• Published 23rd May 2012
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Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #11

Vinyl stared at the ex-showmare, confused. She turned to the gangly tan pegasus who bore the brunt of the verbal assault, curious. "...do you know her?"

He shook his head decisively, denying any knowledge of her.

Of course, this only caused her anger to rise. "Really? You don't remember Trixie? The mare who you slandered in that rag of a paper?!"

At this point, Applebloom decided to speak up. "It wasn't slander." Everyone turned to her, surprised. "Slander's spoken word. What ya prob'ly mean is libel. Still, it wasn't him."

"Really? Then how do you explain this?!" She tossed the paper at the filly's hooves, the article visible and the picture showing clear as day. The Great and Powerful Trixie's Secret Revealed! Photo by Featherweight. "He may not have written the article, but he's still responsible for my pain!"

Applebloom stared down at it, shocked. "...Ah thought we got rid a' all these?"

Trixie, of course, didn't hear her, pointing an accusing hoof at the poor colt. "Trixie challenges you to a rap battle! Tomorrow at high noon!" She turned to Octavia, a serious look on her face. "Trixie shall train with you, so she can be prepared to make that colt pay!" With that, she stormed off.

Applebloom glowered at the retreating mare, calling after her in her anger. "Fine! Ah'll just help Featherweight, then!" She tugged on his foreleg, leading him along behind her.

Vinyl just groaned, shaking her head. "...I'm just gonna...stay here, then." She lifted her sandwich, taking a bite out of it contentedly. "Yum."

"...well Trixie feels foalish, now."

Octavia had just explained to the unicorn how Featherweight was just doing as his editor told him to. "What now, Trixie?"

"Trixie shall..." She paused, thinking carefully. "...have to go through with it. She can't withdraw now. Everypony would call her a coward."

Octavia smiled kindly, offering her some vegetable soup. "Eat. Afterwards, we'll begin practicing."

Trixie graciously took the bowl, touched by the mare's kindness. For the first time in a long time, she smiled.

Applebloom's jaw was threatening to detach just so it could hit the ground with her shock. Recovering enough to talk, she cleared her throat, a bright blush coloring her cheeks. "...glad ya can talk, Featherweight...honestly, Ah almost thought ya were mute..." She put a hoof up to her chin, thinking for a few moments. "...yer entire fam'ly's quite interestin'..."

He chuckled, and the sound alone almost made her swoon. He gestured, as if to make a point.

She sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah, Ah see yer point. L-let's get ta practicin', then."

The next day, at ten minutes to noon, they all gathered in the town square. Vinyl finished putting the headsets on the two ponies, and was about to begin the microphone check. "Trixie, say something, please."

She held her head high, smirking at the colt across from her. "Featherweight will lose soundly."

Vinyl rolled her eyes, turning to the pegasus. "Your turn, kid."

He glanced at the filly in the crowd, who was nodding, encouraging him with a wave of her hoof. He turned to the blue unicorn in front of him. "Trixie - egotism made direly listless."

Everypony, save a certain yellow filly, stared at him in stunned silence. Even Vinyl stared at him over her shades. Dear Celestia, his voice! It's so...so...

"Deep!" Trixie broke the silence with that one word, her irises almost pinpoints. "My goodness, you sound like Smokey Robins!"

Vinyl cleared her throat, catch their attention. "Let's begin, shall we?" She started the music, her grin wide as she began to lose herself in the music. Hopefully, no one will notice my knees turned to jelly.




Alright, you little filly, it's time to duel
Now you'll understand why Trixie's so cool!
Put a mirror near her, there's no reflection to see
You freak, there can only be one Trixie!

Let's take a close-up shot of the issue at hoof -
A unicorn that makes claims without any proof.
I, for one, have all the proof that I'll need
To show that this mare will never win a steed!
Only one Trixie? That's too good to be true!
Then again, no pony would wanna be like you.
If a pic's a thousand word, then consider this -
There's millions out there showing your shame, Trix!

Your rap was weak - couldn't wait for it to end.
Trixie may be single, but you've got a coltfriend.
She can tell photography is your highest passion
But was that one pic really about tail extensions?
Ponies got mad at Gabby, but the fact they let slip
Is that, without those pics, there wouldn't have been gossip!
You're bucking high above your weight class.
My raps will crack your buck-toothed jaw of glass!

All you do is tell lies nopony wants to hear.
Your only trick makes a stallion's rod disappear!
You only made fun of ponies in your awful stage show.
If you didn't brag so much, you wouldn't be a hobo!

My house, destroyed; I have no more bits
Yet you displayed my bad luck just for kicks?
The little respect I had for you just died.
Trixie may brag, but you're the real bad guy.



The next battle is under construction. I need to work on it a bit more, so, for now, please enjoy this chapter! Oh, and I have a whole headcanon about his family. It's rather silly, but I think it adds a bit more to my characterization of him. :p

Once again, a round of applause for SuperChaosKG, for helping with the rhymes (and getting me started on the rest of the battle)!

Late due to Left 4 Dead 2 and Portal 2. ^^; Such good games!

Anyways, I'm going to go work on a pic for a friend! Gonna be the second MLP traditional drawing I've done! (Afterwards, I might do one based on an idea that's been in my head for a bit. ^w^ ~ )

By the way...please, for the love of Luna, PLEASE SEND ME A PM IF YOU'RE ONE OF MY PREREADERS!! I lose track of them and then I can't remember who I'm supposed to send the chapter to! :(

Glad to have that out of the way. ^^; Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~

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