• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

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Session 76

Session 76.0 Kendell2

"...Why are we doing this?" human Chrysalis questioned as the Crystalsoft development team sat at their big meeting table...with an O&O board set up.

"One, World of Horsecraft is has RPG elements, so perhaps we can get some inspiration from it," Sombra explained. "And two, after the near world ending event that just happened, I'm having all our computers double, tripled, and quadrupedal checked for hacking, so we can't get any coding done at the moment..."

Discord quietly texted Screwball to email herself to stay in the servers for the time being.

"Thankfully, Mr. Snowbound already checked and reinforced our servers, so the players' gameplay won't be interrupted, but we thought it'd be a good time for some employee bonding..."

"Yay!" Gabby said, hugging Gilda.

"...Let go of me..."

"And while Heroes of Crystal is down due to trying to figure out why it nearly ended the world...which is a sentence I never thought I'd say about one of our games even when my mother ran the place, we avoided a lawsuit and made more than enough off it, even accounting for returns. In part thanks to people buying lots of stuff while obsessed with it."

Trixie stared at the bill email she'd racked up from Heroes of Crystal. "...Trixie hopes there is a huge number of children' birthdays in need of magicians..."

"And also good news, Rainbows and Crystals is selling great, getting rave reviews, and is currently a popular Let's Play topic on Youtube!" said Sombra. "So consider this celebration."

Adagio and Aria ground their teeth while Sonata was...being Sonata. Gilda and Adagio were glaring at each other.

"Mom's happy at least," said Chrysalis, her Blackrose glad her investment in the game had paid off.

"I'm already working on the expansion," said Radiant, Sombra showing pride in his wife's creation. "Should be fun."

"Where's Cinch?" asked Discord.

"Haven't seen her since the Siren incident," Sombra replied.

Cinch sat at a bus stop in Mexico, wearing a sombrero and reading a news paper. "...No magic here..."

"...Okay, I'm the GM, and I'm saying this now: enough throwing each other off cliffs!" he said, glaring at Adagio and Gilda.

"Aww, but it was so much fun," said Chrysalis, clearly amused.

"...Well, that was anticlimatic..." said Gilda as Chrysalis's Rogue stabbed the evil general they'd spent several dungeons chasing in the back while he was monologing.

"I'm an assassin, I assassinate things," Chrysalis said simply.

Sombra stared at the result of the rolls in shock. "Wow...I honestly didn't know that was even possible."

"What?" Discord asked, confused.

"You drove an eldritch abomination insane!"

"So? I had a wicked charisma score, the right materials, and am a worshiper of an even MORE insanity inducing eldritch abomination! Seems legit to me!"

"...Okay," Sombra said, steadying himself at the result of the rolls. "Yes, your transformation spell worrked, and the warlock is transformed...into a taco..."

Sonata smiled ear to ear. "Yay! Fear me! I am the taco wizard!"

Session 76.1 Overboard

“So… these are what ponies have been doing for the past couple of years then?” Star Swirl looked down at the small miniatures.

It had been a trying week for Spike to get the pillars accustomed to everything that changed in Equestria in a calm and orderly manner. Then he took them to Ponyville where almost every race in history was at at the moment. Yaks and Changelings talked around the cafe with the proprietor Coffee Swirl making small talk over his world famous blend. Changelings were highly visible and aside from a few fights with the Diamond Wolves it had remained civil, especially after Twilight nearly blew a gasket. Even some deer were selling their wares to griffons who wanted to put more variety around their still growing nation.

Magnus was a bit nervous when he noticed the dragons but it was Mina… who nearly hugged him into bits for being so cool. It had been really weird for all of them.

“Pretty much. A while after Twilight became princess everypony started to get into games of all kinds. Since none of you have played we all thought we would introduce you into O&O with me as your game master. Trixie here will help be the villain of your campaign.” Spike pointed out while a still star struck Trixie meeped and fell over from seeing the greatest wizard of all time. Starlight would have done the same but then she met him in person and was a little over it.

“This certainly seems to be a grand way to make new friends. And this is for all to play?” Somnambula asked while Stygian was pulled into a hug by her. She wasn’t gonna let things go badly or lose hope anymore.

“Yup. Here’s the main book to look over. Choose the classes you want and Trixie and I will get you some dice to look over.” Spike calmly stated… and then carried the near comatose Trixie out of the room.

“Star Swirl the Bearded… Star Swirl the Bearded…” Trixie repeated over and over.

“I know Trixie… I know.” Spike muttered clearly unamused by the turn of events.

“Shall we pick our classes then?” Mist Mane looked over the book with everypony. Rockhoof and Magnus looked pumped to try this form of entertainment out while Meadowbrook remained impassive at the moment.

After a few hours of debating everypony chose their class… which turned out to be a bit weird. Star Swirl chose to be a barbarian. Mist Mane chose a monk. Rockhoof chose a druid. Magnus a thief. Meadowbrook a knight. Somnambula a ranger and Stygian a sorcerer. They also all chose to be unaligned for some reason as well.

“Huh… so no alignments then?” Spike looked over their character sheets. They had yet to roll for their stats due to lack of dice but they were prepared.

“Correct. We want our choices in game to tell what we are. Make our actions matter as they shape our characters.” Meadowbrook valiantly stated seeming larger than life at the moment.

“And the classes?” Trixie finally composed herself enough to actually hold a conversation.

“We know our own classes well enough but maybe this time we could learn a bit more about other jobs. When we were out and about in the world stopping all the evil over the course of our lives we kind of just… remained rooted in one job and that was it.” Magnus admitted.

The nods he received was a sentiment that everypony seemed to share. Regret or nostalgia seemed to play a part in all their decisions. With a genuine nod of approval everypony rolled out their stats on the table in Twilight’s castle. She was busy having a manic episode about gorgons for some reason.

“You come into a room with a single chest in the middle of the room. The dungeon walls are covered in small holes but you don’t see any obvious reason for them to be there.” Spike narrated.

“Obviously a trap. Let’s see… I have wings so I fly through the room to the other side.” Meadowbrook mentioned. “Then I poke the treasure chest out of place with my sword.”

“Your poke moves the treasure chest over. Nothing happens.”

“Maybe it has to due with the lid.” Rockhoof muttered which got a few more nods of ascent.

“I’ll try to open it then. You got healing spells ready there buddy.” Magnus chuckled as he nervously started his rolls.

“You open the chest but there is nothing inside except for a lone note.” Spike continues before poking at Trixie. “The note bursts into smoke and a voice starts to play.”

“You glorious fools have released me from my prison of ten thousand years. Fear me for I am Lady Arcana, Ruler of the Demiplanes of Sorcery. The world shall finally be drenched in darkness and horror. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!” Trixie hammed it up.

“I knew I should have invested in alchemical fire…” Stygian muttered since he had wasted the last of his grenade weapons against a large group of slimes that had attacked them.

Combat rolls against the pillars were pitiful since Meadowbrook’s luck always seemed to make them invincible at the most inopportune times for Spike. He had lost several of his more powerful encounters whenever it was her turn for rolling… usually rolling several crits in a roll even though she shouldn’t have.

“I fire an arrow at the letter.” Somnambula shouts out.

“Roll challenge… 18.” Spike voiced as he started to cringe. Trixie was still in her weakened stated when…

“Oh shoot… a one.” Somnambula cringed, which if Spike hadn’t been a professional, would have been dancing about.

“Your bowstring snaps allowing the villain to teleport out of the room. The trap is set off and you are all forced to make a swift retreat. Roll again.”

Nopony rolled lower than a ten which meant they all made it safely outside. With a determined look their team leader… Stygian decided it was time to save the world.

Session 76.2 Kendell2

"So...how long does this last?" asked Grubber, holding an ice pack to where the tight rope had impacted.

"Awhile, but should be wearing off soon," Spike replied. "You gonna try it?"

"Nah, I don't wanna know what I was in a past life..."

Tempest gasped as the sun went down. "Wait! I can shoot fireworks out of my head, can't I?"

"Uh...yeah..." Grubber mentioned.

Tempest rushed over to the window and the moment the sun was down, she fired a series of chaotic magic bursts into the sky that exploded into a beautiful fireworks display, with more passion and joy than she'd put into any of the ones she'd done prior.

