• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,359 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

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The Dragon Civil War!

Abomination, was the one word the Fairy Tail wizards, ponies and Discord would use to describe what Garble had become having consumed the royal blood stone. The titanic red behemoth of a dragon panted heavily from the energy spent to undergo the immense transformation. Meanwhile the drake's friends stood before him brandishing their weapons with cocky grins to match.

"MINIONS!!!" Garble roared, his voice now deep and gravelly. "GO NOW!! BURN CANTERLOT AND PONYVILLE TO THE GROUND!! LEAVE NONE ALIVE AND BRING ME THE HEADS OF THE PRINCESSES!!!" his army followers roared as many took flight and soared off towards the capital.

"NO! There's too many for the others back home to fight off!" Twilight panicked before ember commanded her rebellion.

"Half of you are to stay here to assist out allies! The rest of you pursue the attackers! Defend Equestria from them and assist the ponies! Show them we're not the monsters Garbles lead them to portray us as!" the rebels nodded in understanding before half flew off after Garble's invading force.

"We await your orders, Emperor!" the fat brown dragon said. "Or if you'd prefer to take them all down yourself you're welcome to. You do have the power."

"No." Garble spoke through ragged breath. "The transformation. It took all my energy. I must...temporarily withdraw."

"COWARD!!" Spike roared. "First you go back on our duel, then you devour the dragon's greatest relic and now you're running away?! You really are he lowest of all dragons!"

"Well if you're so confident, come and get me, runt!" Garble challenged him before taking off towards the highest tower. Spike was about to chase after him but soon found his path blocked by the other dragons.

"Good luck getting through us on your own, twerp!" the purple dragon sneered. "You may be stronger but you can't fight an army!"

"He isn't alone!" Natsu roared. "We tried playing nice, letting Spike duel like a man...or, dragon! But now that your Emperor Gargle went back on his word...you have to deal with us now! The lot of us!" he added gesturing to the gang for emphasis.

"KILL THEM ALL!!!" the brown dragon commanded as the forces rushed toward the heroes.

"Oh this'll be fun." Discord grinned as they in turn charged the enemy.


Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Celestia and Luna were quietly enjoying some tea together in the royal garden. So far they'd received no alarms from the guards or from Ponyville involving the dragons and while it was reassuring of their subjects' safety, the Sun Princess herself found the quiet activity to be a bit of a bore. She sighed as she set down her tea cup.

"Sister? Is something the matter?" Luna inquired. "Are you concerned about humans and ponies on the mission?"

"No, I'm sure they're doing fine. I guess...what with this war going on, it's just got me thinking about the old days and how my most glorious times are behind me."

"But are you not living just as glorious as before?"

"No, not like that. It's just Twilight's now my equal, Spike's growing up and soon he'll depart this world to join Fairy Tail for who knows how long, and Cadence. She's not only running her own empire but expecting a baby as well. And meanwhile here I am sitting around waiting like I always do. I miss the times you and I fought to protect our kingdom and ponies."

"You know we mustn't leave Canterlot should it require our protection." Luna reminded her sister.

"I know, Lulu. But still, I wish I could get involved just a little in the battle. Heck, I'd welcome a dragon to fight me if they fell right out of the sky."

Little did the Princesses know however, just beyond the horizon, an army of dragons were flying straight towards Canterlot and Ponyville. But as the army of Garble's followers were seeking to destroy them, the rebels weren't far behind to stop them. One of the aforementioned rebels took a shot at the enemy, managing to blast two of them in midair causing them to go falling right out of the sky...and land before the royal sisters.

"What in the name of..." Luna looked up and gasped to see the two swarms fighting each other. "They're fighting...amongst themselves?"

"PRINCESSES!" Luna looked to see a guard run to her side. "Garble's army has arrived, but I just received word from Spike that a number of those dragons are rebels who oppose his reign and wish to aid us! They can be identified by our flag painted on their bodies!"

"Send this information to Ponyville at once! the Fairy Tail wizards must be identified of our new allies!" Luna commanded.

"Right away, your Highness." the guard saluted before goign off to complete the errand.

"Sister, should I go to aid Ponyville or remain with you here to defend Canterlot?" Luna looked back to Celestia only to see the Sun Princess standing over the two bad dragons with a rather evil grin whilst her horn levitated a large mace with tally marks on it.

"It must be my birthday." she giggled as the dragons began to tremble in fear from landing before the wrong pony.


Not too far away in Ponyville, Makarove, the Strauss siblings and Cana had been posted to defend the town while the Thunder Legion were to assist in Canterlot's protection. Freed had placed one of his enchantments around the smaller town due to its lesser defences compared to Canterlot. Unfortunatel the barrier would only repel the dragons for half an hour once activated which would allow the wizards to herd the citizens to safety before the dragons got in. Currently, the four wizards and Guild Master were patrolling the borders of the town when Mira spotted a royal guard flying toward them.

