• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,359 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

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Welcome to Ponyville

After Gray released Spike from his ice cage, the little dragon began to lead the group of wizards through the small town. The Fairy Tail family seemed a little confused by the fact that the town was deserted, though some would occasionally catch a glimpse of a peeking silhouette in one of the windows.

“I don’t like this. The last time we found a deserted town it turned into a bunch of inedible monsters.” Natsu said.

“Please don’t remind me of how bad those things tasted.” Lucy grimaced.

“So where exactly are we meeting our client, Mr Spike?” Wendy asked. The baby dragon grinned at the formality.

“Mr. Well, well. She’s just inside the castle up ahead.” He pointed to a rather bizarre but beautiful castle that resembled a crystalline tree with a star shaped spire. “Right this way Sirs and Madams.” He added opening the door to let them in.

“He’s quite chivalrous for a dragon, even though he’s the first I’ve met…and seen.” Carla commented as they entered the building. The long hallways which they paced through had many pictures hanging on them which, to the intriguing confusion of the group, all showed images of brightly coloured horses.

“I take it this client of ours, uhh, really likes horses don’t they?” Lisanna asked.

“Maybe she owns a stable.” Happy assumed.

“Well…not exactly.” Spike muttered as he stopped walking upon reaching a large door that touched the ceiling before he turned around to face the guild. “Ok. When we go in you’re gonna meet the ones who summoned you here but…you’re also probably gonna be quite surprised. Just, keep an open mind, be cool.” The mages looked amongst themselves in puzzlement before Spike pushed the door open; they stepped in and got a clear view of the occupants. There, standing before a circle of thrones were eight of those colourful horses, all of them female upon closer inspection. Two of which were a couple feet taller than the other six and bore tiaras atop their heads while also sporting a long pointed horn and a pair of wings, along with flowing manes. One was pure white with a marbled mane of blue pink and green whilst the other was dark blue with a mane of different shades of the same colour, reminiscent of the night sky. The remaining six were another story. Two of them had wings; one was cyan blue with magenta eyes and a rainbow coloured mane and tail whilst the other was a creamy yellow with a soft pink mane who seemed to be cowering slightly behind the cyan one who looked ready to fight. The next two didn’t have any wings or horns; one was bright orange with freckles and green eyes plus a blonde mane and tail, both sporting a red scrucnhy at the end. The second was light pink like cotton candy whilst her mane bared a striking resemblance to the sweet treat though a much darker shade of pink whilst her eyes were big and blue as they sparkled with excitement. The final two of the smaller horses sported the same pointed horns on their foreheads; the first was snowy white and soft like a marshmallow with a twirled purple mane that brought out her dazzling blue eyes whilst the second though having a horn also had a pair of wings like the larger horses. She was lavender purple with a darker shade of mane with streaks of hot pink whilst her eyes were a soft violet colour. The Fairy Tail mages looked at the bunch of animals before Gajeel glared at Spike.

“Is this some kind of joke, pipsqueak? We didn’t come here to feed some oats to a bunch of damn skittle themed ponies. We’re here to work so take us to whoever’s in charge here.” Though the awkward silence was broken by the sound of giggling which surprisingly was coming from the pink pony.

“I like him. He’s silly.” She….spoke. The mages froze upon hearing her.

“Did…did that horse just speak?” Lucy murmured.

“Well sure I can talk, dummy.” The pony replied earning a second gasp from the group. Cana blinked as she looked down at the bottle of drink she was holding before tossing it out the window of the castle which earned a distant ‘Ow!’ from someone below. Some of the guild members rubbed their eyes or smacked themselves across the face. That was until Natsu cemented the reality of the situation.

“TALKING RAINBOW HORSES!!” he squawked in such surprise that he let out a belch of flames which the ponies had to scatter to avoid being singed as it shot passed them and hit the curtains setting them ablaze.

“AAAHH!!! NOT THE DRAPES~!!” the white unicorn screamed in abject horror as she tried to blow them out to no avail.

“Natsu you oaf!” Erza scolded as she clocked him over the head. “Juvia would you kindly?” the rain woman nodded before she sent a jet of water at the burning curtains, dousing the flames instantly but splashing the white mare in the process.

“MY MANE! UGH! Princess Celestia, with all due respect, these ‘guests’ are acting rather destructive.”

“I’m rather surprised by their capabilities as well, Rarity but I’m sure they meant no harm.” The tall white horse with the flowing mane said gently before facing the group of befuddled mages. “I understand you all must be quite baffled by our…form shall we say. But Spike wasn’t lying. We are your client.” Though Fairy Tail was still rather uncomprehensive, Makarov cleared his throat as he stepped forward.

“I am Makarov; Guild Master of Fairy Tail.” He introduced.

“Pleased to meet you. My Name is Princess Celestia and this is my Sister, Princess Luna.” The white horse acquainted.

“Hello.” The dark blue horse quickly added.

“We are the rulers of the land of Equestria.” Celestia continued.

“Then shouldn’t you be Queen Celestia?” Wendy asked a little puzzled causing Celestia to chuckle.

“If I had a bit. Since my Sister and I both rule this kingdom, neither of us considered ourselves superior than the other so we choose not to carry the title of Queen.” She explained.

“Interesting. So we have been summoned to this animal populated country on your behest?” Erza said.

“That is correct.” Luna replied.

“And I’m guessing the entire population of this land is a horse as well?” Erza assumed.

“That is also true.”

“Good. Did you get that, Natsu?”

“Yeah I gotcha. But still…” Natsu stared at the colourful equus as the yellow one shrank further behind her friends letting out a timid whimper. Lucy, deciding the awkwardness had lingered enough cleared her own throat to gain attention.

“Well aside from the fact that we’re different species, a friendly introduction’s always welcome. I’m Lucy Heartfilia.” She then went over to the purple winged unicorn and held her hand out. “What’s your name?” the pony looked at the celestial mage before smiling as she placed her hoof in her hand.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle. How do you do?” she greeted earning a friendly smile back from Lucy. “And these are my friends.” She added with a gesture to the five other ponies. The orange one glanced between them before she trotted over to Gray and tipped her hat as she offered her hoof.

“Howdy. I’m Applejack. Salutations.” Gray blinked before he shook her hoof.

“Gray Fullbuster. I’m an Icemake Wizard.” He introduced. Applejack grinned before her eyes suddenly widened.

“Um…beg your pardon, sugar cube. I don’t know much about human behavior but, uh…are you supposed to have such a small amount clothing on for a species your size?” Gray glanced down and yelped when he noticed he’d once again unknowingly stripped down to his drawers much to his comrades’ embarrassment/amusement or in Juvia’s cause amoration.

“Stripping with one hand while shaking the other! That’s gotta be a new record for you!” Natsu laughed before he found himself butting heads with Gray.

“At least I’m capable of doing things with one hand! You can’t even pull off a shoe with one hand, brimstone breath!”

“I don’t wear shoes I wear sandals, ice for brains!” Natsu ranted back.

“Are those two alright?” Applejack asked at a loss.

“They do it all the time.” Erza sighed before she shot a piercing glare at them “I thought I told you boys to stop fighting!”