Grubber limped over, looking...awed. "Tempest...I mean Fizzy Pop, you really love fireworks, don't you?"

"Yeah...they're my favorite thing...watching them explode over the water..." Fizzy Pop said, watching the fireworks...her eyes gradually transitioning back to Tempest...who continued to watch the last of the fire works explode.

"...Tempest, you're crying..."

Tempest quickly wiped them away...but smiled slightly. "I...I'm happy...that's all..." she said, slowly turning and walking over to Pinkie Pie. "...T-Thank you...I needed that...I can't remember ever being that happy since..." her hoof went to her horn.

It wasn't just enjoying the fireworks...it was being a her that didn't see the broken horn on her forehead with ANY baggage, who had zero spite, anger, hate, or bitterness over it...she only saw it as a way to make beautiful fireworks.

Something about it was...pure. Tempest couldn't describe it...but for once in her life she was HAPPY.

Pinkie Pie smiled. "You're welcome! It was worth to see you smile like that!"

"...Yeah...it was..."

Session 76.3 QuartzScale

Sombra stood at the meeting table looking over the entirety of the scope of Ascension. It would be a while until everyone was ready for something that grimdark… but they needed to get ready all the work they had done. Around the table sat everyone he needed to speak with.

Discord was of course messing around with three different cakes managing to flip them around with his bare hands. He also had his pad full of notes and some physical copies as well. For some reason he had talked about some differences in his memories and the physical copies. He ignored it overall for the moment.

Chrysalis was busy filing her fingernails while she was texting on her phone most likely with Blackrose who was pontificating on the nature of Crystals and Rainbows. She was also talking about the rise of the changeling things in World of Hoofcraft most likely.

Tirek was looking over several contracts including the fact that he needed to make some charges against Rabia. When he had informed Sombra that some of the evidence looked forged he pushed it off as not being too important… which left the case mired in legal problems he didn’t want to deal with. Due to no one actually understanding what happened exactly and not being able to link it to the company made things easier to deny.

Adagio and her sisters were grumbling the entire time muttering something about things feeling weird. Adagio in particular were glaring intensely with Gilda which he excused as just interrival problems. Like everything else that was here.

Finally at the end of the table was of course his newest recruits specially for Ascension. Twilight Sparkle seemed awkward enough when he first met her… though now she was absolutely frightened of Tirek… which was understandable. He was a dangerous lawyer. Sunset Shimmer, on the other hand, was glaring more at Adagio alongside Gilda.

“Okay people. I called you in today because right now focus groups are iffy about dark and gritty. We’ve stopped updating our heroes game for now due to all that business. Radiant, if you please.” Sombra pointed to Hope as she started the projector and waited for everyone to look over the problems.

“So what are we looking at then?” Chrysalis spoke up.

“Mission statements. For the next couple of months we’ll be working on making Crystals and Rainbows our priority. Which means we’re gonna need more cutesy songs for the new areas to be added. Isn’t that right dear?” Sombra sweetly spoke up to Hope.

“Oh yes. Urgh… sorry they kicked. Anyways, thanks to a bit of creative design from a very talented girl I had the pleasure of meeting during Crystal Con we’ve gotten designs for underwater sea ponies. You said you also had something as well Chryssi?” Hope asked looking towards her dear friend.

“Yeah… ugh. We have the concepts for urgh… flutterponies. Similar to breezies but able fix emotion problems. We’re still working on the concept and Thorax has promised to have something ready eventually. How long?” Chrysalis stopped her as everyone looked expectantly at Hope.

“One month left… Still don’t know the gender but I’m excited.” Hope admitted.

“I’m godfather right?” Discord joked around clearly not actually being serious.

“Yup.” Radiant instantly answered.

“What!?” Twilight screamed out before catching herself. “Sorry. It’s just surprising. Heh heh…” Twilight hid beneath the table.

“Lighten up Twilight. It’s fine.” Gilda waved it off clearly used to this Discord’s antics.

“But he has to share it with Chrysalis being godmother.” Hope tacked on at the last moment.

“I knew there was a catch.” Discord scoffed.

“Great… a fool for a match.” Chrysalis groaned.

“About Ascension…” Tirek took charge of the situation clearly all business though he did leave a small toy of one of the ponies that Blackrose had petitioned with Hope’s name on it. Even he knew keeping on his boss’s wife’s good side kept you getting paid.

“Right. We’re gonna have a smaller team while we work on that. Discord will be heading that side while Gabby takes part of Crystals and Rainbows.” Sombra mentioned handing the toy to Hope who cuddled it sweetly.

“So you’ll need our voiced lines and such?” Sunset pointed out.

“Yes. We also would like you to add more ideas for Ascension through a bit of work with Discord… as dictated by your contracts.” Sombra pointed out before Twilight could voice any concern. She had signed a contract… even when it was under duress because Radiant Hope mentioned something about making things up about ponies and noting a lot of similarities between what she heard from the two of them and what she made.

“What kind of missions?” Twilight cautiously asked.

“Anything about demons. You are literally closing the gates of Tartarus so anything like that and maybe some monsters we can use for later special boss fights.” Sombra brought up looking over his notes.

“Adagio your team will be working on Crystals and Rainbows making more music. Am I clear? I gave you the chance with the heroes game in exchange for more music… over two hundred songs.” Sombra almost sounded as though he ordered it.

“Right boss…” Adagio muttered clearly unamused.

“Got it.” Aria muttered.

“Oooh we get more happy songs!” Sonata cheered immensely at the prospect which put a smile on Sunset’s face.

“I think that’s all we really have to go over. So chop chop people. Time to get to work. We have a Crystals and Rainbows expansion to be made. Get to it!” Sombra ordered as everyone got to work with Discord leading Tirek, Sunset and Twilight off to record all their lines for the expansion.
Radiant slowly traipsed over to her chair and sat down clearly tired while Chrysalis looked over her for the bit. Sombra had to deal with Snow for a small meeting. Gabby eventually found Scorpan and Thorax working over some of the Flutterpony designs but it was slow going in trying to make things fit.

A very busy day awaited all of them.

Session 76.4 QuartzScale

King Blackthorn, the newly minted deer king, looked over the small table before him. He wanted for Aspen to take over once again but it was impossible to actually figure out how to do so within the parameters he was given. On the table was an old game of Deer origin called Where the Forest Falls.

A strange game where deer were forced to battle against the very spirits of nature for attempting to make a home for themselves amongst nature. Made during the past King’s bloody rule before Aspen showcasing a strange need to make certain all deer knew that nature was dangerous and needed to be coexisted with and never taken for granted.

Looking through the rulebook made him cringe at how badly the rules were tailored to make certain every other race looked like heathens for harming nature in any capacity. Willow Reed had told him that no one played it anymore after that horrible incident against the minotaur Well-To-Do. They had learned that no single creature could instantly be judged on the spot. Also that fighting is sometimes the only way to solve problems but that was overlooked for friendship’s sake.

The rules were very unpalatable even after drinking some specialty Zap Apple Cider they had managed to get a while back.

“Willow Reed?” Blackthorn called out.

“Yes, my liege?” Willow answered.

“Get me the specialty incinerator!” Blackthorn called out in a grandiose matter.

“The Specialty Incinerator!” Willow screamed.

“No. No singing cue. What are we ponies?” Blackthorn quirked an eye at her.

“Sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” Willow shook her head slightly trying to get it out of her mind.

Wasting no time they burned the rules and game from ever harming anything else ever again.


“What the heck is this?” Tirek groaned as a new game hit him in the head. After looking through the rules from his cell he threw them in the lava. He hated what it said about centaurs… then remembered that the only game he could play was Crystals and Rainbows, since the weird box had stopped working revealing the message ‘No Connection Available.’

“I could have played that instead…” Tirek groaned as the pink one and his traitorous brother returned.

Session 76.5 Alex Warlorn

"Has anyone seen mom? She hasn't come home since... we all became demon fish witches." Sunny Flair asked. Her friends shook her heads.


"Hey Adagio! What are you doing? We're got so many happy songs to write!" Sonata said, the only one actually ecstatic about the idea.

"Revenge," Adagio said as she was typing.

