• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,360 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

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A Dragon's Desire

Where we last left our magical heroes, Natsu and Gajeel has just decimated a manticore and a giant timberwolf for lunch under the witness of Rainbow Dash. Gajeel busy chewing on the giant piece of meat from killed manticore, couldn't help but notice that Rainbow Dash, or...Skittles as he would call started looking squeamish at the sight.

"The hell you staring at Skittles?" Gajeel growled glaring at her right in the eyes like a predator.

Rainbow Dash jumped in her seat and fondled her hooves a bit. "Nothing nothing!! Just.....seeing you two taking down an animal like that and..well" She takes a gulp "...eating it."

"Well...back in our world, horses are kinda prey animals. Ogres, monsters, heck even raiders eat horses when it comes down to it" Natsu flatly said before going back to eating completely ignoring Rainbow's paled face.

"E-e-even h-humans?" Rainbow asked.

"Aye, sometimes when humans are pushed to their limits they sometimes eat their own horses." Happy said.

Rainbow then sulked in her seat as they returned to their meal, but one certain baby dragon...little Spike, walked and sat next to Natsu taking his notice.

"Yeah? What's up little guy?" he said to the drake.

"Spike what the hay are you doing here!?" Rainbow demanded. "It's way too dangerous for somepo-er-dragon like you here!" she spread her wing in intimidation at the small drake causing him to sulk a bit.

"Hey don't talk to him like that!!" Natsu yelled, spouting a bit of flame from his mouth forcing Rainbow to stand down.

"I'm s-sorry....But I wanted to see the Dragon-Slayers for myself!" He clenches his claws on his knees "I...I never thought I'd see someone so strong and magically powerful enough to take down dragons! Seriously! You guys look awesome ki-" he choked on his words. "i mean...taking down that manticore and timberwolf! If anything you're both dragons already!!"

Natsu, Happy, Gajeel and Panther Lily all stopped eating and looks at the purple reptile inquisitively.

"Nevermind....nevermind...forget I said anything!" He looks down in embarrassment "But......" he looked at the cooked chunk of mind, steaming hot as something deep inside him slowly woke up. His nostrils filled with the scent of cooked flesh, medium cooked perhaps? he thought in his head. "Mind if I have a bite of that?" He soon gained a shock from Rainbow.

"Huh, sure there's enough to go around~!" Natsu rips off a cooked rib from the cooked carcass and hands it Spike. "Here!"

Spike hesitantly took a good long whiff of the meal.

"Hurry up and eat it pipsqueak" Gajeel scolded.

"Hey!! I've only eaten gems and sweets all my life!!" Spike yelled.

"You eat jewels?" Panther Lily asked.

"Well yeah...What else am I supposed to eat when everypony around you only eats plant-based food!?" Spike shot back as he carefully, with his eyes closed, took a slow bite on the meat. His eyes suddenly shot open as the juices flowed onto his tongue allowing the taste to shoot all the way to his brain. He bites down taking a piece off of the bone and starts chewing, the texture, the occasional taste of iron from blood. He takes another bite...and another...and another...tearing into the meal in ravenous hunger.

"Haha!! There you go~!" Natsu laughed.

"Oh my Celestia!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE!!?" He hungrily tears off the meat from the bone, chewing in the style as Natsu and Gajeel have been doing.

"Damn...hungry guy isn't he?" Gajeel commented, but as for Rainbow. All she could do was stare at the little baby dragon. She could never look at Spike the same way again. She was dealt a very harsh reminder...Spike was a dragon, dragons eat meat..... and she was meat. She took a very cautious gulp but shook off the thought. Spike was a friend! He would never eat her even if he grew up! Would he?

But back at Ponyville as the prestigious Carousel Boutique, Mira & Lucy were busy looking at Rarity's large collection of dresses.

"Wow Rarity....you sure have a large sense of fashion!" Lucy complemented as she gazes at dressing room.