“EEP! YES MA’AM!” Gray yelped as he and Natsu suddenly put their arms around each other’s shoulders in a friendly manner though they were both sweating bullets.

“Aye, Sir.” Natsu whimpered.

“Stop talking like Happy, it’s weird.” Lucy muttered.

“You’re all weird.” The cyan Pegasus said earning a glare from Gajeel.

“Got something to say about us, Skittles? I don’t know about you but you’re not exactly ordinary for a horse. Last I checked they didn’t have wings or look like an accident at the hairspray factory.” The Pegasus snorted before she got right up in the iron dragon slayers face, completely fearless as he grinned at her.

“Well I’m not the one who had an accident with a nail gun, rivet face! And the name’s Rainbow Dash; remember it!”

“Whatever you say, Rainbow Crash.” Gajeel snickered.

“Oh no you didn’t!” Rainbow Dash said before she began throwing kicks and punches at Gajeel who laughed mockingly as his skin coated itself in iron scales rendering her attacks harmless.

“Is someone tapping me on the shoulder?” he asked earning another angry snort from Rainbow.

“Well looks like Gajeel’s making friends just fine.” Levy grinned sheepishly. “I’m Levy McGarden by the way.” She introduced herself.

“Pleasure.” Twilight smiled.

“Damn. At first I thought I’d drunk too much but now that I know I haven’t, I just threw a good bottle out the window.” Cana sighed.

“Oh you’re thirsty?” the pink pony suddenly spoke up gaining Cana’s attention. “I always keep one of AJ’s ciders around with me in case of an emergency.” She said before pulling on the tip of her mane like a lever and releasing a bottle from it after letting go much to Cana’s surprise. “Here.”

“Thanks.” Cana muttered as she took the bottle and removed the top before taking a whiff. “Hmm, seems good.” She smiled before sipping it and beaming before she downed the bottle in one second. “Wow! That’s some good liquor!”

“Oh there’s no alcohol in my family recipe. Never has, never will.” Applejack said proudly.

“Get out of here. I’ve tried hundreds of cider but nothing like this and you’re telling me it’s nonalcoholic?” Cana questioned in shock.

“You bet your lucky horseshoes it isn’t. Sweet Apple Cider’ll quench ya like a dried up cactus in a monsoon.” Applejack grinned as did Cana.

“Cana Alberona’s the name, Cowgirl.” She said “And how about your pink friend who kindly introduced me to your produce?”

“Me? I’m Pinkie Pie! Top party planner in Ponyville and big time baker.” The pink mare said bouncing on the spot. Erza turned to face her at the mention of baker.

“You bake?” she asked.

“Sure do. Next to parties, baking’s my passion. You stake it, I’ll bake it.” Erza looked at Pinkie before a sparkle glittered in her eyes and smile appeared on her face.

“Can…can you make Strawberry cake?” she asked hopefully.

“Can I?!” Pinkie laughed. “You’re lucky it’s summer. Strawberries are the range here at this time. Strawberry cupcakes, muffins, tarts, cookies, sponges. Like I said you stake it, I bake it.” Erza was now blushing with excitement.

“I’m Erza Scarlet. I think we’ll get along just fine.” She smiled as Pinkie giggled.

“It seems the others are making acquaintances rather well with these mages.” Rarity commented as she and the yellow pony were yet to introduce themselves to the group though they were suddenly approached by the Straus siblings.

“I’m sorry about that little show back there.” Mira apologised.

“I know Natsu can be a bit of a loose cannon but he’s really a big softy if you get to know him.” Lisanna added.

“Yeah the kid’s a real man but a heart he’ll always be a kid.” Elfman laughed.

“I’m Mirajane, just to introduce myself.” The she devil smiled. “And these are my little brother and sister Elfman and Lisanna. What’s yours, Miss?” Rarity smiled a little at Mira’s polite greeting.


“Rarity. What a beautiful name.” Mira replied.

“Not as beautiful as that dress you’re wearing.” The unicorn commented on her wardrobe.

“Oh this old thing? I’ve had it for years.”

“Well you’ve certainly taken good care of it. Your sister has quite the taste too.”

“Oh thank you. Though if you want to talk about fashion you should see Erza. Her power revolves around clothes.” Lisanna said.

“You don’t say?” Rarity looked at the red haired mage who was still in awe listening to Pinkie’s infinite range of baked goods. While the majority of the ponies seemed to be getting acquainted rather well, the yellow one didn’t seem quite as enthusiastic as she remained tucked away from the crowd, not making a peep. Wendy happened to take notice of this and decided to say hello.

“Um…hello.” She greeted startling the pony. “I’m Wendy Marvell. What’s your name?” the yellow pony glanced at the sky maiden before shrinking back a little.

“Um…I’m Fluttershy.” She trailed off into a murmured whisper.

“Pardon?” Wendy asked kneeling down so she wouldn’t seem as intimidating.

“Um…my name is Fluttershy.” She whispered again, backing away timidly. Wendy frowned before she reached out towards the frightened pony who squeaked and closed her eyes before she felt a hand brushing her mane and looked to see Wendy petting her with a gentle smile.

“Don’t be afraid. I know we must seem a bit scary to you but we won’t hurt you.” Wendy reassured as she stroked the pony’s mane. “You’re shy aren’t you? I’m a little shy sometimes too.” The pony looked back at Wendy before a little smile crept onto her face.

“I’m…I’m Fluttershy.” She said clear enough for Wendy to hear this time.

“That’s such a pretty name.” Wendy smiled causing Fluttershy to go a little pink. All the while the Exceed trio were looking at the sky Dragon Slayer as she petted her new friend.

“Leave it to Wendy to help the shy ones open up.” Happy grinned.

“I’d expect nothing less from one such as her.” Carla smiled proudly.

“She has always been one of the gentler members of our guild.” Lily said before Fluttershy spotted them and gasped joyfully and flew into the air, startling Wendy.

“Kittens!” she beamed before she flew over to the Exceeds and gathered them into her arms, cuddling them. “Oh they’re sooo cute~.” She squeed.

“AHH! Not another crazy cat lady!” Happy panicked over his memories of being overly cuddled by Miliana as he flew out of Fluttershy’s arms much to her surprise.

“Unhand me! It’s rude to pick me up without asking me first let alone hug me!” Carla snapped.

“I would appreciate it if you put me down please, Miss.” Lily said.

“Oh my goodness. You can talk! And fly!” Fluttershy gazed in awe as she let go of the cats. “This is so amazing! I’ve never seen flying cats before. Or talking ones. This is just like when I met Spike!”

“Well. I appreciate your fascination but nonetheless it’s only polite to ask for permission before involving me or the boys in such intimate gestures.” Carla said brushing herself off.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were this incredible. I thought you were just normal cats.” Fluttershy apologised.

“Aye. It’s an easy mistake to make.” Happy said.

“You’re excused. I can see you meant no harm.” Said Lily.

“So, what’re your names?”

“I’m Happy.”

“My name is Carla.”

“And I am Pantherlily, but you may call me Lily.”

“And techniqually we aren’t cats. We’re known as Exceeds. Catlike in appearance but we’re actually magical beings.” Carla explained.

“That’s why we can grow wings!” Happy said, fluffing up his wings proudly. “No feline can fly as fast as me.” He added with a grin which earned an intrigued glance from Rainbow Dash.

“Yes we are all born with wings but we’re capable of other feats of magic too.” Lily said. “Example.” He then transformed into his giant form causing Fluttershy to scream and fall on her back after freezing up like a statue. “Oops.” The other ponies chuckled a little.

“Ok enough with the meet a greet.” Laxus spoke up. “I think we deserve a rundown of what we’re here for, please.”

“Ah, yes of course.” Celestia agreed. “You see, we have called you here because our kingdom is under attack…from dragons.” The mages were surprised by this revelation, but Natsu and Wendy were the most shocked that the job poster hadn’t been a hoax. Even Gajeel was a little stunned.

“It would be best if I start from the beginning.”

“Oh wonderful. Long backstories.” Bickslow muttered.

“Boring~! Boring~!” his tiki totems chanted.

“A thousand years ago, my little sister Luna was corrupted by a dark magic. The jealousy she felt for the adoration my subjects gave me for granting them sunlight whilst she was all but neglected by them for only raising the moon and bringing night, twisted her body into a nightmarish form that no longer contained a shred of my dear sister.” Celestia continued as Luna bowed her head in sadness of the memory.

“And so, with a heavy heart, I was forced to seal Luna away in the moon before she hurt anypony, or herself. Having to commit such an act to my only family caused me such pain and sorrow. As such I fell into a deep depression shortly after. My power dwindled and the sun lost its warm welcoming glow and was reduced to a mere light. Of course my subjects didn’t notice the change in the sun but there were others who could see such changes, and what they meant. The dragons quickly realized my weakened state and decided then and there to attack the kingdom as they believed they stood a chance to take over Equestria what with one of the two rulers banished the remainder weakened by heartbreak. It was chaos. So many towns and villages were attacked by their fire and many citizens were hurt, not to mention all the riches that were pilfered from them. I feared the worst.”

“Celestia, you’ve nerve told me about this.” Said Twilight who was just as shocked as her friends by the revelation.

“It’s not a time I choose to remember, Twilight. And I thought telling you would be of no benefit to you or myself.” Celestia said solemnly.

“Then…how did you stop the dragons?” Twilight asked.

“At the state we were in, I couldn’t’ find anything or anyone powerful enough in the kingdom to stand against the dragons. So I instead sought a power outside of my own domain.”

“Meaning...?” Gray asked.

“Our land does have the capabilities of travelling to different worlds. I searched many in an attempt to find a way of defeating the dragons until I eventually found a group of individuals born to fight their species: Dragon Slayers.” Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy and Laxus looked at each other. “I requested the services of a group of the mages to help me stop the dragons from overthrowing and destroying the kingdom and they complied. With their magic we were able to push the dragons out of Equestria though some remained in the badlands on the borders of the kingdom. Since then, the dragons have kept to themselves. Occasionally some may take up residence in the kingdom but mainly just for hording their gems or sleeping, but posing no physical threat to the kingdom. Until now that is. Dragon attacks have begun to rise again and I fear that they may be taking a second strike at us and I won’t risk this generation of my ponies to go through the same frightful chaos and suffering as the passed did. That’s why I sent out a request to your world in order to gather Dragon slayers to help stop the threat before it spirals out of control again. I never want to see this land engulfed in fire again. Never again.” Celestia whispered the last part with great fear. The mane six were quite shaken by this. Fluttershy was trembling awfully at the thought of her greatest fear being this dangerous and even Pinkie looked a little scared.

“But, what about us?!” Rainbow piped up. “The only reason the dragons got the upper hoof is because you’d been weakened by having to send Luna away so you couldn’t’ wield the Elements of Harmony. But you have us now! Sure we may have given the elements back to the Tree of Harmony but we have our Rainbow Powers now. I bet if we worked together the six of us could take them.”

“Never underestimate dragons!” Celestia shouted suddenly making the group jump. She suddenly gasped. “I’m sorry. I don’t blame you for your confidence, Rainbow and I know the dragons you’ve encountered yourself haven’t posed much threat…but this time real dragons are involved, not some juvenile growing ones. And when that happens….this is something you and your friends cannot face alone. We need these mages if we’re to assure victory.” The Fairy Tail guild looked at the ponies before Makarov stepped forward.

“We accept.” He spoke in a serious tone. ‘You aren’t’ the only one to have witnessed the destructive capabilities of those beasts.”

“So you’re saying you can fight them?” Celestia asked hopefully.

“We only have four Dragon Slayers in our guild: Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy and my grandson Laxus. I don’t know if the dragons in your world are different from ours but I agree with you about no underestimating them. We ourselves were lucky to have survived our encounter with them. We could’ve been killed din fact. The truth is we’ve yet to actually defeat one let alone slay it.”

“You’ve never beat a dragon?!” Twilight asked shocked.

“It’s kind of a long story but we are capable of fighting them. And like Gramps said, the ones from our world are likely different from yours.” Laxus reassured.

“Hey now, don’t let that get you down!” Natsu said grinning. “Just you watch we’re gonna get every one of those dragons by the tail and smash ‘em! There’s nothing Fairy Tail can’t do!”

“Always the optimistic one, Natsu?” Lucy said in thought with a smile.

“Salamander’s got the right idea. I’m not missing out on that cash prize and no way in hell are a bunch of lizards gonna stop me!” Gajeel cackled.

“Blunt as an iron bar.” Levy grinned sheepishly.

“Well it seems we have an agreement, Sister.” Luna said.

“Indeed. In that case we are now in partnership.” Celestia declared as she shook Makarov’s hand.

“So when do we get to the dragon hunting?” Natsu said, slamming his fist into his palm whilst grinning enthusiastically.

“So far we have no leads on thein location but we’ve sent one of our allies to investigate. Once thy have a confirmation that’s when we’ll deploy. Until then if any incidents come up we’ll be sure to inform thee immediately. For now, make thyself at home. Thou must take time to adjust to their new environment.” Luna said.

“Hey that’s right!” Lucy spoke up. “Where are we gonna live while here?”

“Well it might be a bit of a squeeze but we should be able to divide you amongst several locations. We weren’t actually expecting this many of you to come.” Twilight said. “I’d recommend you stay either here or any of my friends’ homes. I’m sure the rest of the town will adjust to your presence quickly, but I wouldn’t expect them to leave their doors open to you off the bat.”

“Good point, Twi. I’m more than willing to make room for some of them. Y’all are more than welcome to stay on my Family farm at Sweet Apple Acres for your stay, or at least as many as we can stuff in the barn that is.” Applejack chortled.

“Farm huh? Well where there’s a farm there’s work. Hard work. Sounds like the place for a real man.” Elfman grinned.

“Sounds pretty relaxing. Plus I’d have to agree with Elfman. Always good to work up a sweat.” Juvia held her breath at the mention.

“I’m coming too!” she quickly added. “I’d be happy to return the accommodation by watering your orchards.”

“Well I don’t know about you, Juvia, but I wanna get me more of that cider so I’m sure as hell coming.” Cana grinned.

“Well I would be remiss if I didn’t welcome our guests too.” Rarity spoke. “Anyone’s welcome at my boutique, though I don’t have as much space as Applejack. Though, I would appreciate it if you do stay you’re reasonably tidy.” Mira chuckled.

“Well I’d be honoured to accept your invitation, Rarity. And while I’m sure they appreciate the offer I should warn you the boys can be a little wild, well most of them.” One look was enough to convince Rarity who nodded to Mira. “Say, Erza. Maybe you’d like to stay since your magic is based entirely on clothing.” Mira added.

“She uses magic for clothing too?” Rarity asked, surprised.

“Oh yes. She has a vast variety of outfits and armour she keeps in a pocket dimension. She’s able to switch between them at will.”

“I’ve never heard of such magic. You’re more than welcome to my abode, Miss Scarlet.” Rarity said eagerly.

“Thank you for the offer and I’m sure I’ll drop by to visit but I must decline your offer of lodging.” Erza replied.


“I’ve decided to stay with Pinkie Pie.”

“PINKIE?!” the ponies and mages asked in shock.

“No offense to her, Erza, but I think she may be more out of control than any of the guys put together.” Lucy said.

“Oh I can clearly see that, Lucy, but I don’t care.” Erza said before her eyes sparkled and her cheeks glowed as she clenched her armoured fists in determination. “I’ll take all the recklessness and craziness if it means getting to taste the wears she spoke of.”

“You’ll do anything if it involves cake or acting.” Lucy sweat-dropped.

“I think I’ll go along too.” said Lisanna. “It’s been a while since I last baked and I’d love to help out.”

“Great! I could always use an extra pair of hooves or hands or flippers maybe! Oh and don’t forget paws! Or claws or fins or…” Pinkie continuing to drabble on her list of appendages lead to the group ignoring her before Fluttershy quietly piped up.

“Um…I know you all need a place to stay and uh…you’re welcome to stay at my cottage, i-if you’d like to of course. It’s a little small so I don’t know if I’ll have much room though. I’m sorry.” Wendy looked at Carla who smiled and nodded at her before she turned back to face the Pegasus.

“I’d love to stay, Fluttershy. I’d be happy to help out around the house too for letting me live there.”

“And I’m sure I won’t take up much space myself.” Carla reassured. Fluttershy looked at the pair a little surprised at first of her offer being taken before she smiled back.

“Those two are gonna be best friends I just know it.” Mira squealed.

“There aren’t that many Fluttershy can bond with that quickly. It often takes time for her to get used to come out of her shell.” Twilight said. “Oh and of course my castle is open to anypony who wishes to stay. I have plenty of room and all the books you can read.” Levy and Lucy glanced at the purple Alicorn.

“You like books?” the script mage asked.

“HAHAHA!!” Rainbow Dash burst out laughing. “Books is practically her middle name and fifty percent of her egghead! There’s not a book I know she hasn’t read. She even pretty much created a book form of herself when me and Pinkie went on a quest for her.”

“Oh I remember that! Your Twilight impression was so funny!” Pinkie giggled much to Twilight’s chagrin.

“Despite Rainbow’s ‘humour’ yes I do like books.” Twilight confirmed. “‘Never too late to learn’ I always say.”

“Ain’t that the truth? I’m a solid script mage. Anything I write takes on a physical form. Watch.” She then waved a few gestures with her hands before speaking “Solid script: apple.” With that the word apple appeared in the air in big letter only they were rounded and shiny and a mixture of reds and greens. “Go on, take a bite.” Twilight stared at the word in astonishment before she trotted over and took a bite out of the L before gasping.

“It’s actually apple!” she spluttered.

“Now that’s magic.” AJ gaped.

“But my scripts aside, I’m also a talented decipher and speed reader, not that I mean to brag.” Levy added.

“What’s there to brag about being a shrimpy bookworm?” Gajeel snorted causing Levy to puff up her cheeks angrily.

“I may not be as talented as Levy in the same field but I always enjoy a good book.” Lucy spoke up.

“Just between you and me, she’s writing a book herself.” Levy whispered to twilight though Lucy clearly heard what she said as she blushed with embarrassment despite Twilight’s look of excitement.

“Well judging by the circle of thrones I’m assuming this serves as a council room of sorts.” Makarov examined.

“Yes. A large map of Equestria can be summoned in the centre of the circle.” Twilight said. “It can also show us where to go and where we are.”

“Well then, this could serve as a good way of finding out when and where the dragons will strike. I think it would be best if I stay here so I can inform my children if something should come up.” The guild master said. “Which means I would suggest Natsu and Gajeel take up residence here, as our Dragon Slayers are our trump card to solving this crisis, so I want you two on the front lines.”

“No problem, Gramps. I’m itching to charge in first.” Natsu said.

“If it’ll make the work easier then whatever.” Gajeel agreed nonchalantly.

“So what about you and the Thunder Tribe, Laxus?” Elfman asked.

“Well Laxus is a Dragon Slayer too so maybe he should live in the castle as well.” Wendy suggested.

“Well as his team we must stay by his side should he need us.” Freed spoke.

“I’m cool with wherever, just so long as I can have fun there.” Bickslow grinned.

“Fun! Fun! Fun!” the tikis chattered causing Pinkie to giggle.

“I will admit that boutique does sound inviting.” Evergreen mentioned. Laxus looked amongst his team before exhaling.

“I think I’m gonna take a walk. Get a look at this crazy town.” He muttered before he took his leave with the other three close behind.

“Just give him some time to settle in. I’m actually quite surprised so many of the others adapted this quickly.” Makarov said.

“So be it. For now, take a look around and make yourselves at home.” Celestia said. “We’ll be in touch on the situation and inform you as soon as something comes up.”

With that, the Fairy Tail guild was welcomed to their new (temporary) home(s). Applejack lead Elfman, Gary, Cana and Juvia to Sweet Apple Acres where she proceeded to introduce them to her family.

“Y’all, I’d like you to meet some of our new friends from the world yonder. This here’s Elfman, Gray, Juvia and Cana. And Fairies, this here is my big brother, Big Macintosh or Big Mac as we tend to call him.

“Hey.” A large red stallion with an orange mane and wearing a work horse collar said.

“My little sister, Applebloom.” Applejack continued as the gang looked to a small yellow filly with a red mane and a big pink bow on top.

“Wow! They must be freezing with so little fur.” She said curiously.

“Hahaha! First time seeing a human?” Elfman laughed.

“She’s so adorable~.” Juvia smiled whilst petting the filly on the head.

“And last, but far from least is our Grandmother, Granny Smith.” Applejack concluded as she introduced an old, light green mare with a white mane in a bun.

“Well I’ll be. I’ve seen many strange creatures in my time but none as peculiar as you.” Granny said.

“We’ll take that as a compliment, Ma’am.” Gray said understandingly. “We really appreciate the accommodation during our time here.”

“Gray’s such a formal gentleman.” Juvia blushed at his politeness.

“Oh no need for the formalities, Sonny. Any friend of our Applejack is an honorary member of the family.” Granny smiled.

“Well the least we can do is help out on your farm. If there’s any work that needs doing we’ll lend a hand.” Elfman grinned.

“And you can pay us in cider.” Cana smirked.

“You got yourself a deal, Sugar Cube.” AJ winked at the card mage. And so, the four mages went about helping the Apple Family for the rest of the afternoon. Elfman, being the man he was, helped Big Mac with ploughing and carrying loads of apples to the storage. Though it seemed the two had made the chores into a contest as they worked.

“Hop to it, big guy, I’m two crates of apples ahead. Don’t tell me you’re gonna be beaten by an animal with half as many legs as you!”

“Nope!” Big Mac replied as he began to pick up speed whilst towing the large cart of fruit. Meanwhile, Gray was currently re-tiling the roof of the barn which had gained a few holes during a storm.

“Holy smokes! You make re-shingling look easy with those hand thingies. It usually takes us a while to put up new tiles.” Applejack complimented from below.

“Nothing to it. I’ve done repairs a few times on previous jobs.” Gray replied as he wiped his brow form the heat. Of course this didn’t go unnoticed by Juvia who was currently using her magic to water the orchards, though she seemed to be more focused on her crush continue his hard labour though her water momentarily became steam when he removed his shirt.


“Umm, Miss Juvia?” Applebloom said trotting up to the rain woman. “I think you’re watering a tree stump.” But Juvia no longer seemed to be paying attention to her work. Elsewhere, Cana was helping Applejack carry barrels of cider down to the storeroom for when the season came and the young woman was finding it extremely difficult not to break open a barrel and drink to her heart’s content.

“Just hold yer horses for now, Cana. You can have all you want once we’re done for the day.” AJ said.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Ponygirl. When I set my sights on a good drink I can’t be held back for long.” Cana replied. “Your cellar’s gonna be half dry when I’m done drinking.”

“Do that, and I’ll put you to work cleaning out the pens.” Applejack said with a wicked smirk. “Trust me, no one wants that job.” Though despite the risk of their cider store’s being emptied, the Apple Family were finding the mages to be quite the versatile guests. This could be a great year for the farm.


“So? Whaddya think?” Twilight asked but Levy and Lucy could only gape at what they were seeing. They, along with Natsu, Gajeel, Makarov and Rainbow Dash were now standing in the library of Twilight’s castle. Of course, the latter was thoroughly impressed by the alicorn’s vast collection but that couldn’t even begin to describe the former’s reaction.

“No words…should have sent, a poet.” She whispered at the stacks of tomes organized into crystalline book cases. “I’ve never seen such a beautiful library in all my life.”

“Meh. Just looks like another boring old bookshop to me.” Gajeel muttered causing Levy’s jaw to drop in utter shock as she let out a few garbled words of disbelief.

“A-another boring- ARE YOU BLIND, GAJEEL?!” she squawked grabbing him by the highest point of his shirt she could reach. “This is a-” her argument was cut off by Gajeel and Natsu snickering as they bumped fists. “Oh you’re so funny!”

“Good one, nuts & bolts.” Rainbow grinned.

“Hmm-hmm. Well at least Levy’s impressed by your home.” Lucy chuckled as Gajeel mockingly patted Levy’s head much to her irritation.

“Yes this is indeed a magnificent castle, Princess.” Said Makarov. “I must admit, I’ve yet to encounter such architecture.”

“Well I’m glad you all like it. It feels nice to have others staying here besides Spike and myself.” Twilight replied. Though the silence was soon broken by the sound of growling stomachs.

“Sorry. I haven’t eaten since this morning.” Natsu said raising his hand. “You got any fire?”

“Excuse me?” Twilight asked.

“And some scrap iron. I’m feeling hungry too.” Gajeel spoke.

“Scrap iron? Fire?”

“Oh yeah, you don’t know yet. Dragon Slayers replenish their energy by eating the substance they use in their magic. Natsu’s a fire Dragon Slayer, whilst Gajeel’s an iron Dragon Slayer. Wendy’s a sky Dragon Slayer and Laxus is a thunder Dragon Slayer.” Lucy explained.

“Fascinating. Well I’m sorry but we don’t really have either of those materials here.” Twilight apologised.

“Well then how ‘bout some meat?” Natsu asked.

“Or some fish?” Happy piped up.

“Actually I think I saw some cows in a field when we arrived here. I bet you could roast up some of them.” Gajeel said.

“Yeah! Barbeque time!” Natsu cheered.

“NO! The animals you eat in your world are citizens here in ours. You can’t eat them or it would be equivalent to murder.” Twilight said. The Dragon Slayer’s jaws dropped before Natsu blurted out.

“You mean there’s no meat here either?!”

“I can’t have fish~?” Happy whimpered, his eyes tearing up.

“Well I’m pretty sure it would be alright to eat fish. Fluttershy catches them for her otters and seals.” Twilight said.

“YAY!” Happy cheered relieved his favourite food was still on the menu.

“Well I don’t wanna eat nothing but fish. I need something bigger!” Gajeel protested.

“Well…there is one place where I think you’d be allowed to hunt for food.” Rainbow Dash spoke up. “The Everfree Forest.”

“The what forest?” Natsu asked.

“It’s a great forest on the outskirts of town. It’s a very mysterious and unnatural place.” The cyan Pegasus said.

“How so?” Gajeel questioned.

“The plants grow, the animals look after themselves and the clouds move, all on their own~!” Rainbow answered in spooky voice. Natsu and Gajeel looked at each other before they along with Happy and Lily as well as Lucy and Levy burst out laughing. “What’s so funny?!”

“That just sounds like a normal forest to me.” Natsu said.

“Yeah! Next you’ll be telling me it rains there.” Gajeel cackled.

“With all due respect, Rainbow Dash, how does that make a forest ‘unnatural’ and ‘mysterious’?” Lucy asked wiggling her fingers in spooky emphasis.

“All forests grow by themselves and animals are independent all the time and clouds have been moving since the dawn of time.” Levy added.

“You’re saying all the forests in your world are like Everfree?!” Rainbow asked, astonished.

“Well duh!” Gajeel responded.

“Well that’s not the case here. The Pegasi control and create weather all over Equestria and we grow all plants ourselves and animals are cared for by ponies like Fluttershy. Only the most dangerous uncontrollable beasts live in the Everfree.” Twilight said.

“Well. Now we know where to find lunch.” Natsu said before turning around. “Your welcome to come if you can keep up, Gajeel.”

“I’m the one who should be saying that!” Natsu looked up to see Gajeel was already at the end of the hallway and walking out the front door with Lily padding after him.

“HEY! Come on, Happy! We’re goin’ hunting!”

“AYE SIR!” Happy saluted before picking up Natsu by the back and flying the two of them out and after Gajeel and Lily.

“They’re going to fight monsters in the Everfree Forest without an ounce of fear?...WAIT FOR ME!!” Rainbow shouted before taking off after them as well.

“Always on the move.” Lucy grinned sheepishly.

“Are they always this imprudent?” Twilight asked.

“They’ll be fine. Those kids have been through worse than a leisurely stroll through the woods.” Makarov reassured the Friendship Princess.

“Actually, I think I’m gonna go out too. I want to visit that boutique Rarity owns. I’ll bet she’s taken a liking to Mira if she’s been told about her centerfold.” Lucy said before taking her leave as well.

“As for me I’m gonna start perusing.” Said Levy as she went over to the nearest bookshelf and began taking some off it.

“Hey. Has anyone seen Spike?” Twilight asked though she quickly caught a glimpse of purple scampering out the door as well.


Concurrently, Pinkie Pie was bouncing along towards Sugar Cube Corner with Erza and Lisanna in tow. As they reached the bakery, they stopped to take in the image of the cake themed architecture.

“What a beautiful building.” Erza said as she clasped her hands together and let out a whimsical sigh. “It reminds me of the gingerbread house in the story I read as a little girl. I don’t think I ever could’ve grown to love cake so much if not for that wonderful story.”

“You do remember that house was really a trap for luring children to be eaten by a witch, right?” Lisanna asked.

“Well this house may not be made of gingerbread but there’s definitely gingerbread inside, as well as many other treats I’m sure you’ll enjoy.” Pinkie winked before the trio entered the house. “I’m back Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Pound and Pumpkin.” Upon entering the two mages found themselves greeted by a pair of ponies. Was a skinny yellow one with a short orange mane whilst the other a sky blue colour with a twirled pink mane and sitting a couple of feet away from them were a pair of foals; one was a light cream colour with a tufty brown mane whilst the other was pale yellow with a tufty orange mane.

“Oh welcome back Pin-oh my!” The blue pony said in surprise when she noticed Erza and Lisanna.

“Um, are these the…humans was it? The ones the Princess summoned to help stop the dragons?” the yellow stallion asked.

“That’s right though these are just two of them. This is Erza and Lisanna. Girls, this Carrot Cake and Cup Cake; I work here at the bakery with them. And these are their children Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.”

“It’s very nice to meet you all.” Lisanna bowed politely. “I know you must be quite surprised seeing a human for the first time. Don’t worry, we’re not offended.” Erza, on the other hand seemed to be more focused on the contents of the bakery. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks blushed at the sight of the hundreds of different cakes on display.

“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen a more beautiful bakery in my life. So quaint and small yet so full of tasty charms to draw in a hungry customer.”

“I take it baked goods are her favourite.” Carrot murmured to his wife.

“Maybe even more so than Pinkie dare I say it?” Cup replied.

“So here’s the dealio. The girls need a place to stay for the time they and the rest of their friends are here. Me and my friends divided them amongst ourselves so they’d each have somewhere to sleep and so Erza and Lisanna will be staying here.” Pinkie explained.

“I hope you won’t mind our presence. We’ll be more than willing to compensate with work around your establishment.” Erza said. “I don’t mean to brag but I am quite the skilled baker.”

“And I’d be more than happy to look after your foals. I’ve done plenty of babysitting in my life.” Lisanna offered.

“Well we could always use the extra help looking after the shop when we’re away making deliveries. And it would certainly be good to know we have a babysitter on standby besides Pinkie.” Carrot said. “I think I’m comfortable with letting them stay for the time being.” Cup nodded in agreement.

“Thank you. We really appreciate your hospitality. And to thank you I would like to purchase some of your produce.” Erza said.

“Oh you want some cake?” Pinkie asked. “Take your pick.” Erza looked at the many treats on display but found she couldn’t decide between them. She’d never seen cakes such as these. Not even in her favourite bakery back in Magnolia. These were something else entirely. The requip mage straightened herself up after thinking the situation through before she spoke.

“You know what? I can’t choose. I’ll take all the cakes.”

“All of them?!” Pinkie gaped before she faced forward and grabbed ‘something’ which she began to shake in disbelief. “She wants ALL OF THE CAKES!!” with that the pink mare began zipping around the bakery, packing every cake she could grab into boxes whilst Carrot Cake and Cup Cake were staring dumbfounded at the woman’s order.

“A-All of them?!” Carrot stuttered.

“Yes I like to treat myself on special occasions.” Erza smiled.

“’Treat yourself’?! Dear I may not know how much more a human can eat than a pony but surely this must be a bit much?! Can you even afford it?!” Cup said to Erza in equal disbelief.

“Actually this isn’t the first time she’s done something like this.” Lisanna said sheepishly. “She’s cleared out the bakery back in our home town several times. She’s their best paying customer.” By this point Pinkie was now lying in front of the counter, panting, having packed the last cake in the shop, a mountain of packages stacked behind her.

“Here’s your…..order,….Erza.” she breathed. “That’ll be…..one thousand bits…please.”

“Ah. Of course. I should’ve thought you might have a different currency here. What are…bits?” Erza asked. Pinkie responded by holding a small coin which Erza took in hand before her eyes widened. “This is gold!”

“Really?! Wow, does this mean gold is equivalent to chump change here?” Lisanna said in surprise.

“I’m afraid my people don’t use this currency, but I’m sure I can provide you with something of equal value to one thousand of these.” Erza said before a red magic circle appeared above her open hand and out of it, fell a large glittering gemstone as big as Wendy which Erza found to be as light as a feather to lift, at least for her. “I was rewarded this as payment on job and been meaning to cash it in but now I find it’ll be of better use here. So should this gem suffice to a thousand bits?” the Cakes and Pinkie stared in utter shock at what the mage had presented them with before they all broke into large grins of impressed joy.

“Welcome home!” they said in unison earning a laugh from Lisanna.

“I think you’re gonna fit in just fine here.” She said to her friend.

“Pinkie. Would you kindly show our honored guests to their rooms? Cup and I will bring Miss Erza’s delivery to her as soon as possible.”

“You got it, Mr. Cake.” Pinkie saluted before she began to lead Erza upstairs.

“You two may need some time to get all those cake sup there. I can keep an eye on your foals during.” Lisanna said.

“We appreciate the offer dear, but I think the children might be a little…um how do I put this delicately.”

“Oh no I understand.” Lisanna smiled. “I’d probably be a little scared too, but don’t worry; I know how to approach them gently. Pinkie could you come here a second?” Pinkie trotted over to Lisanna before the girl placed her hand on her head which glowed yellow for a few seconds before she pulled away.

“Oooh~. That tickled.” Pinkie said.

“What was that?” Carrot asked.

“Oh you’ll see.” Lisanna winked before she held out her arms and her body began glow in with checkered yellow light. “Take Over. Animal Soul.” She said before he whole body was engulfed in a flash of light and when it settled the group gasped at what stood before them. It was a dusky blue unicorn with a short silver mane and tail and on her flank was a cutie mark which pictured a paw print, a feather and a fin. “Pony!” she said standing on her hind legs in a pose.

“Who are you?” Pinkie muttered, unable to process the situation.

“It’s me, Lisanna.”

“You…you turned into a pony!” Pinkie gaped.

