• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

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Session 50

Session 50.0 Richforce

(Based on Hello Neighbor)

8-Bit was getting used to his games getting some ponies angry, but his wife being one was somehow worse.

"This was not in any way intentional," 8-Bit said trying to blend into the couch.

"I don’t care," said Maternity Love Tap. "Button convinced Sweetie Belle to break into Mr. Doodle’s home and give him a concussion!"

"That was an accident!" said Button Mash. "He creeped up on her so she levitated the lawn ornament one thing led to another..."

"And I said the Belle’s and I don’t care."

"Start from the beginning," said 8-Bit. I didn’t get all the details.

Maternity took a deep breath. "Button broke his leg after Scootaloo thought he might get his cutie mark in the Luge, she and Rainbow Dash already talked long and hard about it. Anyway, while he was recovering he tried out that alpha build you made that everypony’s talking about."

"You mean 'There Goes the Neighborhood'. I’ve never seen so many ponies make theories and speculations on just an engine demo."

"A game about breaking into somepony’s home to find out if they are a serial killer or a kidnapper keeping somepony in his basement is not quite something I’d have him play if I knew what you were making."

"I thought it would be a friendlier take on horror, instead of the grotesque and jump scares it’s about trying to be stealthy and the fear of being caught, that way you don’t need to make it gory. But Button knows the difference between fantasy and reality."

"But it did get the wheels in his head turning after he noticed nopony in town has seen Matilda in a few days, so he called up Sweetie after he saw Mr. Doodle bury something in their backyard. And since he was stuck in bed he called up Sweetie and asked her to see what he buried."

"And that was?" 8-Bit said sighing.

"Cranky and Matilda’s sunset fund. Matilda herself was paying an extended visit to her nephew at Applelossa. She’s with Cranky right now at the hospital, thanks to you and our son."

"I already said I was sorry!"

"Tell that to Mr. Doodle, and you are not playing 'There Goes the Neighborhood' until your father finishes it and I look at the game and I find NOTHING objectionable."

Button sighed. "Yes Mom."

"And as for you honey," Maternity said turning to her husband. "I want to look at your development notes, closely. This whole incident reminds me of that Hitchtrot film Back Window."

"Funny," said 8-Bit. "That was one my inspirations for this game, talk about life imitating art."

"You can talk about it to Cranky, but I doubt he’ll find it as funny."


Back in Ponyvillie general Cranky had the back of his head wrapped in bandages. Matilda gave him a worried look and he sighed heavily. "Alright, I'll go ahead and open the savings account, I remember when how you saved your money was your own business."

Session 50.1 General Lemarc

Short drabble that might not be good/complete enough(if its somehow the latter but not the former, feel free to add on), but here goes(SPOILER WARNING: Xenoblade Chronicles.


Bright Shinji would kill the gods. It was his destiny. Sure, destiny was evil and wrong and made by the gods to control mortals (and it also didn't exist and was a lie used to control mortals), but he made his OWN destiny. Unfortunately for him, they had realized the threat he posed to their dominion, and banded together against him through their adventurers. But just as he was unmasked (literally, his illusion spells had been removed) and defeated at the same time by Lucrissia's chosen warrior Smart Cookie and her PhZ 2000 Party Howitzer, he heard a voice that somehow wasn't there, despite it clearly existing.

"Not yet. You'll be most useful."

"Who are you?" Bright demanded, with as much haughtiness as he could muster.

"The firstborn of the gods, who rose to fight them."

Several decades later...

Anlancia killed gods. It was her job. Sure the organization that made that job, the reason for doing it, and even her demonic employer were all gone, but that's no mistake to slack off. Besides; it was fun! Or at least, it was until they got the bright idea of working together against her. Lucia had even gone so far as to use incredibly precious resources that allowed her to directly manifest herself to INSULT HER OUTFIT before she fell to the champions' combined assault. But as her vision went black...

"Well hello there. You're even better than the last one."

"And you are...?" Anlancia demanded, refusing to let her imminent death affect her attitude.

"Don't bother, he'll just give some kind of pretentious, grandiose speech," said some sort of schoolboy near her.

"Why is it always children?" Anlancia asked. "Well, if this is my hell, at least I have my guns," She drew one and made to fire at Bright, being able to sense the impossibly large amounts of hypocrisy from him despite not knowing him, but was stopped by...something.

"Save your energy. The both of you will have much better things to kill soon enough."

The nameless girl hated the gods. She hated them so much that, should a psychic empath try to read her emotions, they would suffer physical damage from her boundless hate. Now, armed with her magic, suitably-ironically named Spear of Destiny, she was-shot 37 times in the chest, impaled by a ridiculously large pen, and crushed by some unseen eldritch force.

"Not that I mind a good old-fashioned witch fight," Anlancia. said "But why exactly did we need to kill her?"

"Unneeded competition," said the voice, but despite his usual air of mysterious confidence, if he had had hands, they would have been checking to make sure he hadn't been touched by her spear.

Meanwhile, in the girls' campaign.

"Huh" Spike muttered, "I thought there were 5 potential villains. Eh. Must be my imagination."

"The gods took everything from me. So I shall take everything from them!" Yelled Bellerophon, as he charged the champions of Twilight and Co.'s deities!

"I use divine intervention, and manifest myself directly in-between him and the heroes," Fluttershy said.

"Wait! It is true that the gods you hate took your family, but we are not them, and neither are our champions. In fact, they have families too; would you not be what you hate if you continued down this path?"

"Is she really doing this?" muttered Twilight, but was shushed by Rainbow Dash of all ponies.

"I wanna see if she can actually talk down a deicidal maniac. That would be pretty awesome."

"Well, I-" " will be sitting this one out ." proclaimed a voice that belonged to no-one around the table.

"Pinkie, we could use your party cannon again," Twilight said, while preparing to fight whatever malevolent entity had decided to attack Ponyville this week.

" Foolish horses. I am nowhere you can find. For I am in this game you play, though it is now far more thanks to me. Unfortunately, while you can't harm me in this state, neither can I harm you. However..."

The figurines of the Neighponese student and the scantily-clad witch levitated themselves onto the table, with matching character sheets that seemed somewhat overpowered, along with a sheet for another deity.

" Once I defeat your gods and champions, I shall be free to rule your world as is my right. And none shall stop me this time. All shall know the name." at this point the voice became much clearer, though this didn't serve to make it any less malicious "OF ZANZA!!!!!"

"... Who?" asked Applejack.

"Zanza! You know, the god of Bionis! I survived my own extinction once, and I did it again. And now i shall rule this new universe, made from the ashes of my old-"

"Wait, how would this universe be made from your old one?" Twilight asked, though keeping her horn pointed at evil character sheets(ridiculous though it looked and sounded).

"Well there is but one universe-"

"Making a lot of assumptions there," said Pinkie Pie, who somehow still had the card from Ponythulu's law firm.

"You know what?! It doesn't matter! I and my champions shall kill your heroes, then you, and then every last god in the universe!"

"Waitwaitwait," interjected Rainbow "Didn't you just say you're a god? Shouldn't you be trying to usurp the gods instead of just kill them?"

"Silly Rainbow. I have to keep up appearances for my unwitting slav-I mean my brave champions! Besides, if you can't beat them (his thoughts traveled back to a blond-haired human with a sword) join them."


(OOC:I'm kinda making this a "game is actually real" kinda thing, so that the first campaign the girls run isn't the first time their deities have done this sort of thing. And I;m trying to make this able to be enjoyed by people who haven't yet seen the glory of xenoblade. If there's something that non-fans don't get outside of a reference or quick joke, please let me know.)

Session 50.2 Quartzscale

An indeterminate time from now...




Sombra and Hope finished their game and unfortunately for the CrystalSoft CEO he lost the match. Groaning in defeat he kissed his wife and got ready for the most important meeting of his life. A somber smile appeared on her face knowing that this was for the best and she didn’t want to appear before Rabia after the last time they were in the same room. Ira barely managed to remain civil with her due more to the fact that her ideas made money for the company. Use made her worth it in Ira’s own words.

"Ira come along. We need to go see mother…" Sombra uttered to his younger sister and led the way towards the car. Ira merely smiled angelically though for some reason the butterflies which usually followed her burst into fire every time she walked down the hallway. Both Discord and Chrysalis had covered themselves in a cubicle alongside almost every single workers in their company. Tension exuded off them scaring every single employee.
The car ride had been uneventful and Ira remained smiling and innocent looking like she always was. Sombra, in the meantime, was feeling a weight keep him down. The game he lost had been a very important matter and left him slightly anxious to get this over with.

"Dear brother, we have arrived." Ira’s sickeningly sweet voice bringing Sombra back to his senses.

Sombra exited the car and saw exactly why he wanted to do anything else rather than see his mother. Unfortunately for him his family had decided to visit that same day as well.

Aunt Luxuria worked as a fashion model, vain and always looking at beauty she made sure to make herself desirable to the masses while keeping them at arm’s length. Her eyes also looked very cold whenever she saw Sombra. Unlike the others she knew exactly what he did and there was no loss love between the two.

Uncle Gula was built like a bodybuilder yet whenever they were alone he would always be eating something usually refried or greasy. He enjoyed seeing Rabia get taken down after their own childhood got so messy. Sombra usually found himself tolerating his time with his uncle. They were at least civil with each other.

His four cousins had also come with them. Two for Luxuria and two for Gula yet their spouses didn’t show up with them. Superbia and Avaritia belonged to Luxuria. Superbia ran a fitness center that she built from the ground up managing to make herself the pinnacle of success with that venture within a few months. Avaritia was a NEET but managed a job as a stockbroker working within decent terms for many companies. Sombra used her service more than once to get the right funding for his ventures. He managed to get along with Avaritia but Superbia was always hounding him to get into shape a lot of the time. Both were still terrified by Rabia and only came due to their parent.

Accedia and Invidia belonged to Gula. Accedia was a racer. She managed to make it as a speed demon in the professional circuit which gave Ira plenty frames of reference for her style of racing games. Realistic wounds when they crashed made it better for them. Invidia was a tiny girl but looked up to Sombra for reasons he would never know. She was still in school working to get into CrystalSoft and Hope was looking forward to her entry when she got her degree.

In weird terms Luxuria, Superbia, and Accedia were very big proponents and supporters of Ira and her ventures making sure to supply her with material for her game designs and funds should she need it. Gula, Avaritia and Invidia supported Sombra on his ventures. This made the family reunions ticking time bombs of uncertainty.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of an impromptu family reunion for a simple visit with mother." Sombra spoke aloud gathering the attention of his immediate family while Ira merely ignored him.

"It was a coincidence nothing more." Luxuria sneered.

"Of course it was." Sombra muttered while a few of the others lightly chuckled. Luckily enough it was visiting hours and since Tirek had pulled some strings the entire family got the chance to meet with Rabia in a private meeting even though she was considered one of the most dangerous criminals to ever be brought into the prison.

"Well I need to ask sis about something important. Gotta see if she’ll agree." Gula admitted aloud.

"Again!?" Luxuria cried out.

"Of course again. I’m gonna keep asking regardless if she wants to hear or not. Besides I’m at least visiting her every other day willingly. Isn’t that right nephew?" Gula elbowed Sombra lightly though he felt as though he would be bruised later.

"Hacking attempt on the company made it hard to leave everything to my staff. Made sure they were doing their job." Sombra lied to the best of his ability. He really didn’t want to meet with Rabia after already getting out of her clutches. With Gula and Avaritia he would be fine. They were on his side and Invidia would support his side. Ira, ironically, would support him even though he put their mother in prison if only because she managed to get her own division and shell company because Rabia was gone.

"I thought that was taken care of months ago." Ira smiled slyly.

"I remember that. I think a friend of mine was talking about that. Her name is Gabby." Invidia chirped up. Her eyes seemed to glow green with envy.

"That put you back a bit didn’t it cousin?" Avaritia slurred seemingly finally waking up from her daydreams.

"I would have finished up a long time ago." Accedia rolled her eyes while Superbia laughed aloud at her.

"Not as good as me that’s for sure." Superbia muttered earning slight ire from Accedia.

"Quiet all of you." Rabia spoke as she sat in her chair. Her darkened eyes bore into each of them forcing them to sit before her in the room set aside for their meeting. Even Ira was cowed from her usually confident smile. Then her eyes focused on Sombra…

Session 50.3 Quartzscale

"Son. I see you finally have found the time to visit me. I hope you found a decent woman in your life already. That Hope girl was never good enough for you." Rabia genuinely smiled. It was not one of sadistic pleasure or denial. She was genuinely happy to speak aloud to Sombra about her disdain about the girl.

"Sister about the thing-" Gula started.

"SHUT YOUR #&@$ING MOUTH GULA!" Rabia roared out. The guards outside the door were ready to charge in only for Sombra to hold up his hand to stop them. He knew this needed to be done. Gula instantly cringed and folded in on himself. Luxuria would have laughed if she even had the courage to do so. Rabia was the matriarch of the family at this point and she was the one who had final say in the circumstances of their life, for the most part.

"I married Hope." Sombra stated bluntly and with a tone of finality.

"You still haven’t found someone. Don’t worry son you’re very interesting and you’ll find someone soon." Rabia didn’t miss a beat and ignored Sombra. The others winced at this because unlike them she would immediately yell at them for talking back.

"Mother I already found Hope. We are married and that’s the end of that." Sombra bluntly stated once again. Rabia’s eyes twitched and she glared vehemently at Sombra. He didn’t shrink away or look scared which made Rabia even angrier.

"That little tart wasn’t good enough for you you worthless excuse of a man. What the hell is wrong with you!?" Rabia cried out though the other participants of the room didn’t say anything. Each had the same thought regardless of whether they liked Sombra or not. ‘Better him than me.’

"I just decided to stop taking your crap." Sombra smashed his fists against the table and glared right back. The others were sweating bullets at this point.

"Oh I get it son. She’s making you money so she’s worth keeping around. Got it. I understand now," Rabia smiled. The cruel thoughts actually returned the smile to its genuine.shine. "When she’s done making you money then the marriage will end. Good job."

Sombra was still glaring at that woman. He refused to call her his mother. It would take something big to shock her into shutting her damn mouth and now none of the family even wanted to look either of them in the eye. Sighing quickly he steeled himself for the last thing he would willingly talk to his mother about. The others were about to speak when Sombra slammed his fists against the table again.

"She’s pregnant. First kid in a few months." Sombra spoke loudly and clearly. Everybody in the room shut their mouths when they noticed something had changed in Rabia. Her eyes focused solely on Sombra and instead of her usual fondness for the boy they were contorted with rage. Luxuria quickly dragged Superbia under the table while she did the same to Accedia. Gula pulled Avaritia away from the table who pulled Invidia as well. Ira was luckily behind Sombra when Rabia immediately tossed the table over Luxuria’s groups’ heads against the wall and jumped at Sombra knocking him to the floor. Sombra managed to grab her arms while the two struggled over the circumstances. Through sheer luck Sombra managed to pin Rabia down when the guards finally made their way in.

"Let me speak with her!" Sombra announced loudly enough for the guards to stop. One still kept his hand on the taser they brought specifically for use on Rabia.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. YOU’RE TAINTING THE FAMILY LEGACY WITH THAT DAMN HARLOT!" Rabia screamed at the top of her lungs. Sombra answered in kind.




Neither side wanted to back down and the rest of the family didn’t want to move any closer. The rage in both their eyes kept growing until Rabia finally grit her teeth in frustration.

"She-argh- she- rrgh… FINE! Welcome her to the family. You better lead this family well Sombra, otherwise, it’s going to be all your fault when this family dies." Rabia finally stopped struggling allowing the two to get back up. Sombra attempted to help his mother up only for her to swat his arm away and get back on her feet on her own.

Ira was a bit shocked at the scene before her. She always saw her brother as a pushover. Superbia and Accedia were the same yet this changed quite a few things. Luxuria was a bit more subtle about what transpired though part of her felt a bit of respect for her nephew.
Invidia was not so subtle and immediately hugged Sombra while Gula and Avaritia patted his back. Rabia rolled her eyes at the gestures while the guards got ready to escort her back to her cell.

"It was a… pleasure seeing you all. Sombra is head of the family now," Rabia breathed out reluctantly and full of bile in every word she spoke. "I better see great grandchildren Sombra. I will not be denied them."

"As long as you behave then it’s fine if they know you. I’ll see you later mother." Sombra stated cooly never turning to look at her.

Needless to say Sombra went back to Hope head raised high then promptly passed out from the sheer fear he felt while dealing with Rabia. The future looked bright even with the dark cloud they passed on the horizon.

(Notes, Since we are adding some fun parts here. All the siblings are based on the seven deadly sins in a sense. Ira luckily was Wrath even though her name was just a coincidence. Gula is Gluttony, Luxuria is Lust, Accedia is Sloth, Invidia is Envy, Avaritia is Greed, Superbia is Pride. Sombra is probably short for somber and ironically enough he was hopeless in a sense which made him perfect as the embodiment of the eighth deadly sin which is void. Basically the absence of hope. Then Hope came into his life and brightened it up.)

Session 50.4 Mtangalion

In the dimly lit, colorful world of Ponyville’s video arcade, two colts were facing off at the Prance Prance Revolution machine.

Tender Taps grinned. "You sure you’re ready for this?"

Button Mash grinned right back at him, adjusting his propeller beanie. "I’ve been practicing like crazy. Don’t go easy on me!"

Tender Taps slipped two tokens into the machine, hoofed the start button with authority, and held down the select button, producing a jumble of quickly interrupted song clips. "In that case, the challenge will be Trax 300. On *heavy* mode."

Button paled, gulping. "S- sure! I can do that."

The two colts stepped onto the side-by-side eight-button dance pads. "And no holding onto the hoof-rail!" said Tender.

The fast-paced, pounding beat started playing. "Are you ready!?" shouted a stallion’s voice from the machine.

And then the jumbled blizzard of direction arrows starting zipping up the screen. Button and Tender launched into a flurry of button-stamping, perfectly in sync! TAP-TAP-TA-TAP, TA-TAP-TAP-TA-TAP, TA-TAP-TAP-TA-TAP, TA-TAP-TAP-TAP!

Other colts and fillies around the arcade quickly began to take notice. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara stared… Silver’s glasses nearly slid right off her muzzle. "Is that... Button Mash?" asked Diamond. "Did you know he could move like that?"

Button and Tender kept trotting through the song, in patterns that grew more intricate and punishing. They hit the intermission gasping for air, but still utterly focused. "U-U-Unbelievable!" shouted the machine.

The break lasted a precious few seconds, and then they were off to the races again, pounding the dance pads even faster. Another flurry of quick steps, several bars of frantic scrambling… the infamous triple tap finale when they were already exhausted, and boom! "Stage complete!"

As the crowd started stamping their applause, Button all but tumbled off the machine, his mane sweaty and disheveled. He’d only scored a B to Tender Taps’ AA, but he didn’t even care just now. "I did it! Hah... I finally did it!"

At the Ponyville dance studio, Button Mash bowed, began a simple waltz, and promptly tangled his hooves and fell over only three steps in.

Sweetie Belle facehoofed. "Button! When I told you to practice with Tender Taps, I meant that you should learn *real* dancing so you can take me to the Junior Grand Galloping Gala!"

"Hey, Prance Prance Revolution is not fake! It’s way too much work. You know, I think I actually put on some muscle!" Button struck a pose, then yelped and ducked a thrown ballet hoof-slipper. "Okay, okay! I’ll learn real dancing!"

Session 50.5 Kendell2

Adding this as a more calm reaction to Issue 50 because I'm ME and prefer ACTUAL Fix Fics and not rampages, and respect others like it even if I don't.

Also, SPOILERS for issue 50.

"Okay, the Elements are back..." Rainbow Dash said. "Ugh! I can't believe they bucking backfired on us!"

"There has to be a reason..." Twilight muttered. "The Elements shouldn't be JUST Order if Harmony isn't...We must have missed something..."

"Eh, let's go have our 'we saved the world party' and think about that later, okay?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I think Pinkie Pie has the right idea, darling," Rarity said, giving a sigh. "Today has been very stressful...and also terrifying."

Discord shrugged as they started off.


Discord blinked, turning back to the tree and looking at it.

The Elements glowed and the outline of a tall creature with traits of equine of deer appeared, backed by a light. other details not clear except a crown with six glowing lights in it on her head.

"Oh, my, long time no see..." the Spirit of Chaos said with chuckle. "Had fun talking to them through a map?"

"I've enjoyed seeing them do great things..." said the entity. "And enjoyed seeing you find the light again...Even if you recently lose it briefly."

Discord rubbed his head. "Yeah, about that...my bad. I regret it as much as anyone...I hurt Fluttershy...but I imagine there's another reason you chose to manifest now of all times than just to shoot the breeze. Am I right?"

"Yes, Discord," the Tree of Harmony herself said. "Given recent events, I feel those six, while having growing much...are far too orderly...as they told your other half: Harmony is not simply Order. It's Order AND Chaos...I believe there is need for some lessons about Harmony's more chaotic side if we are to avoid a similar situation in the future."

Discord gave a laugh. "HAHA! My, I never thought I'd see the day!"

"Well, I would do it myself, but I'm still stuck inside the Tree healing from having your Plunder Vines trying to eat me for several thousand years. Hence 'talking to them through a map'."

"...Point taken...Hmm..."

"Don't think about it.

"Discord shrugged. He was neither as evil as he once was nor foolish. There was a reason the Elements could easily defeat him. "So what do I do?"

"I'll leave that to you...but nothing cruel. I never want them hurt in any way. Perhaps one of those games you play with them?"

"You know about those?" the Draconequus asked.

"You typically play them on the Cutie Map, so yes I do."

"Point taken...this sounds like it will be fun..."

Session 50.6 General Lemarc

(Going with the SAO/Log Horizon style "sucked into the game but it still works like a game except you're in it instead of at a table" bit. Will do my best to keep it game-focused instead of just another ultimate showdown)

"All right, let's roll for initiative!" Declared Spike, happy that he'd be fighting on the same level as the girls for once.

"Oh no no no. I will not play your silly game!" Yelled Zanza, his echoing voice losing most of its intimidating factor due to it origination from a piece of paper that appeared to be trying (and failing) to look evil.

"But you just said you had to." Said Twilight.

"No, I said I had to kill your gods and champions. I never said anything about doing it with a game." The room flashed bright white, and when the girls and Spike opened their eyes, they were in what looked to be the astral plane, in the bodies of their various deities.

Having become somewhat used to fighting long-forgotten evil creatures, they readied themselves for a fight...and became immediately disoriented when they discovered that they were also controlling their PC heroes as well.

"Now, had I interrupted your pitiful horse gods' game, this might have been a challenge, since actual gods know how to split their consciousness. But you mortals know nothing! You'll go mad from the duality! You'll-"

"Everypony, erm everydeity!" Yelled Twilight. "Your PCs have part of your consciousness, but don't have to be micromanaged. You just need to give them general instructions, and they'll handle the specifics. They can hear you if you concentrate your thoughts or words at them, and they'll contact you, through prayer in this case, if they need help. These ones aren't fully aware of what's going on, but they'll assume that your instructions are divine, which they are. Just don't think too hard about it and it'll come naturally."

"Got it!" Came a (literal) heavenly chorus.


Twilight, or rather Minerva, gave the shapeless mass of shadows a condescending smirk. "Not only am I already a deity, I was tutored by one for most of my life, and had access to her personal library. I know more about how deities work in this universe than you do!"

"Well then. Let's see if you can apply that knowledge, o Goddess of Bookworms!" With that, Zanza's shape morphed into a massive bipedal stone titan wielding a blade nearly its own size. As if chained to his actions(which they mostly were) Bright and Anlancia drew their weapons and charged the PCs.

Rainbow, as Accelerator, began darting at Zanza's eyes, wrists, feet, and anywhere else that looked like it was a weak spot. Realizing that his divine stone wouldn't be penetrated so easily, she began to cast one of her offensive feats. Though she obviously was worried about reality being enslaved and all, she was pumped to finally be using her divine attacks, as Spike hadn't been kidding about needing to be careful about intervening too much, and, given the natures of her friends(minus Gilda) there had been far more inspiring, proclaiming, and negotiating than actual fighting, at least with their gods. She, on the other hand, knew something like this would happen all along, so her loading up on combat abilities hadn't been a waste at all!(that was her story, and she was sticking to it). However, she'd run into a problem...

"Twi? I mean, Minerva? How do I actually cast a spell?"

"Focus through your horn and-oh, draconequus. Um, just concentrate on it. Do whatever comes naturally!"

"Ok!" Accelerator clenched her fists and let out a yell. "Extremespeed bodyslam!" She launched herself at Zanza's eye at mach 5, timing her acceleration so that her Divine Sonic Rainboom(which she had had added to the game after only 10 minutes of begging, pleading, and promising favors) occurred just as she collided. In her mind's eye, she saw the hit points on Zanza's character sheet decrease-by 1. "Aw c'mon!"

"Fool! For years I have studied your games, and demonic final bosses always have ridiculous stats!"

"Then we'll make our attacks even ridiculouser!"

Minerva winced, throwing her horn-beam attack off target, as if that statement had caused her physical pain. Given her status as Goddess of Knowledge, it very well might have

Meanwhile, in the mortal realm...

"Tulip! Keep me alive! I'm going in!!!" Goldina the griffin, follower of Accelerator, the god who was 20% cooler than all the others, charged the two godslayers, gauntlet-clad talons spinning. For her part, Tulip prayed fervently to Demeteria that Goldina would stop doing that, this being her fifth attempt, the other four having failed.

"They have to know that they're going to destroy themselves along with everything else!" Shouted Smart Cookie, using her paladin's blade to parry the needlessly-large pen wielded by the pony in the Neighponese school uniform. "Maybe we can convince them to fight Zanza. There has to be some sanity left in-" Her opponent cut her off.


"Never mind!"

"Wish I could help, love, really I do" Said Anlancia, while firing the guns on each of her hooves toward Sweet Song in an attempt to stop her musical buffs. "But its my job."

Tulip's deer biology allowed her to hear the sincerity in Anlancia's voice, and she instinctively began to pray, not to Demeteria, but to Aceso. Though she didn't follow her, she knew of her virtue, and it seemed right somehow that she be the one to receive this information...

"Girls!" Aceso said in a moderately raised voice, but was heard anyway thanks to a telepathy link cast by Minerva, who had anticipated such an occurance. "One of the godslayers might be able to be reasoned with! They were designed to kill gods, and Zanza's only made them stronger. If we can convince one to join us, we might be able to end this now!"

"Why would we need that?!" Asked Bellaria, who had increased her size and was now grabbing Zanza's blade by the hilt with both claws. "This is so bucking awesome! I-I mean we've got this under control!"

"Um, Bellaria, have you looked at his health at all?" asked Accelerator, who had given up on dealing any serious damage, and was now trying to distract Zanza in order to help Bellaria.


"I am solid stone brimming with the ether of an entire world! Nothing can destroy me!Nothi-" Zanza's mental tirade was mercifully cut off by a psychic dampening spell from Minerva.

Indominus left Lucia's side for the first time since the start of the battle. "Aceso! Manifest yourself into the mortal plain and do whatever you need to! We'll cover you!"

"Indeed we shall darling!"

"Oh yes, DARling! And we'll also yell out our plans so that Zanza can hear them!" Zanza broke Minerva's spell, wrenched his sword out of Bellaria's grasp and swung it at Aceso.

But before he could bring the sword down on the now seemingly-comatose alicorn, Aequitas broke off her attack and snapped her fingers, shouting "Mortal Physics!"

Zanza's blade instantly became much heavier, and fell to the ground, or what was treated as the ground in the astral plane. "Insolent mortal! What did you do!"

"Technically, I'm a god like you now. And its one of my skills from the Deconstruction skill tree, which you'd know if you'd bothered to do anything except fume and figure out new ways to say how great you are during all those years you spent in the game...and how'd you even do that when it just came out!"

"Its a pocket world! Nearly every supposedly fictitious universe exists in one. Where do you think your Doctor gets all those cheap toys of his shed from? Also, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BLADE?!!"

Minerva levitated herself at Zanza's eye level, unable to resist a chance to lecture. "I thought you'd studied our games for years. But if you need to learn, I'm more than happy to oblige. There are five skill trees in Age of Gods. One is the main tree, which contains the basic skills, while the other four are specialized. The Warhorse tree specializes in direct combat, heavenly destruction, and contains most of the evil skills. Its what you've been seeing from Accelerator and Bellaria. The Deconstruction tree specializes in applying real-life logic to the game, and is used to negate very powerful foes, like you. The Benevolence tree makes it easier for gods to communicate with and help their followers, and is what Aceso is using to un-brainwash your godslayers. And the Guru tree-"

"Gives you the ability to use your powers to mess with people! Like this!"

Ludicrissia materialized next to Minerva, manifested dozens of party cannons arranged in a way resembling a pipe organ on its side, and pressed an overly large red button, causing debuff-flavored cake batter(recipe on loan from Bellaria) and joy-inducing confetti to fire to the tune of one of her hymns directly into Zanza's eyes.


Minerva couldn't help but chuckle at the opening given to her. "One designed in part by the Princess of cake and pranks. And while the Guru tree isn't always that ridiculous, it does specialize in the lighter and softer side of offense."

Meanwhile, the rest of the deities formed a loose barrier between Zanza and Aceso's body, hoping they could hold out long enough for her to relieve their heroes...


Session 50.7 Kendell2

"...Thanks for coming this time, mom," said Rainbow Dash, sitting at the castle after her 'birthaversary' party (once more thrown by Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich).

Rainbow Dash Sr. smiled. "No problem, darling. Thought this party was quite more than I was expecting."

"Yeah, that's what happens when you have two of Equestria's greatest party ponies doing the party planning," Rainbow Dash Jr. replied, giving a chuckle. "Though this time I got to be PART of the air show."

"I know, darling...Hehe...you know, one of my clients' kids has become a huge fan of you," the elder Rainbow Dash replied, giving a smile. "His mother brought him in for the first time and he heard my name and he said 'Hey you have the same name as Rainbow Dash!' And I said 'Is that so? You like her?' And he said 'Rainbow Dash is the greatest!"

Rainbow Dash Jr. blinked. "Really? A kid said that?"

Sr. nodded. "Yes, he did darling...and I told his mother why I'm so happy we share a name."

"And why's that?"

Rainbow's mother gave a loving smile. "Us sharing a name reminds ponies of what an amazing mare I get to have for a daughter."

Rainbow Dash Jr. actually blushed. "...Hehe...And...I guess it reminds ponies I have a pretty cool mom too...Rarity told me how you're pretty big in the fashion world...I never knew that before."

"Thanks darling...Now, how about we play a game?" the older Rainbow Dash replied and produced "King of Manehatten" from her bags. Rainbow had no idea how her mother carried around so much stuff at once.

"King of Manehatten?" Rainbow Dash Jr. asked. "No offense, mom, but didn't know you PLAYED that game."

"Oh I don't, darling. But I thought you'd like it...besides, I feel I owe you trying something YOU like after having you model dresses for me so many times when you were younger...though in my defense I thought you liked it."

Rainbow blushed a little. "Yeah...but yeah, let's play! This game rocks!"

"Alright...now which one of these figures is mine, darling?"

Rainbow Dash Jr. rolled her eyes and got to helping her mother understand the game.

OOC: Happy birthday Rainbow Dash!

Session 50.8 Alex Warlorn


With Starlight Glimmer having convinced Accord that he couldn't deny that all he had were empty vessels were now extensions of himself, and his world was empty, and he still had Discord's desire for friends Fluttershy had instilled in him to make the monster grow a consicence ... Equestria had now been twice saved by the mare who's meddling with time had almost doomed it.

"So uh... can we write?" Lemon Zest asked Discord.

"I wouldn't object to it my dear."

"The worst part is that I'm not sure Principle Cinch would have rejected all that." Sunny Flare said.

"Excuse me." Sugarcoat said tapping Starlight Glimmer on the shoulder. "While thank you for saving us, I am surprised that you were able to convince Accord with such faulty logic."

"... Look, Twilight told me about how your school is run and-"

"This is has nothing to do with Crystal Prep's Darwinistic policies. Diversity is all well and good, but without common ground, people and people's and cultures wouldn't be able to understand each other. I take for example, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody."

"How do you know about-"

"Crystal Prep wanted their hands on our Octavia for years. The point is that on the surface, you'd say they're as different as different can be yes?"

"... Yes, and that their friendship is so strong just proves what I said."

"No, it doesn't. They do share common ground: their love of music, just different kinds of music. Without their common ground, they wouldn't have been able to OVERCOME their differences. Without a frame of reference, peoples and culture might as well not be speaking the same language."

"I thought your school didn't believe in friendship."

"My friends and I, and others who went to Canterlot High, are considered 'the infected', we haven't been thrown out only because we also happen to be Crystal Prep's best students now with Twilight Sparkle has jumped ship."


"Want to join our online guild?"

Session 50.9 Kendell2

Continuing Discord's meeting with Harmony...

"Huh?" Twilight asked, looking around as the group again found themselves in the Interdimensional Game Room (Discord's, not the one at the castle). "We're here again?"

"You know, you'd think we'd use this more often," Pinkie Pie pointed out.

"Well I would, but I think the writers forget it exists," Discord replied, standing nearby.

Twilight sighed. "What is it now, Discord?"

"Well, I could just tell you, but I thought I'd SHOW you, Princess," the Spirit of Chaos said, pointing over...to a now familiar looking Discord wearing a suit and monocle.

