• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,360 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

  • ...

The Dragoness

About a day had passed since the dragon's failed attack on the Crystal Empire. Repairs were already underway for any of of the damaged buildings and the citizens were already moving back in after receiving an all clear from Shining Armor. The only difference that had come from the battle was that the Empire now had a special guest in their midst. Needless to say Melinda was shocked by the situation she was now in. The dragoness had expected to either A) Capture and escape with Spike to bring him to Garble or B) Be captured and imprisoned in Tartarus by the ponies. But instead, although she didn't succeed in obtaining Spike and was caught by the enemy, the little dragon had insisted she not be made a prisoner as he believed it would only make the war worse than it already was.

"So this is where you'll be staying." he said as he lead her to a spare room in the castle. "I know it looks delicious, but try to resist eating it. Twilight gave me such a scolding when I pigged out on one of the other guest rooms during my first trip here. Ate everything in sight." he laughed with a hint of past embarrassment.

"Why?" Melinda asked earning Spike's attention. "Even though I was sent to abduct you, you insisted I remain unchained. You out of all of them should want me locked up." Spike looked puzzled at first but he soon gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Well when you put it like that, I guess I should be the maddest of the bunch. But I wasn't raised that way. Equestria stands for far greater things than locking up war prisoners. I was taught to see the good in everypony and learn to understand them. I can tell just by looking at you that you aren't here out of hatred for our nation, and locking you up would only give Garble even more excuses to rile up the other dragons to fight. That's why I wanna show you what we truly stand for." Melinda stared at the young drake in awe of his wise words.

"Besides," Spike added. "A lovely lady like you shouldn't be chained up in some dingy jail cell." Melinda blushed lightly at his compliment before she smiled at him warmly.

"Thank you. You're very kind, Spike." the boy chuckled bashfully rubbing his head.

"Hehe yeah I get that a lot. So how about I show you around? The Crystal Empire's more than just one giant dragon treat."

"Oh I-I don't know." Melinda hesitated. "I'm with the enemy after all. The ponies would probably be terrified or even spiteful if they saw me."

"Not if you're with me they won't. I don't know if you saw the statue, and I don't mean to brag, but I'm actually a national hero here. So as long as I tell them you're on my side you should be fine."

"Well, I suppose it's worth a try." Melinda nervously agreed. Spike smiled at her agreement before he took her by the claw and led her down to the main entrance.

"And just where do you think you're going, young drake?" the two turned to see Twilight tapping her hoof accompanied by the rest of the Mane Six and Fairy Tail.

"I thought I'd show Melinda the Empire. Teach her why Equestria's such a great place to live." Spike smiled. Twilight sighed.

"Spike, I understand your reason for keeping...Melinda, out of prison. But I'm sorry, I don't trust her. Not after learning what she was sent here to do. What if she takes off with you as soon as you step outside? I know you've gotten stronger but..."

"It's ok, Twilight. I know you're just worried about me and I'd be a fool not to see why. But I can just tell Melinda isn't gonna take me away. It's hard to explain but I just feel it."

"It's because you're listening to your heart." Erza smiled. "You look passed her actions and instead see the good in her that others can't. Trust me, I've done it before." she said as her mind drifted to the thought of a certain blue haired man. "Go on. Show her what makes this place home for you." Spike beamed at the Queen of the Fairies' supportive words.

"Thanks, Erza you're the best! Come on, Melinda!" he said before the two left the castle.

"We're following him right?" Rainbow asked.

"Yep." Twilight confirmed.

"Here here. I'm not fully convinced myself." Rarity agreed.

"I'll admit I'm curious too." Lucy piped up. "Plus I didn't see much of the Empire before the attack so no time like the present."

"I'm coming too." Happy grinned. "I wanna see if Spike scores with that lady dragon."

"Happy she's like twice his size!" Applejack interjected. "She's gotta be at least ten years older than him!"

"I would like to join as well." Juvia spoke.

"Why do you wanna go?" Gray quizzed. "Are you afraid Melinda's your love rival for Spike?" he then joked, but of course it went right past Juvia who began panicking.

"Oh darling please don't misunderstand! I have no such feelings for Spike! You're my only true love and you always will be!"

