• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

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A Phone Call With Heavy Rain

Author's Note:

I'm sorry my little ponies, I did not mean to put the story on wait for sooo long.:applecry: I had a huge writer block stopping me and another story I wanted to write. But here it is the next chapter. I'm sure this will make it up to you all, so enjoy.:twilightsmile:

“Hello, Blitz?”

I recognized that voice, it was Sunset Shimmer.

“Umm, hey Sunset,” I said a bit awkwardly.

“Yeah hey,” she paused. “I’m surprise you called so soon.”

“Yeah, something happened." I said, as Sonata looked at me. I pointed to my leg then back at the phone, she seem to have relies what I was talking about as she tense up.

"I have you on group call, just waiting for the others to pick up.” I look at my phone to see the other went to voicemail, but there was a text from Rarity saying she would call back shortly. “Well, I was waiting for the others to answer.” I said with an audible sigh.

“They’re most likely busy, like Applejack helping her family farm or Pinkie Pie at Sugercube Corner Café. So what did you call for?”
From the way Sunset spoke, it didn't seem like she face any problem or voiced concern. She must have not face any trouble yesterday.

“I just call to see if you girls was okay and nothing happen.” I said.

“Well nothing happen to us yesterday.” Her speech was slow and drawn out.

I look back over to Sonata who seems to have ease at hearing that.

“But you said something happen," Sunset said, now expecting me to answer that.

“Oh, err, yeah something did, I just got into a fight with 3 of those guys we saw back at the Café” I said, not really wanting to say what really happen.

“Wait a fight, are you okay, you're not hurt badly are you.” Sunset asked with a sudden worried voice.

“Oh yeah, I'm fine, just a few bruises but nothing worse.” I lied.

“What do you mean nothing worse, you was stabbed!" Sonata spoke up loud enough for Sunset to hear.

"Stab, that sounds a lot worse. Are you okay?" Sunset worriedly asked over the phone.

Sonata really, I lied for a reason. I said internally as I looked at her. She wore a face of confusion and worry.

Sighing, “Yeah I was stab, but it was in the leg, I dou- I was cut off from the incoming call. “That must be Rarity.” I said answering and putting her in our call.

“Hello~,” Rarity sing-songed. “You called?”

“Hey Rarity.” Sunset spoke up first.

“Sunset? Did I call the wrong number?” I heard her shifting on the other side.

“No, you're on a three way line. It's just me, Sonata, you and Sunset.” I answered before she got the idea of hanging up and trying again.

“Oh,” she chuckled to herself. “So what did you call for?”

“Well I was just calling to see if you girls were okay.” I said, even though I already heard that they was.

“Okay, why?” Rarity asked, suspicious.

“Blitz was attacked by those guys we saw at Sugercube and was stabbed!" Sunset said before I got the chance to.

The way she said it, it made it sounded like I should be in the hospital. I thought.

“Stab? Oh Blitz you're not in the hospital are you?” She was now worried as well.

This is why I didn't want to tell them, I didn't want them to worried. I thought looking back at Sonata to see her face growing into one of concern as she sat idly tapping her fingers together, taking a quick glance at my injured leg. I instantly felt bad, she was only concerned about my injuries.

“No I'm not in the hospital,” I said, thinking back to what those guys said. “But I wanted to warned you all that those guys who attack me, they are attacking anyone who seems to be friends with Sonata or her sisters."

“Really, that's strange.” Sunset said as her voice went silent.

“What do you mean, strange?” I asked confused.

“She means, after you and Sonata had left, three other guys had left shortly after you two.

“So what strange about that, it must have been the same three that attacked me.” I said still confused.

“Well when they had left, they didn't looked or even glance our way. I think…” Sunset took a small pause. “I think they believe we aren't friends with Sonata.”

“Why would they think that.” Sonata said with a bit of sadness in her voice. “Wait, are they even my friends?” she questioned herself.

“Sunset darling, I don't mean to sound rude, but what you said doesn't make any sense. Sonata had been sitting at our table the whole time, so why would they think that?” Rarity asked.

In truth I was asking the same question, by my point of view, we all was chatting away at the table like friends. So what part of that wouldn't make it seem like they wasn't friends. But I decided not to ask and just see where Sunset was going with this.

“Well…” Sunset gave another pause. “Well remember how Rainbow Dash and Applejack reacted when Sonata came in?”

“Of course, it was so embarrassing and also very rude.” Rarity said with disgust.

“Well think about it from another perspective, the scene made it look like we was bullying Sonata. And when she ran out only Blitz chase after her.”

It was starting to make sense, from another view it would seem like they was the bully, with Pinkie pulling Sonata hood down, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack saying those mean things to her, it would look like they was picking a fight with her. And only I, as her friend, would stand up for her, and when she ran I was the only one who chase after her.

“But what about after we came back in?” I asked, since they didn't do anything else after that.

“Well that… maybe they thought it was an act or something.” She said in a defeated like voice.

“Maybe?” I said quietly, thinking back to the café. “But wasn't they still looking at us, why didn't they just come over and start something?” I asked thinking how they only watch.

Both ends of the line were quiet, neither girl said a word.

Sunset then spoke up first. “Maybe they didn't want to cause a public scene.”

We all went quiet again, neither one knows what to say.

A scene huh, I doubt that was the reason. They could have easily came outside when Sonata ran out. I thought.

“Well, I doubt they would try anything again so soon.” Sunset said, sounding like she wanted to leave that conversation.

“Yeah, that is true. Well I hate to cut our chat short, but I do have work to do. I have to go now, do tell if anything else come up, bye bye.” With that, Rarity hung up. Now it was just me, Sunset and Sonata, who had barely even spoken throughout this conversation.

“Soo… did anything else happen when you was attacked?” Sunset asked.

“Umm, not really.” I thought back, I remember they had glowing green eyes, but it didn't seem important enough to be mention.

“Well, I best be getting off too then, umm call or text if you need anything, kay.”

“Wait!” I said catching Sunset off guard, even Sonata was looking at me curious.

“Yes” Sunset said with surprise.

“I wanted to ask you something,” I clear my throat for a question that been stuck in my head since I saw Sunset with Fluttershy and the girls. “What made you stop being umm... a bully at school, It was the only nice word that came to mind without calling her something that rhymed with witch. “I heard you had changed after something happened during the Fall Formal.”

“Oh well you see…” I heard Sunset fidget on the other side of the call, then she gave a deep sigh and retold to me and Sonata of the event that had happened during the Fall Formal.

She retold how like Sonata and her sisters, she too tried to take over the school with magic and mind control. She explained how her current friends defeated her in a almost same manner as they did with Sonata, and how she wanted to change after that. I had to asked her if she was also a siren, but what she told me was more shocking, she was a pony, not just a regular pony, a unicorn. I didn't want to dive into more details now, since I was still wrapping my head around the siren thing. I had to ask if the other girls was some magical creature. To my surprise, Rainbow Dash and the rest of the girls were not magical creatures. It was starting to get complicated for me. So I told Sunset that I may call her later for more detail, once I have a better understand with the latter info I have now. She actually laugh at that saying it would be far worse once she go into detail, and with that I said goodbye and hung up. Despite her good ways, it still seems she take enjoyment messing with others.

As I hung up the phone, I laid my head back and close my eyes thankful that no one else but me was hurt. Then I became worry that no one else but me was hurt. I open my eyes and looked at Sonata, she didn't have her hair up in a ponytail, but had it flat down. She was twisting the lower ends of her hair like she wanted to braid it, but kept undoing it before she even finish. She didn't look at me or said a word, just sat there, twisting her hair.

“Sonata, is there something on your mind?” I ask her, but she didn't answer.

“Sonata.” I said, snapping my finger a few times in front of her face. That seems to brought her out of her dazed as she looked at me with confusion.

“Is there something on your mind?” I asked her again. She only looked at me worriedly before shaking her head no.

She was lying, but I had no way to point it out. I still didn't know much about her and there was a few question I wanted to asked. Maybe she thought I was going to asked her and she started to become worried again. Putting my phone into my pocket, I laid down on the couch, eyes close.

While I do enjoy peace and quiet, when there someone else in the room and they’re also quiet, it just make everything feel off.

I have to bring something up to talk about. I thought.

“So, Sonata…” I started off not really knowing what to say at this point.

She looked at me, expecting me to say something.

Guess its best that I ask her about her sisters now than later. I thought, but I didn't really know what to say or more likely how to say it. So I decided it would be best to ask her straight out, about her sisters.

“Sonata, can you tell me about your sisters or why your not with them?” I asked flat out.

Sonata stopped her hair twisting as she looked at me, then she looked down at the floor not saying a word. After a few seconds of silent I felt she wasn't going to say anything.

Maybe I should have waited for a better chance to ask, plus she only known me for 3 days. I thought as she kept quiet.

Seeing as I wasn't going to get anything out of her, I decided I would just go and use my Slingshot. Picking up my Slingshot from where Sonata last use it, I grab me a few rubber balls. I didn't really need more than two but it never hurt to have more. Sitting back down, I took aim. Knowing how my shot will ricochet off the wall, I line it up for multiple bounce and return. From my precision, it should bounce off the wall, off the ceiling, off the floor, off the wall, onto and off the table, off the wall again, off the ceiling and back to me. I pulled back my sling and was about to fire until Sonata had spoken.

“They’re not my sisters.” Sonata said lowly.

I looked at her with surprise, I couldn't tell if her voice had anger or sorrow in it.

“What do you mean?” I asked, more surprised as I was about to get some answers.

“They’re not my real sisters, they don't even care about me!” Her voice started to quiver as she said that..

Uh, oh! It look like she's about to cry. I thought looking at her as her eyes teared up.

“I thought we was like family, but they never even cared. I know I mess up sometimes but-but, I did my best!” She started to cry as she lean in on my shoulder. “We even argue a lot, but they always stayed with me. They was my only friends, my only family I had for years, before I've even came to this world.” She weep onto my shoulder. “But once we lost our power, they kicked me out. I don't want to be alone, I don't want to be by myself.”

Now she was in full blown tears as she cried. I wanted to comfort her, but I didn't know how, what do I even say.

I can't say everything is going to be alright, she even knows it, even if I say it. she wouldn't believe me. I looked down at Sonata as she cried on me.

This girl was a wreck on the inside, not only is she hated by everyone, but she was even abandoned by her only family. I know that it was bad and that she was even traumatize, but what made this worse was that she was abandoned by her only family in a strange world and left to face a hostile city alone. She was truly and utterly alone. All I could do was let her cried on me till she felt better, so that's what I did. I put my arms around her and let her cry, I let her cried her pain and sorrows away.

Sometimes no words are needed to help a broken person in pain.