• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

  • ...

New Flashing Thoughts

“What do you do when you want to stop living, but you're too afraid to die?”

These are the words that plagued my mind as I went to school the next day. I was glad that my sister was here, because I would have been too afraid to leave Sonata by herself. My thought had me unable to stay focused in class; I was constantly worried that Sonata might try something to herself. I spend most of my time in class texting my sister and checking up on them. So far, nothing has happen. From what my sister texted me, Sonata has been cooped up in the room by herself, and has been relatively quiet. With that on my mind, I opted to tell the girls about what Sonata had said, but even I didn’t know what they could do about it. I didn’t wanna trouble them with just small information and not giving them the whole story. So for now, I would have to keep this a secret until I can get more information out of her. By this point, I’m pretty sure that most of the girls has noticed that I was acting strangely, as they kept looking at me both in class and in the hallway. Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy tried talking to me a few times, but I didn't give them much attention. I felt bad for ignoring them, I suppose I will have to talk to them soon once we go to lunch.


Sitting down at the cafeteria table, Sunset brought out her book and placed it on the table. “Hey Blitz, I was talking to one of my friends, Twilight, back in Equestria, and she may have found a way to help with Sonata’s problem.” Sunset said, turning the book towards me.

I turned to look at Sunset with a raised eyebrow. “What do you mean she may have a way to help?” I asked, taking a look at the book.”

“Twilight may have figured out a way to block out the magic that has corrupted some of the students here.”

“Seriously? Did she really manage to figure out a way to stop this?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No, not really. She think she may have found a way to prolong the effect," Sunset answered.

“Prolong? That means slowing the effect right? So, she doesn’t know how to stop it then?” Applejack asked.

“Not yet. She is actually coming back here to do a little field studying, to see if she can figure something out.”

I turned to look at Sunset. “What do you mean by field study?” I asked, putting the book back down.

“It means she would be coming here to test out some of her theories.” Sunset answered, taking her book back.

“Twilight’s coming back! Will she stay longer than last time?!” Pinkie yelled out, a smile plastered on her face.

“Yeah, you can say that.” Sunset answered. “Hmm, guess that means she will have more free time then she did when she came back the last two times.”

“So, what type of field work will she be doing? Would we have to pony up?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know yet, and she didn’t say much on it. She said she had a few things she wanted to test out.”

“Well, that is some good news. At least, we are getting somewhere. Hopefully, she could figure out something soon.” I said half mindedly, gaining a look from all the girls at the table. With silence washing over the table, I looked to all them. “What?”

“Are yer okay? Ya seem kinda... distance.” Applejack asked, staring at me.

I wasn’t blind, and I could tell that worried was written all over my face. Again, I wonder if I should tell them, but my mind lead me not to. So instead, I turn my head away and gave a silent nod. I knew I wasn't fooling anyone, but I didn’t know what else to say. Our conversation shifted from me to this Twilight person. It seems the girls are really excited to see her again. I personally wasn’t really paying much attention to what they was saying. Yet the way they went on and on about Twilight made me curious to meet her. As I was leaving the cafeteria, Sunset and Fluttershy rushed up to me, clearly worried.

“Blitz, are you sure, you're okay?” Sunset asked. “You seem bothered by something and we want to help.”

“Is there anything we can do to help?” Fluttershy asked as well.

Once again, I felt Compelled to tell them the truth, and I almost did.

“Don’t worry girls, I’m okay," I said, giving them a weak smile. “If anything happens, I’ll let you guys know.”

They wasn’t convinced, and it was obvious that they weren't going to let me leave without an answer, seeing as how they stayed close to me when I tried to turn and walk away. I looked at them both as they look back at me, stopping me in the hallway. Sunset had her arms folded across her chest, and Fluttershy had her hands behind her back, both girls not giving an inch.

Are they really not gonna let me walk away with this? I know I’m worrying them, but they shouldn’t really force it out of me. Then again, is this something I should really hide. I chew the inside of my cheek, looking away from them.

“Alright listen, you can’t tell the other girls about this, not yet at least.” Now, both Sunset and Fluttershy was giving me their full attention. I gave a small sigh as I put my hands into my pockets. “Sonata said something to me yesterday, and it really got me worried.”

“Oh my, what did she say?” Fluttershy asked.

"I’m not fully sure myself, but it sound like she wanted to die but at the same time she wanted to live. I’m not sure how to take it yet, and I didn’t want to tell you girls until I knew it was drastic-"

There was a small gasp from Fluttershy as Sunset grab me by the shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes. “What do you mean by waiting until it was drastic?! Do you not consider this drastic? She’s talking about her own life.”

I took her hands and remove them from my shoulders, but I kept hold of them. “I know this is drastic, but what will you do or say to her? What could you do to make her feel better?”