"ACCORD?!" they all asked in shock.


The group blinked, looking over...and seeing another set of Mane Six and Starlight. The other Applejack was an Orangejack (Applejack hadn't really gotten to meet the other one that much due to having been fighting her mirror self most of it). The other Pinkie looked like she had more in common with Limestone, but had a distinct aura of bravery to her. The other Rainbow Dash looked a bit like a delinquent similar to Gilda. The other Rarity still had a distinct style but was clearly a bit more of a tomboy with a punk theme to her designs. The other Twilight, most shockingly, was a DRACONEQUUS, and looked a bit more like she had ADHD than OCD, but certainly wasn't EVIL or MALICIOUS looking.

The other Fluttershy...was Fluttershy.

The other Starlight Glimmer seemed very independent looking and her mane was much more wild and untamed.

"What the-" both groups asked, walking up to each other and looking one another over.

"I believe introductions are in order," Discord said, clearing his throat. "I am Discord, Spirit of Chaos...and formerly Disharmony," he introduced to the alternate Mane Six.

"And I, dear ponies, am Accord, Spirit of Order...and formerly Despotism," Accord introduced with a polite bow.

"So...Mirror Universe thing?" asked Princess Twilight and Draconequus Twilight, looking one another over.

"Yes, but not your typical variety of mirror universe, my dears," the Spirit of Order remarked. "As you may have noted, me and my alternate self are our own mirrored personalities you recently dealt with...with the exception of being benevolent sorts."

Discord nodded. "Well you know how in O&O the alighment system has two parts? Good, Neutral, Evil and Chaotic, Neutral, Lawful?" he questioned, snapping his fingers and producing a cart showing the moralities with the mane six, Starlight, and himself sorted by Lawful to Chaotic and Good to evil.

"Some mirror universes invert it based off good and evil, or personalities, but in this case, we're mirrored along the lawful/chaotic axis," Accord explained, snapping his fingers and causing the chart to swap along the lawful and chaotic axis to show his Mane Six. "So Lawful Good, formerly Lawful Evil, Accord who recently became a Chaotic Evil Discord briefly."

"And Chaotic Good, formerly Chaotic Evil, Discord who messed up and became a Lawful Evil Accord for a day or so," Discord replied.

"Um..." said both Fluttershy's at the same time. "Why are we...kinda the same?"

"That's because you're Neutral Good, my dear, and the inversion of Neutral Good is still Neutral Good," Accord explained.

"Oh...Hi..." they said to each other. "I'm Fluttershy."

"Oh! Cool! I'm an Alicorn in your universe! This is so cool!" Draconequus Twilight said, looking over her alternate self with the same degree of curiosity Twilight was known for, but much more energy.

"And I'm a Draconequus...fascinating..." Princess Twilight replied.

Applejack and Orangejack glared at one another. "...So...Accord...I know you don't do anything without reason...what is yours for bringing me and this uncouth pony together?" Orangejack asked.

"Uncouth?! What do ya mean uncouth?!" Applejack asked, the two glaring daggers at each other now.

"Simple: both of you use your gifts from the Tree of Harmony, please," Accord replied.

"...Okay..." both Twilights said, the groups stepping back. The prime Mane Six exploded in several pillars of light before assuming their Rainbow Power Forms...

And the other set exploded in dark, but beautiful pillars of shadow in their respective colors and emerged with a paler, darker color pallet, except for their eyes and streaks of certain colors on each, which glowed their specific color. The Pegasi were crackling with Rainbow colored lightning, the Earth Ponies having rainbow colored energy vines wrapped around them, and the unicorns having a sparkling rainbow glow around them. The Draconequus Twilight had all three.

"What the..." both sides asked, staring at one another.

"Elements of Harmony and Rainbow Powers? Meet Elements of Chaos and Stormbow Powers," Discord explained.

"Eh, I call mine Ender Dash..." the alternate Rainbow explained with a smirk.

"Stormbow Powers?" asked Prime Twilight. "Elements of Chaos?"

"Rainbow Powers?" asked Draconequus Twilight. "Elements of Harmony?"

"You see, our little ponies," Accord said, pouring himself some tea. "The group of you from our universe recently had trouble with my Chaotic Self in regards to using your Elements..."

"And MY set of you had trouble with MY Lawful Evil self," Discord explained. "As you kept saying: chaos and order are BOTH part of Harmony, and BOTH sets of your powers came from the Tree...so how about e play a little game to get to know the chaotic..."

"Or more orderly..." Accord continued.

"Sides of the Elements?" both asked.

Session 50.10 Alex Warlorn

(OOC: for those wondering what Armello is. http://armello.com )

The mane six, and just the man six, were once again seated at the Cutie Mark Map, ready to use it again as a table to play games on. There was no Spike, no Trixie, no Discord, no Gilda, no thestrals, no diamond dogs, and no Starlight Glimmer. As such, Twilight Sparkle was behind the game master screen again.


"And King Bursting Star and Queen Glimmering Sun promises you will be handsomely rewarded for the return of Princess Starburst." Sunburst said sitting behind the table.

'Meh, could have been worse,' Discord The Ranger thought to himself, having promised NOT to use his or other's magic/alchemy or 'technology so advance that it could be mistaken for magic' to 'liven up' the game.

"How self-insert can ya get?" Spike The Knight whispered to none of the party in particular. Discord rolled his eyes.

Starlight Glimmer herself was blushing. "Uh, my Lawful Neutral cleric of balance and equality vows on her goddess that we'll rescue our, er, their princess!"

"Court Magician, Presto The Magician also vows he shall aid the party in their quest." Trixie said dramatically.

"I never said you were court magician." Sunburst said pushing up his glasses.

"No, but I did."

"... Roll on the resist disease table, to see if you catch 'unicorn magician disfunction disease', be careful not to get too close to the cleric or you might expose yourself to infection again."

"What?! Why isn't STarlight rolling?"

"She's immune."

"What isn't everypony rolling?!"

"It seems to be a disease only your magician isn't immune to, he must be from a foreign land."

"Hey! Don't decide things for my character!"

"Don't decide things for my campaign world."

Gilda The Thief sniggered. Maybe this session wouldn't be so boring after all.


"Okay girls, time to try out a new game, been meaning to try out this one for a while now. Now don't worry, there's no curse, no magical booby traps, it's just a game." Twilight assured them. "It's called, Maremello."

On the table was a map made of hexagons, forming a diamond shape, with a castle at its center and four gates at each corner. The hexes were towns, plains, swamps, dungeons, forests, mountains, and stone henge like structures, all randomly placed around the castle, which was composed of four tiles around a central tile.

"In the kingdom of Maremello, where animals have all come together to form their land, a mysterious dark force called the Rot had taken hold of the lion king, and he'll soon die and-"

"It's our job to see who can cure him first?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Nope." Twilight shook her head. "He's doomed." Fluttershy cringed at that. "And he's slowly going mad. And with no heirs to the throne, the race is on to see who will succeed him. The four tribes with the greatest chance of winning are the Wolves, the Rats, the Bears, and the Rabbits. There are four ways to win. First, just go up the king and put him out of his misery with a sword to the face. Second, find four spirit stone and-"

"Save him?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, banish him to... somewhere or other, it doesn't get very precise. The third is having the highest prestige when the king's disease takes him, and you automatically inherit the throne. The forth... is similar to the first, but you let your character become more infected by the rot than the king, and his power for yourself."

"That sounds ghastly," Rarity remarked.

"Those infected by the rot, get lose one health at dawn of each day, which determines how many rounds the game lasts. You gain rot through using certain spells and items, or being defeated by the Rot Beasts, which sends you back to your starting gate. If you have a higher rot score than your opponent, their rot score is added to your attack dice, or vice versa. Once you reach the level of corrupted, merely entering the spell stone ruins will kill you instantly, rather than heal you as it normally does.

"Swamps take one health, plains are neutral, forests can hide you at night, mountain take two of your three movements each day/night to pass. Dungeons randomly have treasure, money, spell stones, or an encounter with a rot beast. Towns can be claimed, and will give you money each dawn as long as they're claimed by you. You all get spell and equipment cards at the start of a turn, your stats determine how many. Having an equipment card isn't enough, you need money to actually place it on your character.

"Spirit stones randomly appear in the stone circles, so grab them when they appear. Just reach the king with four spell stones and you win.

"You gain and lose prestige by defeating or being defeated by other players, or completing quests that you each get to choose from usually three of as each quest is complete.

"But entering the castle grounds is a crime now, and automatically sets your prestige to zero.

So you need to think about what win you're after ahead of time.

Each tribe has a special ability, and each character has one on top of that, and finally you get to chose one magic ring that'll enhance one of your stats.

"Oh... and... technically, this game is for only four players at a time... sorry girls."

Fluttershy began to raise her hoof, but Pinkie Pie beat her to it. "Okay! I'll sit this one out, and I'll play the next round!" Pinkie Pie declared.

"Oh, okay Pinkie Pie." Twilight said.

Fluttershy lowered her hoof.

AJ asked. "Hey Twili'... this ain't a game of backstabbin' is it? Ah mean, remember Diplomacy?"

"I promise you girls, this is nothing like Diplomacy. While temporary partnerships and alliances are possible and there are 'truce' cards, they aren't the focus of the game. Oh, and the players with the highest prestige at dawn, gets to chose which of two insane proclamations that the king declares law for the next day/night.

"Now, these are the six sided dice. How many you get again depends on your stats. There's swords, offense, and shields, defense. There's sun and moon, which are good or a waste depending if its day or night. And the tree symbol which lets you roll extra dice, and the worm rot symbol which is a fail, unless you've been corrupted in which case the last two are reversed.

"There are also traps that'll be only passable without setting them off by getting the correct dice combination, you can sacrifice cards in your hands to select the dice result on its side to hedge your bets.

"Now, there will be Guard characters who will wander about, entering a square with them in it is a crime and you'll fight them automatically and get a bounty placed on your head that other players can claim. And they'll fight the rot beasts, that are these giant raven creatures here, who appear out of the dungeons."

AJ's eyes were almost spinning. "Twili'... this all here sound mighty complicated for a short little after noon game. Are ya sure can keep it all straight?" AJ remembered how a character of hers had died because she hadn't understood about 'damage reduction.'

"That's the beautiful of it. We don't have to. The cards, dice, tiles, and figurines are all enchanted to keep track of it all for us!"

"... That there's a relief," AJ said.

Rainbow Dash silently agreed (no way she'd admit she was starting to get worried at all the tiny details too).

All that was left was to select who'd play as what.

Rarity quickly chose the Wolf character. "No jokes darling."

Fluttershy asked to be the Rabbit character, "If that's okay with everypony else."

The girls knew better than to laugh at Fluttershy's choice.

Applejack chose the Bear tribe.

And Rainbow Dash ... "I'm stuck with the rat?!"

"Sorry Rainbow, should have been faster!" Pinkie Pie teased.

RD just grumbled.

Pinkie Pie meanwhile, provided sacks, as usual.

AJ figured to got with the straight forward battle victory. Rarity chose to play it safe and go for a prestige victory. Fluttershy of course with the most merciful chose and went with the spirit stones. Rainbow Dash... wanted to see what the rot victory was like, just for the fun of it.

And so the game began... the enchanted game presented above the table a beautifully animated and epic animated trailer like opening, showing the girls' characters facing dangers, racing across the country side, preparing to adventure, and all around looking heroic. It sincerely pumped up the girls for the game. The beautiful hauntingly majestic musical score didn't hurt either.

The game randomly determined that it was spring, it didn't affect gameplay, but it did add another layer of variance to the game.

One thing the girls quickly found out, was that getting across the game map was HARD, in particular with how the quest points always seemed to appear on the farthest most opposite end of the map. The damaging swamps and slowing down mountains when they only had three movements a turn to work with, and the guards who always seemed to be in JUST the right place to obstruct their path just doing their duty as the guards randomly wandered the board. Often they got killed before or just before getting to their quest point. AJ got tired of even trying and just began claiming towns and going into dungeons to get armor and equipment.

Rarity was ruthlessly hunting down other players, to lower their prestige while raising her own. And of course giving her the king's ear at the same time. Though she LOST fights too.

Fluttershy... was dogged and determined to reach any spell stone that appeared on the board, no matter how times she got killed trying to reach it.

And finally, there was Rainbow Dash, engaged in her own unorthodox strategy of going for the rot victory, which mean actively seeking out the ravens to lose to them, and using spell cards that explicitly infected their characters with rot. Once she became corrupted rather than infected however, the raven actually began RUNNING AWAY from her.

And all the time... the king's health slowly ticked down, while the same time, Twilight had forgotten to mention, but was clear from the king's stats that were there for all to see, that his corruption stat kept increase every turn! RD realized this made getting a rot victory a LOT harder than it had sounded since a lower rot score meant all your rot dice were given to the enemy instead!

But RD was too deep down her dark path to turn back now, and stayed determined.

And the king's commands got more and more insane, like ordering his guards to attack towns, place a bounty on the player with the highest prestige, and then sacrifice his guards to summon rot ravens!

Finally, with the king's health low, AJ made her go for the king, losing any prestige she had entering the castle and clearing the trap on the north castle tile in the process.

Rarity counting have that happen, and she and AJ fought.. and ended up killing each other, sending them back to the starting game. With the last spirit stone, Fluttershy started a desperate race to reach the king in time before the rot killed him.

Rainbow Dash, with no other options, entered the castle, and SOMEHOW made it past the traps and guard... her prestige of course going to zero as a result.

She just barely managed to get more rot dice than the king's staggering total... but even weakened and near death, the king was still powerful, and the two clashed and... Rainbow Dash and the king killed each other.

Rainbow Dash groaned and put her face in her hooves.

And... she, and the rest of the ponies, were stunned silent as the game declared her winner via prestige.

"HUH?!" Rainbow Dash gasped, wondering if the game had gone loopy. Pinkie Pie dropped her cupcakes.

Everypony's prestige when Rainbow Dash had fought the king... was also at zero... and the game had determined that RD still had prestige to lose when she entered the castle... she was the winnner!!!

"WHOO-HOO! I WIN! . . . So what... happens next?"

All there was, was a 'after game' stat screen, tallying up their total score and stats, and the various titles they had earned from the actions during the game, which was actually kinda cool (Fluttershy of course had Pacifist as one.)

"Hey," Rainbow Dash feeling a bit jibbed. "That's it? After all that big cool opening at the start... we don't get anything for winning? No cool closing animation? Not even a picture of me on the throne? What's up with that?"

The other girls nodded, agreeing that it did seem like a bit of a cheat.

Fluttershy felt sorry she hadn't been able to give the king a peaceful way to go. AJ and Rarity gave each other death glares.

"Maybe that just ran out of money?" Twilight Sparkle suggested. "Either way, congratulations Rainbow Dash, you single hoofedly won a prestige victory with zero prestige, I doubt anypony else will be able to boast about that."

"Say... you're right! Heh, just wait till I tell Gilda about this one!"

"So... anypony want to paly again?"


"Not if Ah beat ya to it!" AJ retorted.

"Uh... maybe not," Twilight whimpered.

(OOC: To note, that 'getting a prestige victory with zero prestige' thing really did happy to me in one game of Armello! I wrote down this idea on April 18th 2016... yeah, and I wrote it in an hour or two once I finally got started. Funny how it works huh? )

Session 50.11 Kendell2

"Okay, Randolph, roll for Scootaloo," said Diamond Tiara, sitting in what looked like a bank teller's place.

Randolph nodded, rolling some giant dice. "Nine spaces, Master Scootaloo."

"Thank you, Randolph," said Diamond Tiara, showing some genuine gratitude.

Scootaloo, standing on a gigantic monopony board in Diamond Tiara's basement, nodded and moved forwards nine spaces...and landed on the 'go to jail' space. "Aww man!"

Randolph peddled over in a peddle powered 'police cart' and picked her up, driving around the board and dropping her off in the jail cell space. Which was a literal prison cell.

"Hi Dazzle..." said Scootaloo, sitting next to the black cat.


"Wow, Diamond," Applejack said, looking around the life sized Monopony set. "Where did all this come from?"

"I'm rich," Diamond Tiara replied with a smile. "Come back on next week and we can play life sized O&O...without the Flim Flam Brother's scamming."

"You mean LARPing?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Rarity made some outfits for some LARPers."

"No, life sized O&O," Diamond Tiara replied.

"What's the difference?" Applejack asked.

"We have giant dice, special effects, and a prop castle."


"Okay, Randolph, Sweetie Belle's turn."

Session 50.12 Quartzscale

Derpy was honestly surprised at the guests today. Muffins had been made and today Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch were her guests. Strangely enough she hadn’t hung out with Vinyl on an average basis because the wubs would always come up. Needless to say muffins were the main source of entertainment for the day and she was glad for the company. Strangely the Doc said he wouldn’t be coming for muffins due to unforeseen complications. That meant no more muffin button on him regardless of how handsome is made him- Derpy immediately slapped herself out of her day dreams. She didn’t want to explain the flared out wings.

"Who would like the last muffin?" Derpy chirped out.

"Me of course. As the most awesome pony in Ponyville that muffin is mine." Rainbow Dash boasted.

She was cut off by a glare from Vinyl and a magical field surrounding the muffin making it impossible for her to grab it. Before the conflict could go any farther she pressed the muffin button and the court came to life once again.

Dash felt funny as her mane instantly got a strange point to it and stood straight up. On her wrist was a golden bracelet and a red vest with green tie appeared on her barrel. Then she felt weird things going on with her already powerful pegasus eyes. She could see every subtle movement and tell from both ponies at the table when she focused on them. She could see the very cosmos themselves and felt power coursing through her eyes. She settled for sitting down otherwise the coolness would overwhelm her. In truth, the sudden power boost made her dizzy and slightly sick from seeing those details.

Vinyl went the opposite direction as her mane was slicked back and a large maroon coat appeared on her. While her glasses were off she felt confidence bursting through her core. With her magic she conjure up a hand which Dash had seen when Twilight was at Crystal Con. It then made deliberate movements to make a snapping motion while Vinyl confidently smirked at each sound.

"Please make your cases." Derpy said as she pulled the muffin away and kept it safe from magic and speed.

"Well a pony like me needs the energy to constantly function otherwise I won’t be able to perform my amazing stunts or help the Wonderbolts whenever something goes wrong. While I am awesome and a one mare wrecking machine I can’t let the team down now can I." Dash said with a hint of pride in her tone. Before Vinyl could act she focused directly on Vinyl and looked all over for some kind of tell on her. The corner of her eyes were crinkling but that wasn’t it. Her smirk wasn’t going to her eyes but that wasn’t it. Then she noticed the tell. It was the subtle way she moved her cheek as if holding back a retort.


"You can’t deny how awesome I am. Muffin if you please." Dash held out her hoof before Derpy but was stopped by something amazing and unbelievable.


"Achtung Baby! My little fraulein here is far from the truth and shouldn’t get the muffin at all. Besides the rough and tumble life of a DJ is more demanding."


Vinyl produced four pictures of Dash sleeping on a cloud and their respective times. Then Vinyl performed an air guitar solo which produced an actual rift of awesome which cowed the prismatic pegasus into awe before settling back down.

"This little fraulein doesn’t know just how awesome I can be."

It took a few moments of trying to close their mouths when Derpy finally pressed the muffin button again.

"Vinyl you spoke!" Derpy cried out.

Instead of rejoicing in jubilation Vinyl just looked at the two ponies like they were crazy. Shrugging she took the muffin and stuffed her face. Derpy and Dash looked at each other as Derpy handed her a secret muffin she was holding.

Neither would ever prove it but Vinyl did speak. Now if only they could actually get other ponies to believe them maybe the universe would make sense of the world again.

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page: (update already)

Session 50.0 Richforce
Session 50.1 General Lemarc
Session 50.2 Quartzscale
Session 50.3 Quartzscale
Session 50.4 Mtangalion

Session 50.5 Kendell2
Session 50.6 General Lemarc
Session 50.7 Kendell2
Session 50.8 Alex Warlorn
Session 50.9 Kendell2
Session 50.10 Alex Warlorn
Session 50.11 Kendell2
Session 50.12 Quartzscale

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Cover art by Madacon

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.

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