• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,090 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Concrete Base

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard.

Concrete Base

“So which book did they get?”

“Well I offered them the copy of the Elements of Harmony, but they were only interested in the Hearts and Hooves Histories. I really wanted to finish that book too.”

“How you can study while studying amazes me darling.”

“It's a gift Rarity, though I am curious as to why you agreed to come stay here tonight rather than stay home.”

“Uggh, for one, you sent Spike to Canterlot for a few days.”

“Well after what happened last Hearts and Hooves day between you two it likely was a good idea.”

“I really am flattered that he fawns over me Twilight, but does he truly think anything could come of it?”

“Well perhaps if you did not keep leading him on like you do.”

“I am not trying to lead him on Twilight, I would just rather not be the one who breaks his heart, I suppose I will need to at some point, but I am not looking forward to that.”

“Well if one reason is Spike not being here what are the others?”

Rarity buries her head into the couch and sighs.

“Do you have any idea how many stallions and mares do their best to try and become my very special pony on this day?”

“I am guessing a lot?”

“If there is a single pony in this town who has not sent me a card or candy or a huge selection of flowers. I have yet to meet them.”

“Umm In case you did not notice, I am a single pony who did not send you any flowers.”

“Well why not?”

Twilight stares at her friend as Rarity smiles.

“I jest, I am well aware you do not swing that way Twilight, so do relax.”

“Right, if there are that many ponies who want your attention , you could have your pick.”

“I am young yet Twilight and as such the chance of finding my prince has not faded into myth and dream just yet.”

“Well I will take your word for it. I think Pinkie, Rainbow and Applejack have some pony however, all of them have practically vanished.”

“ Well I cannot speak for Pinkie Pie ,but Rainbow Dash and Applejack vanish every year, I believe Dash heads to Cloudsdale and Applejack goes to Manehatten. I suppose they either have some pony there or just take the time to visit family or look.”

“Well I might ask when they get back, I just hope I can get my book back from the girls before something happens to it.”

“It should be fine, Sweetiebelle tends to take care of books, perhaps it may have something to do with her talent.”

“Only time will tell, did you need anything else?”

“Nothing I cannot get myself darling, though I do have to ask.”

“Whats that?”

“Did you have some special pony for today?”

Twilight nearly growls As Rarity's ears perk up.

“As much as I like studying Rarity, do you think I would be here scrying on a sharpened hunk of metal if I did have somepony else to be with?”

“Ooh bitter?”

“No, just …... annoyed, I've never gotten so much as a card.”

“What a cute mare like you? Seems some ponies have no taste.”


“Well go do your magic thing, next year I say we have a look into finding some one for you. It has the makings of a exciting venture.”

“I cannot wait......”

Twilight casts the spell trying to let her annoyance pass her by as she moves into the star studded expanse glad to get away from the nonsense of this holiday. Her eyes widen at the sight of the starry field and she nearly screams in frustration. Nearly all the stars were orbiting each other moving in little ecliptic hearts. There were a rare few that were solo, like the pure white star behind her that she identified as Rarity's. The ones she thought were the Princesses were unchanged as well. She looked back to the darkness some what surprised to see that none of the six stars that made her uneasy was any where in sight.

Twilight finally shrugs seriously hoping there was no such holiday a thousand years ago. She moves again slipping into the window for Princess Luna's necklace to start with this time.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I am glad you could make it General.”

“One does not simply ignore an order from a superior officer Princess.”

“That is not what General Mustang and General Shower say. “

“I have not ignored any of their orders Princess, I simply misheard a few.”

“Likely my fault with that, boss here listens to me a bit much.”

“Apart from mentioning the complaints, I do have something to return to you General. It seems you could have used it in Manehatten.”

Luna floats a familiar skull helmet over to Jer'rahd who smirks His magic taking it from the Princess..

“Indeed I could have, though there seems to be bits of it missing. “

“No, it is all there I have had time this week to simply finish what I started, the rest of the armor will appear when you don the helm instead of having to carry it around. I have not been allowed to do very much else these last weeks. “

“I gather Celestia really was not too thrilled with your conversation when you returned then.”

“No she was not, but that is not why I have had little to do. The four of you Generals have been handling the situation well enough for my presence to not even be needed. “

“For now maybe Luna, but I don't see you sitting around twiddling your hooves for long before your out there cutting loose along with boss here.”

“Yes well, you also get to avoid all the paper work hiding here.”

“You are right in that regard, but for now there is little for me to do.”

“I can say the same, it is not as if I can do much until the casts come off and that will be a bit yet. At least my ribs have healed, my back might as well if Bleu would stop squirming. “

“Then stop trying to throw me off boss.”

“At any rate perhaps you should keep the armor for a while yet Princess, it seems to have served you quite well in Neighlantis as well as in that battle with the dragons. “

“She was damned hot in it as well. Looked like one of those Valkyries you read about .“

Luna blushes a bit and Jer'rahd tries not to notice, or remember how she looked wearing it on the ship, damn Bleu actually remembered what he said.

“This is not a story book.”

“I will take that as a compliment Bleu, though I do doubt that I am considered hot. Valkyries are not just a story book myth. They existed long ago, warrior mares of the pegasus race all joined together in an effort to prove themselves in the predominately stallion dominated art of warfare. During the time of the Discordian war they were the most feared force for Equestria. The simple rumor that a squad of Valkyrie was on the field was enough to send many of Discord's troops running. “

“So what happened to them then?”

“Time mostly. After the war ended there was really no need for them any more. Many turned to mercenary work or went about challenging stallions to duels simply to find a mate strong enough to best them so they could have children. They respected strength and skill above all else and would only accept a husband that could beat them.”

“There we go boss, we need to find one of those kinda mares for you. Sounds like your kinda female. Hardcore and kinda crazy. It would be perfect.”

Luna blinks looking at them both as Jer'rahd struggles not to buck the little dragon off his back as she rambles on.

“They no longer exist Bleu and I thank you to let my love life drop.”

“Your lack of it you mean.”

“Anyway Princess before the mouth here gets started again, was there something else you needed?”

“Yes. We will be going to the front soon.”


“My sister would like some pony to speak with the troops already at the Dullahan base camp. She is hoping for something inspirational, I believe. “

“Why the heck would any one think I am any good at that sort of thing?”

Luna blinks, pointing a hoof at the little dragon on Jer'rahd's back, and the wide grin on her fanged face.

“You have as a partner, one of the better know stage names of our time. I would think between Bleu and my sister something inspiring can be written.”

“Celestia and Bleu......... I am so doomed.”

“When do we start Luna!?”

“Wait, why me?”

“With your victory at Manehatten you are back in the celebrity spotlight General. We plan to use that for morale.”

“Buck me....”

“Damn boss, buy her dinner first.”

Jer'rahd nearly chokes on his own words, Shifting and flinging the dragonling off his back, sending her laughing form into the air. Luna's blush deepens a bit though neither of them notice as the unicorn attempts to knock the dragonling out of the air with the armored skull.


“Starfall's taken a few weeks leave, so its up to you to keep an eye on things Rhede. It's mostly administrative duties however, a few things I tend to take care of when not training, nothing excessively vital but still important. So I will be leaving you in charge, I cannot believe I said that with a straight face.”

“What still don't trust me?”

“Not in charge of things. Last time you were in charge, you nearly got us all turned to stone.”

“Ouch. You hold a grudge a while Jer. Well keep in mind the fronts only a days travel at best, so if I screw up being baby sat by Princess Celestia too bad you can always come home. Cripes we did not even have a chance to hit the bar before everyone's splitting up again.”

Jer'rahd smiles.

“We'll go try to put Starcloud out of business when we get back. After being forced to read a speech that Bleu and Celestia are writing I likely will need it.”

“Bah, giving speeches is easy, just picture the audience naked.”

“Rhede, we are ponies, naked is a normal state for us.”

“OK fine, then picture them in lingerie, just try not to laugh when thinking about the big gruff soldier ponies in pink stockings and thongs.”

“There is decidedly something wrong with you Rhede.”


[“Ahh so we meet again auntie, nice of you to join me for lunch. “]

Velkorn sighs slipping onto the bench across from the other zebra who is happily munching on some sort of cabbage sandwich.

[“I will say the food here is much better than back home.”]

[“Most ponies would disagree, and claim hospital food is horrific. And stop calling me auntie, it makes me feel old.”]

[“Bah, no taste the lot of them. So what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? Just checking up on us?”]

[“To be honest yes, I have been gone a while and wished to see if anything had changed with the Queens Cross.”]

[“Nothing has changed with us, the mission remains the same. Though almost the entire orc force was wiped out here. There's barely any of them left fighting for the dragons any more. Your friend was rather brutally efficient in seeking their destruction.”]

[“Jer'rahd does that. “]

[“Ahhh, so it is true you do know the Demon of Dullahan.”]

[“Of course, he is my patient and the same pony that killed my brother.”]

Baelit stops eating at that looking at her as she returns the stare.

[“ Why are you telling me this?”]

[“To simply let you know there is no sense in your quest. I have heard that you were seeking the pony who killed your father. His more recent accomplishments have over shadowed his previous ones completely, but it would not have been long before you found out.”]

[“You knew I planned to kill the one who did that? You are a little better informed than I am comfortable with.”]

[“I hoped you will see the futility of it and move on. You have done great things already in your young life in the name of peace, give up that quest and continue what you are doing. Your father does not need revenge.”]

Baelit laughs, nearly choking on his sandwich. Velkorn blinks rather confused at the sudden change from serious to laughter and looks at him like he had gone mad. After a moment the zebra finally manages to get his breath.

[“I know that auntie. I knew when I first started saying I was seeking revenge I would never get it. That was rather the point, I am a doctor not a warrior.”]

[“So why persist in a claim that you are not planing to do anything with?”]

[“Why else? A exotic male on a quest for revenge against some pony who killed his father? The local mares eat that up, I have yet to sleep alone since coming to Equestria.”]

Baelit's grin fades quickly as he notes the pure aura of rage radiating in waves off the zebra mare.

[“ Uhhhh, I suppose I should not have listened to the ambassadors advice then? Oh CRAP, PUT DOWN THE TABLE AUNTIE ..!! HEEELP!!”]

Several off the Guard's looked up as the screaming zebra tears through the streets of Manehatten, a pissed off female zebra hot on his hoofs shouting something in her native tongue at the male she was chasing. The Guards look to each other then back at the zebras and decide the best course of action is to stay out of it.


Starfall smiles settling in to watch her little girl dart around the shops, looking at everything that was available as if something might get taken away from her view at any time. Cloud Dancer's birthday was coming up before to long. Starfall knew she was likely going to be back on duty by that point, so she decided to take her daughter out shopping for a early birthday present, and lunch, just to be with her.

It remained as she thought it would for a little while, however once she met with some of her school friends they wandered off on their own more than she would have liked. Her daughter had wound up spending more time with them on this trip then with her, though while she was a bit depressed by this she was glad her daughter was making friends so easily. The three fillies had been to nearly every shop along the strip and were wandering back around for a second pass when they were distracted by a box of puppies in one stall.

A shout went up from some where behind her and Starfall sighs glancing back at a large brown earth pony tearing down the street clutching a bag of something from one shop or another. A less fit chubby shop keeper was close on his hooves.


Could she get one day off? She glances over to her daughter and her friends still being distracted by the puppies. She moves in front of the charging pony. The massive stallion barely even glances at her likely just planing to knock the small pegasus aside. She cannot help but grin as she kicks off the ground and meets his charge headlong. Her wing sweeps low as she brushes along side of the larger pony, connecting with the stallions knees, knocking his front legs from under him and moving out of his reach before he even impacts the ground. The bag skitters away from him as his jaw loudly impacts the cobblestone.

Several Guards finally arrive to take over, the group of them struggle trying to pin the massive thief down though a glare from Starfall freezes him in place enough for him to be restrained. Starfall exhales deeply glancing back to where her daughter was, her eyes widen at the box of puppies, with no fillies any where around it. The pegasus was gone tearing through the stalls searching, before any of the Guard's even thought to question her.


“Princess, I am in no way comfortable with this.”

“You have already stated that several hundred times, General. I would ask you end that line of thought as you do not have a choice in the matter.”

“So why isn’t General Mustang doing this, he's a higher rank than me. Even you would be a better choice. There is not a pony alive who does not know you.”

“Three reasons. First, I have other business to attend to, regardless of how much I have been hanging around with you and the others I am still a Princess with duties to preform. There are other things that I need to do and I do not have the time to give speeches. Two you were the one in charge of our first decisive victory of this war. Your name is known by almost as many ponies for that, as mine is for simply being a Princess. And third, because none of the General's want to do it, so with you being the lowest of their ranks, it falls to you.”

