• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,359 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

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The Army Amasses

It has been a few months since the defeat of the magic-stealing demon Tirek by the Elements of Harmony, with the new Rainbow Power at their disposal and a new crystal castle given to Princess Twilight by the Tree of Harmony Equestria has entered a peaceful break. However in the far south, where the sweltering volcanic Dragon Lands reside, a large group of dragons, mainly in their teens had amassed before large outcrop of volcanic rock. Several of them are Garble and his gang of thugs who you may remember as the young Dragon Spike's temporary mentors during the Great Dragon Migration.

The dragons that have amassed range from 50-100 strong, a rather sizable force considering their strength and very deadly to any ordinary pony whether they be unicorn, earth pony or pegasi. Finally, the deep red colored teen dragon steps up to a high vantage point overlooking the massive army.

"Finally. The gang's all here" Garble growls

He glares at all of the dragons with a heavy intimidating glare with each of the dragons stiffing up at the sight.

"Everydragon listen up and listen good!" Garble yelled with a commanding voice. "The time has finally come to prove to those namby-pamby ponies that this land belongs to the dragons!" He clenches his fist and raised it to the air. "Those ponies have had it good for too long! It's time to show them who's top of the food chain and their true masters are!!"

"Can we really win when they have the Spirit of Chaos and four Alicorns at their disposal though?" Asks one of the other dragons doubtfully.

"What are you guys too chicken like that tiny little squirt Spike!?" Garble angrily glared at the doubting dragon remembering that waste of space of a dragon and his girly pony pals. How dare he humiliate him during the phoenix egg raid after he took him in to teach him how to be a TRUE dragon.

"NO!!" the dragons denied.

"Then let's show them what we're made of!! We'll steal everything that's nailed down and shiny and burn everything else!!" Garble grinned evilly "and then we'll steal their magical secrets, defeat those namby-pamby princesses, end the Spirit the Chaos and all of Equestria will be ours to dominate!!!"

"Oh so that's how we'll beat Discord!" the other dragon realized.

"Exactly!" garble grinned. "So who's with me?!"

They large dragon army roars in approval all following Garble as the leader of their group.

"Follow Garble!!!" one dragon yelled.

"Make him king of them all!!!" another cheered as Garble grinned at let out a dark and evil laugh.

Miles and Miles to the North, beyond the Badlands, pass the deserts, over the hills and far away from the Dragon Lands lies the quant town of Ponyville where newly crowned Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle resides in her new Crystal Palace given by the Tree of Harmony as a gift after defeating Tirek (at the price of loosing the Golden Oaks Library). It is also where little Spike the dragon, #1 assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle, was busy getting used to the new castle.

"Why does this place have to be so big?" He sadly sighed reminiscing the Golden Oaks Library which was their old home that had exploded to smithereens by Tirek's magic. As he walks along the halls he suddenly gets a weird feeling of dread forcing him to stop in his tracks and grimace at the sudden feeling. Twilight, who was passing by with some new books also took notice..

"Spike? Are you ok?" twilight asks concerned for her little brother.

"I-I'm not sure.....I just got a really bad feeling in my gut....like something really big and bad just happened." Spike said worriedly as he looks at Twilight. She then hugs him close to comfort him however as the day slowly begins, the mail arrives to some of our heroes homes bringing some dire news.

Over at Rarity's Carousel Boutique, where the elegant unicorn mare has just started her day. A letter from an old friend arrives "Hmm what's this? Ah~! A letter from my dear friend Coco, it's been I a while since I've heard from her isn't it my precious Opal~?" Rarity baby talked to her sleeping cat. But as she opens it up and reads it, she soon grimaces..

Rarity it's Coco. I wish I could've written this on happier times but something's happened! Whole jewelry stores have been robbed clean, homes set ablaze, even.....even your fashion line from the competition was torn to shreds!! We're trying our best to help everypony following your generosity, I hope you're safe as well. -Your friend Coco.

Rarity had her hoof on her mouth trying her best to fight back to tears from the dire news of her friend. Yet over to Sweet Apple Acres, the Apple family recieved equally bad news from their relatives in Apploosa.

"C-cousin Braeburn....." Applebloom said in a worried tone.

".....nope" Big Macintosh said in a stoic tone.

My dear family, we were attack and hit hard. All of our crops and homes have turned to cinders, we're barely making do with what we have left! Thank Celestia that the we and the buffalo are on friendly terms now.....it's all gone, our town, our home even our train station....all gone. But we are all safe and hopefully we can rebuild..... your cousin Braeburn

Applejack herself, can only place her prized stetson hat over her heart, mourning for her family.

But all the way to the capital city of Canterlot where Princess Celestia, being the princess that she is was busy looking over her reports of all the damage that have appeared over the past 10 hours. Whole settlements burned down, thousands of banks and jewelry stores robbed down to the bone. Even the Diamond Dog tribes reported horrible burns and their entire hauls swiped clean. This was not a good day at all.

"Sister, you seem troubled. Has Tartarus been breached again?!" Luna asked worriedly sensing her sister's worry.

"No my dear sister.....but I fear for something much worse" Celestia replied to her little sister showing her the reports

"Fire damage....jewel robberies...not even the Diamond Dogs were spared. Could this be a dragon strike!?" Luna asked worriedly.

"We have to consider that possibility, I fear the long time peace we've had with the dragons has finally crumbled" she said in a sad tone.

"But the elders have gone to their hibernation! There's no way they could let this happen unless provoked!" Luna added.

"however, our ponies are getting hurt we must act quickly." She levitates a paper to her and starts writing "I'll summon the elements and maybe we can negotiate a peace once more" Celestia answered but as soon as she was about to send her letter a bright red lava bomb crashes into the throne room causing some of the elegant tapestries to catch fire!

"What in Equestria!?" one of the servants screamed as she gather the others and tries to put out the flames. Only Luna and Celestia remained silent as they see a scroll sticking out of the hot pyroclastic rock. Using her magic Luna carefully picked up the scroll, unraveled it, and read it alongside her sister.

Listen here you namby-pamby princesses!! You've had it too good for too long!! It's time we remind who's really boss of this world and that's us the Dragon Hoard!! I've amassed over 100 of us and our numbers grow! Try beating us Sun-butt!! -Garble, King of the Dragons

"Lt. Front Assault!!" Celestia called for a guard.

"Yes your highness?" Front asked.

"Send word to both Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence.... as well as start building Equestria's defenses and military" Celestia grimaced as the guard quickly bows and heads immediately to do the tasks.


"I fear we may need outside help for this one little sister..." Celestia said as Luna gasped.

"Outside help? What do you mean sister?"

Celestia could only sigh as she summons a specific scroll and starts writing while telling Luna her story. "Long ago.....in a magical kingdom named Fiore...."


In the magical nation of Fiore, in the sprawling city of Magnolia stands a proud wizard guild building that has recently been rebuilt. After winning the Grand Magic Games and holding off the dragon invasion, the magical guild of Fairy Tail has earned back their respect, guild hall and reputation!

"Oh yeah! Now we're really back in business!" Natsu Dragneel cheered.

"Aye Sir!" his blue Exceed companion Happy equally cheered.

Gajeel was busy chewing of some scrap metal, while Grey was relaxing on one of the tables.

"Jeez, does he have to be so loud?" Grey said as he unknowingly took off his shirt and eventually stripping down to his boxers.

"Gray your clothes." Cana reminded him casually

"ack!!!" He freaks out again while Juvia is hiding behind a table, being lovestruck as usual.

"He's so cute when he's embarrassed" Juvia said to herself with her face as red Erza's hair.

"So master, looks like the guild it's back to it's lively self huh?" Mirajane said to Mastar Makarov serving a drink to him.

"Yep. No more cramming everyone into that little shack we had to substitute with." Makarov grinned chugging down said drink. Mira could only nod in approval and head back to work

"NATSU! GAJEEL!" the dragon slayers looked to see Wendy running towards them waving a job poster in her hand.

"Hmm? what is it Wendy?" the celestial spirit wizard Lucy asked.

"It's a job request but it's huge!!!!" Wendy exclaimed as her exceed Charla flew next to her.

"We knew it's something we can't do ourselves so it would be wise to show everyone..." she said while Happy blushed.

"Well what is i-WOW WOW WOW!!!!!" Levi exclaimed holding up the job request.

Powerful beings needed for dragon slaying. Reward: 100,000,000 jewel.

Happy's eyes widen "HOLY SMOKES!!! 100 MILLION JEWEL!?"

Lucy immediately dashes to the paper "100 million!? That will pay my rent for years! in fact I could actually buy a home of my own!!"

"You could even get your novel published!" Levy suggested.

"Hold the damn Lacrima! I want a slice of this too! I could finally buy a new guitar!" Gajeel butted in.

"SHOALS AND SHOALS OF FISH FOR ME~!!!" Happy sang as he fluttered around dreamily.

"No way! I'm gonna buy a brewery so we don't have to buy booze anymore for the guild! We could just make our own endless supply!" Cana smirked.

"Oh just imagine the outfits I could buy with that money." Erza blushed at the thought of many suits of armor and fancy clothes.

"That's gotta be the manliest reward I've ever seen!" Elfman grinned.

"I can get new outfits~" Lisanna added.

"I want in..." Laxus smirked.

"With 100 million jewel we'll be the richest guild in Firore~!!" Makarov exclaimed

"And best of all. This could finally be our lead to finding Igneel, Grandeen and Metalicana!" Natsu yelled.

Wendy gasped happily "Grandeen~!"

Gajeel scoffed "Peh! I don't give a damn about that lizard after he abandoned me. I just want the cash. And maybe give him a hard kick in the teeth if I happen to see him, unlikely as that is."

"Oi oi oi, you shouldn't disrespect your own teacher and father would you metal face!?" Natsu started to get up at Gajeel's face.

"Disrespect?! What kind of respect did he have after he flew away like a fat bird without so much as a 'see ya'?!" Gajeel angrily scowled.

"Boys....." Natsu and Gajeel flinch as Erza speaks up.

"Alright. We all have our desires for this reward but first we have to earn it. So let's show our client the Magic Games was just as warm up for Fairy Tail!" Makarov cheers as the guild mates raise their fingers in salute.

"Hey what's this?" Natsu spotted at the bottom of the flier. "'Recite this passage to be summoned to client.'"

"An enchanted passage?" Panther Lily asked

Freed takes a look at the flier.

"It's a gateway enchantment. When recited, those within its range will be transported to where the other gateway is inscribed."

All of the guild members gather around the flyer..

"Alright!! Read it already!! I'm all fired up!!" Natsu exclaimed.

Freed recites the enchantment before a sizable chunk of the guild members are surrounded by walls of encryption which proceed to envelop them

"Um...guys....I have a weird feeling about this!!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Maybe you ate something funny." Happy giggled

A bright light shining at the very top of the column appears as wind starts blowing from the ground up in a vacuum style motion with Happy, Carla and Lily beign the lightest are the first to be lifted off the ground by the wind. And eventually the rest of the guild members are lifted up to the light!

"Whoa!! Check it out we're floating!!" Natsu exclaimed

"You're too casual about this!" Lucy shouted holding down her skirt due to the strong winds.

"Kya!! Grey-sama hold me!!" Juvia cried as she floated next to Grey although he tries his best to push her away (accidentally grabbing her breasts in the process). Despite their efforts to hold on, the group are pulled up and away

"WHOAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" They are all sucked up into the light before they all disappear, leaving the Guild Hall empty once more. After a great light engulfs them they wake up in what appears to be a town.

"Ugh I feel dizzy" Happy said with swirls on his eyes. As they recover from the mass teleportation the guild members looked around to see the town appeared to be deserted save for an occasional tumbleweed.

"Is this where we're supposed to meet the client?" Gray asked.

"Hey!! Anyone home!?" Natsu yelled. "We're here for the dragon job!"

"This is weird. Why is this place a ghost town?" Lucy wondered.

"I knew it." Gajeel huffed. "It's a trap just like when Salamander got tricked into getting stuffed into that robo-dragon by that four eyed maniac.

"Hey!!" Natsu angrily said.

"Well....it does look like a peaceful town!" Mira examined.

"Oh you've made it!" a voice sounded from behind the group of mages. They turned to see Spike standing there. "Wow you look just like the humans I met with Twilight once. Only you all have the same skin."

The group looked at the baby dragon for a few seconds before Gray lifted his hand

"Ice make: cage" he said before Spike was sealed inside a small ice birdcage.

"What the?!"

"Well that was easy!" Natsu laughed squatting in front of the cage.

"See I told you this client was screwing us." Gajeel said. "We get called here to hunt dragons and we get a purple lizard. Pipsqueak didn't even try to fight back."

"Maybe he can tells us where's Igneel and the others are!!" Natsu exclaimed before eagerly approaching the cave. "Alright baby dragon, talk! Where's Igneel, Metallicana and Grandeen!?"


"Wow this is such a joke." Cana laughed. "One hundred million for this squirt? Who's our client? The cricket you tried to eat for lunch?" she then asked the dragon.

"Wait wait wait!! I'm not the dragon you're hunting!! You got the wrong drake!!" Spike banged at the icy cage trying to escape.

"Or maybe you're associated with the one we were called for. Talk." Erza demanded.

"Yes!! What the red-head said!! The princesses put up the ad!!" Spike yelled

"Princesses? Oh crap! Did I not fully destroys the Eclipse gate?!" Natsu said

"There's more than one princess!?" Wendy added.

"Eclipse Gate? What's that?" Spike asked.

"Alright, alright. let's just all calm down." Markov spoke up. "Let's start at the beginning, dragon. Who is our client and where exactly in Fiore are we?"

"Y-you all are in Equestria! The princesses are used a dimensional spell to bring you all here!" Spike nervously replied.

"wait what!!!? Dimensional spells!? You mean that we're....!?" Lisanna gasped

"In a completely different world.." Erza finished as the guild members gasped.

"so...uh......can you let me out now? It's starting to get cramped in here!" Spike asked.