and I will be the first there to finish what we started here. Now go before I decide this was a bad idea.”

The dragon did not waste a moment grabbing the last bag of eggs and taking to the air to join the others. Bleu watched them fly up before they vanished out of sight over the lip of the crater.

Bleu's gaze shifted over the mottled bunch of eggs before her. She glances down at the egg the black dragon had set on the ground before he attacked her. She picks it up as gently as she could in a claw, regarding it with a bit of sadness.

“You are one unlucky little egg. If I had been a moment later you would have been flying free with the rest of your kind when you hatch. Provided they live that long. Now you are gonna be just like me never knowing who you could have been if you were among your own kind.”

She looks over the lavender egg with the dark purple spots once more before putting it in the pile and staring at it.

“I am probably going to be taking you to a better life any way.”

She moves off grabbing one of the bags the others left behind beginning to fill it so she can haul the eggs back to where she left the guards.


Luna looks up as the afternoon sun poured through a rent in the fabric of her tent. She groans softly her head pounding still after the massive spell she cast only two days ago. She ignores the voices telling her it would pass as glances over to the source of a noise that rivaled a dragons roar. Starfall was still snoring away, it was a wonder any one could sleep in the same vicinity as the pegasus. She looked over to the other bed in the room and frowns, Velkorn's bed had not been touched. She looked back over at the injured Pegasus wondering how many drugs were running through her system for pain right now.

Overall the Princess felt better, still very weary with a headache that rivaled the last time she went drinking with Jer'rahd, but much better than she had been after she cast the spell.

She rose from the bed trotting slowly towards the tent flap and pushing it open to look outside. She squints her eyes from the suns glare her face an expressionless mask as she looks over the ragged tent city before her. The injured and dying were every where. The pegasus had moved some clouds lower over some of the ponies outside to spare them from the sunlight, but even these were few and far between in the clear blue sky.

Her gaze shifted to a pile of wrapped bodies at the far edge of the camp. Two Unicorns walked among them casting spells of preservation so that the corpses could be returned home to be properly laid to rest. To her eyes there seemed to be more bodies in the morgue than there were in the hospital tents. She winces softly watching a earth pony carry another wrapped body from the tents to add to the number of fatalities this even had caused.

Looking back to the tents she noted some of the injured who were still mobile were following the medics carrying supplies or food and water. She caught a glimpse of Velkorn running between a pair of tents though once the Princess lost sight of her, she did not see the zebra pop up again.

Luna sighs wishing she had the healing power her sister did, she barely had enough knowledge to put Jer'rahd's leg back on him when they first met, and even that she had nearly botched. There was nothing she could do out there that every other unicorn that had been through basic could not do better, well perhaps save Jer'rahd.

Velkorn pops up beside her covered in blood, causing the Princess to yelp and scramble away wings fluttering. The zebra's eyes were much wider than Luna had seen them before. Before the Goddess of the Night could question it, the starts zebra rattling off a chain of things to the Princess in her native tongue that Luna could not even begin to follow. Luna was also more than a bit worried that the medic was bouncing like Bleu after she got into a large pile of sugary pastries or something. It was more than a little unnerving.

“I am sorry, but you are talking to fast for me to keep up with what you are saying Velkorn.”

The zebra freezes in place, lifting a hoof to press to her temple as if trying to slow herself down herself.

“I stated I am glad you are finally out of bed, you now have two choices, aid the living, or prepare the dead.”


“There is food to serve and wounds to tend, or you can prepare the corpses so to their homes we may send.”

“I have just gotten up Velkorn, I am the goddess of the night and war not of the dead or candy stripier............”

Luna did not even need to see the look the zebra was giving her for a cold chill to trace along her spine. The Princess turns her head slightly meeting the crazed glaze of Velkorn. She takes a step back only to have the medic follow her, keeping her amber eyes locked with the Princess's green ones.

By the stars is this what Celestia went though when the zebra was taking care of her? Is this what Jer'rahd dealt with in the zebra lands?IS this what Rhede managed to deny!?! Holy buck , she knew that stallion had some big ones on him for hitting Tia, but after this....

“Umm right, serve food, yes that sounds reasonable. I'll do that Velkorn.”

Velkorn nods pointing towards a tent that several ponies were milling about, a bit of smoke wafts from a hole at the top. Luna follows the pointing hoof though when she looks back to her General the mare was gone already. The Goddess of War shivers again still feeling a chill from that gaze.

“Right, help the injured any way one can.... got it....”


“Alright take the cart out of here to the meet up point and be careful with them, Princess Luna wants these eggs intact.”

“Yes sir.”

Bleu sighs as the guards tow the three carts out the broken main door of the castle. The bag only held about twenty or so eggs each, so it took her quite a few trips to load up the carts. The ones who had taken off with the bags had not managed to fill them all the way so only perhaps thirty or forty had escaped. It was not many, but perhaps being pushed to near extinction would be enough to get the remaining few dragons to leave ponies alone. Especially if they listened to her warning.

Bleu turns her head hearing the heavy thud of hoof beats approach where she sat. She looks down one of the halls seeing a blood caked vision from a nightmare striding towards her out of the darkness of the hallway. The whole figure seemed to be dripping blood and gore with a few spots collecting broken and shattered green scales. She blinks a moment as the figure stops looking after the carts pulling eggs away.

“Damn boss what did you do, bathe in the ones you killed?”

“No just saying hello to an former acquaintance, though that hall is clear, most of them ran from me and were taken out by other troops.”

“With how you look boss, I was about to run from you.”

“Whats the status of the operation?”

“Found the dragons hatchery, we are looking to bring Luna two hundred and fifteen eggs by my count. We've cleared everything out in this area and have managed to double back and check what we covered so far. There's a few halls yet we have not cleared and a little bit of organized resistance here and there. Shouldn't take more than another day to finish. No word from fancy tail yet though. Granted no one knew were you were either. Thanks loads for that boss.”

“Sorry, I had to deal with this before I forgot. Any sign of the last dragon god?”

“No, and there’s very few blue dragons at all around here. I can count on my left claw how many we've encountered so far.. There's a chance the god and the others hauled their scaled butts out of here before we got here.”

“There’s a chance of that Bleu. From what I've found out Blue dragons have been rather rare since the first war when they were the primary shock troop. They also seem to be one of the few dragon types not against cross breeding with other dragons. Most dragons consider it a thinning of the blood though the blue's thought it as strengthening the genetic diversity of the species. They evidently had something right as most of the pure breeds we have been dealing with are grade a stupid.”

Jer and Bleu turn as Rhede trots out of another tunnel already launching into another monologue. He was being tailed by a pair of ponies pulling a rather large cart with a tarp packed tight over it. The ones pulling it already looked ready to die as they hauled it along.

“Park it with the eggs gentle colts.”

“So where have you been Rhede?”

“Found the library, figured I would check out some light reading. Had to torch the rest. All lame dime store novels and horrid books about young, dumb, maidens falling in love with glittery leeches and such. Nothing worth keeping. Looks like one of you found the hatchery and the other found the butcher. I suppose I don't have to ask you which is which.”

Bleu sighs as Jer'rahd snorts, though whether it was annoyance or amusement at his friend it was hard to say.

“I think its safe to say boss that we were a little optimistic in saying Cindervale would fall before dawn. Its already late afternoon. The cities been mostly cleared with a few places fighting back, Most of the castles been wiped out too.”

“I've not seen anything like a throne room yet. Any idea's on that Rhede?”

“Dragons are ruled by a council of five dragon gods, thanks to us that's down to one. Never been here so I cannot really tell if there's a throne room or a meeting hall or not. I am surprised that the the blue god has not show her self yet. One would not expect her to just sit by and let this happen.”

“I do not really care if she shows herself or not Rhede, We need to find a way to destroy this place completely. Cindervale's destruction is the goal not the gods. We will find the last one and any that slipped away later. We have the eggs the Princess wanted we need to finish this.”

“Dunno boss, after all this do we really want to leave one of the gods alive? They seem really good at revenge plans.”

“Good point, though we have been at this too long already. Call back all the troops I want a rest shift set up keep the force split into thirds. Bleu your group takes first rest period. Six hours sleep, Rhede your group keeps the cannons going and guards Bleu's group, my group will keep up the siege of the city and the castle. After six hours Bleu your group starts the search mine takes watch and Rhede's rests for six. We keep this up til every nook, cranny, and cave in this place is cleaned out. Its not optimal , but its something.”

“Sounds a plan Boss.”

“Gives me a bit of time to check the books I’ll set the runners out, Bleu go get your group together We'll set up the Library as the make shift barreks. Far as I can tell there's only two ways in and out and its big enough to use with ease. Plus the smoke should be cleared up by now.”

“Good, lets do this, I don't want to go back to the Princess until the blight of this place is wiped clean from the world .”


Velkorn hated this. There was still far too much to do and she could not keep up with everything. The medicine was not helping matters at all. Certainly the results were favorable, more ponies had been saved and the medics were awake and aware, but there were problems and even those benefiting from it were showing the first signs of addiction.

She could tell who had used all three vials she gave them already and who had not. Unfortunately out of the sixty medic's, at least twenty two were showing the signs. Six of them had bad reactions to the mix and were now recovering, and three had already collapsed as the drug left their system after not keeping up the doses every twelve hours. The others were still working, but they were nearing the end of the second day now. By this time tomorrow most of the medics she had left would be down. The only exception would be the two earth pony doctors who had ignored the drug and had taken turns in shifts. Velkorn wished she had the numbers for that, but the stress of running this big of a operation along with the number of injuries and near death cases had forced her hoof into this action.

She had opted for the quick fix trying to save as many at once as she could. While that had helped and far more ponies than expected had been brought back from the brink of death, none of them were out of the woods yet and if not for constant care they may still expire. She was considering making another batch to keep every pony going, but the after effects would be just that much worse for it.

Velkorn's ears perk as she hears a commotion from outside the tent. She snips the last stitch on the ponies side before slipping out of the tent to see what the fuss was. A single black clad pegasus was clearly seen in the air flying rather erraticly towards the camp. Velkorn's eyes narrow as the mare spasms in the air her wings locking up before she begins to fall.

She was rushing through the gathered ponies before the pegasus had dropped more than a pony length, tearing towards where the mare was falling. The zebra had almost made it when a blue glow caught the falling pegasus and lowered her gently to the ground. Princess Luna had evidently seen her as well, and although she seemed to strain using her magic, it was clear that it was returning quickly. The last time Velkorn had seen Luna use all her power it had taken a week running through the Darklands for it to come back.

The medical zebra barely paused as the pony was lowered to the ground, dashing over to her to check on the pegasus. She recognized the mare immediately, Comet Tail, one of Starfall's Shadowbolts. She was one of the three sent back to Canterlot for help.

“Message, ahh, for Princess Luna....ahhh.”

“Velkorn what is wrong with her.”

“Her wing is cramped and she is under great strain, she is clearly exhausted and in quit a bit of pain.”

The pegasus looks up to Luna and Velkorn quickly takes up her view to check her eyes, only to be shoved out of the way as the pegasus tries to stand.

“I have a message from Princess Celestia for you Princess Luna.....”

She does not even make it up to her knees and gives up trying to rise and instead winces as she tries to move her wing to her saddlebag. Velkorn moves over taking out the scroll and the object wrapped in it, offering it to Luna, much to the white pegasus relief.

The Princess opens the note as Velkorn jabs a few of the pegasus' pressure points trying to relieve some of the strain. Only rest would alleviate the exhaustion and only Luna's acknowledgment would stop the damned mare from trying to move.

Luna reads over the letter her eyes narrowing as she floats the white crystal that had been sent along with the note. Velkorn looks up as the Princess sucks in a soft breath.

“It is from Tia..... You flew all the way to Canterlot and back in barely two days time?!”

“Yes Princess. The others are still there we flew as fast as we could there, but I was the only one up to flying back with that. Princess Celestia said it was of great importance so I did not stop. I came back as fast as I could.”

“You did well solider, rest now. Velkorn , can you get her to a bed on your own?”

The zebra nods watching as Luna trots off with the stone still pouring over the note. The zebra sighs lifting the pony onto her back and trotting back towards the camp. The Pegasus had already blacked out and Velkorn made a note to find a clear bed for this one and prepare everything needed for her to have something to eat and drink when she woke. The stripped medic glances back at Luna as she walked away wondering what the crystal was for and what the note said. Velkorn sighs figuring she would find out soon enough. She also planned to tell Starfall about what one of her soldiers did and likely earn a commendation of some sort for the exhausted pegasus mare if it slipped the Princess's mind.


Jer'rahd snaps awake with a stifled cry, panting with his body covered in a cold sweat. He grimaces swallowing a little bit of blood from where he bit his tongue again by thrashing in his sleep. He really was not sure if his nightmares were better or worse ,he only knew that he no longer woke himself up from them any more and he had to suffer through them the entire night. Although that might just be due to simple exhaustion keeping his body asleep till it was rested enough.

He pushes himself up from the cot wincing as his muscles protested. He shook most of that off with a stretch before heading out to have a look at the situation and grab something to eat.

The commander reported they cleared out some of the resistance but there was a particularly well dug in group holed up in the keep's kitchens. There was only one known way into the area and the dragons had that covered with their breath weapons and crossbows.

This was taking far longer than it should have been. They were supposed to be back to Luna by now, granted, he had never assaulted a city before so perhaps this was the appropriate length of time.

He trots out of the library nodding to the Ponies guarding the door way, it was still an hour or so before the shift change and the rest of his division was more than welcome to sleep for it. He emerges into the night greeted by a few cannons firing and the sound of a crumbling structure out in the city. He tosses his head a bit looking up into the night sky and the Crescent shape of the Princess's moon smiling softly.

“Well a smile, you must be thinking happy thoughts there boss. Looking at the moon too, guess you and Luna did hit it off fairly well at the Gala after all. Plan complete. Mwahaha.”

“Be careful Bleu you are starting to sound like one of the bad guys from Rhede's stories.”

“ I suppose so, guess you slept like crap again?”

“As usual, find anything of interest?”

“ Started some of my troops sweeping the town for anything we can use. A couple carts of Gems were brought back as well as some star metal and a few books of mild interest. I also have a corpse detail dumping the bodies of dragons in the volcano. We leave them out exposed too long they will attract trolls.”

“Good planning, Any sign of the blue we are looking for?”

“No and I checked most of the bodies too. Out of a few thousand dragons of various ages there’s only been around fifty blue ones. Maybe my color was going extinct?”

“Could be, Rhede seems to know more with those books he has been collecting. At any rate anything else of note?”

“Nah the dragons holed up down there in the kitchen are doing a fairly good job of fending off any advance we make. We've got more injuries from this than the entire siege. “

“Any deaths?”

“Thankfully no, the only ponies we have with us are the ones smart enough to watch each others flank, this group is only forty percent 42nd and they are all acting like they are full on squadies.”

“After this battle any who stay in the Guard will be invited to the 42nd. They have survived and fought to get to this point. None of them are green any more.”

Bleu yawns lightly, looking to the door of the keep.

“Alright boss your break times over, I need a nap and I figure you plan to just bust in the door with a cannon or something.”

“ You still have an hour, though honestly that is not a bad idea Bleu.”

“What is?”

“Breaking through the defenses with a cannon. I can block the hall with a shield until its ready to fire and then simply drop it, fire, raise it reload and repeat.”

Bleu stares at Jer'rahd and he stares back at the dragonling.

“It took us two days to figure that out boss. This needs to end.”



Luna looks down at the crystal wondering exactly what her sister was up to. The letter did not start off pleasant with more than a few choice words written angrily judging by how bad the hoof writing had gotten, along with a great many attempts to layer guilt upon Luna's shoulders by her sister.

The Princess of war almost destroyed the note then and there, if curiosity had not gotten the better of her about what the crystal was for and that the writing changed towards the end of the note.

It was still in Tia's hoof writing, but it was the normal calm strokes, even if it was fully business like. The text told her to take the crystal out to a open field, set it on the ground, and activate it with a simple light spell. It stated to make sure there was at least enough flat land to fit two of the royal ballrooms. The note also claimed the best time to do this would be high noon and that she should stay next to the crystal when activated.

She trotted to the edge of the camp glancing back at the tent city that had been set up. She had no idea what Tia was up to with this, but when the pegasus had arrived it was nearly night already. Now on the third day since the main force had left for Cindervale she had come out to this field to see what would come of this.

She hoped that this was not some sort of prank or punishment, as Luna was in no mood for it. She floats the crystal to the ground, casting a light spell on it as the note had said. The crystal flashed brightly though nothing happened for at least two minutes.

Luna snorted in annoyance, about to leave when she notices the light was growing brighter from the crystal. She took a step back bringing her wing over her face to shield her eyes before a massive rush of power billows out of the crystal washing over her as it expands.

She winces at the brightness still pouring through her feathers, feeling nearly a dozen mixes of energy flowing over her , primarily it was her sisters but other unicorns as well. She bit her lip in the flash of pain that came as the light brightened again. Even with her eyes closed and wing shielding her face the brightness stung her eyes. Sounds of voices in stages of, both surprise, alarm, and excitement filled the air as the light slowly began to fade. The creak of wood and flap of canvas was noted as well as the power died down. Luna clears her eyes , trying to blink the spots from them, turning slowly looking around her.

Dozens of tents, carts of supplies, and nearly two hundred ponies and zebra's all stood around blinking trying to clear their eyes as well. Several flags hung from one of the tents poles, the most predominate was the one for the Queens Cross, the same symbol painted on all the tents.

Luna stares around wide eyed at the ponies milling about, a few of them dart over to the edge of the camp to review their lunch as the teleportation sickness finally kicks in. A zebra stallion approaches her grumbling at the sight of how many had gotten ill.

“I told you lot not to eat anything, Don't you dare say I didn't, if you get too sick to work from this, you are on bedpan duty for a week.”

The zebra trots over to Luna stopping dead before her to glare up at her a moment, not entirely certain that the dark mare was indeed the Princess he was looking for.

“Baelit... what is all this?”

“Princess? Buck they say war changes ponies but I didn't think physically”

“I looked like this last time I was in Canterlot.”

“Yes and all I saw last time you were back was Celestia's chambers. Sooooooo sorry for not reconizeing you. Not like I have not been busy.... Princess Celestia is going to have a fit. No matter, I gather the wounded are over in the tent city there. “

He moves away from her yelling to the others to start moving towards the tents on the other side of the field. As the Queen's Cross starts to move Baelit trots back over to the still stunned Princess of the Night.

“I do not approve of what you have done here, I have a host of dragons who work with the Queen's Cross for a better world and I had to leave them all behind because half of them would have taken off to see if there was any of their family was left alive in Cindervale. This shit has got to stop and I was hoping that my aunt followed you because she thought you might be able to stop this sort of thing, not add to it.”

Luna tilts her head to the side her ears flattening as she stares down at the zebra. Her eyes taking on a almost reptilian look, glowing softly green.

“While I appreciate the aid you are offering, you do not seem to understand. The dragons are now no longer a threat because they are all dead, or soon will be. They cannot be a threat when there are not enough of them to pose one. When you return to your homeland colt be sure to pass that along in case your people decide to try another play for Equestrian lands.”

Baelit seemed unphased, returning the glare, his own lavender eyes narrowing in turn.

“Your sister will not let you do that. I will be amazed if she lets you do a bucking thing again after this.”

“I will deal with her if she tries to stop me, now begone zebra, you have wounded to tend.”

The zebra stallion snorts turning to trot off with the rest of the Queen's Cross, shouting orders along the way.

Luna shifts her head looking at the dull and broken crystal that acted as a locator for this massive teleport. Tia must have used the Noble unicorns to aid in the spell, she likely was not strong enough to have done something of this size on her own, or if she did she would be even weaker than before.

Nightmare Moon shifts her head back towards the Queen's Cross medics, if Celestia was weak that would make things much easier.



The roar of the cannon echos through the hall, Jer'rahd drops his shield as the blast of magic tears down the hall raising it again as the shot impacts the barricade at the kitchens entrance.

