• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

  • ...

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Session 21

Session 21.0 MtangaLion

Windy Whisper was up early, gliding over the streets of Ponyville about an hour before sunset. The grey thestral landed on the front steps of Twilight's castle, not sure what to expect, and found that the doors easily swung open at the touch of her hoof. "Hello?" she called.

"In here, darling!" said Rarity, waiting in the front hall. She waved a hoof and held up an letter in her magic, just like the letter that had popped out of thin air in Windy's den. "Princess Luna is setting up in the Map Room."

That made Windy miss a step. "*She's* here?"

Rarity grinned slyly, walking alongside her. "The two of you must be closer than you've let on. That's twice now that she's come to personally look in on you, isn't it?"

"Eh, who can tell with Princesses?" said Windy, keeping her face carefully neutral.

Luna was the only pony who knew that Windy Whisper was secretly the author of the Dusklight novels... except for Pinkie Pie, who seemed to know *everypony's* naughty secrets somehow, but Pinkie wasn't a fan and she'd readily promised not to tell. Even Windy's publisher didn't know where she'd gone on sabbatical, and Windy wanted it to stay that way.

So naturally, Windy was appalled when she entered the Map Room and saw a big box full of cards on the table, with "Dusklight: Forbidden Romance" on the box cover. "There's a game version... of *that*!? And I'm supposed to play it?" Not thinking, she shouted, "Merciful Luna, why!?"

Princess Luna herself, seated in Twilight's usual throne, coughed loudly. "A good evening to you, friends! An enterprising new group of developers contacted me, desiring feedback and approval for this prototype game before its release. We would be pleased if you played a game, whist we observe."

Meaning that they needed Windy's approval, as the author. She glanced around the table at the other prospective players. Rarity and Cheerilee looked excited to be here. Spike seemed neutral, and Big Macintosh was eyeing the box of cards like there might be a rattlesnake in there. "I'm sure that whatever they came up with, it'll be fine," said Windy smoothly. "They've already put a lot of effort into this, right? Publish, ship, let everypony make their bits. It'll be fine!"

"Oh, but that would not do," said Luna. "We are given to understand that proper playtesting is of paramount importance. Rarity, is it not true that you and your friends have sent many games back in need of major revisions, or advised that they were a poor idea altogether?"

"That's true," said Rarity, nodding. She glanced at Windy. "No offense, darling, but I'm a bit surprised that you haven't gone off on one of your usual tirades."

Windy stopped gnashing her teeth and blinked. "Huh?"

"You know, stereotypes... *assuming* that you must be a fan of Dusklight just because you're a thestral..."

"Oh, right." All the doublethink was making Windy's head ache. "But... I can't really say that. I mean, Luna here is the original Queen of the Night, and she's a huge fan... and she knows I was, well... super into Dusklight, but I kinda grew out of it. And you didn't actually assume I was a fan, Rarity. Heh, progress?"

Rarity smiled. "Let's play, shall we?"

The cards that Luna magically shuffled and distributed to them were *those* sorts of cards, with fancy artwork on the top third, and detailed instructions in the rest of the space, often with a quote from the novels at the bottom.

Rarity studied her cards, trying to puzzle through everything. "So, these are partly game pieces, and partly... roleplaying prompts? Well... this card says that it should be played first, so..." She laid a Main Character card face up on the table. "My character is Crystal, a lovely unicorn mare with a mysterious destiny!"

Cheerilee ooohed. Windy mimed gagging.

Luna shuffled some other cards and put one on the table. "The initial setting will be... ah, Manehatten. Crystal shall be a student at Manehatten University."

Spike scratched his head scales, then put down another Main Character card. "This one is... what's a good name? How about Straight Edge? He's another student at the university, and secretly a nightpony!"

Big Mac frowned. "A what, now?"

"Oh, you don't know?" asked Cheerilee. "Nightponies are a forgotten and cursed tribe, unable to generate any magic themselves, and tragically forced to drain the magic of other ponies to survive!"

Spike got kind of shifty-eyed. "Of course! I mean, that's what I've heard..."

"I'm surprised that Princess Twilight didn't want to play with us," mused Cheerilee. "She loves games, and this is her castle, after all."

Spike shrugged. "She said something about being too busy, because she had to shampoo her dragon. Which is kind of funny, because I'm her dragon! I thought she was going to enchant me with another mustache, or maybe even a beard, but I looked all over the castle and couldn't find her. Anyway..." He put a Dramatic Revelation card next to his first. "One day, an out of control flower cart rolls down a hill and nearly runs right over Crystal, but at the last second Straight Edge stops it with his nightpony super-strength! He gives her a *mysterious* look and runs off..."

"Really, now..." Rarity grinned slyly and played two more cards. "Crystal is immediately suspicious and searches for him about the campus, hearing the most fascinating rumors."

After several more rounds of that, Windy wanted to slam her head against the crystal table. Then she looked at her own cards and smirked. If she had to play, she might as well enjoy herself, right? "Hold it." She put down her own Main Character card. "Obsidia, Princess of the Nightponies, confronts Straight Edge and tell him to stop playing with his food, because she's his betrothed!" Then a Plot Twist card. "She abducts him and takes him back to her *mysterious* and cursed ancestral manor."

"Hey!" cried Spike. He shuffled through his cards. "Which of these can I escape with..."

Cheerilee giggled, playing her cards before Spike could. "And that's when Jasper makes his move on Crystal! He's a kirin."

"Um, Miss Cheerilee?" said Big Mac. "There ain't nothing mysterious or especially magical about kirins."

"Not in our world!" proclaimed Cheerilee. "But in Dusklight, kirins resemble ponies, but transform into full-sized dragons when they get angry! And Jasper proclaims that he's Crystal's one true love, not Straight Edge."

They went another twenty minutes like that, with Straight Edge escaping, Crystal getting foalnapped instead, and mysterious walks in mysterious moonlight, before Big Mac raised a hoof. "Excuse me, ya'll, but Ah'm still mighty confused as to what the point of all this is. Am Ah supposed to do what makes sense that mah character would do?" He showed them his own hero card. "Cause the best thing for Snarl of the wolfpony clans would be to plum stay out of all this and obey these wolfpony secrecy rules, which Ah'm sure were made for a good reason."

Windy gasped. "Big Mac, I could kiss you right now."

The temperature in the room dropped several degrees. "If thou wishest to kiss Big Macintosh," said Luna frostily, "thou needs must get in line."

"Just friends?" said Windy hastily.

"Sure thing, Miss Whisper," said Big Mac, holding out a hoof for her to shake.

Windy took it... and found herself lost in the handsome red colt's honest green eyes. Stop that, she told herself. Stop thinking about all those muscles, and how big his hoof is, and that carefree straw hair... Luna help her, she was totally going to write him into the next Dusklight book, wasn't she?

Immediately, the room warmed up again. -So there will be another book?- whispered Luna's voice in the back of Windy's head. -Huzzah!-

"Gah!" cried Windy. "I mean, yeah! Glad we straightened that out."

Luna spoke up. "The purpose of the game is to encourage the players to enjoy roleplaying an interesting tale in the style of the books, but the designers are still debating how to best accomplish that. For the time being... each card has a number in the corner, and your score increases for each card you are able to play within the specified rules."

"Well, why didn't ya say so from the start?" rumbled Big Mac. He laid down four more cards, one after another. "Snarl blindsides everypony by revealing that Jasper and Straight Edge are brothers from hundreds of years ago, one bitten by a nightpony and the other by a kirin. While they're fighting it out, Snarl kidnaps Crystal ta the Evershade Forest and tells her there's an ancient prophecy that they're destined to be lovers, and he'll bite her himself on the next full moon."

Windy blinked slowly. "Okay, I take that back about wanting to kiss him."

Big Mac chuckled. "Still friends?"

Windy smirked. "Sure, why not?"

Session 21.1 Kendell2

"Hide me!"

Shining Armor blinked, watching Chrysalis run into the room (for tonight's game) and rushing into a closet.

"...Is Cadence mad at you again?"

"No! Worse!"

Shining Armor's eyes widened. "Worse than that?!"

Cadence blinked, walking in. "Worse than what now?"

"Apparently worse than you..."


"From Chrysalis' perspective while you're mad at her."


Chrysalis poked out. "My mother heard about this and decided to drop by!"

Shining Armor blinked. "Wait, I thought you and your hive were born from a dark magic tree."

"I LIED! I TEND TO DO THAT!" the Queen yelled. "I was messing with your sister's head!...I like doing that."

"Chryssy, is that you?"

Shining Armor and Cadence turned to see the Changeling Queen's mother standing behind them. And she was just as intimidating as expected.

She was a little taller than Chrysalis, her carapace being a VERY burnt yellow (almost literally, looking like she'd been burned to the present color). Even the carapace around her mouth was serrated like teeth. Two tusks extended from them as well. Her She had holes like her daughter, but they seemed far more ragged. Her eyes were blood red with a dark pink where a pony would have white. She had a singed golden crown with a purple gem in the center, and regalia with butterflies and roses on them. Her wings were butterfly-like, but looked burned, pierced, and ragged.


"Empress Blackrose. Or Rosedust if you wish," the Changeling replied, sounding very friendly.

"Empress?" Cadence asked.

"Well my daughters are Queens, aren't they?" she asked, almost jokingly. "In all seriousness, I'm more like Queen Tiamat in comparison."

Cadence gulped a little bit. "Good to meet you, Empress Rosedust."

Rosedust nodded and gave a polite bow. "My pleasure Princess. I apologize for the problems my daughter caused you. Speaking of which, I thought I heard her..."

Chrysalis eeped, trying to hide...only for her mother to rush over and hug her, much to Cadence and Shining's shock. "Chryssy! There you are! I'm so proud of you for not trying to conquer something for how many weeks has it been?"

"I...forgot..." Chrysalis gasped out. "Mother...can't breathe!"

"Oh, sorry..." Rosedust replied, dropping her and letting her wheeze for air.

"So...Empress Rosedust...what game did you want to play?" Cadence cautiously asked.

"Oh! This one!" Rosedust replied, producing Crystals and Rainbows Generation 3.5.


"So, Rosedust, you don't mind ponies?" Shining Armor questioned.

"Oh goodness no. I used to BE one," Rosedust replied, her character, also named Rosedust, giving Shining's flowers.

"Really?" Shining asked.

"Yes, it involved a dragon, love poison, and chaos reigning. I think you've heard the story...Speaking of which, is Discord really reformed?"

"...Yeah, he's changed a lot..." Shining said, staring wide eyed at that revelation.

"...Hmm...I see...Well if he steps out of line, call me."

"I'll...keep that in mind."

"Good...Oh! You have crystal berry cookies!" she said, seeming more like a pony than a terrifying bug monster.

Cadence looked to Chrysalis. "Why are you so terrified of her? She seems nice. Even if she looks a little frightening..."

"If you think THAT'S scary you should see her 'game face.' And why? Why are dragons terrified of Tiamat?" Chrysalis spat back. "That and she's a hugger..."

Session 21.2 Kichi

Twilight was staring to the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Okay girls, what did we learn?" Asked Twilight.

"To not begin a game without knowing the rules?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"And...?" Asked Twilight.

"To ask before playing a game that have strange sounds of drums that only we can hear?" Ask Sweetie Belle.

"And...?" Asked Twilight again.

"To not play a game we found in the cellar of Discord's house even if in theory we go upstairs and not down? And if it has a similar name to a movie game, maybe it could be better to not touch?" Asked Scootaloo looking the game in the table of the friendship castle with the word 'JUMANJI'.

"Okay... Now, I need to find how to tell Mr. Rich that his daughter is missing and probably in danger, again, for third time this week," sighed Twilight.

Session 21.3 Alex Warlorn

"So... what's the point of this here game again?" Applejack asked. "We're playing prison guards?"

"Oh no," Spike said back in the DM seat. "You're playing as CONVICTS!"

"SAY WHAT?" The mane six replied.

"So what are we in for? Baking the world's biggest cake without a permit? Robbing the first national cookie bank of Equestria or-" Pinkie rambled.

"Actually, it doesn't come up in game." Spike said.

"Really Spikey-Wickey?" Rarity fluffed her mane. "If we going to be role playing convicted criminals, I think we should know WHY we're in prison."

"I'm just going by the game rules." Spike said. "The point of the game is to escape prison."

"Then what?" Applejack asked.

"Then you win the game."

"That's it? Not provin' our innocence or movin' to Mexicolt? Cause seriously, Ah think I'd rather live out my sentence..."

Spike shrugged. "The premise of the game is to build up skills and items, and eventually find a way to escape."

"Oh my... I think... I may want to skip out on this one." Fluttershy admitted.

"Ah'm not sure it's my cup of tea neither."

"Oh don't be sticks in the mud! It's just pretend," RD said. "We break into creatures homes, kill them, and take their stuff all the time in O&O."

"That's... different," Twilight defended. "Those monsters are normally evil."

Spike sighed. "Do you girls want to play or not? I felt really compelled to buy this game."
Far away, Chrysalis chuckled. "Yes yes! Seeing Twilight and her friends role playing imprisoned criminals, just a tiny speck of light to my otherwise miserable day!"

"I'm willing to give it a try darling." Rarity admitted. "Assuming it's one of those equinane prisons and not one of those filthy dungeons."

Rainbow Dash giggled.

"What's so funny darling?"