"Some of these fabrics are beautiful~! It's nothing like what we see in Magnolia~!" Mira said.

"Oh I thank you for the complements darlings, that really means a lot coming from someone who dresses as beautifully as you two." the unicorn said as both Mira and Lucy blushed. "And I must say, those are some fantastic designs! but may I ask something?" She asked.

"What is it Rarity?" Mira replied.

"What are those large orbs on your chests?" she pointed to the large breasts of Lucy and Mira causing the two young ladies to flinch & blush which in turn makes their 'assets' bounce a bit. "....and why am I suddenly so jealous of them?" she then stated making a scrunchie face.

"Well.....they.....are.....uh....." Lucy stammered as she tries to come up with the right words to explain the concept of breasts to a unicorn. That is until Mira made a coughing sound drawing both Rarity and Lucy's attention.

"Well Rarity... basically they are what udders is to newborn calves and foals, they are one of the reasons of what makes a woman...." She makes a pose similar to a certain riveter "Large breasts means that she can bear many children, showing how strong she can be! With large breasts a woman can easily manipulate her enemies with a simple pose!!"

"Uh Mira..."

"She can trample her enemies and easily make a living in the right kind of work!"


"She can have a family, a faithful husband, while at the same time work dangerously!!"


"And finally....larger breasts can-!!"

"MIRAJANE!" Lucy yelled.

"Yeah?" She finally stopped her rant seeing both Lucy and Rarity blushing red. "Oh...sorry" she lets out a giggle at the flustered females as she continues browsing through the large collection of dresses. We then transition the streets of Ponyville where the powerful Thunder Legion walks through the quaint roads, with Laxus silently taking in the sights of the humble town.

"It's a nice town Laxus...." Evergreen said smiling with a light blush in her face when she noticed a mare, her foal and stallion husband. The basic happily family "It's the kind of town to settle down, have a family"

"BORING~!!" Bickslow exclaimed sticking his tongue out.

"Boring Boring Boring~!" his little totem 'babies' bounced in the air in agreement.

This grained a groan form both Freed and Evergreen who rolled their eyes in annoyance.

"You do realize we're all on a job here...." Freed stated.

"But how long does it take to give the go-ahead!! I'm tired of waiting and I'm eager to beat the crap out of those dragons!!" Bickslow exclaimed as he fires a one two punch, but unbeknownst to them they were be trailed by 2 little rambunctious fillies.

"They're so big....especially the one with the yellow mane" Sweetie Belle stated.

"And that guy with the floating dolls reminds me a lot of Discord!" Scootaloo. "But Sweetie Belle....do you know what they have in common?"

"What?" Sweetie asked.

"That..." She points to the Fairy Tail emblem that's present on all of the humans.

"Wait Scoots, you don't think that's...?" Sweetie Belle was about to ask when she sees that familiar gleam in Scootaloo's eyes before letting out a slightly annoyed sigh "Here we go again...."

"It looks like they're heading to the farm! Let's go!" Scootaloo then hops to her parked scooter as Sweetie gets in the wagon and the duo sped off ahead to their destination.

"Hey did you hear something?" asked Freed.

"Sounded like a motor bike..." Evergreen said.

"They have motors here in this place?" Laxus asked.

"Oh~!! Motorbikes~!?" Bickslow exclaimed.

Eventually the the Thunder Legion was able to reach the destination that was the entrance to the Sweet Apple Acres orchard. As the scent of freshly harvested apples filled their nostrils and their stomachs growled with hunger.

"Apple orchard.....there might as well be apple pie" Evergreen said.

"Well look what the cat dragged in" Said the bulking Elfman carrying a ton of crates filled with apples on his shoulders.

"Elfman..." Evergreen nodded.

"Evergreen" Elfman glared.

"Pinkie!!!" yelled Pinkie Pie.

"What the heck!!!? Where did you come from!?" Laxus exclaimed jumping from his spot.

"Oh, I just appeared because one of the writers felt like it, toodles~! Lalalala~" Pinkie bounced away to her home leaving the group of mages dumbfounded.

"How'd she do that?" Freed asked.

"Rule Number 1 when it comes Pinkie Pie....Never EVER EVER question her, no matter how ridiculous it seems." Applejack said as she was hauling a cart full of apples.

"Eeyup" Big Mac followed.

"So...what brings you here?" Elfman asked.

"We wanted to see more of the town thank you very much, but we felt a bit peckish for some apples." Freed answered.

"You could've just said so, come on in~" Applejack said, but just as the Thunder Legion was about to enter the orchard the sound of motors filled the air.

"What the, there's that sound again" Evergreen said.

"You better take cover..." Applejack said.

"Why?" Elfman asked.

"INCOMING!!!!!!!" yelled the orange pegasus as she sped towards them.

"Scootaloo you're going too fast we're gonna crash!!" Sweetie Belle squeaked as Scootaloo tried to break.

"WATCH OUT!!" she yelled, but she failed to notice Freed doing a few quick movements with his sword as they are suddenly face planted into a purple wall of text. ".....ouch"

The wall soon dissipates letting the 2 fillies fall to the ground.

" Whoa!! How'd you do that!?" Sweetie Belles asked.

"Text magic" Freed calmly sheathed his sword.

"Scootaloo? Sweetie Belle!? What are you guys doing here?!" they turn their heads seeing their familiar red bowed earth pony filly coming towards them.

"Where here to see the humans!!" Scootaloo said.

"And see if they can help us get our cutie marks!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Cutie Marks?" Laxus asked.

"That's right! We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders~!!" Applebloom announced.

"Our mission is to find our cutie marks and help other foals find theirs!!" They wave their flanks in the air.

"....so they're butt tattoos?" Bickslow asked.

"Butts butts butts~!!" the totems asked causing a blush to streak across Applejack's face.

"They're not butt tattoos!!!....it doesn't work like that anyway!!" she yelled before she recomposes herself. "A cutie mark represents who you are and what you're meant to be, they appear when they find their special talent, the thing the defines who they are what they meant to do in life." she explained with the Thunder Legion taking in the info.

"So we came to you humans cause you all got the same mark!" Scootaloo pointed to the symbol of the Fairy Tail guild.

".....These aren't cutie marks.....humans don't get cutie marks." Elfman said causing shock to overcome the CMC.


"People choose their profession, they find what they like and follow it not by some butt tattoo that tells them 'oh you're a farmer? Too bad you're going into politics'" Laxus stated.

"I...never thought of it that way." Scootaloo said.

"For the last time they're not butt tattoos!!!" Applejack yelled.

"Whatever.." Bickslow said casually.

"So then....what do those marks mean?" Sweetie Belle asked.

The mages look to each other trying to come up with a good answer about it.

"Hey Grey!" Elfman called.

"Yo what's up?" Grey asked wearing nothing but his shorts.

"okay first off Grey your clothes..." Evergreen stated.

"ACK! Not again!!" Grey freaked out again while Juvia merely blushed as she hid behind an apple tree.

"Grey-sama is in his shorts again~" Juvia said as steam was coming off her face.

"Secondly.." Freed looked down to Sweetie Belle. "go ahead ask him..."

"Um Mr. Grey....what do those marks mean to you humans?" Sweetie Belle asked pointing to the guild mark of on his chest.

"Ah.....well uh..." Grey looked to the little white unicorn filly.

"Sweetie Belle"

"Right Sweetie Belle....it represents many things. A legend. A bond. A family. Our guild mark is what ties to together, it's our glue. It's what makes Natsu and I brothers yet at the same time not. It what makes us a family...in a way it's kinda like how you and your friends like sisters. Connect by a common bond." He reminisces all those adventures he had with Natsu and the gang, their celebrations, their struggles and their own special brotherly bond.

Applejack silently gasps as she touches her own chest remembering her own words when her friends had to give up the Elements of Harmony to save the Tree of Harmony. While at the same time, the CMC are awestruck by Grey's speech.

"Grey-Sama is so cool~" Juvia exclaimed.

"This mark represents who we are as a guild and family. It's what we choose to be. Does that answer your question Sweetie Belle?" Grey finished in which all 3 fillies slowly nod.

Meanwhile, at the edge of the Everfree Forest, Natsu and the gang was walking out of said forest stomachs full and content.

"I still can't believe you ate that Spike!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Hehe yeah, I don't know...it's just, something kicked in when I took that first bite." he said scratching the back of his head.

"You're a dragon! You're supposed to eat meat!!" Gajeel said using a twig as a toothpick.

"Aye, it's in your blood!" Happy exclaimed.

"Don't you guys eat any kind of meat!?" Natsu asked.

"Well....we eat eggs sometimes." Rainbow sheepishly said as she flew beside them. As time passed they run into Fluttershy's group who were just leaving her cottage.

"Oh hey Spike~!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Spike said.

Natsu smiled "Hey Wendy!"

"Hi Natsu, Carla made a new friend~. Meet Angel Bunny." She points to bunny next to Carla attempting to give her a flower. But he stops in his tracks as he feels a very angry glare from a certain blue cat.

"Love Rival....." Happy growled at Angel with a dark aura surrounding him.

With the meet up out the way they head back to the town, despite Happy keeping an eye on Angel still emitting that dark aura muttering 'love rival' every two minutes.

"I think something's wrong with Happy" Fluttershy said.

"Gee yah think?" Gajeel said as they continued walking but Wendy noticed something with Spike.

"Um Spike? You okay? You look like you want to ask something." she said.

"Huh? Oh...uh...it's nothing." He said looking down.

"Hey come on little guy what's up?" Natsu asked.

"Well.....how'd you guys become dragon slayers in the first place?" He asked as they reached the town center.

"Good question....well you see. Natsu, Gajeel and I were taught by dragons and-" Wendy was about to finish when suddenly large roars filled the air.

"What in the world!?" Carla questioned as the three dragon slayers turned to the skies while the ponies around them start to panic.

"It's the dragons!! Everypony run for your lives!!!" screamed a mare as ponies ran for the doors of their homes, and at that moment three large dragons the size of small houses landed. One a golden yellow, one a deep blue and the third a bright red and already start breathing fire on the ground intimidating the surrounding ponies.

"Alright you weak little ponies, by order of King Garbel, we demand all things valuable brought to us as tribute!!" the golden one commanded.

But as they all try to flee, the red dragon cornered on little filly.

"P-please...d-don't eat me" the little filly cowered with tears welling up in her eyes.

"HAHAH~! Don't worry I ain't gonna eat yah~" the dragon gnashes his teeth.

"M-mommy help!!" the filly cried shutting her eyes.

"HAHAHAHA!!!!" The dragon opens his mouth about to take a bite when suddenly.."GAHHHh!!!!" His face is blasted by a giant iron beam sending him crashing into a house.

"Magma Core!!!" The blue one yelled.

"Who the hell did that!!!?" The golden shouted looking to the source of the iron beam and was shocked to see it real back and morph back to what seems to be a soft claw to a being who is scowling right at them.

"I..HATE...bullies...." Gajeel scowled as Natsu smirks and enters a fighting pose.

"Who the hell do you think you are!?" the golden one spoke.

"Hey kid....you alright." Natsu asked the filly.

"Y-yeah....t-thank you." she said.

"Get out of here.....things are going to get messy." Gajeel said.

"O-okay....." the filly scurried away getting back to her mother.

"You ass...THAT HURT!!!" Magma yelled as he climbed out of the rubble.

"Char him Magma!!" the blue one ordered.

