• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

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Lets Talk Sis

I stood there in my doorway, pondering just how bad my sister would tease me. Letting out a small breath, I steeled myself as I walked out the door. I heard small mumbling from the living room, nothing above a whisper, so I couldn't tell what they were talking about. The moment I rounded the corner, the whole room went quiet. Mirage looked at me, like she were expecting me to say something. I knew I would have to explain things to her soon, I just had to figured out how. Closing my eyes, I walked over to where Sunset was and plopped down on the couch. Putting my hands over my face, I open one eye and looked through my fingers, seeing Mirage staring back at me.

“Ummm, Blitz. Who is that girl and why did you just put her in your room?” Mirage asked after several seconds of silence.

I open my mouth to answer, but closed it as I truly didn't have anything to say. I figure it would be easier to explain who Sonata was than why she is sleeping in my room. But I didn't have a clue on how to explain that to her.

“Mirage, darling, there something you must know first.” Rarity butted in, gaining Mirage’s attention. “It’s about that girl, her name is Sonata,” Rarity said, turning her eyes to me.

It didn't take a genius to know she just gave me a starting point, and was passing on that introduction for me to finish.

“See sis, the thing is.” I looked at Mirage, putting on a stern face, showing no sign of messing around. “Sonata has been staying here for the past two weeks and-”

“Staying here, why? Do mom and dad know about this?”

Eh, well no. And as to who she is, umm. You're not going to believe it if I told you.”

“Really?” Mirage said, folding her arms and gave me a smug grin, like this was another mind game to her. “Try me.”

I knew I couldn't lie to Mirage, she would notice the moment I did, one of the disadvantage of being a twin. That’s not including she’ll be staying here for the next few days, so I might as well get her caught up to date.

“Well you see, it started like this…”


We were able to give Mirage a brief story of Sonata, what happen to her, and why she was here. Personally, I left out a few bits of details, one of it being of my attack and encounters with her sisters. I figured I could explain that to her later on, in private.

“So you're telling me that this girl is a mythical creature known as a siren, and you are allowing her to stay here?” Mirage queried.

“Will I didn't know at first, I was just helping her out," I answered nervously.

“But after you did found out, you still let her stay here?” Mirage pushed onwards.

“Well, yeah. I told her I would help her, and that I wouldn't let her back out on the streets.”

“Wait, Mirage, you actually believe us?" Rarity interjected.

Mirage shrugged her shoulders. “Mostly, only 'cause I can see that Blitz is telling the truth, and that you two also seemed to be telling the truth about this. That, however, does not mean I believe she’s an actual siren. I want proof, a non-video, physical proof.”

I looked to Rarity who only looked back at me, both of us giving a questionable glance.

“If it would help, you can ask Principal Celestia. She can confirm things, and, uh, maybe, show you some proof.” Fluttershy spoke up.

“Oh yeah, I could just ask her. Principal Celestia wouldn't lie about something like this.”

I turned to Sunset, who was watching with mild amusement, even if she looked a bit sadden. “Hey Sunset, is there any actual physical proof of their siren abilities?” I whisper to her, when Mirage turn her attention back to the two girls.

Sunset put a finger to her chin. “There’s their pendent that they used, but given how it was destroyed on stage, I don't think it be much of an evidence. Other then that, none that I’m aware of.”

Secretly, I knew that there was more physical evidence, and I were a prime example of one. Still, I kept that bit of information to myself. Last thing I need is anyone thinking I’m being mind control or force into doing something.

“You know something?" Sunset said, looking towards Mirage. “I almost forgotten how much it hurts when someone hates you to the core, to not even acknowledge your existence.”

“Well, Mirage is stubborn, even if she’s a bit shy around others. So it might take time. If you want, I could talk to her and explain things, see if that helps?”

“No, it’s okay. It was my fault that she left CHS anyways.” Sunset gave a disheartened sigh then looked at me, her eyes full of regret. “I know I apologise before, but I am truly sorry for using you and causing your sister to leave.”

As I thought back to it, I remember once, when Mirage and I was new at school, Sunset had found me using my slingshot outside on school grounds. She thought my skills were amazing and asked me to test it out on a few items she had. It wasn't until a week later, that a couple of school property went damage and the only clues were small rocks. Sunset came to me with her little ‘proposition’: I help her with a few things and a photo of me shooting my slingshot on school ground wouldn't be pass around, even though I never used rocks while at school. Of course I had no choice but to accept it or risk being framed. And of course I should have known better, once Sunset was done with me, she threw me under the bus with majority of the blame. Even with the suspension and detention, Sunset had at least kept her promise with the photo, so I didn't have to worry about paying for the mass damage.

Though what she did to my sister could only be describe as ‘living hell’. Mirage was one of the few, at the time, to help stand up against Sunset. I would have join her, if it wasn't for the thought of paying for the thousand dollar worth of damage on that photo she still had. I never did asked for the full detail of what happen, but Mirage left school the following semester and had refused to talk about it ever since. No one at school would talk to Mirage and within a day, the little group that had rebelled against Sunset was disbanded, all the members became outcast. That’s not even counting the bullying by Sunset herself. Whatever Sunset had done to her and the group, Mirage never spoke about it. When I asked her about it, all she told me was that she couldn't stand to be at school while Sunset was still there, and that she never wants to have anything to do with her ever again. So at that point, I tried to avoid Sunset as much as possible, like the rest of the students, since I had no way of getting back at her.

I hadn't really accepted the apology the first time Sunset had said it, but now I knew it was fully genuine. “Don't worry, I forgive you. It’s Mirage you should really be worried about. She may not have said a thing now, but once you leave, she may question me about why you're here. Still, I can help lessen the problem by talking to her, try to get her to listen to reasons.”

Sunset looked down and folded her hands, her lips purse. After a couple of seconds, she looked at me. “Do you think so? I mean, after what I did to her, I’m sure she rather see me elsewhere.”

I knew full well that Sunset was right, and that convincing my sister would not be easy. Maybe I can get her to just listen, maybe? “Sure, I can try. If she do, then I’ll let you know. Until then, just, try to show her the new you.”

“Thanks.” Sunset said with a small smile. For a second, she made a small movement, like she wanted to give me a hug, but it look like she second guess that.

The rest of the time, we stayed in the living room, chatting away. Mirage manage to get Fluttershy to talk more, which was fun to listen to. Me and Sunset stayed to ourselves, having our little conversation. I somehow manage to learn just a bit more about magic and a place called Equestria. After some time had passed and it was getting late, Rarity, Fluttershy and Sunset said their goodbyes, though Sunset only said it to me. When the door closed and the girls out of sight, Mirage turned and looked at me, squinting her eyes.

“What?”I asked innocently, putting my hands up.

She looked towards my bedroom than at the door then back at me with a raise eyebrow. She was practically saying; ‘So, are you going to tell me why you put a girl in your room, or why you're friendly with Sunset?’

“Okay, Mirage, I can explain, somewhat. Sonata has been sleeping in the same room as me, but I swear nothing has happened, so there’s no need to go back and tell our parents about this.”

Mirage only gave a sigh and shook her head.

“And as for Sunset, I-”

“No, dont care, dont wanna know.” She cut in, not even giving me a chance to explain.

“Are you sure, cause there-”

“N. O.” She said firmly, looking back at the room, then chuckle to herself. “So, tell me about her, the one in the room.”

“Sonata? But I already told you-”

“Not that, tell me about her. What made you help her? What you two been doing? How long will she be staying here? How awkward it was the first few days living of with someone that's outside of family, a girl at that? That type of stuff?” Mirage asked, smiling with glee.

“Uh. I don’t know. I think something might have happen, but I can't remembered.” I was stalling, knowing how much Mirage would loved to know this.

“Come on, tell me!” She pleaded, pulling on my arm like a five year old child. “Tell me, or I will tell mom.” She pouted.

Oh, that’s the last person I wanted to know about this. “Okay okay, calm down," I said, brushing her off of me. Mirage gave a delighted “yes” as she sat down on the couch.

