• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,089 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Strawberry Pop Rocks. Part 2 [16] [E]

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard

Strawberry Pop Rocks
Part 2

[ Silvertail residence three days later.]

Jer'rahd leaps back, pressing himself against the wall as a horde of small creatures slammed into Bleu carrying the little dragon off with squeals of joy and the thunder of tiny hooves. Bleu cries for help as shes carried away by the stampeding foals, though the pleas are ignored.

The house was a fair sized structure. A two story town house in the middle of town. The lower floor of the structure seemed to have been a shop once though it was turned into a rather large living room and dining area with a closed off kitchen to the side of it behind swinging Prench doors. The stairs the foals were thundering up and down where just to the side of the dining area.

Shaking his head as the cloud of confetti and balloons subsides after the foals passing, he floated the pair of presents he and Bleu picked up for Cloud Dancer onto the table with the rest.

Easing away from the wall a bit his ears perked up listening for another rampage of foals as Starfall fluttered off to the kitchen again after letting him in.

Starfall had told him not to bother dressing up, so he had simply worn his old Guard long coat though he still felt naked without the familiar weight of his blade. It wasn't just that the weapon was one of the last things he had of his grandfather and fathers, but he had yet to find a suitable replacement. The sword couldn't be repaired either due to the knowledge of how to craft the dragonslayer blades was only ever known by one smith and no one but the Princesses knew who that was. While he had all the pieces of the sword, he had decided to simply let his friends keep the shards they had been given by Bleu. While no longer a weapon, at least they could be something of a reminder even to those who were his friends of their time together. The rest of the pieces and the hilt he had in a box back at his house.

The gray unicorn sighs, feeling greatly out of place in this cheery home. The feeling had hit him as soon as he stepped though the door. The whole house was alive with color, lights, and gaudy decorations that hung every where, complete with balloons and a soft off key plinking sort of tune from a old music box. Foals screamed and giggled from nearly every where in the house as they ran about and the few adults he had seen dropping off their foals had the air of soft living and relaxation about them he had not felt since before he enlisted. None of them seemed worried about their children being left at some one else's house for a party. There were no nobles here, no back stabbing ready to go on at any moment, no snide comments, it was all just ponies enjoying each others company to celebrate a child’s milestone. He suddenly greatly regretted coming He felt his very being here tainted the tranquility of this place and that he had no business intruding. He looked down half expecting to see the blood he had collected on his hooves from his life tracked across the floor. Something this innocent and pure was not a place for him.

“Jer'rahd glad to see you made it. Where'd Bleu go?” Starfall asks.

He snapped out of his thoughts, looking over to Starfall as she glides across the room colliding into him with a hug and landing lightly beside him. She did not seem the same either, she was positively bubbly, no trace of her usual business like demeanor. She was always like this when going to visit, coming back from a visit, or talking about her daughter. This was however the first time he had seen her while she was fully off duty. He wasn't sure how she managed it, her kill count was nearly as high if not higher than his and the mare was acting like she was little more than a stay at home mother, not a trained solider. It was very disorienting.

“Errr, yeah thanks, I told you I would come, and Bleu umm, got dragon napped...” Jer'rahd explains.

The thunder of little hooves made Jer'rahd press back up against the wall and Starfall flutter up into the air almost unconsciously. The horde of foals tore past again carrying the dragonling, bound in ribbons and wearing a tiny dolls dress and hat. The group thunders past into another room squealing.

“Boss halp!!!” Bleu pleads.

“Your doing fine Bleu, keep them entertained.” Starfall yells out with a smirk.

“Has any one other than us shown up yet?” Jer'rahd asks moving off the wall and closer to the table out of the stampeded path.

“No, not yet, any word on if the Princess will show up?” Starfall questions as she lands again near him.

“I am afraid not, though I would trust her to show up if she said she would. She has something to tell you when she gets here as well.”

“Well head on into the kitchen, there's a few drinks there more suited to your taste so long as you don't go overboard. The few other adult guests are there as well.... which basicly amounts to my sister Starshine and her mare friend Stormsong. I don't think you have met her, and I apologize in advance.”

“You do tend to keep work and family separate. I envy that you can. I gather the foals are just getting dropped off?”

“Seems you consider most of the Guard your family. No need to keep anything separate.” Starfall sighs. “ But yeah the foals are all getting dropped off. They should all be getting picked up around fivish.”

“One way to look at it.” Jer'rahd mutters.

The horde thunders past again and Bleu finally flies free to land on Jer'rahd's back covered in paint and sticky hoof prints, though she had gotten rid of the doll clothes.

“If I ever feel the need to have any eggs, I swear I will give them to Celestia for her school if I don't fry them up for breakfast myself.” Bleu growls.

The foals return surrounding Jer'rahd as they try to figure out a way to climb up him to get the little dragon on his back as she was cleaning off the paint. Thankfully Starfall distracted the foals with the idea of playing pin the tail on the puppy for the pair to escape to the kitchen.

In the kitchen was the pair of ponies Starfall had mentioned. Jer'rahd offered a small nod to Starfall's sister Starshine , the bright blue pegasus pony with a red mane returning the greeting politely. Her cutiemark was a single star with lines radiating off of it.

The other mare was also a pegasus, lime green with white hair and a cloud shaped like a musical note, the mark gained 's interest, though Stormsong didn't seem inclined to speak to the dragonling.

Starshine was quite open and friendly to the point of being bubbly though most of her attention and conversation was directed towards Bleu as she had never seen a dragonling before. The pegasus offered to help Bleu clean up and the pair of them headed out of the kitchen and upstairs to the wash room.

Jer'rahd on the other hoof was getting the glare of a thousand daggers from Stormsong. As soon as Starshine left, Stormsong's glare turned even colder.

“Why did you come here?” the mare demands.

“Err, I was invited.” Jer'rahd snarks.

“You still should not have come. Starfall needs to forget her damn pride. Thanks to that, you, and thinking she owes you something she is still in the Guard instead of home with her daughter like she should be.”

“I have told her she doesn't owe me anything.”

“She obviously hasn't been listening. She still leaves and goes on what ever damned mission you tell her to go on.” The mare growls.

“I have no say in what missions she does, nor what she does with her life. She's not in my division, she's in General Shower's. As for what she is doing? She's saving lives a rather large number of them in fact in her short years of service.” Jer'rahd frowns picking up a cup of what he hoped was something fairly strong and downing it.

“By giving up her own. As well as her daughters.”

“Something she is quite aware of I assure you.”

“I don't give a shit. You have enough idiots wasting their lives. Fire her or something so she can do something with her life aside from kill things.”

“I am not exactly sure what is going on here and it is likely none my business. Still you seem to have a issue with me and the Guard as a whole,... what was it, Stormsong?” Jer'rahd states coldly. “That's fine, I'm quite used to being disliked, I prefer it in fact. I'm happy to give ponies a reason to hate me instead of blindly spurting gibberish like you are. But today is not a day for that. I also suggest you keep a lid on your disdain, lest the foals running around pick up on that blind hate you seem to be flinging around so freely.

The glare did not subside in the slightest though the mare at least seemed to have been shut up for a moment.

“If it is any consolation to you, I do not think I belong here either, I just came because my friend asked me to and from what I've heard from her she only tolerates you being here.”

He turned heading out of the kitchen his tail whipping in agitation at the encounter. On the plus side he had gone from feeling out of place, to wanting to punch something. Anger was easier to deal with than depression.

Bleu lands on his back again nice and clean as Jer'rahd trots over to where Starfall and Velkorn were at the door talking while Rhede tried to get a rather large package through the door. He had just helped Rhede get the gift in and onto the table along side Velkorn's wrapped package when the sound of the stampede was heard again.

Rhede ducks back out the door as Starfall takes to the air, letting Velkorn get carried off by the giggling horde to another room.

“Those are some strong foals.” Rhede comments.”How much sugar did you give them?”

“You have no idea cherry cheeks.” Bleu mutters getting a glare from the earth pony.

Starfall looks up at the expression on Jer'rahd's face and winces shaking her head.

“Sorry about that, I was hoping she would be more civil. She is not always this..... bitchy.” Starfall sighs.” Just ninety percent of the time.”

“Not a fan of the Guard is she?” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“She likes the Guard just fine she simply doesn’t like that I am in the Guard. I am sorry about that.”

“Not how she put it to me.” Jer'rahd sighs. “It's fine don't worry about it. This parties for your daughter not us Ummm which one was she any way? It's been a while since I’ve seen her. She was much smaller then.”

“The one in the ridiculously pink outfit.” Starfall chuckles.

The horde thunders back across the room carrying a bow and ribbon wrapped Velkorn who clearly had a number of foals attempt to color between her lines with paint.

Starfall smirks and points to the blue gray coated, pink haired foal in the lead of the charge. She wore a frilly pink dress that some how highlighted the white pony shaped cloud on her flank. Most of the other foals with her were in varying states of dress, some had cutie marks some did not. They all came to a sudden stop staring up at Rhede evidently impressed at how tall he was. Velkorn took the opportunity to escape and hide behind Jer'rahd and Starfall.

“I bet he's a giant.”
“Nuuh hes not that big.”
“You kidding hes huuuge.”
“Where did the zebra go?”
“Hey giant whats your name!?”

“My names Rhede Pelt kids. Nice to meet you.” Rhede smiles.

“Rhede Pelt?!?”
“Hey, My momma said my daddies name was Rhede Pelt.”
“What?! So did my mommie.”
“My mom said my dad's name was Rhede Pelt too.”
“Mine too.”

Rhede winces as Jer'rahd slaps his hoof to his face. Starfall stares at the stallion in surprise and Velkorn just glares evilly at Rhede. Bleu on the other hoof starts cackling so hard she falls off Jer'rahd's back crashing to the floor in a fit of laughter.

“Umm ,It's a very common name kids … Hey Look a dragonling!” Rhede shouts the last pointing at the now grounded Bleu.

Bleu sits up suddenly, eyes widening as the kids scream out and thunder over grabbing the little blue dragon who growls at Rhede as they foals thunder away with her.

“I'll get you for this Pelt!!” Bleu shouts.

“Well, umm, so Starfall when are their parents coming to get them? I might need to leave early and I hate to miss them....” Rhede smirks sheepishly rubbing the back of his head with his hoof.

“But My momma said my daddies name was Rhede Pelt......” Jer'rahd snorts.

“Shut up Jer.” Rhede grumbles.

“We can be ninety, in a retirement home and I’m gonna bring that up Rhede.” That was priceless, I need to remember to tell your dad that when I see him again. Jer'rahd laughs.

A rather loud knock at the door interrupts Rhede's comeback. Starfall floats over to answer it as Rhede ducks down and hides behind Velkorn who was still hiding behind Jer'rahd. Jer'rahd's eyes narrow in annoyance as both of them were doing a lousy job at hiding and were simply making him look stupid with their antics.

“You know both of you are taller than me, you're not fooling any one.” Jer'rahd shakes his head still chuckling about Rhede.

As Starfall opens the door fully both Jer'rahd and Velkorn step to the side suddenly, leaving Rhede in plain view of the door. Luckily for the earth pony, the only one entering was a palace Guard dressed in Luna's colors. He offered Jer'rahd and Starfall a salute before doing a small visual sweep of the room before stepping back outside.

“The place looks clear Princess.” the Guard reports.

“I certainly hope so, I would think with those in attendance here this would be one of the more secure places in Canterlot.” Luna sighs.

“I apologize Princess, but with the gate incident the Palace Guard is undergoing a rather high level of alert.” the Guard states.

“What gate incident? What did I miss Solider?” Jer'rahd asks, having noticed the heightened activity , but not seen a report on why.

“Errk.... Um nothing that is of any concern to one of your rank sir. Please do not worry it is being delt with. Sorry to trouble you sir.” The Guard yammers stepping out of the way for Luna with a bow to her then slips back to position outside before Jer'rahd could question him further.
The Princess glances back at the two flanking the outer door with a sigh. She floats a small wrapped gift over to the table with the rest of the presents before shutting the door behind her.

“Welcome Princess, I am glad you could make it.” Starfall smiles.

“Thank you Starfall. I hope everything is well for you.” Luna states looking a little confused at the chipper mare and every bit as uncomfortable as Jer'rahd felt.

They both pause as the miniature herd thunders across the room again carrying a hogtied and very annoyed Bleu. A few of the blank flanked foals were shouting something about cutie marks for dragon slaying. The whole group thundered up and stopped dead looking up wide eyed at the towering form of the Princess of night.

“Um Hello children.” Luna states trying to smile.


The adults all wince as the shriek of the foals hits the octave that can melt solid skull. The group of them suddenly take off running away from the Princess at top speed leaving a hogtied Bleu laying on the floor.

“That was new. Bleu are you OK?” Jer'rahd asks.

He lifts the dragonling up untieing her at which point she promptly leaps onto the Princesses back and tries to hide under her wings.

“The horror, the horror.....Please keep scaring them away Luna, don't let them get me....”Bleu stammers.

“You're over reacting Bleu, it could not have been that bad, right princess...., Princess?” Starfall questions.

Luna seems a little more distraught that the foals fled from her than Bleu trying to use her to hide. She blinks at the second call of her title and nods lightly in response.

Stormsong and Starshine both darted out of the kitchen at the screaming just as the pegasus Guards burst through the door as well. The group of them collide, crashing into one of the tables sending a few gifts and a great many decorations flying everywhere. Luna and Jer'rahd both act catching the gifts and cake in their magic, though some of the other deserts and drinks shower the Guards and the two mares.

Starfall stares at the sudden chaos as the tangled mess of ponies starts to pull themselves apart.

“So who wants cake?” the gray pegasus chimes.


After determining that Luna would not in fact gobble them up, and with the promise she would stay on the other side of the room, the children were coaxed into the room for cake and opening of the presents.

Most of the gifts that were opened turned out to be a massive collection of dolls and other small toys that Cloud Dancer was only moderately interested in. Rhede's present brought a great many oohs and collective looks of longing as the massive package hid a giant stuffed bear that could easily have been used as a bed for a fully grown pony.

Jer'rahd's gift got a great many glares from the adults and in particular Starfall. Jer'rahd had opted to give the little foal smaller toy versions of the pair of swords Starfall used. The filly had been delighted and promptly managed to break a lamp, a chair leg and put a hole in the wall with them.

“General Kaisur.......” Starfall growls

“I'll pay for that..... sorry......” he mutters.

Bleu's gift was also rather well received, a tiny plush dragon that the little pegasus foal could set on her back to carry around and just the right size for her to hug as well.

Luna's gift however only got a polite thank you as it was tossed into the pile. An Abacus, Jer'rahd hoped she did not expect much from an educational toy. Looking over at her he winced noting her corner of the room away from the foals seemed darker now, she had expected better.

Velkorn's gift confused most every one at first. It was a fairly sizable wooden mask that was decidedly scowling. Jer'rahd could not figure out if it was of a pony or a zebra or some other strange creature.

“It is a mask from the zebra plains, a medicinal totem so you suffer no pains.” Velkorn explains.

The foals looked at her confused a moment, as did those adults who had not been to the zebra lands.

Cloud Dancer looked at it, then put it on and shrieked at the foal next to her who took off running along with the rest of the group. Velkorn sighed a bit at the treatment of what she likely considered a sacred totem, though got over it quickly as she watched the foals run about like mad.

Jer'rahd wandered over to the dark corner Luna sat in and sat down as well.

“You alright?” he asks.

“As well as to be expected I suppose. This is usually what happens when I deal with any children.” Luna sighs.

“Ear melting screams?” Jer'rahd snarks.

“Not quite that dramatic most times, but fear none the less. Most ponies do not see the beauty of the night, they only fear what it may hide. Stories and poems speak of the terrors hiding in the darkness, and the actions of those who use the night to hide their nefarious activities. These tales and fears get passed to their foals and then to their foals, and so on and on. It has been like this for thousands of years. Because I am the Goddess of the Moon and the night all that fear is placed to me as well. No pony goes out to see how beautiful it can be. I envy my sister in that regard.”


“Every pony loves the day, the sunrise, sunset, the light. Tia is the more respected,the more loved of us. She always has been. She is seen as the one to chase away the fears that the dark brings. Most ponies see her as the one that keeps me in check, not the way it really is a shared and balanced rule.”

“Yet you are the reason any pony is left around to enjoy her sun. You set up the Guard and run it to keep the land safe.”

“ Not entirely but I do run it. Still is it to much to want to protect every pony and still be loved.”

Jer'rahd shrugs.

“I'm not the one to answer that sort of thing. I'm not any sort of warrior poet I can only go by what I see. Your ponies may fear you, but so do the enemies of your ponies. The fear of what you might do if they threaten your ponies keeps most from trying anything. You save just as many lives by being feared as you do waging battles. We have peace right now because of your actions. Sure it might be fleeting, but if we ever have true peace you can work on your pony to pony relationship skills. Should have plenty of time then. You have fear, even unfounded, use it like the weapon it is, discard it when it is no longer useful.”

“That was a statement not a question.” Luna comments raising an eyebrow.

“Sorry I rarely know when a question is hypothetical or not even a question if it sounds like one. Besides, you looked depressed. And since I doubt I would be allowed to live if I dumped a bucket of alfalfa on your sisters head to cheer you up, I figured at least talking to you might stop you from curling up into your own little world again.” Jer'rahd shrugs.

“Rather nice of you to try and help Jer'rahd.” Luna sighs.

“I would do the same for any of my friends who were depressed. I feel rather out of sorts here myself, like I am not clean enough to be here.” Jer'rahd mutters looking at a hoof.

“So you actually consider me your friend now?” Luna blinks her ears perking.

“Why not? The group of us went though bunch of crap and managed to do rather well for ourselves. We proved we could trust each other. We work surprisingly well together and we got along. Starfall invited you to her daughters party, Bleu and Velkorn are plotting something involving you... or me that you might be in on so forget I said anything there. I would have to say that is a very good start to friendship wouldn’t you?”

“I suppose so. Oddly you have managed to cheer me up a bit some how.” Luna nods.

“Probably the alfalfa thing. Either that or you were amused at the idea of me being flung into another lake.” Jer'rahd rolls his eyes.

“It does have some appeal.”

“Now I am worried.”


The party ended rather early due to the foals having school the next day. Rhede had completely vanished before the first of the parents had even knocked on the door to pick up their foals.
No one had saw the large pony leave, nor had the door been heard to open, yet Pelt had vanished,the only trace he had been there , the oversized toy he had brought.

Velkorn left soon after, intent on chasing the fleeing earth pony down. Bleu had gone with her planning to simply return to the house after picking on Rhede for a while.

Jer'rahd had bid his goodbyes planning to finish up with a bit of a task he had been given by General Mustang before heading home.

Luna had stayed as she still needed to tell Starfall about the gala and wished to see the foals off, hoping perhaps that they might stop being afraid of her.

Jer'rahd savored the moment, breathing in deeply, the cool fall air was crisp and clean, even here in the city. He had a bit of warmth in his belly from the mixed drinks he had at the party, but he was far from even being buzzed by the small amount of alcohol.

While he loved hanging out with his friends, he also liked simply being cut loose to wander and think to himself, sometimes that was even more enjoyable.

His long coat hid his cutie mark, and with out his sword or his mark to identify him most ponies simply overlooked his presence. Talk of a skeletal horror being sighted in Canterlot had taken over the news any way.

He wandered the city aimlessly for a while until he heard the faint chime of metal ringing. The sound drawing him to another black smith's shop. This was his ultimate goal, the last blacksmith shop he knew of in Canterlot.

Rounding the corner he looked up to the relatively spartan store front. A massive blade hangs over the front door swinging on thick chains in the light breeze. It looked like little more than a lump of iron fashioned into the rough shape of a sword before the shop name was painted on it.

Wing blade.

There was no sign stating if the place was open or not, though the door was unlocked so Jer'rahd pushed it open and stepped inside, a small bell chiming as he entered..

The smith's shop took up most of the corner of the block and the forge was visible through a open archway leading outside to a fenced in courtyard with a few training dummies set up.

His gaze shifted about the shop looking at the displayed wares, everything from armor to horseshoes, swords to plowshares, and everything in between and beyond. Somethings he couldn't figure out the purpose, until he realized they were art curiosities and not actual items. The place almost felt cluttered ,though everything was neatly arranged.

“Greetings welcome to the Wing blade, something I can help you with?”

Jer'rahd glances up at the ash colored stallion who trotted up behind the counter, a flame red mane cut short enough to be a mowhawk sprouted from the ponies head, his tail was seared short much the same way, much of his coat had the marks of old burn scar. Beyond that the earth pony was pure muscle. Even with how stocky Jer'rahd was he felt dwarfed by this stallion. An anvil cutie mark proclaimed his skill and his trade, as if the items in the shop did not do that already.

“Perhaps. I recently my sword was destroyed, I am in need of a replacement.” Jer'rahd responds

“Never a good thing when a blade dies. At least it saw fit to make sure you survived its last battle.” the smith nods.

“Relatively speaking.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“What sort of blade you looking for?”

“I just need a simple blade. Something close to my last would be best.”

“Well, what was your last one?”

“Have you heard of a Dragon Slayer blade.”

He silently thanked Luna for telling him the name of that type of weapon, it would make it easier to hunt for a new one. Unfortunately this place was his last hope for that and the smith's expression of disbelief spoke everything Jer'rahd needed to know. He had to get a new sword.

“I see, well sorry to trouble you then.” Jer'rahd sighs the smith raises a hoof to stop him.

“Hold it. I won't proclaim I am the best smith in the land. Thank honor belongs to the one who made that blade you claim to have had. If he is still alive any way. I will say however that I am the best in Canterlot.”

“They all say that.”

“Heh I'd pit ten of my blades against anything they make.”

“Just ten?”

“I wouldn't need to compare any more than that and they wouldn't have anything left but scrap metal. Nothing I have compares to a Dragon Slayer, but nothing any one makes would. If that's the sort of weapon you're used to nothing else is gonna feel right.”

“Well you have my interest with the claim and with the honesty. Let's give those ten a shot and see what they feel like. Mind if I use the training area out back?

“That's what it's there for.” the smith nods.


It didn't take long for the smith to regret that choice of words. He was not amused in the slightest at what had happened since.

Jer'rahd however was greatly amused.

The whole yard was in ruins as Jer'rahd had ripped through it like a personal playground.

The smith was correct, all the weapons he tried felt off by his standard but most where easy to adjust to. After trying the ten blades and then perhaps a dozen more the yard looked like a war zone and only one dummy was left standing.

The unicorn looks down at the remains of the blades he had gone through. He had managed to break all but four of the blades.

The smith had let him test any of them he wanted, taking notes on the way Jer'rahd moved and fought suggesting a different types of blades and seeing how he did with that them.

“I'd say an ax of a bucking club would be more your style. You've very heavy hoofed in your fighting style. When yer holding the sword in yer jaws it's all about force and impact, you have more skill with your magic, but the impacts are less... Straight blade won't work and none of the ones I've made hold up to your use. “ The smith comments. “ Buck, maybe yah should get something like my sign. It was supposed to be just a sign, but I couldn't help but make it a real blade. Problem is it took four of us to even carry it out there to put up.”

Again the smith regretted his words as Jer'rahd gripped the blade in his magic and yanked it from where it was hanging. He gave a few swings wincing a little at the weight of it before bringing the weapon around to obliterate the last straw dummy and a small tree that was nearby in one great swing.

“A bit too unwieldy to use properly. I can see it being a good shock weapon though. I think I might want to take this one too, could be good against a dragon.”Jer'rahd comments hanging the sword back up on the front wall.” Any way I like this one.”

He floats a simple looking blade up from the pile, both edges were sharpened though they curved a little wider before coming to a point perhaps an apples length from the bottom of the blade, The guard was short and there was no pommel to speak of just a blunt square of metal at the end of the grip. The grip was easy on his teeth and comfortable to hold, overall it was a very simple blade that was thicker along the center giving the blade a thin diamond shape if one looked at it from the point..

“Just that one, then?” The smith sighs looking at his yard.

“No about two thousand of them.” Jer'rahd considers. “ And the sign. I can use that to train.”

“Wait what?!? Two thousand? “

“That's right. It's a little more than we need right now, but it would be good to restock.”

“Restock? Who the buck are you ?”

“General Kaisur of the Guard. I am commissioning you to forge two thousand blades in this style to replace the Guard blades we have. Of course that's just the first order, we will likely need more after this latest recruitment drive. Spears too though I'll need some one else to test those, I always preferred the sword.“


[The previous week ].

“Private, you better speak fast and tell me what the heck is going on here.” General Mustang growls at one of the Guard trying to clean up.

General Mustang's gaze shifted over the absolutely destroyed training area. Guard weapons of various types lay broken or bent across the entire field every target dummy that was at the disposal of the troops stationed in Canterlot was completely destroyed, along with a good many that seemed to have been put back together with haste only to be destroyed again.

“Yes Sir, General Mustang, Sir. One of our superiors recently had his weapon destroyed. He then proceeded to go through our inventory and attempt to find a replacement he liked. He was not satisfied in the end Sir. “ The Guard reports.

“One Pony?”Mustang blinks. “ Did all this?”

“Yes Sir, General Kaisur sir.” The Guard admits.

“I should have known.” Mustang growls waving a hoof at the mess. “Find that idiot and send him to my office. I don't care if that fool's been hobnobbing with the royalty, this is ridiculous!!”

One rather large yelling match later, which was quite one sided as General Mustang barely let Jer'rahd get a word in edge wise, resulted in a few things happening.

First Jer'rahd was ordered to clean up the training area, his pay was then docked to pay for the replacements for the equipment.

The second order was given more in jest though Jer'rahd accepted it. If the Guard's weapons were not up to his standards then he could go find ones that were.

Much to Mustang's annoyance, Jer'rahd left the meeting with a rather large grin on his face, the visage spooking a few of the new recruits as he cleaned the yard.

The next few days were considered a horrific experience to every blacksmith shop in Canterlot. All of them told the tale of the unicorn pony who entered their shops with a Royal Writ and promptly destroyed half their inventory while testing the blade quality. He bought nothing, and was more disapproving of many of the shop's wares than any critic they had encountered before. If not for the amount of bits promised in the writ, most places would have thrown him out as soon as he entered.

As it was, most of them took a rather sizable hit to their bottom line when he left. Though that was many of the shop owners own faults. Word got around fast at how much he was offering and after only three shops he arrived to find the fanciest most expensive blades from the shops stock on display.

This turned out to be a big mistake as, the fancy weapons did not often hold up as well as the plain blades did. Several shops closed their doors when he came around, the ones that didn't were nearly always piled high with the corpses of many a blade, left at the hooves of the Demon of Dullahan.

[Current Day]

Jer'rahd floats the writ of payment from his bag showing the smith he was serious about the sale. The pony's eyes widen as he looks over the paper shuddering a bit.

“ By Tartarus... you are really doing this.......But that blade was a fluke, I was just playing around with some new styles and ore mixing. I liked the heft enough to keep it.” the smith stammers.

“Good thing you did. I like the heft as well, good weight, good balance. Can you repeat how you made it?”

“Yes, Yes I can... but that many blades.... “

“Hire some assistants, show them how to make it. I hear there's a empty forge or three in town.... likely my fault, but trying to sell me black market griffon armaments was a mistake. With this you should be able to gain access to them or even buy the shops outright. Failing that this writ will allow you to use the forge at the castle if need be. Though that is armorer Black's domain, so be polite if you have to use it. I suggest that as a last resort mind you, he's rather pissed at me right now. This blade has held up better than any thing else I have tried, but its still not enough......”

“There is no one alive who can forge a dragon slayer any more. Like I said if that's what you're used to nothing else will feel the same to you. The fact you even were able to use a dragon slayer is a rarity, most often those blades crumble to nothing when the pony they were made for dies, the sword dies. I've only ever even seen one of them and that was in possession of a very old pony.

“It was my grandfathers sword. My father used it, and then when he died it came to me. It truly lived up to its name in Dullahan. “

“Dullahan..?! You oh stars I was right I knew I head your name before..... that was you... you were the one who killed the dragon there. You're the Demon.....”

“Why do ponies still call me that?”

The black smith didn't not respond, but simplely looked over the training yard of his shop, at the carnage of targets and weapons that lay strewn about before turning to glare back at Jer'rahd.

Jer'rahd follows the smiths gaze and smirks looking a bit sheepish at the glare“OK maybe the name is a little justified.”


Jer'rahd left The Wingblade after finalizing the order and calming down the smith,Temper, a little more. This had turned out to be a fairly good day, something he really wasn't used to.

There was a bit of a shaky start with the foal's party, but now he had something to torment Rhede with and they served carrot cake. It had been a long while since he had had good carrot cake.

He was able to hang around with his friends a bit without there being a mission or a crisis, even the Princess, which was some what odd considering. He was still a little leery about her being around, though that was more a worry for her safety and possible image to the public than anything wrong with her.

The media had decidedly taken a liking to him, and he did not want her in the same mess, though he was quite sure some one out there was writing lewd books about her already.

It was nice to see that his friends all had started to trust each other, there were still issues of course. Luna's status, Bleu's mouth, Rhede...... being Rhede.

Still they had a long way to go, but considering they had only been on a personal level with Luna for around a month, if that. A bit more time together would likely make the Princess feel less nervous.
Well if they could get her out again into the public again, maybe in that silly disguise of hers, perhaps they could all hit a bar somewhere. Did the Princess even drink? He felt the familiar obligation to try and help her, it was not as strong as his worry for Bleu, particularly with the second anniversary of Platinum’s death coming up soon. He doubted the little dragon would ever get over her former partners death fully at least for the time being her excitement over the Gala was keeping her distracted. Jer'rahd wondered if he would get over it himself. His connection to the singer hadn't been as strong as Bleu's , but he still felt pangs when her name was mentioned or he heard one of her songs. Though the pain of it was fading, much like it had after his grandfather died. It would always be there,but he couldn't dwell on it.

“No! Stop.... Stop, get away from me. Help, Some Pony Help!” a voice screams out.

Jer'rahd's ears perked up eyes shifting over the street he was on. Luna's moon had just risen and the soft glow of Celestia's sun had yet to fade completely over the horizon, but long shadows already filled the streets.

The cry for help sounded again and Jer'rahd rushed forward darting down a side ally between a cloth store and a warehouse. He narrowed his eyes, letting them adjust to the near lack of light between the tall buildings.

At the end of the ally, bathed in the soft glow cast from a window in the second floor above was a rather attractive earth pony mare. His attention passed over her quickly at the glint of metal in one of the two ponies accosting her's mouth. A blade of some sort, it was hard to tell in the shadow, but he looked to be an earth pony. The other was obviously a unicorn, a blackjack bathed in red light floated over his head swinging lazily at the mare.

“Now now, none of that, be a good little filly and fork over your valuables and we might stop at just having a little fun with yah.” the unicorn chuckles.

The mare backed up further against the fence at the ally’s end, The light from above was enough for him to make out her black coat and fiery red hair. What he noticed most was the cut across her muzzle the blood glistening in the light along with her tears.

A bit of red light was added to the ally from some where though Jer'rahd was too angry to figure out it's source.

Jer'rahd exhaled trotting loudly down the ally way towards the thugs. The one with the club turned about glaring at the approaching pony.

“Piss of shit head, this ain't none of your business.” he growls as Jer'rahd ignores the command still advancing.

“Fine, dumbass, Mauler deal with this bint.” the unicorn grumbles.

The pony with the blade grunted and turned around dashing at Jer'rahd, swinging his blade. Jer'rahd noted his grip on the dagger and the large pony moved was not unskillful, the blow he was setting up with how he held the weapon was going to be high dropping to low. Likely trying to cut his throat or stab into his chest. Even if the first blow missed the position would leave the pony with enough time to reverse the blow and still hit something vital.

It was like the earth pony was screaming out what he was going to do before he even took his first few steps. Jer'rahd considered how long he had been sparing with the more agile and devious Starfall and realized that perhaps he had gotten so used to fighting her that every one else was a open book to him. Either that or the pony was just a lousy fighter.

Mauler whipped his head about and rather than having his blade met flesh the side of his head was greeted with Jer'rahd's fore hoof just below his eye. The force of the earth ponies swing was enough that Jer'rahd did not even need to add much of his own strength to his blow. He felt the crunch of the ponies jaw under his hoof, the blade falling free of the earth ponies nerveless jaw where it hinged to his skull was shattered. Jer'rahd turned in the same motion as the strike and belted the same spot on the earth pony with his rear hoof sending the blade wielder into the wall of the warehouse. The earth pony slumped to the ground before his blade even clanged against the cobblestone street.

The unicorn watched in shock as the large pony was taken out by this unicorn like it was a second thought. He then shook it off, ignoring the crazy red glowing eye and charged forward swinging the sap with his magic. The leather weapon bounced harmlessly off a green glowing shield as Jer'rahd reared up on his back hooves suddenly slamming his fore hooves down hard on the unicorn as he tried to back peddle to a stop from his charge. The impact drove the unicorn's head down hard into the stones likely breaking something in the process.

Jer'rahd waited a moment to see if either of them were going to try and get up though the pair simply lay there breathing shallowly, still alive, but down for the count.

Jer'rahd sighs, it had not even been enough to wet his appetite for a fight. He briefly considered waiting for them to wake up to thrash them again when he was distracted by a rather new experience.

The mare had practically tackled him and had pressed herself very firmly against him in a hug, her words were blurring together in a rambling speech he didn't catch as he was quite distracted by the mare's scent and her body rubbing against him. She was positively gibbering in panic and her squirming and freaking out just made her hug him and press tighter to him. He felt himself blush at the attention and hoped it was too dark to see his face going red.

“Are... Are you alright miss?” Jer'rahd manages.

“Oh thank you thank thank you,my hero, thank you.” the mare yammers.

He felt a tinge of annoyance at the word, but was far too distracted by her smell and the the feel of her form to really complain.

“It's all right Miss. Though you need to be careful, even Canterlot has its undesirables.” Jer'rahd comments.” And we should probably get that cut looked at.”

“Please call me Scarlet. And what shall I call my rescuer?” Scarlet questions.

“My name is Jer'rahd, Miss Scarlet. You should head to the Guard post a block up and report this. Tell them I sent you and they need to send a patrol out here to collect these two before they wake up. I'll stay here to make sure they don't.”

“You didn't kill them?” Scarlet asks some what in shock.

He shook his head in response. He was used to fighting, he even got a bit of a thrill facing multiple targets or obviously strong enemies. These two barely ranked past a training dummy in his mind. Mostly harmless, better to simply beat them and make them serve some time to sink home that this sort of thing would not be accepted, and no matter how tough they thought they were there was always some one tougher. Jer'rahd actually looked forward to facing opponents stronger than him. Provided he didn't need to protect or rescue some one, it would be an enjoyable battle.

“Well I need to report this any way.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“Oh are you with the Guard?” Scarlet asks obliviously.

“You can say that.” Jer'rahd snorts.

Scarlet wouldn't go on her own citing being terrified so he escorted her there. Bringing the mare to the guard station wound up being a bit more challenging than he thought it would be. Not because they were far from it, but because every noise, shift of light, and shadow along the way had her yelping and clinging to him again.

It was rather hard to walk like that, let alone think straight. He stopped each time as she was quite sure something else was coming out to get her and her clinginess was while a bit annoying, was not entirely unwelcome.

Arriving at the Guard post he explained the situation to the patrol officer on duty, Scarlet seemed surprised to find out he was a General, but she went on with her description of events evidently not grasping the significance of his rank. Something he found both strange and oddly comforting.

Scarlet it seemed normally lived in Manehatten, but had rented a place here and come out for the Gala. She had arrived to late however and just missed getting a ticket. Figuring it would be a waste to head back so soon she had decided to hang around Canterlot for a bit more to take in the sights. She had been heading back home after dinner when she was accosted and then rescued.

Jer'rahd sighed as she went into a strange almost supernaturally heroic story of her rescue. He half expected there to be trolls and dragons involved by the end of it, but he couldn't bring himself to correct her. She had a natural flair for a story teller, it rather fit being her cutie mark was a large blue storybook with a gold unicorn on the cover.

The guard medical pony came over to check the wound on her nose cleaning it and placing a small bandage on the cut. Strangely Jer'rahd thought that some how just made her look more alluring. He shook that thought off quickly as the officer started asking him questions. He kept his answers short, and to the facts as they were supposed to be given. He gave the numbers, the damage done to them and the location of the ally by the book. Scarlet didn't seem to approve of his facts over her story. Even if they had woken up the blood from the wounds he inflicted should still be there, and the pair probably wouldn't get very far with head trauma. Two of the Guard left the station on their patrol, headed to the ally first.

“Unusual to get muggings this close to the palace. Unusual, but not unheard of.” The Guard explains, a bit leery of Jer'rahd clearly. “You should be more careful miss if the General here had not come along we might have had to send the undertaker out for you instead.”

“That everything you need Captain?” Jer'rahd asks.

“That will do it sir, do you need an escort home Miss?” The Guard questions.

“I'll take care of it Captain, I've brought enough paper work for you tonight.” Jer'rahd adds quickly.

“Yes sir. Enjoy your night.” The Guard nods.

“You as well, with luck this will have been the most exciting part of it.” Jer'rahd comments.

“Boring nights are too slow sir.” The Guard scoffs.


Scarlet guided him into one of the fancier districts of the city, trotting up to the gate of a impressive old manor house that seemed built against the very wall of the castle. He was looking up at the three story affair when a shy cough from Scarlet caught his attention.

“Here you are Miss, Have a good night and be careful next time you are out.” Jer'rahd states bowing lightly.

“Thank you, Jer'rahd... ummm you would not happen to be doing anything tomorrow?” Scarlet asks.

“Not that I am aware of why?” Jer'rahd mentions.

“I would like to at least buy you lunch to thank you, if you do not mind. With my ticket to the Gala missed, I am afraid my reason for coming to Canterlot is gone. And of course most of the friends I have here are going to the Gala and have a great many preparations, so they have little time for me.” Scarlet sighs.

“I am afraid I am also going to the Gala as well, as a guest.” He quickly added seeing her down turned face. “I can easily meet you tomorrow for lunch however. It does not take long to prepare a dress uniform.”

She brightened, thanking him and darting forward to press a quick kiss on his cheek before heading inside. Jer'rahd blinked confused and turned to head back to his house, a rather large smirk on his face.

Sometimes it seemed luck smiled on him, yet another random encounter with a beautiful dark mare who for some reason wanted to spend more time with him, and this one he had managed to save.


[Two days later, Canterlot, Siebte Empyrean bar]

“So you had a date? A real date with a mare?” Rhede demands lifting a hoof to order another drink from the half zebra behind the bar.

“You sound so shocked Rhede. Didn't think I had it in me?” Jer'rahd chuckles.

“Nice to actually see your moving on Jer'rahd, ruins our idea though.” Starfall grumbles

“To try and hook me up with princess Luna? We all knew that was not going to happen in this lifetime Starfall.” Jer'rahd snorts. “ She's a Princess and at best I'm a ranked officer under her command. I might be able to deal with her on a less professional level, but I doubt more than friends is an option.”

“Stranger things have been seen, I am just amused that Rhede is now green.” Velkorn grins.

“Why would I be jealous of Jer?” Rhede snorts.

“So how did it go boss?” Bleu demands.

“As well as a lunch date was to be expected I suppose. We ate and talked, seems shes an writer from Manehatten. Adventure and romance novels mostly. Practically begged to use my rescue of her in the next one she wrote, wouldn't say if it was adventure or romance though.” Jer'rahd chuckles.

“Seriously I spend all this time refining my wit and charm to attract the mare’s and this one here nearly always has them fall into his lap.” Rhede rants pointing a hoof at Jer'rahd.

“So when do we get to meet her boss? If I remember your type, and if she's even close to that I wanna see the stud there freak out.” Bleu grins pointing to Rhede.

Jer'rahd smirks taking a drink listening to the two bicker over him. It had been a while since he had felt like this. Genuinely happy to still be alive. He counted a Princess among his friends now and spent most of his working hours with them, either training or making plans with General Mustang and Princess Celestia. He currently had a rather attractive, if some what ditzy, mare expressing interest in him. Life was good despite the possibility that the attack on the wall was more than a fluke. Still there was something he was forgetting and it was nagging at him and keeping him from fully enjoying the night.

“So think Luna will be mad?”Bleu asks.

“Why would she be mad?” Jer'rahd questions.

“Well, mostly that you seem to be dating this other mare. The Princess did invite you to the Gala as her escort.” Starfall adds in.

“Yes, I suppose so, though she said she invited me to avoid dealing with the nobles, more of a help me out sort of thing.......Oh crap that was it.” Jer'rahd mutters before smacking his head to the bar top.

“What? What was it?” Rhede questions.

“I forgot about the Gala, I knew something bad was coming, but I didn’t remember.” Jer'rahd bemoans.

“How can you consider that bad boss?” Bleu questions. “This is gonna be great.”

“Seriously Jer'rahd, I’ve been wanting to go to one of these things since I was a filly.” Starfall adds.

“It's tomorrow, you do have your suit right Jer? I can help you out if not.” Rhede grins.

“Saying this I am not really going out on on a limb, but it is Jer'rahd. to succeed we all would need to help him.” Velkorn grumbles.

“This sucks.” Jer'rahd snarls into the bartop.

“You're kidding right Boss?” Bleu grins. “This things gonna be the best night ever!”


[The next morning.]

Jer'rahd was very glad his hangovers tended to be mild or he would have died from the rush of activity that morning. Velkorn and Starfall had drug him out of bed nearly at dawn. Velkorn had practically flung him into a bath after dousing him with a mess of herbs and other mixtures.

“This is ridiculous I can bathe myself you know Gakk GLUbb!!” Jer'rahd yelps as the zebra shoves him under the water.

“Best to simmer down or you might drown.” Velkorn chuckles.

“Insubordination glubb!” Jer'rahd shouts.

“I am not your rank and file, though you will be going to this in style.” Velkorn laughs.

“I'm off duty Jer'rahd. Why are you so excited over this any way Velkorn?” Starfall questions.

[“I have my reasons, the primary among them getting Rhede's attention focused only on me. A bit greedy perhaps, but am I not allowed to want something every so often?”] Velkorn grins.

“I have no idea what you just said....glaak!! stop dunking me!!” Jer'rahd shouts.

“I think for a scent we will use peach, and I would think by now you would have learned my speech.” Velkorn snorts as Starfall laughs.


[ Later]

Jer'rahd winces at the snip of scissors as the mane stylist worked over his mane and tail while Starfall watches throwing out comments to the unicorn stylist.

“I am more than a little ticked off by this.” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“Ah give it a rest Jer'rahd, its just a mane cut.” Starfall chuckles.

“Velkorn nearly drowned me with what ever mixture she had and now my hairs grown out again thanks to whatever spell the barber cast....”

“Mane stylist... barbers are butchers.” The effeminate stallion cutting his hair protests.

“..... All I wanted was to hang out and relax with everyone before having to go to this thing and you ponies are taking that away from me.” Jer'rahd snaps.

“Well we are still hanging out. We are just making sure the Princess does not regret having you at her side. Knowing how you are you probably were just going to wear that bone armor she made you.” Starfall sighs.

“I was going to wear my old dress uniform thank you. I am not a complete savage.” Jer'rahd growls.

“You mean the one you have not worn since graduation? The one that was made for you when you were a much smaller stallion?” Starfall questions.

“I was not that much smaller.” Jer'rahd mutters.

“Height wise no, but all you do is train. You're like a pony shaped brick now. You should ease up a little or you’ll look like one of those muscle builder types. They tend to be rather creepy looking ponies.” Starfall waves her hooves.” GREAT BIG BODIES... itty bitty heads.”

“Agreed there though I'm not worried about it. The rank of General has brought more paper work than I have ever seen before. Most of my day is spent behind a desk now. If I didn't train I'd probably get fat quick.” Jer'rahd mumbles. “Why are you you so excited to be going to this anyway?”

“I've heard tales about the Grand Galloping Gala since I was a little filly. The descriptions and stories every pony told after it always made me wish I could attend. Now after all this time and with a filly of my own I have the opportunity to go. Can you think of what Cloud Dancer will say when I tell her the story of my visit?” Starfall grins.

“First a princess comes to her party and now her mothers going to fill her head with tales of the biggest event in Equestria. I can not tell if your are spoiling that filly or tormenting her.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“I used to love hearing about the Gala Jer'rahd. She's been excited and asking me to tell her everything after she heard I was going.” Starfall pouts.

“Speaking of Cloud Dancer what did you get her any way ? I did not see any gift from you there.” Jer'rahd asks.

Starfall's expression darkens considerably. “I had a necklace made with her fathers wedding wing band. I gave it to her later. When everything had calmed down.”

“Still wearing yours though.” Jer'rahd asks.

He nods lightly to the necklace she wore with a golden band and a small scrap of steel hanging from it. The slight nod got him a hair yank from the stylist.

“I said do not move.” the stylist / not barber, fusses.


[Later still.]

“Honestly Jer you are hopeless, though full blond is a good look for you.” Rhede comments.

“I look like that substitute mail mare.” Jer'rahd growls, his hair falling to his shoulders. His mane and tail were both colored and looked more yellow than their normal amber coloration.

“The one with the eye problem? Yeah I’ve met her, she's rather cute, but taken it seems, by a doctor no less.” Rhede sighs at the lost opportunity.

“Doctor who?” Jer'rahd asks.

“No idea really, not a local though. Probably lives out side of town considering how often she seems to be gone.” Rhede considers. “ Wonder how she keeps her job?”

“Do you keep tabs on every mare you meet stud muffin?” Bleu snarks.

“Just the cute ones Bleu. Any way we can get you fitted here. I cannot believe you have not kept up your dress uniform.” Rhede sighs gesturing for the tailor to come take Jer'rahd's sizes.

“When was the last time I had need of it? Fancy does not do well in combat.” Jer'rahd growls.

“And what did you even do with the medals and awards you earned?” Rhede asks.

“They are in a box.” Jer'rahd admits glancing down as a stallion begins taking his measurements.

“Where?” Rhede demands.

“Somewhere.” Jer'rahd admits.

“Please tell me you know Bleu.” Rhede sighs.

“In the guest room.” Bleu states.

“The one wall to wall with junk?” Rhede groans.

“That’s the one.” Bleu admits. “ And that's not all junk, some of it's mine.”

“What do you even have in there?” Rhede asks.

“Stuff I have picked up in travels, things that interest me, things I have no real use for but might at some point.” Jer'rahd lists.

“Boss is a pack-rat.” Bleu chuckles.

“When she said some was hers she meant nearly eighty percent of it.” Jer'rahd corrects.

With the measurements taken, Rhede started barking orders to the tailors f;ashing a large sack of bits and having numerous colors and patterns brought over to see how they matched up against Jer'rahd's colors as the stocky unicorn was placed on a pedestal.

“Why is everyone so excited over this stupid thing any way?” Jer'rahd grumbles to Bleu.

“You should know why firm flanks is set to go.” Bleu laughs.

“A whole new selection of mares to play with that normally might have been out of his reach as a non noble. Rhede is easy to read in those regards. Not so much you.” Jer'rahd comments.

“You realize who is going to be there right?” Bleu asks.

“Not a clue.”

“Famous writers, play writes, celebrities. Ponies from organizations that can be convinced to make a book out of Platinum's old songs maybe even a story of her life. I've written all of it down, but we don't have the bits or the pull in the right circles to have something like that published. I am hoping to convince some pony to at the very least put some of her songs in something so she will be remembered on more than just a chunk of stone in a military base.” Bleu explains.

Jer'rahd's response was cut off by the return of Rhede and the tailors and the sudden flurry of motion around him as he was fitted for a new uniform. Bleu and Rhede both left him in the care of the tailors heading off to their own preparations. The resulting outfit seemed a great deal more elaborate than he remembered his uniform being.

The suit was all in dark blues and white highlights, it looked like a cross between a tux and his dress blues. While it was decidedly sharp, and surprisingly comfortable, it covered him from neck to rear hooves hiding his cutie mark and most of his scars. A single black star was placed on his left collar with the mark of Luna's Guard on his right collar.

“Not bad, simpler than I expected too. I kinda like this.” Jer'rahd comments.

“ It will look even better once your medals are pinned in place on your chest, the minimalist design forces more attention to the accomplishments and ribbons.” A tailor points out.


Author's Note:

This chapter set the stage for a number of things to come.

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