Aria growled, "Are you REALLY doing another scheme SO SOON after WE LOST EVERYTHING?!"

Adagio's eyes held a glint of insanity that actually made even Aria shiver. "Not everything!... Remember! Those who can't do, teach!"
Rarity's father sneezed.

Aria read the title of Adagio's manuscript, "'Dark Magic Is Your Friend: You too can become a witch!' Really?"

"Yes really! We didn't lose any of our smarts! And we still know more about magic than most of the dumb apes on this planet!"

Aria rolled her eyes. "And this won't backfire horribly on us because?"

"Because... the test market isn't this stupid town... the test market is in Mexico!"
In Mexcio...

Fiesta music played. A young woman named Fiesta Flare played maracas. And a new book came on sale.

And former Principle Cinch ran away screaming.

Session 76.6 QuartzScale

(Continuation of 43.2)

Twilight sat on her deck drinking her tea calmly looking over Ponyville. It was the kind of day when on could lounge around doing nothing and was actually her day off. Nothing could go wrong to mess that up... when Spike knocked on her veranda door.

“Um… Twi. We got a very important visitor… I think.” Spike chuckled nervously.

Standing behind him was a large bipedal black and white bear wearing an ornate orange robe while a conical straw hat rested on his head. On his back were several large packs which seemed to do nothing to deter him from moving. He bowed to Twilight who stumbled off her chair faltering and hitting her face against the floor.

“Forgive me for the intrusion. I have finally found the time to meet with you, young Princess of Friendship.” The panda answered the now mumbling alicorn princess.

“Of course… sorry. I didn't expect you coming so soon. Shall we?” Twilight pointed to a small table that rested on the balcony with an umbrella hanging over it.

“Of course. I have also brought a game to play. Many voices have been speaking of these sorts of things. Ah before I forget… I am Dainin. Here is the game.” Dainin placed a large domino box on the small table where Twilight looked over it.

“What kind of game is this?” Twilight examined the box closely.

“A relatively new game from back home. It is called AYA and is a cooperative game. We place these dominoes into patterns to create pathways and landbridges. We earn points for which ever tiles are actual paths. If there all tiles that don’t fit we don’t earn points. After we place the tiles we knock them down to create the path. The most important pieces are the ones that have camera points on them. They add extra for the supposed animals that you photograph which is dependant on what terrain is connected to the domino in question.” Dainin explained while Twilight looked over all the tiles seemingly planning things out.

“Is it alright to use my magic to place the tiles?” Twilight quickly asked before they started.

“For your first time it should be fine. Afterwards if you’d like to keep going I would suggest trying with only your hoof. The tiles were made big enough to allow some room for error.” Dainin smiled while Spike brought over some tea for the game.

Overall the meeting went well enough. Twilight became engrossed within making the perfect path though working with Dainin showed that he didn’t care of the aesthetics so much as he enjoyed the company while the game was played. Eventually talks of opening the turtle to guests was brought up. Dainin couldn’t speak for everyone but felt hopeful that trade would pick up now that they were meeting face to face.


Session 76.7 Alex Warlorn

There was a knock on Twilight Sparkle's front door of her castle...

She opened it... to find ponies in cloaks at her door step... 'It's gonna be one of those days.'

They looked like Three Tribes ponies, but they had seapony, or rather, sirens traits mixed in there.

"Hello Princess (vile heathen who dared harm our lord and master), have you heard the good news of the Order of Dra-Gon?" Asked a mare who had a familial resemblance to somepony Twilight couldn't place.

Twilight shook her head. "Look, we already have two..." She realized that the word 'cult' had become a trigger around Ponyville. "Sects of ponies seeking to share their beliefs in Ponyville, you can talk to the Equalists and Luna's Witnesses about who gets what turns to knocking on doors nicely asking ponies to convert to your religion."

"But would you at least try out our new board game? Catch The Outsider!" A stallion with hooves with a resemblance to fins, held up a board game, the publisher's logo being one of Chrysalis' front propaganda companies. It showed a port town with quadruped fish ponies, chasing an ugly looking purple unicorn. "Prevent the outsider from escaping town, first one to catch them wins." The Order of Dra-Gon messenger said. They all had smiles on with their faces. "But you all lose if they manage to get away."

