• Published 28th Dec 2014
  • 8,310 Views, 321 Comments

The Lost Siren - Dreagknight-LostWriter

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionlly tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go until someone was willing to help her out.

  • ...

Heading Out

It has been almost two weeks since I found myself living with Sonata. Even though I've been living with her for the near two weeks, I don't think I'm any closer to helping her than the first day I found her. I thought it would be easy by getting her some friends, but Sonata had refused to meet any of them. Not that I can blame her, but I fear for her sanity. Luckily I have been able to get Sonata out the house a few time when ever we meet up with Sunset in the gang. Little by little I can see some improvement in her mood, but she's still holding herself back with her emotions and feelings. I think the only big improvement I have seen so far, is that she isn’t scared of the girls anymore, for the most part. I know Sonata is holding herself back, because I have yet to see any form of a happy smile on her face. During a day out with the girls, Pinkie tried to get Sonata to smile, Sonata only put on a facade that wasn't fooling nobody, not even Pinkie. Pinkie tried everything from balloon animals to singing, none of it worked on her.

Anyways, today was a new day of a new week, the most horrendous of days, Monday. I was in the school cafeteria having lunch with the other girls. Today Pinkie was telling a story on how the Cake’s twins ended up cover in cake batter while she was watching them. I myself was only paying half attention to her story as I was checking my phone for any new messages. Sighing as there was none, I place my phone on top of the table as I went back to listening to Pinkie’s story. Instead of hearing a story told by Pinkie, I instead found a table where all eyes was on me.

My eyes shifted around the table as silence fell over it. “What?”

“Is everything alright, you seem a little... tense, worried perhaps?” Rarity asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Ya have been checking yer phone there fer the past few days. Are yer expecting an important call or somethin’?” Applejack asked me.

“Oh.” I said in realization. I have been checking my phone since last Thursday. “Well kinda, but not really.”

I only got a questionable looked from everyone.

“Do you girls remember when I told you I had met up with,” I lean in closer so no stray ear will over hear me, “Sonata’s sisters?”

“Yeah.” They all nodded in agreement.

“Well the thing is, I had gave them my number since they said they wanted to keep an eye on Sonata. Even though they have my number, I have yet to receive any text or call from them.”

“So what, you're worried that they are not checking up on you every two days?” Rainbow asked, with skepticism. .

“No. Its just-” I stopped as my mind went blank, mouth slightly ajar.

“Just what?” Applejack asked.

“Its just, dont you find it weird that they asked me for my number so they can keep an eye on Sonata, yet they never made a call or text to see how she is doing? They claim they care about her, but I haven’t seen any proof of that.”

“Maybe they're busy, I mean with work or something.” Fluttershy said

“Or they could be following you around and you've never noticed," Pinkie suggested.

“Pinkie, ah doubt they are still following Blitz around. If they took the time to question em then they can take the time to talk to em.” Applejack said with reassurance.

“I don’t know, those two seem really sneaky. I don’t put anything past them.” Rainbow said.

“Well I say we give them the benefit to prove themselves.” Rarity said, checking her nails.

“Think we can talk to them?” Pinkie asked, leaning towards me.

“Nope. From the sound of it, they still hold a grudge against all of you. I don't think they even want to be in the same room let alone talk to you six.” I said sadly.

“Oh.” Pinkie said, sounding dejected.

“So umm, how is Sonata? Has she gotten better?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes she has... and no she haven’t, I’m not sure which is more accurate.” I answered.

“Mind explaining a little more darling, I don't quite understand what you mean?” Rarity asked.

“Hmm? She has gotten a little better and seem more relaxed around you girls, so that's a big improvement. Her mood also seems to have improve bit by bit.”

“But wha ya mean she also not ok?” Applejack questioned.

I went dead silent as I balled my fist up and put it close to my mouth. I looked around the table, each girls face grew in worried the longer I stayed silent.

“Well for starters, she still doesn't like to go outside and prefers to stay in most of the day, which is understandable in her situation.”

“And what's the worst?” Fluttershy asked, not making eye contact.

“I think her depression has worsened," I said with remorse.

That was enough to silence any further comments, so I continue on.

“I have found her a few times, crying in the middle of the night, when she thought I was sleeping.”

Pausing, I took a deep breath as I reveal the final information.

“One time, she had fallen asleep crying on the couch, her phone in her hands. I didn't have to look in her phone to know why she was crying. She doesn't know that I know, so I don't know what to do.”

There was a couple of gasp as both Rarity and Fluttershy cover their mouth. Rainbow Dash could only say wow, while Applejack shook her head. Sunset didn’t have a look of pity, but another look which I suspect was a looked of sameness. Pinkie Pie on the other hand had a note pad out, furiously jotting down whatever she was writing.

With the table gone silent and not a word from anyone else, I went back to eating and checking my phone. After I was done eating, I went to dispose of my tray. Going back to the table I saw that Rarity had a grin on her face.

“I have an idea on how to help Sonata improve her mood!" Rarity exclaimed.

“You do, how?”

“Well you know how we are either at the park or at Pinkie’s house when Sonata comes out. Today, how about we take Sonata to the mall right after school?"

“The mall?” Sunset asked.

“Why of course. Whats a more better way to feeling better about yourself then a Spa session. We can get manicures and our hair done, then we can go clothes shopping and looking for new accessories. Nothing speaks more of a new you then a complete makeover overhaul.” Rarity said, stars in her eyes.

My jaw drop when Rarity said that. While the idea wasn't bad, and a spa session would do good for Sonata to relax, it was the fact that Rarity had use the word ‘we’.

“Yeaah, I’m out. Sorry Rarity, but I don’t do spas or manicures.” Rainbow said, crossing her arms.

“Not even for Sonata?”

“The spa is so lame and the frufru smell of perfume." Rainbow retchedin her seat. “Maybe next time with something else.”

“Same here Rar. Ah want to help Sonata get better too, but maybe we could find something else to do besides that.” Applejack said.

“Its fine, I had a suspicion you two wouldnt go anyways.” Rarity said, waving away the comments. “What about you Pinkie?”

“Sorry, but I got plans on getting Sonata to meet her new friends.”

“But she said she wasnt ready to meet them.” I said, watching Pinkie.

“She's just being shy, all she needs is a little push.” Pinkie said.

Putting on a hat and a pencil behind her ear, Pinkie slid down under the table and left. I only watch in amazement at how fast Pinkie left, leaving no trail behind.

“Ah best keep an eye on her. Pinkie tends to get out of hand with these things.” Applejack said.

“Hmm, nah. If anyone can help in the situation, it's Pinkie.” I said, picturing how Pinkie might be able to manage this.

“Ya sure?”

I nodded my head conformally.

“Fluttershy, Sunset, Blitz, you’ll be join me today want you?” Rarity asked, batting her eyes.

“Sure.” Fluttershy responded.

“Yeah, sure.” Sunset replied. “It's not like I got anything better to do anyways.” I saw Sunset mumble under her breath.

“Blitz, what about you? I’m sure you’ll be join us.”

I looked at Rarity as images flash before my eyes. Now I didn't mind going to the spa, it was the clothes shopping that killed it for me. I went clothes shopping with my sister before and that was no problem, but I know how Rarity can shop. I’m not sure about Sunset or Sonata, and I was fairly sure Fluttershy wouldn't get too much, but Rarity could compensate for both. I can see it now, carrying a ton of bags in my hands, on my arms or heck, even pushing a cart around all day.

“Yeah sorry.” I said, trying to come up with a quick excuse.

“Really?” Rarity pouted.

“Umm…” I started to look around for any excuse to use. “I think a better idea would be to make this a girls day out, yeah thats right, a girls day out.”

Rarity pulled back as she ponder this. Moving a strand of hair out of her face, she gave an enthusiastic smile.

“I think thats a splendid idea! This would allow us to really get to know her even better.”

I sigh a internal relief, happy that I was able to dodge this bullet. Soon the bell started to ring, signaling the end of lunch and the beginning of class.


“Finally, freedom.” I said to myself, taking a step out the door and stretching.

Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy were waiting for me at the school entrance. I figured it would be fun to talk to them while we walked home. Rushing up to the girls, we began to start walking as Rarity took this as an opportunity to start talking about all that they will be doing at the mall. I was so glad that I had manage to get out of this, as it seem the mall will be making some large money by the time she leaves.

When we was about halfway to my house, I was hit in the back of the head by a rubber bouncy ball. Rubbing the back of my head, I turned around to see a hooded figure casually tossing another ball in the air, staring at us. The person then reeled back as they threw the next ball at me. The ball was medium size and wasn’t moving that fast, so I was able to catch it out of the air when it came near. Holding the ball in my hands, I glared at the person. It only took me a few second to take in what the figure was wearing, a green hoodie and black shades with their hands on their hips. I knew at that moment it was Aria. Before Sunset or Rarity could take the chance to confront her, I put my hand out in a ‘hault’ position and went over to Aria.

“Why did you threw a ball at the back of my head?” I asked her when I got near.

“Oh hey, nice to see you too.” She said sarcastically. “I want to talk to you, away from here.” She said, eyeing the girls behind me.

“But I-”


“Why now, why not text me or call me, let me know in advance?”

“Listen here, I don't trust you, I don't like you, I don't respect you or them. So unless you show me any reason to listen, I don't want to hear it.” Aria said, jabbing her finger into my chest.

I was taken aback by her sudden rudeness.

“I don’t care if you don’t like me or respect me, but don't expect me to follow you around willy nilly whenever you tell me too.” I said, matching her tone.

She just crossed her arms and smirked at me, but her smirk quickly faded as I heard Sunset and Rarity approaching from behind.

“Blitz what's going on, who are you ta…” Sunset started to ask, but stop when she saw Aria.

Even though Aria had both her hood and shades on, she didn’t had her head lower and was looking both Sunset and Rarity in the face, so it was blatantly obvious who she was. Sunset and Rarity were standing at both my sides, Sunset had her arms crossed while Rarity had her hands behind her back.

“I think we just interrupted something.” Rarity whispered.

You think?

“So, whats going on?” Sunset asked, not breaking eye contact with Aria.

“Oh nothing much, me and Blitz were about to head somewhere, talk a little, maybe head to the park.” Aria said, nonchalantly.

“Hey wait a minute, I never said-”

“Oh, well we shouldn't keep you two any longer then.” Rarity said.

Sunset looked at Rarity, but Rarity put a finger to her lips. I was sure she was going to tell Sunset whatever she was thinking later.

Putting a hand on my shoulder, Rarity whispered: “It's better to stay on their good side, who knows, maybe their just looking for a friend and you're the only person who actually knows what they are and not threatening them.”

Sighing, knowing she was probably right, I looked back at Aria as I put my hand on my head. “The park you say, is it a nearby one?”

“Yeah, not too far from here.”

“Well that settles it then, we will talk to you later, bye.” Rarity said, grabbing Sunset in pulling her along.

“Come on, let go.” Aria said, waiting for me to start moving.

Well this should be loads of fun. I shook my head.

Author's Note:

This chapter was fun to write, but I think I've over done it again.

Well, lets 1 up this story a bit with some new things I have planned, shall we?:trollestia:

Anyways, I hope you Ponies enjoy the chapter. Leave a comment down below as I do enjoy reading them.:twilightsmile: