• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

  • ...

A Siren

Sonata and I sat down at the table with the five girls. No one said a word as I looked around. Rainbow Dash and Applejack refused eye contact with both me and Sonata.

"Hey, listen," Rainbow began, her magenta gaze tracing the table. "We're sorry for yelling at you like that."

"Yeah, we should've let ya speak first." Applejack admitted.

Sonata didn't answer them.

Break the awkwardness before it gets too awkward! I thought.

"Rarity!" I blurted out. "You said you knew something about Sonata. I'm pretty much left in the dark about who she is." I caught everyone off-guard, surprise shown in all their expressions.

"Wait, you don't know who she is?" Sunset asked.

"Nope, I just recently met her," I answered back.

"That means ya don't know what she is either then?" Applejack asked of me.

"Yeah, that too," I answered. I suppose at this point, they're being so vague nothing would have
shocked me.

What else can Sonata be besides human? I wondered.

"Well can you girls tell me what she is first?" I asked, mentally readying myself to hear the truth.

"Ohh, that's easy! She's a Siren!" Pinkie appeared from who-knows-where.

I was not ready for that. Maybe I heard that wrong.

She's a what now?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"A Siren!" she repeated, now sitting back down.

"A Siren. As in, the mythological being." I stared at Sonata in disbelief. "Like, the ones that send sailors to their death with their songs?"

"Not exactly what Sonata did, but yeah, that Siren," Sunset confirmed.

I don't believe it. A Siren, she's a Siren. I looked to the other girls for an objection, but they gave none.

"Oh I know! I got a video from the Battle of the Bands! You wanna see it?" Pinkie asked pulling out her phone.

"Please." I'm sure I had only a blank expression on my face; I was already dumb by this point.

"Ah, wait there Sugar cube, might want to know some things before ya see that video," Applejack cut in.

"Like what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Like how the Sirens are evil-." Rainbow said before being cut off.

"Were evil," Rarity clarified.

"Were evil, and they still could be for all we know!" Rainbow finished, rolling her eyes. "The point is, they tried to take over the school by brainwashing and turning everyone against each other!"

"That, not including turning everyone against us," Fluttershy added, speaking for the first time since we've been here.

"How come you girls wasn't affected by it then?" I asked curiously.

"I think it was because our magic protected us from their song," Sunset responded.

"Not fully, though," Applejack added, pushing her hat back.

"Really?" I asked, and everyone nodded in unison. "Pinkie can I see that video now?"

"Okie dokie loki!" Pinkie handed me her phone and earbuds. The video already up on screen(plus link).

"Thanks," I answered, looking at the phone.

"I'll be right back!" Pinkie jumped up and left the table.

I put in the ear buds and watched the video on Pinkie's phone. I watched as Sonata and two
other girls were transformed into half-pony people. I watched as the camera shifted to see Rarity and her friends playing another song, also as half-pony people.

Projections of actual sirens flew into the air next. I watched as they sang forcefully against the Rainbooms. Sunset picked up the microphone. She began to sing, though the audio wasn't clear enough for me to hear her song. The Rainbooms joined in, a giant blue horse appeared in the sky and suddenly the siren projections were gone, and Sonata lay on the stage, defeated, with her sisters.

This doesn't look edited at all. And why would the school ever need a video like this? Oh my gosh, it's too real to be fake! I thought.

"I'm baaack!" Pinkie called. "Here you go! I baked you a cupcake." Pinkie handed Sonata a cupcake with turquoise and navy frosting, matching Sonata's hair.

Sonata took the cupcake and looked at Pinkie. "Why?"

"Because you look sad, duh! I won't have anyone around me sad, and my cupcakes are sure to put a smile on your face immediately!" Pinkie replied with a bright smile on her face.

Sonata looked at the cupcake skeptically before taking a bite out of it. True to Pinkie's word, a smile spread on Sonata's face instantly.

"Told you!" Pinkie smiled before sitting back down and taking her phone from me. "So, Blitz? What did you think of the video?"


"Blitz, darling, are you alright?" Rarity asked, concerned.

"Ah," was the only thing I could say.

"Blitz are you okay?" Sunset asked, looking directly at me.

"I'm sorry, girls, would you excuse me?" I asked as I got up and went to the front counter.

"I don't think he's okay," I heard Rainbow Dash mutter as I ordered from Mrs. Cake.

"Excuse me, may I get a vanilla smoothie with whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry on top? And send to that table over there?" I pointed to the girls' table. Mrs. Cake nodded. "Thank you." I then proceeded into the guy's bathroom.

It seemed like the bathroom empty. Good. I took of my hoodie, rolled it into a ball, and shoved my face into it.

And screamed.

I was prepared to hear something like, 'She's a thief, murderer, heck, even an arsonist, but a siren? A REAL siren? Who's evil and tried to take over the entire school?! I thought wildly. Oh, gosh, I'm sure most of the student body wants to get back at her for that!

I stared at myself in the mirror. "What am I about to get myself into?"

Sighing, I put my hoodie on and left out of the restroom. As I returned to the table, I was happy to see that my smoothie was there. Sitting down I could see that everyone else had gotten them self something to drink. Pinkie, being Pinkie, was trying her best to put a smile on Sonata's face, but she was not succeeding. Sonata only gave a disheartened smile, and not the happy one Pinkie no doubt wanted.

"Are you alright there, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked, giving me the same worried look.

"Yeah, I'm alright now," I lied.

"If ya say so." She eyed me suspiciously.

"Sunset, I'm surprised that you were actually helping them, considering how you were practically a tyrant at school." As those word left my mouth, I regretted them. I hadn't thought that through. "Sorry, no offense."

"None taken," Sunset told me, clearly somewhat taken by it. "I mean, you weren't there when I tried to become good again. I've tried, and I think I've succeeded." She said with a weak smile.

"Anyways, Sonata, why were you and your sister brainwashing people?" I asked, still trying to wrap my brain around everything.

"To make people adore us, and for power," she responded flatly.

"Power? How would you get power from brainwashing everyone?" I asked.

"We brainwashed people and made them hate each other. Then we'd feed off the negative energy that they gave off," she answer in a low voice.

"And what happened to the people after you brainwashed them? When you were done feeding off their negative energy?" I had a good idea what had happened to them, but I wanted to hear it from Sonata.

Sonata went quiet as she twiddled her fingers. I was worried I had upset her again. "A few of them went back to normal after some time passed, but most of them got into fights and ended up in jail." Sonata answered just as I was going to apologize for asking. She looked away from the table.

"Something else happened didn't it?" Applejack queried.

"Adagio used to tell me that people would just argue and fight a lot, while others would move away."

"Use to? What does she tell you now?" Rainbow Dash asked impatiently, leaning forward.

"She told me-"

"That's enough!" I interrupted. "I have a good idea of what she told you." Changing my mind of wanting to hear it, from what I could guess, it was worse then I had originally thought. Sonata already have a bad image as it is.

"You do? Then tell me what happen!" Rainbow demanded.

I looked around the table. I could see that Applejack, Sunset, Rarity, and Fluttershy knew what had happened. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were clueless.

"Rainbow Dash, think about it! If you got into a fight with someone and you were brainwashed to hate them, what is the most extreme thing you would want to do to them?" No way would I say the D-word out loud.

"Ha, if I got into a fight and was brainwash I would..." Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie caught on. "Oh."

We sat there in silence as we finish the rest of our drinks.

"Hey, are those guys over there staring at us?" Rainbow Dash spoke up. She jerked her thumb back in reference to the guys in question.

"What guys?" I asked, turning to see where she was pointing.

Sure enough, there was a group of eight boys giving us a cold glare. No, not at us, I realized. They're looking at Sonata. Not good. Not good at all.

"Yeah, I think they might be jealous that I'm the only guy sitting at a table full of girls!" I joked.

"Oh, I have a idea!" Pinkie exclaimed, looking at Sonata.

"Ay hope it ain't another party idea," Applejack remarked.

"No way! This is much more serious than a party!" Pinkie exclaimed, looking serious indeed.

"More serious than a party?" Rarity was wide-eyed. “This I just have to hear.”

"Yeah! Let's help Sonata make some new friends!" Pinkie suggested. "Then, once she has some friends, we can throw her a party!" A broad smile stretched across Pinkie's face.

"That's a good idea, Pinkie. Except for one problem," Sunset began.

"What's that?" Pinkie asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Remember how long it took me to be accepted? I don't think anybody at CHS is ready to befriend Sonata yet," Sunset reminded us.

"Then let's start off Monday by finding some kids who are willing to!" Pinkie countered. "They know how good you are, maybe they'll think Sonata's like you!"

"It wouldn't hurt to at a least try that," Fluttershy added in.

"Yayz! We start Monday!" Pinkie exclaimed, blowing up a balloon already. In my opinion, she was already looking way too excited for this.

"Blitz, is that all you wanted to know?" Rarity asked, turning to me. I nodded.

"For now, yeah," I replied as I glanced around the café. Most of the boys had left, except for three. These three were now eyeing us with stone-cold stares.

Is anybody else staring? I was turning around in my seat. Farther in the back, two other figures were staring our way. One wore a purple hoodie, the other was cloaked in a green hoodie. Their hoods shaded their faces; I couldn't see their eyes or their specific gaze. They must have noticed me, because moments later they were out the cafe's doors. Still, I was uneased by them.

"Great! Then how about we exchange numbers with you?!" Pinkie exclaimed, bringing her phone out again.

"Wait, what?" I was surprised.

"We're going to need your number if we're going to call you or if you need to call us!" Pinkie explained.

"Yeah, sure," I answered. Taking out my phone, I exchanged numbers with everyone.

"Alright, then. It's getting late so Sonata and I are gonna head home now, okay?" I stated. When I got up, I took another look at the three guys.

"See you later!" Pinkie exclaimed waving at us.

After saying goodbye and paying for our drinks, Sonata and I left the café and headed home. As we walked, an uneasy feeling took hold of me. I glanced back, to that those boys were following us!

I grabbed Sonata by her waist and pulled her close to me. The action earned a surprised yelp from her.

"Shh," I whispered. "We're being followed by those guys from the café, and I don't think they want to talk." When I risked another glance, I noted they were increasing their pace.

"What do we do then?" Sonata asked, worried.

"We won't be able to outrun them, so if they get too close, I want you to run away from them, as fast as you can. Okay?"

"But then you would have to face them yourself! You can't take on three guys all by yourself!" Sonata's whisper rose in worry.

"They're after you, I'm sure they won't attack me. If they do, don't worry. I can handle myself," I responded, lightly patting my back pocket.

"But you can't beat them all," Sonata objected.

"I never said I was going to. Sonata, just keep walking until I say run. Run home in don't look back. Got it?" I tried to be stern.


"No buts, I'll be fine. I'm fast, light on my feet, and a quick dodger so I won't be hurt," I explained with reassurance.

We continued to walk a little more. I kept my senses on alert. Listening for them. Glancing back to see if they were still following us. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. They were charging towards us!

"RUN!" I yelled, giving Sonata a little push forward. She stagger a little before began to run, and then I turned around to face the boy's head on.

Author's Note:

*Chapter Re-edit*

So as some ponies might relies, I only mention what Blitz Shot’s cutie mark looks like, but I never mention what it stand for. I had to think on how to change it from his pony talent to a human talent. So I figured it out, that will be revile in the next chapter, along with some details before the story.


Blitz Shot was design while reading Fallout Equestria and redesign to match the Equestria universe and EG universe, his talent and cutie mark was modified to fit all three universe.