"Hey, that sounds kinda interesting," Spike said. Then Twilight gave him the look. "Never mind."


"Are you sure we can be here?" Sunburst asked looking around the castle of the royal sisters.

"Trust Trixie, after the magic tree gave Twilight Sparkle that crystal eyesore in violation of several zoning laws, she and her friends forgot this place ever existed or that they had ever been restoring it. If Trixie claims it now as her abode, when Trixie becomes an Alicorn, she'll already have her own castle."

"... Why would you want a castle in the middle of a forest of death?"

"... A castle is a castle!"

"And didn't you say you were going to claim it for Starlight for when she inevitably becomes an Alicorn in order to, and I quote, 'beat the incoming Princess wave'?"

"... Trixie might have said something like that."

"Hey! We were here first!" Said a earthpony/siren hybrid in a room with a eldritch symbol drawn on the floor with refreshments to the side.

"Trixie is very sure you were not!"

Session 76.8 QuartzScale

“It’s been a while since we came back to this… “ Spike dusted off some of his old notes as Discord, Fluttershy, Starlight holding a white mask, Rarity and Applejack sitting around the table.

“Ah reckon that is has been a while. Do y’all remember what we were doing?” Applejack pondered over things. “Crimson Tape hasn’t been sciencing it up for ah long while.”

“Sorry… it’s been a while. I’ll try to think some things up but… Sorry I don’t remember.” Fluttershy mumbled as she looked over her character sheet. She had to touch up the ink for how long it had taken to get back to it.

“I remember we were in a space station but that’s about it.” Rarity rang in flourishing her hoof hoping to jog somepony’s memory.

“I just remember that I got some perk with a Confusian monk and that was it.” Starlight brought up looking over her old notes.

“I’ll figure it out… Gimme a sec.” Discord snapped his finger and brought up the archived notes of Ponies and Dragons pouring over it for over ten minutes in a time bubble. When he got out of the time bubble his eyes were red and blurry. “Jeez that took forever and it’s been over 50 sessions since we’ve actually had our turn.”

Everyone stared at him confused but decided not to bother understanding and nodded completely at that. Everyone read over their notes and figured where they were at once again.

“Since I want to get us back to more joint party times we’ll offscreen the rest of the visit to the space station. I’m guessing that Diva and Crimson have already gotten their supplies and extra fuel now right?” Spike pointed to the two ponies.

“Right-o daddy-o.” Rarity tapped her hooves together and she tried to get back into her character’s mind. It was difficult.

“I reckon so. Crimson Tape does ah maniacal laugh while she carries random tech with her back to the ship.” Applejack admitted still looking over her things. “I gotta make another Detentionator eventually…”

“Mane and Random were off in the park. You played with a few animals but… “ Spike rolled a few dice. “A few of the animals were jumpy around you Mane mostly because they seemed to sense eldritch tendencies radiating off of you.”

“Oh dear… maybe I should have been the grasshopper one.” Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hoof.

“Worry not Fluttershy. They just know how to respect you. We did make it back to the ship.” Discord cut her off. Fluttershy merely accepted it. Since her… scuffle with Hel she knew how to be more assertive of what she wanted.

“And where did Lib go after the monk?” Spike looked to Starlight who was playing with her white mask flipping it in her magic.

“Oh… uh… she asked more aliens about things. She kept hearing things about a Fifth Dimensional Quantum Raven that has been seen in the quadrant. Also that pirates have been sighted as well.” Starlight looked over her notes though her eyes widened… realizing that she remembered some of the wrong things for Ra instead… ‘Damn, damn, damn…’

“Huh… Sounds like something interesting…” Spike muttered keeping his poker face straight laced. He realized that Starlight mixed up some info based on her dual adventure with both teams. As his OO credentials were at stake he made certain not to spoil that that was exactly what the others were looking for… but it would be the best way to handle what had happened.

“Okay… it seems that the explosions further off in the pirate sections of space have been drawing in this fabled Quantum Raven which has unfathomable powers.” Spike started narrating.

“What do you mean about unfathomable?” Applejack queried.

