• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,359 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

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Home Is Where the Heart Is

It was the dead of night in the the quaint town of Ponyville. But a tense atmosphere filled with fear, paranoia and doubt has blanketed the land from the recent dragon strike from the previous day and although the dragon slayers had saved them, the damage had been done. The meeting from earlier devolved to accusations and distrust against the humble drake Spike. Whilst the Fairy Tail guild slept in their respective accommodations, the Celestial Wizard Lucy was wiping off her tears after listening into the heated argument between Spike. Carefully, she stepped towards the room where a weeping Twilight was present.

"Princess Twilight?" Lucy asked as she stepped into the room.

"What do you want?" Twilight sniffled, her voice hoarse from the shouting match earlier.

"Are you alright Princess?" Lucy asked again

"Fine...more than fine perfect. Why wouldn't I be?" Twilight angrily scoffed in an almost accusatory tone. "I mean my own best friend who I'VE hatched and help raise for his entire life just told that he would rather be born in the hands of you!" she points her hoof at Lucy

Lucy flinches "I heard everything Twilight...."

"How can you put such a ridiculous idea into his little head!!? I mean training him to be a warrior!? Are you humans stupid in your world!?" Twilight angrily shouted.

"Hey now hold it right there missy! Spike shows a lot of potential and Natsu sees that. It's Spike's decision that he wanted to join our guild, he sees a life beyond whatever you and your friends give him. And since you hatched him doesn't that make you his own mother, doesn't a mother want her child to grow strong and be happy and proud with their life?!" Lucy countered, her hands instinctively reaching for her Celestial Keys.

"But it's also a mother's duty to care and protecting him!" Twilight's wings flared

"A mother also needs to know when to let go and face the facts that her child is growing up and to explore the world around him rather than cooping him up in an empty castle!!"

"He's fine here!!!"

"HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF YOUR OWN PARENTS IGNORED YOU AND LEFT YOU ALONE WHILE THEY DO NOTHING BUT WORK AND KEEP YOU TRAPPED INSIDE!!?" Lucy yelled as a memory of her father disappointing glare while a rice ball gift is on the floor flashed in her mind.

"Well you....!! You....you...." tears welled up in Twilight's eyes, her wings dropped, her legs shook and buckled before collapsing as Twilight wailed is sadness "you're right....."

"Twilight...I didn't mean...." Lucy approached but a hoof stopped her.

"You're right....all my life...I used Spike to my convenience once he was old enough to read, write and understand the world around him. I didn't let him go to school, make friends outside my life... I'm a horrible and failure of a mother!!" she cried before being embraced by Lucy.

"It's going to be okay Twilight...but Spike needs to do this, he needs to grow...he wants this with all his heart. He said it himself..."

"But training? Right as we're in the middle of a war? I-it's just so much" Twilight cried.

"I know.....I'll talk to Spike and please...if anything put yourself in his place...how would he feel about this?"

"Betrayed....angry....confused.....scared...." Twilight winces at the torrent of emotions running through her body. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Lucy......"

"I'm sorry too...but like I said, Spike needs to do this" Lucy gets up.

"His bedroom is down the hall from mine...just be gentle when talking to him" Twilight pleaded.

"What about you?"

"I'm going to need my friends and Celestia.....if you're guild is what Spike is truly looking for. They need to hear this too, they're just as much family as I am to Spike." Twilight said. Lucy nods in agreement heading to Spike's room. As she left Twilight uses her magic to pick a photo album, as she flips through the pages she noticed something horrible. Back when she was a filly and had received her cutie mark Spike was very prominent in the pictures but as time went on Spike slowly and surely moved to the background before not being there at all once she had settled into Ponyville. And just like that she broke down again "Oh Spike.....I'm so so sorry" she cried, she levitates some scrolls and a pen and began writing some very important messages.

In Spike's room, Spike is angrily crying in his bed as there are a lot of torn photos across the floor. Most of them were of Twilight and Spike back when they were both little. He cried into his pillow before gasping hearing a knock, he pulls his bed sheet covers over him.

"who is it?" Spike said.

"Spike...it's Lucy.....can I come in?" she asked.


Lucy steps in, she silently gasped seeing the mess of the room. "What happened here?" she asked worriedly.

"Nothing important" Spike scowled.

"Spike....I've heard everything between you and Twilight. She's extremely heartbroken and...."

"And what? Wants me to 'keep safe'?" he snarled using air quotes.

"Spike, Twilight loves you with all her heart. If anything she's your mother too since she has hatched you right" Lucy asked receiving no reply from Spike. "Spike please know that Twilight only wanted what's best for you....but she now knows that she's been using you too much and she's admits she's wrong."

"Is she really?" Spike calms down a bit.

"Yes....she's in her room sulking and practically beating herself up. She feels absolutely awful on what she did to you" Lucy sits next to him in his bed. "And she promises to own up to her mistakes..."

"You mean...she's gonna let me train with you guys?" Spike peeked out of his covers.

