• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,089 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Sticks and Stones.

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard

Sticks and Stones.

“I just don't get it, Twilight. This is the second time this year this has happened. Am I losing my edge? Have I lost my touch? You'd tell me right?! PLEASE SAY YOU’D TELL ME!?!”

Twilight's head whipped back and forth as the pink earth pony shook her violently, panic in the party pony’s eyes. Pinkie had been going on and on since she came over about the black-coated mare that came into town earlier that day. She had, of course, zeroed in on a new pony and immediately sought to make friends, only to have the mare vanish on her. Not only did the mare vanish, but she managed to elude a persistent Pinkie Pie long enough for the party pony to actually give up on finding her.

Such a thing was unheard of in Ponyville, though Twilight thought Pinkie was making a bit too big of a deal out of it.

“I am sure she was just passing through, Pinkie; nothing to be concerned about. Sooo… anything happen with your Pinkie sense lately?”

The pink party pony switched gears almost instantly, giving no sign of her previous stress.

“Well, I had a tail twitch, but then that turned out to be Gummy biting me. And there was another twitch, but that was just Mr. Cake falling off a ladder into the cake he was decorating when Dashie did her Sonic Rainboom thing again in practice. Oh, I saw Gilda again, too; she was watching Dashie go through her routine, but she took off when she saw me; guess she's still mad. Oh, and Big Mac and Applejack were there watching her practice, too, and Applejack commented that Gilda looked like she got hurt somehow ‘cause she was bandaged up in some places, but I didn't get to see that and maybe she should see Nurse Redheart, ‘cause seriously, that mare can fix anything and I always get a lollipop after I go and it’s always a cherry one ‘cause the grapes tend to be rather icky and Nurse Redheart knows I like the cherry ones so she tends to stock up when it’s time for me to get a check up and why do they call it a check up, is it cause they have a little list they check to see if you're on the up and up, but then wouldn't the up and up be more of a Guard pony thing to do? I mean- MUMMMFF!!?!?”

Twilight had been trying to get her friend to stop talking gently before she simply gave up and just shoved one of the cupcakes Pinkie had brought along into the earth pony’s mouth. While Pinkie was swallowing, Twilight took the chance to speak.

“No, Pinkie, the itchy hoof sense you had that you were so worried about?”

Pinkie Pie deflates again at the mention of that, her hair hanging down over her face and somehow turning straight.

“Oh... that one... Yeah, it went off again recently... I don't get it, though; last time it was only a month before Applejack's parents... but it was nearly a year with Granny Pie... there's really not any way to tell, Twilight. I'm still worried about it. It was gone for a little while, but it started up again, I don't know if that means someone died, and there's someone else gonna die, or if it just took a break. I don't have that one go off very often. I really don't know what it means...”

Twilight dipped her head. She felt bad she had asked now, but this was still important. She moved over to her friend, giving the pink pony a hug.

“It's okay, Pinkie. I am sure it's nothing we can't handle.”

“But, but, but, it's like that time you visited yourself from the future, though it’s the past now, so your past self visited your past self and you got even more worried and stressed even though you were just gonna tell yourself not to be stressed.”

“Umm… Maybe you could read something to take your mind off it?”

Twilight looked around, having no idea how to deal with this sort of thing, so she fell back on what tended to make her feel better. It seemed to work, as Pinkie brightened suddenly, her hair resuming its normal poofiness.

“Oh yeah, I need to read that book up to where you are, and you should get started with your studies.”

Twilight face hoofs, never sure how to take Pinkie Pie's antics or rapid changes in mood.

“Alright, let’s go with this: do you remember where you were at in the story?”

“Lemme see… I think the unicorn guy had just gotten eaten by a tortoise.”

Another face hoof.

“Careful, Twilee, that might leave a mark.”

“It was a turtle, and you are that far behind? Arrrgh, Princess Luna gives us a task and the only ones who are caught up are Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh yeah, did you know they’re a couple now? They came into Sugar Cube Corner on a date when they thought I wasn't there, but I was. It was soooooooooo cute.”

“Yes, I know; Rarity told me about AJ and Dash, though I didn't know they went on a date.”

“What? AJ and Dashie went on a date? Does Big Mac know?”

“But you just said… Um, I don't think so. He seems to be hanging out at Fluttershy's a lot.”

“WHAAAAT? Fluttershy's in on it too? I didn't see Big Mac there, but he could have been. After all, I wasn't supposed to be there anyway. Ooooh, that's kinda kinky. But isn't that incest or maybe they are not really related, but if they are, that could mean flipper babies, not sure what that means but I would wanna see a seapony they sound cute and I hear they can sing...”

“What?! No! You know what, never mind, forget I asked anything. Here's the book. Please try to catch up with everyone else, Pinkie.”

“Okie Doki Loki.”

Twilight shoved the book into her friend’s chest, causing the pink pony to fall backwards and tumble across the floor, rolling up onto the couch, clutching the book to her chest, and giggling madly. The earth pony bounced a few times on the couch cushions before stretching out and pulling a pair of black-framed reading glasses from her poofy hair, putting them on and suddenly seeming to get very serious in reading the book.

Twilight’s magic grabbed the book, turning it right-side-up, much to Pinkie’s astonishment.

“Oh, wow, that’s much better. Thanks, Twilight.”

The purple unicorn sighed. There was only so much full blown Pinkie Pie she could take sometimes.

“No problem, Pinkie...”

Twilight set herself up and cast the spell, trying to ignore the song Pinkie was loudly humming behind her, particularly since it sounded like a very off-key version of Platinum's last song. That bit of a depressing reminder was not helping her with what she was bracing herself to see tonight.


This was bad. They had left the dragon lands only three days ago, and now this. The caravan had been stopped dead in its tracks, still far outside of the Equestrian borders. There was easily two hundred griffons flying about and blocking the path. Baelit was attempting to argue with the leader of the group out in the front, but the bird was having none of it.
It seemed the Griffons had not been fooled long and had sent a fair-sized force of their troops to aid the Dragons. Luna expected there would be more coming, but it was too late for the dragons anyway. Even so, it seemed the griffons were not about to pass up a chance to capture the majority of the Equestrian forces while they were weakened. They had also found Velkorn as she snored away and recognized her. One of the Generals of the Goddess of the Night would make a perfect trophy.

Luna fully expected the Griffon to have his troops simply attack the camp or kill Velkorn directly, but the griffon was hesitating, trying to wake the drugged zebra up first. A few of his griffons were holding Baelit and the other medics at bay as they protested the treatment. Two of the less-injured ponies had been beaten down when they tried to retaliate and had been left on the ground with new wounds. The griffons were hesitant about killing anyone for some reason.

Luna ducked back into the covered wagon wondering if she was strong enough yet to take out that many on her own. They would be searching the wagons soon and she doubted that they would spare any of the others if they found her here.

“Honorable shits. They won't kill anyone ‘cause they think the injured and non-combatants are not worthy. Velkorn’s fine ‘til she wakes up.”

The Princess of the Night looked down at the heavily-bandaged gray pegasus standing next to her, a fire burning in the mare’s eyes.

“Starfall, you should not be up. Velkorn said you were not to move.”

“Not like I feel a damn thing with all that crap she gave me anyway. ‘Sides, I’m tired of this shit. These damn birds are not gonna keep me from getting back to my daughter.”

Starfall hobbled out of the wagon as Luna hissed at her.

“Back me up, would you, Princess? But stay out of sight; I would never hear the end of it from General Kaisur if you got hurt on my watch.”

The lame pegasus walked out of the covered wagon, hobbling her way towards the lead griffon, using a long tent pole tucked under her wing as a crutch. The moment she moved away from the cart, she was spotted and immediately recognized. Every griffon in the entire force drew their weapons and readied themselves as the injured pony moved closer to the leader of the flock.

Luna frowned; this griffon was very well-informed. Jer'rahd and Starfall might be easily recognizable due to all the media about them, but the leader knew who Velkorn was in a group full of other zebra. That said something. Information on their location had to have been leaked, likely from Canterlot. She would need to do something about that when she returned.
Starfall stopped a few paces from the leader, looking up at the griffon as the larger armored male looked down at her.

“Was hoping there would be more griffons. I never did get to kill enough of your kind with just the mercs the dragons had.”

“General Starfall Silvertail. To think I would be this lucky. I will likely be a General myself once I bring your tattered hide in.”

“You would think that, and it might still happen that way. But I don't plan to make this easy for you. You want me and Velkorn here, fine, but the rest get to head back to Canterlot.”

“No deal, pegasus; I can simply take all of you now. There is no benefit to that to me.”

“Really? Well, what about the location of Princess Luna and General Jer'rahd? Do you have that?”

“Oh, and they are not here?”

“Do you think those two could easily be hurt? I took a giant star metal-filled mace to the head and I'm still glaring at you.”

“Then tell me, mare, and I will make your death quick.”


Starfall turned, ignoring the griffon’s scowl, hobbling over to one of the 42nd leaning on a wagon clutching his sword to his chest.

“Lemme borrow your blade, Soldier.”


“Just give it here, and that bit of paper and charcoal too.”

“Yes, sir.”

The bandaged earth pony gived her what she requested. Starfall jotted something down before tucking it into the bandage on her foreleg. The roan-colored stallion then offered the pegasus his blade. The mare pulled it from the scabbard with her teeth, leaving the pony holding the scabbard. She tucked the blade under her bandaged wing, moving back over to the griffon.

“Simple terms so even a feather brain like you can understand: you beat me, you obviously get me, the zebra and the troops, but you get the info on my little note as well. I win, we all trot on our merry way.”

“Or I could simply kill you and be done with it and get everything I want.”

“If you were going to do that, you would not be trying to wake Velkorn up so you don't have to murder a helpless opponent. All you are doing now is stalling for time and acting like the overgrown chicken you are. Or is a wounded mare who cannot even fly still too much of a threat for you, dodo?”

The griffon bristled and a few of the injured ponies behind her laughed.

“So what’s it going to be, you overgrown feather duster?”

“There is no guarantee you are not just stalling, either, General. How do I even know you have anything of value I would even want on that note?”

Starfall lifted her hoof and tapped the amulet on her chest that looked like her cutie mark.

“See this? It’s the Element of Honesty. I'm the chosen bearer of it. I'm sure even you can do the math on what that means.”
The griffon nodded with an annoyed sound. He stepped back, shouting something to the troops, who formed a circle around the pair. Starfall shifted, gripping the blade in her teeth and staggering as she adjusted to the weight of a blade larger than she was used to. Some of the griffons laughed, though the rest of the caravan watched with baited breath as the pegasus nearly fell after putting weight on her injured leg.

The leader didn't laugh. He paused and actually saluted her with his weapon.

“I see; I understand the point of this now. You do not hope to win; you simply wish a warriors death. Respectable; I will let the Queens Cross free for that, at least. I can do no such thing for any others.”

“Thanks, but I have a daughter to get back to. I am not dying here, and not to a stinking griffon.”

The griffon growled, wings flapping as he launched into the air above her. Starfall followed the jump, watching as the bird used the sun to try and blind her as he descended, his spear thrusting down at the wounded pony.

A spray of blood hit the hard-packed earth and the flutter of bandages ripped free, whipping in the stiff breeze. The griffon’s eyes were wide. A collective intake of breath was the only sound anywhere around until the shock wave hit, echoing across the plains.

The griffon’s spear was wrapped in bloodied bandages and sunk deep into the ground. An armored pegasus was pressed between the griffon’s wings, her own body weight driving the blade under the back of the griffon’s helm and out though his neck. The pegasus muttered barely loud enough for the shocked impaled griffon to hear: “I learned a thing or two about honesty when I first went to claim it. I was denied by the guardian, told me that always telling the truth was a lame example of honesty and that I needed to be honest with myself. I took that to account and decided I was going to live how I want and do what I want. What I want is for what family I have left and my friends to thrive. I also want to kill as many of you damned feather dusters as I can before I go. I can remain honest in this as it is truly what I want. Funny how the actions of just one individual can spark so much anger at an entire race. There's been a burning rage in me that I've had since Loc was killed. I let that out too soon once and suffered for it. So, I've been tempering that hate, that rage, ‘til it’s as fine as any sword that exists. I don't need to hide it. I don't need to hold back. I don't have to lie. The note does have where they are, and I am as messed-up as I looked, but anger at your race is stronger than any pain I can endure.”

Starfall rolled off the griffon’s back, yanking the blade free and tucking the bloodied weapon under her armored wing as she rose back to her hooves. Her gaze shifted over to the griffons forming a circle around her as their commander gasped his last few blood-choked attempts for air before collapsing to the hard-packed ground.

Starfall turned to the others gathered and grinned, her muzzle the only part of her the armor did not cover.

“So, do I get another few rounds of killing birds, or do you follow the dead one’s order and get the buck out of my face?”

The griffons collectively stepped back away from the armored pegasus. Murmurs among the griffon ranks started and continued for a time until one of them finally just yelled out.

“Buck this! She’s just one mare; she can't beat all of us.”

A quick series of agreements spread among the griffons at this outburst. Starfall gritted her teeth.

“She's not just one mare; she’s a member of Princess Luna's Royal Guard and our general. You fight her, you fight us.”
Starfall looked back as the entire caravan of injured ponies slowly rose, one by one. Pushing themselves up with crutches or in the back of the wagons, armored in bloody bandages and whatever weapon they could get their hooves on, looking more like an army of the walking dead than the invalids they had been only moments before.

Soldiers that should be in no shape to move joined the others, drawing weapons and focusing all their attention on the two hundred griffons who had suddenly gone from facing a caravan of injured and dying ponies and medics to facing a entire caravan of injured and homicidal ponies with no regard to their own pain and suffering, all of which suddenly seemed very capable of taking on the smaller number of griffons and winning. There was barely a pause before the griffons started taking to the air, flying as fast as they could away from the caravan.

Luna watched them fly off, emerging from the covered wagon and trotting over to Starfall as the ponies who had risen up groaned and sank back down to where they had been, laughing heavily at the griffons’ expense.

The Princess reached the pegasus just as Baelit did, the zebra stallion still gaping in amazement at what had just happened.

“That should not have even been possible. YOU! YEAH ALL OF YOU! CHECK THEM ALL OUT BEFORE WE MOVE! MAKE SURE NO WOUNDS REOPENED FROM THAT! Buck, mare, that was some intense shit.”

Baelit switched between yelling at the medics and talking much lower to Starfall, his ears perking as he barely heard her response.

“Thank you.”

“I will say, I am impressed Starfall. I never doubted you were capable, but this is something beyond what I expected. This is General Kaisur levels of crazy.”

“Glad you approve, princess...”

Luna and Baelit glanced at each other, moving a bit closer to the still-armored pony.

“Starfall, are you all right in there?”

“I think I just re-broke everything... Please don't tell Velkorn.”


The first scouts from Jer'rahd's force found the caravan by the end of the week. Baelit did not wish to stop, though he was willing to slow the wagon train down a bit to allow the others to catch up. The event with the griffons put a few of the injured back on the critical list with what they had done, so he did not wish to stop even if he would welcome a bit of protection from another event like that.

Velkorn and the other medics woke up as well. The zebra mare was frantic over the host of new injuries that happened while she was asleep, particularly with Starfall, though no one would tell her what happened. Starfall did her best to be a good patient and sleep a lot when Velkorn was around.

By the start of the new week, the primary force had rejoined the medical caravan, taking up positions around the wagon train to prevent any more problems. Spirits were rather high as everyone was returning home again.

Jer'rahd, Bleu, and Rhede met up with Luna, offering a salute as they arrived.

“Welcome back, generals. What kept you?”

“Cindervale was a little bigger than I expected, Princess. We had to loot. Dancing hooves here got lost again and we had to ask this polite and heavily-armed group of griffons for directions. There was a bit of a language barrier, but it was easily overcome with liberal use of trauma.”

Rhede glared at Bleu as Jer'rahd sighed. Luna simply smiled.

“It is good to have you back. I gather from the light show that the mission was a success?”

“Yes, and you should never call Jer a clevmmmphphmmm.”

Jer growled as Bleu's tail tightened around the earth pony’s head, filling his mouth with scaled muscle.

“What did I say Pelt!?!”

“A clever pony? Yes I am quite aware of what tends to happen when he is called that, Rhede. For as long as you have been his friend, I am surprised you never noticed it before. “

Rhede slipped free of the dragonling’s tail.

“This is a new thing, I think.”

“If you want to count ‘since my grandfather’ a new thing...”

The group looked at Jer'rahd, suddenly becoming very uncomfortable.

“Bleu and Rhede can fill you in, princess. I am going to make my rounds to make sure everything’s going properly.”

The trio watched the gray unicorn trot off towards the guards ringing the caravan.

“Jeez, Boss has been moody since he broke into the kitchen.”

“Considering what he did in there Bleu, I would be more worried if he was not upset.”

“Point silky locks.”

“Stop that.”

“Excuse me, what exactly happened with General Kaisur?”

The two glanced back at Luna, then turned to watch Jer'rahd before they started arguing over who got to talk to the princess first.


“So, wait… You protected General Silvertail ‘til General Velkorn got there, then you helped General Kaisur kill a dragon god, and then you helped Generals Scale and Pelt defend Princess Luna?”

“Yep, and then I spent the last few days firing a cannon at the dragon city of Cindervale.”

“I find that hard to believe, Hooves. You, of all ponies, at every major point in that battle?”

“I would believe it, soldier. There is a reason he jumped up two ranks. Granted, from my understanding, so did you.”

“General Kaisur, Sir!”


Jer'rahd had been roaming the camp for a few days, now, as the caravan progressed. At the outskirts of the guard, he found the newly-promoted (again), Staff Sergeant Hooves and one of Starfall's Shadow Bolts, Comet Tail, who had recently received the rank of Major. Hooves was pulling one of the cannon carts and Comet Tail was riding in the back of it along with the other supplies, still nursing a sprained wing.

The pair was clearly panicked and shocked that he knew them or had even heard of what they had done. The cart had stopped as Hooves turned to look his way and salute. Well, at least he assumed Hooves was looking at him.

“Don't look so surprised. Hooves managed to keep three superior officers safe and aided the princess, as well as playing a part in killing a dragon god. And if not for Major Comet Tail, a great many more would have died than already have. You two are possibly the biggest heroes to come out of this conflict. Keep up the good work.”

“Yes sir... Thank you, sir.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Jer'rahd paused long enough to snap a salute to the two of them, which they both quickly returned as he trotted away again.

“By the stars... He knew our names?”

“I have heard he keeps track of everything, but yeah, that was intense.”

“So... Comet Tail, was it? Wanna go grab a drink or something when we get back?”

“Don't I outrank you?”

“Err, right, you wanna go grab a drink or something, Sir?”

“Sure, sounds good.”

Jer'rahd nearly laughed in spite of himself hearing the last strains of the conversation of the pair fade as he dropped back to the end of the caravan. This was something he always hated, but he always did. He nodded to the white ponies pulling the carts, moving to one of the unicorns keeping the bodies in stasis.

“General Kaisur, Sir. What can I do for you?”

“Do you have a list of the names of the fallen?”

“Yes sir. Day Lily over there has the list in his saddlebags. Day Lily! The General wants the list.”

The pale white unicorn with red fur in spots on his coat floated a large rolled scroll from his saddlebag, sending it over to the other two so Jer'rahd could take it.

“Thank you. I will bring this back to you when I have updated my book.”

“No problem, sir. We have another copy if you want to keep it. Plus, all the bodies have been marked. I am not really looking forward to getting these carts into the city, though. No pony is ever happy to see us at their door.”

“It’s a job that needs to be done. Some pony needs to do it... Do me a favor would you?”

“Whats that, Sir?”

“When you do go to tell the families, find out when they plan to have the funerals and where and bring that information back to me.”

“Sir? That's over seven hundred names and potential funerals. That's if these ponies have any one to even tell. Canterlot, Dullahan, and Manehatten were hit pretty bucking hard sir.”

“If they do not have family, let me know that as well. I will take care of the funeral arrangements myself.”

“Are you sure about that, sir?”

“Yes; they followed me willingly to their deaths in the name of Equestria. The least I can do is see that the land comforts them in their final rest.”

“Yes, sir.”


It took a month for the slow-moving wagon train to make it to Canterlot. Bleu had somehow managed to drag Rhede into some sort of improv for the troops to keep morale up, not that it needed too much improvement after crossing the Equestrian border. Watching Bleu's antics reminded him of the old ESO tours before the organization was destroyed irrecoverably at Dullahan. When not entertaining, Bleu spent most of her time guarding the carts full of eggs. Jer'rahd thought it unnecessary at first, but after an incident with a former doctor, he thought it perhaps was for the best.

When not being abused by Bleu, Rhede spent his time pouring over the books he had brought. Luna kept to herself, mostly, and Velkorn continued to do what she did best. Starfall mostly slept or complained when Velkorn was not around, though Jer’rahd was impressed to hear what she had done to be back in her current state.

They had passed more than a few farms and small settlements along the way and were able to resupply and restock at some of them. Reactions, however, were mixed. Some ponies were ecstatic to see the victorious troops home again, the civilians convinced that the actions in the dragon lands would have them safe forever.

Then there was the other side. The ponies that shunned them, believing they brought doom down on them from all the other races and that Equestria would know nothing but war now, thanks to these soldiers. There were, unfortunately, more of the latter, it seemed.

Once they arrived at Canterlot, however, most of that doubt and shunning was gone.

The gates of the city were blocked by a massive throng of ponies of all types. The gathered ponies were almost as large as the returning force itself. A few Royal Guards were trying to keep order and failing miserably. The small force was flung aside as the crowd stampeded towards the caravan.

Nearly every eye in the caravan was suddenly on the Generals, and on Jer'rahd specifically. He nodded lightly and was met with a cheer.

The mob was met halfway by a horde of guard ponies rushing to meet their loved ones and family that they had left behind to undertake the conflict. The caravan stopped dead as even the ones that should not have been up tried to move forward to greet their families.

A large portion of the troops hung back, watching the proceedings. Some were crying openly at the scene, while others were grimly watching the joy before them as if wishing that there was somepony waiting for them. A few from this group walked off together, including Comet Tail and First Sergeant Hooves, though not many of them seemed very happy.

It was to this group Jer'rahd went to. They snapped to attention as he approached, the sudden click of hooves heard even over the cheers. There were about three to four hundred ponies still hanging back, watching the crowd with envy. He knew the losses were great, but this was far beyond what he expected.

“Alright, soldiers; at ease. That's enough gawking and moping. I don't care if you went out seeking revenge, justice, or just something to do. THAT....”

He lifts a hoof to the cheering ponies and the mob that had gathered to welcome the returning soldiers.

“...That, is why we do what we do. We fight to keep them safe so there is something for your brothers and sisters in the Guard to return to. Even if you have nothing left, you should be proud to know that your actions allowed others to return to their loved ones and that what we did will ensure that others will not have to suffer as you did. Now I know you all want to go get wasted in the nearest bar to drown your sorrows. Buck, I assure you I want to do the same thing and put Starcloud out of business, but we are not done yet. I want you to divide into three groups...”

Jer'rahd waved, splitting the ponies apart like he was guiding cart traffic.

“ You lot are going to help the undertakers and any of the civilians who cannot find their families in the crowd. You are to check the lists by the carts and you let them know if their loved ones are on it. It’s a shit job, but it’s better that they be informed of what happened instead of not knowing. GOT IT?”


He looks to the other group.

“You lot will be helping the Queen's Cross. Do the same deal with the wounded who can't move. If one of the wounded wants to go meet some pony, you bucking make sure they get to, understand? I don't give a crap what the medics say about no visiting for some of them.”


“Alright, the rest of you are on gear detail. Bring what we brought with us into the city. If there are no new barracks built, you will take over anything that looks promising: a ball room, a hotel, or evensome noble's bucking mansion if you have to. I want some place ready for the ponies who have nowhere else to go and a place to put the wounded if the Queen's Cross doesn't have someplace big enough. I want a roof over our heads tonight, troops. You understand!?”


“Good; I have to go get screamed at by Princess Celestia for the next few days, unless one of you wants to trade jobs with me? Seriously. Any takers?”

“All you Sir!”
“Good luck sir; we're rooting for you!”

The ribbing brought a few chuckles to the grim faces. Even if it was forced, Bleu would be proud.

“Fine, then. Get to it. You have your orders.”



Princess Luna watched from another part of the caravan, hearing Jer'rahd bark orders to the remaining troops. While part of her felt sorry for them, another part of her was glad they had more connections with the guard than they did otherwise. Troops like that had no connections, and if things panned out badly with her sister, that would be a good thing.

“Starfall, Rhede, both of you go ahead and go. You have ponies waiting for you. Go to them; no sense in letting Tia get to all of us at once.”

“You sure, Princess?”

“Not particularly, but I know my sister is not happy. I would spare as many as I can from that.”

Bleu had shifted, watching the ponies run around from a position on Velkorn's back. The zebra had fussed at her for shrinking down, but when Bleu's usual return banter was not forthcoming, she let it slide, planning to check the dragonling later.

“Not sure I am comfortable leaving you four to take the heat for all of us. We should be there, Princess.”

“Nah, there’s only gonna be three of us taking shit from Celestia. Velky here's gonna help you get home, Starfall.”

“Wait a moment there, Bleu; I should be around to help you, too.”

“Sorry, I'm an outpatient at this point; a check up now and again and I’m set. Starfall there can barely walk, so she’s still in need of a full-time doc. Besides, you said yourself there’s nothing you can do for my wings and that’s the only real issue I have left at this point. She needs more help than I do and as the Bearer of Compassion, I am sure you wouldn't dreeeeeam of stopping her from going to see her daughter, now would you, Velky?”

Everyone looked to the dragonling as she hopped down from the zebra's back and the wide grin on her face.

“I believe you either bumped your head or you have been hanging out far too much with Rhede.”

“Logic is easy. Comedy, now that's hard.”

“No, Velkorn, that one was all Bleu. Anyway, lets go; I don't see Cloud Dancer anywhere.”

“Its fine, Starfall; she was staying with Maw and I see Fox and Wolf with a cart over there. Your daughter’s most likely still in Ponyville. With this many gathered here, I can understand why Maw wouldn't send her.”
Rhede looked up at Luna. “You sure you will be alright, Princess? Your sister was in a mood last time I was here.”

“We will be fine. I have Jer'rahd and Bleu to back me up. If we cannot make her see what we did was needed, then no one can.”

“Good luck, then. Alright, you take one side, Velkorn, I'll take the other. This fool mare's not gonna let us carry her and they won't be able to get that cart through the crowd for a while.

Bleu and Luna watched the trio shamble off towards the waiting Pelt colts. Fox had leaned out since the last time Luna had seen him and Wolf had bulked up considerably, though his gray coat had gotten rather shaggy. The princess briefly wondered if they had the same father, as they looked nothing alike and Rhede looked nothing like either of them.

“So what now, Luna?”

“Sadly, I expect a chess game.”

“What? Oh come on. Now?”

“It helps keep Tia calm; I think we are better off if she does have it out.”

“Ummmmmm, I think we might be in trouble then, cause I ate most of the pieces last time, too.”


Luna steeled herself as she pushed open the door to Tia's meeting room. She had not been this reluctant to do something in centuries, yet here she was trying to think of any reason not to go into a room to see her sister.
Still, she was determined to prove to Tia that the proper course of action that was taken. Peaceful solutions only go so far.

The Princess of War was not sorry for what had been done and she would not let her sister make her feel bad about it. She strode into the meeting room, coming face to face with Celestia as her sister entered though the door on the other side of the room.

Luna blinked. Her sister’s flowing pink mane was no longer fully pink. There where waves of blue and green fluttering among the white alicorn’s long tresses. Celestia's eyes were wide as well, looking at Luna and the changes to her.

“What the buck did you do to yourself?”
“What the buck did you do to yourself?”


“Hey MAW! We're back!”

“In the kitchen, Rhede... Hey now! Slow it up!”

A blur of motion tore out of the kitchen, nearly knocking over Rhede and impacting with the injured Starfall, bringing a whimper of pain from the pegasus and a sympathy wince from both Velkorn and Rhede.


“Cloud Dancer... hi....”

Rhede briefly wondered if the tears in Starfall's eyes were from the pain or from seeing her daughter; they had been gone a few months. The filly had grown considerably since the last time he had seen her, and Rhede had to stop himself from admiring how she was shaping up. The easiest way to do that was to step in the kitchen and leave the mares outside in the family room.

Maw was at the stove cooking something and his youngest sister Golden was currently doing her best to make noise banging old pots together in the corner. He smiled at the sight of the little one, who glanced up at him a moment before going back to her noise. He looked over to Maw and sighed. His mother was not a young pony, but she seemed to have aged considerably since the Gala. Granted, she still did not act it, but he had not been back home since before he left to the conference in the zebra lands.

“Welcome back, Rhede. Where's Jer'rahd?”

“Probably getting an earful from Celestia at this point. She's not happy with us.”

“’Cause ya'll started another war as revenge.”

“Don't start with me, too, Maw.”

“I ain't. I'm right with you in saying they got what they deserved and what they needed tah have done to ‘em for a long time. Ah'm just saying that’s why the Princess ain't happy. So I gather it’s over then; they're all dead?”

“No, a few escaped and one of their gods was not there, but Cindervale no longer exists. Dragons are closer to being extinct now than they have ever been since history was first recorded.”

“Should be all the way gone. Shoulda made sure you killed ‘em all.”

“Don't forget, Maw, one of your adoptive family members is a dragon. Or did you disown Bleu?”

“Bleu's more like a pony than some ponies I know. I met quite a few dragons back in my trading days and she's nothing like any of them. She's a good girl and proof of nurture over nature. She's been raised by ponies and for all purposes thinks she is one, despite being different.”

“That doesn't make her any less annoying, Maw.”

“She's family. That's family’s job.”

“So how have you been?”

“Been better. So long as I'm doing something though, I don't dwell. It’s when things get quiet... that's when it gets bad. “

Rhede moved over to his mother, hugging the smaller mare as she dropped the spoon into what she was mixing, trying hard not to cry.

“It'll be okay, Maw.”

“I know... it’s just… it ain't easy, even with the weddings.”

“Weddings? You mean those happened already?”

“Yeah, them stallions Jer'rahd brought with him to the Hearth’s Warming party. Potato Wedge and Higgs Boson. Both of ‘em finally got to the point where they were gonna tie the knot with Fisher and Faux. Both of them thought they were getting deployed with yer group and yer sisters convinced them tah get married before they left so that the colts would have something to strive to come home to. Then it turns out they were left here on castle detail.”

“Castle detail?!? Only the old and injured Guard and the Royal Guard were left for that. How did those two... Jer...”

“Pretty nice of him considering. Risky, too; he'd lose some of that respect he's earned playing favorites, though his letter did mention somethin’ about a wedding gift for the four of them. Never could read his writing that well. I guess they went and asked him permission to wed the sisters first, ‘cause you'd already left fer that zebra lands and, well, Paw isn't around tah be asked anymore.”

“Yeah, that was nice of him. Not so nice not to say anything to me at all...”

“Considering where ya'll went. Ah'm sure he had other things on his mind, Rhede.”


“Any reason you lot have decided to walk along with us?”

“Princess Celestia ordered you two escorted to her meeting room so you can speak with her.”

Jer'rahd, with Bleu shrunk down and riding on his back, were guided down the main hall of Canterlot Castle by six of the Royal Guard ponies. All of them were armed and had taken up the six cardinal positions around the pair. Jer'rahd was not amused, though Bleu seemed to be.

“Isn't it a little silly to be guarding guards? I mean what’s the point? Are you gonna stop us from stopping to get something to eat? Prevent us from getting lost. I know the Castle’s big, but still, we have been here enough. Did they rebuild the way to Celestia's meeting room into a maze? That would be neat...”

“It’s pointless and stupid, Bleu. An unnecessary waste.”

“The Royal Guard follows what Princess Celestia orders, unlike you lot.”

The last bit was said under the guard’s breath, but Bleu caught it and she knew Boss caught it. This was not going to end well.

“That is not what I meant when I said this was an unnecessary waste.”


“Yes, shouldn't castle ornamentation be used for decoration like always? If she actually wanted me escorted by proper Guard she should have asked the 42nd or some colts with sticks not the resident dust-collecting knick knacks...”

The lead guard whirled about, nearly headbutting Jer'rahd as he met the General's glare with his own. The gray unicorn stallion did not so much as flinch from Jer'rahd's eyes, which Bleu thought was impressive.

“We went thought the same training you lot went through, so you can stuff it.”

“Ah yes, and you do such a good job. How many died on your watch? How many dragons and griffons managed to be in the city to attack?”

“The 42nd was on duty as well. I don't see you pointing that out.”

“We were on Gala duty; most of our guests survived your screw up.”

“Yes, great job there. Your princess gets captured and ours nearly gets killed and still manages to stop the enemy leader. And where was that enemy leader hiding? Why, as one of your own generals, and the highest ranking one at that. Point’s in our favor, Demon.”

Jer'rahd growled and both unicorns’ horns flare, unfastening their weapons. Suddenly, both Jer'rahd and the guard were lifted into the air. Bleu tightened her claws around both of them, her full-sized form taking up most of the hallway as she brought both of them up to her eye level. The other guards had all pulled back, but their weapons were drawn.

“Knock it off! Both of you! Everybody bucked up, so stop pointing the blame. Despite what you seem to think, Boss and whatever your name is, we are both on the same side here. Now, can we continue on or do I need to put you both in a time-out?” She squeezed the two of them again for emphasis, though again, neither so much as flinched from the action.

“You colts play nice or I'll make you kiss.”

That brought a slight wince from both the guard and the general, easing on their bodies as well as a few chuckles from the other Royal Guard. She sets them both back down away from each other and shrank down herself, wincing a little before clamoring up onto Jer'rahd's back.

“Ooh, think I pulled something there. Let's get this over with so I can go hit a bar already.”

The rest of the escort thankfully went off without any more incidents, aside from the two stallions occasionally glaring at each other.


A tea cup clinked lightly as Celestia took a sip then set the cup back on its tray. Her eyes had yet to leave her sister. Granted, Luna had not taken her eyes off Celestia, either. The whole room was tense, a ripe powder keg; it had been that way since explanations were given out for the new looks they each sported.

Celestia had explained that the magic that healed her had bleached sections of her hair, and when she attempted to fix it her magic was still weak and went a bit awry changing the coloration a bit too much. Princess Luna thought that rather amusing.
When Luna explained what happened to her, Celestia was much less amused.

A rapid-fire argument broke out over the dangers of using the books, something Celestia had deemed an unnecessary risk.
Luna had countered, saying it was quite necessary and if she had not done so, there would have been a great many more lives lost.

As the conversation was steered closer to the crux of the issue, both had gone mostly silent. Luna was the first to break the silence.

“So, then, what do you plan to do now sister? What is done cannot be undone.”

“I have no plans to do anything until I have spoken to all of your generals as well. I will decide after that.”

“You may speak with Jer'rahd and Bleu, but the rest of them are gone already, and I doubt Rhede will be having anything at all to do with you. Your response to his actions last time seems to have soured his relationship to you greatly.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow at Luna telling her that she “may” do something.

“Fine, I expected as much from Rhede, but I am already having the other two brought here. If you are worried that I will punish them here, I promise I will not.”

“I expected as much, though I will also expect I will need to tell Jer'rahd not to do anything as well. He has much on his mind at the moment.”

“Considering that your actions brought about the end of an empire and angered nearly every other nation that exists in our world? None of them would dare touch a goddess despite their anger, but every one of them has been screaming for the blood of the Demon of Dullahan. With the papers and his tendency to lead from the front, his involvement was quite clear in the incident. The Griffon and Diamond Dog nations want his head as many of their mercenaries died because of his force, your force. There was also a great row about a civilian mining operation that he destroyed personally that was run by the Diamond Dogs.”

“That mining operation was run by a dragon; it was harvesting star metal pulled from the sky by a Diamond Dog pup god.
We have a cart full of the armor and weapons that were produced from that place as evidence, another one of Pelt’s ideas. I am also sure that if you bring this up with the general, he will simply say that any and all of them are more than welcome to come and get him, provided they bring enough bits to mail their bodies home with.”

“You seem rather confident of his abilities.”

“He has done things that even we were not able to do, Celestia. He has killed five gods on his own and one with the rest of us. He is responsible for your chance to seal a demi god in stone. He has died and returned, become the Bearer of the Element of Loyalty. There is not another soul on this world that I trust more at this moment, Celestia.”

Luna's eyes flicker a deeper green, her pupils briefly changing to reptilian slits. The change was not missed by her sister, though Luna rose before Celestia has a chance to say anything, moving towards the door.


Nightmare Moon paused at the door, glancing back at the white alicorn.

“I will speak with you again when you have conversed with General Bleu and General Kaisur. And by the way, sister... you may wish to have your confidants checked out. A griffon force knew exactly where to find us as we were returning with the wounded.”

The door clicked lightly behind her as she stepped out.


Bleu stepped into the room to a rather worried-looking Celestia. The dragonling had shifted to her pony-sized form, as it seemed strangely more comfortable in this situation, plus it was easier to carry the massive bag she had some of the troops bring to her while they waited for Luna to finish up. She was reluctant to leave Boss alone with their escorts, but she doubted they would do anything else at this point.

She cranes her neck looking back over her shoulder as the door being closed by the Guard before partially sauntering and partially dancing over towards the Princess. Something about the alicorn's demeanor seemed to scream to Bleu that she needed cheering up or something. It was probably a reason Bleu was asked for after Luna and before Boss. Celestia needed time to process the bad news and prepare for it.

“What, no chess? I skipped breakfast hoping for another few of those tasty things.”

“You ate my chess set last time you were in here.”

“You saved the queens.”

“Yes, well, those are important...”

“Carved in you and your sister’s likeness, one could expect so. But she changed, so I can eat that one and you seem to have lost a bit of weight so I could just nibble around the edges of the white queen...”

“No, Bleu.”

“You should see about getting the rest replaced... maybe with something not so tasty... Now, on to the important stuff.”

“I expect you know why I asked you here.”

“Yeah, but I said important stuff, like what happened to your hair.”

“We have a crisis here and everypony is concerned about my hair?!?”

“I'm a dragon, Princess.”

“Yes, yet you were more than willing to slaughter your own kind at my sister’s word.”

“Right past the formalities, eh?”

Bleu focused on the Princess, taking a deep breath.

“I was willing to slaughter them at my own word, Princess. Like I said before, I was raised by ponies; I don't have the same drive to rule or destroy everything I see like they do. I am a dragon, but I am not a Dragon. If that makes any sense... probably doesn't, but you get what I am saying. You figured out a way to make dragons actually be better than what they were supposed to be. You set up a system to let a pony guide and care for them. You had a whole school of dragons brought up by ponies, a whole new generation of both dragons and ponies that got along. And what did the actual dragons do? They slaughtered them; the school should not have even been a target and they still killed them. I may have been the director of your school's lab, Princess, but I was actually starting to make friends there with other dragons that didn't want to destroy everything. And once again, a life I had got taken away by my “own kind” as you put it. Yer bucking right I slaughtered them and I would not hesitate in the slightest to do it again, either.”

