• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

  • ...

Park Fun

Aria and I had a quiet stroll all the way to the park, Aria was not much of a talker, so she kept in front of me the whole time. Even though the walk was quiet, my mind was buzzing with many questions that I wanted to asked.

Should I ask her why she wanted to talk to me? Where is Adagio, would she be joining us later? Why are we going to the park? Why haven't neither one of you called to check on Sonata? Do you two know how Sonata even feels at this point? I have so many questions that I wanted to asked, but I didn't know if I should asked them now or later? I’ll just have to wait for a opening chance.

The park we entered was the same park I went to with the girls a week ago. The park was simple and quiet, it had a few small ponds and a couple of ducks swimming around. There was no swings or slides, but had lots of trees and bushes. Overall, the park had a relaxing nature feel to it, one that could calm any situation.

“Perfect... empty," Aria said, in a low voice.

I looked over at Aria, warning signals going off in my head. I was debating with myself if I should just leave or not, but Aria was pulling me towards a nearby bench. Once we was at the bench, Aria had sat down, put her hands behind her head, cross her legs, closed her eyes and looked relax. I just stood there, looking at her.

After a minute or so, Aria crack open one of her eyes and looked at me. “I know you have questions, might as well asked them before things get...interesting.”

Any form of any questions I did had, left me at that word. “What do you mean by, interesting?”

Aria only smirked in reply, but said nothing else.

Sighing, I sat down on the bench with her, keeping a good distance between us. Putting my bag down, I brought back only two questions I wanted to asked.

“So, what did you wanted to talk about?” I asked.



“Yeah, nothing. I don’t have anything to say to you," she responded with a casual voice.

I stared at her in disbelief, irritation starting to seethe from me.

Before my anger could rise, I asked one more question. “Why did you bring me here if you have nothing to say?"

Aria said nothing to that, like my words was just a midday breeze passing through.

Now I was mad, if I had no reason to be here, then there was no reason for me to stay here. Aria then got up and stretch, cracking her fingers while she was at it.

“Alright, come out, I know you’ve been following me!” Aria shouted.

“What, followed?” I quickly looked around to see if I could see anyone, but no one came out into view and a looked back at Aria.

“Why are you still hiding? I know there's four of you, so get out here and say what you have to say!” Aria shouted again.

This time, I saw four figures moving out from behind the bushes and trees. Three girls and one guy. The guy I recognized as Snips, the dirtbag always find himself as a henchman for some pretty girl. Two of the girls I also recognized as the girls who had bullied Sonata the day I found her; the third girl I never seen before. Snips looked at me and Aria before running off, leaving the park as fast as he can.

“What a worthless little runt. No matter, we found who we was looking for," the blue haired girl said.

"You're right, Misty, and look who else happens to be here?” The girl with the jean jacket said, eyeing me.

“Alloy, you two know him?" asked the mysterious girl. She had black hair streaked with neon pink and blue, worn in a small side ponytail.

So thats their names, Misty and Alloy.

"He interfered when we tried to ‘take care’ of that other girl.” Misty said.

I looked to Aria who had the evilest of grins as she stared at the three girls, armed crossed.

So, this is what she was planning, a fight. I felt a slight tingle in my leg as I thought about fighting.

“Hey, are you two just going to stand there and talk or what?” Aria asked.

Is she trying to start a fight? I looked at her, hoping that was not the case.

“Bitchy as always, aren't you?” The mysterious girl said, coming up to face Aria.

“I only try to match those that I talk to," Aria said, staring her down.

I watch as both Aria and the girl glared at each other, static shooting between their eyes.

“Just so you know, that competition we won, was so lame. Of course I enjo-” Was all Aria said before jumping back as the mysterious girl rushed her.

Wasting no time, Aria side-stepped and kicked the girl in her stomach. The girl blocked the blow with one arm, grabbing Aria by her leg. The girl try to swing Aria by her leg, but Aria manage to twist out of it with ease. These girls, they was no amateur fighter from what I could tell.

Turning my attention back to the other two girls, they was walking closer to me, causing me to back up. They started to spread out, but not far enough as they came to both my sides. Keeping a far distance between us, I looked between them, seeing who would make the first move.

"To think you were working with them, you had us fool the first time.” Alloy said.

“We don’t have a grudge against you, personally-”

“Other than you stopped our fun back at the school," Alloy cut in.

“Yeah, so we will be nice enough and give you two options: Since you obviously are not going to walk away from here, don't interfere with us ‘taking care of her’ her or risk having the whole school after you.”

“Like you can make the whole school my enemy," I said, crossing my arms.


I looked at Alloy, who have just taken a picture of me.

“Wait, what? Why did you-” Then realization dawned on me.

“Get it now, we have pictures of you with her, just a quick send and the whole school will know.” Misty said, with the most malicious grin.

“Thats still not enough to get the whole school mad or to come after me," I responded, hoping she couldn't tell how nervous I was.

“Thanks to that little runt, we also have pictures of you at the cafe, with that third Siren.” Alloy then brought up a picture and showed it to me, proving her point.

I put both of my hands to my face as I breathe in deeply, and exhaled.

This is blackmail, this alone can ruin me if word gets out. Sonata will also be endangered as well as the other girls. I bit the inside of my lips as I knew what I had to do, and I wouldn't like it. I knew that this wouldn't be the only time they would use this against me, I only had one option.

I turn back to glance at the fight. Aria had flip the girl over her shoulder and try to stomped down on her, but the girl rolled out the way. Aria had a bruise forming on her cheek, and the girl had blood running from her nose, but that was all I could see while they was moving around.

