• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,360 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

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To The Dragon Lands!

After tricking Garble into thinking that Spike was captured and that the Crystal Empire was to heavily defended to assault, the group rode in the train out of the Crystal Empire heading south to the Dragon Lands. Having already passed Ponyville around 3 days ago the train travels South as it leaves the forests and into the more arid lands of Equestria. Much to the dread of Natsu and Gajeel who hung their heads out the window ready to puke. In the meantime, Spike and his new friend Melinda were having a private chat as Melinda promised to teach Spike her ways of being a dragon as well as Spike teaching Melinda his own values all while both having a light distinct blush on their faces. Nevertheless, she was fascinated on how he was raised and by royalty no less as he detailed his life from his hatching day to where he is now. But a few seats down, Rarity can't stop glaring at the curvaceous dragoness, her cheeks puffed up with a red tinge on her cheeks.

"Rarity you can stop glaring at them" Applejack bluntly said.

"She's planning something I just know it" Rarity mumbled.

"Someone's jealous~~" Happy said slyly.

"I'm not jealous! I'm just worried for Spike, I love him like a brother you remember?" she said.

"Love is still love~" Happy continued to tease.

"I think it's a little cute" Wendy giggled.

"Honestly Rarity I expected more you" Carla said crossing her little arms.

"Nothing more exciting than a love triangle~" Lucy also teased. However as the group joked around Rarity's feelings, Erza wanted some answers about Garble. She gets up from her seat, and heads to the dragon's conversation.

"...wow, so that's why ponies gotten along so much?" Melinda asked Spike as he finished the tale of Hearth's Warming.

"Yep, and Equestria was founded too!" Spike said proudly remembering his role in the play at Canterlot. He pauses and looks up to see Erza "Oh hey Erza what's up?"

"It is something I want to know about our opponent, 'King' Garble. Melinda...how exactly did he come to power?" she asked in a serious tone as Melinda looked down a little.

"He won the Gauntlet of Fire..." she said.

"The Gauntlet of wha?" Asked Rainbow.

"The Gauntlet of Fire, it is a ceremony held to choose the next Dragon Lord. Ruler of the Dragons, the previous Dragon Lord Torch stepped down from power and hosted a competition to gain the Bloodstone Scepter from the fire volcano. All the youthful dragons, including myself and Thorn's daughter Ember, competed for the throne. But Garble won...the moment he grabbed the scepter he was the ruler of all dragons. It was then he started to formulate his plan to conquer Equestria, he even forced Ember to be his mate!" Melinda said.

Spike growled as he clenched up his claws. "Grable..." he gritted his teeth as his maw made some green sparks.

"He immediately started using all the magic power from the scepter....and I believe it's starting to corrupt his mind". She continued

"So he's legally the king of the dragons." Grey said listening in, in nothing but his shorts.

"M-mr. Grey...um....y-your clothes" Fluttershy said softly blushing.

"Ack not again!!!" Grey jumped.

"Fascinating, so even though dragons are very reckless they still have to answer to the Dragon Lord?" Twilight asked.

"Whoever's dragon lord, his/her word is law no matter what" Melinda answered as she nodded to Twilight's question.

"Shoot...how are we going to beat Garble then if he's legally the ruler?" Rainbow said.

"If we take out Garble, the whole dragon lands would retaliate against Equestria." Twilight pondered causing Fluttershy to whimper in fear.

"Well there is one way....but if could be dangerous" Melinda said.

"Well what is it?" Wendy asked.

"A duel.."

"A duel?" Spike asked.

"A duel for the throne of Dragon Lord." she said causing a gasp among the the passengers, but suddenly the train comes to complete stop rocking the cars.

"Hurk!!!" Natsu and Gajeel try their best to hold in their lunch from the jerking motions of the train cars.

"What the?! Why are we stopping?!" Erza yelled demanding an explanation,

"U-um guys?" Pinkie pointed out the window ahead of the train, revealing a contingent of royal guard charging towards a large group of attaching dragons!

"AW YEAH WE STOPPED MOVING AND THERE'S A BATTLE~!!" Natsu bellowed as he rockets out the train. "Come on Happy~!!"

"aye sir~!!!" Happy cheered following his partner.

"Ugh...finally we're off this god-forsakken thing!!" Gajeel yelled charging after Natsu "I'M NOT LEADING YOU KEEP GETTING A HEAD START SALAMANDER!!!"

