• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 31,563 Views, 7,518 Comments

Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Rap Battle #16

I don't need it.

Rainbow Dash was staring at Daring Do and the Sun's Sphere, written by the famous author F.S. Braveheart. The latest of Miss Do's adventures, it was set to be released three weeks from tomorrow. This copy, however, has been here for about a week. The book was even placed in a glass viewing case to protect it.

I don't need it.

Of course, one fan was going crazy over having it right there.

I don't need it.

But surely Rainbow Dash wouldn't just steal it, the Holy Grail of adventure novels.

I don't need it.

Even if it would solve how Daring got out of Chaos Harbor. And besides. She was Twilight's best friend. She wouldn't mind if Dash had a quick peak.



Rainbow Dash smashed the glass separating her from her prize. Catching it in her mouth, she made to run out the library.

At that exact moment, the very last pony she wanted to see walked in.

"Oh, um. Hey Twilight."

"Hello, Rainbow Dash. Say, whatcha got there?"

"N-Nothing important." Lied the pegasus, trying to sidestep Twilight.

"Oh, come on. Let me see it." Using her magic, Twilight took the book out of Rainbow's mouth. She gasped as she read the title.

"Rainbow! This is my book! You know, the one that I TOLD you would be out tomorrow? How did you-"

Twilight looked over at the broken glass shards on her floor.

"You didn't."


"Do you realize that I could have you ARRESTED for this?! You WAIT like other ponies!"

"But Twi! I'm your friend! Surely you can make some sort of arrangement-"

"Are you trying to bribe me, Rainbow Dash? As stated in the manual for librarians, books can only be given to ones of librarian permission and close status, say ponyfriend."

"So if I was your ponyfriend, you would let me go?"

"Maybe, but that's ri-"

Rainbow gave Twilight a quick peck on the cheek. "Bye!" Rainbow Dashed out the door. Twilight teleported her back, however. And Twilight looked angry.

"Did you HONESTLY believe that would work?!"

"Not really." admitted Rainbow Dash. "But how about we work out a wager?"

"The terms?" asked the curious unicorn

"If I win, I don't just keep the book, the book is MINE. My property.I can write Rainbow Dash on it."

"And if I win? Surely, with such a high price, I have to do something worse than just take it back. I mean, what's stopping you from just taking it tomorrow when I win?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe she had to say it.

"If you win... I will buy you... a safe. And... for a ... month... I cannot take that book." It pained Rainbow to say those words.

"I agree to these terms. On the condition that whatever contest it is, we both have to claim it fair."

"Deal." They shook on it.

"So," Twilight asked. "What contest could we have that we can equate on?"

Rainbow Dash started thinking. She slowly grew a maniacal smile and rubbed her hooves together. "I have an idea on the contest...all we need is Fluttershy's help."

"What's the contest?" asked a confused Twilight. "And what does 'Shy have to do with it?"

"Three words, my unicorn friend." She grinned, draping a wing over her shoulders, and whispering in her ear.

"Epic. Rap. Battle."

Fluttershy could only stare, seeing two of her best friends about to - How did Vinyl say it? - start some sick fires. No, wait, that can't be right. How can fires be sick?

As the timid mare-turned-temporary-DJ considered this, the other two on the stage got ready, never taking their eyes off the other. Soon enough, their headsets were in place.

"One turn each?"

"One turn each."

Fluttershy coughed softly, gaining everypony's attention due solely to the volume of her microphone. Glancing down, she realized that it actually had the letters 'MIC' on the side. Confused, she grabbed another one, deciding that the one saying 'jackleapp' seemed more inviting. With that thought, she started the music.




Hey, Twilight Sparkle, just take a seat.
This will be the second time you've been beat!
I'm the Element of Loyalty, a true part of friendship.
But you? Every single unicorn can learn tricks.
Forget gingers – it's violets that have no souls.
Don't deny your doll was your sole friend as a foal!
You still have a lot to learn, Professor Plum
You're book smart but, street-wise, you're dumb
You think this whole town's crazy? How can you not see
You're not so sane yourself, Miss Super OCD?
It's like the wedding again, with all your babbling sadness.
But unlike that time, there's no method to your madness.
I'll leave you seeing stars while I become one.
You know it's bad when you read all day for fun.
I'm equipped with high-speed wings; what the hay have you got?
Just some books and a baby dragon from Canterlot!

You think you can rap, Dash? Your flow is amateur.
I'm a nerd; I can whip you with iambic pentameter.
Just because I'm well-read doesn't mean that I'm naive.
If anything, it lets me see the 'real world' with great ease.
Not that you'd know anything about seeing, would you?
Not with those mountains, trees, and houses you've flown into.
That's Doctor Sparkle, Dash; I have fifteen degrees.
You dropped out when you finished with your ABCs!
Fitting in was the only reason why you got a pet.
You probably don't even think to keep Tank well-fed.
I'm tired of your boasting; I think you can tell.
You're this close to reliving Miss Mare-Do-Well!
You may have a fan club, but all of Equestria knows me -
The princess's prized student and the most magical of ponies.
You pulled off a light show for fifteen minutes of fame.
Even the ponies you saved don't remember your name!



Help for this rap battle came from wolfgirl66. Original version of the opening sequence came from SuperChaosKG...and, apparently, 'Spongebob Squarepants'. Also, RLYoshi and Shadow King helped with lyrics, as well. (Sorry for not mentioning you earlier, Shadow! >.<;; )

I finally got the unread chapter number for my favorites down below 400. ^w^ Sadly, my 'Read Later' list is up to 1106 stories... >.<;

I'd like to ask something rather strange - should I try to make a story based around Octavia's travels (as hinted at in this fanfic)? Or should I just leave it for somepony else to use as they see fit?

"Alright, who's ready for a definitively fan-voted rap battle? Next up is one that has been asked for almost since the beginning of this story! It's definitely been there since the end of Season 2!"

Oh, that's right...for those of you wondering where Vinyl has been, she's been in my college. She really likes the music I have on my laptop, but she really isn't that big of a help with the rap battles. If anything, she's distracting me even more, asking if she'll ever get a coltfriend, and even hitting on me a bit...

"You know you love me, dude!"

Not as much as I love Fluttershy. :P

"...touché, E."

Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~

Octavia stood over the fallen body of a blood-red dragon, the latest in the growing number of deceased enemies that had the misfortune of attempting to attack her. "That was easier than I thought it would be. It didn't help that a certain fairy kept trying to get my attention the whole time." She glared at the floating ball of light with wings drifting lazily around the mare's head.

"Hey! Listen!"

She facehoofed, somehow avoiding cutting herself with her cello bow. "...I regret rescuing you." She headed towards the last entrance in the incredibly deep cave, if the map was correct. "At least now I can just get Dinky and-"

She stopped, staring at the strange creature in front of her. It was a strange creature, almost like a hairless bear cub with Spike's hands and the face of a parasprite. What was most confusing, though, was the white cap with red dots on its head (not to mention its lack of visible legs). "...can I help you?" Thinking a little more, she decided it looked more like a living mushroom of some kind.

It suddenly hugged her, startling her enough to make her take a step back. "Thank you, Miss!" Then, just as quickly as it hugged her, it let go and backed up, looking at her with a concerned expression. "But Dinky is in the Ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters!"

She frowned, then, with a sigh, left the cave. The two rescued beings followed behind her like lost puppies.

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