• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

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Surprise Sonata Chapter: Blitz's Sister

Sonata stayed covered in the bed, the blanket wrapped tightly over her. She didn’t feel like getting out of bed, she didn’t feel like doing anything. All last night she tried to reach her sisters, yet neither one answered her calls or messages. She was somewhat grateful that Blitz came in to check on her when he did, even if his words stung her a bit. After breaking down in front of him once again, Blitz didn’t leave her side until she had fallen asleep. Just knowing that there was at least one person who really cared about her was enough to set her mind at ease. For Blitz to take in and help a worthless person as herself and never ask for anything in returned, Sonata wanted to do something to return the favor to him.

Thinking about what Blitz had done for her, how helpful he had been, and how he planned to stick by her, those thoughts had caused Sonata face to turn a light shade of red. She quickly put the blanket over herself and shook her head. A soft buzzing sound coming from her phone broke her out from her thoughts. Sonata was a bit hopeful that either Adagio, or maybe even Aria had responded to her messages. Grabbing her phone, she was slightly disheartened to find that it was only Blitz asking her how she was doing. She was sad, depress, dishearten and feeling terrible of course, but she just said ‘I’m okay’ and left it as that. Placing her phone back down, Sonata tried to snuggle back under the blanket until a knock came at the door.

“Umm, Sonata was it? You’ve been in there all day, it’s almost 2:00 in the evening, it's not healthy to be cooped up in the room liked that. I made you some breakfast, can you open the door for me?”

Sonata rolled over, hearing Blitz’s sister on the other side. She didn't want to be rude to his sister, but she really didn’t want to see anyone right now.

There was a long sigh at the door, before she spoke again. “Hey, I got the keys to this room. Now I don't want to be rude or anything, but if you don't open the door, I will. You need to eat something.

Sonata sat up in the bed and looked to the door. Despite the soft gentle voice of his sister, there was also a feeling of command, a gentle command unlike Adagio’s. Reluctantly, Sonata got out of bed and walked over to the door. Opening the door, she was met with a gentle smiling face of Blitz’s twin sister, Mirage. She had a plate of pancake, bacon and eggs in her hands.

As Sonata reached for the plate, Mirage held it out of reached. “Hey, I finally got you to open up the door, why don't you eat outside the room, get a little bit of air?”

There was something familiar about the way Mirage asked that, something the same as Adagio, but without the bad vibe.

Mirage’s smile falter as she looked at Sonata unmoving decision. “It’s better to eat with someone then to eat alone, you know?” Mirage said more softly, placing the plate in Sonata’s hand.

Sonata didn’t know what to feel, happy that Blitz’s sister was trying to help her, or sad that she was obviously looking pathetic to everyone. Giving a weak smile, Sonata took the plate and closed the bedroom door behind her. Stepping into the living room, Sonata prepared to shield her eyes from any sunlight, only to find that all the curtain were closed and the T.V was dimmed down.

Mirage just gave Sonata a smile as she sat down on the couched. Seeing that smile, Sonata had a small feeling that she might have been tricked into leaving the room. Instead of feeling wary of how easily she was tricked, Sonata just sat down on the couched as she started to eat. Silence engulfed the room as Sonata ate her breakfast, haphazardly paying attention to her surrounding.

The silence was soon broken by Mirage as Sonata finished her breakfast.

“I know we don't actually know each other, and that I'm not Blitz, but you’re someone he finds close. So, I want to help you as well, but first we must get to know each other a little.”

Sonata looked at Mirage, seeing the sincere look on her face.

“So, what do you say, what to get to know each other a little more?” Mirage asked, bringing her feets up on the couch and hugging her knees.

Sonata stood there momentarily frozen. This is the first time ever anyone was trying to be direct with her, yet something about Blitz sister seems evasive. The look, the question, the feeling. Mirage was evading something and leaving Sonata feeling as though she was placed on trial, where her answer alone could end up as her downfall. Though she knew she wasn’t on trial and no one was forcing her to do anything, but, she didn't feel comfortable, let alone trusting Mirage enough to even open up, even if she and Blitz were twins.