"Do they always act like this when they get off of transportation?" Rarity asked.

"You have no idea..." Lucy said as she rushed out to assist in the battle.

"Wait for me!!" Spike yelled as he's hopped off his seat and follows the Fairy Tail guild. Melinda would've followed but she was blocked by Grey.

"Not so fast Melinda, if the dragons see you they'll immediately brand you as a traitor and will attack you." he said.

"But then why does Spike get to go!?" she cried in annoyance.

"These dragons don't know what's going on with our plan and we're going to keep it that way" Grey said as Erza and Twilight flew off to the battle. Melinda growled but sighed knowing that she can't fight.


"But hey at least you'll have company" Grey pointed to Fluttershy as she was cowering under the seats as the battle rages outside.

"Uhhh....right." She sighed as she sits across the row from where Fluttershy is.

"Eep!" Fluttershy squeaked.

Meanwhile at the battle, the pony soldiers and guild fight back the dragons in a flurry of flames, ice, sword and magic! Unicorns shot powerful combat spells while earth ponies fought the dragon troops in close combat. Natsu and Spike ate the flames breathed by the dragons.

"Ready buddy~!?" Natsu smirked to Spike.

"Ready Natsu~!!" Spike cheered.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!" They both breathed a huge flamethrower that merged into one mega blast of dragon fire!

"KEEP THE PRESSURE ON! DEFEND YOUR COUNTRY!!" Erza commanded as she launched a shower of blades onto the dragon army. Across Equestria, from Manehatten to Seaddle, pony armed forces held the front lines against the nationwide dragon assault. Though their main weapons don't do much to pierce the dragon scales their magic attacks and mastery of the weather allowed the ponies to also beat back the dragons and the assistance of the Fairy Tail Guild further.


Over at Ponyville, Cana, The Thunder Legion, The Strauss Siblings even Makarov are using their own magical abilities to combat an invading squad of dragons.

"Lightning Dragon ROAR!!!" Laxus bellowed sending an electrifying beam at the dragons. As Elfman, taking the form as a giant beast was slamming his monster fists on the bodies of downed dragon. Even Mira, in her Satan Soul demon form was brutally beating the absolute crap of the dragons when Freed trapped them in word traps.

"Soul Extinctor!!" Mira yelled blasting the dragons in a beam of dark magic.

"Cards Volley!!!" cried Cana launching a wave of magic card attacks.

As the battle rages outside, Lisanna in her pony form watches over the citizens that have taken refuge in the basement of Twilight's Crystal Castle. Some foals and fillies huddle together with their respective parents as they try to calm them down.

"Is everypony safe for now?" Lisanna asked the citizens.

"It's too tight and dark, can't we get a bigger place!?" A certain spoiled pink mare complained, but was quickly shut up with the sounds of battles increasing in volume.

"Are you crazy!? We might as well travel to the gates of Tartarus than to go up there!" Lyra cried.

"Yeah do you want to die!!?" Bon Bon said. The Pink mare grumbled, as the ponies wait out the violent battle above.


Back to the battle at Southern Equestria, further powerful blasts from Gajeel, Levy, and Grey turned the tide of the raging battle in their favor forcing the dragons to start their retreat.

"We beat them back!!" one pony trooper yelled as the squad celebrates their victory.

"WHOO HOO~!!" Natsu cheered as he high fives Spike and the others. Though some of the troops are wounded, they are quickly healed up by Wendy's healing magic.

"I-is it safe to come out now?" Fluttershy squeaked poking her head out the window of the train.

"All clear Fluttershy, you too Melinda." Twilight said as the yellow pegasus and light blue dragoness comes out of the train.

"Okay good news and bad news." Erza said landing in front of the group. "The good news, after speaking with the guards the dragons are in full retreat across Equestria. Your homes are safe in Ponyville."

"So what's the bad news?" Rarity asked.

"The tracks are wrecked and we still have a ways to go to get to the Dragon Lands." She bluntly said.

"You don't mean!?" Rarity gasped.

"We're walking the way there..." Gray said.

"Heck if I care, no more trains means no more motion sickness for me~!!" Natsu exclaimed happily. But then something caught his eye coming in from the north. "Hey what's that?" he points to something glowing leaving small trails of what seems to be flames coming towards them.

"It's glowing, is it another scout?" Erza readies herself.

"Doesn't look like it, it's too small" Lucy squints her eyes as the glowing light dies down and goes lower.

"It's getting pretty close" Panther Lily said.

"Hold on....it kinda reminds me of something." Rainbow pondered, as the shape of bird is now apparent. "Wait a minute is that a-!?"

"No way!!" Spike said as he runs up to the landing bird.

"What is it Spike?" Lucy asked, she and the others soon gasp once they get a good look. Around the size of a human baby, it's feathers are colored in blazing red orange and yellow. It gives off an aura of elegance and power while it carefully lands on Spike's shoulder.

"A Phoenix~!!" Twilight exclaimed.

"it's not just any phoenix, It's Pee Wee~!!!!" Spike exclaimed. "Hey there guy, long time no see!!"

Pee Wee squawked happily as he flaps his wings.

"He said 'Long time no see too Spike~!'" Fluttershy said happily as she translated for Pee Wee.

"Holy crap Spike!! This bird is your pet or something?" Happy asked.

"Yep remember that story of when I first met Garble and his jerk squad, Pee Wee here hatched from the egg I saved! I took care of him for a bit before I gave him back to his parents. Wow you grew up fast huh Pee Wee~?" Spike said stroking the fire-birds' feathers.

"Wow Spike he's beautiful~" Lucy said as Pee Wee squawks again making a saluting motion with his right wing.

"He said he wants to be by his master's side through his journey to stop the dragons!" Fluttershy said.

"Awesome! My own flying buddy! Kinda like Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy!" Spike exclaimed.

"Except he's not a exceed..." Gajeel flatly stated.

"Incredible," Melinda comes in front and kneels forward to see the phoenix up close, however Spike couldn't help but blush seeing the very distinct cleavage of her large bosom while the ponies behind her get a good long look of her large behind. "It is said that the phoenix are pets only to those worthy of keeping them, and usually they are kings or queens!"

"R-really?" Spike choked a bit keeping his eyes focused on Melinda's gleaming ruby-colored eyes. It's having an opposite effect than what Spike wanted. As the sun shines down on the dragoness, he notices how her blue scales gleams in the light and how her green spines matches his own spines.

Melinda soon stated "I have to say Spike...Pee Wee looks.."

"Beautiful." He blushes still staring at her. Her eyes widen a little, as she a streak of red appears on when she catches him simply staring at her.

"W-well I was gonna say handsome...but that works too." she said as she gazes into Spike's emerald eyes.

But at the back, Rarity was gritting her teeth at the scene while Natsu was paying Happy from their bet.

"Boy....I knew sparks would fly~" Levy said.

"Just look at them, they're falling for each other hard~" Lucy smiled seeing the two dragons blush so red they might as well change scale color. It was then Pinkie noticed something.

"Hey is it just me, or Spike is a little taller?" She asked her friends.

"Really? Ah don't think I noticed....come to think of it with everything going on he does look a little bigger" Applejack said.

"Huh...wait remember what Melinda said about how Spike was raised? Now that he's being trained by the dragon-slayers as well as his diet changing to be more carnivorous his body must be slowly reacting" Twilight said.

"Whoa....do you think he'll grow wings soon then?" Rainbow asked.

"No clue, we'll just have to wait and see." Twilight said.


The days past by as the gang journeys to the dragon lands, crossing the arid landscapes of Southern Equestria with their phoenix friend in tow. At their breaks they take the time to further train Spike in the dragon-slaying arts as well as Melinda also teaching Spike what she considers the best of dragon's traits; And slowly over the passing days, he gets stronger in his combat skills even gaining another couple inches in height, if anything he was just starting to get to eye level with most of the Mane 6. Surprisingly,even Laxus was able to join up with the group to assist in taking down the tyrant dragon and to put his input in Spike's training being a lightning dragon slayer. But that wasn't all, as they spend nights on a makeshift campground, Spike especially spends them with Melinda sleeping beside her and occasionally cuddling lovingly which felt weird for Melinda at first but has grown used to it and even enjoys it whenever Spike is by her side.

Then on the day before they reach the borders of the dragon lands, they have one more training session in heavy combat. The four dragon slayers against Spike.

"Alright Spike, before we head into enemy territory we're going to test your abilities to your limit." Laxus said.

"So we won't hold anything back pipsqueak" Gajeel grinned.

"Ready little buddy?" Natsu asked pounding his fists together as the Mane 6 simultaneously gulped.

"B-be careful Spike!!" Rarity cried. But Spike gives a confident smirk and a thumbs up to his pony friends.

"I'm ready Natsu." He goes to a attack pose.

"IRON DRAGON ROAR!!" Gajeel opens up with a blast from his maw while Laxus and Natsu dart towards Spike in flanking positions. Spike barely dodges the blast as his feet then glows an orange hue. He leaps into the air as his feet are on fire in a rocket-like trail, his claw then glows and bursts into a brilliant flame as he charges at Gajeel

"Fire Dragon's IRON FIST!!" He slams his fist right as Gajeel coated his skin in iron, pushing him back a bit. Gajeel smirked from the push-back.

"Not bad pipsqueak, but you still keep forgetting an important rule~!" he bellowed.

"ALWAYS WATCH YOUR BACK!!" Laxus bellowed with a lightning filled fist barreling towards Spike's back. But Spike quickly disappeared in a strong gust of wind, the trio looked up to see Spike high in the air .

"Wind Dragon's wings~!!" he exclaimed.

"Not bad!!" Natsu yelled as he darted towards him with his own fire dragon powered legs. "FIRE DRAGON CLAW!!" he bellowed clashing with Spike who had his own iron armor on. But it was too much as he was slammed to the Earth below.

"Ooff!!!" He struggles a little as he gets back up. He then starts breathing in the air around him, eating the wind itself before puffing his cheeks up. "WIND DRAGON ROAR!!" he blasts a beam to the 4 dragon slayers, just as they dodge but Gajeel stood his ground taking the hit in his iron scales.

"Dammit, I'm out!" Gajeel steps out, as Laxus then launches his own dragon roar to block out Spike's roar.

"My turn!!! LIGHTNING DRAGON'S JAW!!!" Laxus bellowed as he launches his attack at Spikes while Twilight was biting her hooves at the intense battle before her.

"Come on Spike you can do it!!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"This is so awesome!!" Rainbow cried watching the battle. It takes a few hours and before the 5 beings tire out from the tough battle covered in bruises and scratches.

"Spike are you okay!?" Twilight asked worriedly as Spike was panting.

"All....good Twi" Spike tiredly gave a thumbs up.

"'I think you overdid it guys' Lucy blatently said." Horologium stated as the clock spirit contained Lucy within him.

"S-she's kinda right" Fluttershy said hiding behind a scorched rock outcrop.

"Alright everyone Take 5, let's rest up before we enter the dragon lands" Melinda said.

"I'll heal everyone up" Wendy said as she gets to work healing the dragon slayers and Spike. But as Spike was being healed, he can't help but stare a Melinda as she helps set up camp.

"Hey Wendy?" he asked.

"Yeah Spike?"

"What do you think about Melinda?" he asked.

"Melinda? Oh she's really nice once you really get to know her like you. She's even really pretty, she kinda reminds me of Erza and Lucy" Wendy said as the bruises healed up.

"Yeah she's really something huh~?" he said.

"Well then....tell her how you feel." Carla flatly stated, causing him to blush. "It's no secret that you and Melinda both have strong feelings for each other. We saw how red you two blush and how closely you two sleep together."

"But....I don't know....I may be still recovering from my old crush from Rarity" he said. "And what if she laughs at me or rejects me?"

"Although I highly doubt that would happen, but I understand how you would be so hesitant on love. " Carla said.

"Thanks Carla, I'll think about it" he smiles. But little did they know, a scout was watching them from a distance and had saw everything. He flies back to the heart of the dragon lands to the massive castle where Garble waits on his throne and Princess Ember is begrudgingly at his side.

"Report, what have you seen" Garble bellowed.

"it's the humans and that pipsqueak...they've arrived at the borders" The scout bowed.


"My liege...Melinda had betrayed us, she has been working with the dragon slayers!" The scout cowered, Ember's eyes widen as she looks to a now furious Garble.

"MELINDA YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING, WEAKLING TRAITOR!!! I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A PIKE!!" he roared as he mar spewed hellfire that echoed through the castle. Ember herself gasped after hearing the news, during Garble's tantrum she had sneaked off to the side at a safe distance away from her forced mate. As she looks out the window to Equestria, she can't help but mutter as she swallowed her pride.

"Please....save this world and save our kind. Spike whoever you are....you are the only one who might be able to take down Garble." she mumbled.