"Well....she's going to ask Celestia and her friends for much needed advice before she can really decide."


"You'll say your piece and they'll say theirs. And we'll stick out for you too Spike, you're a guild member" Lucy smiled.

"T-thanks Lucy.....but I simply can't talk to Twilight...at least not right now" Spike said.

"I understand....see you tomorrow Spike" Lucy pats him before leaving his room to go tell her guild mates the news.


The next day arrives with the tense atmosphere still apparent in the town, Celestia and the rest of the Mane 6 once more meet up at the castle after receiving the mail from Twilight. But as they stand by the castle entrance they were also greeted by their human guests.

"Morning Princess" Erza said.

"Morning to you too Erza" Celestia said with a hint of worry for her former student.

"What are you guys doing here?" Rainbow asked.

The dragon slayers stayed silent, looking to the ponies with almost some anger.

"It's about Spike" Makarov said.

"The letter did say the meeting was about Spike" Applejack said.

"She hasn't told you yet?....He's going to join our guild." Grey bluntly said.

"WHAT!?" The ponies said in shock while Celestia's eyes widened.

"Why would Spikey-Wikey join you!?" Rarity demanded answers.

"Oh gee, how about sticking out for the little guy when all you horses couldn't even get out a word when the entire town turned on him?" Gajeel scowled.

"W-we didn't know what to say! We barely know enough about dragons here!" Rainbow countered only to back down when Gajeel glared at her with eyes that looked like it could melt her. But before any more words could be exchanged the door opens, revealing Twilight. Her mane is a complete mess, her feathers are ruffled and her eyes are still red from crying.

"Twilight! What happened!?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"I did a lot of thinking Flutters.....and all of us have to as well.....come in" Twilight opens the door for the group as they cautiously enter the castle. Each casting a worried look to the beleaguered alicorn.

"Lucy already filled us in on the details...this is quite a big challenge to you Princess Twilight" Makarov said to her earning a slow nod.

"I failed as his mother.....it's the absolute least I can do" She tiredly said.

"Wait Twilight you're actually letting him go through with this?!" Rainbow asked.

"Yes....she is" the gang looked ahead to see Spike with his arms crossed and a sharp gaze that looked like it could pierce their souls.

"Spikey-Wi..." Rarity was about to finish before Spike held a claw up.

"No....just Spike. No hugs, no nicknames....it's time we talked." Spike said he said in a cold tone.

They all head to a table, with the ponies on one side and the guild on the other while Twilight and Spike sits on the side middle.

"What you heard is true....I'm going to join to Fairy Tail guild and leave Equestria." he said.

"But why Spike!? Don't you love it here!?" Pinkie asked.

"I did....until what happened yesterday when the entire town turned their backs on me and accused me of future destruction, which NONE of you sticked your neck out to help me! After my quest, I used to think dragons were nothing but greedy, cruel and just plain bad. But Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy showed me that good dragons existed too!! They practically gave me a new lease on life with them as a true dragon, a way for me to actually fit in and be proud of who I am!!!!" he beats his chest proudly

"But you do fit in sugarcube!" Applejack said

"DO I?!" Spike snarled causing them to flinch. "For the past few years I've been living here I've been nothing but your errand boy and the butt of jokes!! You left me on a melting ice cube in a lake during Winter Wrap Up and laughed it off. You didn't even bring me to Twilight's own birthday party up at Canterlot!! I'm the subject of nonstop pranks from Rainbow and Pinkie!! I'm practically a spell guinea pig and any time I was burnt, electrocuted, bruised or even needed somepony to talk to, did ANY of you come to check up on me!?"

"W-well we..." Fluttershy stammered as Celestia looked at them in shock.

"Is all of this true!?" Celestia demanded "how could you all do that to Spike!?"

"Don't think you not to blame too also Celestia...remember when you sent me all those letters back when Discord first escaped?! I was in so much pain from burping out all of them and Twilight only had to read only a few!" he glared at her causing even her to look down in shame.

"B-but Spike we all care for you and do respect you! Remember the Crystal Empire and how they honored you?" Applejack exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter here does it?" Spike rebuffed, "even when I'm a hero in one place I'm still in the same place. I've done so much for all of you....and now that I've found a place to fit in you don't want me to go!?"

"But Spike, we love you!" Rarity said, she really wished she hadn't said that.

"Do you Rarity? I've done some much for especially next to Twilight. Using my back as a pin cushion, talking to you when you're down, getting all your stuff and digging for gems for you and your dresses." he scowled. "and you probably know of my feelings too..'how could you ever know what it's like to be totally obsessed with a pony only to find out they're obsessed with some pony else' ?"

Rarity flinches...she hates where this is going. "B-but S-spike I do give you kisses and gifts..."

"Rarity.....I can't do this anymore I need an answer from you" Spike said.

"Spike...I....I do love you, but not what you think. I love you like the little brother I never had, I just didn't want to break your little heart. There's also the issue of age and species....you're a dragon, you'll live for over a thousand years while I'll probably live to a hundred. You would've had to suffer my passing further breaking your heart. But I know somewhere out there there is special somepony or somedragon for you to love...the find happiness...and maybe start a family" Rarity feels her voice cracking before tearing up "Spike...I'm so so sorry"

"We all are....I'm supposed to be the Element of Loyalty and yet I've been doing nothing but hurting you. I'm sorry with all the pranks and insults I've thrown at you" Rainbow sulked.

"I've been a mean party-pooper, I promise when you leave I'll throw the biggest going-away party you'll ever see."

"I'm so sorry I should've been there for you..." Fluttershy cried.

"I'm sorry too....it was wrong of us to treat you like that Spike." Applejack sulked.

"Now hold on little guy, you didn't have to do that. They're your family right? They're not the ones who judged you are they" Natsu asked.

"Well no" Spike said as he calmed down

"Well then just because they couldn't defend you doesn't meant they don't care about you, they're family. And in our guild family look out for each other no matter what. And besides, holding grudges are really bad for the heart" Natus finished.

"I..I guess you're right."

"Spike, we love you with all our hearts. We'll do whatever we can to better ourselves and...we'll respect your decision to join the Fairy Tail guild. " Twilight said.

"Thanks Twilight...and I'm sorry about the way I had acted at you. I was just so frustrated with the way I was living and all those ponies accusing me and..." he was about to ramble on before he found himself in a warm hug and feeling tears dropping to his scales.

"I'm so sorry Spike....I'm so sorry I did those things to you" Twilight cried.

"And I am sorry too Spike..." Celestia trots forward and hugs them, the ponies followed suit ensuing a massive group hug. Which earned some 'dawwws' from the girls, proud smiles from Natsu and Makarov....and Gajeel gagging from the cute scene.

"gross..." he said gagging as Panther Lily rolled his eyes chuckling.

"But Princess Celestia....I have to know something. Where did you find my egg all those years ago?" Spike asked. "And why aren't more like me if that was part of the entrance exam for your school?"

"I would like to know that too Celestia...no more lies, no more secrets." Twilight firmly said.

Celestia remained silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and sighed. "I found you in an abandoned dragon's nest after a dragon couple had left the mountain. Over 200 years ago."

"200!???" He gasped, "but then why did they leave me?"

"My assumption is that your egg was never going to hatch, the main reason why I used your egg for the exams was to teach incoming students when to know when to give up. But you hatched when Twilight experiences her magic surge bringing you to life. "

"I see....so either way Twilight's still my mom and the rest of you guys are my family!" Spike said in his old cheerful self as all the occupants of the room smiles as the tense moment is finally relieved. "Sooo....since I'm gonna be part of the guild now, does this mean I get those marks too!?" He asked excitedly.

"Oh course my boy!!" Makarov chuckled.

"But we left that stamp thing back at the guild hall though..." Natsu said.

"Oh well we can always improve before he gets the official mark" Erza said.

"Oh I think I have an idea for that!" Rarity exclaimed as she bolts out of the room in a gallop. Around half an hour later, she returns with her finished product.

"Whoa is that a...!?" Happy exclaimed as the white unicorn unveils a Cutie Mark Crusader style cape with the Fairy Tail guild symbol proudly emblazoned on the back.

"Whoa!! Awesome cape!!" Natsu exclaimed as Spike puts it on.

"It's similar to the capes my little sister designed for the Cutie Mark Crusaders" she said proudly.

"it's amazing Rarity! Thank you so much" he smiles.

"of course Spike, I still love you as we all are" She hugs him.

"Alright!!" Natsu suddenly grabs him and lifts him up "He's now part of Fairy Tail~!!! Gift it up for our newest member of our family~!!!" he yelled.

"Aye sir~!!!" Happy exclaimed as the guild cheers as Spike is now inducted into their guild, and soon enough the ponies join into the celebration. They didn't see that Spike grew a few inches as they celebrated.


Over in the dragon lands, King Garble was looking through the ancient archives of the his ancestors "Let's see....dragon slayers dragon slayers" he looked through the ancient scrolls and sure enough he found what he was looking for, reading an ancient journal.

The war is over, the ponies and their allies had driven us out with the powers of the mysterious dragon slayers. Princess Celestia described them as humans respectfully, they absorbed our flames with ease and their magic pierced our dragon hides wounding many of us, even killing few. That was enough to return to our lands and with some with our tails between our legs. The slayers returned to their respective world but gave us a dire warning...should we ever invade their world...we would be slaughtered by Acnalogia. I write this in hopes any future generation will head this warning. Do. Not. Challenge. The. Dragon Slayers.

Garble merely scoffed as he placed the scroll back in it's respective place.

"Dragon slayers...those dragons were weak, I AM NOT WEAK! I'll show them..I'll show them all!!" he returns to his throne/hoard room ready to plan another dragon strike against the ponies.