Sunset mouth twitch, a few word slipping past her lips, but she gave me no response. After a few second, I felt her arm loosen as as her shoulder slapped down. Seeing as she understood what i was talking about, I let go of her hands.

“I have an idea," Fluttershy spoke up catching us both by surprise. “I hear and know that being around animals can help release some depression. If she wants to, she can stop by the animal shelter and help out with the animals. I think that might help her a little bit.”

I put that into consideration. It sounded like a good idea, and truthfully, it’s the best one we got.

“That sounds good, but will she go?” Sunset asked, taking a few steps back from me.

“I don’t know. I could ask, but I don’t know if she will go," I replied, taking out, my phone.

“Well, she don’t have to if she don’t want to. It was just an idea.” Fluttershy said meekly.

“No no, it’s a good idea, and I’ll keep it in mind when I talk to her. For now though, I just have to see how she is holding up.”

“I guess that’s okay, but you should really tell the other girls about this.” Sunset said, folding both her arms. “We’re really worried you know.”

“I know, and I’m sorry for having you two hold a secret like this.” I replied turning around, heading to my next class.

Even after my conversation with Sunset and Fluttershy, I still found myself unable to stay focus in the rest of my classes. Now I have the problem of telling the other girls about this as well. Maybe I could talk to Applejack, she seems to be the second most calmest out of the rest of the group, though she might end up telling the others. And as much as they would like to help, it may cause more problem than solving. Pinkie may be more help than the others, she seems to be the best at putting smiles on people's face. Now I think about it, she still off doing her own thing on helping Sonata. I wonder what she has planned?

Walking down the school hall to my locker, I saw Flash Sentry leaning against it. None of his friends was around him, at least, from my point of view it seemed liked. Before my mind could say turn around and walk away, Flash spotted me. By this point, I was already on edge wondering if this is going to be another fight. I kept my eyes on him as he walked over to me. He wore a neutral expression, nothing aggressive of the sort.

“Hey, mind if we talk for a moment?” He asked, standing a few feet from me.

“That depends on what”. I answered.

He put his hands in his pocket as he stared at me. Looking around to make sure there wasn't any listeners, he spoke softly. “I heard from a few people that you're helping one of those sirens, I wanted to find out if it was true.”

“If it is, would that be a problem?” I asked, trying not to let the annoyance seep through my voice.

It’s not that I didn't like Flash, I just wasn't really looking for another conflict. And considering that he was waiting for me by my locker, made me feel all the more cautious.

“Just so you know, I could care less if you were helping them or not," he said, his eyes going green before he pinched the bridge of his nose. Looking back up, his eyes was a normal blue again. “Sure I don't like them, but they really are little of concern to me.”

“If they are little concern to you, then why do you want to know if I'm helping them?” I asked suspiciously, taking a few steps back.

That earned me a raise eyebrow from him. “Cause I’m slightly curious as to why. Why help them after knowing what they did to us. What they wanted to do-” He stopped himself, taking a deep breath. “What I’m trying to say, I heard that you didn't know who they was or what-

“I know who they are and what they did.” I cut him off. “But that doesn't mean we can't give them a chance, right?”

Flash leaned back against the closest locker. “Do you really know what they did? Obviously you weren't there. You didn't see, feel what they did to us, our mind.

Now he was irritating me. “So what, are you going to ask me to stop helping them. To bring them here or something?”

“Nope. Like I said, I could care less what happen to them.” Flash said, nonchalantly.

“Then what is it you want?” I queried, more confused then irritated.

“All I want to do is give you a warning, so to say. Before you say you know what they did, how about you learn what they did. By that, I mean, learn what it feel like when your being mind control.”


“Think about it, your helping them without fully knowing what they did, could do or how it felt. If you knew how it felt to act against your better judgment for them, could you say you would still help them afterwards.”

I was lost for words. I had never thought about what it felt like to be under their control. The effect it could have on me. Sure at the moment I’m being charmed, but a full on mind control is a different story. Would knowing how it was make me feel any different about helping them? Surely not, right?

Smiling, Flash turned around before looking back. “If you really want to know, and trust them enough, ask one of them to put you under a spell for a day and see how you feel afterwards. If they can't, I’m sure Sunset could do it. Actually, I would go with Sunset first, at least you know you’ll be in safer hands. But hey, you don't have to do it, just keep going on helping them as you are.” With that, he left with a backward wave, leaving me dumbstruck at what he was implying.

“So, it either I get a brief understanding of what they went through, or helping Sonata and her sister blindly without feeling the pain they cause. Great, just one more thing to add to my already growing To-Do list.” I sighed, heading back to my locker and grabbing my stuff. “Now, who should I go to first?”

Author's Note:

Sorry pony for the late update, I've been dealing with some mental argument with myself and become unfocused. I know it not much of an excuse, but yeah, that the problem.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter, leave a comment down below as I do enjoy reading them. :twilightsmile: