• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

  • ...

Alone *3rd person short*

Author's Note:

Just a small short, nothing more, hopefully nothing less. Enjoy:derpytongue2:

Sonata stood in the hallway entrance as she watched Blitz grabbed his bag. Giving her a final wave, Blitz closed the door and left. Sonata stood in the entrance now slightly leaning against the wall, hugging herself in the empty house.

She was alone again, but this time she was alone in a empty house.

Sonata stood there in silence as the time ticked by. Blitz had told her not to answer the door or leave the apartment, so Sonata was stuck inside until Blitz came back.

I’m alone again, by myself, inside this apartment. Its so quiet. Looking around, Sonata eyed the bedroom. Maybe I can use Blitz umm… flingshot, I think it was called.

Pushing herself off the wall, she slowly made her way back into the bedroom. Walking in, Sonata started to look around for where Blitz may have put his slingshot. It wasn't hard to find it Sonata realized, as she opened the closet door. To Sonata surprise, there were multiple slingshots posted on the wall, connected to the door outer frame. There was five different looking slingshots on the wall, Sonata reach out a hand to grab one, but stop mid-way. Slowly dropping her hand away from the slingshots, she pulled her arm back to her chest, gripping her wrist.

I shouldn't touch it, what if I break it and Blitz gets mad at me. Sonata thought as she looked at the slingshots.

Closing the door, not wanting to touch them without Blitz permission, Sonata hazaly walk back into the living room. Eyeing everything in the room around her, not really wanting to touch anything for the fear of making Blitz mad, Sonata sat down on the couch.

Its so quiet. Sonata thought as new fear ran through her body.

The eerie quietness made Sonata tense as she stared into space, the loneliness space. Sonata was not used to being alone, she was use to having both Adagio and Aria by her side, but now she didn't have them. What she wanted now was a friend, a friend to help take this loneliness away from her.

As she glance around the room for something, anything to do, her eyes landed on a photo by the T.V. It was a photo with Blitz in it.

Blitz, he's my...friend, right? Sonata thought, looking at the picture. No, hes not. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't or he could just want something from me.

Sonata mind began to shuffled as she debated with herself. He must want something from me, why else is he being nice to me. Sonata mind reeled back to her friends Adagio and Aria, her last few days in the house before she was kicked out.

Hugging herself as a wave of sadness washed over her, her mind went back to the event of her looking for a place to stay. All those people who turned her away calling her trash, freeloader and a bum, then there was the CHS students who call her even more horrible, mean names.

No, Sonata shooked her head, still staring at the picture blankly. Blitz is kind, he even let me stay here with him. He is kind. Sonata said, trying to convince herself. He didn't chase me like the others did. The memories of being chased through the alleys, streets and back yards, by the students of CHS was still fresh in Sonata’s mind. He didn't throw rocks at me either, Sonata began to perk up.

“I can trust him.” Sonata said, with a touch smile on her face.

Sonata looked back at the picture of Blitz, standing next to Blitz was another person, a female. That must be his twin sister, she looked just like him, just with longer hair and more... girlier. The thought of the word sister brought Sonata mind back to her own and the word she said.

Trust? Sonata had trusted Adagio and Aria, then they hurted her and kicked her out. No, I can't trust him, I don't want to be hurt again.

Sonata laid down on the couch, hands between her legs. Why is he being so nice to me? The thought of Blitz being nice to her then turning around just to hurt her brought a tear to her eye. She finally had a place she could go, a warm house to be in and a safe place to rest. Unlike the back alleys at night, where she would take shelter, hiding from those who wanted to hurt her.

Sonata closed her eyes. Please let him be someone I can trust, I don't think I can handle trusting someone, just to lose another friend.

Sonata was fragile at this point, with a broken state of mind. She didn't know who she could trust, and she didn't think she could handle being hurt anymore. After a few minutes of laying on the couch wishing she wasn't being hated, Sonata fell to sleep with one thing truly on her mind. Her one true thought.

I don’t like being alone.