• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

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After Sonata's emotional break down ended and her crying subsided, she didn't speak a word. I didn't know what to do, but she seemed to have calm down some. She didn't move her head from my shoulder. She only kept her head and eyes down. I didn't push her away or stand up. I just sat there, confused about what to do. After a few minutes of silence in the air, Sonata finally sat up from where she sat, breaking free of my hold. Wiping her eyes clear, she looked up at me, giving me a wavering smile, like she was okay now. I could see in her eyes that she was still in a lot of pain, but the pain seem to have dimmed for now.

“Are you going to be okay?” I asked her.

She only gave me a nod as her head fell low again, her hair now covering her face from my view. With not much else to say, I brought back up my Slingshot, re aimed and fired. The ball hit all the spots that I predicted it would. Catching the ball, I re aimed it and fired, putting my brain on autopilot, I absentmindedly fired, catched, rinsed and repeated.

I still didn't know anything more about Sonata, I knew she was traumatized, heartbroken and a loner. But why is she alone, she said her sisters kick her out after they lost their powers, but why?

Catching the ball again, I looked at it, then at Sonata. She's also a siren, I can't forget that. A siren, could she still sing? No, she probably can't. She did said she lost her powers and from that video, I’m guessing their powers are within their voice. Or that amulet she still have with her.

I was starting to get a better understanding as I broked down the details. There was still a few questions I needed answered and only Sonata could answered them for me. One of which was why did they wanted power, what was they planning to do once they had the powers they needed? Then my thought returned to the event of last night.

I have school with those guys, which means I'm going to have to deal with them everyday. I thought, as a visual image of my school days came to mind. Did Sunset have to go through this when she was trying to be accepted by everyone? Did she? I got the strange feeling that the answer to my question will be a “no”, but I will have to asked Sunset about it when I see her.

Taking my mind off of autopilot and putting my Slingshot down, I looked over to Sonata who was laying her head on the couch armrest. She wasn't sleeping as I saw her eyes blink a few times, her hand occasionally moving her hair out of her face. Without much to do, I thought about school. Then I realised,

I still have homework for school tomorrow.

Waking up the next day, I told Sonata I had to go to school. I was going to asked her to come with me, but the sane part of my mind told me that would be a horrible decision. Instead, I told Sonata to stay home and not leave, to never answer the door for anyone (I had a key, I wouldn't need it to be opened for myself), and that she could help herself to anything around the place, since this was her home now. Heading to school, I was pondering in my mind if I should tell Principal Celestia what had happened to me. While the idea seemed like the right thing to do, I dismissed it, figuring that if I was to tell, and those guys got in trouble, some of their friends might come and start looking for me, and I didn't need that!

This is going to be a long day. I sighed.


My day at school was unlike anything I imagined it would be. All my friends and teachers was asking me why I had bruises and why I was walking with a slight limp. I told them I got into a fight, but I left out a large amount of detail to the point it sounded like I was jumped in a back alley, which I kinda was. Then there was the guys who attacked me, the whole day they didn’t say a word to me, look at me or even seem to acknowledge my existence. After assaulting and threatening a person you would think they would try and make sure I wouldn't try to report them, but they went through the whole day like nothing ever happened, something about that wasn't right. Lastly was the girls, I figured Sunset or Rarity would have told them about what had happen to me, but I guess hearing and seeing was two different things from how they looked at me when they saw me. From what they told me, neither one of the girls had any run-in with those guys or had any threats towards their way. It was a given seeing as what Sunset said might be true, about how they might looked at me as Sonata’s only friend. Speaking of friends, Pinkie Pie had literally dragged me around school trying to find anyone who would be friends with Sonata. In the end, we were actually able to find a few who were kind enough to give her a chance. By a few, I mean only four girls: Derpy Hooves, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, surprisingly, and Lyra Heartstrings. I also asked Sunset about her ordeal when she was trying to do good. She told me that she had some bullies, thrown objects, solitude and even some mean letters, but she was never assaulted by anyone, which only made me wonder why.

I hoped those guys aren’t planning on attacking me on my way home. I thought, leaving out the school door.

I stopped on the doorstep and started to look around. Seeing as there was no one around following me, I made my way down the steps. Still looking around, I spotted the three guys as they walked out of the school. I watch them nervously as they walked my way, then they turn and walked towards the bus area. They didn’t even bat an eye towards me, they just kept walking and talking to one another. Watching as they got on the bus, I sighed with relief.

It seems that they either decided not to mess with me on school grounds or they was being very cautious. Either or, that means I have time to figure out what to do about them later. I thought, seeing as they wasn’t trying anything so soon.

Looking around some more, I spotted Sunset and the other girls walking the opposite way of me. Feeling a bit happy, that I wasn’t going to have to face an everyday threat, I thought about going over to them and saying “hi”. Maybe while I was there I could see if they wanted to hang out with me and Sonata, I could even get the four girls, who was willing to give Sonata a chance, to come with us.

As I turned around and began to walk over to the group of girls, I felt my heart drop. I felt my heart dropped and plummet deep in the pit of my stomach, for there was a hand on my shoulder.

Please tell me this isn’t one of their friends. I silently pleaded to myself.

“Why, hello there sweetie.” A female voice said.

I slowly turned around to see a female wearing a purple hoodie with her hood on. I couldn’t see her face as she kept her head down. She then slowly lifted her head so I could see her face.

This, this is one of Sonata so called sisters. I thought, looking at the girl face. I didn’t know her name and I’m sure Sonata had mention it, but I wasn’t paying to much attention to it at the time. She had some dark shades on, but a sliver of blonde orange curly hair protruded on the side of her face.

“Care to join me for some coffee at a nearby cafe?” She asked.

“Umm, sorry I don't like coffee.” I said, not really wanting to join this girl.

I should probably get back to Sonata. I thought, turning to head home.

Before I could even take a step, I felt her hand brush against my chest as she walk in front of me.

“Really, what a shame.” She said, stopping right in front of me. “But don't worry, they have more than just coffee.”

Is she serious? I looked at her some more. She then gave me a “do I looked like some type of menace to you” type face.

“Yeah, sorry but I-” She then cut me off by putting a finger to my lips and putting her arm through mines.

“I just want to talk, nothing wrong with that, right?” She asked again, looking at me through her shades. “You're not going to leave a girl just standing here?” She tip her head down so her magenta eyes peeped through the top of her shades. “Are you?” She then locked her arm around mines.

I could see now that it wasn't really a question in the matter. She was practically saying “you have no choice in the matter, just follow along”.

Sighing, “Sure, I would love to join you.” I mutter backed.

“Good.” She giggled, pulling me with her, her arm still locked around mines.

What is it with this girl? I thought as she pulled me along with her. This feels like it's going to be a lot more trouble than it’s worth.