“I’m sorry, but I don't want to talk about it.” Sonata finally answered, her voice just above a shallow whisper.

“That’s okay, I’m not asking you to tell me your personal life story. Just tell me about yourself, Blitz told me a lot about you already, but I would like to hear about you from you.” Mirage said.

“He talked about me?” Sonata asked, a thin line of blush crossing her face as well as worry in her voice.

Sonata notice a twinkled in Mirage’s eyes at her reaction.

“He has.” Mirage said, trying to draw more out of Sonata.

Sonata gave a weak smile as her eyes felled to the floor. “He's done so much for me and such a short amount of time. Even if I don't deserve it, he still helps me, despite the trouble I bring him. I wished my existance didn’t cause such trouble.”

The room suddenly had a heavy atmosphere to it after what Sonata said. The smile on Mirage’s face turned into a frown as she looked to Sonata with open eyes.

“Hey, no need for that self pity. You know, I shouldn’t be saying this, but Blitz has his own troubles, we both do.” Mirage said, getting up and walking over to where Sonata was sitting. “We don’t like talking about what had happen, but Blitz blamed himself for a lot of things, maybe it something he can relate to you on, I don't know. What I do know is, he wants to help you, and he’s giving his all. So instead of pitying yourself, how about you try to be happy with things now?”

Sonata mouth hung slightly open, her brain shutting down from what Mirage had said. She was pitying herself? Blitz had his own problem? Should she try to be happy? She didn’t know anymore. All she wanted was to go back in the room, get in bed, and cuddle under the blanket for the rest of the day, but that would only cause Blitz and Mirage to worry more.

Mirage laid a hand on Sonata shoulder, correcting her last statement. “I’m not saying you have to have a full three-sixty change, just, try to look at the happier things around you and cheer up. Your sad, I can understand that, but you will never be happy if you don't try to be. And before you say it, yes, you deserve to be happy as anyone else.”

Though those words ease her some, she knew it was the same thing Blitz had tried telling her. Here was somebody who didn’t knew her at all and was telling her the same thing. Maybe it was because they are twins, maybe it wasn’t, Sonata didn’t know.

Giving a small nod, Sonata try to fake a smile. “I-I’ll try, thank you.”

Mirage gave Sonata a soft pat on her back before going back to her seat. Sonata looked away, a new question that came to her mind.

“You said Blitz was troubled and that he blamed himself, was it something that bad?” Sonata asked, knowing this might be crossing the line.

There was an eerie quietness in the room. When Sonata looked at Mirage to see if she may have made her upset, she found Mirage staring at the T.V screen, her face showing no expression. Sonata guessed she did indeed crossed the line as she beat herself over for asking such a stupid question.

“It’s not something we like to talk about,” said Mirage in a low tone. “But I see how much you trust Blitz and how much he trust you, so I’ll tell you a little bit of it.” Mirage let out a small sigh. “Yes. What had happen and what Blitz blame himself for is pretty bad. He, he did something that ended up causing me to get hurt in an accident, not just me but a lot of people. I don’t blame him for it and he didn’t know what would happen, it was unexpected. I tried telling him that many times, but in the end he continue blaming himself. I won’t lie though, it had a big effect on me as well as him, and it still shakes me when I think about it.” Mirage body started to shiver as she hugged herself. “I’m sorry, but I don't want to talk about it anymore.”

“No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.” Sonata apologized, feeling guilty from her question.

Mirage just shook her head as she took a deep breath. “Don’t worry about it. It’s, actually good to talk about it once and awhile. Anyway, Blitz should be back any minute now, if he hasn’t lied to me.” Mirage said, picking up her phone and changing the tone of her voice.

Both girls sat and watched T.V, content with the silence that followed it. Moments passed before a knocked came to the door, startling Sonata from the quietness. Mirage got up and checked the door, seeing who it was. Smiling, she unlocked the door and stood back. Blitz slowly walked in, his hand scratching at his head. Blinking, he looked around the room, his eyes landing on his sister and Sonata.

“Hey Sonata, are you feeling any better?” Blitz asked, which Sonata only nodded to. Blitz then turned to look at his sister. “I see you was able to get her out the room sis, nice job.” Blitz said as he gave Mirage a hug.

“Yeah, we was just talking once I was able to get her out.”

“Really? Did I interrupted a girl bonding time?” Blitz said jokingly.

“Nope.” Mirage said, sitting back down on the couch.

Blitz gave Sonata a sideway glance, and Sonata felt something was wrong. His eyes locked with her before he turned away, a small frown on his face. Sonata was worry that something else had happened to him again, and she was the reason of it. Any happy feeling Sonata had moments ago drain from her body.

Mirage poked Blitz in the side as she looked to Sonata. Blitz only rolled his eyes as a smile grew on his face. Dropping his bag, he sat down on the couch next to Sonata.

“So Sonata, tell me, did my sister cause you any problem?”

“Hey!” Mirage yelled out, actively putting a smile back on Sonata face, but she shook her head ‘no’.

“Glad to hear it,” Blitz said, laying back on the couch, closing his eyes.

Sonata remember Blitz doing this when something was on his mind, and she knew something was bothering him. Turning to look at Mirage, Sonata only confirmed her suspicion.

“Hey Blitz, is everything alright?” Mirage asked, sounding worried.

Blitz kept his eyes close, his hand going through his pockets. “Yeah sis, I’m good. Its nothing to worry about, trust me.”

Clearly Sonata knew this wasn’t true, and she only guessed that Blitz didn’t want to say anything since she was in the room. Feeling slightly sad about that, Sonata rose from the couch, intent on heading back into the bedroom, that was, until Blitz called her name.

“Hey, your not going back in the room are you?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m getting tired,” Sonata lied, trying to walk off.

“That’s not good.” Blitz said, grabbing her arm. “You can’t sleep all day Sonata.” Letting her go, Blitz sat up in looked at Mirage. “I got an idea, how about we three go walking around town? We don’t always have to be stuck in the house, and you two could get to know each other a bit more.”

Sonata frozen at the mention of going out. It seemed like everytime she go out, some type of conflict always happen. She really didn’t want to go out, she didn’t feel safe. Going out means she had to hide herself, so she won't be noticed by anyone. Sonata eyes shrunken as she looked to Mirage and Blitz, both of them was looking to her for an answer.

Blitz then said in a softer tone, more softer than she ever heard him. “Remember Sonata, I’m always here for you, if you need me.”

Even with those words, Sonata didn’t feel safe going out and walking around town. Yet, seeing the look on both Blitz and Mirage faces somehow eased her.

“O-okay, just, no crowded areas, please.” Sonata finally spoke.

Blitz gave her a smile, a smile that warmed her insides as she looked to the floor. Just as she turned to go into the room, she saw Mirage gave out a small giggled before turning her head away innocently.

D-did I miss something?

Author's Note:

Dreag, why did you name this chapter 'Surprise Sonata Chapter'?
Simple, it was a surprise to me!:rainbowlaugh:

Really, it was. I spent a few days trying to figure out what to write next for Blitz, but I couldn't think of anything. So I got curious and see what I could come up with for a Sonata POV. This happen. Why did I had troubled with Blitz you ask? I didn't have enough material to go on for his chapter, and I didn't want to skip to the next day, which is when Twilight will come.

Another thing. For those of you wondering why Sonata is the only one troubled, she isn't. Adagio and Aria are also going through their own problem, Sonata isn't alone feeling like a monster.

Why do Sonata seems worse then Adagio or Aria and will we get to see Adagio and Aria feeling like a monster?
The answer is most likely, yes, but that will be shown in the later chapter, when they appear more.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter, leave a comment down below as I do enjoy reading them. :twilightsmile: