• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 31,563 Views, 7,518 Comments

Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Bonus Chapter #2 (pt. 2): Entertainment

Again, there will be links to songs to help improve the experience. And, again, apologies to those who can’t view the YouTube clips. :twilightblush:

“Bored now! On with the chapter!~”

For a small town, Ponyville certainly seemed to endure a lot of hubbub. Right now, for instance. Over a hill, just bordering on the “country” side of town, a rising tiff was getting to be clearly audible.

“This is the best thing that’s ever happened to you!”

“Correction: the worst possible thing, and it’s never gonna happen if I can help it.”

“Is that so?” The voice seemed to be nearly snarling now. “Well let me tell you something, colt. You can’t help it. I always get what I want. Dangit, it’s my job to get what I want. And what I want is your music. You got talent, kid! Talent I could really work with. But without me you’re never gonna amount to anything. I’ll make sure of that...” He added the last part in an undertone.

The first and younger voice was silent for a few moments. Then it spoke.

“You want my music, Filthy Rich? You’re gonna get it. Rap battle. Let’s go. You win, you got the rights to every song I’ve ever mixed or written. I win, you get the hay outta my life. Oh, and you can also give me a jar of Zap Apple jam. That sounds good. Yeah, let’s do that.”

He mused for a few seconds. Filthy seemed about to say something, but the colt cut him off. “Oh, and my name's not ‘colt’.” He grinned.

“It’s DJ.”

A grey pegasus stood in front of the town hall with a confused expression. He heard loud music coming from inside the building and saw flashing lights from the windows. He looked at the invitation Fluttershy had given him, "I don’t understand, I thought the engagement party was in Town Hall today, not some rave." Still confused, he trotted up to the door and peeked inside.

At that exact moment, the music was turned down and the lights came up. Vinyl brought a microphone up to her mouth, grinning widely. "'Sup, everypony!" There was a cough off to the side, coming from a bemused baby dragon. "Sorry, everyone. This next one comes to us from a famous musician overseas, and has quickly risen up the charts. Enjoy!"

She lowered the needle, starting a pop song. She went off the stage, sighing and relaxing as soon as she felt no one was watching.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?"

Night traced his gaze over to where the voice was coming from, he saw a red pegasus waving his way. He closed the doors behind him and walked up to the red pegasus. "Hey... a friend of mine gave me this invitation to an engagement party." Night handed the invitation to the mysterious pegasus.

He took the invitation and looked at it, raising an eyebrow. “I see.” He held out a hoof, smiling kindly. “My name’s Enigma. I take it yours is ‘Night Flyer’?” He motioned to the name on the letter, chuckling playfully.

Night shook his hoof. "Enigma? Cool name. By the way, have you seen a mare? Yellow pegasus, bright pink mane, butterflies as her cutie mark?"

The burgundy pegasus winced, recalling what had happened. “Yes, but... I’m not sure she’s available, right now... she, uh...” He cleared his throat, sheepishly smiling. “Never mind that. Have you met my fiancée, Vinyl, yet?” He motioned towards the white mare that was drinking lemonade through a straw, and appeared to be distracted by something.

"Fiancée? Well congratulation!" Night lifted him up in the air and gave him a big bear hug. Realizing what he's doing he landed and stepped back a bit. "Sorry about that... Pinkie's starting to rub off on me."

Enigma chuckled, shaking his head a bit. "She has a way of doing that... well, once you get used to her, of course." He tapped his chin with a hoof, recalling something. "Did you know that I fainted when I first met her? I mean, after getting a huge dose of her randomness, I mean." He rubbed the back of his head, blushing brightly and moving towards the white unicorn.

"Ha! Well try living and working with her everyday! Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's not."

He turned to look at the gray pegasus, surprised. “You live with her?” He scratched his head, thinking a bit. “I guess it’s been sometime since I’ve been to Sugarcube Corner...”

Vinyl finally noticed them when they were about two yards away. She stood up, smiling brightly and levitating her lemonade with her. “Hey, E. Who’s this dude?” She sipped her drink, looking the stallion up and down, curious.

"Hi there Vinyl, my name is Night, I'm your fiance's long lost brother from a mysterious planet called Earth.” He held out a hoof in front of her. "Nice to meet you." He smiled.

Vinyl burst out laughing, accidentally spitting out a little of her tart drink as she did so. “Oh, Luna! That’s a good one, dude!” She looked at her fiance, rolling her eyes. “Like I’m really supposed to believe he’s from Earth.”

Enigma just stared at the other pegasus, unsure of how to respond to what he’d said.

Night wrapped a hoof around Enigma's neck. "Come on, Enigma, remember when our mother used to take us to the beach? You picked up sea shells while I pretended that I was a shark to scare all the other colts and fillies"

The white unicorn's smile slowly faded into a frown. "Seriously, dude? Now I know it's a joke. There are no pegasi on Earth, and the dominant species aren't ponies."

Enigma just stared at her, an eyebrow quirked. "Have you been hanging out with Heartstrings, Vi?"

She opened her mouth to reply to this, but stopped, putting a hoof to her chin. "That's right, only a few ponies know of it..." She shook her head, disregarding her train of thought. "Look, the point is, the joke's not funny anymore. So please don't continue it; it'll only make it irritating."

"Alright, I'll stop." Night held his hoof once again, "But with all seriousness, it's nice to meet you."

She nodded, accepting the hoof with a small shake. "Same, now that you aren't making a poorly-planned joke." Her tone sounded serious, but her playful smile showed she was teasing him. "So, I take it you just arrived?"

"Ya, I was confused at first by the music and such, so the famous DJ is getting married? Never thought I'd see the day. Congratulations!"

The happy couple looked into each other's eyes, smiling softly. She leaned over and nuzzled her pegasus' neck, blushing a little. "Thanks, and I completely understand. Hay, a few years ago I thought the same way!"

