• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

  • ...

House Surprise

Spending most of my day with Aria, I got to know the siren a little more, for better or worse. After bringing her to a local store to get an ice bag for her jaw, I figured it would be a good opportunity to get to know her better. Still in the store, buying snacks and some junk food, I got a text message from Sunset. Sunset wanted me to meet her and the girls at the mall before I go home. A part of me was sure it was just to carry their stuff, but I doubt they would go far as to make me come just to do that, would they? Either way, I didn't see much harm in it, as long as a certain pink haired teen was not involved, so I told Sunset I’ll meet them when I was done.

With that conversation out the way, Aria and I wandered around town, in and out of stores, just mainly doing whatever. We came into contact with a few other students, but Aria’s bark was worse than her bite. I wasn't sure how bad her bite was, but I didn't want to find out. Soon, we wander into a arcade store, machines line up against the walls and down the middle, back to back. Aria eyes glowed with fond amusement as we went through the store, eyeing each machines as we pass by. They had motorbike races, street races, street fighter, gunslingers, quick shots, duck hunt, roller coaster rides, they seem to have it all. I challenge Aria to a street race on one of the co-op racing machines that had the steering wheel and gear shifting on it, and let me just say, from what I saw, I wouldn't even trust keys in her hands let alone a car. Frustrated at her loss, Aria challenge me to a shoot-off on one of the gunslinger games. I may be a top shot with my Slingshot, but guns play wasn't one of my top play. Guns didn’t need all that skills, just a fast draw and a quick eye, so I was ‘okay’ in this. At some point in one of the levels we was on, I saw Aria’s aim ‘dropped’, below the waist, on the all the christmas carol of every guy she shot.

After a few more games with Aria, I got a text from Sunset telling me that they should be done within an hour. Taking this as a hint of when I should be leaving, I told Aria I had to be leaving soon. Aria just looked at me and shrugged, saying she might as well be getting home too. Giving me a backhand wave, Aria left out the arcade without so much as a see you later or bye. Still with my school bag on, I left out the arcade as well, taking my time to making sure that there was no late day followers following me. I think I’m starting to become slightly paranoid.

So here I am, walking up to the mall with twenty minutes to spare. Sending a text to Sunset, I asked where they where. Five minutes later, she replied saying that they were getting the finishing touches on their manicure and that I should meet them at the mall’s front entrance as they will be down shortly. With no other option in mind, I found a bench by a fountain and sat down, bringing my phone out to watch a video.

Ten minutes into the video, I heard Sunset and Rarity calling from behind. “Blitz!”

I looked up from my phone and turn around to see the girls. To my surprise, Rarity didn't have much with her, much by her standards.

“Hey girls, how was your day?” I asked when they came closer.

“It was simply divine. You should have really join us darling, a massage alone does wonders," Rarity said, her eyes fluttering as she came over towards me.

“She’s right, a good massage can really remove month's worth of stress," Sunset added, stretching her arms out in front of her.

“So I guess the manicure was the added bonus then?” I asked with a smile.

All four girls nodded their heads at that. Each girl had a content smile on their face, even Sonata look visibly relax, if more-so tired, but had a small smile on her face. Looking at Sonata more closely, I realized she was wearing make-up. Sonata haven’t worn any make-up since I founded her. She had dark blue eyeshadow, light blush around her cheek and a light red lipstick on, or was it purple, I couldn't tell. I also noticed that each girl had a bag in their hands, though Rarity was the one who had the most, but much less than what I had previously thought she would have.

“Well, ready to go?” Rarity asked, taking out a pocket mirror and looking at herself.

“Are you girls planning on carrying your bags all the way to my place?” I asked, standing up.

Rarity chuckle to herself as she turned to look at me. “Oh darling, you simply never go shopping unless you have a vehicle, you never know what you might find.”

“You have a car?”

“Yes I do, It just out front in the parking lot. Its nothing special, but it gets the job done.” Rarity said, taking her keys out of her purse and dangling it in the air. “I mainly use it when I go traveling, shopping, or to school when it's snowing or raining outside.”

“I should really talk to my parents about getting a car.” I said under my breath, following behind Rarity.

Walking out into the parking lot, Rarity lead us to where she parked her car. Her car looked to be a white four-door Toyota Camry. The girls and I put our bags in the trunk of the car before we all got in. I sat in the back seat on the left, Sonata sat on the right, Fluttershy sat in the middle and Sunset sat up front. I knew it would be a short ride, no longer than eight minutes at most.

Coming up to a stop light, Sunset turnover in her seat in whispered to me. “So Blitz, how was your time with… Aria?” Sunset asked, saying that last one so low I barely heard it.

Looking over to Sonata, I saw her main focus was out the window.

“It was trouble at first.”

“Trouble, how so?”

I thought about not telling her, but at this point, it needed to be known.

"We were followed and ambushed at the park. Glad to say, Aria knows how to handle herself in a fight, and that the only true threat there was handle by her. Two other girls was there and so was Snips, so I doubt school will stay peaceful for me for long. Once that was handle, the rest of the time with her was fun, though we also had minor run-in with some other students."

“Really? Two problems in one day, and by the sound of it, its getting worse.”

“Two? Did you also had some trouble?”

“Sorta.” Sunset answered. She turned back around in her seat, the rest of the ride was fairly silent.

We pull up to my apartment a few minutes later. I direct Rarity where she could park, so she wouldn't get a ticket.

“Hey Sunset, can you tell me more about what happen to you?” I asked, grabbing my keys out of my pocket.

“Not today, maybe tomorrow.” Sunset answered.

Unlocking my door, I looked back at Sunset, puzzled. “Well can we at least-”

As I open my door, someone on the inside tackle me to the floor, cutting me of midway. I heard some giggles in the background, but that wasn't the focus of my attention. I looked at the girl who had tackle me to the ground, both our teal blue eyes meeting. She were wearing a light pink sweater and light blue jean pants. Her blond hair with red highlights hanging down past her chest as she looked down at me.

“M-M-Mirage, what are you doing here?” I stuttery asked my sister.

Mirage looked down at me, a mixture of sadness and curiosity on her face.

“You actually forgot I was coming over.”

"Forgot? You wasn't suppose to be coming until-" I trailed off as I reached my hands into my pocket and pulled my phone out. Checking the date, I realized that today was the day my sister was coming. How could I forget? I’ve never forgotten when my sister would be coming over.

Mirage looked over to the four girls who was standing in the door entrance. Pulling myself up, I allow the girls to enter as I close the door behind them. As the girls walked in, I went and sat down on the couch, beating myself over for forgetting that my sister was coming over. I watch as Mirage went over and gave both Rarity and Fluttershy a hug. Mirage is good friends with Rarity, I knew that, but I didn’t know she was friends with Fluttershy. Mirage watch as Sonata removed herself from the group and came to sit down next to me, she gave me a raise eyebrow but said nothing of it. Though what really caught my attention was how she treated Sunset, Mirage didn't say a word, looked at, glance or acknowledge Sunset in any shape or form. When Rarity try to say something about it, Mirage cut her off with a stern stare. It was no secret that Mirage hated Sunset’s guts, and that it was one of the factors as to why she left Canterlot High.

“So Mirage, how long will you be staying this time?” Rarity asked, giving Sunset an apologetic smile.

“Four days. I wanted to spend some more time with my brother,” Mirage glance over at me and Sonata before looking back at Rarity, "and some other things.”

“Four days, normally you stay for two or three?” I queried at the statement.

“I’m still taking time out of school.” Mirage answered quickly, silencing me as I sat deeper in the couch. “I didnt mean it like that Blitz, just… mom thinks I should take a few extra days out of school.”

I knew she didn't mean any harm by it, it just saddens me everytime I think what happen.

“Did something happen to you?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh nothing, just had a little accident during the weekend, nothing much.” Mirage answered with a sheepish smile.

“Accident? What happen?” Rarity asked.

I tense up at that, so did Mirage. Mirage looked at me, I put my hands on my mouth and slowly dragged it down diagonally, indicating that I didn't want her to mention anything about it. I started doing that type of motion when the ‘zipping my lips and throwing away the key’ thing felt silly.

“Just a little accident, nothing to worry about, really.” Mirage reassure both Rarity and Fluttershy.

Sunset cleared her throat, causing me to look at her. I could tell Sunset knew it was a lie as she must have been watching me this whole time. Lucky for me, Sunset didn't say anything about it, not now at least. Sunset was keeping her distance away from me and Mirage, that was no brainer, but Susnet looked a bit lonely as Mirage kept both Rarity and Fluttershy attention.

“So, how was the Spa?” Mirage asked, completely turning the conversation around.

“Oh it was absolutely heaven!” Rarity squealed. “And the manicure,” Rarity put her hands to her chest and gave out a content sigh.

I chuckled to myself as I watch how Rarity went on about their day at the mall. As I thought of a way to explain things to Mirage about Sonata and Sunset, I felt someone leaning against me. Looking to my left, I found Sonata passed out on my shoulder. I suppose with her late night depression and the Spa section at the mall, she would have fallen asleep eventually. Putting one hand on Sonata’s shoulder, I tried to gently shake her awake, but Sonata was knocked out cold. I tried to shake her a little harder, but it was no use.

Well, it looks like I got two options, I could either let her sleep her on my shoulder or I could carry her to the room, which one should I do? Looking at Sonata, I sighed and chuckled to myself as I already knew the answer to my own question. This is going to be beyond embarrassing. Looking at my sister, I prayed she wouldnt go back and tell mom and dad about this. Turning over, I put my hand behind Sonata’s neck and my other under hand underneath her legs. The moment I picked her up in my arms, the room fell silent.

“I’ll be right back.” I stated, not looking at anyone as I knew all eyes was on me. I was sure the hot blush on my face was also apparent as I held Sonata.

No one said a word, but I felt all their eyes pinned on me. Slowly, I carried Sonata into the bedroom and place her down on my side of the bed. Pulling back the blanket, I moved Sonata over to her side and remove the scrunchy from her hair. Putting the blanket back over Sonata, I looked back over to the open door.

“Now for the embarrassing part, going back into the living room.”

Author's Note:

Well my ponies, what did you think of this chapter. Here is some fun fact, the scene with Blitz and Aria on the gun game was the same event with one of my friends. Another fact, the way Mirage greeted Blitz is the same way my cousin greets me. Also, for those of you who don't know, I leave a lot of hints within my story, for both future events and past events, you ponies be wise to try in figure them out.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter, leave a comment down below as I do enjoy reading them. :twilightsmile: