• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 31,562 Views, 7,518 Comments

Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #20: Results and Aftermath

Vinyl was seated in the den, talking on her phone. “I see. No, it’s perfectly fine, we can hold a fundraiser here. I don’t know what we’ll do to draw attention for it, but we’ll do it.” There was a knock on the door. “Talk to you later, dad. Love you!” She hung up, trotting over to the door and opening it. “Yes?”

A mare fell through the doorway, almost unrecognizable due to the scorch marks all over her body. She looked up, a ghost of a smile on her lips. “ ... Dinky ... is safe ... ” The pony slowly closed her violet eyes, sighing contentedly.

Vinyl froze, her eyes wide in horror at what she’d just witnessed. “ ...Tavi?” She carefully turned her over, noticing the faintest trace of the treble clef on her friend’s flank. She hugged her close, tears falling freely. “TAVI!!”

“Stop yelling, Vinyl.” The black-covered pony rubbed an ear, frowning at her roommate. “I’m not dead. I’m just tired.” She stood up, making her way up the stairs to her room. “Wake me up when September ends.”

Vinyl just stood there, watching her friend leave the room. She felt as though her mind had just melted. She staggered over to the couch, laying down on it until the world started making sense again.

“Well that was abrupt.” A white stallion placed the phone his daughter gave her back on the dialer. He turned to the pink-maned mare nearby, smiling playfully. “I see you’re having fun there, Fleur.”

The tall, flirty mare was almost too busy to respond, rapidly pressing the buttons on her controller. She went through wave after wave of mechanical ponies, three other ponies watching her back. Taking one more glance around the playing field, she rushed over to the pegasus, shooting the bot about to stab him in the back. “Keep an eye on your six, Mystere!”

“Sorry, sorry! This is the first time I’ve played this!” He turned and shot the wall on accident. “It’s not easy playing with just hooves and feathers!”

“Noob.” The one playing as a sniper scoffed at him, peering through her scope and shooting a bot through the head. “We are ashamed thou talked us into letting thou join.” She shot three more bots before speaking again. “What kind of username is ‘enigmaMystere’, anyways?”

“What’s wrong with it? It’s not like ‘WeAreYourNightmare’ is a better one!” He smashed two bots with a bat, rushing past them as quickly as possible. “ ... okay, so it is. But still!”

“Will you two stop bickering and destroy that tank!?” A medic shouted, focusing her machine on Fleur’s character. “Prenchy, I’m about to ubercharge you. Get ready!”

Fleur rolled her eyes, turning back to the massive wave approaching. “How many times must I tell you? My username is ‘PardonMyPrench’, not ‘Prenchy’!” She began to mow down the bots, eyes narrowing slightly. “I swear, SweetestTune, you have the mind of a foal!”

“Do you want me to ubercharge you or not?”

“ ... I’ll be quiet.” She continued to shoot down the enemies, biting her lip to keep herself from completely shouting out obscenities.

“I say, Fleur, is that ‘Mystere’ fellow who I think it is?” She nodded, not even bothering to look away from the screen. “Can I borrow your headset for a bit?” Another nod, and the headset floated off her head, placing itself on the stallion’s head, instead. “Enigma, my boy, how are you doing?”

“F-Fancy Pants!?” The scout suddenly ran into a wall, he was so surprised at the voice. “What are you doing here?”

“What, a gentlecolt can’t watch his wife play a game?” He chuckled momentarily, but his voice soon took on a more serious tone. “You’re keeping my daughter happy, I hope?”

“ ... well, for the most part, yeah ... she keeps saying these odd things, and when I respond honestly to them, she ... well, she looks sad.”

“Are you dating her?” A coy smile grew on his lips.

“W-WHAT!?” The scout completely stopped moving, the user’s shock audible through the chat. “N-no! You told me not to, so I’m not! Besides, I think of her as my best friend, and I’m fairly certain she doesn’t feel that way about me!” The scout began to move again, but the movements were jerky and his timing was off. "Besides, I think she's dating that Neon Lights fellow."

Fancy gave the headset back to Fleur, walking away and shaking his head. “Poor, naive lad. Can’t tell when I’m making a joke.”

The timid yellow pegasus sat at Sugarcube Corner, wistfully staring at the picture of her crush, blushing softly. The scene was enough to cause others watching to audibly d’aww.

The tall mare sitting across from her, however, wasn’t amused. “Will you tell us who won, already?”

Fluttershy snapped out of her trance, sheepishly putting the picture away. “O-oh. Right away.” She pulled Vinyl’s phone out of her saddlebag, manipulating the touch-arcano-screen with her feathers. I sure hope she’s alright. She seemed rather shaken, earlier … Eventually she pulled the vote screen up, her eyes widening significantly at the votes. “ ... w-wow ... it’s almost unanimous ... ”

“Don’t keep us waiting.”

She shrank in her seat, hiding behind her mane. “ ... t-the Doctor won ...”

“I told you, Nightmare Moon.” The stallion spoke up from behind the pony, a disarming smile on his face. “Now, tell me something - have the inhabitants of this world broken any of your laws?” She just stared at him, her face completely expressionless. “Come on, you and your comrades likely have the whole world under surveillance. Have they broken any laws?”

The mare frowned at him, her eyes glowing white for a moment. “No.”

“Excellent. One more question, just one more.” He walked away, looking at a lamppost like it was the most interesting thing in the universe. “Is this world protected?” Images flashed through her mind - aliens, beings of different shapes, threat levels, even strategies. “You’re not the first, nor will you be the last, or even the strongest. So you have to ask ... what happened to them?”

Immediately, she saw multiple ponies, each of them different, yet, at the same time, remarkably the same. The blue unicorn mare with the toothpaste-colored mane. The top hat wearing gentlecolt from Canterlot. The clumsy yet charming pegasus from Cloudsdale who wore his scarf everywhere except the Young Flyer's Competition. It didn’t matter that their appearances were different, their drive to protect Equis was unbreakable. And that hourglass, that accursed hourglass always appeared, always stayed.

Her breath caught in her throat, her attention back on the stallion in front of her. Every inch of her body betrayed the utter horror she felt.

He smiled up at her, a twinkle in his eyes. “You already knew, but it hadn’t sunk in before, so I’ll say it again. I’m the Doctor.” He ran a hoof through his messy mane, his eyes never breaking contact with hers. “Basically? Run.”

Nightmare Moon wasted no time, turning into a cloud and racing off, leaving behind the two ponies. They stared at each other for a few moments before the Doctor awkwardly coughed. “That stallion in your picture? Bad news. You might not want to pursue a relationship with him. Especially considering Torchwood. Maybe a stallion in town, instead?” He gave her a wave, turning to leave. “I have to leave. Got a whole lot of running to do!” He raced off, leaving a confused, and somewhat hurt, Fluttershy sitting alone at the cafe.

She glanced over at the stage, where the two stone pegasi still stood. She shuddered, trying to focus on the vanilla milkshake in front of her, instead.

Enigma, after playing the game and, ultimately, defeating the last wave, decided that he should rest. He went to the spare bedroom, moving onto his bed and cuddling his white plushie. Slowly, his eyes closed and he started to drift off to sleep.

The plush was suddenly pulled away. Not bothering to open his eyes, he reached out and grabbed the closest soft mass, pulling it close. So soft and warm. He sighed, snuggling into the sea of hair. ... wait, warm?

Enigma’s eyes snapped open, and he looked down at the white unicorn up against his body. He was unsure what to think of this, but her small smile convinced him to not move away. She really does like hugs as much as I do. Why else would she do this three times or so? With that thought, he closed his eyes once more. “ ... thank you, Vi ... ” He let himself be taken away to dreamland, where he played all day with his best friend.

Vinyl cracked open an eye, seeing the pegasus’ chest rise and fall evenly. With a smile, she cuddled a little closer. “ ... soon ... I can tell you ... ” She yawned slightly, nuzzling his chest, beginning to drift off to sleep as well.

“ ... I love you, E ... ”

Thanks to gordobraveheart for helping me with ideas for this chapter! Even though he helped with that, he wasn't able to stay up and help with pre-reading. Since I don't know anyone who's up this late, this wasn't really pre-read...hope all the references are understandable.[/olive]

The Doctor won, though I haven’t taken the time to count the exact votes yet. Needless to say, it was a landslide victory, one where you could count the votes for Nightmare Moon on one hand.

This is the last call for the bonus chapter. I want to make sure your characters are in character, so I want you to do a little collab with your character in the GDoc. If you do not do this, you might not get to be in the bonus chapter! Which is the next chapter. So, yeah, PM me so I can make sure you aren't missed, mkay?

I hope you enjoy the bit of VinylxEnigma in this chapter!

Yes, I realize I used the ‘Atraxi speech’ almost verbatim, but, honestly, it seemed appropriate to me. And, as of this chapter, I have established just who the pony ‘Shy is/was crushing on. And yes, I count Colgate/Minuette/Romana as one of the Doctors.

Random GIF of adorableness!

SHE'S SO CUTE, I CAN'T TAKE IT!!! ...yet I can't take my eyes off her... Sadly, I'll have to. I need to make a video for my persuasive speech, which is due Tuesday... ...wish me luck.

Have a nice day, and I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving!

Enigma out.~

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