Enigma smiled, gently wrapping his wing around her and pulling her close. "And I thought my love was going to stay unrequited." He teasingly nibbled her ear, enjoying her surprised gasp. "I'm glad we were wrong about that, though."

Night smiled at the happy couple and gasped in shock. "I almost forgot to give you this!" He threw a small smoke bomb onto the table revealing a small box.

The feminine stallion quickly wafted the smoke away, worried about accidentally breathing some in. As soon as it cleared, the duo stared at the box, confused. The disk jockey grabbed it in her magic, examining it closely before carefully opening it, making sure it pointed away from everypony.

Or, at least, she tried to. She frowned in concentration, her horn completely hidden by the sheer amount of light coming from her magic. Even so, she couldn't force it open. She finally gave up and put it back on the table, panting gently. "Dear Luna, what is this thing? Why can't I open it?!"

Night stood on the table with a smile. "I call it the ‘Enigma Box!’ See those gears on the side? The gear on the right has three groups of letters, "clo", "sha" and "or". The gear on the left has "gan", "ck" and "dow". You two answer my riddle by matching the letters up... simple right!?"

Vinyl looked at the box as if it were an alien lifeform. "I have no idea how to solve this, Night. I deal with electronics, not logic." She looked up at him, quirking an eyebrow. "Also, would you get down? Everypony behind me can see your junk."

The pegasus at her side had grabbed the box, smiling happily at the chance to solve something.

Night spoke, "Riddle me this! "I can be the sun, I can be the sand, I can be a bird. What am I?"

Enigma thought for a few seconds, looking at both sides of the box. Suddenly it came to him. “It’s a clock! The sun for a sundial, sand for an hourglass and a bird for a cuckoo!” He pressed “clo” and “ck”, grinning brightly.

Night jumped from torment when Enigma solved the first riddle. "Great! Onto the next one. Riddle me this! ‘I am a instrument that plays from the heart, what am I?’”

He just laughed, shaking his head. “Easy! The answer’s ‘organ’! It’s a musical instrument, as well as part of the body, like the heart!” He reached over to press the button but stopped, a sudden thought occurring to him. “I won’t release a being who’ll torture everyone here by solving this, will I?”

Night laughed and reassured him, "I promise nothing bad will happen, I'm saving that box for Pinkie." Night looked around the room to make sure the pink party mare wasn't listening. "Okay now, the third riddle is a bit difficult, you can change the word by flipping the switch to match the riddle. Riddle me this! ‘The poor has it, the rich needs it, if you eat it you die, what is it?’”

Enigma blinked, looking at the box, turning it back and forth, trying to figure out how the word ‘shadow’ would fit into that answer. Thinking about it, he considered the pegasus’s words and tried rearranging the letters of each switch, thinking that would help him solve it. After about ten minutes of silent thinking, he let out a groan, resting his head on the table. “I got nothing...”

Suddenly a thought occurred to him. “Wait...” He sat back up, looking at the cube as the pieces fell into place. ... the poor have nothing because they can’t afford anything... He turned the top of the box towards him, examining it closely. ... the rich need nothing because they can have all they want... He noticed a small seam, gently placing a hoof on the side of it. ... if you eat nothing, you will die of hunger...

A small smile formed on his lips. “It’s nothing...” He pulled on the opening, sure he was right. The box started to click and, after several seconds stopped. The top slowly opened, revealing a small purple vial inside it.

Curious, he picked it up, turning it to watch the liquid flow. “Thank you, but... what is it?”

"This, my friend, enhances your body, both physically and mentally, for 24 hours. Vinyl" Night threw another small smoke bomb on the table, revealing another box. "This one is for you, but open it on your wedding night,” he said with a wink.

She blushed brightly, taking the box and holding it to her chest, afraid she might accidentally lose it.

Enigma smiled, nodding to the other stallion. "Thanks, man." He carefully put it in his saddlebag, making sure that none of the items already inside would damage it. He was glad he has great spatial reasoning.

"No problem, there are a few minor side effects from the vial. One is you'll have a hangover, your wings will ache and you'll suffer from 'Alice in Wonderland Syndrome' for a short while once the potion wears off."

The pegasus just stared blankly at him for a few moments. "... I'll be careful about using it, then." He sheepishly smiled, holding a hoof out to the other stallion. "Thanks for the engagement present, Night."

"You're welcome! Also here." Night placed a small necklace with a pink bird onto Enigma's hoof. "You know Fluttershy?” The other stallion nodded. “Good, when you see her, can you please give this to her? Just say it's from me, and she'll know what it means."

“Uh... sure?” He looked back over at the stage, thinking a bit. “It’ll probably be awhile before that happens, though...”

"Alrighty... by the way, did you breathe in any smoke from the smoke bombs?"

They stared at him once more, the pegasus unamused and the unicorn just confused. She spoke up first. “No, E made sure to disperse it before that happened.” She put a hoof to her chin, thinking a bit. “Is there a reason you’re asking that?”

Night sighed in relief. "Good, I just mixed random chemicals in the smoke... if you would of inhaled it... make sure to avoid foods and drink plenty of orange juice."

Vinyl facehoofed, groaning softly. “You seriously just mixed random chemicals without thinking about what they were? I’m no chemist, and even I know that’s a foolish thing to do!” Enigma looked at her questioningly, wondering if she realized that she just implied she was stupid. Because she was definitely not.

"Don't worry, the chemicals aren't dangerous. I added chlorine, hydrofluoric acid, mercury, chilli sauce and some other things under the sink.”

The pegasus was suddenly very glad he didn’t touch the smoke with his wings. He cleared his throat, trying to think of a way to break it kindly to Night. “You realize that every single one of those substances is dangerous on its own, right?”

"Don't worry the smoke is safe to walk through, just don't breathe while you do." The grey pegasus scratched his mane in thought. "I'm trying to make a smoke bomb that's safe to breathe."

Enigma smiled, patting him on the back. “Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll come to you. And, if worse comes to worse, you can always as Twilight for help, right?”

"Ya." He checked the time on a nearby clock. "I'm sorry, but I need to get back to work, Pinkie's probably wondering what’s taking me so long."

They smiled kindly, the white mare patting him on the foreleg. “Wouldn’t want her worrying too much about you, huh? Go on, dude. We won't keep you any longer.”

He blushed slightly and scratched his mane again. “Make sure you two come visit! Vinyl, the riddles on your box are much harder than Enigma's. Try not to throw it out a window - you have no idea how long it takes to make one.”

She sighed, her gaze falling. "Of course they are... the more difficult riddles go to the one who's no good at them..." She forced a natural smile on her face (something she's surprisingly good at) and nodded at Night. "Thanks, dude. I dunno what it is, but I'm sure it'll come in handy."

Night flashed his bedroom eyes at Vinyl. "Oh, it'll come in handy, alright, just go easy on him."

She blushed brightly, pushing him playfully with a hoof. “Go on, dude. I bet you wanna see Pinkie, right? Well don’t keep her waiting!”

Night blushed again and glanced at another direction. "That’s not the only reason."

Vinyl sighed, walking up next to him and wrapping a leg around him. “I know you have a crush on her, dude. I think everypony does. I can’t honestly say whether or not she feels the same way, but that’s just Pinks being Pinks.” She poked him in the chest with her other forehoof, a small smile on her face. “No one will know until they ask her. Am I right?”

"You're right!" Night gave Vinyl a playful nudge. "But, when do you think is the best time?"

Vinyl pulled away, shrugging a bit. “I’d say after the party, dude. She did throw this for us, after all.”

"Alright" Night glanced at the clock again "Well, time for me to go, bye!"

“See ya, dude. Have a good...” She glanced at the clock as well. “Afternoon. Huh, time sure flies when you’re having fun.”

"Ha! Make sure Fluttershy gets that necklace and visit us sometimes alright?"

"Sure thing." She turned away, starting to go back to the stage as the playlist was ending. "Later!"

"Bye!" Night closed the doors behind him as he trotted back to Sugarcube Corner.

Vinyl turned to her love, an eyebrow quirked in confusion. “He does realize that Pinkie’s at this party, doesn’t he?” He just shrugged in response.

Suddenly, a hearty slap came down on his back, knocking the air out of the poor stallion. “Ahoy, Enigma! Congratulations on finally gettin’ yer lass!”

The burgundy pegasus groaned from the pain of being hit like that. He turned around to look at the source of the somehow-familiar voice. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the black, dragon-winged unicorn. “B-b-b-but that was just a dream! How can YOU be here, Captain Roger?”

“Call me Jolly for the evening. And didn’t ye know? Ye can only dream of faces ye have seen before! We met shortly after yer arrival in Ponyville, but ye rushed off before I could talk to ya properly.” He chuckled, motioning to the room around them. “And ye really expected to have a party organized by Pinkie Pie and not see the entire town invited? ”

Enigma put a hoof to his chin, thinking for a few seconds. “No, I suppose not, Jolly.” He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Anyway, I’m very happy ye managed to get together with Vinyl. Ain’t no party like an engagement party, aye?” At that moment, a white unicorn entered the room, in color similar to the bride, except for his blue eyes. Jolly frowned, immediately recognizing the stallion. “Excuse me. I’ve gotta have a word with that guy. Hey! Armor!”

The Captain of the Guard turned his head and sighed in annoyance. “Well, look what the cat dragged in. Captain Roger, the navy-dropout. What do you want?”

“Ye know exactly what I want, Private Armor.”

“That’s Captain, now. Or, if you really want to be technical, Prince Armor.” He smiled benignly, even though his gaze was pointed.

“Ye know exactly well that ye only be prince because King Discord was overthrown by yer Aunt-in-law. But enough o’ that!” He stamped his hoof, scowling at the unicorn. “I want revenge! I challenge thee to a rap-battle!”

He stared at him for a few moments, mulling it over. “Well, I could never resist the chance to punish a criminal against the crown...” He smirked, eyes narrowing in contempt. “Bring it on.”

Vinyl sighed, motioning towards the stage. “Go ahead and get on stage. E will help you both get ready.” She trotted off, thinking out loud. “I wonder if I can make a mix with E’s ‘Pirates of the Maribbean’ soundtrack...”

The burgundy pegasus was already on stage, digging through the box of microphones and headsets. “Wow... Bebe really did a number on these... ah! Here we go!” He came back up with two wireless microphones in his mouth. “He’e ye go.”

Shining Armor took one in his magic, ignoring the small amount of spit on the base in favor of frowning at the pirate captain. “Are you ready to lose, Jolly?”

The pirate gave him the fiercest look he could muster with one eye.

But before he could answer, Vinyl appeared on the stage, her trademark grin on her face. She started the music, her magic quickly conjuring up a couple of her patented ‘Battle Zones’ around the two stallions. Thinking that they were ready, she raised her voice and a hoof, calling out to the crowd.








Shining Armor, Captain o’ the guard,
I guess ye can make somethin’ out o’ evr’y retard!
Be honest, ye know ye brain’s empty inside,
Go home and shed some o’ your ‘liquid pride’
Or throw ye away ye wife, if ye think ye’re so tuff,
Even Chrysalis fooled ye, and she lives with Fluffle Puff!
So if ye’re not too busy cleaning ye horn of MTC’S,
Say something yerself, I gotta head out to sea!

You know what? You can shove off, you scurvy dog.
You’re about as original as a fallen cedar log.
I’m smart; I have to be to become a Guard Captain.
As far as we know, you became one from nappin’!
Fluffle Puff? Now who the buck is that, Jolly?
You seem to be upset - do you want your lolly?
I know exactly what I need to do to gain victory.
You’ll get your Black Spot before you can beat me.

Ye know, ye were always a pain in me plot,
Ye wouldn’t be bearable after ye’d been shot!
Ye may be a prince, but me grandpa was king!
So go ahead and marry that foul changeling!
I may be a pirate, but I still have a Honor code
Ye insulted ye own sister when on ‘brainwashed’ mode!
I think I gotta tell ye, cuz ye’re not too bright
Cadence only married ye because of Twilight.

That right there’s a lie; you’re aware of that fact.
You really should think before you overreact.
You’re about as threatening as an ounce of yeast.
I’ll banish your flank, but not in One Piece.
I’ll tear you a new one, you dumb scallywag.
When I’m through, you’ll be matching your flag!
You’re giving me the order to beat you down.
And I’m just like ‘Roger that! Over and out!’



The music ended, but the stallions stood still, glaring fiercely at each other. The bat-winged unicorn smirked, shaking his head. “Well, I still don’t think we be even, but at least I could let out a bit of me hate.”

“Yeah, yeah, good fight, Roger, but I’m here to celebrate an engagement. I’ll see you hang.”

“Not if I shoot ye first... Anyway, Let’s have a swig on the stallion of the evening! Bring in the lemonade!”

The mentioned stallion’s jaw dropped. “You really want to have a drink on me without alcohol? Thanks, man!” He leaned over, speaking in hushed tones to the black pony. “Especially since Vi’s a recovering alcoholic. Nearly ruined her life.” He moved back to look up at the taller stallion, and eyebrow quirked. “Don’t mention that to anypony, alright?”

The Captain quickly hid the flask he had emptied into his glass of lemonade, giving an embarrassed grin. “O’ Course! Wouldn’t think about drinking alcohol on ye party, thinking about the reasons ye don’t drink any. And don’t worry, I won’t tell anypony about it. Honor Code is Honor Code.” He turned and left, heartily laughing.

He nodded, watching as the pirate walked away. He retrieved the headsets and placed them on the turntables, chuckling lightly at his fiancé. “Three rap battles in less than three hours. And I thought today was going to be restful.”

A little pegasus soon tackled him. “I knew you guys liked each other! I told you when I visited you a few months ago! Somepony owes me five bits! I don’t care who, but I knew this was gonna happen!”

Vinyl was about to respond, but, frankly, she was confused by this new arrival. She glanced between the pegasi, an eyebrow quirked. “Hey E, do you know this filly?” She smirked, nudging the darker pony in the shoulder. “I don’t have to worry about her stealing your heart, do I?”

The guest chuckled. “You probably noticed my new hairstyle! You remember your old buddy Broadway Bound, don’t cha’?”

He chuckled, carefully wrapping a foreleg around the little pony to avoid messing up her special manestyle. “Of course I do, Bebe.” He turned his gaze towards the unicorn, giving her a flat look. She just giggled in response.

She smiled, “I am so happy for the two of you!”

Vinyl smiled back and put a hoof on her chin, thinking for a bit. “Say, Bebe, would you like to come back here with me?” She motioned to the series of levers, knobs and slides in front of her. “See how a DJ works?”

“Ooh! Shiny” she ran over behind the turntables. “What does this button do?”

Soon, a loud screeching noise blasted out of the speakers and into the ponies’ ears.

Enigma couldn’t help but laugh at this. “Wow! I think you woke up some of the people in Trottingham!”

The disk jockey smirked, playfully jabbing him in the side. “She’s still better than you on your first try, E.”

A seafoam green pony bounced up in the back of the crowd, holding her hooves over her ears. “Quit the bucking jokes! Ponies’ ears are bleeding!”

Vinyl quickly fixed the music, playing a soft little melody while the ponies in the audience recovered their hearing. “Sorry about that! Won’t happen again!”

The pegasus laughed innocently. “Hehe, whoops.”

The white mare smiled, placing a gentle hoof on Broadway’s back. “Really, it’s fine. I wasn’t kidding about E’s first attempt. Literally blew the roof off the basement!”

She glared at the older pegasus, “So THAT was what you were doing when you left me home alone for- how long was it? Oh yeah! 24 HOURS STRAIGHT!

He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry... she wouldn’t let me leave until I fixed the mess I made...”

“It’s fine!” she smiled, a halo appearing above her head. “All of your ice cream payed for what you did.”

He stared at her blankly for a few seconds before his face met his hoof again. “That explains what happened to the Dutch Chocolate I’d been saving...”

“Not to be rude,” Vinyl interrupted, motioning to her hind leg, which the little filly had been sitting on. “but my leg’s falling asleep.”

Broadway looked at her soon-to-be-kind-of-sister-in-law’s leg. “Oops! I didn’t see that there. So... do you have an engagement party cake? Or games, maybe?”

Vinyl pointed towards the twelve-layer cake on the food table. “There’s the cake Pinkie went all-out on, and the games are over there.” She pointed to a spot a little to the left of the table, where a multitude of games were being played. “Gotta love a space-bending spell.”

Broadway’s eyes got huge at the sight of the giant delicacy. “Wow.” Her head turned towards the game center. “This is the best engagement party ever!”

She ran over to Pinkie Pie, who was playing ‘Trot Trot Revolution’.

Enigma chuckled, gently placing a wing around his love. “Glad to see Bebe happy like this. I felt so bad when...” He became silent, his gaze falling to a random switch on the console.

Vinyl, knowing exactly what he meant, rested her head on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “It wasn’t your fault... and we got back together eventually, right?”

He sighed softly, gently nuzzling the top of her head. “You’re right, Vi... I gotta stop living in the past...” He turned to the crowd, a semi-forced smile on his face. “Let’s see who else came to the party, shall we?”

In a far corner of the room, a brown stallion in a black hoodie watched the party. Beside him were his saddlebags and (for some unknown reason) a katana with two Tantōs. The pegasus ran a hoof through his black, spiky mane, almost looking like he was tracing the dark blue streaks in it. His draconic, sapphire-blue eyes scanned the room, seeing ponies idly talking to one another.

Not seeing anything interesting he reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a sketchbook and some pencils. He put the book and pencils on the table in front of him and just looked at them for a little while. “If I don’t think of something soon I won’t make the deadline.” He thought to himself. He just sat there looking at book a few more minutes then started drawing. It was nothing in particular just a random doodle.

While he was mindlessly doodling he did not notice the two ponies approaching him. Nor did he notice the darker of the two lean over his shoulder to look at his doodle.

“Interesting drawing. Reminds me of an equation I saw when I was younger.”

“AHH!” The pony screamed when he heard the random voice over his shoulder.

The burgundy pegasus held his hooves up, signalling that he was harmless. “Sorry, dude. I didn’t mean to startle you like that.”

The brown pegasus turned around to face the voice. “No it’s fine. It’s my fault for not paying attention to my surroundings.” He extended his hoof, smiling sheepishly. “I’m Night Drawing but everypony calls me Night Sky, or Sky for short. Um,” he paused, looking at the other pegasus, “you’re Enigma, right?”

The stallion nodded, smiling kindly. “That’s right.” He took the hoof, shaking it a bit. “Nice to meet you, Sky.”

Sky returned the smile with one of his own. ‘It’s nice to meet you too.”

“Yo, Sky! Long time no see.”

The larger of the two let go of the other hoof and looked at the pony approaching them. “Vinyl, it’s great to see you. How have you been?” He asked, extending his hoof for a hoof-bump.

Vinyl bumped it, grinning cheekily. “I’ve been good man, I moved to a town called Ponyville, made some new friends, had some laughs and, the most important thing,” she leaned over and gave Enigma a quick kiss on the cheek, “I’m getting married to this cool guy.”

“Cool is right, the way you were fighting that guy with just a stick was amazing! But you might want to use something better if you want to win a fight. Give me a sec.” The brown pegasus turned around and reached for an item in his bag.

That’s when the burgundy pony saw that the other pony had swords with him. “Why did you bring swords to a party?” he inquired, confused.

“You never know if you will need them, and, from what I saw, I might, and you might, too. Here, take this.” Sky pulled another Tantō out of his bag and gave it to Enigma. “Consider it an engagement gift.”

“Thanks.” He said, putting the other sword in his own bag. “By the way you and Vinyl greeted each other I take it you two are friends. How long have you two known each other? Enigma asked

“Years, but its been a long time since the last time we talked,” Vinyl said. “My friend Sky, here, would make the posters to advertise my shows in Baltimare.” Vinyl smiled at brown pegasus. “He’s a great artist, aren’t you, Draw?” she asked, teasingly putting emphasis on the last word.

“No,” he replied, glancing away from them. “I’m not that great, and don’t use my real name. You know I hate it.”

The white mare laughed, poking his side playfully. “Oh, shut up, Sky, you are great artist. I mean, look at your cutie mark!” She pointed to it, a pencil with two crossed lightning bolts in front of it and three stars in an arch over the whole thing. “A pony with a cutie mark like that has to be good at art, and besides,” Vinyl mischievously grinned, “why else would your parents name you ‘Drawing’, Draw?” She started laughing once more. Sky just closed his eyes in annoyance but he couldn’t help but smile. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop with the jokes now,” she said, forcibly calming herself down.

“So, how did you two meet?” Enigma asked, his curiosity getting the better of him and trying to move away from the previous topic.

“How we met?” Vinyl thought for a moment. “It was my first time performing in Baltimare, not too long after I started being a DJ. Not only that I was playing at a club that just opened,” Vinyl chuckled. “In order to get ponies to come to a club, you need to advertise, feel me?” She smacked her fiance’s hoof away from her flank, bemused. “Not literally... at least, not right now.”

She cleared her throat, continuing her story. “Anyways, the owner somehow forgot to pay somepony to make some posters to get the word out, so I had to make some posters and... well, let’s just say their quality was... less than professional.” She blushed brightly, remembering her pitiful attempt at a poster. “A-anyway, so I put up some posters, hoping they - and the big grand opening sign outside - would get some ponies to come.” She scratched the back of her neck, embarrassed. “They did, but there weren’t as many as I’d have liked.”

“Let me guess - Sky here was one of the ponies that showed up?” Enigma asked, smirking slightly.

“Yep, hit that nail right on the head,” Sky said. “That night I was just walking in the city and randomly I see this terri-OW!” Vinyl interrupted him by ‘accidentally’ hitting him in the back of the head. “Sorry, boss, I meant to say ‘unprofessionally-done’ poster about this new club I had never heard of and some upstart entertainer named ‘DJ P0N-3’. I decided to go see what’s up; I had nothing to do, anyway. So I get to the club, and there was nopony outside but there was music coming from inside so I went in. When I walked in, the place was half-empty.” Sky paused for a second. “Or half-full, whichever way you want to see it, but everypony there was having a good time.” He started to laugh. “Everypony there stayed until the club had to close.”

“Wow, you make it sound like it was the best party in history,” Enigma commented.

“It was,” Vinyl said. “Well it was until the next Friday!” she exclaimed, giggling a bit.

This piqued the burgundy pegasus’ interest. He leaned closer, curious. “What happened on Friday?”

“Well after the first night, Sky here walked up to me. Said he loved my music, but everypony does. Anyway, he also asked why I thought not too many ponies showed I told him bad advertising.”

“That’s when I told her that I was a freelance artist, and, because I liked her music so much, I would make her a bunch of posters promoting her next show, to make sure ponies came to the club and would hear her music.”

“Yeah, and he did it for free!” Vinyl said excitedly. “Because of him, nearly five times the number of ponies showed up to the next show! The line to get in wrapped around the building! It was so cool only one other party beat it.”

“Really? What party was that?” the feminine pegasus asked, an eyebrow quirked.

“A party Pinkie helped plan. It was some stallion’s birthday that was so big, the cops had to break it up. The next day, the stallion was convicted for disturbing the peace, and inciting a riot,” Vinyl added, shrugging a bit, “but that’s besides the point. After that night me and Sky became friends and every time I go to Baltimare I have him make posters for my shows.”

“Yeah, but those times seems like they happened such a long time ago don’t they.” The art pony said looking off in the distance and starting to remember more old times and the posters he had made. This led to him thinking of the deadline he still had to meat making him forget he was having a conversation with other ponies.

The couple watched as the brown pegasus got lost in thought. They looked at one another, wondering if the guy was ok. Vinyl tapped him on the forehead. “Yo, mister artist, you still there?”

Sky snapped out of his thoughts. “Oh, sorry, I was just thinking of the deadline for some designs, and I’m having some artist’s block.”

“Try thinking of math,” E suggested, shrugging a bit. “It’s what I think of when I see art.”

“Math? How is math going t-” He stopped mid sentence, putting a hoof on his chin. “Wait, math... that could work. I remember something from school about how math can make cool patterns with rings, lines and other stuff. Thanks E, I think you just pulled me out of the flames, here.” With that, Sky sat back down at his table, flipped to a new page in the book and started working.

Taking that as their sign to leave, the two started walking away. As they were, Sky turned to say one last thing to them. “Hey, Vi, it was nice seeing you again. Next time you and E are in Baltimare, let me know and the three of us can hangout.”

“Will do, Draw,” Vinyl replied, and, with that, they went back to the party.

Soon enough, they found themselves back on the platform, making small talk. As for the rest of the party, the ponies stood around chatting with each other, though they kept glancing around furtively, waiting for something to happen. Soon enough, their diligence was rewarded, a ruckus rising up, appearing to be progressing towards the stage where Vinyl and Enigma were standing by the DJ setup.

The pegasus poked her in the side, causing her to raise an eyebrow at him expectantly. “Maybe it’s second sight, but I’m sensing another battle.” He coughed, subtly jerking his head at an amber earth pony that was roughly making his way to the front of the crowd.

“Who do I talk to about whooping an impertinent colt’s flank?” the new arrival demanded loudly.

Vinyl shrugged, a sly smile growing on her lips. “Probably his parents, then the school board, and most likely the Mayor, if it’s drastic enough. But if you mean you want a rap battle, then you’re already in the right place.” She lowered her shades, her magenta eyes glancing over his body. “What’s your track, dude?”

“My tra-” He paused, his mouth open in an ‘o’ of realization. “Oh. Well, this measly kid here... somewhere...” his voice trailed off as he looked around as if he had dropped something.

Suddenly a nearly-white colt appeared behind him. His jaggedly cut black mane had vibrant blue and red highlights and was tucked into a grey Trottingham-type cap. His bright blue eyes remained fixed on the amber stallion as he spoke, his tone level.

“This guy,” he said, “is trying to eat me.”

He got a couple odd looks from the happy couple for that. It was okay. He was used to those.

“My music. That’s what I do - music. Anyway, I released my first hit track, Parody, and let it slip that I was short on funds. Suddenly there’s this guy, ‘Filthy Rich’,” he pointed an accusing hoof at the stallion in the blue tie, “following me around pestering me cuz he wants to own all my music. I don’t want to sell. You’d think he’d get that, right?” The DJ colt sighed. “He doesn’t care about music, he cares about money, and there’s no way I’m hoofing my life’s work over to some tycoon who just wants to make even more money by controlling it. It’s not the cash, it’s the soul, you know? Anyway, things escalated, and now we’re here,” he finished, pushing his hat further back on his head and shaking his mane.

Filthy Rich ground his teeth together. “He won’t sell!”

Vinyl once again raised an eyebrow, frowning at the older pony. “Hush, you. You’ll get your turn to speak.” She turned to the colt, tilting her head slightly. “And your name is...?”

The light-colored colt grinned. “DJ DJ. Dawn Jewel, actually. DJ LukkiDay, if you’re going by my stage name. Not that I’m on stages much. Just studios and clubs. I do a lot of recording.” This seemed to be evident, judging by his cutie mark, which was a three-note MIDI keyboard wearing the same hat he was.

The white unicorn mused for a moment, rubbing her chin with a hoof. "Dawn Jewel... I’m sure I’ve heard that name before... Have you ever been to one of my autograph signings?"

“Uh, yeah. Um, all of them, actually.” He rubbed the back of him mane, blushing a little bit. “Funny how that turns out.”

“Ah, right, you were the colt who asked if you could get shades similar to mine.” She chuckled a bit, adjusting said shades on her forehead. “So, DJ, can you rap?”

“I hear a liar, it’s the pony who said nice guys finish last,

Get back, clear the track, cuz this pale colt raps fast!”

She nodded, her lower lip jutting out a bit. “Impressive, but you do realize that you can’t use that in the battle now, right?”

DJ nodded.

“Well, mkay then! You guys ready?” she asked, putting a new record on the turntable.

Filthy nodded, and Dawn Jewel cracked a smile. They headed up to the stage, grabbing a mic apiece, when the younger colt turned back suddenly.

“Hey, are those turntables Technickers 1200s?”

Vinyl blinked in surprise, her gaze shifting from the colt to her set up and back to the younger of the two earth ponies. “Uh... yeah, they are, actually.”

“Sweet!” He turned back to the stage.

The mare inclined her head towards Enigma, smiling softly. “Care to do the honors?”

He shrugged, smirking slightly. “If that’s alright.” Before she could respond, he cleared his throat and turned to the audience.






Oh looky what the cat dragged in, it’s the peasant
Whatever you want to do, it won’t turn out pleasant
So take a moment to reflect before you start just spouting off
Because when small foals get angry they are liable to cough
My name is Filthy Rich, kid, and that’s what I am
I’m a tycoon! A typhoon that nopony can stand
I don’t have time to attend every colt who’s feeling blue
Hurry up, now, would you? I’ve got meetings to get to!

All right let’s do this! This goes out from the heart of a free spirit
And I don’t give a bark if you don’t you wanna hear it
I’ve got limitless energy but your greed’s makin’ me tired
Here's a thought: Get out, Filthy Britch! You’re fired!
I got skills that go beyond your cash-a-holic-tastic sham
And I got better things to do than corner Zap Apple jam
I rock it freelance, sir, and it’s my time you’re eating up
So go on home, and see who your daughter's beating up

I can’t believe what I’m hearing! Young kids these days - so rude!
I may be Filthy but you’re the definition of crude.
This ain’t your track, boy, I own it all - even this song!
So just get out and go back to the coffee shop where you belong.
Don’t want to work for me? Fine! I’ll make sure your life doesn’t work
Maybe teach you to diss my offer like a jerk
Hope you’ve enjoyed this song so far, boy, before it’s decimated
By tomorrow all your songs will be mine-- syndicated!

You can’t repress what is best, sir, and that’s found in Equinas
Whenever Good faces Evil, Lady Fortune chooses Righteous
You say my music is bad, all my songs are obscene?
You got nothing! If it gets recorded, it’s clean.
Now there’s a time and a place in this town for folks with money
But given the choice, I’ll take the grandma dressed up like a bunny!
You’re selfish, ungrateful! So just try and take what’s mine
You’re shaking? You’re lucky! Cuz that’s my last line.



The music came to a stop, the two earth ponies on the stage staring at each other in silence. It started to get a little uncomfortable. Vinyl leaned over to her fiance, worried. “You think they’re okay?”

Before the pegasus could even begin to think of an answer, the older of the contenders about-faced and left the platform, tossing his headset into the bin by the stage.

The feminine stallion shook his head, huffing slightly. “That was rude. Not even a word to his opponent.” He walked forward, patting the younger pony on the shoulder. “Good job, DJ. You both put on quite a show.”

“Thanks...thanks.” the remaining contestant said, briefly looking down at the ground. “You know, I meant what I said before the battle.”

“We know, dude.” Vinyl walked up to them, a calm smile on her lips. “Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll work out in your favor.”

“Yeah, I hope so. And even if I lose, it’s not gonna stop me from doing what I love. Music, you know? It’s-it’s...”

“I get what you’re saying, DJ.” The mare closed her eyes, a wistful look on her face. “Music is a way for somepony to express what they’re feeling, what is most important to them. It is in nature, even in our very being.” She placed a hoof on her chest, right where her heart would be. “Music is...music is life. At least for me, it is.” She looked up at the other white pony, smiling softly once more. “You get what I’m saying, right?”

“Yeah,” the earth pony said simply, smiling differently now.

“Go on, dude.” She playfully bumped her shoulder against him, giggling a bit. “Enjoy the party. And who knows? Maybe we’ll do an LP together, someday.” She glanced around, realizing that her fiance had taken off somewhere. “...though I suppose only we’ll know about that idea.” She turned back to him, nodding a bit. “So what’cha say, DJ?”

DJ would have liked to say, but he couldn’t. He merely nodded rapidly, his mane brushing across his eyes.

Vinyl laughed, draping a foreleg over his back. “It’s a plan, then. Now go, dude. And who knows? Maybe you’ll find that special somepony out in the crowd.~” She giggled, giving him a teasing wink.

Normally, DJ would have mechanically replied with some self-joshing joke about “foreveralonefreest”, but this time he stopped, and shrugged instead.

“Yeah,” he said. “You never know.”

The disk jockey nodded to him, grinning brightly. “That’s the spirit! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to locate an M.I.A. pegasus.” She left the stage, trying to seek out her missing fiance.

Vinyl looked around for a few minutes, but she was unable to locate her favorite burgundy pony. She sighed, shaking her head. “I’d best get back to my turntables. Need to add more songs to the queue.” She turned and started making her way back to her setup.

The white mare was halfway back to the stage when somepony caught her attention. She turned, staring at the pony in question, pushing her shades back up her nose. “‘Sup, dude?”

The dull-red pony she turned to was adjusting his own glasses when she had spoken, finishing before he responded. “‘Sup’? Hmm, language must have changed a bit since last time. Oh, you’re waiting for a response aren’t you? Well, I guess you could say that there isn’t all that much happening apart from the obvious.”

She scrunched her nose a bit in confusion. “I think I’m the only one who talks like that.” She shook her head, smirking slightly. “I actually meant ‘how are you doing,’ dude. Anyways, I’m Vinyl.” She held out her hoof expectantly. “And you are?”

Keeping his face as emotionless as possible, he responded. “The name’s Quillflare, and I’m doing well for the most part, but this day is about a happy couple maybe you should worry about them, and not me.”

Vinyl laughed, shaking her head. “Dude - actually, I think I’ll call you Q, it sounds cooler. Anyways, I don’t think I have to worry about how they’re feeling.” She grinned, playfully patting his shoulder with a hoof. “Especially since I’m one half of said couple.”

His eyes changed from stone grey to a pale yellow for no apparent reason and a smile appeared on his face. “Indeed, so you’re part of the feeling I had this morning. May I ask the name of the other half?”

She stared at him in confusion, narrowing her eyes at him. “Dude, what just happened to your eyes?”

His smile vanished and his eyes turned a dull blue. “I’d rather not speak of that memory on a happy occasion such as this one.”

The disk jockey shrugged. “Gotcha, Mood-Eyes.” She glanced around, curious. “I don’t really know about where E is, right now. I think he might be talking with ‘Shy...”

His eyes went back to their original grey but a small look of surprise graced his face for a moment. “You know Flutters’? I didn’t think she could talk to ponies that didn’t have a wounded animal with them.”