"With pleasure Icnel!!" he opens his mouth and lets out a huge ball of fire that seemingly engulfs the trio. "HAHA!! Wait.." He suddenly hears what seems like a slurping sound and the 3 dragons jaws dropped to the ground as they lay witness to what they're seeing. The pink hair being....slurping up the flames as if it was a soup.

"HE'S...HE'S....HE'S EATING MY FLAMES!!! GILDER" Magma cried to his golden superior as the last of his fire ball was slurped up and Natsu burped.

"Aw yeah, now I got a fire in my belly~!!!!" Natsu yells with a huge grin on his face as his own fists start being coated in flames.

"GET THEM!!!" Gilder pointed at them with his own mouth spouting sparks. With Magma and Icnel charging head first to the 3 humans.

"IRON DRAGON..." Gajeel opens his mouth and aims for Icnel "ROAR!!!!!!" he fires a powerful beam from his mouth and engulfs Icnel blasting him. "And then.." his hands turns into a iron blade and darts towards the exposed dragon "IRON DRAGON'S SWORD!!" He slams it on the abdomen of the drake and hears a defining crack as he smirks. "Salmander hurry up!!"

"Right!! Now..Happy to the air!" he yelled as Happy sprouted his wings & latches onto Natsu's back.

"Aye sir!!" Happy yelled as the duo took off and darted towards Magma, but suddenly took right above him climbing high into the air.

"Here we go!! Now...drop me!" Natsu free fell towards Magma as her equally darted towards him "Now Fire Dragon's..." His right leg goes aflame and he quickly elbows the dragon in the face "CLAW!!!" he shatters the dragon's jaw as he plummets to the ground.

"This an't be happening!! WHAT IN TARTARUS ARE YOU THINGS!!" Gilder yelled.

"We're Dragon-Slayers!!" he turns around seeing Wendy with a strong gale blowing around her. "AND WE'RE HERE TO TAKE YOU OUT!! SKY DRAGON WING ATTACK!!!" She sends a tornado like attack launching him into the air "Natsu!!"

"Got it!! FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!!!" He slams a flame fist right into the gut of the launched golden dragon sending him crashing down with his two dragon comrades.

"Now go cry to your boss..." Gajeel sneered bringing Magma close to his face. "Boo..."

They flew..or at least tried to fly...back south to the dragon lands whimpering and licking their wounds.

"WHOO-HOO~!! THAT WAS AWESOME~!!" Natsu celebrated. "We beat the crap out of them!!"

"That's what we're facing against? What a joke.." Gajeel scoffed. "Where's some iron I can eat"

Slowly the ponies that hid in their homes came out, agape, cautious, amazed..




"They're heroes!!!"

As the ponies soon crowded the three dragon slayers and cats with jubilee. Each singing praise, admiring their power and asking a boatload of questions about their power. But as they celebrated, things looked grim at the dragon lands. King Garble sat on his throne, he grew another ten feet, his muscles bulged and his teeth were deadly sharp. His gaze became like blood coated swords and...he was not happy.

"What do you MEAN the raid was a failure!?" He gnarled at the three beaten up dragons.

"We..we were bested by those three...things...they called themselves...Dragonslayers" Gilder cowered, as heads turned in the throne at the mention of the name.

"Dragon slayers?" He questioned as his claws dug into his throne. "Tell me....what did these dragonslayers look like?"

Gilder explained their looks to his king but that only seemed to make him furious.

"You mean to tell me...you were beat up...by three cats and three puny...Soft...ANIMALS!!!?" he snarled.

"Y-yes...." Magma squeaked as Garble's gaze glared down to the three.

"Get them out of my sight...and feed them to the Tatzlworms." Garble ordered much to the absolute shock of the fallen trio as they are dragged away. But as they are dragged away Garble sits back on his throne in thought. "Dragonslayers.....now where have I heard that name before?"

Update: fixed up some grammar in the story and fixed some dialogue