"I was kidding, jeez. You need to work on your sense of humour." Gray muttered.

"Oh. Well my reason is the same as Happy's. I think this may be the start of a beautiful romance."

"N-Now Juvia, dear. You know they've only just met, and under questionable circumstances might I add." Rarity smiled a little nervously. "And then there is the whole matter of her her age as Applejack brought up. Don't you think you might be getting a little ahead of yourself?"

"Not at all. I've never once been wrong when it comes to love." Juvia smiled proudly.

"Now I know that's a lie." Gray frowned as Lucy nodded in agreement which shocked Juvia at first before she started swooning again.

"Oh Gray, your harsh criticism is what helps me become the woman you deserve~!"



"Welcome to the Crystal Empire!" Spike opened his arms presentingly as he and Melinda were now walking through the crystalline streets. As they walked, the passing citizens were surprised to see a dragon other than Spike in their midst. Considering the events that had just transpired, they naturally kept their distance from Melinda which saddened the dragoness.

"Is this really how they've come to view us? Is this what our image has been reduced to because of Garble?" she thought until a small voice snapped her back to her sense.

"MR SPIKE~!" the pair looked to see the family that Spike had rescued form yesterday running to them. The little filly ran to the drake and hugged him, knocking him to the ground since she was close to his height. "Thank you! You saved me and my Mommy and Daddy!" she said nuzzling him thankfully.

"You're welcome." Spike chuckled as he gently pushed the filly off so he could get up only to be hugged by her Mother.

"Oh Spike the Brave and Glorious! We owe you our lives! Thank you!" she said before giving him a kiss on both cheeks and passing him to her husband who gratefully shook his claw.

"If it weren't for you we would have surely perished that day. I don't know what this Empire would do without you, Honorable Spike." the dragon was blushing by this point from the praise he was being showered in.

"I-It's really no big deal, honest." he grinned.

"Of course it is! Really you're so modest, sweetheart." the Mother argued. "With you on our side those other nasty dragons don't stand a chance. Why they ought to take every leaf out of your book." but that was when the small family noticed Melinda. Not wanting them to panic Spike quickly stepped in.

"Don't be afraid. She's with me. This is my friend, Melinda." the dragoness tentatively stepped forward before she spoke.

"Do...Do you ponies really view us this way? Have all dragons become monsters in your eyes?"

"Oh, please don't misunderstand." the Father spoke up. "We have nothing against dragons in general. I mean you just witnessed our view of Spike so I'm positive there are just as many good dragons as there are bad like the ones who attacked our home."

"Actually, I haven't heard any other cases of other dragons living among ponies besides Spike." the Mother wondered.

"Then does that mean you're like him?" the filly asked Melinda. "Are you gonna help Spike save us?" Melinda looked at her before turning to Spike who gave her a small nod.

"...Yes. I am." the filly smiled before hugging her leg.

"I knew it. You look way too gentle to be a bad guy, or girl." she said.

"Well, we should be on our way now. I have a lot more to show her." Spike said as he began to carry on. "Good day."

"Bye Mr Spike~!" the filly waved as she and her parents headed off as well.


A few hours went by as Spike and Melinda toured the Empire making numerous small stops along the way, including the Crystal Heart and the large statue of the drake which the latter found most dazzling. The pair were currently at one of the restaurants waiting for their serving of gems, which of course were on the house despite Spike attempting to pay.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were a national hero here." Melinda chuckled awkwardly, seemingly overwhelmed by how much the crystal ponies glorified him.

"I know." he laughed back. "Sometimes even I can't comprehend it. I mean really all I did was carry the Crystal Heart to safety and melt a cloud of ice spears."

"I don't think it was the act itself that made you a hero, but the outcome." Melinda deduced. "By carrying the Heart to safety the ponies were able to defeat King Sombra and by melting the cloud you saved thousands of lives. The actions may have been small but they amounted to so much. You have the right to be proud."

"Wow." Spike murmured. "I guess I never thought of it that way. Thanks."

"Hey, it's the least I can do." Melinda smiled at him resting her head in her claws. But not too far away from the restaurant the small squad of Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Lucy, Juvia and Happy were watching

"What are they saying?" Lucy asked Twilight who was holding a large ear horn made of magic.

"She's praising Spike for his deeds to the Empire. Quite insightfully actually." the alicorn muttered with a hint of impressiveness. "Spike did have a hard time being proud of himself during both cases, but it seems she got through to him. Maybe...maybe she can be trusted." she added.

"Never mind that." Happy said. "I wanna see some flirting~!"

"I highly doubt that." Rarity muttered. "Besides they've only just met. Spike's just being polite with her, being the chivalrous gentledrake he is."

"You know Spike." Melinda said as she leaned forward a little causing the dragon to blush a little when she got close to him. "You're incredibly mature for a hatching, and so strong too. Those ponies and humans have raised you so well. I don't think any six year old dragon in our land has become as astounding as you."

"Six?! I'm not six, I'm thirteen!" Spike blurted which startled Melinda.

"B-But that's impossible. You're tiny. If you're honestly thirteen you should be almost as big as me."

"...As, big as you?" Spike murmured confused as his eyes looked over the dragoness's 'well endowed' slender body, his face turning a light shade of red. "How old are you?"


"FIFTE-!" the two sharply turned their heads when they heard a yell of shock but saw no one. The yell of course came from the group who were hiding behind the building, Lucy covering Rarity's mouth.

"She's two years older than him?" the celestial mage asked nobody in shock.

"But she's nearly three times his size." Rarity questioned. "How can they be so close in age?"

"Well let's find out shall we?" Twilight said.

"I smell a win coming. Natsu better have his pay ready." Happy snickered.

"You bet on whether they'd hit it off?" Lucy gave the exceed a look which made him chuckle.

"But how? You're so, um, big." Spike muttered.

"Believe me I'm just as surprised by your age." Melinda answered. "It must be because of where you were raised."

"Well I ate healthily. Mainly vegetarian and baked goods, although Rarity would treat me with gems. She always picked the best ones." the unicorn smiled at the compliment. "Although Natsu and Gajeel recently introduced me to meat when they hunted a manticore. Boy oh boy did it taste great."

"Hmm. Well your diet is definitely a cause. We dragons have a high protein diet what with all the meat and gems we eat. You'd probably grow bigger if you had more."

"Well, there was one time I grew. But it's not a memory I'm proud of." Spike muttered with a guilty tone.

"How what happened?"

"It was my birthday. I think was about ten, maybe nine. It was my first birthday since Twilight and I moved to Ponyville and up until then I only ever got presents form her and Shining Armor and maybe if I was lucky, Celestia. But now we had all these new friends and they threw the best birthday ever with so many generous gifts. I even got a kiss from rarity back when I had a huge crush on her."

"So then what's the problem?"

"Well after my birthday Twilight sent me to sugar Cube corner because the Cakes had baked me a special sapphire cupcake for my birthday as a surprise."

"Wow. I've never heard of gem cakes." Melinda couldn't help licking her lips which made Spike chuckle.

"Yeah. Anyway, after I left I bumped into Cheerilee the school teacher and told her it was my birthday, just to make gossip, but she gave me this cool hat. That was when I started feeling this strange urge to get more stuff and I began mooching off everypony in town using my birthday as an excuse. Of course Twilight caught on and snapped me out of it, but then the next morning I'd grown as big as you." Melinda's eyes widened curiously. "And it only got worse from there. I started stealing more and more things growing bigger with each theft until I'd grown as big as a mountain. I went on a rampage and nearly destroyed the town. It was only because of Rarity, when I tried to steal a fire ruby gem I gave to her, that I regained control and changed back to this size instantly."

"I see." Melinda said. "Well as you probably know, dragons have a tendency to horde treasure. We are all born with a small dose of natural greed in our being but in our society it's more gradual and controlled allowing us to grow with ease. but I think, because you were raised in such a chivalrous way and in such a small society, coupled with your vegetarian diet, you were unable to grow as a regular dragon would."

"But then why'd I grow so big and crazy on my birthday?"

"Because that was your first taste of greed. But because it was such a large and fast dose of it your body took it in all to well causing you to lose control. Your natural tendencies being minimalised has stunted your physical growth."

"Unbelievable." Twilight murmured. "She knows so much."

"Well duh, she's a dragon." Rainbow stated.

"And you said that garble and his friends were the first dragon you met?" Melinda asked.

"Well technically my first was a giant green dragon whose cave I trespassed on in the Everfree Forest. He was not happy to see me." Spike jittered.

"How much do you know exactly about our kind, Spike?" Melinda inquired to which Spike frowned.

"Not much. At least nothing positive. When i met garble all he and friends wanted to do was fight, wrestle and smash phoenix eggs. they were just a bunch of bullies. I actually didn't want to be a dragon if that's what it meant to be one. But then I met Natsu and the dragon slayers. They were raised by dragons in their world who were wise, powerful and loving parents to them. It's because of them and fairy Tail that I want to be proud to be a dragon." Melinda smiled.

"I'm glad you feel that way, spike. I would hate for such a sweet drake like you to reject your kind. I want to teach you everything about what we really stand for. Not those savages Garble's got under his thumb." the dragoness got up form her chair and walked up to Spike, kneeling before him as she took his claw in hers.

"Ohhh here it comes~." happy grinned unable to contain his excitement.

"Is she going to propose to him? She's on her knees." Juvia blushed at the sight.

"They haven't even kissed yet, geez!" Lucy gawked.

"Will...will you let me show you the true ways of a dragon, Spike? Even though we met on weaker terms?" Melinda asked gently petting him with her free hand which made him shiver from her contact as he looked into her beautiful red eyes.

"Melinda I...I'd be honored to learn from you." he accepted placing his hand on hers making her gasp happily.

"Oh Spike thank you!" she cried before she picked him up and embraced him, unintentionally burying him in her soft bosom.

"Aww they're hugging." Lucy beamed.

"They're in loooooove~!" Happy blushed.

"How can she just snatch him up like that?!" rarity spluttered. "At this rate she's going to smother the poor dear."

"Are you jealous?" Rainbow asked. "You're jealous aren't you?!"

"I am not!"

"Yeah you are. You're not used to him being over you." Rainbow smirked while Melinda continued to hug Spike. But that was when small flecks of white began to rain on them.

"What the?" Spike wondered as he caught a few. "Rice?"

"Well isn't this just a beautiful touching moment?" the two dragons looked up to see Discord floating above the fountain next to the restaurant throwing rice onto them. "So when's the wedding? Can I be the best drake by a foot?"

"DISCORD?!" Spike squawked. "What are you doing here?!"

"Oh I just thought I'd see how our little lady is settling in. You're certainly making a good first impression, my lad."

"Thanks but did ya have to stalk us like that?"

"Well at least I'm willing to admit unlike some group of friends we know back there." draconequus pointed his tail to the building the group were hiding behind.

"Wait who's back there?" Spike asked before he spotted part of Twilight's tail. "Twilight is that you?!"

"Thanks a lot, Discord!" Twilight ranted as she and the group begrudgingly came out form their hiding spot.

"What? I have loose lips." Discord shrugged before his mouth fell off and landed on a boat that appeared in the fountain, sinking it to the bottom until the draconequus picked his mouth out of the fountain and glued it back on.

"Have you lot been spying on us?" Spike demanded.

"Sorry, Spike I just had to be certain." Twilight apologised. "But now I see that Melinda's a good dragon. You were right to keep her unchained."

"Yeah and she sure knows a lot about dragons. I bet Natsu and the others would love to pick her brain." Lucy said.

"Plus she's gorgeous don't you think?" Happy asked giving Spike a friendly nudge making him blush.

"Hey you lot~!" the group looked to see Carla flying towards them.

"Hey, Carla what's up?" Lucy asked.

"You need to come back to the castle, now." the exceed informed the group. "We need to discuss our next course of action."


After returning to the castle the others were informed by the royal couple and Erza of the plan of attack they'd come up with.

"If there's one thing I know about battles, it's that the enemy is sure to return with a second wind." Erza spoke. "I propose the best plan of action would be to give garble a reason to call off any further attacks on the Empire while we go to confront him. Lucky for us we have an ace in the hole."

"And what's that?" Lucy asked.

"Melinda." Erza answered.


"As we recall, you were ordered directly by Garble to abduct Spike and not contact him until you did." Shining mentioned. "So this is the plan. You'll pretend to capture Spike and deliver a fake message to Garble. Additionally you'll inform him of how much the Fairy Tail wizards pushed back his army from the previous attack and suggest he put further assaults on the Empire on hold until the wizards, particularly the dragon slayers are eliminated. That should take his focus off us long enough for Twily, her friends and fairy Tail to reach Garble's location and stop him."

"Well it would keep the dragon's focus off the city, but it would all depend on how well garble buys the message. I'm pretty sure it will take more than Melinda's word to convince him."

"Oh you just leave that to me." Discord grinned.


"That girl's really taking her sweet time." Garble muttered as he drummed his fingers impatiently on his throne. "How long does one need to catch a single puny dragon?" but at that moment a flame appeared in front of his face startling him.

"King Garble! Sire can you hear me?!" Melinda's voice sounded.

"Speak of the devil. Melinda what's your report?! Have you captured the dragon Spike?!" Garble asked as the dragoness came into view.

"Yes, Sire. I have him right here." Melinda answered as she held up a chained Spike in her hand.

"RRHGH LEMME GO!! LET GO OF ME!!" he shouted as he struggled against the chains while Garble chuckled sinisterly.

"Very good, Melinda. You may return." he said as he was about to hang up.

"Sire wait! There's something else i need to tell you!"


"I don't know how much you know about how the attempted attack on the Crystal Empire went, but those humans are really dangerous! Our armies weren't merely pushed back, they were beaten to a pulp. Just look at this recording I took." Melinda said before breathing some fire in front of the communicator and when the flames cleared garble was presented with the image of a large ferocious dragon attacking the city before the beast was struck by Natsu's iron fist and then Gajeel's sword and lastly Wendy's roar until the dragon fell in defeat. In reality, the dragon was simply a puppet crafted by Discord's magic as the chaos spirit was manipulating the model with his fingers while the dragon slayers attacked it.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Twilight asked.

'Hey I was able to fool all of you wasn't I?" he grinned at the alicorn before summoning a band of smaller puppets which Erza, Gray, Lucy, Juvia and Levy fought against with ease. All the while Garble had a truly shocked expression on his face form seeing his 'men' being pummeled by these puny meatbags.

"Sire." Melinda spoke as the 'recording' ended and she showed her face again. "I understand that you didn't expect much threat form these humans but I fear we may have underestimated them. There's no way we can conquer Equestria while they defend it. I know it's not my place but, I would recommend that we call off any further attacks on the Empire and focus on getting rid of these interlopers." Garble glared as he rubbed his chin in thought before he closed his eyes.

"You're right. These creatures are indeed capable of fighting us and it would be a waste of our armies to send more to the Empire if they're still around. Where are they now?"

"They're just leaving the Empire now, Sire, along with the ponies and discord. I fear they may be coming after me to retrieve Spike and then come for you."

"Don't worry. I'll secure our land for their arrival. This time we'll be prepared. You're dismissed."

"Yes, Sire." Melinda concluded before the communicator vanished. "Well, how was I?" she asked turning to the group.

"You should consider doing theater." Natsu grinned. "Same goes for you, Discord." he added making the draconequus chuckle.

"Well I have always been quite the performer." he smiled proudly.

'Well while the empire may no longer be targeted, Garble now knows we're coming." Lucy said nervously.

"Don't worry. There's more than one way into the city. even some Garble doesn't know about." Melinda reassured.

"Well in that case let's go." Twilight said.

"You take care out there, Twily." Shining hugged his sister.

"I will BBBFF."

"And the same goes for you, Spike." Cadence said.

"You can count on me." the drake saluted.

"Then let's get a move on. No time like the present." Discord said before conjuring a scooter and zipping off ahead of them.

"Hey! How come he gets a set of wheels?!" Pinkie complained.

"Hey I'll take walking any day of the week." Natsu said as the group headed out of the Empire and onward to their destination. "We're coming for you, Gargle."

To be continued...