“Why do I think it is primarily the last one.”

“Do cheer up Jer'rahd. At the very least by the time we go to the front,your casts and bandages should be off. Provided of course you do not manage to hurt yourself further before then.“


“So leaving us again huh, Director?”

“Yup, they have me writing a speech for the boss to give at the Dullahan base camp. Kinda interesting, the Princesses input is actually pretty neat, seems she has a lot of experience with motivational speeches. So any way where were we Lily?”

“Yellow spectrum, we almost had something with the yellow coloration I think. Hmm, try white. The really pale yellow almost worked maybe we just need to go colorless.”

“That won't help much Lily, there are very few pure white ponies.”

“It will be a start Seamore.”

“Alright here we go you two.”

Bleu shifts coloration to the same white she was in the wedigo lands, the cloak reacts quickly and seems clear for a few moments until it starts to glow. The light from it growing brighter the longer she keeps that color.

“That's a new reaction, maybe grays?”

“OK, so white makes me a candle perfect. Lets try this.”

Bleu shifts completely to black, already bored with this endeavor, she was half tempted to try polka dots before long. Seamore and Lily watch as the cloak darkens considerably seeming to dim the lights in the room, making Bleu seem more and more like a shadow.

“Well you were correct in that she would bring unexpected results Seamore.”

“Hey, I can spot a chaotic element with the best of them.”

“Are we done yet?”


“For crying out loud mom, stop freaking out. I didn't go any where.”

“You vanished for a good twenty minutes. I had no idea where you even went.”

Starfall walks along side her daughter, trying hard to calm herself after that bit of panic. She had faced dragons, mad undersea gods, Bone Hounds,Spirits of Winter, and a massive behemoth with less worry than she had thinking her daughter had vanished. The problem was now that her panic had died down it was replaced by anger. The rest of the day had gone down hill from there with Cloud Dancer blaming her mothers attitude for her friends running off, and Starfall blaming Her daughter for making her worry. The last half hour had been nothing but arguing.

“I just walked off talking to my friends its not like I'm a foal any more.”

“Then stop acting like one.”

“Maybe if you acted more like a mother I would not act so much like a foal.”

Starfall winced at that and stopped Cloud Dancer did much the same slowing a few paces ahead her ears drooping a bit realizing what she said. Starfall closes her eyes trying to keep from crying. She had not expected that and it just drove home her own fears and problems to hear her daughter say it out loud.

“So you don't think I am a good mother either......I …. I am sorry about that Cloud dancer I don't mean to to be bad at it, I just...”
Starfall blinks as her daughter suddenly hugs her.

“I'm sorry momma, I didn't mean it . Your a good mother, I just wish you were home more often. I’m proud of what you do, regardless of what auntie says, I'm sorry.....”

Starfall buries her head into her daughters neck not trying to hold back the tears a bit more as she sobs, returning her daughters hug.


“Now then General, your hooves are likely to be rather sensitive when we take off these casts. We are also going to have to trim them, as they likely have grown out enough to split along with the cuts that were in them. I would not expect more than a apple or so in length however.”

“Whatever, as soon as these things are off and I can walk around like a normal pony, I will be worlds better.”

The doctor nods, his horn glowing as he removes the casts the cool air of the room sending a shiver along Jer'rahd's spine as it struck his legs. He wrinkles his nose in disgust. The smell coming from his legs after being bound for so long was very akin to rotting flesh. It was rather sickening, particularly when he knew it was coming from his own body.

“Is it supposed to smell like that?”

“Several weeks worth of unwashed fur and flesh? Yep that gets ripe fairly quick General. Don't worry, I have smelled worse. This is normally what happens when casts are removed.”

He watches a moment eyes widening at the misshapen shape of his hooves. While he had been told they would grow out he had not expected them to spread out an curl away from each cut that had marked them.

“That looks really freaky, I did not expect them to grow out that much almost looks like I have a bunch of clawed fingers.”

“Well, warm wet areas tend to cause hooves to grow out a bit more, plus the usual wear and tear of just walking keeps them worn down normally. The cast pretty much simulates a warm environment, and you have not been on them for a while so they grew a little more than normal. Nothing to worry about, just like the smell, nothing that doesn't happen all the time. Now, they are going to be tender for a while. You'll need to walk and stand on them after the trim before for a few days until they stop being sore. I certainly would suggest not kicking any one for a while.”

“I will keep that in mind. So what do you need to do just cut them?”

“Pretty much, in situations like this I usually like to have the patient knocked out, but your medical reports show you've been having some violent nightmares lately. Best just to do some local anesthetic, I would not want you waking up in the middle of it kicking.”

“Alright your the doctor.”

“This might smell worse than just your legs, but we'll let you get cleaned up when we're done. I would suggest you turn your head though, seeing bits of your self go flying away tends to unnerve a great many ponies.”

“Sadly I am used to that part of it.”


“Well now this is interesting.”

“Blah, blah, blah, did it work?”

“Indeed it did Director, combining black and white cancels out both the darkness and the light and avoids having that glow of the natural coloration. Now we have something to work with.”

“Great so we can make zebras invisible, there's gonna be a whole bunch of stuck up nobles who will love that idea. Any how keep it up, the boss is getting his hooves worked on today and we are heading out in the morning. I need to leave some one in charge to make sure things get done. Hmmmmm, hey Seamore..”


“It ain't gonna be you.”

“I hate you so much.”


The loud clanging drew the Guard patrol to the street the noise was coming from, though upon seeing who it was, they turned right around and continued with their rounds.

[“Damn it auntie, I said I was sorry I listened to him, pleaaaase stop trying to murder me!”]

Velkorn slams her hooves into the metal flag pole glaring up at the zebra doctor at the top of it clinging on for dear life.

[“I put up with Rhede doing that shit because I do not wish to beat him, you nephew are not that lucky.”]

[“Some pony HELP!”]


Jer'rahd winces as he moves around the carriage, every step he made was sheer torture, and had been since the anesthetic had worn off yesterday. Every click of them against the cobble stones on the way to the carriage felt like a slap with a blade flat against his legs. The fact he was carrying a few bags as well did not help matters, they were not even his bags. He had no idea what was in these things, but the Princess had ordered him to bring them along so he had. At least Bleu had opted not to ride on him this time, as well as carry her own luggage. After finally loading everything up, he grabs his sole bag and climbs onto the carriage nodding to the Guards pulling it before shutting the door behind him. He barely notes Luna and Bleu who were already in the wagon talking, his attention focused on just collapsing onto the bench across from them his face smushing into his bag like a pillow. It likely would wrinkle his dress uniform , but he really did not care at this point.

“Are you alright General?”

“I am tired, being shipped off to do something I frankly want no part of, and my hooves are killing me for the first time since basic. Add that to a crippling phobia I am trying to get over, plus a lack of any sleep lately and it is quite clear that I am not a happy pony.”

“Clearly. Though on the plus side you can now simply sit there for a few hours until you feel better.”

A response was not forth coming for a moment and both Bleu and Luna looked at him curiously as the carriage jerked into motion. The pair glance at each other before a soft snore from the unicorn brings a sigh to the Princess and a face claw from the dragonling.

“I did not think I was that boring.”

“ I am quite sure he is not bored with you Princess. Aqua bucked with his head hard. He hasn’t slept more than a few hours a night since I’ve been back. And once he wakes up he's awake for the rest of the night most times. It has gotten to the point that given half the chance he passes right out. Of course he likely will wake up screaming in an hour give or take, so expect that.”

“Mmm, another thing I will need to pay Aqua back for.”


“Out of all of you Jer'rahd has been trying his best to make me feel like part of your group, rather than his superior or as a Princess.”

“What am I chopped liver?”

“Would you have even met me without him?”

“Hmm, I suppose not. But without him I would not have met any of you at all, so that's hardly a fair line of logic. All of us still stuck by you even without boss there to keep us together. The only one of us required to follow your orders is Starfall and yet we still continued with you. You needed our help, we gave it, I think the only thing that is keeping you from fitting in is your own hesitation. You seem reluctant still to accept us.”

“I see my sister chose well in getting you to help with the speech. You have a way with words Bleu.”

“And you are dodging my question.”

“No, I do.. care for all of you. Perhaps not as much for Rhede mind you....”

“That's to be expected.”

“But what I did for Jer'rahd I would repeat for any of you.”

“The trashing half a underwater city, the armor creation, or the slaughtering of an entire order of nobles?”

“All of it. Yes, even Rhede”

“Good. Now all we have to do is find you a sense of humor and we are set.”

“I have a sense of humor.”

“Dry wit, is not a sense of humor.”


Rhede looked at the clock again for what could have been the billionth time, cursing his friend in every language he knew, which amounted to a great deal of cursing. He was surprised he could even see the wall mounted time piece any more with the stacks upon stacks of papers piled on Jer'rahd's desk before him. He could not Blame this solely on Jer'rahd however, he knew Luna and Celestia had a hoof in it as well. There was no way possible one pony had this much paperwork put before him.

“Mr. Pelt I have the supply requisition forms …... Mr. Pelt are you in here?”

The stacks of paper did a very good job of hiding him from the Corporal bringing the papers in, but he knew he would be found eventually.

“Tell me Corporal, is this a normal every day sort of thing?”

“Oh no sir. The Generals and the Princesses have been slacking on their work for about a week or so now. They have been rather busy, but all the documents have built up. The problem is everything has been put off so long it all needs to be done this week, or the paperwork will likely triple. They claimed they were putting some other pony in charge of the administrative duties. Princess Celestia however just redirected everything she normally deals with to this office earlier this morning though.”

“I hate them all.”


Bleu and Luna watched Jer'rahd expectantly as he continued to sleep, not even so much as twitching from a bad dream.

“Well that's something...... though this is getting boring now.”

“I agree, though if he has not slept for a while best to let him Bleu.”

“Well so long as he stays asleep, the next part will be easy.”

“Next part?”

Bleu drags a bag from underneath the bench Jer'rahd was asleep on and opens it up pulling out a few brushes, a scroll, and a pair of scissors humming to herself. Luna looks on curiously floating the scroll up examining the hair lengthening spell before picking up one of the brushes with her magic swaying it lightly in the air.

“Why did you bring all this Bleu? “

“Take a look at the boss here, sure he keeps himself clean, but his idea of grooming is to hack his tail and mane down with a sword or something when it gets too long. He's going to be speaking in front of a great many ponies. It would be nice if he looked a bit more... maintained.”

“Brushie brushie.....”

Bleu glances back at the Princess swinging the brush in the air still a some what sappy smirk on her face.

“What was that Luna?”


The princess fades a moment though she seems to stifle a giggle, Bleu blinks curiously at the reaction, then decides to move on instead of dwell on it. Some ponies had a thing for hair, that the dragon would never understand.

“I do not suppose you would need help Bleu?”

“Umm, if you would like Luna.”


Jer'rahd rose, his gaze shifts over the darkness surrounding him, and the small circle of light he stood in, expecting at any time, something bad to happen. That was what always happened in nightmares, calm serene scenes and then the shit hit the fan...... Wait. This was a dream, and he knew it was a dream. This was......new.

He waited looking out into the darkness expecting anything. There was nothing here, no danger, no water, no feelings of unease or death. Just him. He blinks looking up wondering briefly where the light source was coming from, his eyes widening a smile slowly crossing his face. He shifts sinking down onto his haunches then laying down in the circle of light, perhaps he could get some sleep now, he likely would need it soon. His dream form drifts off to sleep, bathing in the light cast from the full moon above.


“Well boss what do you think?”

“I want to know what was wrong with my old hairstyle?”

“Look this is your old hair style, except a little longer, and not as messy and we colored some of the gray that you had in it.”

“Well, at least it is not as bad as that silvery blond nonsense I had at the gala, I still think its too long though, and the helmets likely to mess it up again.”

“Yeah, but it will do for the speech, no sense in you looking ragged for that.”

“I agree it does look good on you Jer'rahd.”

Jer'rahd sighs trying to not let the compliment from the Princess phase him too much. His usual raggedly, cut short mane and tail were evened out and extended by a at least an apples length He grumbles a bit trying to ignore the some what creepy grins both Bleu and Luna were giving him as he looked in the mirror before him. He might have had an issue if it was just the dragonling messing with his hair, he had woken with a mohawk once thanks to her, but Luna seemed a little more expectant of his opinion than she should have been if it was just Bleu. Plus, he had several hours of dreamless sleep and felt better than he had in as long as he could remember lately.


“It's not bad, if it works with every thing I do, I will keep it like this,..... is that satisfactory for you or did you want that in writing?”

“Nope that's good enough boss. Any way another couple hours or so and we will get there, time for you to start going over the speech.”

“It does seem to be rather well written, and no obvious jokes or ways to make you look the fool.”

“Thank you for checking on that for me Princess.”

“No pony trusts me?”

“Not you and Tia working together Bleu, no.”

“Oh yeah, now that you are awake and before I forget, here.

Bleu digs into the bag again, producing two gemstones, and emerald and a night star opal. Luna's eyes widen at the rare gemstone and Jer'rahd whistles thinking of the cost of it.

“That is a rather pricey snack you have there Bleu.”

“It's not a snack.... well it is, but it also is not. Look, these things already have a small enchantment on them I need each of you to cast a spell into one of these, then I can send message scroll to you at any time or place. We are working on a spell to send one back, but that's not likely going to help the boss here.”

“So you will be able to send messages from yourself to us, but not the other way around?”

“At the moment yes.”

Bleu tosses the opal to Luna who catches it with her magic, Jer'rahd just stares at the emerald.

“OK, so how do I cast a spell into a gem?”

“I dunno, put a shield on it or something.”

Jer'rahd tries that as Luna casts a small light spell causing the opal to glow a moment before it fades. She floats the gemstone back to Bleu who examines it briefly and then eats the stone as if it was a bit of candy. The look on her face however makes it seem she swallowed a bug.

“Bleh, Alfalfa flavored. One of the rarest, most expensive gemstones in the world and it tastes horrid. What a sick joke.”

Jer'rahd lets a shield form around the gem, rather surprised that the stone seems to suck the spell into itself. Bleu pulls out a pair of scrolls to test, she reaches over snapping up the emerald from the air before Jer'rahd, downing it with some hard crunches before she swallows it.

“OK, that at least got some of the taste out of my mouth. I think I have the locations, feels kinda weird. Lets give this a go.”

The two ponies watch as Bleu gets a odd look on her face, suddenly spitting out a pillar of green flame that ignites the letter as well the bag she had put her grooming kit in. They all blink as both seem to burn up into a green puff of ash.

“OK, I guess it didn't work, more kick to it than I thought and I was trying to send that scroll to Luna.”

The bag and the scroll suddenly appear again, both falling on Jer'rahds head. He stares at Bleu, eyes barely visible under the bag that landed on him, the scroll lightly bouncing off his nose as it falls. Luna smirks not able to stifle a laugh at his expense.

“Right, so that feeling is when it goes to the boss, the other one must be Luna.”

“Please refrain from sending a bag to me Bleu, although at least you know other things can be sent as well now.”


[“ You still mad at me auntie?”]

[“Yes, while I might have over reacted to the idea, your taking after Rhede angers me greatly.”]

[“ Still hung up on that one huh? At some point you need to realize that nothing is going to come of it and that you need to stop pursuing him.”]

[“One day you might meet a mare Baelit, who you realize is the only one you want, how much would you put up with in order to win her affections?”]

[“ I still say you are obsessing, it cannot be healthy.”]

[“ You are young yet.”]

[“Please your only about six years older than me, and dad had four foals by the time he was your age.”]


Jer'rahd glances at the sleeping Bleu and turns regarding the Princess.

“If I have forgotten to do so Princess, thank you for getting everyone out of Neighlantis, and then bringing them back home once more.”

“Did you think there would be a reason I would do otherwise?”

“No, but that does not mean I cannot thank you for it. You took on an entire city to save us, angered another goddess. Velkorn changes an entire race's way of life, Rhede destroys a huge source of corruption in Equestria on his own, Starfall breaks reality every time she does that rain boom thing. All rather impressive accomplishments. The most Bleu and I have done is kill a single dragon, and recently I took out a big pig. Nothing I consider the caliber of what you all have done.”

“There is humble, and then there is a idiotic belief of worthlessness. You had best be getting to a point Jer'rahd with this line of thought that does not involve self pity or I will kick you out of this carriage and make you walk the rest of the way. “

“Heh, well subtlety is Rhede's thing, not mine so I should have expected you would see something else. I have an idea I would like to run by you Princess, and I would like your opinion and approval on it.”

“Go on. You will get the first and perhaps the latter if it is something worthy of that.”


Princess Luna did not stay long with the carriage once they arrived, a small force of Guards came along and she was gone to do what ever she was here to do. Jer'rahd grabs his own bag letting the soldiers unload everything else as he met the stallion in charge of the operation here.

The front was a town, just short of being a city by most ponies standards. The farmland it was situated on had long had the scant plant life covering it trampled to dust by the army here, though the land had not yet been cleared of snow so there was a chance that things would return in spring.

A wall was being reinforced around the primary camp, large tents and simple buildings covered the land on this side of the wall, along with balista, catapults, and a newly designed weapon that seemed little more than a long cylinder on wheels with a bit of string on the closed end of the tube. Ponies milled about darting here and there on their assigned tasks and duties, the hammer of nails and sounds of construction filled the air as a watch tower was raised at the corner of one wall. Barely visible across the rolling hills of the plain, was the ruins of a great black wall with towering mountains behind it. Several hundred pillars of smoke rose into the air from the distance showing the placement of the Dragons force.

Jer'rahd sighed as he and Bleu were ushered into a command tent after a few strange looks were directed at the dragonling. Bleu had barely said anything after first sighting the shattered remains of Dullahan Keep in the far distance as they rode up.

They were greeted by the stallion in charge of the place, recently named New Dullahan, Commander Shadow. The Commander was a black coated unicorn with a white and orange striped mane and tail. A large scar ran up over his flank and back carving through both his cutie marks rendering them unidentifiable. The wound itself was old and from a battle with the griffons that netted him his command. The Commander was one of the ponies who had come out of retirement to aid Equestria in this war, and he had proven that he had not lost any edge he had before.

“Welcome to New Dullahan General Sir.”

“At ease. Sadly I will say I preferred old Dullahan. Whats the situation here now?”

“Same as it has been for the last few months sir. We build up defenses, they build up defenses, other wise we both just sit here and stare at each other over the snow.”

“I see, that is likely to change soon Commander, do not let your guard down.”

“No offense sir, but I am not some green recruit who needs to be told that.”

Jer'rahd smiles.

“No disrespect intended, you likely have seen more action than me. So what is going on with the speech.”

“Simple stuff sir, I announce you , you say your piece to a gathered force of Guard, minus the ones on the walls, though they can hear you too with the sound system. Then you head back to Canterlot and do what ever it is you do to keep the media and public happy.”

“You sound like General Mustang, when I first met him he thought I was a showboat as well.”

“No disrespect intended sir.”

Jer'rahd blinks looking to the Commander and his dead pan expression. He offers a soft chuckle.

“I bet you win a lot in poker, come on Commander lets get this over with.”


There was a general murmurer of excitement filling the massive tent at the camps center. Every pony knew his name and what had been reported that he had done. The rumors were rampant as well, tall tales that had nothing to do with anything that had actually been accomplished, but were being passed around as fact. A few of those gathered had served with him, one or two actually participated in the raid on the zebra fortress and were likely the source of many of the rumors. A few of them had been there at Dullahan and were the source of others. Still another group had been in Manehatten, and had their own tales. Anytime there had been a major conflict, some where, some how this pony had been involved in it. The news media had gone completely overboard after the events of Manehatten came to light, and while the General refused to talk to any reporters, the civilians he had rescued were not as willing to remain silent.

The mage lights in the tent brightened suddenly, lighting up the stage, the crowd went silent as Commander Shadow trotted out onto to the podium tapping the microphone with a hoof to check it before he starts to speak.

"We are here, to listen to the words of a great pony, one you all should know. A pony who will lead you all into whatever you may face with heroism, ability, and foresight. A pony who has proven himself amid blade and spell. Fillies and gentile colts, General Jer'rahd Kaisur.”

Commander Shadow steps back from the podium glancing to Jer'rahd as he rises to his hooves. The Guard forces in attendance snap to their attention saluting and holding their formation silently. His gaze shifts over the sea of multicolored ponies all eyes focused solely on him and nearly chokes as he set s the speech on the stand before him.

“Be seated.”

The sudden noise as a mass of ponies shift taking a seat on the floor, eyes still locked on him was unnerving. He did his best to keep his expression plain, this was nearly every single pony in the 42nd as well as several groups from other Guard forces. Well time to see if what was written was as motivational as Luna hoped.

“Troops, this stuff that some media sources sling about Equestria wanting out of this war, not wanting to fight, is a crock of bullshit. Equestrian's love a conflict. From the noble houses down to the poorest farmer. You are here today for three reasons. First and foremost, you are here to defend your homes and your loved ones. Second, you are here for your own self respect, because you would not wish to be any where else. Third you are here because you are real ponies and real ponies like a fight. When you, here, everyone of you were foals, you all admired the champion flier, the powerful spell caster, the fastest runner, the toughest boxer, the big league ball players, the all Equestrian hoof ball players. Equestrians love a winner, Equestrians will not tolerate a loser, Equestrians despise cowards. Equestrians always play to win all of the time. That is why Equestria has never lost, nor will ever lose a war; for the very idea of losing is hateful to an Equestrian.”

He pauses exhaling looking over the crowd again, the ponies in attendance waiting expectantly for him to continue, and bites his tongue lightly. How the heck did Bleu do this all the time?

“You are NOT all going to die. Only at worst two percent of you right here today would die in a major battle. Death must not be feared. Death in time, comes to all ponies. Yes, every one is scared their first battle. If a pony says that they are not, then they are a liar. Some ponies are cowards, but they fight the same as the brave ponies or get the buck slammed out of them watching ponies fight who are just as scared as they are. The real hero is the pony who fights even though they are scared. Some ponies get over their fright in a minute or two under fire. For some, it takes hours. For some, it takes days. But a real pony will never let their fear of death overpower their honor, their sense of duty, and the desire to protect all that they hold dear. Equestrian's pride them selves on being able to accomplish anything they set their mind to. Anything, it doesn't have to be your talent, it need not even be what you have trained to do. In the right mind set there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. No matter how fearsome the enemy looks, no matter how horrific, they are just as scared as you are probably more so to dare try and attack us in our homeland. They are not monsters, they are not demons, every hoof , claw, or talon raised against us is flesh and blood, they are not constructs, they are not golems, our actions at Manehatten have proven that they do bleed, and they can be killed. “

He let this sink in a moment reminding himself to thank both Celestia and Bleu for not making him look like an idiot.

“All through your Guard careers, you ponies have bitched about what you call ”chicken shit drilling.” that like everything else in the Guard, has a definite purpose. That purpose is alertness. Alertness must be bred into every Soldier. I don't give a buck for a pony who is not always on his hooves. You ponies are veterans or you wouldn't be here. You are ready for what's to come. A pony must be alert at all times if they expect to stay alive. If you're not alert, sometime a Draconic son-of-a-asshole-bitch is gonna sneak up behind you and beat you to death with a sock full of shit!”

The gathered troops roared in agreement as Jer'rahd floated a glass of water up taking a sip before setting it down. He did not change his expression as the troops quieted down again.

“There are two hundred neatly marked graves somewhere in the zebra lands. All because one pony went to sleep on the job.”

He narrows his eyes glaring out at the silent troops.

“But they are all the warlord's zebras, because we caught the bastard asleep before they did. The Guard is a team. It lives, sleeps, eats, and fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is pure parasprite shit. Every tale you hear about some hero doing something on his own is a crock of it. Especially that pile of manure ponies write about me. Dullahan was held not by the actions of one pony against a dragon, but by a entire force of the Guard against an onslaught of invaders. The zebra warlord would not have fallen if not for the efforts of the assault force that stormed the fortress, Manehatten would be under orc control if not for a planned movement of Guard that surrounded and destroyed the pigs while they were focused on the ones defending it.”

Another roar went up from the troops many of them had been at the battles he spoke of and his acknowledging that they were responsible for the victories struck a cord of pride.

“We have the finest food, the finest equipment, the best spirit, and the best ponies in the world.”

He dips his head shaking it lightly ears flattening to his head as he raised his head up and bellowed.

”Why by Celestia, I actually pity these poor sons of bitches we're going against. By Luna I do.”

Another roar from the gathered forces at this, eased his mind a little more about the speech he was given. He may have to thank Celestia and buy Bleu something nice for this.

“My Guard does not surrender. I don't want to hear of any soldier under my command being captured unless he has been hit. Even if you are hit, you can still fight back. That's not just bull shit either. The kind of pony I want in my command is just like the lieutenant in Dullahan, who, with a spear to his chest, jerked off his helmet, yanked out the weapon with one hoof, and then busted the hell out of the half dragon with his helmet. Then he took the spear and went on to kill another dozen half breeds and trolls before they knew what the hell was coming. And, all that time, this pony had a hole through a lung. There was a real member of the Guard.”

Jer'rahd stopped taking another sip of water the crowd did not even offer a nervous cough.

“All of the real heroes are not storybook combat fighters, either. Every single pony in this army plays a vital role. Don't ever let up. Don't ever think that your job is unimportant. Every pony has a job to and they must do it. Every pony is a vital link in the great chain. What if every wagoners suddenly decided they didn't like the sound of the balista rounds whistling over head, turned yellow and jumped headlong into a ditch? The cowardly bastard could say,”Hell, they won't miss me, just one pony in thousands”.But what if every pony thought that way? Where in the hell would we be now? What would our land, our loved ones, our homes, even the world be like? No, Celestia Damn it. Equestrians don't think like that . Every pony does their job. Every pony serves the whole. Every department ,every unit is important in the vast scheme of this war. The runners are needed to supply the equipment and weapons of war to keep us rolling. The Quartermaster is needed to bring up food and armor because lets face it the crap the dragons are wearing is not going to fit us. Every last pony on K.P. Has a job to do, even the one that boils the water to keep us from getting the shits.”

He exhales, down grading Bleu's gift a little for that last line, though the gathered force still seems enthralled. He took a deep breath and continued.

“Each pony must not think only of themselves, but also of his buddy fighting beside them. We don't want any cowards in the Guard. They should be killed off like rats. If not they will go home after the war and breed more cowards. The brave ponies will breed brave ponies. Kill off the Luna dammed cowards and we will have a land of brave ponies. One of the bravest ponies I ever saw was a com pegasus, flying half way up a transmitter pole in the middle of a artillery bombardment in the zebra lands. I stopped and asked him what the hell he was doing up there at a time like that. He answered,”Fixing the com Sergeant”. I asked ,”Isn't that a little unhealthy right about now?” He answered.” Yes Sergeant , but the Luna Dammed com needs to be fixed.” I asked, Don't these magic bombs hammering around us bother you?” And he answered” No Sergeant , but you sure as hell do!” Now, there was a real pony. A real member of the Guard. There was a pony who had devoted all he had to his duty, no matter how seemingly insignificant his duty might appear at the time, no matter how great the odds. And you should have seen the wagon trains on the road to here while when The Great wall first fell and we were rushing to set up this camp to hold back the invaders. Those ponies were magnificent. All day and all night they rolled over these damn roads, never stopping, never faltering from their course, with dragons flying over head and trolls running wild all the time. We got through to make this place with good old Equestrian guts. Many of those ponies pulled the wagons for over forty consecutive hours. Those ponies weren't combat ponies, but they were were Guard with a job to do. They did it, and in one hell of a way they did it. They were part of a team. Without team effort, without them we never would have built a defensible position in time to stop the dragons from simply rolling over Equestria. All of the links in the chain pulled together and the chain became unbreakable.

His ears perk a bit, one could have heard a pin drop as quiet as it was under this tent. The only sounds were the confused chirping of a few birds who had not quite figured out why the seasons were already changing. He closes his eyes smirking slightly, Mustang and Bleu was going to give him hell for this next part, but Princess Luna had agreed to it.

“Don't forget, you ponies don't know I'm here. No mention of that fact is to be made in any letters or anything. The world is not supposed to know what the hell happened to me. I'm not supposed to be commanding this force. I'm not even supposed to be out of the hospital in Canterlot yet. Let the first bastards to find out be the Goddess damned dragons. Someday I want to see them raise up on their piss soaked hind legs and howl,” Buck us, its the goddess damned forty second again and that son of a bitch Kaisur.”

“We want to get the hell over there. The quicker we clean up this Celestia damned mess , the quicker we can take a little trot against the little hometown of theirs and clean out the nest fully. Before the bucking Air Wing gets all the credit.”

Bleu did not look happy at the change at the least, the dragonling had poked her head out of the curtain and was glaring at him. The Army before him however took it almost as an honor he was going to be staying here and taking command of the counter attack. Luna was right, the Guard ponies had a great deal of faith in him and seeing that now in the faces of all these ponies before him weighed heavily. He hoped he was worth that respect.

“Sure, we want to go home. We want this war over with. The quickest way to get it over with is to go get the bastards that started it. The quicker they are whipped, the quicker we can go home. The shortest way home is through that force out there and their homeland of Cindervale. And when we get to Cindervale. I am personally going to track down this Silverclaw and stomp him out like I would a snake!”

“When a pony is lying in a bunker, if they just stay there all day, a dragon will get them eventually. To hell with that idea. The hell with taking it. My guard does not dig foxholes. I don't want them to. Foxholes only slow up an offensive. Keep moving. And don't give the enemy time to dig one either. We'll win this war, but we'll win it only by fighting and showing the dragons that we've got more guts than they have; or ever will have. We're not going to just stab the sons-of-bitches, we're going to rip out their living Goddess damned guts and use them to grease the wheels of our wagons. We're going to murder those lousy orc sucking cocksuckers by the bushel bucking basket. War is a bloody, killing business. You've got to spill their blood, or they will spill yours. Rip them up the belly. Stab them in the guts. When spells are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt off your face and realize that instead of dirt it's the blood and guts of what once was your best friend beside you, you'll know what to do!"

"I don't want to get any messages saying, "I am holding my position." Once we start heading to Cindervale, we are not holding a Goddess damned thing. Let the dragons do that. We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy's balls. We are going to twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all of the time. Our basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy. We are going to go through him like crap through a goose; like shit through a tin horn!"

"From time to time there will be some complaints that we are pushing our ponies too hard. I don't give a good Goddess damn about such complaints. I believe in the old and sound rule that an ounce of sweat will save a gallon of blood. The harder WE push, the more dragons we will kill. The more dragons we kill, the fewer of our ponies will be killed. Pushing means fewer casualties. I want you all to remember that."

