• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,360 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

  • ...

The Dragon Duel

Spike and gang have set up camp at the borders of the dragon lands. The atmosphere is tense as they await Garble's reply to Spike's challenge to the duel and pray that the captured friends are safe.

"Dammit I hate waiting!!" Gajeel growled as he chewed on some iron ore.

"I know Gejeel, I hate it just as much as you do especially with Twilight and Rarity kidnapped but those dragons!!" Rainbow yelled punching a tree trunk in frustration. As the others sit around the campfire in silence, anticipating the reply Wendy came up to Spike who looked emotionally hurt in this whole ordeal. His back was turned against the camp, sitting on a boulder facing the dragon lands.

"Spike are you alright?" She asked cautiously.

"I'm fine...." He said glaring at the castle, his eyes completely focused on the land as he grit his teeth and clenches his firsts.

"No you're not Spike..." Erza said in a firm stoic tone.

"We can see it in your eyes Spike. It wasn't your fau-"

"I should've fought back...I shouldn't have passed out like that....dammit I was supposed to be stronger!!" he growled interrupted Wendy as he punches the boulder in frustration making it crack.

"But you are stronger Spike! You are able to go toe-to-toe with all us dragon-slayers!" Wendy yelled.

"Honestly Spike, we know your frustrated but throwing a temper is not a good way for growth" Carla said

"But Natsu does it all the time" Wendy said

"That's not the point" Carla countered as Spike sighed.

"I didn't even get to tell her how i feel..." But his thoughts are interrupted by a sight of red smoke approaching the camp, Spike growls knowing exactly what it is. "Garble.."

The smoke approaches Spike as it poofs into the scroll he had sent earlier with a squad armored ground dragons not too far behind. It has 3 words written on the back in crude letters in a red color. One would mistake it that it was written in blood. 'GAME ON TWERP'

"We got our answer" Gajeel said standing up cracking his knuckles.

"Stand down Gajeel, this is Spike's duel.." Erza said as the gang gets up.

"Spike....are you sure you want to do this?" Levy asked worried for her friend.

"I have to...to save not just Equestria but Twilight, Melinda and Rarity too. Even my own species need to be saved from Garble's tyranny."

Laxus silently smirked and nods at Spike's code of honor and heart. "Well then what are you waiting for squirt? You got a duel to win."

Spike nods as he glares at the ground dragons surrounding the gang.

"Don't make any movements!" one yelled as maw emits streaks of sulfur gas.

"We're here to make sure you reach the arena without making any funny business" the other glares. "by order of Emperor Garble, you are to come with us!"

"Emperor Garble now?" Gajeel sneered. "he thinks pretty high of himself to call himself emperor now"

"Damn mouth wash" Natsu muttered as Happy hid behind him.

"aye" Happy said.

"Let's go...just follow their instructions" Erza said as the gang follows the ground dragons into into the dragon kingdom.


Deep in Garble's castle in the underground dungeons, Melinda, Twilight, Rarity and Lucy stood in awe of the cavern filled with dragons. Most of them being females, but slowly more male dragons joined. Twilight recognized the look in their eyes as small groups of dragons trickled in through the caves and tunnels....determination...fear...love...and rebellion. She can see that some of them are parents who are worried for their children, teens who can't take Garble's maddening rule...or just everyone who want no part of the war against Equestria.

"Where....how?" Melinda stood baffled.

"I've organized this since day 1 when Garble seized power..and as revenge for what he did to my dad." Ember said as her claws clenched.

"What happened? " Rarity said.

"When Garble obtained the blood scepter Dragon Lord Torch was going to teach him how to properly use it for the blood stone contained an extremely powerful and ancient magic. The Elder dragons fire....made from the magic from the very first dragons of the world. Said to be only close to the power of the Great Creator of the world" Ember explained.

"Is that how dragon lords keep all the dragons in line?" Twilight asked as Ember nodded.