"Fairy Tail Wizards!" he called as he landed within the barrier. "The dragon army is upon us! Half have reached Canterlot and the rest will be here soon!"

"Mira! You and your siblings along with Cana begin seeing the ponies to safety! I'll stay here for when Freed's enchantment runs out." Makarov insturcted.

"There's more!" the guard spoke up. "We've received word from Princess Twilight's group that a rebellion has broke out amonsgt the dragons. There are many who've chosen to oppose Garble and protect our kingdom. You can identify them by our flag painted upon their scales."

"Well that is reassuring knowing we have more allies to back us up." Mira said with a hopeful smile.

"Those are some manly dragons if they're willing to stand up to that Gargle jerk!" Elfman grinned.

"Come on! We better get started moving the citizens now before a panic starts up." Cana insisted as she along with the siblings headed off to inform the townponies leaving Makarov to face the noticeable swarm of dragons approaching.

"I sure hope this turns out better than it did in Fiore." he muttered


"Fire dragon iron fist!"

"Ice make: Buzz saw!"

"Requip: Heaven's Wheel!"

"Solid Script: Iron!"

"Iron dragon sword: demon logs!"

"Water Nebula!"

"Lightning dragon roar!"

"Sky dragon wing attack!"

"Urano metria!" The Fairy Tail wizards unleashed their various spells against the dragon army, the dragon slayers in particular were grappling with Garble's right and left wing dragons; Natsu fighting the purple one and Gajeel against the brown one. Natsu grabbed the purple dragon by his tail before swining him around his head like a wet towl.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!" he laughed maniacally. "Compared to the dragons we struggled against back home, you losers are a piece of cake!"

"Yes, but what they lack in strength they make up for in numbers!" Erza reprimanded cutting several dragons down. "We need to break through their ranks if we're to reach Garble before he fully recovers his strength!"

"My rebels can keep them at bay but we're nto enough to push them back completely!" Ember cursed who was also fighting with all her might.

"Looks like it's my time to shine!" everyone looked to Discord who was stretching and cracking his joints in preparation. "I haven't used my magic like this in some time. Here's hoping this old frame still has it." the draconequus growled in concentration before he began to grow bigger and his head began to slightly change shape along with the texture of his fur before the spirit of chaos had transformed himself into a gigantic chinese dragon only with his colours and various limbs.

"Yep. I still got it!" he grinned.

"You mean you could do that all along and you waited till now to do it?!" Ranbow questioned.

"Like I said, a transformation on this scale takes a lot of magic and I haven't done it for a long time! Now go! I can hold these midgets back long enough for you lot to get to the boss level!" with that Discord began to breath a mixture of elements upon the evil dragons with various chaotic results while also swiping and pushing them aside with his arms and tail.

"You heard the whatever-he-is, let's move!" Gajeel shouted.

"We won't let your efforts be for nothing!" Erza promised as she and the Fairy Tail wizards along with Spike and Melinda.

"Come on! This is our fight too! As the representatives of Equestria we have to assist in Garble's defeat!" Twilight decalred.

"Discord!" Fluttershy cried out in concern to her friend.

"Don't worry about me!" he reassured. "I've had worse than this! Now go!" the pegasus shook her frightened tears away before putting on a brave face and following after the rest of the Mane Six.


"Take THAT! You scaly scoundrel!" WHAM! Luna roared as she comically flattened a dragon into a pancake as the Moon Princess was now wielding a gigantic war hammer whilst standing back to back with Celestia who in turn was going to town with her giant mace.

"I've waited decades to taste the sweet spice of battle again!" the latter grinned with a underlying hint of ecstasy.

"Finally I can let out all that stress I built up while I was on the moon!!" Luna cackled as she continued her game of 'whack-a-dragon.' Concurrently the Thunder Legion were holding back the dragons themselves (with some assistance from Ember's rebels).

"Dark Ecriture: sleep!" several dragons collapsed into a deep sleep after being struck by the runic spell. Evergeen had petrified many of them into stone with her gaze whilst Bickslow used his to control any of the enemy who looked into his eyes.

"I never thought we'd have dragons on our side in this battle. Hope they don't hold it against me too much if I hit one of the goodies by mistake." he chuckled as he made two of the bad ones knock each other out.

"Don't hold it against us~" his babies chuckled with him.

"Let's hope things are just as good back in Ponyville." Freed said with a hint of concern. "We may have the royal army on our side here but my enchantment won't protect the town for long when I'm this far from it."


He was not wrong. Sure enough the dragons eventually reached the barrier and whilst the rebels were able to pass through (the enchantment had been written so that any dragons who don't oppose Equestria may pass so that Spike could return if need be) the enemy were left attacking the barrier with every weapon at their disposal causing small but noticeable cracks to form on it.

"We appreciate the help. With our dragon slayers out fighting Garble we were short on defenses." Makarov thanked the rebels who now stood beside waiting for the spell to break. At the same time, Cana and the Strauss's were busy herding the citizens into twilight's castle as it was the strongest building in town and big enough to hold them all.

"What do you mean we have to stay in here?!" Applebloom questioned.

"We mean what you think we mean!" Cana responded. "In a few minutes the bad dragons will break through Freed's barrier and it'll be up to us to fight them off. We can't allow them to kill or take any of you hostage. It's up to us to protect you and this town."

"But it's our town! Shouldn't we be fighting to protect it too?! My sister and her friends are out their fighting so why can't we?!" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You guys may be here to help us, but even if you win and after you're gone whats to say the dragons won't try and attack again someday?" Scootaloo piped up. "If we keep relying on you the dragons will just see us hiding behind you! We need to show them we can protect ourselves even without your help!"

"You've got guts, kid and I get where you're coming from." Elfman spoke. "But right now you need to keep each other safe and let us do the hard work." Despite the citizens protests, the Strauss siblings and Cana left them in the castle before going to join Makarov to find him and the rebel dragons battling the enemy. The old master had grown to his gargantuan size with his giant magic and was swatting the winged lizards like flies stopping to pat out the occasional flame on his shoulder.

"Hey paws off of Gramps, you lizards!" Cana snapped striking the enemy with her cards while Lisanna crossed her arms.

"Take over! Animal soul..." she began before she sprouted a pair of feathers wings and horn grew from her forehead whilst her legs turned into hooves. "Alicorn harpy!" with that she began to fly after the dragons, blasting them with her horn or kicking them with her hooves.

"Hey don't go hogging all the fun, Little Sis!" Elfman grinned. "Take over! Beast soul..." his body began to stretch out into a serpentine shape while his limbs changed to various forms until a muscular version of Discord but with Elfman's hair and facial features stood in place. "Draconequus!" With that he began to blast the fiends with chaos magic transforming them into all sorts of oddities. As for Mira she'd resorted to one of her various demon forms thanks to her Satan soul magic and was ferociously handing the dragons their tails. It seemed the small group of wizards and rebels were having little trouble keeping the enemy back from destroying Ponyville.

"You know, this fight is easier than I anticipated." Elfman commented as he turned one of the dragons into a cardboard cutout. "Is this really all Gargle can dish out?!" but at that moment the bellow of a horn sounded in the distance and that was when the group could make out several large shapes approaching and as they looked harder they gasped to see six gargantuan dragons with bulky bodies on all fours but no wings and strapped atop their backs were battlements teaming with reinforcements from the enemy.

"Way to jinx it, Big Brother." Lisanna frowned.


Back at Twilight's castle the townsponies were still huddled up in the crystalline palace listening to the battle going on outside. Mothers heald their fillies close while stallions heald their wives and friends heald each other. But despite the matters at hand, there were some who just couldn't stay put. Those being the Cutie Mark Crusaders who were pacing back and forth around the room unable to calm their frustration. Eventually Scootaloo let out a disgruntled curse before she spoke.

"UGH! What are we doing?!" everypony looked at the small pegasus in surprise. "How can we just sit here on our flanks while Fairy Tail and those good dragons are out there protecting us?!"

"They said it's too dangerous. If we go out there we'll just get in the way." one pony answered.

"So what?!" Sweetie Belle piped up. "We may not be as strong as those wizards but we're not helpless! Just look at what Twilight, my Big Sister and her friends have done for our world."

"But they're the Elements of Harmony! We're just normal ponies." a small filly whimpered.

"That's just a title! The Mane Six are just as normal as we are. They still have the same hearts as we do." Scootaloo reasoned. "Think of when they saved Princess Luna from the nightmares, when they stopped Queen Chrysalis, when they defeated Tirek or even when they redeemed Discord. Heck, even he's fighting for us and he used to be our enemy."

"Yeah! And don't even get me started on Spike. So many of you thought he was dangerous but now look at him! A Fairy Tail Wizard able to go toe to toe with Garble! Whose to say we can't protect our homes too?!" the ponies, though stirred by the fillies' words still seemed reluctant to agree as one pony said.

"But we aren't fighters like they are. We've never fought dragons or demons or any of the threats Twilight, her friends and Fairy Tail have. What can we do to stop the dragons? We can't eat rocks or breath fire. Even our magic isn't much compared to the Princesses.

"What would our ancestors say if they saw us like this!? Cowering under some shelter while our friends risk our lives! Our ancestors risked their lives settling Equestria and they sure as hay wouldn't let dragons burn it to the ground when they worked so hard to make it to what it is today!" everypony stared at the young earth pony as she panted heavily before Big Mac pushed his way to the front of the crowd. He approached Apple Bloom with a straight face before he gave her a warm smile and lovingly pet her.

"You've got your sister's guts. While she's out there bucking her legs off what are the rest of us Apples doing?" he turned to face the crowd. "My Little Sis's right. Whether Fairy Tail needs our help or not, we gotta show those dragons we can fight on our own turf or they ain't never gonna stop attacking!" it was at this point a few ponies began to stand up.

"He's right! This is our home! We can't let Fairy Tail do all the work in stopping those fiends!" Cheerilee spoke.

"And we may not be as strong as alicorns when it comes to magic, but I'll bet we have a shot at holding our own if we all put our heads together!" Dr Whooves agreed.

"Even after many of us judged Spike like that, he's still willing to fight for us! The least we can do to earn his forgiveness is protect our town in his place!" Lyra shouted. By now the crowd of ponies had gone from timid to tenacious as the CMC beamed at the change in mood.

"Whaddya say?! Let's show those bullies who's boss!" Scootaloo cheered.

"YEAH!!!" Bulk Biceps roared along with the crowd of now pumped up ponies.

"I just wish you were here to see this, Spike." Sweetie Belle thought. "Consider this the town's apology for before."


Back with the defense, the wizards were now engaging the line of battlement dragons and they were certainly more of a challenge. The gargantuan beasts were no easy feat and the smaller ones riding their backs allowed them to fight the wizards while their passengers would deal attacks from above. Elfman had switched to his full beast form whilst Makarov had grown into giant and both men were grappling a dragon each in an attempt to bring them down while at the same time Mira and Lisanna were trying to hold back the remaining two with their demon and alicorn magic but were beginning to have difficulties as they couldn't focus on the big dragons and small ones at the same time. Cana had remained with the rebels who in turn were doing all they could to fight the barrage of smaller dragons who were starting to break through the enchantment as its time was almost up.

"This doesn't look good!" the card wizard shouted as she shot down five more cronies. "They're gonna get through the barrier at this rate!"

"AAAAGHH! These brutes are nothing more than a weight to keep us down!" Makarov cursed. "If we don't stop them now the town will be burned to cinders!" the old timer reeled back his huge fist before driving it into the beast's head managing to knock it out. But then...CRACK!...KRIK!-KRAK! everyone looked to see several large cracks splinter across the enchantment wall until....SHATTER! The barrier broke into a million shards leaving the town fully exposed.

"YES!!! Ponyville is ours!" one of the small dragons roared with his brethren in triumph a they began to enter the town (the rebels attempting to hold them back but failing).

"Dammit! They've got us pinned down with these monsters and we don't have enough rebels to stop the invasion, what do we do?!" Elfman asked. As the dragons began to swarm Ponyville a few flew over to the school cackling with malicious glee.

"School's out, brats!" one laughed but just before they could set the building ablaze...POW! One of the bullies was struck by a boulder. The others looked in shock to see none other than Big Mac with Applebloom, Granny Smith and Cheerille at his sides. The mighty red stallion snorted angrily at the dragons before he turned his back to them and stomped his hind legs against the ground sending another boulder slightly into the air so he could kick it at another of the dragons.

"How dare you! Know your place, pony!" one of the beasts snarled but before he could breath any fire at him a book was sent flying into his mouth jamming his jaws open, courtesy of Cheerilee.

"You're the ones who need to learn a lesson!" she scolded before Applebloom began to kick smaller rocks at them in rapid fire.

"RRRRR KILL THEM!!" one roared. FWEEEEEEEEEET~!!! Granny smith whistled shrilly with her hoof before a large black mass began to come towards the town from the farm and as it got closer it was revealed to be a massive swarm of vampire fruit bats hisisng angrily at the dragons.

"Good thing Fluttershy convinced us to let these critters stay in part of our orchard. Fly my pretties! FLY~! EEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE~!" the old green mare cackled as the bats surroudned the dragons, biting and smothering them. Elswhere in town more dragons were approaching Sugar Cube Corner but as they approached the building, the roof opened up to reveal a lineup of party cannons and standing behind them were the cake family accompanied by the school fillies.

"Load the cannons, kids!" Mr Cake instructed as the fillies went about loading Pinkie's celebratory artillery with baked goods.

"HAHAHA! Look guys! They're gonan shoot us with cake!" one of the dragons laughed mockingly at the silly looking weapons.

"Ready?! Aim!" Mrs Cake pointed as the children pointed the cannons at the dragons. "FIRE!" POOF!-POOF!-POOF! With that the cannons launched a barrage of bright red cakes at the lizards.

"Open wide, fellas! Free meal!" one laughed before they chomped up the cakes in midair. "HA! You really though you could beat us with a half baked plan like that?!"

"You took the bait." Diamond Tiara grinned as the dragon's faces began to turn red and sweat profusely. "You just ate Pinkie Pie's April Fools' Hot Sauce Buns!"

"SPICYYYYYYYY!!!!" the dragons released fountains of fire into the air from their burning mouthed. And this was only the beginning. All throughout the town, everypony was fighting off the beasts with their own special talent. The unicorns had banded together to cast large scale spells to protect the buildings with shields or restrain the dragons with binds or even tickling spells. The Wonderbolts had flown in and were electrifying the villains with their thunder cloud trails. Even the more unique town members were bringing their A game as Bulk was wrestling four dragons at once in a musclebound rage. Lyra and Bon-Bon fighting them back to back (the latter now kitted out in her secret agent gear having been prepared for a time like this). Cranky and Matilda were riding atop their sea serpent friend, Steven, who was ensnaring the dragons in his coils.

"That's what ya get for messing with a donkey!" Cranky laughed.

Now that's not to say the dragons were helpless. Some of the ponies found themselves on the run from the monsters as a handul of them, including Dr Whooves had been backed into a corner, the scientist using his last remaining gizmo to try and keep them back from the mares and fillies he was protecting. But as the dragon was about to strike. WHAM! A light grey blur kicked him square in the face sending him crashing into one of the buildings as the blur landed gracefully before the crowd, her bubble cutie mark glimmering. Dr Whooves smirked as Derpy grinned at the cheering ponies while the two shared a hoof bump.

Several more dragons were chasing a group of screaming fillies who were making a dash for the Everfree Forest, but just as they reached it they stopped and snickered at the dragons. The monsters looked confused at first before several clusters of vines burst from the forest and seized them before emerging from one of the plants came the town's only Zebra, Zecora. The shaman frowned at the dragons before speaking.

"Never underestimate the strength of a horse. Though our power really comes from a different source. Together we are strong and can never go wrong and what you see now are the fruits of our song. Go back to the bad lands from whence you have flown. And never return until your morale has grown. Your egocentric tyrant has lead you to here. And now thanks to him, you will know true fear." the dragons actually shivered from her rhyme until a growl reached their ears before out of the forest came an army of Everfree beasts; maticores, timber wolves, cragadiles, cockatrices and many more. And with them were Fluttershy's animal friends and standing atop Harry the bear was Angel wearing a nature themed centurion helmet and wielding a branch. The bunny let out a battle squeak and thrust his branch commanding Zecora and the animal army to charge the dragons.

Back in town the Fairy Tail wizards and rebels had managed to defeat all the big dragons and were now assisting the ponies. By this point the enemy were growing frustrated and reckless with their attacks as some flew after another group of seemingly helpless ponies, only to be lead right into a trap in the form of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia standing atop their amalgamation of the former's high tech DJ station and the latter's orchestra stand. The two musicians winked at each other before unleashing a sonic boom of remixed tunes causing the dragons to cover their ears.

"NO! Synthesized music! It hurts!" they moaned as Vinyl and Octavia continued their audial attack. But at that moment they began to feel a wind approaching. It started low, but then it began to grow stronger and stronger causing the dragons to begin struggling to stay aloft. They looked around for the source until they spotted a flock of pegasi flapping their wings at the fiends. But what was astonishing was that their wings had quadrupled in size, even Scootaloo's who was proudly beating her orange wings with a huge overjoyed grin on her face.

"If only you could see me now, Rainbow!" she thought gleefully. This phenomenon had been brought about by Makarov who'd used his giant magic to increase the ponies' wing size allowing them to churn up such a strong wind which by this point had turned into a hurricane.

"Incredible." the man himself said in amazement. "Despite the risks the ponies teamed together to face them head on. It seems this town is quite like our guild when it comes down to it." as the hurricane subsided after sucking up all the dragons, they found themselves in the middle of the town square, dazed and confused.

"Curse these ponies! Don't they know who they're messing with?!" one of the lead dragons asked no one.

"I think not. It is you who doesn't know who they're messing with." the remaining dragons turned around to see Mayor Mare, along with the rest of the ponies and animals staring them down from Town Hall. "For too long have we lived in fear of you. Back then the very mention of your kind chilled us to the bone over your capabilities. Not only that but the mere thought of an invasion from you sent us in a panic...We even had the audacity to let our paranoid fear cause us to wrongfully judge a certain purple drake who since his birth had shown us nothing but kindness. But it was thanks to him and his friends that your attack force was reduced to this. And it was thanks to three little fillies that we learned to stand up against the odds. And that's just what we're going to do, right here and now!"At this point Makarov stepped forward glaring at the dragon army.

"It seems you and your bretheren have been lead astray by Garble. Is this truly how you wish your species to be viewed by the others of this nation? As violent, ill tempered monsters with an insatiable greed?"

"Silence human! The dragons are the supreme beings of this land and Lord Garble as our leader we shall rule it all!" one of the army leaders declared before pointing to Ember's rebels and the ponies. "And our first order of business is to eliminate these traitors along with these insignifcant quadrupeds!" Makarov sighed.

"It seems you are in desperate need of a lesson of just how 'insignificant' these ponies are." he turned to face the crowd. "Will you all lend me your strength, so I may open the minds of these brats?"

"Like you even need to ask." Sweetie Belle smiled before Makarov turned back to the ponies.

"This is your last chance to avoid expereincing the true spirit of this species. I'll give you to the count of three to do exactly as I say." the dragons glared at him before he ordered. "Kneel to them."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" the leader roared in disbelief.

"One...!" Makarov began as the ponies began to stomp their hooves in unity.

"You hairballs have the gall to demand we surrender?! NEVER!"

"Two...!" Makarov continued as he began to bring his hands together while the ponies' cutie marks began to glow as they continued their standstill march.

"You're the ones who should be kneeling to us! Garble is the one and only true ruler!"

"Three...!" the guild master bellowed rotating his hands as an array of multi coloured lights began to leap from the ponie's cutie marks and gather betwen his palms.

"And once we destroy you all, the rest of your kind's hope will crumble into nothing! NOW DIE!!" the dragons unloaded a ferocious blast of hate filled flames toward the crowd but they didn't falter as Makrov concluded.

"Time's up." he then brought his palms together around the ball of rainbow light which blew back the flames as though they were candles. "I invoke...Fairy Harmony." DONG! As the bell of the town hall rang in tune with the man's spell a magic circle as big as Ponyville itself appeared in the sky, before out of it came a truly titanic pony head composed of various colors from the town ponies united spirits. It stared down from the heavens at the astonished dragons before with an earth shaking neigh it unleashed a waterfall of friendship magic which came crashing down upon the entire town, engulfing everyone and everypony in it. Until eventually the giant horse head ceased its attack before retracting back into the magic circle which vanished in a burst of glittering particles. As the light cleared and everyone looked at the enemy dragons they were surprised to see what had happened to them. Though they were unscathed, all of them were down on their knees violently trembling and wearing faces of incredible fear and shock.

"...What did you do to them, Gramps?" Cana murmured.

"It's not what I did. It's what the ponies did. The combined weight of their unity completely crushed the dragon's fighting sprits. They have been utterly, emotionally immobilized. Never will they underestimate the communal power of these animals." the beasts remained on the ground, their terror still fresh before Mare approached them and delivered one final order.

"Now get the buck out of my town." she glared at the pathetic dragons (the fillies thankfully had their ears covered by their elders.) With that the army turned tail and took off like rockets never looking back until they were completely out of sight. All was silent for a few moments before the crowd broke out into a tremendous explosion of cheering.

"WE DID IT!!" the CMC laughed as they and their classmates bounced around in joy among the other ponies, rebels and wizards who were also rejoicing in their victory.

"Looks like we won, Master." Mira smiled.

"Yes, we certainly lended a hand or two, but it was these brave ponies and their unbreakable friendships that helped us overcome the army. This victory is theirs." he grinned before he thought. "But it's not over just yet, as there's but one enemy left to defeat. Know that we're all with you, my children."


"What's with that grin, Natsu?" Spike queried as he, along with Fairy Tail and the Mane Six were almost at the top of Garble's castle where he'd retreated to. The Salamander chuckled before he said.

"Ah nothing. I guess I just feel like we missed something awesome back in Ponyville."

"Maybe they caught a super rare fish while we were gone." Happy guessed.

"Of course that would be it." Lucy mumbled sarcastically.

"Don't be silly. If anything they're probably having a huge victory party planned for when we get back." Pinkie suggested.

"No way! My guess is they made an amazing discovery about your world and have documented it for me to add to my archive!" Twilight giggled ecstatically.

"You too?!" Lucy gawked.

"All of you stop making such ludicrous assumptions!" Erza boomed.

"Thanks for that." Lucy sighed with relief.

"Obviously Mr and Mrs Cake have baked yet another phenomenal delicacy for me to taste~!" Erza sparkled with a blush.

"I SPOKE TOO SOON~!" Lucy fell to the ground.

"I knew it. All that sugar has gone to her head." Lily muttered. Until eventually the group came to a door whcih lead into the throne room.

