• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,347 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

  • ...

Spike the Dragon-Slayer

It's been a year and a half since Spike and Melinda left Equestria, and so much has changed in Equestria. The cutie mark crusaders finally earned their cutie marks after years of trial and error, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie actually made friends with Gilda at Griffonstone repairing a broken friendship and introducing said friendship to the griffon homeland, the whole town came together in their own little adventure for Cranky & Matilda's wedding. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor announced to Twilight and the gang that Cadence was expecting her first foal, Twilight fixed a long once thought to be lost friendship with Moondancer and her old friends in Canterlot (thanks to Pinkie Pie exclaiming how awkward and isolated Twilight was before ever coming to Ponyville), peace and relationships continued to build up between the dragons and ponies but most importantly Starlight Glimmer had returned for revenge. It took a massive adventure through time to prevent her from stopping the sonic rainboom. Twilight was forced to witness the horrible consequence from Starlight actions...a world ruled by Nightmare Moon, Equestria twisted by chaos by Discord, a tyrannical rule by Tirek or from Queen Chrysalis, the nation being burned to the ground by Garble and his empire, over-industrialization polluting the once beautiful land and finally everything dead.

Twilight forced Starlight to witness the last one to clearly show the consequence, as well as talking it out after Starlight displayed why she was so desperate to achieve her goal of equality and the end of cutie marks. Her fillyhood friend, Sunburst after earning his cutie mark unknowingly abandoned her in their times childhood leaving a traumatizing mark on her mind. However she still tried one last time to stop the rainboom, it took a friendship speech from Twilight to make her finally rethink her convictions and return to the present. And since then, around 4 months approximately, Starlight was taken under Twilight's wing as her new student to learn both magic and friendship. But Twilight still awaits her son's return visiting the space where he teleported away almost everyday, all the while Twilight taking good care of Pee-Wee while he's away. The first few months she had been receiving his letters detailing his incredible adventures and training but then the letters stopped, she still remembers that last last letter before the letters stopped coming.

"Sorry Twilight I'm going to have to go silent for a while, the Dark Guild Tartarus is making a big move upon Fiore and...wait...something's happen- "

She sighed as she sipped her chamomile tea , it's all she ever drink to keep herself from becoming a nervous wreck even with all her friends help. Suddenly her ears perk hearing the door opening "Spike?" She galloped from her library to the front door "Spike!!You're back at long las-" She stopped herself only to see that it's Starlight.

"Uhh heh heh....sorry me again" Starlight nervously chuckled.

"I-it's not your fault Starlight...I...I just really miss him" Twilight sniffled as she begins to tear up.

"We all do Twilight." Starlight said hugging her.

She's not wrong, Rarity has noticed that her boutique feels a lot more empty without Spike. Without his praises, he helping claw or even a shoulder to cry on, Rarity tries to cope by designing a line dedicated to her beloved Spike. Applejack also had been feeling empty without Spike around, sure she has a new hat to replace the one she gave him but all that made her do is remember him more. Everyone had something that reminded them of Spike whether it was a hat Cheerilee had given him for his birthday, a sapphire cake Pinkie occasionally bakes an air show composed by Rainbow Dash in collaboration with the Wonderbolts depicting their quest to take down Garble or even a little Spike plushie Fluttershy stitched together for comfort, the whole town deeply misses their drake.


However, in the glorious city of Magnolia where the proud Fairy Tail guild still stands after so many turbulent events. The conflict with Tartarus, the war with Zeref and his empire, their bout with Acnalogia and of course the guild's destructive tendencies themselves. The guild has grown with a new generation entering the guild as well known mages married and are growing their own families. But alas, the day has arrived where two certain dragons must return home.

Spike himself has grown up after years of training, around seven years to be exact, with all the known dragon slayers: Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus even Sting and Rouge from the rival guild Sabertooth becoming a powerful S-class mage. He got the chance to train with them after Makarov disbanded Fairy Tail for a year. He has grown to be at least a foot taller than Laxus's height but with a larger muscular build, many scars are across his body especially on his back where a giant gash has healed after a close call with Acnalogia but are covered with clothes thanks to Lucy's fashion sense. He has grown large powerful wings and as a bonus...his own exceed named Jake he meet a few years ago.

"So...we're really leaving Magnolia huh sweetie~?" Melinda said, she herself had grown to just under an inch below Spike's current height. She developed a bountiful bust and voluptuous figure having been voted 'Most Beautiful Mage in Fiore' for the last 5 years straight. Though she equally has just as many scars as Spike though from her battles with dark guilds, monsters and Acnalogia. But her most noticeable development, is her swollen abdomen for it's no secret now that Spike and Melinda are now expecting parents as Melinda's womb develops a clutch of dragon eggs. "Now are you sure this spell won't hurt the babies Freed?" She asked the mage as she rubs her distended belly.

"101 percent sure Melinda" Freed said as he marks the ground around them with the same spell that had first sent the guild to Equestria all those years ago.

"Aw yeah! I'm so excited to see your homeland Spike~!" Jake exclaimed with his little cat tail wagging as Spike likely chuckles.

"Now you got the spare spell right?" Spike smirked. "Can't have you getting all homesick or stuck forever in Equestria~"

"Got it right here!" He pulls out a small scroll.

"It's not gonna be the same without ya." Spike looked to see Natsu approaching him.

"What? The guild can spare a couple of dragons~" He smirked as he glanced to Gajeel and Wendy. Wendy herself has grown up a lot, with puberty hitting her like a truck becomes a bit voluptuous. As Natsu had put it, she looks a lot like her Edolas counterpart he met years ago.

"Don't be stranger now you two." she smiled.

"Of course. Once I'm back in Equestria I'm gonna get right to work on developing that gateway. No more time differences so you aren't all old and grey when I next see you." Spike grinned.

"Alright! So i don't have to use this thing!" Jake exclaimed waving his little scroll as Happy chuckled.

"Aye Jake!" the blue exceed exclaimed.

"Actually we'll be needing to perfect the portal so keep a hold of it." Melinda spoke up.

"Of course, the proper materials, the right incantations as well as a steady form of magic to keep the portal working" Freed explained finishing up.

"I can't wait to meet the kids when they hatch. You two are gonna be great parents." Happy said pressing his ear to Melinda's tummy to listen to the several little heartbeats within.

"Believe me, once they start to hatch I'll immediately message you guys~" Melinda smiled petting Happy's head softly. "Just like Levy did when she went into labor~"

"Don't remind me" Gajeel said rubbing his wrist remembering when his wife nearly crushed his hand when she was in labor with his children.

"Oh lighten up. At least your wife didn't strangle you when she gave birth." Natsu retorted recalling his own case of it with Lucy.

"Or nearly drowned you" Grey flatly said recalling his case with Juvia.

"Well I'll be sure to take care when the time comes." Spike replied.

"Spike....we're sure going to miss you," Erza, 7th master of the Fairy Tail guild, said solemnly. "And for that we are to give you a memorable fairwell. Requip!" she bellowed as she changes into her ceramonial Fairy Tail garb.

"I know it's not goodbye forever, but it may be a good while before we see you again." Lucy said. "You remember the three rules of leaving Fairy Tail don't you?"

"Of course, but we're not exactly leaving the guild entirely you know....heck maybe I'll start a branch in Equestria~" Spike smirked.

"Even so, it's only fitting we give you both a proper send off." Erza insisted. " Rule One: You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live."

"We know" Melinda said. "We Pinkie Pie Promise never to tell a soul about Fairy Tail's secrets."

"Cross our hearts, hope to fly stick a cupcake in our eye~" Both Melinda and Spike grinned as they did the motions.

"Rule Two:" Erza continued. "Don't use any contacts from previous jobs for personal gain."

They repeated the promise once again doing to the motions of the sacred pink horse promise.

"And thirdly: Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant , and you must never forget about your friends who loved you." Erza concluded.

"with much pleasure Master Erza" Jake said as his little cat tail wags.

Spike looked at his Fairy Tail family as he thought back on all the adventures he'd had with them, all the times they'd protected Ishgar, all the bar brawls they'd had, the times they got in hot water with the council for being reckless again. The drake chewed his lip as he began to feel the tears coming on.

"Aww shit.."The drakes wiped his eyes with his arms "I'm getting all emotional again....I'm going to miss you guys so much" He grin despite a steady flow of tears coming down from the sides of his cheeks.

"We'll miss you too, little buddy." Natsu chuckled through his own tears before embracing his friend.

"W-we'll come back as soon as the doorway is up and running" Melinda also started tearing up at the precious scene, a part of though was from her mood swings.

"You'd better. I wanna meet my godkids sooner rather than later." Lucy sniffled as she hugged Melinda before the rest of the guild embraced their two dragons in a group hug.

"The spells ready," Freed solemnly said flick his sword as the words start glowing.

"Well this is it, for now." Spike said.

"See yah Spike~" Natsu grinned, "Say hi for everyone for us~"

"You bet we will!"

A faint wall of light surrounds the 2 dragons and exceed with a familiar rush of wind blowing through area as citizens watch in awe at the departing dragons. As the spell begins to take effect Spike notices his guildmates trying to hold back their tears, some of them even looking away unable to watch him go but then,

"Guys!" he called gaining the groups attention and they looked their eyes widened when they saw Spike raise his arm with his finger and thumb pointing upward and a proud grin on his face as he displayed the Fairy Tail sign. They all grinned as one by one they held up the same finger sign.

"FAIRY TAIL FOREVER!!!" Happy exclaimed and with that they finally disappeared from view.

Lucy silently cried with long streams of tears in her eyes, "we'll that's it...they're gone for now" she sniffled.

Natsu wrapped his arm around gently around her and pulled her close. "They'll be back someday. I know Spike wll find a way."

"That's right...he's a member of Fairy Tail after all~" Laxus said smirking.

"Always will be." Erza added.


Back in Ponyville, Twilight quietly reads her books about dragon culture gifted from Princess Ember of the Dragon Lands. The sounds of the clock ticking fills the quiet empty castle. Twilight sighed sadly as she flips the pages, however her ear flicks hearing a loud knocking from her door. She tries to drown it out as she focused on reading her book .

"Hello! Hello is this Princess Twilight's place!?" she hears a voice from down the door, sounds of a young colt possibly. She eventually grows frustrated as the voice keeps up calling her name. She gets up from her seat and trots to the front door tiredly. "I'm coming I'm coming!" she sounded out as she opens the door. "I'm sorry but the library's close-"

"Closed? But it's Wednesday...and noon. Shouldn't you be practicing Spell Number 25~?" A towering voice said as Twilight gasped. She slowly looked up to see the towering figures before her and tears up.

"S-spike?...." her eyelids welled up as the drake nodded.

"I'm home mom~" He smiled gently.

"SPIKE!!!!!!!" Twilight tackled him to the ground, accidentally using all a lot of her alicorn strength as she wailed in joy at the return of her adoptive son. Tears flowing from her eyes as he hugged his muscular body.

"YOU'RE HOME!!!" she wailed.

"Heh I know mom~" he smiled tearing up a little as he strokes her mane when he returns the hug. "The spell placed us right in front of your door~"

"Look at you." Twilight removed her tear-stained face from his chest so he could he see her. "You've grown so big."

"Heh...I might of had a few growth spur-" he suddenly gets slapped by her purple hoof. "OWWW!!"


"I know, I know. But after the Tartarus affair the guild was temporarily disbanded so we lost contact. And not long after Natsu and Lucy got the guild back together we got pulled into a war with this Dark wizard Zeref, it's a long story."

"Whoa....is she always this crazy?" the exceed said earning her glare, but then surprise

"Oh hello there! Who are you? are you one of Spike's friends?" She asked.

"I'm Spike's partner~. Private Jake of the former Exceed Royal Guard, I was Captain Panther Lily's apprentice for a while" He saluted.

"But seeing how Lily 'resigned' to team up with Gajeel he needed a new partner." Spike explained.

"Yep! That about sums it up!" He exclaimed.

It was then that Twilight finally turned her attention to Melinda.

"Melinda, is that you~!?" Her eyes widened seeing her swollen abdomen.

The dragoness read the princess's expression like one of her books as she giggled. "You're going to be a grandmother Twilight."

Her eyes widen like saucer plates "G-grandmother!?" She exclaimed as she looked to Spike in shock as he grinned sheepishly and shrugged his hands in reply.

Melinda giggled as she rubbed her swollen abdomen, "just a few more months and this clutch of eggs will be ready to come out~"

"...More than one?" Twilight murmured who was still processing the situation.

She holds up 7 fingers as she nods smiling. "We're set to have a big family~"

Twilgith just stared at the two dragons not knowing which emotion to feel more; happy, excited, scared, shocked? And with that she fainted.

"aaaand she's down." Spike sighed, "Must be sensory overload." He muttered as he gently picks up Twilight and carries him on his shoulder into the castle with his family.

"We should probably contact the others, let them know we're home." Melinda suggested.

"Hmm...how about we make it a surprise for the whole town~?" Jake suggested.

"Not a bad idea Jake, good thinking." Spike grinned as they walked into the castle, he whistles in nostalgia, "Damn it's been so long since i last been here, I wonder if my old bed is still he-?" He paused seeing Starlight standing in the doorway, eyes widening.

"W-who are you?" She asked nervously, she can practically feel the raw power emanating from Spike as he silently looks into her eyes.

"Who am I? Who are you?" he asked back, equally astounded by the unicorn's vast well of magic he could sense in her.

"S-starlight Glimmer" she said backing up slightly.

"Starlight, what a lovely name" Melinda said softly.

"Wait.....you're that crazy equality obsessed mare Twilight told me about!!" Spike realized.

" Formally crazy equality obsessed mare....I'm....I'm Twilight's student now" She blushed.

"Student?! Wow, I never thought Twilight would become a teacher, though it certainly suits her." Spike said to himself before adding "I wonder how different it is being a student compared to an assistant?"

"Assistant?" Starlight echoed before it dawned on her. "Wait a minute, are you Spike?!"

"The one and only~" He smirked as he tries to shake Twilight awake, "Hey Twilight up and at 'em."

The alicorn groggily opened her eyes as she recovered from the faint. "W-what happened?" she groggily said.

"You fainted after hearing the news that Melinda and I are going to be parents" Spike snickers as he gently putting her back on her hooves.

"I think I finally understand how my Brother felt when Cadence had her baby, and I'm not the one who's gonna be a parent!"

"Wait...Shining Armor & Cadence had a baby!?" Spike exclaimed as his wings flared out surprise while Twilight nods.

"Even though you've been gone for a year and a half in Equestria, a lot has happened Spike" she smiled despite wobbling a little in her hooves.

"I wanna hear all about it!"

"But first I need to tell everypony that you're home!" She exclaimed as she levitate a scroll writing a message which she then makes tons of copies and sends them off to not just her friends, but her family in Canterlot & The Crystal Empire. Making sure she omitted that Spike had returned to keep it a surprise.

"How's everyone been?" Spike asked as he watched her send the messages.

"Honestly it's best for everyone to tell you themselves~" Twilight grinned.


A few hours later, as Twilight and Spike catch up in the castle. The whole town of Ponyville gather at the castle doors after receiving Twilight's messages. Among the crowd was Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, their new baby Flurry Heart as well as Celestia, Luna, and even Dragon Lord Ember. The castle doors then open as Twilight steps out.

"What's the situation Twi?" Applejack asked.

"You told us that it was the upmost urgency" Celestia said in a slightly worried tone, though much to her confusion she only sees Twilight's smiling face seeing her purple coat tear stained.