"But that's why you need to be trained to be dragon lord otherwise the power in it scepter will have their mind slowly corrupted....but what Garble did....he petrified my dad." Ember bites her lip and winces in pain remembering the pain and betrayed face of her father as Garble cackled zapped Torch making his overall colors go into a greyish shade. "He decided to use as much from the scepter as possible and making me his bride"

"Dragon greed..." Twilight realized. "He's letting the greed take control"

"And thus I decided to start to rebellion, we have enough numbers to at least have a chance against his forces but we've also heard about the humans and their victories" all eyes turn to Lucy.

A-actually...I'm just a helping hand. I'm not like Natsu and the others" she chuckled nervously before looking up. "I hope they're okay."

"So what's the plan your highness?" Melinda said following her to a large table where a large map of the dragon kingdom laid before them.

"Garble's amassing all his forces, a whole fifty-thousand strong army, preparing for a massive assault against Canterlot and this little town in Equestia." Twilight and Rarity gasped in horror.

"Ponyville...it's our home." Rarity said.

"Even with the defenses and help from the Fairy Tail guild, this attack would overwhelm them!" Twilight looked in shock.

"But once they mobilize it'll be our opening to seize back control of the kingdom" Ember stated "The we can strike back at the invasion from their rear distracting them so that Equestria can remobilize against the invasion"

"Ember...this plan is extremely risky. Hundreds of ponies may die if you're too late!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Twilight's right!" Melinda said.

"Do you have any better ideas!?" Ember hissed.

"Spike and dragonslayers" Melinda said with a slight blush. But the moment she mentioned Spike the rebellion and even Ember silently gasped and muttered among themselves.

"We've heard of Spike...the 1st Traitor. He makes Garble mad more than anything else. We've heard about his increasing power as well though our spies....what is he like?" Ember asked.

Melinda couldn't help but blush "Where to start?...Brave...noble...chivalrous....his emerald eyes shows great determination while his purple scales shine in the sun. He even has a pet phoenix...he amazing with his friends, he loves his family." Her tails starts wagging, her hips and large rear shaking, as she blushes redder and redder giggling a little "Not to mention he's pretty handsome too~...the way he holds me closely in our sleep, the great strength that shows as he trains with the human dragonslayers" The two ponies and Ember could only stare wide-eyed as busty dragoness continues to list off Spike's qualities shaking her curves, some male dragons even had small nosebleeds seeing her large rear bounce a bit and other dragons could swear steam was coming off of her head.

"Uhhh Melinda?" Twilight blushed.

"Mmm yes Twilight~?" Melinda said with her eyes closed as she held her face by her cheeks.

"W-we got the details Melinda" Ember said.

"H-huh?" she opened her eyes to see the dragons and 2 ponies staring at her blushing. "Oh uh...heh heh..." A cough is heard in the crowd.

"Melinda..." Rarity stepped up to her looking up "Tell me....how do you feel about Spike?"

"Spike...he's...he's....he's amazing. He's everything I never thought a dragon could be. I.....I..." She struggled with the words.

"You love him...don't you?" Rarity said.

"I...I do Rarity." She suddenly gasped remembering the scene in the tunnel before they got kidnapped. "And...I think he's in love with me too. He was about to tell me something before we were knocked out by the gas.....I think it was his confession of his feelings for me." She sighed sadly "And I shushed him..."

"Believe me darling, I know your position. After all he did crush after me first..." Rarity places her hoof on her claw, "But I can see Spike's heart has chosen a beautiful lady to be with. I know Spike will give you great happiness" She smiles as she hugs Melinda. "But promise me this Melinda.."

"What is it?" the dragoness asked.

"Promise me that you'll give Spike all the love in you heart as he deserves so much for all he's done for us all" Rarity asked.

"I Pinkie Pie Promise, cross my heart, hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye" Melinda said smiling even doing the motions before returning the hug

"Uhh what is that you're doing?" Ember asked as Melinda giggled.

"It's called a hug Ember~" Melinda said squatting down as she hugged back. But as things seemed to calm down a small dragon possibly no older than 7 ran in.

"Melinda!! Everyone! You won't believe what's happening!!" he yelled.

"What is it?!" Ember demanded answers.

"Garble has been challenged to a duel for the title of Dragon Lord." Everyone in the room gasped.

"Somedragon has challenged Emperor Garble?!" An adult male dragon exclaimed. "Is he or she crazy!? He's too powerful from the blood stone scepter!"

