• Published 23rd May 2012
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Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #15

Fluttershy walked into Sugar Cube Corner, pausing only momentarily as she saw a grey pegasus and a tan stallion were engaged in a muffin-eating contest. If the trays were any indication, the mailmare was leaving him in the dust. "...oh, my...I hope somepony is going to pay for their food..."

She broke off from that train of thought, approaching the counter and her pink friend. "Hello, Pinkie Pie. Could I please have a slice of lemon pie?"

She grinned, bouncing to the back to get her order.

At that moment, the front door burst open, an upset unicorn storming into the establishment. A tan mare followed right behind her, sadness etched in her every feature. "Please, give me another chance!"

"To what?" The unicorn rounded on the other pony, drawing the stares of everypony in the room. "To break my heart again? To call me worthless and ridicule my music career?" She turned away, a single tear sliding down her cheek. "I...I just can't, Bon Bon..."

The mare recoiled as if she was struck. "...I...I wasn't in control...t-that was all Discord...y-you know how he made everypony act strangely..."

She just glanced back at her ex-marefriend, trying her best to hold her tears back. "...you can't..." She sighed, turning away and, coincidentally, staring right at the timid yellow mare. A sad smile crossed her lips. "...could you please help us, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy found herself behind the turntables once more, worriedly wondering what could have caused such a rift between the loving mares in front of her. The outcome didn't worry her so much; either way, they'd most likely get back together. What worried her was the reason Lyra wanted the rap battle. That, and she didn't get to eat her slice of lemon pie.

Meanwhile, said mares were getting ready to start the rap battle. Lyra was wearing a strange ensemble, but, to her credit, Pinkie had worn the exact same exercise suit once before for the Cake twins. Both had the headsets on, a determination in both their faces.

Checking the sound levels once more, she started the music up, putting on the shades that Rainbow Dash lent her at the same time.





Oh look, Miss Sweet Tooth's come crawling back
But if you want me again, you gotta step up your act,
'Cause when you left, I had a revelation
Somethin' deep inside, a true realization
I can do better! I can get much more
Than a silly baker that, to love, is a chore!
You change your voice like Rarity does fine frocks.
Too bad you can't change how you act like a rock!

You know what, Lyra? You're making me ill
With your little dreams of humans playing king of the hill
It's a stupid lie, but one that's just to yourself
Making you just as crazy as Pinkie Pie's elf.
You know, G-String, you really shouldn't mess with US!
I'm the one supporting you since your career went bust!
You think we don't know how you pass the time?
You sit in that chair clopping while you're on the line.

Make fun of my music; I know you love the sound.
I could play right now, and you'd come back around!
Bonnie, I wasn't the one who broke us apart
You really don't care that you broke my heart?

You wanna talk selfish? You don't know how lucky you are!
Who wants to be chased around just to be a star?
A Background Pony is what you need to be -
The one who they'll forget as soon as you leave!




Okay, so this rap battle had a huge help from xxsilverliningxx, who got the ball rolling with the first few lyrics, and dashie76, who gave us ideas on some ideas for rap battle topics and also contributed lyrics. Which is a good thing, since I probably wouldn't be able to start a rap battle between these two. They just seem so perfect together! ^^;

Anyways, think of this chapter as my apology for giving you a slice-of-life chapter yesterday. :p Oh, and there's a new rule: characters have to wait about nine rap battles after their last one (that's how many were between Lyra's rap battles) before they can have another one. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Also, there will likely be a Q&A chapter after rap battle number 20. If you're wondering why I'm mentioning it this early, it's because I may have to resort to using it earlier than that.

Have a nice day, and please don't forget to audition for the rap battle parts!

Enigma out.~

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