• Published 23rd May 2012
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Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #17


The whole library was still, waiting to see just what the unicorns would do. The answer should have been obvious.

The siblings embraced, smiles adorning both of their faces.

Soon enough, Twilight pulled away from her brother, eyes wide in a mix of astonishment and excitement. "It's great to see you, BBBFF! How was the honeymoon?"

He thought for a moment, a blush slowly creeping along his cheeks. "It was fun. We spent most of our time in the suite, though."

"What?!" Twilight frowned, confused. Los Pegasus was a lovely city. It had celebrities and amazing restaurants with decent prices. Not to mention a library to rival Canterlot's. "Why? Didn't you want to see the Cirque de Celes, or maybe even the famous skyline?"

Shining opened his mouth to answer but, after a moment's thought, decided it was probably best not to answer directly. He shrugged, giving his sis an affectionate hair-ruffle. "You'll understand one day."

At that moment, a cough garnered the attention of everypony attending. Shining stepped to one side, moving out from in front of the doorway and revealing a large red stallion. He gave the Captain a nod in thanks before heading over to the multi-colored pegasus.

Before the farmer could completely pass, Shining grabbed his tail in a magical aura, eyes narrowed. "What did you just say?"

The red stallion just looked at him, a neutral expression on his face. "Ah said nothing."

"Liar!" Shining pulled the apparently-offending earth pony close, growling. "I do not take kindly to insults about my family. And I highly doubt the Element of Honesty would enjoy knowing that her family lies!"

The stallion's normally-soft eyes flashed with anger as he drew himself up, glaring at the unicorn. "Ya went too far."

Realizing that this could potentially turn ugly, Twilight and Rainbow dashed between the two stallions, trying to calm them down. "Big Mac, please, calm down."

"Shining, you don't want to hurt him. You'd lose your rank, among other things." Even Fluttershy could see the librarian trying not to think about the possible consequences.

Of course, Twilight's poor wording were misunderstood by Rainbow. "Woah woah woah! What makes you think your brother can take my man?"

Twilight blinked, confused. "He was able to stop hundreds of Changelings with a forcefield. I just assumed -"

"You assumed wrong!" The prismatic mare turned to the almost-forgotten Vinyl, who was calmly sipping lemonade. "These two are going to need a rap battle!"

Her boyfriend looked positively surprised by her suggestion. "Eenope."

Shining smirked, jabbing him with a hoof. "What's the matter? Scared?"

Big Mac frowned, sudden determination in his eyes. "Eenope. Challenge accepted." He held out a hoof, which the Captain shook heftily.

The disk jockey rolled her eyes behind her shades. "Of course." She sighed softly, deciding that it could wait until she finished her tangy, tasty drink.

Oddly, none of them noticed the small filly sneaking out of the library, a book snuggly tucked under her wing.

Vinyl sat behind her turntables, sighing in contentment. It's so good to be back. Looking up, she could only frown at the two stallions staring each other down. Wish it could be under better circumstances, though. Thinking back, she could've sworn that she saw something odd, but, for the life of her, she couldn't remember what it was. With a shrug, she turned on the music, letting her stage presence once again shine through.




Sorry ta say you've gone about this all wrong
Yer shield spell won't stop me from endin' this song
Just how stupid are you? Well, let me count the ways
And believe me, with a list this long, it'll take all day
Ya didn't see that insect's trick though it was clear
What, did ya think it was just her time of the year?
You were dumb enough to let her cast spells on yer brain
Just thought it was coincidence it was then you felt the pains?

Who's this hick showing up at the door to my home?
I don't need to call my guards, I can beat you on my own.
Your granny founded Ponyville, but I run the Royal Guard.
I protect all of Canterlot while you buck trees in your yard!
You can't even find a girlfriend without help from above.
I'm married to an alicorn who can literally make love!
I need to get back to my job, so just admit defeat -
Your time's run out, Mac; everyone prefers a P.C.!

They just don't add up, these lyrics you're providin'.
Quit tryin' 'fore Ah buck ya far over the horizon.
You were trained to hold back a whole army, yet
All it took to distract you was being brought to bed.
One fact stands out, Mr. BBBFF -
Ya didn't even visit Twilight after she'd left.
When ya think it all through, it can't be avoided, pardner.
You ain't worthy of the title 'knight in shinin' armor'!

I'm a bad older brother? Did you already forget
You let a whole town shun your sis because of a project!
And your sisters? The craziest mares I've ever seen.
An uneducated cowgirl and a stubborn preteen!
You're nothing but a boring old earth pony farmer.
Nothing you throw at me can penetrate my armor.
Go back home and cuddle Smarty Pants for the night.
This battle will be mine. Eeyup, that's right!



This rap battle was done mostly by RLYoshi with minor edits by me. Shadow King and gordobraveheart both pre-read the intro part to make sure they made a little more sense. Thank you all for your help!

"Hey! That's my emoticon!" "You can't use my emoticon!"

Sorry, Vi.

If you didn't read my latest journal, please do so. If you'd rather not, then that's alright, but I might have to console Fluttershy.

Please note that the results of this rap battle will have almost no impact on the story, so you will just be deciding who was the better rapper. So please, choose who had the better rhymes, slams and flow, not who is your favorite. Or you'll make Fluttershy sad.

Also, yes, Shining used one of Big Mac's catchphrases. That was on purpose, as it was supposed to be demeaning. And if you don't think Big Mac can rap fast, listen to this. Voice by Peter New, who does Big Mac. Think on that for a bit.

If anyone can suggest a good program to make ERB of MLP videos in that's simple to use and, preferably, cheap or free, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Also, I'm always willing to try rapping with others. If you'd like to try rapping with/against me, please send me a PM. I'd be using my OC, Enigma, but he's essentially me, so...yeah.

Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~

But first, a little slice of life with the Cutie Mark Crusaders!

"Scootaloo, what's that on your back?"

The orange filly turned around to see her two best friends, both looking up at her with concerned expressions. With a grin, she fluttered her wings to reveal the markings along her back. "I found this book on runes. It said that they could get a pony to fly using amber magic, so I copied them down and had Pip write them on me!"

Said colt was on the ground underneath the excited filly, reading the book once more. "It's 'ambient magic'." He sighed, resting his chin on a hoof. "I keep telling her we need a special material, but this 'Graves' fellow wasn't very specific about what type." He chuckled looking up at the pegasus who held his heart. "Still, if it makes her happy, who am I to judge?"

The two fillies stared at the spotted colt before directing their attention back to the third - apparently insane - Crusader. "Not ta pry, Scoots," Applebloom glanced at the tree limb the eager pegasus occupied, "but wouldn't it be safer ta start on th' ground?

She stood on the edge of her branch, shaking her head. "No need! I just know I'm gonna be awesome at this, and Rainbow will finally agree to teach me how to fly!"

Sweetie waved her hooves wildly, eyes wide in panic. "You never asked her in the first place! Don't do this, Scoots!"

The orange pegasus was oblivious to her friend's warnings. She leaped, a grin on her face and her wings spread.


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