"Everyone...Ponyville...your majesties...BBBFF....Caddy...a little Flurry" She nuzzled her niece as Flurry giggled. "He's back. Spike's back from Magnolia~" She smiled as everyone gasped in happiness as Ember blushed,

"No way!! Our little drake and his girlfriend are back~!?" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Well that was fast! It's only been a year and a half!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"how is little Spikey-Wikey~?" Rarity smiled.

"Well...he's not that little anymore" Twilight blushed a little.

"What do you mean?" Applejack asked.

"Well..." Twilight smiled as she looks to the doors as the swing open. "You guys come out now~"

The thuds sound off from within the darkened hallway and slowly, everyone's eyes widened as Spike steps out. The little drake they all knew when he left was gone and in his place was a towering, proud, muscular dragon warrior. Many mares blushed at the sight of his bulging muscles, especially a certain farmer, seamstress, and dragon lord. .

"Woof....." Applejack, Rarity and Ember simultaneously muttered as they blushed before the next emotion of joy flooded in.

Tears welled up in the Mane Six's eyes as well as the princesses as Celestia trots up to the drake, she's in awe that he's now taller than her.

"Spike.....look at you, you've grown up~" Celetia said as she hugs him as gentle tears streamed down her cheeks, she sees the many battle induced scars and the hardened wisdom in his emerald eyes. "You've been through so much haven't you?"

Spike nods as he smiled. "Good to see you too Celestia"

"SPIKE!!!!!!" The rest of the Mane 6 quickly tackle hugs in a massive hug as Spike wraps them in his arms.

"Great to see you girls too everyone~!" He grinned.

"Holy crap Spike look at you! Check out those wings of yours!" Rainbow Dash yelled in awe.

"How many of your birthdays have I missed!? I wanna give you the biggest birthday bash EVER~!!!" Pinkie cried in excitement, tears still in her eyes.

"Sweet Celestia, you've become such...such a dragon~" Rarity blushed red.

"We missed you so much!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Landsakes you're huge!" Applejack said in awe, blushing at his muscles.

"It's been seven long years since I last saw you all~" Spike smiled still embracing them.

"Meaning seven birthday cakes to make!!" Pinkie exclaimed as both Rarity and Applejack smiled at the sight of the articles of clothing they gave him, many stitches and faint patches on the battle-worn cape and hat.

"You kept them for all those years?" Rarity asked tearing up again.

"Of course, what kind of guy would I be if I hadn't?" he smiled wiping her tears away.

"Girls!" All heads turn to see Melinda step out along side the exceed, almost everyone's jaw drops as the sight of her swollen abdomen. The telltale motherly glow Shining knows all too well as well as the stretchy shirt and maternity jeans covering her belly. They all look to Spike, and then to Melinda and back to Spike again.

"Daaaaaaamn.....you sure tapped that dragon ass." Rainbow smirked as many mothers quickly covered their children's ears.

"Hey in my defense it was my 20th birthday, Melinda and I went on a great dinner date...we had a bit much to drink..one thing led to another and before we knew it we.." Spike blushed.

"Hey this story is PG-13! Keep it safe for the young ones!!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Uhhhhh....." Melinda looked in confusion and in unison the whole town said in one flat tone.

"It's Pinkie Pie don't question it..."

"Wow you're right boss, this is pretty crazy" Jake said crossing his arms.

"KITTY~!!!" Fluttershy quickly grabs him and holds him tight in a hug as the town erupts in celebration clamoring around the returned dragon and his lover as in 10 minutes flat a massive party was organized with Spike and Melinda as the drakes of honor as they tell their massive adventure with Fairy Tail.

"No way Gajeel's a dad now!?" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Yep, man you should've seen his face when Levy gave birth to twins~" Spike snickered. "He looked like his mind was completely stuck!!"

"Kinda like you when i told you we were expecting seven~?" Melinda countered.

"Touche babe" He said.

"How is Master Makarov by the way?" Celestia asked, but the cheerful expressions of the trio faded momentarily.

"He...passed on during our war with Zeref." Melinda said sadly. "He saved us all from destruction by Zeref's army."

"O-oh...." Celestia looked down ashamed of the question asked.

"Hey it's alright, he would've wanted you to remember him" Spike smiled, "he was like...a really fun and wise grandpa~"

"I'm sure he was Spike." Luna smiled. "But I'm curious though....you promised your guild that you will return once your children will be born. But the time difference is so great if 19 months in Equestria equates to 7 years in Magnolia....how would you address that"

"Heh heh..." Jake smirked taking out a couple scrolls from Spike's bag. "Introducing the Fairy Gate!" He unrolls the scroll revealing a 'unique' picture of a doorway to and from Equestria that will erase the time difference.

"That's...a curious way to draw blueprints" Twilight said, 'Seriously did a foal draw this? It looks like a Kindergarten school project'

"Jeez whoever drew this must really suck at drawing" Rainbow Dash bluntly stated.


Just then, back in Magnolia, as Mirajane was serving drinks to the guild to raise a toast for their departed dragon members of their guild, she suddenly put on a giggling happy face before bursting into tears crying into her hands.

"W-wha!? Mira why are you crying!?" Elfman worried.

"Alright who made fun of Mira's drawing skills again!?" Laxus bellowed as many quickly shook their heads denying the crime.


"Laxus is going to kick your ass for that comment" Spike said.

"What why!?" Rainbow cried.

"You'll see...." Melinda sighed as she giggled lightly.

"What the 'Fairy Gate', as Mira called it, does is that it'll properly link Equestria and Magnolia erasing the big time difference so that we can come and visit any time we would like without them being old and withered by the time we do come back" Jake explained as Twilight's mind gets to work. "All the gate really needs is a steady stream of magic, a proper doorway as well as getting the right destination for the entry into Magnolia"

"I see....." Twilight's face then lights up getting an idea. "I think I know what to do~"

"Spike!!" their head turns to see three little fillies running up and hugging him. "You're back!!!" the trio squealed as they hug him.

"Well if it isn't the Cutie Mark Crusaders~" Spike smirked and his eyes widened as he spots shield symbols on their flanks. "Are those..!?"

"We got our cutie marks~!!" They said simultaneously grinning.

"And if it wasn't for Diamond Tiara we wouldn't have gotten them!"

"She's our friend now~" Sweetie Belle beamed as he took a double take and picks his ear hole.

"Did I just hear that correctly...Diamond Tiara, school bully who tormented you for years, who committed blackmail, extortion, pitted your cousin against you and overall bi-" Spike was about to swear quickly getting an apple to the head thrown by Applejack.

"She's good now!! We swear!" Applebloom exclaimed.

"Yeah it turns out it was her mom that was making her all mean and nasty!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Ahhhh...." Spike nodded in understanding as he gets the whole story.

"Spaaa!!" Flurry cried as she reached for the towering drake while Cadence and Shining Armor trots up to him.

"So this is the little girl Twilight's been telling me about~" he kneels down to her eye level despite being in Cadence's arms. "Hey little lady, I'm your uncle Spike~" Flurry giggles and babbles as her large wings flap excitedly her hooves boops his snout.

"You've seen a lot of battles huh" Shining said in awe at the amount of scars on the exposed areas of Spike's body as the drake nodded

"Look at you Spike, you've grown up to be such a dragon~" Cadence smiled.

"I remember you were so small you would use Twilight as a riding horse~" Shining grinned "and now you're so big heck you would even ride Celestia!"

"Ohhh I thought of riding Celestia from time to time...or rather her riding me~" He snickered as the sun princess blushed red chocked on her tea, whilst Twilight gawked at the lewd statement and Luna raised a playful eyebrow.

"Sweetie, no need to joke like that. Sorry, puberty came at him like a barreling train at full speed." Melinda blushed rubbing her belly.

"Hey in my defense I was 16 at the time!" He exclaimed much Melinda rolled her eyes.

"Spike...you're back" he heard a light voice as Ember, clutching her bloodstone scepter approaches him slightly. She's dressed in Greek-esque robes.

"Well if isn't Dragon Lord Ember~" he smiled as he hugs her as she blushes red. "You're still just as lovely as the day I met you~"

"S-spike" she blushed stammering a little.

"So how are the Dragon Lands~?" He asked smirking as he broke the hug.

"It's the Dragon Kingdom now....we've been rebuilding both structurally and culturally after the mess Garble made. We've started teaching the older dragons to control their greed and start spending their hoard so we have a bit of an economy now. We even started letting ponies in for things like tourism and trade" she beamed in pride. "Heck we even have an embassies in Canterlot and the Crystal Empire~" she smiled.

"Sounds too good to be true" Spike firmly said making her flinch.

"Yeah....there are still powerful dragons and hot headed teens refusing to cooperate, it's been met with...mixed results" Ember looked down kicking the dirt. "I had to step in every time they try to assault a visiting pony....and every time I have to get them in line it feels like I failed my promise."

Spike looked at her before he laid a gentle claw on Ember's shoulder earning her attention.

"If everything you've told me is true then you haven't failed; far from it. Founding embodies throughout Equestria, developing economy from treasure hordes. It's incredible, revolutionary. You're creating a new and better kingdom than ever before. And yes, while there will always be those who refuse to accept this new reality, they're far outweighed and outclassed by those who believe in a better future than the primitive avaricious one we used to be known for. I'm so proud of you and I'm glad I entrusted the beacon to you."

She blushes red feeling the tears well up in her eyes, "Oh Spike~" She embraces him in a hug, "My dragon lord~" she whispered silently.

"I've missed you too." Spike smiled as he returned the hug. "I missed everyone here, " he smiled as he looked to the smiling faces of his friends. "Not a day went by where I couldn't miss you all~"

"And we're so glad to finally have you home." Twilight beamed.

"Things are going to be very interesting in this coming future~" Luna proclaimed.

"Indeed." Celestia agreed.

"And we'll get through it all together~" Melinda smiled holding Spike's hand lovingly

"It's what families do." Spike said back.

"And we're your family too right Spike?" Applejack asked.

"Of course you guys are~" he grinned pulling them into a big hug.

And so concludes a grand story of war, love and growth. With such powerful dragons having returned to their Equestrian home how would the future change with their new experience and power?


Discord sitting in his cross dimensional home smirked as he flicks off the TV. "Oh I have a strong feeling season 6 is going to be a blast~" he then turns to you reading this story. "Wouldn't all you readers agree~?"


Author's Note:

After a long year and a half this story is finally over, for Christmas too! On behalf of me and yellowpikmin88 we thank you so much for this incredible journey!!

Thank you all and Happy Holidays~!!!

Comments ( 9 )

KO awesome finale, Spike has returned home and things are looking pretty bright in the future for them as their adventures continues on in either worlds! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

Great story overall. I really enjoyed it. I think all the characters were portrayed very well.

Is there any chance of a sequel about the Tartaros and Alverez Empire arcs?

Also, if Natsu is still alive, then that means that Zeref is still alive.

Wait... It's over? With that Discord ****tease ending?! Gahhh! I want more! It was soooo good!

Ik this story took forever but it was good. Loved the part when Grey and Natsu told Spike what Juvia and Lucy did when they were giving birth. XD plz do more

7819114 A sequel is somewhat being planned between me and partner. But we both have to finish college first the main story is going to be Spike's new role in Season 6 and beyond

Welp it was idk I won't give it a dislike since it wasn't bad despite the flaws but a like is a bit to much so for what it's worth I give it a 2.5 out of 5 but hey you managed to finish the story and other people liked so good job

And if the sequel is made hopefully you can give Melinda an actual personality other then being Spike's wife

The story wasn't... bad. It just wasn't good. Probably won't remember it in a week.

What I was saying in that comment was that I was hoping the story would continue after the defeat of Garble.

Didn't you say 1 month in Equestria was 3 months in earth land last chapter, if that was true, then 1.5 years in Equestria should be 4.5 years in earth land (if my math is correct)

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