"But the dragon that's challenging him...is...is" He takes a deep breath "It's Spike!! They're going to fight at the arena!"

"WHAAAAAAAT!?!!?" Melinda, Twilight and Rarity yelled in disbelief.


Outside on the surface, Spike and the rest of the magic guild approach a massive arena made up of sharp red crystals and black volcanic rock. Spike could only face forward as his Fairy Tail guild cape blows in the wind. Along the streets, hundreds if not thousands of dragons line the sides looking in either disbelief, confusion, anger but mostly hope as they look to the little drake as well as the guild members.

"Look at them Natsu" Erza muttered.

"Yeah...I see it too....." Natsu said.

"They're all pinning their hopes on Spike" Wendy worriedly said.

"Some of them don't agree" Lily said walking beside Gajeel.

"Makes me want to beat the crap out of them then" He snarled.

As they entered the arena they are greeted by the massive crowd who are cheering and roaring in the coming battle. And right in front of them, wielding the BloodStone Scepter and wearing a crown was Garble. Standing over 16 feet tall, his teeth, spines and claws sharp and menacing and his wings are large to encompass his whole body.

"SILENCE EVERYONE!" Garble yelled as the arena goes silent.

"So...these are the mighty 'dragon slayers' and Fairy Tail magic guild that's been a thorn in my side for the past weeks" He snarled. The dragonslayers themselves glare at Garble, their eyes speaks of disappointment.

"Igneel would be disgusted at you" Natsu spat at him.

"YOU DARE INSULT ME!!?" Garble yelled ready to strike before a wall of green flames blocked him.


"Pipsqueak..." Garble hissed. "So...the little drake has the balls to challenge me eh~!?" He laughed heartidly but glares at the guards. "LAUGH WITH ME!!'

The guards & other dragons surrounding the team also burst out into laughter. But it's clear that it's forced laughter out of obligation and fear.

"Enough! Are we going to duel or what!?" Spike yelled stepping forward into the center of the arena as Peewee flew beside him. But he stopped him as Peewee squawked worriedly "Sorry Peewee...this is my fight. I have to do this" he said as he removed his cape letting Peewee carry it back to the gang. Garble soon comes forth setting his crown and blood stone scepter aside.

"I'm going to enjoy tearing you to pieces~" He grinned evilly as the gang are led to the stands and seats.


"IS SPIKE CRAZY!?" Twilight yelled at the top of his lungs "HE CAN'T FIGHT GARBLE ONE ON ONE!!"

"What are we going to do!?" Rarity yelled.

"Wait..this may be the chance we've been waiting for!" Ember exclaimed as the forces stood attention. "Contact all our forces across the nation, this is our chance to mobilize!"

The dragons salute as the cavern springs to life and as squads enter and dig out new caves that will lead to their rebel cells. Ember then looks to the formerly captured gang "I know a way to the arena where the duel is being held. Follow me!"

"Right!" they 4 ladies exclaimed following Ember into a tunnel.

"We're coming Spike" Melinda muttered.


"You know what's at stake Garble, whoever wins is the new Dragon Lord" Spike said as the 2 dragons circle around each other.

"And the loser...if he's still alive...gets banished into exile!" Garble snickered.

"Fine..." Spike clenched his fist as bursts into a green flame.

"OOooh...nice theatrics did those puny 'dragonslayers' taught you that little firewor-" Garble's sentence was interrupted by a powerful fire-filled punch to the face as Spike had charged at him at great speeds.

"I'm sick of your talking....so I'm shutting you up once and for all!!" Spike bellowed as the crowd gasped from the punch.

"You....YOU!!!" Garble took a deep breath and launches a massive flamethrower making the arena walls melt slightly forcing Spike to dodge out of the way.

"Come on Spike!! Remember what we taught you!!" Wendy yelled.

"Put pressure on your enemy! Look for openings!" Erza yelled as Spike ran around Garble.

"RUN LITTLE HATCHLING RUN!!" Garble taunted as Spike slid under the fire as his legs glows a green flame before kicking him under the jaw.

"FIRE DRAGON'S CLAW!!" Spike yelled forcing Garble's body to reel back, he then clenches his fist making it go grey with iron coating before punching Garble in the throat

"Ha! Take tha-" He is then swat down by Garble's claw making get a face full of hard rock "GUH!"

"Not getting away that easy twerp!!" Garble snarled as Spike spat out pieces of rock, wiping away the dust.

"Well I'm not going down that easy either!" Spike yelled.


Meanwhile in the tunnels Ember and her gang are headed towards the arena underground. They could faintly hear the sounds of the crowd cheering or jeering as the battle rages within the arena. Twilight can practically feel the years go through her as she worries about Spike's well being. Even Rarity and Melinda are feeling the same effect...even though it has only been around 30 minutes.

"The duel has begun." Ember said as her wings flap.

"WE KNOW!!" Twilight, Melinda and Rarity yelled as the ground shakes from a blast.

"You guys calm down, Spike has been trained by the best. I'm sure he can hold his own again Garble." Lucy said in an effort to calm them down.

"We're here..." Ember said leading them to a vent that's right in the wall of the arena.

"I WANT TO SEE!!" Twilight rushes to the vent to take a look and gasped, she sees the duel raging and it doesn't look good. At this point he's horrible bruised, his mouth coughing some blood and even his scales look like it's starting to crack. And although Garble doesn't look like he sustained wounds, he looks exhausted as Spike as been hitting the critical points on his body.

'Dammit...he's not letting my eat the fire or wind. And the rock doesn't look like it has iron in it.' Spike thought to himself as muscles scream in pain. 'Natsu and the others can't even help.'

"What's the matter pipsqueak? Where's all that fire and gusto you had earlier~?" Garble taunted despite blood leaking from his cracked
teeth and damaged gums.

"Shut up!!" Spike panted as his eyes looks around for anything that could help.

"That's what separates you from a REAL dragon like me! You lack the killer instinct, you're no dragon...you're just a weak freak lizard!" Garble backhand slaps Spike flinging him to the arena walls making him cough more blood.

'Is this it? I'm I really still so weak?....Garble's gonna win and I'm going to die. I wasn't any help' he shut his eyes feeling a tear. But then he hears something in a faint whisper 'Spike! Spike! over here! Don't give up!' he looks around and off the corner of his eye he spots the vent.

"Twilight? Rarity? ... Melinda?" He muttered as his eyes widened.

"You can do it Spike!" Melinda whispered.

"Beat that brute!" Rarity cried out.

"Spike..you can beat him!" Ember said.

"I can't...I'm no dragon...I'm too weak." Spike muttered as tear drops hits his wounds, the pain stinging sharply.

"No Spike, you're better than any dragon here. Especially better than Garble! You're a dragonslayer remember!? Let me feed you some fire!" Melinda cried out.

"This is my figh-"

"Let me stop you right there mister! Remember when Sombra first came back and tried to take over the Crystal Empire and I tried to recover the Crystal heart but was trapped by his quite ingenious crystal incantation and-"

"Get to the point Twilight, I don't have much time left." Spike said panting seeing Garble gearing up for another attack.

"The point is...I had to sacrifice the goal of completing Celestia's test and put my pride aside so that you can get the Crystal Heart to Cadence. If it wasn't for that, the Crystal Empire would've fell to Sombra's tyranny again. You can't do everything alone Spike you have all us friends to back you up." Twilight smiled as Spike pondered over her words in which Melinda blew a small bright red flame to him. Spike then looked to the flame...his loved ones in the vent and in the stands, in which the dragonslayers silently nodded to him...and glared at Garble. He then slurped up the flames, his wounds healing and his muscles bulging at his renewed strength. He then smirked at Garble as his goes aflame with magic.

"Now I got a fire in my belly, this ends here Garble!" Spike yelled standing back up.

"Likewise" he snarled as his maw drools molten lava, he then sends a massive molten blast at him.

"SPIKE!!!!" Melinda cried out, with Spike's wounds he couldn't have survived being covered in lava as Garble cackled.

"THAT'S IT!! I WIN!!" He bellowed.

"No Garble.." Spike appeared right next to his face, his claws aflame no longer a fiery red but now a brilliant emerald green. "I win" Mustering all his strength he sucker punched him sending him flying, smashing against the wall. But Spike's seeing the opportunity charges at him delivering more devastating punches, Garble's teeth shatter, his scales and bones crack and splinter, as blood starts flowing from his jaw. "DRAGON'S BERSERK!!!" Spike roared out dealing out punishment to Garble's head at a huge ferocity dragon warriors haven't seen since the 1st dragon war over 1000 years ago. By the time the dust clears...Spike stands tall over Garble, panting his fist raised up in victory.

"SPIKE WINS!!! HAHA!!" Natsu yelled hopping off the stands into the arena as the crowd cheers.

"SPIKE!!" The remaining mane 6 rush to his side.

"Holy crap Spike you were amazing!!"

"We were so worried for you! You got hurt so much!"


"Aww thanks guys" Spike blushed as he hops off of Garble's defeated body, unaware of Garble's claws reaching for something.

"SPIKE!!!" they gang turned around to see Twilight, Rarity, Melinda, Lucy and Ember came out of the vents heading to them.

"TWILIGHT~! RARITY!!" The ponies quickly hug their beloved friend.

"Lucy! You made it out!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Hah see, Lucy's fine no worries~" Natsu beamed only to get slaped in the face.

"You asshole why couldn't you come and save me!?" Lucy yelled.

"Well we figured you could easily hold your own since..."

"My hands were tied up and I couldn't reach my keys!!"

"B-but Lucy..!"

"There they go again" Carla said.

"Aye like a married couple~" Happy said.

"WE'RE NOT MARRIED!!" Lucy and Natsu yelled blushing as the gang laughed.

"You've become quite strong...you'll need a lot more training though" Laxus smirked.

"Yeah...I know" Spike said as Peewee flew to his side, his eyes flowing with tears. "Hey little guy why are you crying?"

"Spike look!" Fluttershy pointed out as the tears hits Spike's wounds they seem to heal up completely.

"Phoenix healing tears!" Twilight gasped.

"Wow Peewee thanks! Now then..." He glares to Garble. "I won the duel Garble, give me the scepter and end this stupid war"

"You.....You...YOU!!" Garble snarled as he wields the scepter in his claw. "I won't....I WON'T LET SOME DAMN FREAK AND FRIENDS BEAT ME!!" He lets out a booming roar as thousands of dragons took to the air as the Mane 6 looked in horror seeing that their heading towards Equestria at great speeds. But Ember has an equally shocked face as Garble ripped the blood stone from the crystal scepter itself.


"SHUT THE HELL UP ALL OF YOU!! I WON'T BE BEATEN YOU HEAR ME!! I...WON'T...BE..BEATEN!!" Garble bellowed as he swallows the crystal. His body then pulsates as not only his wounds healed up, but he grows 4 times larges, more spikes grew on his joints and back, his wings becoming a titanic size, menacing horns grew on his forehead as his eyes glow a devilish purple aura as well as his scales becoming a deep toxic purple before he lets out a horrific roar at the group of humans, ponies and dragons. Soon Garble's old gang from when Spike first traveled to the dragon lands during the migration lands beside their monstrous king wielding huge weapons glaring evilly at the group.

"M-m-monster!!!!!" Fluttershy cried.

"Well s**t" Grey stated as he tosses his shirt aside.

"You have no honor Garble" Ember said glaring "You don't even deserve to be called a dragon any longer." She then lets out her own roar as the other dragons flowed out onto the streets and into the skies, bearing a symbol on their chest that's a mixture of both the Equestrian flag and a dragon wings wrapped around the alicorns as if in protection, to intercept Garble's invasion.

"AW HELL YEAH!! NOW I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!" Natsu bellowed as the real battle is just beginning.

"Aye sir!!" Happy yelled despite quivering in his little cat legs. Gajeel and Laxus smirked as they cracked their knuckles, Erza requiped into her shining silver winged armor, Wendy glared at the beast as Lucy took out her whip and keys. Even Levy, Juvia, Twilight and Rarity readied their own magic spells and especially the rest of the ponies (save for Fluttershy who hides behind Laxus) ready themselves for the massive brawl ahead.