• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 31,556 Views, 7,518 Comments

Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #18: Results and Aftermath

Octavia sat down, glancing around the bedroom. No way any of those bothersome insects were going to get her, now. She sighed, silently thanking the Princesses for mesh netting and conveniently placed cabins as she left the room. Never thought a two-wheeled device with a foal-seat attached would be fast enough to escape those stinging pests. She paused in the middle of the hallway, thinking to herself. I did not expect to see that elderly stallion with a rocket-propelled wheelchair, though.

She peeked into the other bedroom. There, she saw the living mushroom sleeping and the winged creature, no longer a ball of light, dozing softly on the other's chest. Despite the fact that they were the most annoying creatures she'd ever met - yes, even more annoying than Vinyl was - she couldn't stop herself from smiling at the sight.

She moved to the living room and froze, staring at the largest decoration sitting in the middle of the room. She slowly moved forward, inspecting the dull-gray metal, lifting the visor to peer inside. She took three minutes took fully examine the whole thing before she moved back in front of it.

The suit of armor just continued to sit there, doing absolutely nothing. Octavia frowned, knowing that the metal menace was mocking her. She leaned forward, her muzzle inches away from it, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"I don't trust you."

"Smart mare."

With a yelp of surprise, she smacked the helmet clean off. Not wanting to wait for anything else to happen, she ran back into the first bedroom, closing the door and locking it.

The helmet slowly lifted up, wobbling through the air and onto the suit, fitting itself back in place. A second later, a panel opened in the wall, allowing a dark red stallion to enter the living room. He spat out a marionette control bar, looking down the hall where Octavia ran. "Sheesh. Mare can't take a joke. Kinda cute, though." Chuckling softly, he opened the front door and left, flying off into the night. "Ponyville, here I come!"

Vinyl stood on a pedestal, wearing her best poker face. She was dressed in an extremely feminine dress that drew attention to the curves of her body. Cobalt blue silk flowed from her body in elegant waves, cyan forming the hems and thin stripes along the length. Her normally wild mane had been pulled back into a intricate braid, and her famous shades had been taken from her.

I. Bucking. Hate this.

It wasn't just the fact that she was wearing such fancy clothing, or even the fact that her mane was combed and styled. No, it was the fact that her latest clients refused to pay her until she finished doing favors for them. She'd already helped the minotaur with a seminar to help 'doormats'. Now she was stuck modeling to get her compensation.

"So," she spoke, trying to keep her boredom at bay, "what caused you to look at Iron Will and say 'Damn! I need him to model for me!'?" She flinched slightly as a flash went off in her face.

Photo Finish smiled, putting her camera away. "I tend to have, shall we say, flashes of inspiration. One day, he comes to Canterlot, doing that silly seminar of his. I take one look at him, and a voice, my inspiration, tells me 'He is the one. The model who will bring your next greatest show!'" She swept her hoof in a wide arc to show her enthusiasm as one of her assistants took the box-camera. She paused, a hoof on her mouth as a sudden thought occurred to her. "I will admit, that was the first time my inspiration had used a voice."

Vinyl was only half-paying attention, pulling out her phone and counting the votes in her boredom. "Uh huh. And what was the wager?"

The fashion photographer stared, confused. "Wager?" An assistant stepped up and whispered in her ear. Understanding crossed her features almost immediately. "Oh! Well, if I won, he would model for me."

Vinyl sat there, waiting for the other mare to continue. "...and if he won?"

She cleared her throat, looking away. "He would not say. I suppose he thought he wouldn't win."

"Or I just hadn't decided what I wanted you to do."

They both turned, staring at the minotaur in question as he squeezed through the pony-sized door. "So, Miss Scratch, who won?"

She put down the phone, looking up at the two of them. "Iron Will won. Can I get out of this dress, now?"

"Why would you want to do that? I think it looks great on you, Vi!"

That voice ... Vinyl froze, recognizing it almost immediately. It can't be. She slowly turned her head to the door, seeing a silhouette from the moonlight outside.

The figure stepped forward, still breathing a bit heavily due to the long flight. He smiled, his maroon eyes flashing in amusement. "Long time, no see, Vi."

She could only stare, a single word making its way out of her mouth.

" ... E-Enigma?"

Her eyes rolled back in her head, her legs giving out as she collapsed onto the pedestal from both embarrassment and shock.

The stallion blinked, surprised by her reaction. " ... nice to see you, too?" He rubbed his peruvian brown mane, unsure about what to do with his now-unconscious friend.

There was a long, awkward moment of pause. Iron Will broke it, turning to Photo Finish. "I will talk with you later about my request. For now, we need to leave these two alone."

She nodded curtly. "Agreed." She walked up and placed a bag with the payment by Vinyl's foreleg before briskly walking away.

"Wait, what?" Enigma turned to see them both leaving him and Vinyl in the room. He stared after them, then looked at Vinyl's body. He turned back to the disappearing former-competitors, called after them, upset.

"At least help me get her back home! I don't even know where she lives!"

The result, at the time the chapter was first published, is Iron Will, 25 to 60. No votes from private messages or my side of the internet this time. There were some confusing comments, to be honest, and I thought the best course of action would be to not include them in the voting because of how vague they were.

And yes, that's my OC. No, he's not going to be in any rap battle. I said no OC's in rap battles until after the last one, and I meant it. And it turns out that my two mid-terms were on the same day that I posted the last rap battle chapter. So I have regular classes for now, not including Applied Voice.

Also, Happy Halloween! I'm going trick-or-treating as Soarin' with my little sister. It's been a while since I've seen her, after all!

The next chapter's rap battle hasn't even been started on yet, so it will be a while before the next chapter. While you wait, please send in questions for the Q&A! There will be no question unanswered (but if there are, there's a good reason why)! Also, I greatly appreciate everyone who not only read this story for the rap battles, but for the story as well. It makes me feel a little better about myself.

Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~

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