“You aided in killing an entire species, bringing a culture that had lasted hundreds of thousands of years to little more than rubble in the span of a few months. As much as I loved my students, that they were lost due to a rogue faction in the dragon government does not justify an open season on all dragons.”

“They are not all dead and you bucking know it. How long do you think it will take before Jer'rahd or Luna notice that you are hiding some of the survivors in Canterlot?”

Celestia pales, an impressive feat for an already white alicorn, though Bleu's look stops her cold before she can start to deny it.

“How did you know…?”

“My nose is not just a fashion statement. I know what dragon smells like, and that got cemented home in Cindervale. I was surrounded by so many it was all I could smell for the entire time, that and the scent of the hatchery. On the trip back the smell faded from the ponies, but clung to the eggs. By the time we got back to Canterlot I could easily tell a dragon’s scent and even its color just by its smell, probably some sort of repressed instinct. That helped me out in saving a few eggs from an overly eager doctor who was trying to smash them. Trust me, what Velkorn did to him was not pretty. Anyway, to the point: the courtyard smells like dragon, your waiting room smells like dragon, and this room smells like dragon. Blue dragon, there's a scent of electricity clinging to everything. My guess is its Wisp Wing and probably a few others.”

Celestia bit her lip, her horn glowing for a moment.

“Holy buck... holy bucking buck.”

“This was… very unexpected, Bleu. I... I trust you will keep this information to yourself?”

“Yeah... I don't know what boss would do, but... damn... all that searching and it was just... Shit… I want to tell him, but he won't take it well at all, especially after Cindervale. I don't even want to think about what would happen if Luna found out.”

“I doubt my sister would be very happy, either. Alright, Bleu, I shall keep your secret and Jer'rahd's so long as you keep mine.”

“None of this stuff needs to be brought up ‘til things calm down, anyway.”

Celestia sighed, her hair somewhat limp from the excessive casting, though the tiny blue dragon in front of her was practically flying in circles in the air, putting on a show that might have rivaled something by the Wonderbolts, if on a smaller scale.

“I suppose I am as ready as I will ever be to deal with General Kaisur.”

"I'll tell him to be good. He might listen.”

“Bleu, about your earlier comment… Laughter does not always mean comedy; sometimes it can be as simple as making someone feel a bit better or showing a spark of hope that things are not as bad as they seem. You have done that quite well here today.”

“Heh, you picked me for a reason Princess. I'll send in Boss. Later! Take good care of those eggs.”

“I shall.”


Twilight pulled back, blinking in confusion for a moment . Something was very, very, odd here. Did she miss a scene? She glanced around to the star-filled void as if it might have an answer before plunging back into the spell again, reviewing a few moments prior.


“My nose is not just a fashion statement. I know what dragon smells like and that got cemented home in Cindervale. I was surrounded by so many it was all I could smell for the entire time, that and the scent of the hatchery. On the trip back the smell faded from the ponies, but clung to the eggs. By the time we got back to Canterlot I could easily tell a dragon’s scent and even its color just by its smell, probably some sort of repressed instinct. That helped me out in saving a few eggs from a overly eager doctor who was trying to smash them. Trust me; what Velkorn did to him was not pretty. Anyway, to the point: the court yard smells like dragon, your waiting room smells like dragon, and this room smells like dragon. Blue dragon, there's a scent of electricity clinging to everything. My guess is it’s Wisp Wing and probably a few others.”

Celestia bit her lip, her horn glowing for a moment.

“Holy buck... holy bucking buck.”

“This was… very unexpected, Bleu. I... I trust you will keep this information to yourself?”

“Yeah... I don't know what boss would do but... damn... all that searching and it was just... Shit… I want to tell him, but he won't take it well at all, especially after Cindervale. I don't even want to think about what would happen if Luna found out.”


Twilight slipped back out of the window, staring at the drama masks of Bleu's element symbol. The scry was missing a large chunk of space. The sun had drastically changed position, there were trays of food suddenly appearing and Bleu's wounds and wings were healed. She had no idea what happened to freak the pair out after the odd break.

Princess Celestia's horn had started to glow before the break, though there was no way to check on what she cast before the scry stopped.

This was frustrating and she knew there was some sort of big thing happening there and it was already starting to drive her crazy. She sighed and pulled back the rest of the way, returning to her body. This block was something she could not get around without help. That meant going to the spell’s creator and the potential cause of the blockage as well. She had a few questions for her teacher anyway.

Twilight slipped back into her body to the sound of Pinkie Pie bawling.

“Pinkie, what’s wrong? Are you all right?”

She rushed over to her friend, who threw her forehooves into the air, bawling a torrent of tears, soaking the couch and making Twilight wish she had an umbrella.

“He's dead! This young colt is completely dead, just as Taro would be.”

“Um, who's Taro? What are you reading?”

Twilight looked over at the book seeing, Pinkie was already at the part where Jer'rahd had been killed.


“Umm, Pinkie, Jer'rahd lives. That's how he was sealed in stone.”

The pink pony sniffled.


“Yes really, he’s in the later chapters, even.”

Pinkie bounced back up right off the couch and hopped around the purple unicorn as if nothing had happened at all.

“That's great! Hey, do you wanna get some ice cream? I feel like ice cream now, maybe some spicy stuff.”

Twilight shook her head.

“Did you need to clean off your glasses from all that crying, Pinkie?”



The pink pony grinned and pulled off the black-framed glasses, putting her hooftip though the glassless frames and stuck her tongue out at Twilight, who simply facehoofed again.

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