The raised shield stops a return blast of frozen breath while the cannoneers reload. He glances down as the back of the long tube opens and a blackened rock falls free shattering to dust on the floor. A multi colored gem is placed in the back end of the cannon and the hatch closed and locked. The cannoneer nods to Jer'rahd who drops the shield again, the pony slams his hoof down on a top plunger. The steel spike on the plungers end hits the gem shattering it and releasing the explosion of magic down the hall to slam into the barricade again, blasting it apart.

Jer'rahd rushes towards his shield along with a squad of ponies, dropping it as the group smashes through the charged remains of the barricade.

Several bodies lay just past the doorway as The armored unicorn bursts in, parts of them blown off from the cannon shots, and all clearly dead. Six other dragons of varying colors hung back away from the door clutching improvised weapons and cooking tools. The squad that ran with him rushed past him as he scanned the room engaging the dragons. A large blue dragon stood at the back of the room in front of the door to the larder both. It clutched a pair of curved swords in both claws and stood ready as if expecting an attack from any of them. Age touched the scales of the beast , the edges of its spines and scales having taken a gray tinge and many of the rest of its scales were dulled with age. No other pony had gone near him yet and his gaze locked on Jer'rahd as the pony advanced.

“Are you Wisp Wing?”

The dragon simply roars, lashing out at the advancing pony. Jer'rahd blocks with the floating Waning Moon, ducking under the swing by the second blade. This close he could see the scars covering the scales of the dragon, one of its wings was missing as well, a hard thing to note as tightly as its remaining one was plastered to its back.

This one was no scholar, this was a warrior, an old one at that, One who had yet to leave his place at the door even in attacking the General. Jer'rahd steps back glaring up at the dragon as it stands its ground.

He was half tempted to honor the old warrior with a fair fight without his magic, but the last dragon god could very well be behind that door and he was already far too tired of this to play any more games. He grips his blade in his teeth, magic picking up the body of another dragon off to the side and flinging it at the dragons from the left.

The old warrior reacted to it as if it was an attack whipping both his weapons up to block the corpse allowing the unicorn to slip under his guard and sink his blade into the softer scales under the dragons forearm, the point of the blade sank deep,tearing through a lung and piercing the dragons heart, the beast dieing before it hit the floor.

He shoves the corpse out of the way with his magic, glancing back to see the troops finishing off the others already, the blue was clearly the only warrior here.

He pulls open the door steeping inside the dark larder the light from the doorway reflecting on scores of multi colored eyes as the light touched them. His eyes narrow as his eyes sweep the room passing over the scaled forms of dozens and dozens of whelps, hatchlings, and a few young teen dragons. All of them doing their best to try and hide from his sight in the open room.

“By the stars General...... they were guarding the children? What are we supposed to do now?”

“The same thing we have been doing.”

“But sir these are just foals, errr whelps, whatever the buck the dragons call them.”

“Whelps, and it does not mater, do you want them to grow up to kill your foals in revenge for this?”

“No sir, but … I …. I don't think I can just kill children....”

“Then leave, wake everyone, this was the last bastion of resistance, we are done here when this is dealt with. Take any one else with who doesn't have the stomach to follow orders.”

He looks back seeing every pony in the squad shifting uncomfortable before all of them shuffle out of the room. Large dragons were easy enough to demonize and kill, civilian or not, but the little ones they were almost cute, even to ponies.

Jer'rhad looks down at a small green dragon staring up at him, sucking on its tail. Both his eyes begin glowing softly red.

“My Princess ordered you all destroyed. I will not disobey that command.”

He steps into the room, blade raised.


Velkorn was ecstatic and Baelit was confused. The zebra mare was talking so fast in their native tongue that Baelit was having flash backs to when he first learned pony and could not keep up with a normal flow of conversations.

Velkorn pauses her eyes wide as she seems to struggle with the concept of slowing down.