“Actually, I met her through Pinkie.” She giggled, shaking her head. “She really lives up to her name! As for how E met her...” She trailed off, scratching her two-tone blue mane. “... truth be told, I have no idea how that happened.” She shrugged once again, starting to go back towards the stage. “Can you walk and talk? I need to queue up the next few songs.”

“I could pace a classroom and speak more than one of the snootier nobles while doing it, a small stroll would be easy” he said as he closed the little gap that had been made.

She nodded, continuing on her way. She casually ducked, avoiding the lamppost that sailed in through a window. “Seems like ‘Tavi found a good opponent,” she commented off-hoof, getting behind the turntables and switching out a few records.

“‘Tavi? Is the pony you’re talking about a grey mare with more than her fair share of talent?” he asked, an obvious look of pride on his face.

She grinned, nodding in excitement. “Yeah, that sounds like her! She’s my best friend!” She tapped her hoof against her chin, her magic still manipulating the vinyl disks even as she was distracted. “I think that’s not her real name, but I’m probably just being paranoid or something.”

“If Octavia isn’t her name then she I was informed wrong as well, then again that was a really long time ago i could just be remembering wrong” as he spoke his eyes shifted again to a light brown.

Vinyl glanced over at him, an eyebrow quirked. “How do you know ‘Tavi, Mood-Eyes?” She tried to ignore the eye thing for now, but liked that nickname better. Besides, it seemed like that one was taken by someone else.

He smiled and the colour of his eyes started deepening as he spoke “I used to teach a lot of foals from rich families she was by far one of the best I taught, but again, I am old enough for that memory to be incorrect”

She regarded him for a few more seconds before turning back to her controls. Her eyes widened in shock and she quickly grabbed the record off the player, holding it at hoof-length from her body. “How did that get in my gig box!?” She tossed it into the box, huffing softly. “That was close.” She carefully picked up a different record, moving it onto the turntable.

“I take it that either that disk was something you're embarrassed about or protective of”

She sighed, shaking her head. “It was my first song, back when I was eight. It’s way too embarrassing, and I thought that auto-tune was amazing back then.” She sheepishly smiled, a small blush on her face. “Can we keep that between us two?”

“Keep what between us? As far as I’m concerned the disk you just put on is the one you meant to.”

“Exactly.” She smiled brightly, nodding a bit. “Glad we’ve come to an understanding.” She looked out over the crowd, wondering if anypony she knew had seen that little moment of frantic movement.

“So if this is a party for you, why are you organizing the music?”

Vinyl shrugged, smirking a bit. “‘Sh- I mean, Glaze had to take care of something, so I figured I could fill in for her until then. Besides, I enjoy DJing.” She coughed a little, hoping he didn’t catch her little slip-up.

Quill noticed the cough and guessed that it was fake. “I know of Flutters’ alter ego. It’s hard to disguise who you are from somepony that walks past your home every time they come into town.”

The white mare stared at him, a hoof lifted as she contemplated backing away from him. “Dude, the way you said that makes you sound like you’re a stalker, or something.”

“I see why you might think that, but no, I’m no stalker. I live in the forest, and she lives near one of the few entrances, thats all.”

Her nose scrunched up again from the confusion, but she decided not to ask any more. “I see... I think.” She glanced over at the rest of the crowd, looking for her love. “Sorry I can’t spend more time talking, but I think I need to find my fiancee.”

As she did, she saw something that made her heart warm. In the middle of the crowd was the white earth pony from before, talking with a light brown unicorn filly around his age. She giggled, unable to hear what was being said but recognizing the patch of pink on her cheeks. Aw, looks like somepony got a crush. How cute!

Vinyl then remembered the guest right next to her. She turned and smiled at him, rubbing the back of her neck a bit. “Yeah, so you understand, right?”

He smiled “Yes I understand, you wish to be with the one you love,” he then muttered “as do I,” under his breath.

She blinked, swivelling her ears towards him. Despite, or maybe because of, her profession, she actually had really good hearing. “Come again, Mood-Eyes?”

Quill didn’t expect to be heard the surprised look on his face was evidence of this. “I was merely thinking out loud.”

She looked at him for a few more moments, lifting her shades to get an unhindered view of him. After about twenty seconds, she dropped her sunglasses, shaking her head. “If you say so, dude. Meanwhile, I still have to find E. Hope you enjoy the party!” She walked off the stage, heading off to find her favorite pegasus.

Author's Note:

So yeah, you remember when I said that I didn't want people voting through Private Messages? Five of you didn't listen. :facehoof: So the final tally from last chapter's section is Lyrical vs. Gilda, 22 to 5, and Moonfeather vs. Rainbow Dash, 14 to 14. The second one's a tie...anyways, moving on!

While we were writing, ForeverFreest made a silly little rhyme, but I felt that it should be shared. So here you go! :pinkiehappy:

Why can’t I think? On the track, I can toast it, spit fire/ It’s like, bam, I’m a road block. Like write, dude? Aspire!/ Get offa the truck, cuz this club is for writers/ so roast it, just post it, it’s Beater, it’s Biter./ The pen might be stronger, but swords tend to hurt/ I’m losing my mind... I’m losing my shirt/ just to be a starving artist means I’m living my art/ but it wouldn’t hurt to have a little brain, for a start.

I apologize to Mrluigifan102, though - this chapter was just too long as it is. Maybe we could add you to another chapter? Like the Q&A Chapter, or maybe the BC Results part of the chapter after that? :twilightblush: I really do feel bad...I just don't know how to make it up to you, though...

"If there are any problems with this chapter, please let us know! And the next Bonus Chapter part will be put up after the same amount of time it took for this one. Just so you know!~"

"Oh, and we're currently working on a one-shot, tangentially related to this story. You might like it, you might not. Still, it's sure to be something to witness!~"

Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~

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