"We're here." Laxus glared.

"So Mouth Wash is behind that door." Gajeel grinned sinisterly.

"Yeah. All juiced up by that by that blood stone too." Lucy whimpered.

"It's gonna take a lot of water to put this bastard's flames out." Gray said. "We'll be counting on you for that, Juvia." the water wizard gasped.

"Gray is putting his faith in me~?!" she blissfully thought. With that the doors were pushed open and the group stepped through to find A huge purple beast curled up in the center of the room. Spike gritted his teeth with rage.

"He's so cocky he takes a nap in the middle of a battle?! That's not only stupid it's rude!" he growled.

"Then let's wake him up." Natsu grinned before he shot a fireball at the back of Garble's head causing him to stir and scratch the spot as he yawned. He looked over his shoulder with half lidded eyes still partly asleep.

"Oh it's you midgets. So you managed to get past my army after all."

"You're darn tootin' we did!" Applejack snorted. "And you're going down!" Garble just laughed.

"Wrong. The only one's who'll be going down are you. All six feet of the way and then some!" he uncurled from his sleeping position before getting to his feet allowing him to tower over the group. He certainly had grown in size, now standing as tall as a full grown Fiore dragon.

"He, uh, sure had quite the growth spurt." Rainbow muttered.

"Well the bigger they are the harder they fall I always say." Gajeel said showing no signs of intimidation.

"Since when?" Levy asked.

"Don't worry. As long as we work together we will defeat him." Erza assured. garble rolled his eyes before drawing in a great breath before unleashing a cascade of dark red fire at the group. Natsu instinctively stood in front as the flames struck before he began to inhale them. But no sooner had he done so he gagged.

"AGH! What is this fire?! It's disgusting!" he spat to try and get the taste out of his mouth. "Ugh it's making me feel sick~."

"Sick?! Since when has fire ever made you feel sick, Salamander?!" Gajeel spluttered. "I mean I know we've tasted some bad elements before, but nothing we couldn't stomach!"

"It must be the Blood Stone." Melinda deduced. "Garble's fire is so heavily saturated with all its magic it's no longer actual fire, it's like an artificial imitation!"

"So you're saying Natsu can't eat Garble's fire?!" Happy panicked. "Now what do we do?!"

"Keep your wings on!" Gajeel snapped. "Salamander isn't the only one who can fight the bastard ya know! You two just sit back and watch, I'll handle this!"

"NO WAY! I'm not quitting on this fight just cause his fire makes me nauseous! I can still kick his hug purple butt!" Natsu defended. "And besides, I have other ways to get some fire. Hey Spike, you mind giving me a snack?" the drake was a little puzzled at first but he quickly figured out what Natsu meant before he breathed some of his own fire at Natsu who swallowed it hungrily letting out a relieved sigh.

"Now that's more like it! Much tastier!" he grinned slamming his fists together. "Now let's beat this loser!"

"YEAH!!" the gang agreed before they charged Garble who just snorted. Before he could spray more fire at them a rope snared its way around his muzzle holding his jaw shut. He looked to see Applejack had been the one to lasoo his mouth. The dragon snarled at her before he snapped the rope with ease. The earth pony pales in response.

"Ok, that was a bad idea." she muttered before Garble lunged at her but not before the farm girl was scooped up by Rainbow who carried her to safety.

"Don't do that again." the pegasus scolded as she set AJ down. Meanwhile the dragon slayers were going all out against Garble using every weapon at their disposal.

"Fire dragon brilliant flame!"

"Iron dragon god sword!"

"Lightning dragon jaw!"

"Sky dragon crushing fang!" Garble cursed as the attacks struck him, causing small but physical pain before he began to counter with even more fire forcing the slayers to fall back. It was at that moment that Twilight stepped in and summoned a barrier around the group whilst Levy provided the slayers with solid script elements to replenish them.

"We've gotta get past his fire! Looks like it's up to you and Juvia, Gray." Erza instructed. The two aforementioned nodded to each other before they joined hands.

"Unison Raid!" the shouted before a swirling geyser of water sprang from their entwined hands. Garble of course saw the attack coming and flew into the air.

"Oh no you don't!" Lucy glared brandishing her keys. "Aquarius!" she called placing the key against her friends attack summoning the celestial mermaid. "Don't let that monster escape! Send all that water right down his throat!" the spirit let out a roar of determination as she began to manipulate the mas of water causing it to chase after Garble and force its way into his mouth.

"And now freeze!" Gray commanded before the water froze inside Garble's throat and stomach brinign him to a halt. "NOW! While his fire's blocked!" he said to the slayers who leapt back into the fray.

"Fire dragon...!"

"Iron dragon...!"

"Sky dragon...!"

"Lightning dragon...!"

"ROAR!!!!!" the four wizards thundered as they unleashed a combined quadruple element attack at Garble who could only gasp before he was swallowed by the tremendous explosion that followed after he was struck by the attack. The group halted as they looked at the massive cloud of smoke left behind.

"Did we get him?" Spike asked as the smoke began to clear before they saw Garble lying on the ground supposedly unconscious. But just when they were about to declare victory, his body began to glow blood red before the drake let out a thunderous, animalistic roar as sparks of red magic erupted from all over his body.

"What's happening to him?!" Fluttershy cried in fear.

"The Blood Stone magic is manifesting! It's driving him mad!" Melinda panicked as Garble charged at the group forcing Twilight to hurriedly create another barrier. The alicorn grunted as Garble attacked the shield to try and break through.

"This is bad. He's completely lost control. If the blood stone magic keeps building inside him like this who knows what will happen." Erza worried.

"But how do we bring him down?! That was our strongest attack!" Gajeel argued. The friends thought amongst themselves as they tried to come up with a solution before Spike spoke up.

"Guys! I have an idea!" he shouted.

"What is it?" Erza asked.

"The only thing that stands more chance against a dragon than a dragon slayer, is another dragon. I may be too weak right now, but there might be a way for me to gain enough power."

"...And how exactly do you plan on getting it?" Laxus questioned, his tone uncertain.

"By consuming all four dragon slayer elements at the same time."

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!!" Lucy screamed. "Dragon slayers eating different elements is very dangerous. Even two elements is risky but four?!"

"Blondy's right! That number of mixed elements is like swallowing ethernano! It'll poison ya!"

"I've already been able to wield your elements before! And I'm a pure bred dragon! The effects won't be the same for me as they are to you guys!"

"It's still too risky! We can't risk your life on a gamble like this! I won't allow it!" Twilight shouted.


"And don't you dare say I'm being overprotective again! This is going too far despite your growth!"

"I have to agree with the Princess on this one." Erza spoke. "The risk of death is too great."

"I'm sorry, Spike, but we have to find another way." Twilight said as she began to ponder alternative solutions. "Maybe if I can reach Celestia quick enough she could tell me how to seal Garble in the moon and-"

"MOTHER!" the alicorn wheeled round when she heard the little dragon address her that way to see him panting heavily. "We don't have time for learning spells! Garble's going to win if we don't go through with this! This is our best shot at defeating him! It may seem reckless and impossible but how many times have we pulled a crazy unpredictable answer out of our pockets?! And don't get me started on you guys." he looked to Fairy Tail. "You especially, Natsu. Impossible is practically your middle name what with all the times you've done it. Eating ethernano, lighting, gold fire, black fire even a dragon made entirely of fire was no match for your gut! So please, give me this chance to prove I can do the impossible as well. For Equestria, for Fairy Tail...and for myself. I know when to let my friends have my back, but now's the time for it to be left up to me." the salamander looked at the young drake with an unreadable expression before his ever confident grin crossed his face.

"Give him hell, Little Brother." he said. "Let's do this, guys!" he added to the dragon slayers before he sent a burst of flames at Spike who began to inhale them.

"I can't believe I'm doing this!" Gajeel roared in frustration before adding a blast of iron to the mix.

"I just hope you know what you're doing, Spike!" Wendy pleaded throwing in a sky dragon roar.

"You better make this work, kid or else!" Laxus warned as he tossed in the final element which Spike drew into his mouth before he swallowed all for of the attacks. At first nothing seemed to happen, until Spike's body began to glow with a radiating green light as a growl of strength began to build up inside him until....BA-BUMP!...BA-BUMP!...BLEEEEUGH!!! The dragon retched as a mass of ethernano spewed from his mouth and he fell back, his eyes white and glazed. Everyone, even Garble, went silent before Twilight tentatively spoke.

"Spike...?...Spike?" she spoke a little louder as she lightly pushed him but gained no response as the drake's head rolled to one side, his body limp like a rag doll. Natsu hurried over and touched his neck before his eyes widened in horror.

"...His heart...it stopped." the heroes gasped in terror as they began to panic over the little dragon.

"No-no-no-no-no-no! Spike! Spike say something, anything!" Lucy said frantically.

"Spike! Spike! Open your eyes, Spikey-Wikey please!" Rarity begged as her own sapphire eyes began to brim with tears.

"What the hell are you doing, pipsqueak?! GET UP!!" Gajeel shouted his face full of worry. As the friends desperately attempted to wake the dragon, Garble simply sat back with a mocking grin, relishing in their panic and fast approaching despair. Spike's trump card had failed...and it was beginning to look like it had cost him his life.

To be continued...