“Yep! That’s my magic. I absorb the traits of any animal I encounter and can transform into them. Now I can approach the foals without frightening them.” She then trotted over to Pound and Pumpkin who were staring at the human/pony is what seemed to be amazement. “Hello there. My name’s Lisanna.” She smiled at them. The babies looked at her before they smiled and began to giggle, waving their little legs. Lisanna giggled back before her horn began to glow which resulted in a pile of building blocks rearranging themselves to form a small cast while she also held up a stuffed bear and made it dance around merrily. Pound cake fluttered his tiny wings before he flew about a foot of the ground and then sent himself barreling through the block castle, knocking it down and laughing all the way while Pumpkin cake used her own horn to levitate the bear away from Lisanna and began to chew on it.

“Wow, she’s good.” Pinkie blinked.

“Lisanna has always been good with kids.” Erza smiled proudly.

“Well I must say you humans are really something.” Carrot grinned.

“I could say the same of you ponies.” Erza replied. “Now then, which cake shall I try first?”


Meanwhile, Fluttershy had lead Wendy and Carla to her little cottage on the edge of Ponyville. The trio were currently inside and whilst Fluttershy was feeding some of the mice and squirrels, Wendy was sweeping the floor while humming merrily to herself.

“I-I hope it’s not too small.” The Pegasus hoped as she scattered a few acorns amongst a group of squirrels.

“It’s lovely, Fluttershy.” Wendy reassured sweetly.

“Agreed. It’s a nice peaceful little home. I think we’ll do just fine here.” Carla added who was washing one of the windows. She wiped her brow after she finished before settling down in a nearby basket. The white exceed padded around on the fluffy inner lining before she curled up to take a nap but at that moment a hopping noise sounded from upstairs before a small white rabbit came bounding into the living room.

“Who’s that, Fluttershy?” Wendy asked.

“Oh that’s my pet bunny, Angel.” The white rabbit hopped down the stairs before he looked to the basket and gaped when he spotted someone sleeping in it. He snorted angrily before bounding over and then of all things, pushed Carla out of the basket, sending her tumbling across the floor.

“Ow! Who did that?!”

“Carla!” Wendy said running over to her. “Are you alight?”

“No, I’m not. Someone disturbed my nap and I think I bumped my head.” Carla huffed.

“I’m so sorry!” Fluttershy apologised drastically. “Angel didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s just you were sleeping in his basket and that’s the one thing he doesn’t let any of the other animals do. It’s my fault; I should have told you before.”

“You have nothing to apologise for, Fluttershy. “ Carla said before she turned around to face Angel who upon seeing her in full view, felt a blush coming on. “So you’re the one who pushed me. You at least could’ve woke me up gently and told me to move, instead of shoving me out. How rude!” the rabbit looked at the female exceed before he brushed off her dress and bowed his head.

“I think he’s trying to say sorry, Carla.” Wendy said. Carla looked at the rabbit before she stuck her nose in the air, her eyes closed.

“I suppose I can forgive you. Just don’t push me again.” Angel nodded before he hopped over o his basket and pushed it over to Carla.

“Aww look, Carla. He wants you to have the basket back.” Wendy swooned at the cute gesture.

“Angel’s never offered his basket to anypony before.” Fluttershy said, surprised. Carla blinked before she said.

“Well, that’s very nice of you, Angel. Thank you.” The rabbit smiled as he looked away bashfully his cheeks pink and his long ears folded. But at that moment, Wendy spotted a group of figures passing by outside the cottage and as she went to the window, she recognised who they were.

“Hey look. It’s Natsu, Gajeel, Happy and Lily. And Rainbow dash is with them too. Hi guys!” she waved from the window causing the group to look in her direction.

“Hey, Wendy!” Natsu smiled, waving back, though Happy seemed to glare at the cottage as though he could see what was going on inside.

“I sense a love rival.” He murmured sinisterly.

“Where are they off to I wonder?” Carla asked.

“It looks like they’re heading towards that large forest.” Wendy answered. Fluttershy nearly dropped the bag of pet food she was holding.

“Not…the Everfree Forest.” She whispered.

“The Everfree Forest?” Wendy asked.

“It’s home to some of the most dangerous animals in Equestria. Hurry, we need to stop your friends from going in!”

“Oh there’s no need to worry.” Wendy smiled. “Natsu and Gajeel can take care of themselves.”

“Once those two set their sights on something, nothing will stop them. A few wild beasts won’t be any trouble to them.”

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy checked.

“They’ll be fine, no need to worry. Come on, I wanna meet the rest of your animals.” Wendy said, changing the subject to a lighter sense. And so, the group made their way out to the garden tot end to the rest of Fluttershy’s animals. Carla decided to refill the bird feeders, while Fluttershy went about feeding her chickens. Wendy meanwhile was grooming some kittens.

“Hehe. It feels so funny being around regular cats. I’m always expecting them to talk.” She giggled when she suddenly felt a large shadow over her and when she turned around she gasped to see a giant grizzly bear standing over her.

“AAAAAH!! A BEAARR!! HURRY! PLAY DEAD!!” she screamed before falling flat on her back. Carla and Fluttershy turned around, startled at the noise before the former gasped at her partner’s state.

“Wendy! Get your hairy mitts away from her you big brute!” she shouted as she prepared to fly at the large animal before Fluttershy stopped her.

“It’s ok, he won’t’ hurt her. He’s friendly.” The Pegasus said before she went over and gave the bear a hug which he quickly returned. “See?”

“He-He’s harmless?” Wendy asked, sitting up.

“There’s always a way to tame an animal if you know how. Especially if you’re able to show them kindness.” Fluttershy said. “I met him in the forest one day; he had a nasty cut on his paw and was going wild from the pain. At first I thought he wanted to eat me too, but when I saw he was hurt, after I healed him up, we became friends. He guards the smaller animals here.”

“But I thought you said the Everfree was full of dangerous animals.” Wendy said.

“It is, but I didn’t say they couldn’t be tamed.” Fluttershy winked. “I was worried because your friends have never been there before. You can get in a lot of trouble if you don’t know your way around it.”

“Amazing. You’re really brave if you have the guts to tame animals lots of people would think would want to eat them.” Carla complimented.

“Oh no, I’m not brave; I’m just good with animals. I’m actually scared of lots of things.”

“Well everyone’s afraid of something. I’m actually scared of pickled plums.” Wendy grinned awkwardly.

“Pickled plums?”

“Yeah, they’re just so…sour~.” Wendy cringed as her lips began to tighten. “Just the thought makes my lisp pucker. Gray actually beat me in a battle by eating a whole jarful of them and making a face at me.” she then laughed. Fluttershy giggled back.

“Sort of reminds me of Twilight’s fear of quesadillas.”

“What’s your worst fear, Fluttershy?” Wendy asked.

“Oh…well my worst fear is…dragons.” Fluttershy shivered.

“Dragons? But what about Spike? He’s your friend isn’t he?”

“Yes, but he’s only a baby. Real dragons are big, mean and scary full of fire and smoke and sharp teeth and claws.” Fluttershy said curling up smaller and smaller with each descriptive feature.

“But that’s not true. My Mother taught me that like all species, even dragons can be good and peaceful as well.”

“You mean your Mother studied dragons?”

“No she didn’t study dragons. She is a dragon.”


“Wendy was raised by a dragon when she was just a toddler. The same thing happened to Natsu and Gajeel. Many Dragon Slayers were raised by dragons.” Carla informed.

“Her name is Grandeen, the Sky Dragon. She found me in the forest when I was little and raised me as her daughter. She taught me many things including magic. It’s how I got my Dragon Slayer magic. It can be learned through the teachings of a dragon and allows me to take on the qualities of one. It’s how I’m able to eat the air and use it to increase my power and cast spells. Natsu fuels himself by eating fire and Gajeel eats iron. Their dragons were named Igneel and Metalicana.” Fluttershy was speechless at this revelation.

“It’s like you said. Fluttershy. Even the most dangerous of beasts can have hearts of gold within if you know how to find them.” Carla said. “Our Dragon Slayers could never have become who they are if not for their dragon parents.”

“…That’s…that’s unbelievable. I’ve never heard of one being raised by a dragon, let alone in a way such as this. But then why would they teach you magic that’s sued against them?”

“The only thing that can fight a dragon is another dragon. You could say me and the others are like Spike. We were all baby dragons to begin with but now we’ve grown stronger and one day we’ll be a strong as a full grown dragon.”

“And you’re not scared of them? Not even a little?” Fluttershy asked, still unable to comprehend the situation.

“Not at all. They’re may be bad dragons but there’re good ones too. You shouldn’t fear an entire species like that. I mean if Spike grew big would you no longer be friends with him just cause he grew lots of teeth and claws.”

“Of course not! Spike’s a wonderful dragon.”

“So then why not give other dragon’s a chance too?” Wendy asked.

“You can’t possibly believe that he’s the only good dragon in the world can you?” said Carla.

“N-N-No…” Fluttershy murmured. Wendy smiled before she placed her hands on Fluttershy’s shoulders.

“Well I see no reason for you to stay scared of them. You’re not scared of other animals. Even ones from the Everfree Forest. So why not dragons? I’m gonna see to it that you don’t’ have to fear dragons ever again. You wait and see; I’m gonna teach you how to tame your dragon.” Wendy grinned while Fluttershy could only look at her in complete awe.


But not far away, Natsu and Gajeel, along with Happy and Lily, were charging through the forest with Rainbow Dash flying behind them.

“Alright! We’re gonna catch us some dinner!” Natsu grinned.

“I may not eat meat, but I’m always up for fighting monsters!” Rainbow grinned. As the group continued trekking a growling noise eventually reached their ears.

“Looks like our lunch decided to come to us.” Gajeel snickered, his fists turning metallic. And sure enough, two ferocious beasts began to emerge from the forest, towards the gang. A lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail came prowling towards Gajeel while on the opposite end of the clearing a giant wolf made entirely form wood advanced towards Natsu.

“Gihi. Wanna fill us in on what we’re dealing with, Skittles?” Gajeel asked.

“Rainbow. And looks like we’ve got a manticore and a timberwolf on our hooves.” The cyan Pegasus said. The Dragon Slayers and Exceeds grinned.

“You take the walking fire hazard, Slamander. I’m gonna show this pussy how novice he is to a real cat like Lily.”

“I think I’m quite capable of showing him myself.” Lily said as he grew into his large anthro form while his Busterman sword grew into a giant blade three times his size. “You can join in too if you can keep up.” He added with a smirk to Gajeel.

“Whoa.” Rainbow gaped.

“Happy, you’re with me.” Natsu grinned.

“AYE SIR!!” Happy cheered as he held onto his partner’s back and his wings grew double in size. “No one’s faster at flying than me.”

“What was that?!” Rainbow asked. But little did the group know that just out of sight, behind a tree, Spike was watching them, ecstatic at the battle about to instigate.

“LET’S GO!!” Natsu roared as he and Gajeel charged at their given opponents. As the former flew towards the timberwolf it roared furiously at them causing happy and Natsu to gag as they caught a whiff of its foul breath.

“GAH! Two word, man: tooth brush.” Natsu spat before his fist suddenly erupted into a flames. “Fire dragon iron fist!” KA-POW!! The wooden beast was sent flying back from the strike, bits of its body breaking off as it did. Meanwhile Gajeel and Lily were facing off against the manticore. The large cat snarled before it lunged at Gajeel and tackled him to he ground.

“Gajeel look out!” rainbow shouted before the beast sunk its fangs into the iron Dragon Slayer’s throat. But second later it recoiled in agony revealing its large fangs to be shattered and Gajeel completely unharmed, his skin now covered in metal, silver scales.

“Too tough for ya, kitty?! Lily could crack my scales with his bare fists!” Gajeel grinned before he catapulted the beast off him with a large iron bar which seemed to materialize out of his hand strike the manticore in the stomach. “Iron dragon club!” Rainbow dash meanwhile was overwhelmed at what these two humans were capable of she couldn’t’ seem to get a hoof in on the action and has resorted to watching on the sidelines.

“Cats rule and dogs drool~!” Happy snag as he and Natsu flew circles around the timberwolf.

“Let’s finish this!” Natsu grinned before he began to draw in a deep breath as did Gajeel. “Fire dragon…”

“Iron dragon…”

ROAR!!!!” the two roared as they sent a blast of fire and iron form their mouths, each hitting their respective target. The blast sent Rainbow Dash tumbling backwards into a hedge and Spike had to cling onto the tree he was hiding behind. The timberwolf was blown to pieces until its burning remains came tumbling down from the air to form a large roaring campfire with a wooden rotisserie hanging over it. The manticore meanwhile was eviscerated by the cloud of iron shrapnel until what looked like a giant uncooked turkey came falling down and landed right on the rotisserie before the campfire began to roast it up nicely.

“Dinner…” Natsu began.

“Is served.” Gajeel finished as they hi-fived, along with Lily and Happy.

“Dibs on the leg!” Happy drooled as he ran to pull off a hunk of manticore.

“I’m getting the ribs!” Lily shouted as he went to join him.

“Fine, more breast for me.” Natsu grinned rubbing his hands together.

“Not a chance, Salamander. I’m gonna chow it all so there’s none left for you!” Gajeel laughed before the four friends began to wrestle over the carcass to get the most meat. Rainbow meanwhile was at a complete loss for words. Those two had just taken down two of the strongest animals in the forest without even flinching and reduced them to a campfire cookout. The Pegasus fell on her rump as she took the scene in before a big smile began to tug at her lips before she pressed her cheeks together.

“Sooo awesome~!” she squeed. But while she only saw two humans laughing together over their meal, Spike was seeing something else entirely. All he could see before him were two magnificent dragons; titatanic in size, bursting with power and flowing with pride. One was scarlet red with pointed horns, gargantuan wings and a mouthful of blazing fire while the second was armoured from nose to tail in thick, shining scales of silver iron. Both of them roaring in victory of their battle against the beasts of the Everfree Forest.

"So this……….is a Dragon…..