Aria looked like she had this fight, so there was no immediate need for me to join. “Fine, I wont fight.” I said, putting my hands up.

“Smart decision.” Misty said, a victorious smile on her face.

I walk back over to the bench, the girls sticking close to me.

“Where do you think your going?” Alloy asked, coming up behind me.

“I’m just getting my notebook.” I said, going over to my bag.

“Why do you need your notebook?” she asked, but I ignored her.

Reaching down I picked up a handful of acorns before moving to my bag. Reaching my hand into my bag, I found my slingshot. Carefully placing an acorn into the slingshot holder, I grip the slingshot tightly.

Panic ran through me as I hesitated to draw it out. I didn't want another incident to happen like last time. Even though I knew I wasn't near any gas station or propane tanks, there was still a chance of me badly hurting someone again.

“Do you hear me? What are you doing!?” Alloy yelled at me.

Breathing in and steeling myself, I pulled out my slingshot and shot Alloy in her hand, causing her to drop her phone. Quickly placing another acorn into the holder, I pulled back on the band a little harder than I normally do and shot Misty in her hand. I hoped I didn’t pull back too hard on the band, for this slingshot has two force requirement when using it. If I pull the band back half way like I normally do, it work like a regular slingshot, but given that this band is more industrial, it has a heavier resistance force. Pulling the band back full length required some muscle, shooting an acorn out at full length would be powerful enough to fly through and shatter a window, if the acorn didn't shatter first.

While both the girls was on their knees, rubbing there redden hands, I rushed over and pick up Alloy’s phone. The phone wasn’t lock, so I search through it, deleting all the photo she had of me, Aria, Adagio and even Sonata. The girl try to reach up to take her phone back, but I pointed my Slingshot back at her, prompting her to sit back down.

I deleted any premade messages that had photos of me and the girls in them. I found a message from Snips with the photo of me at the cafe, I sent a message to Snips telling him to delete any other photo he had, hopefully he will buy it that it was Alloy who sent that message. Once I was sure that I deleted all of the photos, I toss her phone back to her.

“Give me your phone, and make sure its unlock too.” I said in a cold tone.

Misty glared at me with such hatred it could burn, but she also had fear running through her, fear that I was causing. She slowly reach into her back pocket in pull out her phone, sliding it over to me. Like with the last phone, I deleted all the photos that I could find. Once I was done, I tossed back her phone.

“So, what are you going to do to us, now that you have us in your mercy?” Misty said, never dropping her glare.

Keeping my slingshot on them, I looked over to Aria, who had pin down the girl with one of her arms pin firmly down on her back.

“Go over there, slowly. If you start to run, I will shoot," I lied. Truthfully, I didn't have the resolve to shoot them if they started to run.

Going over to where Aria was, she looked at me as I brought the girls to her.

“Nice~, didn't think you had it in you to do something like this. I was expecting you to run away.” Aria said, a bit of gratitude on her face.

“You really don't have any trust in me, do you?”

“I do now, you proved you're not a runner, even when you're out numbered or facing girls. I had my doubt that you could actually protect Sonata, but glad to see I was wrong," she said that in a sad kinda way.

“So you had this planned? You knew they were following you and you wanted to see if I’ll stay or run away?”

“Yeah, of course if you left I would be able to handle them. Those two there don't have any backbone, tried to corner me behind the school once. I left them tied to a tree next to the track field.”

“And her?” I asked, pointing to the girl she was sitting on and still had pinned down.

“Not important.” Aria said, getting off the girl who rolled over and rubbed her shoulder. “Wanna try for round 2 or are you going to run away.”

The girl glared at Aria as she picked herself up. “You think you're all high and mighty don't you? You may be laughing now, but this is not over.” She said before storming off, with the other two girls following in pursuit.

“What the heck was that about?!” I scream at Aria once the three girls left.

“That,” Aria came close, putting her face near mines, “is what we have to worry about when we go into public. That is why we can barely show our face around. That is a problem we face everyday. You think what happen to you at that cafe was bad, how does it feel now to be on the running side?”

Sighing as I already knew this, I looked over to the girls who had disappeared into the streets. “Those girls, something was off about them? They didn't have that same drive that those guys who attacked me had.”

“Oh, you noticed?” Aria said in surprise. “Those three hold a special grudge to us.”


“They was never under our control, but were directly hit with the effect.”

“How bad?”

Sighing, Aria sat down. “Don’t know, they just was.”

Sighing to myself, I look around. For the first time in a while, I didn't have any more questions that I wanted to ask. This could be both a good and bad thing, but I didn't care.

Putting my slingshot into my bag, I tapped Aria on the shoulder. “Come on, let’s go.” I said.


“Because you drag me here, got me into a fight, intently. So as of this moment, I’m taking over.”

“Oh really, you're taking over?”

“Yeah really. First, we are going to get you something for that bruise.” I said putting my bag back on.

“Then what?” Aria asked, not getting up.

“Something, anything, don’t care.” I said, blantly annoyed.

“Fine, I’m hungry anyways, so let get something to eat.”


“You're paying of course.”

“Why did I not see that coming?” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

Author's Note:

Hey, here the next chapter, I hope you ponies enjoy it.

Kudos to anyone who can figure out who the mystery girl is, she is a character I ripped off from a movie because she could fit so well in the MLP EQ universe:derpytongue2:. Also, those two girls might have a larger role to play then I had first given them, don't know how yet, but they might:trixieshiftleft:.

Anyways, leave a comment down below as I enjoy reading them, and look forward to the next chapter. I have some big plans for the next couple chapters:raritywink:.