• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,360 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

  • ...

The Battle of the Crystal Empire

The armed forces of the Crystal Empire were all at work preparing the defense of King Garble's coming strike. Barricades and large squads of soldiers rush to the empire's edges, weapons drawn. Large crossbows are erected upon the tops of the crystal buildings, the whole city was in high alert, even the train station was shut down for the day in anticipation for the attack. And at the balcony of the Crystal Castle, the gang looks over the mobilizing forces.

"Like a well oiled machine...you did great training them honey~" Cadence nuzzles her husband who beams in pride.

"Even though they were 1000 years out of practice, nothing like the General Artillery patented mega-training can't fixed." Shining said.

"I still can't believe you have a frickin' statue of yourself Spike" Natsu pointed to the crystal statue depicting Spike holding up the crystal heart.

"Aye! We don't even have statues like those back home!" Happy said as Spike couldn't help but blush.

"It's nothing really....I just had to do the right thing" Spike said scratching the back of his head.

"But more to the point, these defenses will at the very least stall the dragons. We barely know how tough their scales are and the fire power they have." Shining said.

"Which is why we're here isn't it" Gajeel said arms crossed looking at the landscape.

"Exactly, if we can beat back this assault it'll have a big morale boost for our people as well as send a message to Garble that we won't go down without a fight" Cadence stated.

"That's the spirit Cadence!!" Rainbow exclaimed.

But little Spike, was looking out the empire and far into the landscape deep into thought. Here he is, at practically the front line in a potential world war his mind races with a flurry of thoughts. Was he really ready for this? Is he really sure to leave Equestria? But just as he was about to continue his racing thought, he is stopped by a gentle hoof. He looks up to the source to see Twilight's concerned face.

"Are you alright Spike?" she asked.

"Yeah...." Spike breathes in slight relief "Just did a lot of thinking is all"

"Don't think too hard otherwise your head would get all hot and dizzy!" Happy said.

"Which happens to Natsu a lot, can't think too hard or else he'll hurt his little fire brain of his. " Grey said.

"What did you say ice geek!!?!?" Natsu snarled.

"I'm saying you're a dumbass fire breath!!" Gajeel said whilst unknowingly stripping off his coat and shirt.

"Grey-sama getting naked again~" Juvia blushes seeing his bare body.

"Ack dammit not again!!!" Grey freaked a bit as he goes back to butting heads with Natsu.

"GRRRRRRRRR!!!!" both wizards could practically feel their tempers starting to boil over, only to be smacked on the heads by a pissed off Lucy.

"Will you two quit it!!! We're entering a war dammit!!!" she glared while taking out her whip, her eyes glowing yellow.

"Y-yes ma'am!!!!" the duo said while at the same time Lucy gained the deadly glare of Juvia.

"love rival..." she muttered as a shadowy aura surrounded her, but the ponies were dumbfounded at the curious seen with Discord and Pinkie laughing it up.

"Oh wow!! These guys are hilarious~!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"They're....curious that's for sure." Shining said, he looks to his sister who could only shrug. But the comedic scene was cut off with the sound of sirens wailing as the group looks to West.

"They're coming..." Erza said. "REQUIP!" she yelled as her body glows as her regular suit of armor is replaced by a blazing silver winged, and a tad revealing, armor. "Heaven's Wheel Armor!! We must not hold anything back since we're dealing with dragons once more!!" Erza commanded as around 10-20 winged creatures came into view in the horizon.

Spike gulped and took a few deep breaths, "Here we go..."

"Ready for your first fight Spike~?" Natsu said with vigor.

"I t-think so ..." he fidgets his claws, but with the worrying looks of the ponies he clenches his fists and glares to the coming assualt. "No....I know so Natsu" He said said with confidence.

"That's the spirit Spike!!" Happy exclaimed as he activates his wings, with a quick motion he grabs a hold of Natsu and lifts him off the balcony and to the coming storm of dragons.

"I'M ALL FIRED UP!!" he yelled.

"Damn it Salamander!! Like hell I would give you a head start!!" Gajeel snarled as he leapt of the balcony and started running in the same direction.

"H-hey wait for me!! Come on Carla." Wendy exclaimed to her partner as Carla merely rolled her eyes as her own wings appeared.

"Honestly Wendy you're becoming more like Natsu and the others everyday" the white exceed said picking up Wendy and following dragonslayers as well as Erza taking flight with her armor while the ponies stand in awe at the power of their mage allies.

"This I gotta get into!!" Rainbow said excitedly.

"Get ready everypony! We're going into war!!" Cadence proclaimed as the army of ponies march to the empire borders, spears and other weapons drawn. Even Spike bolts from the balcony and down the steps.

"Spike wait where are you going!!?" Fluttershy cried.

"One way or another, I'm going to help!!" He yelled grabbing a quick sword.

"Where'd he get a sword?" Applejack asked.

"Oh I have weapons stashed all over the place, in case of emergency!" Shining said proudly.

"Hey that's my schtick!" Pinkie exclaimed pouting a little earning a chuckle among the group, but they quickly had to chase after Spike as he runs head first into the coming battle. However in the now abandoned streets of the Crystal Empire, Melinda the dragoness kept watch of the marching armies as well the legendary 'dragonslayers' as they head into battle. She hid in the shadows as she watches Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy run by, but, she can't seem to focus that much at the moment. Her mind somehow fixated that little drake 'What was his name again...Spike was it?' she thought to herself. Her thoughts were suddenly put on pause when she heard a voice.

"Hey guys!! Wait up!! I want to help too!!" it yelled out, her ruby eyes looked further down the road and sure enough there was the drake, sword in claw and his own maw breathing sparks. She lets out a silent gasp gazing into his emerald eyes, filled with confidence and determination, she even catches a bit of muscle on the little drake.

As Spike ran to his trainers, he suddenly stops in his tracks. He looks around for a bit as Melinda hid back into the shadows at a safe distance. "What was.....?" but that comment was cut off by loud, warring roars of the coming dragons descending upon the city.

"INCOMING!!!" the soldiers scrambled huge fire balls and boulders rained upon the city. It was then Spike uttered his first 'swear'.

"HOLY CRAP!!!" The little drake dodged away from the raining hellfire as he dives into an alleyway as the sounds of war bellows through the skies.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!" Natsu bellowed as he breathes a large breathe of fire magic against the dragons. The dragon slayers and their pony allies clashed the battle spilled into the streets. Though the ponies outnumber the dragons it's still a tough fight with their weapons only scratching the dragon's scales and their shield spells barely holding up against the dragon fire.

And yet Spike, even with sword in hand and courageously ran out to the battlefield was unsure what to do. He was still small compared to the others around him. But his thought process was cut off by screaming as he looks to see a family cornered by a dragon.

"D-don't hurt us!!"" the stallion yelled as the dragon took a deep breath.

"MOMMY!! DADDY!!!" their daughter cried shutting her eyes expecting the worst to come as the silver colored dragon let out a huge fireball crackling. They would've died right then and there but then they heard an odd sound of slurping, the cornered ponies slowly open their eyes and gasp seeing Spike, slurping up the massive fireball.

'Come on, come on!! You can do it Spike!! Remember what they taught you' He thought to himself as sweat appears on his forehead, straining from the fireball he was slurping up much to the shock of the dragon who had breathed such fire. Before long, the last of the dragon fire was slurped up with Spike's cheeks puffed up and his face red an clenched holding in the flames. And with one large gulp, he had officially ate the flames and suddenly he feels rejuvenated in energy, he glares at the attacking dragon with a smirk.

"Now I have a fire in my belly!!!!" Spike took a deep breath his maw crackling with embers, "Fire...Dragon....ROAR!!!!" he lets out a massive fireball of his own blasting the dragon to the other side of the street! "I ... I did it....I did it!!!" Spike grinned before looking to the stunned ponies. "Hurry and get to safety!"

"T-thank you" the mare said before taking her family.

"You can do it Spike!!" the little filly yelled as they left filling Spike with more determination and confidence. He glares at the fallen silver dragon who's getting back up who's equally give Spike a death glare.

"You...ASS!!!" the silver dragon snarled as his claws are then coated in a cold gray coloring. "Let's see you take down my iron!!" he charges roaring at the little drake. Spike then charges too, baring his teeth. Just as the dragon swings his claws, Spike leap into the air, he opens his jaw and bites down on the iron coated claws using his jaw strength he bit off the iron claws as the silver dragon roars in absolute pain. "H-how!!!?"

Spike smirks as his claw started to spark lightning, "Because I've been training with the dragonslayers!!!" And with a powerful lightning filled punch, he knocks out the dragon finally defeating it. "I did it!!" Spike said panting, but the fight still rages through the city as the ponies and mages duke it out with the dragons.

"Ice make!! Spears!!"

"Open gate of the Scorpian: Scorpio!!!!"



With the mages help the battle quickly starts turning in their favor as the many of the assaulting dragons are slowly getting pushed back. But war is not without their casualties.

"Shoot!! Medic!!" A guard yelled as Spike quickly rushes over to the source of the wounded pony.

"time to use that healing magic Wendy taught me." Spike muttered as his claws glow a white aura of the Wind Dragon while keeping on guard for other dragons that may strike at him. But in the alley, Melinda watches in shock as the dragon force is being repelled and the supposed weak whelp was actually extremely powerful. She summons her communicator to contact her superior.

"Melinda! Report, what in Tartarus is going on out there!?" Garble snarled.

"Not good sir, the force is being repelled by the magic humans and ponies." She said seeing one of the dragons' wings being frozen by Grey's ice magic.

"WHAT!?!?" Melinda flinched.

"And that's not all, it's about the drake Spike." Melinda said seeing Spike healing the fallen guard.

"What is it about that poor excuse of a dragon?!" He glared.

"He has been training, he was able to take down Silver Gleam by eating his flames, biting through his iron claws and knocked him out. If I heard correctly, he has been training to become a dragon slayer like the humans." Melinda stated.

".....Melinda, I'm giving you a direct order. Capture Spike the Dragon and bring him to the Dragon Empire directly to me. I'll deal with him personally" He said snarling.

"Are you sure your highness? He can be of use to us and- "

"Are you questioning my order!?" Garble snarled.

"N-no sir! Of course not!" She stammered in slight fear.

"Then do it and don't contact me until you have that little whelp!" he snarled before cutting off the connection. She sighed sadly as she watches the retreating dragons.

"Yes sir....... This shouldn't be our way..." she muttered as she goes into the shadows to capture Spike.

As the dragons retreated the team celebrates a battle hard won, and especially Spike who's the true hero of the hour.

"You were super duper amazing Spike!!!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"That was incredible on how you ate those flames!" Rainbow yelled.

"Man Spike, you've really grown since the Equestria Games" Cadence stated.

"That's all the training we've been giving the little guy!" Natsu beamed with pride as he gives Spike a little noogie.

"H-hey stop that! It's nothing really" Spike blushed from receiving so much praise.

"You helped out so many of my soldiers and my subjects, we are in your debt Fairy Tail." Cadence bowed to them slightly.

"It's no problem at all Princess, we are merely doing our duty as mages." Erza said proudly in her usual armor set.

"Aye we did awesome!" Happy exclaimed.

"T'was a quite a large fight, but these dragons are very different than the ones in Magnolia." Carla stated.

"Yeah, to be honest they're a little more goofy but they're still really tough. Taurus and Scorpio deserve a long break after that!" Lucy said.

As the gang talk amongst themselves, they were unaware of a shadow slowly creeping up behind them. The bright ruby eyes barely visible, 'Just a little closer' Melinda said to herself. But just as she was about to pounce..

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!" Gajeel yelled before stomping on the shadow behind them, actually reaching into the shadow and grabbing the dragoness by the neck.

"Gajeel what are you doing!!?" Levy asked.

"Looks like we had a straggler" Gajeel snarled as he pulls the dragoness out of the shadows.

"H-how....!?" Melinda chocked much to the shock of the group and a slight gasp from Spike.

"I had an opponent who pulled the same trick in the Grand Magic Games, now talk or else..." His right hand turns his iron club, "This is going right up your big ass"

"Eep!!" Melinda blushes, 'My butt isn't that big!!....Is it?' she thought to herself.

"Whoa whoa! Gajeel slow down!" Cadence said.

"Why should we? She's the enemy!" Gajeel said.

"She's a prisoner of war and should be treated as humanely as possible." Erza said as chains are put on Melinda's claws. "Now who are you?"

"My name....is Melinda." she said.

"And what is your purpose here in the Crystal Empire." Twilight glared at her.

"For him....." she nodded to Spike.

"M-me?" Spike said, nobody noticed the tiny blush on his cheeks.

"King Garble wanted him after hearing you're learning dragon-slaying magic...so he ordered me to kidnap you and take you to him." She said.

This earned a really pissed off Twilight. "KIDNAP MY SON WILL YOU!!!" her horn glowing with looks to kill, only to be held back by Rainbow, Applejack, even Fluttershy!

"Twilight stop!" Fluttershy cried "It's not worth it!!"

"Save your strength for the big fight!!" Rainbow said. Twilight took a few breathing techniques she had learned and calmed down enough to prevent her magic attack but still glares at the dragoness.

"Send her to the dungeons, I'll see to it that I'll oversee the interrogations." Cadence ordered as guards take Melinda to the dungeons, but just as they were about to leave.

"WAIT!!" heads turned to Spike. "Don't send her to the dungeons!"

"Why not?!" Shining said.

"W-well....think about it, we're supposed to be a nation that represents equality, tolerance and understanding. If we treat uh...


"R-right Melinda, if we treat her like this we might spur the dragons for a bigger retaliation from Garble!" Spike reasoned as the gang looks to each other a little unsure what to say. Even Melinda was lost for words at the drake's kindness.


"What are your orders your highness?" The guard asked.

".....Release her, but keep a close eye on here at all times." Shining ordered.

"I'll talk with her, I'll be her escort!" Spike said.

"Are you really sure about this Spike?" Lucy asked.

"Yes....I know she's not a bad dragon like the others...I can just feel it!" Spike said looking Melinda right into her ruby eyes, causing her to gasp a little and blush lightly herself.

"Alright...but if she tries anything she's going straight to the dungeons!!" Twilight yelled still glaring at the dragoness.

"I...I understand" Melinda said hanging her head low.

"Jeez angry Twilight is just as scary as Erza..." Natsu said.

"And what;s that supposed to mean?" Erza said with a hint of a growl as her eyes glow red glancing at Natsu.

"Nothing nothing!!" Natsu cowered.

"This outta be interesting..." Lucy said as Levy raised an eyebrow at Melinda.

To be continued...