He exhales sharply, his eye glowing a bright red as he lowers his head a moment. Thoughts of those lost already coursing through his mind, names in several books that rested with his gear back in the tent. He raises his head not even sure where his rant took him away from Bleu and Celestia's speech, but he no longer cared, he knew what he wanted to say and simply let that take him and hope it turned out alright.

“There is one great thing that you ponies will be able to say when this war is over and you are all home once again. You may be thankful that twenty years from now, when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grand foal and they ask you what you did in the Second Dragon war, you WON'T have to cough, shift nervously and say you hid from your responsibilities, or shoveled shit in some back woods stable to avoid conflict. No, you can look that foal straight in the eye and say,” Child, I rode with the 42nd Guard unit and a son-of-a-bitch named Jer'rahd Kaisur.

He turns at the units near explosion of cheering his glowing eye slowly fading as he marches back to the end of stage and off behind the curtain before letting out a deep sigh, leaning against a post. His ears perk up again as the cheers continue for a good while before any pony even thinks of leaving the tent.


“You are better at this than I believed General. I think a great deal of that was little more than ad libing.”

“Everything this damned fool said from when he told them not to mention he was here was a ad lib. At any point do you think you were going to tell me you were going to stay out here?”

“Eventually Bleu, I only thought about it on the way here.”

“Whole group JUST gets back together and now everyone is off on their own again. There's no way I am leaving you here by yourself boss.”

“Yes you are. You have your own things to do and I have mine. I can't sit in an office and shout orders at ponies, I need to be out in the thick of it.”

“Why so you can get killed faster?! Some one has to watch your back and the only ones I trust to do that are me, and the others. NONE of whom are here. So I am staying.”

“No, your not Bleu. Your going back to Canterlot with Princess Luna if I have to tie you up and send you there myself.”

“I'd like to see you try that boss. I don't stay easily manageable for very long any more.”

“If you do not return Bleu who will tell the others about where he has gone? I have far to many things to do everywhere to track down Starfall and Velkorn.”

“And as a dragon, I cannot even do that, keep in mind thanks to the idiots out there I am not a well liked creature. So I am staying here.”

“Really quitting being a director already? Some of that stuff has already come in handy out here.”

“No ,but...”

“You can come back when everything is settled with your think tank, as well as when the others are gathered. It is fairly safe to say I will still be here.”


“If you hurry Bleu it should not take you more than a week or so to get everyone back.

“GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Fine, but if you get killed before I get back, I will find a way to make you alive again just so I can beat the crap out of you.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

“It will be interesting to try and explain this to my sister and General Mustang.”

“By the time they can do anything the battle will already be joined. The dragon camps are spread out enough that none of them will be in time to help the others. Their own dislike of each other should be enough for us to start. The remaining orcs should be easy to take out and we start there then move and slam into everything else while they are dealing with the last of the cold weather.”

“I am aware of your plan General, and I believe it will work, which is the only reason I agreed to you staying here. Particularly unsupervised.”

“I have the Waning Moon and my armor now Princess, as well as the entirety of the 42nd under my command. The dragons will not know what hit them.”


Twilight pulls back at the knock on the door, Once more a change in sound from outside was more than enough to wake her up. She glances to the door as Rarity peeks out as if worried about being found here. She blinks opening the door allowing Ms. Cheerilee and Big Mac greet rarity and glance past to wave at Twilight as she wanders over.

“Oh hello Ms. Rarity I did not expect to see you here, I hope I am not interrupting anything.”

“Nothing I am sure Twilight will not get back to the moment you are gone, though I would welcome the company , watching her study tends to be rather boring, so what brings you out here? Please tell me SweetieBelle did not destroy something again with the others.”


“Well nothing irreparably so though I thought to bring the book back they borrowed. I will ask Ms. Twilight you should be a bit more careful about what you loan out of the library , and more importantly to who.”

“Oh no, what did they do?”

“Well while the idea was sweet I suppose they found a love potion in the book and tried to use it on Big Mac and myself, I think they just wanted to make sure the pair of us found our special some pony.”

“But that book was just a history of Hooves and hearts day, I remember there was a potion in there ,but I never got a chance to finish it to even find out if the potion would work. It was mostly a book about the history, I hoped it would shed some light on my research, but it seems hearts and hooves day did not start till only about six hundred years ago.”

“Well I can tell you that the love potion in the book is legit, although it is rather strong.”

Rarity and Twilight both wince at that ,though Cheerilee waves a hoof trying to stall any panic.

“Who did they try and use it on?”

“Big Mac and Myself, though the effects were temporary after an hour, though there is likely going to be quite a bit of talk about the pair of us for a while.”


Twilight and Rarity both face hoof as Rarity starts cursing under her breath about Sweetiebelle.

“Well I am glad both of you are alright , though the love potion did work?”

“Well yes Ms. Twilight , but now that we are no longer under the effects it is rather clear that even with a whole day like that the pair of us are not really interested in each other like that. Big Mac already has a mare he is interested in, which is another reason we came here. “

“I am afraid I don't follow.”

“Well you are friends with Applejack, and Pinkie Pie,as well as Ms. Rarity here. I would like you to tell Applejack that the rumors are unfounded as I doubt she would believe Big Mac or myself.”


“Ms. Pie tends to spread more rumors than need be sometimes if she thinks they will not hurt any one, or they might be funny. Plus we really do not want her throwing a party for us from the supposed wedding plans that were made. And if Ms' Rarity would crush some of the rumors as well her opinion is well respected around town. That should end some things as well.”

“I most certainly will help maintain your reputation Ms. Cherrilee , it is the least I can do considering that once again my sister has caused so much havoc.”

“If you would Twilight Please let your other friends know the truth as well, no sense in letting them hear the rumors either.”

“Consider it done.”

“Thank you again both of you.”


The pair walk out leaving Twilight and Rarity to discuss the plans to nip any rumors in the bud. As the door closes behind them Big Mac sighs out a breath he did not know he was holding.

“Thank you for that Ms. Cheerilee, I do have a bit of trouble talking to mah sisters friends.”

“You do not have to be that shy Big Mac, I did say I would help before the one you actually had an interest in heard about what happened today. Besides having this all cleared up helps me out as well. Though you do have me curious which one of them do you fancy. I don't suppose you would tell me now that things will be cleared up?”



Speech is a ponyfied version of General Patton's Speech in the opening of the movie Patton [note i did not use the toned down version from the movie.]

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