• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 31,562 Views, 7,518 Comments

Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #16: Results and Aftermath & Rap Battle #12: Alternate Aftermath

Vinyl groaned, hesitant to open her eyes, lest she see something even stranger than what she'd already witnessed. Then she began to wonder just what could be stranger than ponies as humans, or even human-shaped ponies.

A loud, blaring noise shocked her awake and off the piece of furniture she'd been occupying. She scowled, staring at the metallic carriage in front of her. "Stupid car!" She grabbed a nearby lamp with her magic and swung at the vehicle.

Just one inch away from her target, she realized the 'car' was a little flat.

The lamp smashed through the screen, embedding itself in the wall behind. Vinyl winced, glancing around to see if anypony had heard her.

While she saw no one else, she did see a rather large amount of technology. Most notably, the large sound system that completely covered a wall. With a grin, she pulled out her spare music player, walking over to it.

Within minutes, she had her favorite dubstep song playing, singing along with perfect pitch and tone. Yes, even the bass drops. She's that awesome. And then came the words. "You don't need to hide my friend, for I'm just like you."

"Not just like me."

Startled, she spun around and saw a familiar face. Grinning, she raced over and hugged her tightly, but briefly. "Sparkle! Dude, it's so great to see you!" She paused for a second before sheepishly amending her words. "You know, as a pony."

A brief flash of confusion crossed the lavender unicorn's face. "What else would I be?"

Vinyl opened her mouth to answer, but something caught her attention. Looking down, she noticed a soft blue light coming from her friend's chest. "...Sparkle, what is that?"

She didn't seem to comprehend the question at first. "...you know what it is, Vinyl."

Without a word, the DJ's eyes flickered from her friend's glowing chest to her face and back.

Finally, after a good minute of silence, it dawned on her. "You're not from this dimension."

Vinyl cringed, backing up a bit. "...that obvious, huh?"

Twilight shook her head, smirking a bit. "Not that hard to guess, especially since it has happened once before."

She blinked, looking at the librarian with shock. "Somepony's leaped here, before?"

"Yes," she began, slowly walking over to the destroyed television, "but Sweetie didn't cause this much damage."

With a sigh, the white mare walked over to Twilight. "Really sorry about that." Then a thought occurred to her. "When am I?"

This did surprise Twilight, if her raised eyebrow were any indication. "It's 2020, Vinyl." A lazy smile crossed her face. "You're probably wondering why everything looks so different. Well, it all started when a pony beat my loyal assistant in a rap battle two years ago."

Vinyl's eyes couldn't be any wider without popping out of her head. "Silver Spoon?"

Twilight nodded, giggling softly. "That win gave her enough confidence to get out from under Tiara's hoof. She went on to apply her knowledge of science..." She trailed off, seeing that Vinyl was in shock. Rolling her eyes, she turned to leave the room. "I'll finish my explanation later, after you get some rest."

Of course, Twilight didn't expect Vinyl to be taken away by a convenient plot device. Or, in this case, the familiar force.

Universe Alpha

Fluttershy sat in between her two friends. She didn't focus her attention on the two ponies, though. No, her attention was focused on the book laying on the table.

Dash was sitting on one side, smirking slightly. "I won, Twi. So just hoof the book over."

Twilight, having just returned from another attempt to bring Vinyl back, just huffed in annoyance. "No. We listen to what Fluttershy has to say. I have a good feeling about this."

The two turned to the timid mare, who was currently flipping through the book. "...Fluttershy?"

She glanced up, surprised. "...oh...sorry, Twilight...I was just wondering...w-where did you get this?"

"Ditzy delivered it to me. Why do you ask?"

"...oh, no reason..." She tapped her hooves, hiding behind her hair. "...j-just curious..."

"Enough of this!" Rainbow slammed her hooves on the table, standing up and growling slightly. "I just wanna know who won!"

Fluttershy hid under the table, too scared to try and count the votes now.

The two mares looked at each other, frowning slightly. "...now who's going to count the votes?"

At that moment, a portal opened up above the table. Panicking, the ponies backed away from it. They watched as a white form fell out and slammed into the surface before the swirling opening disappeared as fast as it came.

Slowly, they approached the unconscious mare, immediately recognizing the shock of blue hair. "...Vinyl?"

She carefully opened one eye, glancing from one pony to another, taking in their shocked expressions. "...hey, dudes...what'd I miss?"

After putting the white unicorn on a sofa, they gave her a lengthy explanation. The three looked at her expectantly.

This didn't go unnoticed by her. "I suppose you wanna know what I've been up to." Three heads nodded. She put a hoof to her chin, considering. "How to put this...I traveled to different dimensions and saw what would've happened if certain ponies won instead of the ones that did." She shrugged, taking her phone and casually browsing it. "I also met E. He was a decent guy, if a little scruffy."

There was an awkward silence, and then a hoof was raised. "...um...who's 'E'?"

Vinyl waved a hoof dismissively. "He's not important." She put her phone away and turned to Twilight, smiling slightly. "Congrats, Twi. You won by a landslide."

Twilight smiled briefly before a thought occurred, changing it to a frown. Looking at Dash, she spoke, albeit hesitantly. "...I know this must be hard for you, Rainbow...maybe we can just call off the bet?"

"No, no." Dash smiled brightly, but her tears betrayed her sadness. "You won, and what am I without my word?" She sighed, then, without a word, turned to leave.

"There's something you forgot, Rainbow."

They all stopped, turning to Fluttershy. "You said the bet was 'for a month, you can't take that book'." She pointed at the book on the table. "I have another copy of the book. I could lend you that...I mean, if you want me to..." She squeaked, hiding behind her mane once more.

Rainbow walked up, confused. "What do you mean, 'Shy? I thought this book wasn't to come out for another week or so."

"...um...t-that's true...but..." She took a deep breath, looking up into her best friend's eyes. "...I have another copy...because I wrote the series."

Twilight and Rainbow sat there, stunned. Vinyl, however, just wore a small smile on her face. "...'bout time you told them..."


Four heads turned, locking onto the white stallion standing in the doorway, eight eyes wide in surprise. Twilight, being the first to recover, broke the silence.


Here it is! I referenced a few fanfics in this one, even if I put my own spin on them. Twilight won, 87 to 16.

Now, you may think you have an idea of who is in the next rap battle. And you might just be correct. It doesn't mean that I'll be sharing it with just anyone, though.

That being said, I still need to finish the story part of the seventeenth rap battle. It's harder than one would think, trying to come up with why the characters are participating in rap battles...

"And your pro says that people who write fanfics have no imagination!"

That's not what he said. He said that they should try applying their talents to original stories. Which is still rude, I digress.

Anyways, we decided on trying to write 'Octavia's Adventures'. Hopefully that turns out well, or at least better than trying to do rap battle videos on Source Filmmaker...

Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~

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