"Oh... just this makes me remember the first six months after we kicked Tirek's butt and got the crystal castle."

"Yes so?"

"Just Discord's house arrest."

"Oh." Fluttershy blushed.

Luna slipped a small collar on Discord's neck.

"Now, if younder Discord gives ye any trouble, simply press this button on this magic amulet-"

"Lulu, it's a remote." Celestia whispered.

"And Discord shall be struck by the fury of the heavens."

"He'll receive an electric shock."

"I SAID I WAS SORRY!" Discord defended. "I really AM reformed for reals this time! I swear!"

"And we believe you Discord." Twilight said. "This is just... for all the ponies who don't."

"Well I say to them -WAAAGAAGAGAGAGAGA!" Discord spasmed.

"Sorry darling, just testing it," Rarity said politely.

"Well... now you know it works, and hopefully you can-WAAAAAGAGAGAGAGAAAAA!"

Rainbow Dash said with a straight face. "Sorry, my hoof must have slipped on the button."

".... I know you want to do it too Twilight ... so just get it over with."

"Discord! I... I could never do that! It would serve no purpose and I am not that petty!"

Applejack pushed the button.



"If ya weren't gonna take yer turn."


"Uh... Ah think the button's stuck." Applejack said rather awkwardly.


"Makes you wonder why we didn't do the same for Trixie and Starlight," Rainbow Dash recollected.

"Trixie was under the influence of an evil ancient artifact that may or may not have a mind of its own. And Starlight is under my royal protection. Anypony who attacks her, is as good as attacking a princess of Equestria."


Fluttershy was happy Discord, nor Trixie, nor Starlight was here to hear this. It took them a while to get the button unstuck. Then Pound and Pumpkin got their hooves on the remote.

Session 21.4 Ardashir


"Hey, Pip, whatcha got there?"

"I don't know, Scootaloo. I found it outside a window at the Cake's shop. It must be a toy, but I don't know what it does. I've been pressing this button for an hour and nothing's happened." He prssed the button, held it, and let it go after several minutes. "See what I mean?"

Back at the Palace:

Discord groaned and twitched, his hide smoking. At least he'd been able to tear himself away from the pool this time before the alicorn-powered electricity hit.

"Oh, Discord," Fluttershy said, patting his head. "Are you afraid you'll die?"

"No," he moaned. Blue sparks sprayed from him as with wild shrieks, his skeleton showed clearly through his skin (Or somebeing's anyway, going from a pony to a dragon to a griffon) before stopping. "I'm afraid I'll live!"

Session 21.5 Dragon-of-Twilght

A knock suddenly resounded in the castle of friendship, making Twilight jump a bit. Another followed a second later. "Um... Spike? Were we expecting anything important?"

The drake looked up from his latest comic. "I don't think so... and the mailmare usually just comes to the balcony."

A third knock made Twilight set down her book with a sigh and walk out onto the mentioned balcony. She glanced down at the steps and spotted a reddish-brown pegasus stallion standing at... well, her castle gates, for lack of a better term. She could see him carrying a bag in his mouth from this angle, but couldn't make out much else. "It's open," she called down, "but you're better off just flying up here."

The pegasus looked in her direction, then flapped his way up to the balcony. "Princess Twilight," he said in greeting, then bowed to her.

"Er, can you not do that... please?" Twilight fidgeted nervously on the spot. "I... really don't like having ponies bowing to me."

"As you wish." The pony set the bag he'd brought with him down and stood up once more, revealing a pair of green rimmed glasses around a pair of equally green eyes. "Hello, your majesty. My name is Coffee Swirl, I own Beautiful Day Cafe over on Meadow lane; and I'm the one who sent you that modified Warhorse adaptation."

"Oh..." Twilight eyed the stranger carefully, then the bag. "I'm guessing that's what that's for."

"Yes," Coffee Swirl admitted. "I've made a few modifications based on your critiques of the story and the game mechanics, as well as expanded on a few other details you and your friends took issue with."

Twilight nodded slowly. "Okay... but I'm afraid we don't have a game scheduled for tonight; everypony was too busy."

"That isn't why I'm here anyway, your majesty." Coffee Swirl, either ignoring or not seeing Twilight's look of annoyance, fished out the notebook that had served as the rules manual while this thing was still in the design phase of things. "I still have a few sticking points that I can't quite work out on my own. I was hoping that, as someone who has played the game and read the story from an outside perspective, you could offer me some advice on how to fix them."

Twilight nodded again. "I... suppose that makes sense."

"Also, I've been tinkering with a mechanic that might make this setting a bit more palatable for most ponies. But, it's been giving a few headaches; you're intelligent, so I figured you can help me hammer out the whole thing. If you're not busy, I mean; and, you know, assuming that asking a princess for help with something so trivial isn't an arrest-able offense."

Twilight blinked, then took hold of the book with her magic. "I'm pretty sure it's not," she said with a smile. "And it's not like I mind helping another pony out." She opened the book and skimmed over the marked up pages. "Let's see... still no explanation for Sombra's crystallizing of three of us..."

"That's one of the things I want your help with," Coffee Swirl said with a wingshrug. "But I did finally put together a reason he corrupted Luna into Nightmare Moon."

Twilight flipped through a few more pages. "Hm... he's hoping to use the Elements?"

He nodded. "Yes, since, given the timeframe he would be from, he'd have known about her wielding three of them against Discord the first time. With three of you six already under his control, he's hoping to use her to make up the difference and take Discord out of the picture and start spreading his own ideas of 'Harmony'."

Twilight blinked, but nodded slightly. "What about Nightmare Moon herself? I mean, she can't be happy in a secondary role..."

"She's not," Coffee Swirl said. "But she also recognizes the threat Discord would pose to her as well; so their goals coincide for now, but she's also working her own plans in secret."

Another nod. "Okay... still a bit hesitant about this whole premise, but I'll help you where I can." She started to walk back inside. "You mentioned something about a new mechanic you were having trouble with..."

Coffee Swirl nodded as he bent down to retrieve his bag. "Yes," he said around the handle as he followed her inside. "I was trying to work in a redemption mechanic... but something that required a bit more to it than just doing really good at a Diplomacy roll."

Twilight's magic flared once more, shutting the balcony doors behind them as they walked inside to continue their discussion.

Session 21.6 Alex Warlorn

"I've got to admit Spike," Twilight said. "This feels kind of awkward."

"What?" Spike shrugged. "You girls played those modules that were based on all your adventures and ... mostly had fun with it."

"Yes but... " Twilight felt odd saying this. "All of us as Princesses, isn't that kinda strange?"

"Yes Princess, that's totally strange," Rainbow said.

Twilight silently cursed Trixie for giving Rainbow Dash that idea of using her title a teasing nickname even when RD hadn't been there to begin with!


"ANOTHER bad claw Trixie?" Mina asked confused.

"It's like I've been cursed by a goddess or something," Trixie said at her improably high bad luck for the last few games.


"I mean... none of you have fantasized about being Alicorns right?"

Her friends broke out innocent whistling... except Applejack. AJ looked at her friends confounded.

"Oh come on!" Twilight exasperated.

"Of course not darling!" Rarity said sweeting bullets. I'd never want to have the trouble of those wings, so hard to accessorize, and having to redo my entire wardrobes, not to say they don't look good on all of you, and the natural beauty of earth ponies physiques, those simply dashing wings and their transcendent loveliness, with beauty that will never age, to be loved and admired by the entire people, to be worshipped and praised, to be eternal, and... and... excuse me!" Rarity zoomed into a nearby closet, screamed, and came out. "I'm good."

"A princess can't be a Wonderbolt, so I couldn't be one of those." Rainbow Dash blushed.

"Yes you can," Twilight said then covering her mouth.


"Yes... uh... there's no law against it... at worst they'd bar you from any military operations and limit you to public performances."

Rainbow Dash grinned.

"Uh... if I was a Princess I'd protect all the animals of Equestria." Fluttershy said. "Uh, if that wasn't a problem for everyone else of course."

"OF COURSE I dreamed of that! . . . I've dreamed of everything. Well not everything because then my dreams would be boring, and what could be worse than that? Well other than there being no more wheat due to chocolate rain, and so no more cupcakes. But I have most definitely dreamed of being a princess!" Pinkie Pie said with a smile.

Applejack crossed her arms and huffed. "Well, Ah'm an earth pony and proud of it! Ya won't find me with wings and a horn, so no sir-re-bob! Thank ya very much!"
1000 Years Later (of course)

Princess Pinkie Pie (Thalia), Princess Fluttershy (Gaia), Princess Rarity (Lucia), Princess Twilight (Amicitia), Princess Rainbow Dash (Fidelitas), all stood grinning at Princess Applejack (Vertias). It was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"Shut it!" The Goddess of Honesty snapped.

"What are ya grinnin' at Pinkie Pie?"

"Oh nothing." Pinkie Pie said in that sly voice after a flash of her pinkie sense.

"Look, I think this is kinda cool, so ya girls wanna play or not?"

"Yes!" All said except Twilight and Applejack, who conceded to the majority vote.


"And so the mountain sized shadow of King Sombra rises over you, a pair of dark wings springing out behind him."

"WHAT?! Sombra's an Alicorn too?!" Applejack exasperated.

"Hey... you didn't think the Alicornification wave was gonna effect just NICE ponies did you? And seriously! Did you really think I was gonna Game Master an adventure of you girls effortlessly curb-stomping through every bad guy you've ever fought?"

Rarity sighed. "I supposed darling it WOULD BE rather boring after the taste of absolute power wore off... Well, we're STILL going to win!"

"That's the spirit!"


Princess Applejack crossed her forelegs. "It's not like the princess is a big deal now anyways!"

"Lala-lalala-lala-la-la!" Princess Derpy/Muffins/Bubbles/Ditzy Doo sang as she pranced along.

Session 21.7 Alex Warlorn

Spike awoke in the middle in the night, to find Princess Twilight hunch over one of the machines she'd brought over from the other side of the mirror. She didn't worry about 'cultural contamination' or such nonsense, why shouldn't two perfectly mature civilization trade ideas and technology? However, Twilight looked exhausted.

"Uh... Twilight, you okay?"


Spike whispered. "I know Owlowcious! I was being polite!"

"Uuuuugh. Just, fine Spike, just... busy."

"If this is another of those 'click' games."

"No, I swear, you don't have to set the computer on fire this time... " Twilight said in a tired voice. "It's just.. something other me called a 'point and click' adventure game..."

On the screen was a little pony figure (reality adaption apparently applied to some video games too, go figure), in a pixelated environment. Below were countless action options. Open. Close. Look. Speak. See. Touch. Taste. Listen. Hit. Pull. Push. Hug. Take. Give. Combine. Use. Read. Swallow. Walk to. Use.

There was a slight jingle sound, and a witty narrator voice rang from the speakers. "You put the button in the empty soda can and tied it to the stick and danced a jig and fed it to the goat. After reading the dance book that was two pixel wide and one pixel high in the far background of the library after stealing the reading glasses from the library after getting the radio to play her favorite rock song after rigging a lottery to win a million dollars that you couldn't use to just BUY a set of reading glasses or a battering ram or anything else useful or productive. This causes the front door to unlock. How did it do that? Heck if we know, we're just the game developers. Ha ha."

"I... I got it open... ha... ha... take that.... game..." Twilight said.

The narrator's peppy voice rang out as Twilight's character walked through the door.

"Inside... you find your father... who is already dead.. and you find in his pocket a note that says he wasn't kidnapped by aliens, he just ran away with a call-girl, the aliens just happened to crash land at the same place... so your entire quest has been a total and complete waste. Ha ha."

Princess Twilight's eyes rolled in the back of her head and she fainted. Spike carried her back to bed. After setting the game disc on fire.

"Let's stick to playing Equestria online from now on."

Session 21.8 BrutalityInc

"Alright, you encountered an orc warrior. Judging by his attire and scars, you recognize him as the orc that killed your parents!" Spike the GM extrapolated.

"Enraged, I raise my staff and hit him with a Magic Missile Storm!" Trixie declared dramatically, appealing to her inner actress, before tossing the dice.

The dice rolled... and landed on a zero.

Stunned silence reigned for a moment around the table.

"You... er... begin hitting on him." Spike muttered, "As in, the flirting sort of hitting. The orc is appropriately disturbed."

Trixie opened and closed her mouth, staring eye-wided at the dice, before finally exclaiming "How in Equestria IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!"

Rainbow Dash meanwhile descended into hooting laughter. "Look on the bright side, Trixie, at least you just ruined your character's reputation, not the whole campaign!"

Session 21.9 Mtangalion

Garble landed next to Princess Applejack. "You said it. Heck, just look at me. I'm the dragon god of hugs now."

Pinkie teleported into his arms. "Ooh, ooh! One hug, please!"

"What?!" exclaimed Princess Twilight. "Didn't Spike ever cancel his command as the Dragon Lord to hug every dragon you meet?"

Pinkie used her Alicorn magic to turn into a dragon with cotton-candy pink scales. "Okay, now dragon hugs!"

Gargle smirked, rolling his eyes, and glomped Pinkie again. "Nah, he told Ember to tell me I could knock it off nine hundred and ninety-nine years ago... but by then it was too late."

Twilight covered her mouth with a hoof, trying not to laugh. "You mean..."

"I like hugs!" proclaimed Garble, loud enough for half of Ponyville to hear. "You wanna make something of it? Huh?!"

Pinkie transformed again. "Okay, now griffon hugs!"

"Again?" huffed Garble. "Look, this is fun, but I don't have all eternity. Oh wait, I guess I do!"

Session 21.10 BrutalityInc

A new edition of ‘PASSAGE: Thus the JMEF fought’ was being published, and as one of the first subscribers of game company’s new monthly magazine, Canterlot-High-verse Shining Armor and co were among those who would receive a premium copy of the new edition.

A thorough review of the game showed that there were considerable differences from the previous edition; many changes and overhauls had been made, to the point it seemed only the basic premise remained relatively intact. Surprisingly, many of these changes were justified in-universe with the storyline moving forward, from two weeks to two months into the counterattack, with both sides of the conflict adapting to changing circumstances.

“The Empire in the Unknown Region beyond the passage has refused the UN envoy’s demands of reparations for the damage done during the Portal Incident, as well as return any prisoners they had taken to be enslaved. They are mobilizing for total war, raising new legions against the JMEF, bringing out elite troops that they have held back, getting tributary realms of their Empire to send their magical and non-magical troops to support them …” Gizmo noted as he read through the core rulebook, “Clever of the designers; that way, the players role-playing Recon Teams and Special Forces would face stronger and more numerous numbers of Imperial forces in each encounter.”

Indeed, in-universe, the JMEF are starting to take some casualties in their campaign against the Empire at the fantasy world; a few helicopter gunships were lost to lucky hits from enchanted ballista bolts and arcane spell-fire (Setting up scenarios where players had to rescue stranded pilots behind enemy lines, or play as stranded pilots who must make their way back to JMEF bases). A whole company of soldiers was recorded to have been decimated by poisonous gases, alchemically synthesized by potion-makers and then deployed by wyvern riders, before the rest could don NBC gears. Druids from a tributary kingdom raised a forest overnight, which blocked the advance of a JMEF mechanized regiment into Imperial territory.

The JMEF were still holding a significant advantage by virtue of weapons and warfare experience a thousand years ahead of the Imperials, but it was no longer looking like the easy nigh-inevitable win that the first edition had implied. In fact, political and economic troubles back home meant that logistics and reinforcements are being strained, stalling the JMEF advance and making victory much more difficult, if still very likely.

“Of course, the Imperials are not the only ones who had adapted.” 8-Bit interjected, skimming through supplementary books on equipment and organization, “Local culture and language had been clarified sufficiently for the modern world people to start establishing friendly relations with local nations and races. The JMEF has been cleared by the UN’s provisional strategic committee to hire local mages to help them in battle and enchant their equipment. Local militias and rebels against the Empire are being recruited as allies, being trained and armed with out-dated surplus weapons. And tactics against various monsters are being codified.”

“Speaking of which, magic and monsters in the game has also been given an upgrade compare to the last edition.” Gaffer added, highlighting certain paragraphs, “Apparently, the deities in the Unknown Region are taking an interest in the JMEF’s counter-invasion, and is subtly manipulating events in the background in order to make things even more interesting. For example, Loros, the goddess of sorcery, is increasing the presence of magic in the world by several folds and whispering new spells into the minds of mortal mages to boost magic users and artefacts; Kunir, god of the hunt, is awakening more ancient creatures and powerful monsters to oppose the JMEF when they trespass their territory; Dopatus, god of trickery and deceit, is having his followers – rogues, spies and assassins –secretly sabotaging JMEF efforts wherever they could and sowing distrust against them among the locals they encounter.”

“Kunir should explain why dragons are changed from very difficult enemies to nigh-invulnerable bosses that could only be killed in special events.” Shining Armor noted, reading through a guidebook of the monsters and entities in the Unknown Region, “Not that I don’t like the game makers fleshing out the pantheon a bit more this edition, but it does leave a few plot-holes. For one thing, if the gods don’t like the JMEF charging in guns-blazing and making a mess of things, what’s stopping them from just closing the portal off immediately?”

“Actually, that’s quite simple: self-interest and dissension in the ranks.” Gaffer explained, pointing to the appropriate page, “These guys don’t have a king of gods, and most of them aren’t even family. With so many conflicting personalities and bad blood between them, it’s inevitable that there’s a lot of differences in how they view the JMEF. Now at least three of the major gods wanted to keep the Portal open, not counting the lesser gods: Joth, the god of knowledge and wisdom, wanted to learn about the culture, philosophy, history and advanced sciences of the Modern World and has extended an invitation through his worshippers for the Modern World academicians to visit his patron city of knowledge in the mortal plane. Hartha, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, wanted to learn economics from and trade with the immensely wealthy modern civilization, and is rumoured to be the main driver behind restarting the peace negotiations. Heck, Mordon, the god of war and violent death, liked the JMEF’s weapons and soldiers’ capacity for carnage so much he gave his Acolyte permission to join the JMEF as an associate upon her request!”

“Acolyte? Who and what’s that?” 8-Bit asked, curiosity piqued.

“A general consensus exists amongst the gods of the Unknown Region, in which no one among them are allowed to interfere directly with the world.” Gizmo explained, reading through the book, “However, they can give blessings to worshippers, and use Acolytes, who are emissaries of the gods, raised to demi-godhood to act as their representatives upon the mortal plane. The Acolytes are warriors without peer, given superhuman senses, strength, speed and other powers and weapons to run the gods’ errands, and are immortal.”

Gizmo pointed to an artwork, depicting Mordon’s Acolyte posing for a photo-shoot with the smiling crew of the JMEF main battle tank right behind them. On appearance, she looked like any ordinary teenage girl… were it not for the crimson and black armoured battle-dress that make her look like a gothic Valkyrie, and the giant faintly-glowing rune-marked two-handed divine battle axe resting on her shoulders. She looked happy, like a kid who’s just got her birthday present, but the blood-red pupils of her eyes and her slightly unhinged grin hinted at the inhuman age, power and savage bloodlust beneath her cute human exterior.

“Should had expected the servant of the local war god to help out JMEF… But what happens if the JMEF have to fight one of those Acolytes?” Shining Armor asked, suddenly going pale at the prospects, “I don’t know if there’s anything we have that could possibly put them down permanently, and even Mordon’s Acolyte can’t be everywhere at once!”

“I suppose that’s the whole point of their existence: to give the players an immense challenge that some reviewers had said the first edition was lacking.” Gizmo speculated, thinking hard about the implications, “In that regard, looks like the designers had delivered. But I don’t think they would be THAT terrifying to face in open combat.”

Needless to say, Gizmo had no idea how wrong he was.

Session 21.11 Kendell2

Discord sat at a pink frilly table. "Alright, first annual game night for the League Of Reformed Villains, Antagonists, Jerks, and Madponies! Role call. Discord?"

A second Discord appeared in a tutu. "Here!"

"Sunset Shimmer?"

Sunset Shimmer, in her pony form, raised hoof. "Present."


"The Humble and Apologetic Trixie is present!" Trixie exclaimed dramatically.

"Babs Seed?"

"Righ' here!" Babs replied, blowing her mane out of her eyes.

"Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?"

"Here!" the two added, sitting next to each other. Diamond gave an uncertain look at Babs.


Gilda waved a claw. She was admittedly still a bit unsettled around Discord, but did her best after he'd tried to make up for it.

"Starlight Glimmer?"

Starlight raised a hoof. "Present."

"Spoiled Rich?"

Spoiled Rich looked uncomfortable, but nodded. "I managed to make it...for Diamond's sake..." the formally abusive mother replied.

"Good, hope some of the Shadows haven't forgotten we redeemed you...Should Flurry Heart be here or not?"

Starlight's eyes went wide. "Why?!"

"Well she DID nearly destroy the Crystal Empire."

"Well she IS a newborn," Starlight replied.

"Ugh...of course, children are innocent...except those three...formally. Anyhoo, let's get this party started!"

"What about me?" asked Buttons at the window.

"You're still half jerk, and the other half is brainwashed, sorry," Discord replied, pulling down the shades. "Any OTHER questions?"

"Why are we at Fluttershy's house?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Because it was either this or the DIMENSION OF CHAOS! And the chaos abominations don't like outsiders...because they're chaos abominations," Discord replied nonchalantly. "Any other questions?"

"Why do ya have such big eyebrows?" Babs asked.


"I wasn't, Ah was jus' curious."

"Oh...because they're cool," Discord replied. He then produced a game called Heroes of Maretropolis where you got to make your own superhero. "We're playing this. Because irony."

Session 21.12 BrutalityInc

Then the door swung open, and none other than the Princess of the Night, dressed for battle, came trotting in.


Luna saw the others holding their hooves to their ears, and blushed as she continued on with her normal voice.

"Apologies for my lateness, everypony. Both sister and I had urgent business to attend to, involving black magic and cake. Less said about it the better." Luna explained as she took off her helmet, "Nevertheless, we heard there is a meeting for the reformed and redeemed, no? We look forward to have much fun and reverie!"

"But... But you weren't even invited!" Babs exclaimed.

There was a moment so silence. Then everypony blanched and held their ears shut at what was coming.


Session 21.13 Zaku789

"PULL!" Garble shouted as a dragon threw a doll shape like a certain dragon in the air, he unleashed a fireball that destroy the doll instantly.

"Dude, when will you stop, it's been three week already," Fume (The blonde hair dragon) said.

"Yeah, it was funny at first but now it's kinda annoying." Clump (The brown dragon) said.

"Oh I'm sorry, were you force to give hugs to every dragon till you got home 'cause of a pony lover who had the shortest reign ever? No? Then keep making the dolls!" Garble roared. "Besides you don't see Crackle complaining."

"That's 'cause Crackle's the caltapult, not the dummy makers," Clump said annoyed.

"Bleurgh!" Crackle said happily.

"Whatever point, if I find out that namby-pamby pony lover spreading that tale about the hugging thing, it's going to be him that's blasted apart! I ain't afraid of no dragon lord past or current, and that goes double for any Dragon Town defectees."

"Hey Master Babylon and Former Dragon-Lord Torch." The two teenager said blandly.

"AHHHH!!!" Garble screech in fear as he flew out of there as if he had windigoes on his tail.

"Can't believe he fell for that," Fume said. "This place is way too sunny for either to have suddenly appeared behind him."

"At least now we can stop making these dummies, wanna play king of the horde?" Clump asked.

"You know it!"

Session 21.14 Kendell2

"Alright, now that we've settled that..." Discord said, currently mildly singed. "Seriously, I was just trying to be considerate and let you sleep."

"We may have overreacted...slightly..." said Luna. "We just do not like being excluded is all...Past experiences with abandonment and so on."

"I can relate to that," Starlight admitted.

Discord cleared his throat. "Let's make our characters already."


"Alright, here is MY amazing superhero," Discord said with his normal amount of ham. There was a betting pool about whether he or Trixie would outham the other. He showed a picture of a pony with a completely weird mixmatch outfit on. "Captain Nonsense! A pony who fell into an unstable vortex after being doused with chemicals at the same time he was struck by lightning on a Leap Year while eating banana pizza, and gained the ability to do anything so long as it is NOT logical to do in that particular situation!"

"The game requires a weakness, right?" Starlight reminded, looking at the paper.

Discord grumbled. "Fine. If someone can logically explain how something he's doing would LOGICALLY work in that situation his power fails. How's that?"

Starlight nodded. "That's better."

"Diamond and I made this one for me," said Spoiled Rich explained, showing a picture. It resembled the Jewel Cutter design Diamond had made before, but much more heroic. "Power Jewel is a reformed super villain. She used to desire to rule everything with an iron hoof, but realized the pain she was causing her family and repented, now she uses her power for good. She has an amulet that gives her the ability to turn into living diamond and super strength."

Diamond and Spoiled smiled to each other. It was still a tiny bit awkward, but clearly improved over how they were before.

"Trixie's superhero is Madam Amazing! She was once a humble stage magician who learned magic arts from an ancient and powerful mage! Now she has magical abilities far beyond the comprehension of mere mortals!" Trixie announced, showing her hero, who looked exactly like Trixie but in an elaborate and epic looking mage outfit.

Discord rolled his eyes. "And they say I have an ego..." he muttered.

Luna cleared her throat. "Wonderful designs, Our Subjects! But behold the Princess of the Night's superheroine!" she announced, showing hers...who was a shadowy black mare with demon wings, navy blue armor, and a flaming skull for a head, drawn in a very terrifying art style. "Her name is Night Terror! She is a spirit of vengeance who unleashes her terrifying wrath upon the unjust! She has the ability to bring to life the wicked's most darkest fears and her tartarus fire burns hotter the more sinful her enemy is!"

The Princess of the Night blinked, noticing the children were cowering behind Spoiled and everypony else was staring at her wide-eyed.

"...Is something wrong?"

They shook their heads.

"She's just terrifying," Discord replied bluntly.

"...So?" Luna questioned, seeming naive to how terrifying others found her taste is aesthetics.

"Oh...Then we're good."

Session 21.15 BrutalityInc (Makes me wonder, though, who's going to be the GM?)

Babs Seed beamed as she showed her work to the rest of the table. "I'm Scissorhooves! My character is a master swords-mare with a pair of enchanted scissor-blades that could slice and cut through virtually everything! Too bad she's pretty much hapless without them."

"A pony who could cut through anything. Now where did I seen that before...?" Discord mused as Babs went on with her character's backstory.

= = =

"Why do I have a feeling somepony is ripping off my talent?" Snips muttered suddenly.

"That's just your imagination, boy! Now focus and help me with my puppets, sonny!" snapped Claude.

Sighing, Snips turned his attention back to help making new props and puppets for the the gonkish unicorn of a puppeteer who is his father, all the while wishing he could go back to hanging out with Snails.

Session 21.16 BrutalityInc

As it was, while Trixie, Luna and Discord are all well-versed in the ways of terror and ham, someone else on the table was destined to out-do them all.

"BEHOLD, the SUBTERRAINER! I've always been beneath you! But NOTHING, is beneath ME!" The GM declared, roleplaying the villain who bursted out of the ground in a giant drill tank, "I hereby declare WAR on PEACE and HAPPINESS! SOON ALL WILL TREMBLE BEFORE ME!!!"

All present at the table stared at the GM in stunned awe, many with mouths agaped.

"That... that was so cool!" Babs Seed was the one who gave voice of the opinions held by half the table.

'Who would hath thought this mare had it in her.' Luna thought quietly.

"Well, someone seemed to have taken Gilda's training to heart." Discord said with a sly grin.

"Emm..." Fluttershy the GM blushed at the stares directed at her, "Too much?"

Session 21.17 Mtangalion

Gilda gave Fluttershy a claws up. "Nice! My turn now." She held up a character sheet with a hatchlingish scrawl of a griffon wearing a chef's hat and apron with a domino mask. "My character was just another short order cook until she found the Chef Hat of Majesty, passed down from her glorious chef ancestors! Now she fights for justice as the Hostess! No crook with taste can resist her scrumptious golden fruit-filled pies!"

"Interesting," mused Discord. "I'm surprised you didn't go for the living large sort of hero." He snapped his fingers, and Gilda squawked, blowing up to twice her usual size.

"Oooh." Gilda grinned, trying to play it cool while sweeping the crushed remains of her chair aside. "Er, yeah, I tried that already with Spike's group. Seems like the arch-nemesis of Big Chief was the insurance claims adjuster, and every bad guy smart enough to stay indoors."

"Um, Mr. Discord?" said Babs Seed, annoyed about being crowded against Gilda's flank. "Yous can change her back now..." Gilda muffled her with a wing. "Hey!"

"Sorry, what was that?" said Discord. "I have weasels in my ears." He pulled two live weasels out of his ears, sure enough, and they scampered around the game table until Fluttershy coaxed them into her mane.

Session 21.18 Alex Warlorn

Programmer Discord made sure that the 'plausible denial' thing was iron clad, so Celly and Lulu could never accuse him of putting pony versions of them in the game... then again, it wasn't like either of them even played MMOs, so he was safe.

Vice President of Crystalsoft, Chrysalis (who rumors said had mobs connections, yes, rumors) had taken a look at Discord's final script and laughed evilly. Thinking how in the second expansion, how SHE could use this sort of thing to manipulate players and string them along, then hit them hard with those delightful things called 'Player Punches.' At least company President Sombra's in game character was proving to be just a generic evil overlord with no real personality or backstory, which mean more resources for the plague of the changelings.

Discord was still a little sour at not getting to use some of his more 'creative ideas' (the hypno screens and sadistic self modifying AI to prey on the player's insecurities), but you win some, you lose some.

Discord's new intern, Scorpan, asked uncertain. "Are you sure about this end game for the discorded path?"

"Trust me kid. Players love this sort of thing, well, not when it happens to them, but they love it from a gamer perspective."


Shining Armor SMILED when he saw a certain email, and smiled even wider when he saw the contents and called up his friends to share the good news.

After many, MANY DELAYS, arguments, compromises, and maybe one or two fist fights, the first expansion of World of Horsecraft had been released, Reins of Chaos. And introducing the new villain for the expansion, Discord, The Spirit of Disharmony.

The Human Twilight Sparkle, Spike The Dog, and the Human Six, had all been surprised when Princess Twilight had turned down going on this quest line, and so had Moonlight surprisingly enough.

So REALPrincess the Pegasus, and Moonlight the Pegasus, wouldn't joining them. Sunset Shimmer, as RisingSun, would be joining the quest line, but she acted like it was a form of self punishment or something.


PurplePup, FaithfulStudent, along with the others began to log into World of Horsecraft.

Indeed, the game company had offered a 'micro-transaction' to have players who wish to change their mares to stallions, but under the condition there was 'take backsies' and it was limited to players whose characters had been made before the expansion had been added. Many players kept their PCs as mares just as protest at the exploitive nature of the deal.


Being from Crystal Prep, the ShadowBolt 5 had to wait a while longer before finding time to do the Reins of Chaos Quest Line.

They were surprised when chatting with Crystal Prep Alumni Shining Armor via camera chat ... he had given them a strange warning.

"You DON'T want to go down the Stay Discorded Route! You just don't! Trust me!" Shining Armor the paladin said, a scared, haunted look in his eyes. "It's... it's not worth it... I... Me and my friends tried it out... you won't like what's at the end. I... I don't know if I can Gleaming Shield anymore. I thought we'd do it just once, for fun before trying the other quest line... but..."

Needless to say, this made them want to try it out even more.


After the quest began, 'Discorded' Ponies, ponies where acting rude, hostile, or outright insane began to replace normal NPCs. And Princess Celestia summoned them, warning of Discord's return, and needing the Element of Harmony again to defeat Discord... except... Discord appeared... apparently somehow already having stolen them.

And having to fight through several royal guards who had been Discorded along with several other innocent brainwashed ponies... they came to the maze... there... Discord systematically used 'Discordance' on each of the player characters... it didn't wear off and couldn't be removed... and Discord was listed as friendly and the other players as hostile... until, the entire party had been.

The game offered two quest lines at this point, one involved freeing yourself and others from Discord's control, the other ... was spreading the corruption. And the rewards listed for following the discorded path were actually surprisingly a lot more impressive than the ones for the reharmonized path. Gamer logic dictated which path to follow.


"My little ponies... though you have been discorded by Discord ... know that I still love you, and that I can not raise my horn against you, for you are all my herd, my foals, I plead for your inner goodness, walk away from this path and return to the road of harmony and fight against Discord."

*Princess Celestia is Sparing You*

Princess Celestia on the front gates of Canterlot stood there, not making any attack, sitting on her haunches, her forelegs spread out, and her wings folded.

Naturally the party attacked at once... her HP dropped to zero on the first attack that made contact.

"I.... I still believe in you..." Celestia whispered before she fell over.

Experience points, gold, and items were all rewarded.

"That it?" Indigo Zap asked confused. "Just one hit? I didn't think this new swag was that strong."

"That's cool!" Sour Sweet said. Then said, "Anyone else feeling guilty somehow?"


Sunny Flare had to admit... this entire thing had been growing EASIER instead of HARDER the further the Stay Discorded plotline went along... royal guards normally near unkillable were suddenly dropping like flies before them, the Captain of the Royal Guard himself had been the only real challenge, and that was after he channeled the spirits of the remaining ponies not yet corrupted by Discord. His last words were that they should try to redeem themselves if they wished to save themselves.

The quest line for having the Discorded Status removed remained open ... until they entered the final chamber, where it cut off (after confirming three times that they wanted to go through with it).

Princess Luna stood on a balcony in front of the raiding party, looking slightly different from the end of the Nightmare Moon questline. She looked down at the ponies.

"Unlike many who have been tainted by Discord, we sense ye have retained a sense of free will, able to act independently of his evil infecting your hearts. Doth this mean all ye have done, ye have used Discord's foul magic as an excuse to do wicked acts of disharmony? In return for whatever trivial rewards he offered you? Power? Status? Bits?"

"This is getting kinda meta," Lemon Zest remarked.

Princess Luna said idly, "Tis it not a beautiful day? Foals are playing, birds are singing, on a day such as such this, ponies such as yw..." Her eyes glowed red. "Should be burning in Tartarus."

She then telekinetically slammed them into the ceiling, floor, and walls followed by several pony skulls that fired wave motion gun level blasts all at once. Leaving half their team in need of reviving on the spot.

Princess Luna remarked, "Have ye not ever wonder why a warrior dosh not use their mightiest magic first? Let's begin."

What followed was Princess Luna using a string of patently unfair attacks, much like her Nightmare Moon pattern, but without the orange warning symbols on the floor to let the players know ahead of time where to dodge.

Princess Luna remained on her balcony, not even bothering to come down. And she was effectively outside the range of the map!

Sunny Flare fired a lightning bolt spell at her...

And Princess Luna DODGED the attack. Not the 'MISS' symbol appearing above her hit after the spell made contact, but literally stepped out of the way!

"Since when does the game have PHYSICAL dodge like that?" Sour Sweet snarled.

"It doesn't." Sugar Coat remarked.

"Did ye expect me to stand there and take it?" Princess Luna remarked.

It was nothing short but an insane scramble to stay alive and keep each other resurrected. Like it went on forever.

"Is this some unwinnable joke?!" Sour Sweet hissed.

"Maybe not." Sugarcoat said and fired a magic missile at Princess Luna who dodged again.

Princess Luna said, "Ye art about to have a bad time."

Sunny Flare used ice shards this time, but Princess Luna still dodged it from her balcony.

"Ye were the ones to free me from my madness... so I allowed my sister to try and reason with ye, to reach the ponies ye once were... but this is who ye always were wasn't it? Ye didn't save me for Equestria, or my sister... ye did it for the wealth and power it would grant ye. And now ye think siding with Discord will grant ye more!"

"Her dialogue isn't repeating." Sugarcoat said. "I think we have to keep dodging her attacks and slowly exhaust her dialogue."

"Better than nothing!" Indigo Zap said flying about trying to dodge blades of moonlight going about in patterns that second guessed her moves.

As the 'fight' went on.... Sunny Flare noticed first. "Princess Luna... she's getting tired." Then got one hit KO'ed by a eclipse spell and had to be resurrected for the 12 or 24th time that fight.

Suger Coat realized the logic of it. "She is the NIGHT Princess, the quest started during the day, and she must still be recovering from being Nightmare Moon in the original quest... we have to out last her."

And slowly... finally... they did.

"... Let me ask ye... one last time my little ponies... have ye done this... because ye chose to? Even when ye could have chosen to resist Discord's magic. Or did ye do it, because ye could? and because ye could, ye must?"

And Princess Luna... began to nod off... Sour Sweet inched by inch with her flight towards Luna... and finally, blasted her at point blank range... and she dodged again!

"HA! Did you think-!" Then... she was blasted from behind... by Discord.

"Well done my little ponies! Well done! I knew you would be of use to me!"

"So we fight Discord?" Sunny Flare asked, remembering how these kind of games normally went.

"I know you must be thinking ... am I mere to eliminate you? Oh well, I suppose-"

Then they attack Discord at once... on their own... without inputting the commands.

Discord look at them shocked... "Wait... how did you..." They hit them again and again without any input! WITHOUT needing to wait for cool down! "No! Please! Stop! I-!"

And Discord became stone again, and shattered.

Then the shadows of the five shadow bolts stretched forward... and formed into replicas of them, only with their characters models twisted to resemble Discord's kind.

"Hello... it is I," said the silent dialogue box. "Zapping Dust." Said the shadow, 'saying' the name for Indigo Zap's character. The rest doing the same. "Thank you... I have been born of you.. power... bits... achievement... these desires... I have been born of them... now we have reached the absolute... we are set to become the new gods of chaos... we shall twist Equestria to our whim... but first... we must destroy this world to make room for our new one... What do you say?"

The dialogue box appeared with the choices: Destroy Equestria/ Refuse.

"Uh..." Indigo Zap said. Then selected 'No' first.

"No?... Interesting... wHeN wErE yOu EveR iN conTROl?" Then the shadows became for one terrifying moment monstrously sized draconequi and one hit KO'ed the raid party at once.


Sour Sweet practically ripped her head set off and looked at her friends who had done the same, not even looking at their monitors. "THAT WAS SERIOUSLY MESSED UP!"

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.

Session 21.0 MtangaLion
Session 21.1 Kendell2 OOC: In case it isn't obvious, the idea is Blackrose/Rosedust looks utterly terrifying as one would expect Chrysalis' mother, but is more or less a friendly and loving...except to Discord. She was only planned to be a villain (and may get used as one in a stand alone story) because of her grudge on him, but consider this a more forgiving version of her.

Only picture I've ever done of her: fav.me/d5du15h

I admit, I was considering having her mother being the tree she was born from, but I'm not a fan of that origin.
Session 21.2 Kichi
Session 21.3 Alex Warlorn
Session 21.4 Ardashir
Session 21.5 Dragon-of-Twilght
Session 21.6 Alex Warlorn
Session 21.7 Alex Warlorn
Session 21.8 BrutalityInc
(This is a transposition/shameless-rip-off of a comic strip I read on web comics series "The World Is Flat" by animator/cartoonist/storyboard Artist Connor Murphy. It was hilarious, and completely in tune with what PAD(JHF)!Trixie could accidentally do)
Session 21.9 Mtangalion
Session 21.10 BrutalityInc
Session 21.11 Kendell2
Session 21.12 BrutalityInc
Session 21.13 Zaku789
Session 21.14 Kendell2
Session 21.15 BrutalityInc (Makes me wonder, though, who's going to be the GM?)
Session 21.16 BrutalityInc
Session 21.17 Mtangalion
Session 21.18 Alex Warlorn

Cover art by Cazra http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Stolen-Pants-323432497

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

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