[“I took another vial ,when I should not have to keep going. I have notes on what to give to all the medics here when they fall which should be in within the next few hours. I have quite a few anti toxins set up that I was going to administer to them myself if no help arrived. Since you are here now Baelit I need you to make sure all of my team gets the mix I have. One dose. The moment they wake. That should put them under again for another ten to twelve hours. You give them two doses total and they should be fine. The effects of the drug should be out of their system by then as well.”

[“Wait, what did you do, whats going on here, what the buck are you talking about?”]

[“All of the patients have data at the end of their cots for their injuries and treatments so far, some of the other soldiers can tell you the issues as well. I gather by all the carts you are going to prepare to move all of them back over the mountains to Canterlot?”]

[“Yes, there's other races already chomping at the bit to get in here and take parts of this land that was promised them. Wait what are you going to be doing? Why are you talking like you are not going to be here?”]

[“I will be here, but in approximately two hours after my last rounds I will be taking the detoxification mix I have prepared and will likely sleep for the next two days. Everything shall once again be left in your hooves nephew. Oh also, do not forget Starfall is in the tent at the base of the rocks there. That is also where I am going to be taking my nap. Try not to drop me into the cart too hard there Baelit. Now for my rounds. I am already behind.”]

She darts off leaving the zebra stallion staring after her confused and more than a little concerned. A flutter of paper caught his attention and he looks down to see a stack of papers. Looking over a few they seem to be everything his aunt had just told him only in slightly easier to understand format including the preparations for making the anti toxin to something that was called Chronos. He gathered up the papers wondering if this is what she had been talking about.

Baelit sighed looking at the name of the drug again and the anti toxin for it. What in Tartarus was Chronos?


“Bleu is every pony out of the Castle?”

“Aside from us silky tail, they are on their way out of the valley as we speak. So whats all this about?”

Rhede had stacked nearly all of the magic ammunition they had left for the cannons against one wall in a lower level of the castle. The pile was in a direct line of sight to a cannon far back down the hall way. Rhede carefully set the last few crystals on top of the pile and stepped back to admire his hoof work. Jer'rahd regards it a moment before coming to the answer.

“I think, Bleu, that his plan is to punch a hole in the side of the volcano, the lava rushes out and destroys the base of the castle, and covers the town with lava. Eventually the lava will harden, trap any dragons we missed ,and make the city little more than a rock strewn slope as if nothing was ever here.”

“Honestly Jer, I could only HOPE to do something like that. I doubt it will do much more than punch a hole big enough to bring down the keep in one go. I probably need three more piles this size at the other points of the castle to bring it down fully Still your a clever Pony for figuring the general layout.”

Both Bleu and Jer'rahd suck in a sharp breath, the Elements Armor forming around them as they look about franticly for something to happen.

“Um what the heck is this all about?”

“DON”T CALL BOSS A CLEVER PONY, NEVER CALL HIM THAT. Something bad always happens.”

“You two realize that's utter non....”

Rhede's snarky comment was cut off as the ground he was standing on shook slightly, a low rumble seeming to come from the very earth. The light clink of crystal taping on stone was heard as a pair of blue, Purple and red and green eyes watched a single crystal cannon shot roll down the pile and land lightly on the floor. Rhede lets out a breath he did not know he was holding and the other two glare at him. The earth pony opens his mouth to prove his point when the ground rumbles again, stronger this time.

“Umm, every time some one calls you a clever pony Jer, something bad happens?”


“Every SINGLE time?”

“In my experience yes.”

“I see, well then, only one thing for it I suppose.”

Rhede's armor forms around him as he takes off in a gallop down the hallway as more crystals start to shift and fall. Bleu grabs onto Jer'rahd's tail as he takes off ass well, the dragonling shrinking down with a wince as her wounds pulled as she scrambles onto the unicorns back.

“I thought you knew about that curse Rhede?!?!”

“I assumed it was one of your jokes Bleu!!”

“Less talking you two and more running!”

The ground quakes again and the galloping pair barely keep their hooves under them. A loud explosion sounds behind them and a blast of heat and force sends them flying forward barely keeping upright. The heart flashes even hotter setting Jer'rahds tail hairs on fire. Bleu turns snuffing out the flames as the trio rush out the door of the keep, another massive rumble shaking the ground they ran on.

Lava floods out of the door just behind them, a huge gout of ash and smoke billows out of the top of the mountain in the center of Cindervale, the orange glow of bubbling lava oozing from the top of it casts a bright color against the low clouds in the early night sky.

The keep begins to collapse as more lava bursts start breaking through the rock walls of the castle, pouring from the sides of the mountain. Bleu watches this all with awe as the two ponies rush down the road leading out of the city towards where the troops were gathered.

The whole side of the mountain gives way in a cascade of rock and and molten stone that floods out like a wave of water rushing across the valley and city cascading towards the fleeing ponies.

“Must go faster..... faster boss, go faster.”


Bleu's weight suddenly leaves his back and Jer'rahd skids to a halt turning to grab her, only to see a wave of lava rushing at him.


“Drop your armor sir, we got you.”

Jer'rahd doesn't think letting the armor of Loyalty fade from his form as hes swept up in a pair of forelegs and carried aloft rapidly. The rush of molten rock misses his hooves by barely an apples length and he flails his legs trying to put the fire that caught his fur out.

“Did you get Rhede?!?”

“Yes sir, grabbed General Pelt, right after we got General Scale, we would have grabbed you at the same time but you stopped.”

“Thought Bleu fell off.”

“I think she would have been alright any way sir. I hear lava is good for a dragon's scales.”

“ Just … take me to base camp....”

“Yes sir.”


The explosion of fire and smoke was seen as far away as the medical caravan, crossing the pass. Starfall looks up from where she lay on the cart next to a loudly snoring Velkorn, to the billowing smoke and fire lighting the sky in the distance. Luna trots next to the cart pausing as the progression slows to look back at the eruption and the glow from it filling the night sky.

“Damn Princess. Those three don't fool around, do they. You think they are alright?”

“I cannot say for the other two Starfall. But I know that General Kaisur is alive still. I am sure the others are as well or the Elements may have told us somehow.”

“I don't know about that Princess. The General died once, and both Bleu and Velkorn confirm that. My element didn’t tell me anything then.”

“Perhaps they knew he would be back and did not see a need to tell us? In any event we should get back to Canterlot as quickly as we can, most of the troops here need to be placed some where and not moved around like they are being.”
“Can't we just send them back like Celestia sent the Queen's Cross?”

“The shock would kill many of them I am sure, Also I do not have a focus point in Canterlot , nor do I have access to the amount of power she used to do this. “

“Even with all you did?”

“Perhaps in time I will , but for now Celestia is still the stronger of the pair of us.”

Luna glances back to the six carts bringing up the rear, each pulled by a pair of white ponies in a line. All of them piled high with wrapped bodies.

“We have many to bury as well. Let us hope the trip does not make those carts any heavier.”


Rhede , Bleu and Jer'rahd stand at the edge of the valley looking at the glowing lake of fire that filled the valley and was rising higher. There was no longer any sign of a city, or a mountain, there was nothing filling the valley, but lava.

“Huh maybe, the dragons were keeping it from erupting and when we killed them all.”

Bleu's tail connects to the back of Rhede's head with a dull thwap.

“Okay... maybe the dragon god we couldn't find had the power had to do this with the volcano.”

Bleu's tail and Jer'rahd's hoof both smack the back of Rhede's head bring a curse from the large stallion.

“FINE, I won't call Jer that ever again are you happy?”

“It'll do.”

“Come on, we need to make double time if we are going to get back to where the others are. We are already two days late and the Princess may have already started the march back to Canterlot.”

“Honestly I am not looking forward to dealing with Celestia when we get back boss.”

“I do not think any of us are Bleu.”


Twilight steps back away from the table gritting her teeth at what she had seen. This was clearly the start , Luna's threat, what Jer'rahd did, Rhede's casual killing. Only Bleu, Starfall, and Velkorn seemed not to be swayed by the darkness that was growing around the Princess Or perhaps it just had not yet begun to show with them.

The purple unicorn glances back at Rarity who was still reading on the couch. It was still early, but she doubted she could take any more of this tonight. She closed the book barely glancing down at the notes and turned to find out how far her friend had come in her reading.

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