• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 31,563 Views, 7,518 Comments

Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #12

Vinyl lay on her bed, resting her head on one foreleg. her other one was busy with a game on her phone. Normally, she'd be enthusiastically shooting the avian projectiles, trying to destroy those evil porcine foes.

She just wasn't feeling it. She got up and trot over to her dresser, staring at the picture on top. The treasured photo was framed in an intricate, gold frame. She brought the photo close, tracing the smiling grey pony's cheek with a hoof. "...w-why?"

"Miss Scratch?"

"WAH!" Vinyl tossed the photo into a dresser drawer, slamming it shut as she turned to face the source of the voice.

The purple dragon just stared at her for a moment before shrugging. "We want a rap battle." He motioned to himself and the silver filly next to him.

Said filly shuffled nervously, muttering under her breath. "...he wants to...I'm perfectly fine as I am..."

He stared at her, a fierce determination in his eyes that Vinyl had never seen before. "We're doing this, Spoon. I'm going to win, and then you'll have to let me help you."

Vinyl, confused by the exchange between the two, lifted a hoof to interject. Silver Spoon shook her head, her eyes silently pleading her to not ask.

After a moment or two of deliberation, she sighed, running her foreleg through her mane. She winced, feeling how five days in her room took its toll on her hygiene. "...let me get a shower real quick, and then I'll do it."

Everypony who was in town gathered in the town square. To be honest, it wasn't that many ponies. Twilight and Octavia were situated right behind Sweetie, Applebloom and Scootaloo. Pipsqueak sat next to the orange pegasus, and Featherweight was seated by the yellow filly. There was also what appeared to be a stallion wearing a beanie in the back row next to Fluttershy and Applejack, but Vinyl didn't recognize him.

Spike stood on stage, a special headset firmly in place around his green spines. He was smirking at the silver filly in front of him, who returned it with a glare.

"Go, Silver Spoon!" A pink pony cheered for her only friend, a sly grin on her face. "Show him who's boss!"

"You can do it, Spike!" The white unicorn cupped her hooves around her mouth, loudly calling out. "I know you can!"

Vinyl sighed, smiling softly. As she began her music, she noticed a yellow earth pony and a mint-green unicorn take a seat behind Twilight and Octavia. Forcing that observation to the back of her mind, she switched into 'entertainer mode'.




Holy guacamole, lets get this battle started!
But I warn you, Silver Spoon, my raps aren't for the fainthearted.
You still go to school? Still stuck in boring classes?
I'm surprised you can read with those thick glasses.
You always tease the Cutie Mark Crusaders to no end.
Too bad you're the one who hasn't got any real friends.
Your so-called "friend" is just a sad reminder.
She's up in the front, you're stuck hidden behind her.

Well look what we've got here - it's little baby Spike.
Before you huff yourself to sleep, I'm gonna make my own strike!
You claim you're big and strong? You're hardly a dragon.
I know you suck your claw at night and wear a frilly pink apron.
Your crush is in love with another. What, you didn't know?
I guess you would've if you didn't bend backwards so low.
No pony here will vote for you. They're all still annoyed
About that rampage where you left the town half-destroyed.

I'm much tougher than you think, I've swam in a lava pool.
I was king of the horde. Let's see you do that, you mule.
I've been called handsome and cute, I'm a hit with the mares.
So she has somepony else in her sights - I don't care!
I help Twilight keep her library clean and consistent.
Everypony knows that I'm the number one assistant.
And what about you? What does your cutie mark even mean?
Just that you're tarnished, Silver, and a huge drama queen!

You think you stand a chance? That is true hilarity.
You're destined to fail just like your crush on Rarity!
So Twilight's clever and you think you're just as smart, oui?
Then why couldn't you organize her brother's bachelor party?
You claim you're her assistant? Ha! You're more like her pet!
Don't even try to deny the time she took you to a vet.
You think your raps can match mine? Oh, give me a break!
You're really nothing more than an overgrown snake.



Raps this time are due to the help of Fireseeker and GuyFace. Sorry if I spelled your username incorrectly. ^^;

The next battle is going to be an unexpected one! :D Well, except for those who I asked for help from. *le shrug* Also, you might expect a relatively large number of memes to be used. Best bet? Pull up "knowyourmeme.com" for help.

"Come on, E! You need to start packing!"

Ah, right. I'm starting college on Monday. Just so that's out there. Also, rejected lyrics:

I'll bend this Spoon and at little to no cost.
Then continue with my day like a boss!

Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~

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