It’s kind of hard sometime to think that she’s actually smarter than me, like top school smarts. After leaving school, Mirage applied to one of the top ten school in Canterlot. She didn’t go to Crystal Prep, but a school that rival it academically, Emerald Academy. Though Mirage would always argue with me that I could get into one of those schools if I try, the thing is, I never wanted to go to one of those schools.

“Alright, where do I begin?” I said, pacing the room. Looking at Mirage’s eager and nosey expression.

“How about, the beginning!” She almost screamed at me.

I chuckled to myself at Mirage annoyed outburst. “As you know, I found Sonata homeless and saved her from being attacked by some girls. I brought her back here to help her, since she was injured. I offered her to stay the night, but I felt I couldn’t leave her after that.”


Because I was magically charmed into helping her, and didn't realize it at the time. Is what I should say, but didn’t. “Cause I couldn't leave a girl like that by herself. She’s the only homeless person I ever encounter and she's a teenager like me, so why not help her.

“So you only helped her because she’s a girl?” Mirage queried with a witty grin.

“Well~, I wouldn't go that far.”

“But it’s true.” Mirage said with a smug grin. “So, what happen next? What did you two do? Was it fun?”

I thought about what me and Sonata did next, but my mind instantly went back to Sugarcube. As I thought about it more, I realise this would be the best of time to tell Mirage what truly happening. I gave Mirage my most deadpan and serious expression I could musterd. This was something Mirage needed to know, incase something comes up while she is staying here. This isn't something I would be able to keep hidden for long.

“Mirage, listen. I’ve gotten myself into something after helping her. Short story, assaulted. We have been assaulted before, I’ve been hurt. Sonata is dealing with deep depression and some traumatization. So, before anything in the future happens, I just wanted to let you know, I decided to do this.” I’m pretty sure that was mostly the charm speaking and the desired to protect Sonata, but I went along with it anyways.

Mirage mouth hung open with disbelief. “Hurt?”

“Well…, stabbed in the leg.” Mirage's eyes went wide. “But don't worry, it wasn't serious, just a minor injury.” injury," I assured her, placing my hands on her shoulders.

“W-what do you mean minor injury? You could have been seriously injured, or worse. Why are you helping her if it will get you hurt. You could have been...., if things went horrible...!” She spurted out, her eyes started to tear up at the thought of me ‘gone’.

Me and Mirage are very close, even as we grew up, we always done things together. When one of us got in trouble, the other comes in to help. Because of our closeness, we never like seeing the other get hurt, and always try to protect one another when we can. Though we was smart and knew when to step in and when not to, we still always had each other’s back.

I pulled Mirage into a hug. “Don't worry sis, that was two weeks ago. Nothing extreme has happened after that. I’ve been very careful to make sure nothing like that happens again, but I’m not going to leave Sonata. I want to help her through this.”

“Why? Why do you want to help someone who you barely know?” Mirage asked, hugging me back tighter.

I wanted to answer her back with an honest answer, but I knew the answer would not make things better, so I gave her my second truest answer. “Because, I gotten to know her better after the assault. She’s a friend of mine now, I won't put a friend out.” Which was the truth.

Once a few seconds had passed, Mirage push herself off of me and wiped her eyes. “You're way too nice to females, you know that?”

“Guess so. Must be one of the downside of having a sister as a twin.” I joked. Mirage responded with a sharp but weak punch to my shoulder.

“It’s because you have a wonderful sister that showed you how to treat a lady.” She smirked. I only rolled my eyes, but gave her a warm smile.

Author's Note:

I felt like the past few chapter has been a bit to... happy. I love Sonata, but it not over for the poor girl, not by a long shot. And Mirage, she's shy yet stubborn, but she and Blitz are really close. Mirage love mind games and puzzles, give her a RTS game and she would play it with complete joy.

Also, I forgot to describe Mirage's clothes in the last chapter, so I fixed that. Here's what it says: "both our teal blue eyes meeting. She were wear a light pink sweater and light blue jean pants. Her blond hair with red highlights hanging down past her chest as she looked down at me."
I went back in reedited the first six chapters. Actually, if you want the full detail on it, go read my blog.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter, leave a comment down below as I do enjoy reading them. :twilightsmile: