• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

  • ...

Sleepover [bonus]

Author's Note:

This is just a fun, little, stupid chapter I thought of while writing the next chapter. While this chapter doesn't have anything to do with the story advancement itself, I still consider it a fun little read. If you ponies want, I can do one more chapter on this sleepover, for funzies.:derpytongue2:

Anyways, enjoy the chapter, leave a comment below and I'll try to get the next main chapter out by tomorrow.:twilightsmile:

Today Sonata and I are at Pinkie Pie's house, at nine thirty in the night, with the other girls, and a sleeping bag at my side. Why am I even here at a girls sleepover?

Well, it started off after the girls and I were leaving the park. Sunset, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy Applejack and Rainbow were talking to Sonata. Now seeing Sonata actively talking to the girls, I thought nothing of it at the time; that was my first mistake. My second mistake was not questioning the sly grin on Pinkie's face as we came to my apartment. My third and final mistake was allowing Pinkie and Sonata to head to my bedroom by themselves. Now at this moment nothing felt off. Applejack was leaning against the door, her hat tilted down over her face. Rainbow was laying down on the couch near the window. Sunset and Rarity was talking in the hall leading to my room and Fluttershy was writing in her journal. Then Pinkie came out the room, hands behind her back.

“Heyyy Blitz, today I’m having a sleepover at my house!" Pinkie said, coming towards me.

“You are? Sonata are you going to be joining them?” I asked, seeing this would be good for her.

Sonata nodded her head as Pinkie continued on. “Of course she will be joining us, silly.” Pinkie said, a huge smile planted her face.

I stared at Pinkie for a bit as to see why she was smiling at me, then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

“Oh no, no no no no. Pinkie, I’m not joining in this sleepover.” I said, quickly refusing the offered.

“Why not?” Pinkie whined.

“Because it's a girl sleepover, do you know how awkward that would be me?"

“But it will be fun, with games and snacks and pizza.” Pinkied begged.

“No thanks, I think I will stay out of this one.” I said, reinforcing my tone..

“Are you sure?” Pinkie queried.

I didn’t like that cunning look that was on Pinkie’s face.

“I think I’m going to go to the store and buy some more food, I seem to be running low all of a sudden.” Quickly hopping up out from my seat, I dashed over to the door, but Applejack was blocking my way.

“Excused me Applejack.”

“No can do partner.” Applejack said, not raising her head.

I blinked owlishly at her. Wait, is she in on this?

I turn my head to face the other girls, now seeing as they was blocking any form of me escaping.

“Blitz, are you sure you don't want to come? It will be lots and lots of fun.” Pinkie said slowly advancing my way.

I slowly followed her movement as I made a roundabout pass her. I was going to dart straight into my room, but Sunset and Rarity was blocking my way, arms crossed like bouncers.

“Pinkie, there's no way you can convince me to go.” I said to Pinkie, arms raised.

“Even if I held some of your stuff hostage?”

“Hostage? Pinkie, there's nothing you have that can possibly...make me...” I stopped as Pinkie smile grew larger.

“Wait, Pinkie you don't have- “Pinkie nodded her head as she took out one of my slingshot out from behind her.

It was a thin black slingshot with a thick grasp handle. It had a bar that stretch mid arm length and had straps to hold it tight on your arm.

“Are you trying to blackmail me with this?” I asked, staring her in the eyes.


“Then why do you-”

“I’m going to blackmail you with these.” Pinkie cut in, bringing out all the slingshots I had hanging on my door in my room.

“How did you?” I turn my head to Sonata, who was whistling innocently while looking up at the ceiling.

Pinkie turned around and tossed my slingshots over to Rainbow, who was waiting by the front door.

“Now if you don't come, you won't get your slingshots back for two weeks.” Pinkie said, never losing that cunning grin.

I looked at Rainbow as she waited by the door. I knew it would be futile for me to try anything as all my paths would be block. I looked back at Pinkie as I sighed in defeat.

“Fine, you win, I'll go.”

“Yay, this is going to be so much fun!” Pinkie screamed, choking me in a hug as she did so.

“I’m just going to hold on to these until after the sleepover, that way there won't be any last minute changes.” I heard Rainbow say, putting my slingshots away.

And that's how I ended up here, at Pinkie’s sleepover. While it was and still is a bit awkward for me, being stuck in one room full of girls, I didn't feel that uncomfortable and started to relax after a while. Fluttershy and Sonata was chatting in the corner of the room, nothing to conspicuously as Fluttershy was showing her her journal. Applejack and Rainbow was playing street racer and was getting very competitive while Sunset was on her laptop. Pinkie and Rarity had step out of the room to get the pizza and snacks for us, so they should be back any minute. As for me, I had my phone and laptop, neither of which kept me entertained for long.

Closing my laptop as there was no new video being put up, I decided to see what Sunset was doing on hers. Sitting down near Sunset, I saw she was reading some online book. I also saw she had a few tags open, one leading to How-its-made and the other on basic history.

Basic history, is she studying? I looked at her in disbelief.

Sunset looked at me with a raised brow. “Need something?”

“No, just a bit bored.” I replied sheepishly.

“Hmm”. Sunset crossed her arms as she started to think.

I looked back at Rainbow and Applejack. I heard Rainbow grunt as she lost another game to Applejack, obviously upset to her lost.

“I know. Do you still want to learn more about magic or Equestria, there are abundance of things I can tell you?” Sunset smiled evily, a knowing grin on her face.

“Umm, no thanks, I’m good.” I declined, hoping she won’t start talking about it anyway

Lucky for me, before Sunset could persist on it, Pinkie came in with the boxes of pizza in her hands and Rarity had the bags of candy and drinks. The aroma of pizza removed any thoughts I had as my body lead me towards it. I totally forgot at this point that I was at a girls sleepover.

Maybe sleeping over at Pinkies isn't so bad. I mean there's only seven girls here, no big deal. I thought while eating my pizza, then started to choke on it as the number seven hit me over and over.

Seven cute girls that I know some guys would ‘die’ just to sleep in the same room with them, as the only male surrounded by seven cute girls. Nobody must know of this, ever.