• Published 1st May 2015
  • 5,359 Views, 125 Comments

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict - edwinflores428

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

  • ...

Spike Vs. Garble

Darkness, that's all Spike knows so far. He woke up just a few minutes ago in this realm of nothingness, his eyes scanned for anything his heightened senses tried to feel anything but there was nothing, save for a faint light wind that curiously sounds like breathing.

"Hello!? Anyone here!? Twilight? Melinda? " Spike called out. "Where the hell am I?" He muttered to himself as he continued to walk along in the darkness as he talked to himself.

"How'd i get here anyways? Last thing I remember I ate all of the dragonslayer's attacks....and then." He suddenly stops in his tracks, his eyes shrank to pinpricks as his frills droop down. "I'm.....I'm dead aren't I?"

He feels tears welling up in his eyes as he drops to his knees. "It didn't work...Garble's going to win and i sacrificed myself for nothing...FOR NOTHING!!" He yelled as green embers left his maw. "I'm too weak...I should've listened to Twilight, I'm no dragon slayer or a dragon....I'm just what Garble said...a freak lizard"


"What?" Spike sprang back up looking around, high and low for the source of the voice. The faint light wind from earlier became louder, heavier. Spike can definitely feel a rhythm to the wind. "Who said that?" He keeps turning and turning trying to find the source of the voice, until he is met by a giant, green colored fire in the shape of dragon's eyes. If one could see them as Spike, one could say they were the size of Garble's head.

"I did...."

"Who....who are you?" Spike asked trembling a little but standing his ground, he can sense the massive power emitting from the flaming eyes.

"Who I am does not concern you at the time at claw....that's quite a power you're attempting to harness aren't you Spike the Dragon?"


The ponies and mages are in tears at their fallen friend, after devouring the 4 powerful attacks from the dragon slayers.

"No he can't be gone! HE JUST CAN'T!!!" Melinda was crying rivers as she sobbed into her claws.

"Dammit!!! It was our trump card!!" Natsu yelled as he glared at Garble, who grinning evilly as the alliance suffering.

"Like I had said earlier....he's nothing but a freak lizard~" He taunted.

"YOU SHUT THE F**K UP!!!" Melinda cried as she charged at Garble "He was a hundred times better as a dragon than you could ever be Garble! I'LL KILL YOU!!" She was stopped held back by both Laxus and Natsu.

"Don't do it Melinda, you'll get killed too! You'll waste S-spike's sacrifice if you die" Rarity yelled with tears in her eyes, her makeup trailing down her cheeks.

"Save you strength woman!" Laxus firmly stated as Melinda dropped to her knees. c

"Spike...please, come back to us." Fluttershy prayed as she cried.

"You can't go...not like this" Rainbow said fighting, yet failing, back the tears. "It's not fair to you..."


"Power? What are you talking about?" Spike asked the flaming eyes.

"A power that haven't been seen since the dawn of dragons, a power that levels mountains and wipes out civilizations." the low booming voice said as the eyes circled Spike.

"The dawn of drag-....but that's over thousands of years ago!!" Spike yelled as the voice chuckled.

"It's a power that the first alicorns sought to seal away from the destructive powers....Makes sense since the dragons were no more than feral beasts back then. However....you're different than most dragons aren't you?"

"Y-yeah what about it?" Spike asked with suspicion.

"You have a code of honor, you have the courage to take the risks, you wield harmony within your heart. However....should you choose to take this power, you may lose control and have to be banished and -"

"I DON'T CARE!!" Spike yelled at the eyes, definite pupils have formed within the flames as Spike interrupted him "Garble has to be stopped! I don't care if I have to be banished to the moon or have to be put down if i loose control! As long as my friends are safe I'll be happy...as long as Natsu and the others are victorious I'll be happy....and even if Melinda gets to have a true free life. I'll be happy! I..I love them, all of them!! They're my family and Melinda...I know it in my soul, I love her!!" He beats his chest proudly as he takes a few short breaths from that hardened speech glaring. The flaming eyes narrows, glaring deep into Spike's souls. Then the voice chuckles before bursting into a massive laughter, the air resonates as Spike's eyes widen in shock, as the rest of the body of the fiery eyes were revealed. It was a titanic dragon, 5 times the size of Garble, the wings were the size of a whole town, the tail as long as a train the claws as pointed as the spires of the Canterlot Castle with the teeth as white as snow and as sharp as even the sharpest blades in the Royal Armory. But most of the shock was from the color, the scales were a shimmer royal purple, the spines and frills a vibrant green and the eyes were a gleaming emerald. "You're....me!?"

"Yes....and don't say I didn't warn you~" The dragon suddenly becomes enveloped in a shimmering green flame and jets into Spike's maw. Spike then swallows it all...


"Spike, my sweet dragon son..." Twilight cried as Melinda approached the motionless body, Wendy had to move aside from her failed attempt to revive him

"Spike, please come back to us." Melinda knelt down beside him, lifting his claw. "Ever since I met you, you opened my eyes to a whole new world. You showed me the good that dragons can do, and the shared love with the ponies. You're proof that ponies and dragons can coexit peacefully." she leans in "Please Spike....I love you, I love you with all my heart and soul"

The rest of the mane 6 (minus Twilight and Rarity) and some of the mages then gasps at the sudden confession as Melinda leans in, locking lips with Spike in a passionate kiss. She then pulls back, with a sad smile and tears in her eyes.


"H-hold on! Did you hear that?" Happy said as his ear twitched.

"I hear it too!" Carla cried, "Wendy his pulse!" Wendy rushes to Spike's side as the expressions on the ponies lighten up as the gasp in happiness.

"It's coming back! He's getting a pulse again! It's....It's speeding up a lot actually." Wendy feels the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. "This feeling...."

"Speeding up?" Twilight asked worriedly. "What do you me-" She was cut off but a suddenly blast of raw magic power emanating from Spike as he opens his eyes. The massive blast causing a massive gale as Fluttershy & Rarity were nearly blown off their hooves, only to be caught by Grey and Juvia.

"We got yah!" Grey exclaimed as the mages stand in shock as Spike slowly stood up, his eyes glowing a fiery green with magenta outlines, his purple scales glowing and his spines glowed white as he started walking towards Garble, who raised an eyebrow in intrigue as each step Spike took made lightning crackle around Spike with green etheral wings appearing behind him

"It can't be...." Gajeel said in absolute shock.

"OH~? Does the little runt have a new trick? Is this the trump card that you were talking abo-" Garble was cut off as Spike suddenly disappeared. "What where the hell did yo-?


"GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Spike roared as he had tackled into Garble's gut, crashing through the walls to the outside. With the wind knocked out of him, Garble barely had time to spread his own wings taking flight pushing off Spike.

"What the actual hell!!!?" Garble roared as he sees Spike actually flying by use of his etheral wings.


"What in Equestria was that power!!!?" Melinda cried. "I've never seen anything like it!!"

"Me neither! There's nothing in the archives about that kind of power in a dragon!" Ember stated.

"Dragon Force," Laxus said as all eyes turned to the dragon slayers.

"It's dragon force, the most powerful state a dragon slayer can obtain. The power to destroy absolutely everything" Wendy said in awe at the giant hole in the wall of where Garble once laid.

"Was....was it from when he ate all 4 of your attacks?" Rainbow asked.

"That's probably it but....whew boy.....I didn't know the pipsqueak had this much power in him!" Gajeel said as a blast roared outside shaking the tower.

"I hate to be the party pooper here but I think this tower ain't gonna last much longer!" Applejack cried as cobble stones rained down from the crumbling ceiling.

"She's right!!" Carla said as her wings appeared. "Best we evacuate"

"R-right!" Twilight said as the group ran out down the stairs. But Twilight looked back to the massive gaping hole where she sees jets of green and red flames blasting each other. "Please be careful Spike."


Outside, a new massive duel has erupted in the skies above the Dragon Lands. The two dragons clashed in the skies, as Spike is enveloped by a flaming green aura as he flew side by side against Garble launching hits and kicks. His arms & fists transforms that heavy steal beams sucker punching Garble in the face.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THIS POWER?!" Garble roared punching Spike but was blocked as Spike raised up his hand coating it with steel at such speed Garble missed it when he blinked. Spike remained silent, glaring at him as he then kicked Garble in the neck filled with lightning. The blunt force of the kick made Garble cough up some blood, as he wiped his tail knocking back Spike.

Below the battle, dragons watch in awe as the red and green flames duke it out in the sky. The raw power radiating from the fight was so much some of the smaller dragons fainted from the occasional shock wave of colliding fists. Once the duo were at a distance between them they roared as their flames shot out of their maws colliding at the midpoint causing a massive explosion blowing away the dark clouds above exposing the sky above.

'WHY DON'T YOU JUST F**KING DIE ALREADY!!!?" Garble roared as he charged at Spike tackling him into the tower they were in before. Blasting through the masonry and stairs, the tower collapses falling to the castle blow as dragon guards scramble out of the way from all the destruction.

"ICE MAKE SHIELD!" Grey yelled conjuring a strong enough ice shield as cover from the collapsing building once they had reached the ground floor. "that was close!!"

"Thanks for save Grey!" Rainbow yelled.

'HAHA!! LOOK AT THE LITTLE GUY GO~!!" Natsu exclaimed as the dragons duked it out in the sky above.

"Aye!! He's crazy powerful!" Happy said as the ponies and dragons looked up in awe.

"He's wrecking everything!!" Levy yelled.

"Well he's definitely going to fit into Fairy Tail once this is all over~" Grey smirked.

"Spike...." Melinda muttered.

As they exchange punches and kicks, Spike then speeds to Garble's head grabs his horn and forces them down to ground level. At great speeds, Spike forces Garble's face to grind against the rocks and ground as he roared in pain. And in a brutal fashion, rips off the horns before tossing them to the side, Spike roars ferociously as the wind, lightning, flame and iron swirls around him. He opens his maw with the sounds of charging as a magenta ball of pure magic forms at the front. He then fires a massive beam towards Garble, and in desperation the demon dragon erects a fire wall as a makeshift shield..

"Try your damn magic against th- AGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!!!" It didn't do any was Garble was blown back crashing into a statue of himself as Spike roared taking to the air.

With Garble not looking so good, he shoots back up to air as he now has brutal cuts and gashes deep in his arms and torso, they're gushing blood as Spike floats in the air. His etheral wings slowly flapping as his glowing eyes stares down Garble, his sharp teeth then shows in a growl as he makes one more tackle forcing them both back down to the Colosseum. The bloodstone-less scepter clatters as they land with a massive thud and crash.

"They landed in the Colosseum! Let's go!" Twilight yelled getting a head start galloping down the war-torn streets.

"C'mon everyone! We gotta go see who won!" Natsu yelled as Melinda, Ember and Rainbow Dash flew besides the princess.

'Please be okay please be okay please be okay!' Twilight and Melinda thought to themselves as the group raced towards the arena.


At the arena, Garble laid panting..heavy wounded, cough up blood and throwing up half-digested jewels. He can barely stand anymore as the damage done to his limbs was simply too great. "This....can't.....this can't, THIS CAN'T BE F**KING HAPPENING!!!" Garble roared, but this roar was different. It sounded weak, timid....scared, and his eyes widen seeing the purple drake land at the other side of the arena..quietly walking towards him. "You shouldn't beat me...YOU CAN'T BEAT ME!! I...AM YOUR MASTER!!" he yelled.

Spike opens his maw, the familiar charging of the beam forces Garble to breath an even thicker fire shield. Spike fires, the beam slices through the shielding like a hot knife through butter. With the shield erupting in an explosion, it reveals Garble now with a giant gash along his torso. Gallons of dragon blood splatters across the arena and the stands, his scales crack and shatter as Spike continues to walk towards him.

"S-stay..b-back" Garble weakly said before getting a face full of a fire dragon fist knocking him back as Spike lands on his neck. "M....mer....merc- AGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!' Garble wails in pain as Spike continues to punch him in the face repeatedly and ferociously. "S-stop..p-please." His now one good eye widens as he no longer see the young drake...in the fogginess of popped blood vessels, he now sees a titanic roaring dragon, far larger than he is with shimmering royal purple scales, vibrant green spines, proud powerful wings and muscles, sharp claws and teeth, and emerald eyes glaring down as the dragon roars in domination and victory.

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Spike roared as clenches his fists together, slamming them on Garble's stomach. Garble's cheek then puffs up with bile and gems, he then throws up on the ground producing a pile of half-digested gems, jewels, and meat but most importantly the Bloodstone itself which was wrapped in nerves and and broken blood vessels. Garble's eyes roll back as his body shrinks down to that of the time before the whole war even started. At that moment, the rest of the gang finally catches up to dragons entering the battleground and gasp to find who's there and who's left standing. Twilight's eyes widen in shock at the horrific state Garble is in as Spike stands tall over him.

"Spike..." Twilight muttered quietly in shock.

"HE BEAT HIM!!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Land sakes..." Applejack was in awe at Spike's super powered state and the amount of blood splattered across the grounds.

"The Bloodstone!" Ember cried pointing the pulsating red jewel.

Spike then grabs the scepter and the bloodstone, instinctively reuniting to two into the single item. He feels the Bloodstone's power flowing through him in which he raises the staff high before slamming the bottom down to the ground. The scepter in reaction, releases a massive wave of red magic as it shoots up and out spreading across the lands.


Across Equestria & the dragon lands, the dragons fighting within streets of Canterlot or the deserts of Dodge Junction, or spacious skies above. All dragons big and small came to a complete halt in the war as they turned their gaze to the dragon lands.

"Sister....what was that?" Luna asked giving one more hoof punch to a dragon who was in her chokehold. Celestia smiled proudly as she looked around to the stunned dragons.

"They did it sister...." Celestia takes a deep breath and bellows in her Royal Canterlot Voice. "THIS WAR...IS OVER~!!!!"

And all at once, both the ponies and the rebel dragons erupt in celebration, possibly for the first time in all of pony history. Word of the end of the war spread like wildfire from the humble towns like Dodge Junction and Apploosa to the glamouring cities of Manehatten and Las Pegasus and especially Ponyville and the Crystal Empire.

"Hmph" Makarov smirked as he looked out to the distance with the Strauss siblings "I knew they could do it~"

"Yep, I'm sure Spike is going to fit right into Fairy Tail~" Mira said.

But over to the site of the Gauntlet of Fire, Fire Lord Torch was freed from his pertrification taking his first breaths. "What the? I'm free?" Torch sees the tower of red magic shooting up to the sky, he takes flight to investigate and as he flew he sees the massive destruction to the once proud drgaon city. "What in Tartarus happened here?" He growled as he remembered the culprit "Garble....I'LL CRUSH HIM!" He reaches the arena "Alright Garble you're going to have hell to pa-" his eyes widen at the unbelievable, at least in his opinion, sight. Ponies, dragons and these fleshy bipedal beings all united over the defeated and horrible bloodied body that was Garble.

"Ember?" Torch asked as the blue dragon gasped.

"Dad...." Ember couldn't help but tear up, shooting towards Torch and hugging a small area of his body. "Y-you're okay...." she turns around and smiles "Everyone, meet my dad. The previous Dragon Lord, Torch."

"What in Tartarus happened here and who..." his eyes widen again seeing Spike wielding the Bloodstone scepter, his body still glowing with the dragon. He then looks at the fleshy bipeds and a memory flashed in his head from over 900 years ago. "It can't be...."


"The Dragonslayers....." he muttered.

"Whoa you know we are?" Wendy asked as Fluttershy cowered behind her.

"I witnessed their power and the dragon's defeat when I was but a hatchling over 900 years ago." He then looked in awe as Spike floated down, the glowing dying down and the moment he touched the ground his eyes closed as he fell to the floor.

"Spike!!!" Twilight and Melinda rushed to his side.

"T-twilight? Melinda?" He groaned as his eyes crack open.

Twilight had tears in her eyes and she pulls in Spike in a tight hug.

"Too tight" Spike groaned.

"We were so worried for you" Twilight cried silently in joy.

"Is Garble....?"

Melinda nodded as she joins in the hug "You did it Spike, you won and.....you're the new Dragon Lord~" She smiles warmly.

"I .. I'm what?" he's in a complete daze as he is suddenly rushed by everyone.

"Holy crap Spike you were amazing!!!"

"You beat the absolute s**t out of Gargle~!!"

"You've grown exceptionally powerful"

"I can't wait to spar with yah once we get to Magnolia~"

"THREE CHEERS FOR SPIKE~!!" Rainbow yelled as she and Pinkie grabs the drake & started tossing him up in the air multiple times.

"OW OW OW!! STILL HURTS!!!" Spike yelled in pain

"SPIKE!!!" Twilight and Melinda yelled before hitting both Pinkie and Rainbow in the head producing large lumps on their heads with steam emitting from them.

"Ow...." the two mares weakly said.

"Hahahahah~!!! They're practically like Erza!" Natsu exclaimed but freezes feeling the burning gaze of the scarlet haired mage.

"What was that Natsu?" she growled.

"N-nothing..." The gang all laughed as everyone shared in a massive group hug over their victory.


It's been a few days since the end of the great war, a massive crowd of dragons has amassed on the shoreline. Spike sits in front of a large raft, wielding the scepter but he's heavily bandaged, where the unconscious Garble and a few other dragons (which included the ones that had attacked Ponyville earlier) are all tied up.

"Garble and group, you have committed a great crime against not only Equestria but to dragons as a whole. You ignored the great laws of the Dragon Duel, nearly destroyed the Blood Stone and caused massive destruction. As per dragon law you and your cohorts are to be banished from the dragon lands and our allies lands. Never to return." Ember proclaimed beside Spike.

"Goodbye Garble....don't ever come back or next time we fight." Spike's eyes flashed the fiery green and magenta. "I won't let you live next time." Using his foot he pushes the raft making it drift off, the beating of wings from other dragons made the raft drift off faster into the horizon. He sighs as he staggers up, Melinda helps him up. "Hey Ember, I need to tell you something"

"What is it Dragon Lord Spike?" Ember asked as he approached him, she then gasps as Spike passes the scepter to her.

"How about Dragon Lord Ember?" He said smiling as the other dragons gasp and Torch raises his eyebrow.

"W-what me?! I-I can't be dragon lord! You're the one who saved Equestria, you're the one who beat Garble!" Ember said flustered and blushing only for Spike to shake his head.

"You helped lead the rebels, you helped save Equestria just as much as I did. Besides, I barely beat Garble...I'm simply not strong enough to become Dragon Lord. I'm going to continue my training with Fairy Tail. I know you'll rule well Ember" He smiles.

"Well I'll be..." Torch smirked as he nodded to the wisdom of the young drake.

"I...I will Spike, but you'll always be the true Dragon Lord to me" She smiles with a hint of a blush.

"Yo Spike!" Lucy called out from the crest of the beach head. "You and everyone ready to go? We got a first class flight back to Ponyville~"

"Awesome! You coming Torch?" Spike asked the behemoth only earning a light chuckle.

"Nah, you 3 go have fun. Some dragon has to stay here and clean up this mess~" He grinned.

"Alright Dad, thanks!" Ember said as the 3 dragons head to what looks to be a private jet with multiple Discords.

"Flight 888 to Ponyville, final boarding call! Thank you for choosing to fly with Disarray~" Discord exclaimed in a pilot outfit saluting the passengers.

"NO DON'T MAKE ME RIDE THAT THING!" Natsu cried as his fingers dragged through the ground as Erza dragged Natsu to the plane.

"Sorry Natsu but it's too far for me to fly to Ponyville." Happy said.

"I ain't hurling in the air!!" Gajeel exclaimed as Levy pushed him on board with help with Lily.

"I call window seats!" Pinkie exclaimed as they all board the plane. Spike especially takes the best seats of the whole thing right next to Melinda as they share a kiss.

"So...you and Spike are really a thing~?" Levy asked as Gajeel is shaking in his seat.

"Mhmm" Melinda blushes as the door closes as Discord takes the pilot seat, he turns on the intercom making some garbled speech before the plane lifts off at high speed.

"NEXT STOP PONYVILLE~!!!!" Discord exclaimed.

"HORK!!!" Gajeel and Natsu covered their puffed up cheeks with their hands, heck even Laxus was heavily suppressing his motion sickness.


As the crew relaxes for the expected hour long flight, over in Ponyville a massive undertaking is being held as word of Spike's victory and return had reached the town. A massive celebration is being held as the ponies and dragons work together from their hard earned peace. Even Celestia and Luna offered to pitch as the Fairy Tail guild reunite, Makarov was using his giant magic to hoist up the large banners and party activities. The Cakes and Lisanna were working hard to bake and create many goods as Elfman carried barrels of cider from the farm.

"So it was these three fillies that spurred the town to fight~?" Celestia asked Mayor Mare as the Cutie Mark Crusaders were given gleaming golden medals for their bravery as a certain pair of rich fillies cheeks puffed up in jealousy.

"Yes your highness, they made us give a long hard look at ourselves and allowed us to take up arms against the invasion. If it wasn't for them, Ponyville would've been destroyed." Mayor Mare said.

'We were only doing what we thought was right Princess~" Scootaloo said.

"And for that I congratulate the 3 of you, I'm surprised you haven't received your cutie marks yet considering your ages" Luna said earning a jab from her elder sister. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Ex-nay on the cutie-marknay" Celestia said through her teeth.

"So what?.....Sunbutt~?" Luna smirked as the elder sister eyes widen.

"Oh you so did not just go there!" Celestia's right eye twitched as the three fillies slowly backed away muttering 'nope' a multitude of times.

"Hey everyone! They're coming now!...I think." The muffin mare yelled out to the town.

"Places everyone~!" Makarov exclaimed. "Time for the biggest celebration this town has ever seen~!"

"YEAH~!!" Bulk Biceps exclaimed.


Back in the air, as the jet approaches Ponyville airspace through the clouds.

"I need....bag!!" Natsu looks a lot more green as the jet approached Ponyville. It may have been only an hour flight but there was plenty of turbulence as forcing both Gajeel and Natsu to have a few brown paper bags at the ready.

"Why...so much....turbulence?" Laxus asked not looking too good either.

"Now landing at Ponyville~!" Discord exclaimed as he drops the landing gear guiding the plane to the flat plains in front of Ponyville. "Thank you for flying with Disarray Airlines~" He suddenly appears dressed as a flight stewardess as the door flings open with a red carpet rolling out. "Buh bye now, buh bye~" He waves a little hankerchief as the gang steps out of the plane.

'YEAH!! WE'RE OFF THAT CRAZY THING!!!!" Natsu yelled running out to the grass plains.

"Finally..." Laxus muttered as the gang gathered out of the plane.

"Wow....so this is Ponyville~" Melinda said smiling.

"Yeah." Spike said with slight sadness.

"What's wrong Spike?" Melinda asked.

"Remember that experience i had with them when the war started? I...I just still feel uneasy about coming here after that." Spike sighed as the gang heads into town.

"Well Spike, I'm sure they're very sorry about everything and after what happened I Pinkie Promise they will treat you a whole lot better" the pink pony said doing her Pinkie Promise motions.

"What makes you say that?" the drake asked.


"SUUUUUUURPRIIISEEEEEEE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The gang jumped in surprise as the whole town, as well as the rest of the Fairy Tail Guild and some of the rebel dragons spills onto the streets. A massive banner is pulled up reading 'HOORAY FOR FAIRY TAIL, WE'RE SO SORRY SPIKE!'

"Hey hey Gramps~! This is huge!" Grey exclaimed as he's suddenly in his boxers.

"Grey your clothes" Applejack said.

"Dammit not again!" the ice mage exclaimed. But that is interrupted by the sound of sniffling as all eyes go to Spike who's wiping his tear filled eyes.

"Spikey what's the matter?" Rarity asked.

"I-it's just....I just love this town~" He smiled as tears flowed from his emerald eyes as Melinda and Twilight wraped Spike in a loving hug.

'LET'S PARTY~!!!!!!!!!!" Natsu yelled.

"AYE SIR~!!" Happy exclaimed.