“They are without fathom. Unfathomable.” Spike answered without missing a beat causing Applejack to grumble for walking into the trap.

“Oh my… is it dangerous… or more likely in trouble?” Fluttershy brought up clearly wanting to go save the raven in question.

“You are unsure. From what Lib learned it seems as though the Raven was heralded as the bringer of party-geddon. It would enact something called the never ending party and you would forever be trapped in a quantum state partying through the ages. At least that’s what you’ve heard.” Spike quickly explained as he looked over whatever notes he had kept from way back then.

“So I guess we should head out and find that thing then?” Fluttershy brought up clearly enamored by the thought of the raven.

“Sound fly, sweet mama. Time to fly this coop and give the man the bird.” Rarity dabbled off clearly trying to get back into character.

“Truly this will be a find for all of Equestria. For the good of all pony kind to find this creature first.” Discord announced which Applejack clearly agreed with.

“Ah right everybody. I reckon we got something that will lead us to those other guys now.” Applejack announced having Crimson Tape rolling to toss everyone into the ship to head out.

“Righteous. Let’s boogie down and catch those cats. I got this ship all topped off, if you catch my drift?” Rarity explained.

“Uh right… I assume you got some extra fuel as well.” Spike muttered clearly trying to figure out the disco lingo once again.

“Let’s head on out for the wild frontier.” Fluttershy cheered in her calm tone happy to be back in adventure as she had Mane Agery fluff around her squirrel tail.

Session 76.9 Kendell2

"Discord, what did you do?!" asked Twilight, coming inside the castle and looking furious.

Discord sighed, reading a comic book. "I just gave the CMC the powers of a series they liked for a game, I fail to see the problem."

"Look outside!" Twilight yelled.

Discord sighed and looked out the window...to find the CMC in some big beetle themed mecha fighting jet fighters. "...Oh..."

"What happened?!"

"I may have accidentally created a portal to fiction land by giving them the powers..." said Discord, cringing as the CMC destroyed a jet in a comic book style BLAM!

"...FIX THIS! Frankenstag is a nice guy, but we don't have room for MORE fictional immigrants!" replied Twilight.


Session 76.10 Alex Warlorn

"Well!" Human Starlight Glimmer said dramatically one leg on the horse statue base, "I'm not going to let some extra-reality aliens use OUR planet as a penal colony! The people deserves to know the truth and I'm going to tell them!"

"No, you won't." Said Wallflower Blush behind human Starlight.

"Huh, who are you?"

Wallflower rolled her eyes. "Story of my life. You dug through my garden looking for crashed alien ships after the diamond digger dug through it looking for the 'treasure' buried on campus somewhere."

"Oh... I forgot."

"That's not all you're going to forget."


"Starlight? Are you okay? You look kinda... " Not-weird. "Odd." Sunburst said, finding Starlight in her van.

"Huh... Is... Sunburst!? Is that you?! It's been years since we've seen each other!" Starlight said excited at seeing her childhood friend at last. "... You owe me for not so much as friggin' LETTER since grade school!"

"Huh?! Starlight we just finished stopping an invasion by an outer-god by a coven of witches using virtual reality!"

"The what now?"


"'Dra-Gon Dating Service, we'll accept just about anypony'," Shining Armor read the advertisement. "... Gizmo, don't you think this is... insane?"

"What? It's just a dating service! See? They even provided a picture!" He showed a photo of a pretty looking seapony.

There was a knock on the crystal door. Gizmo adjusted his bowtie. "That must be her now!"

He opened the door, to find a monstrous half-pony, half-siren horror looking down at him.

"Uh... Tempo Wave?" He gulped. He held up the picture.

"Oh... That was me before I entered my Becoming phase... come on lover boy!"

"Uh, maybe we'd be better off as friends!"

"Oh don't be that way! You were so interesting in your letters, we'll make great spawn together!"

"WHAT?" Gizmo tried to flee.

"Sirens don't believe in long courtship rituals." She wrapped her scaly tail around his waist and began to drag him away, his front hooves leaving creases in the crystal floor. "SHINING! SAVE ME!"

"Uh-uh! You signed up (of your own free will) for a hot, hot, evening of love, fun, and music and I intend to deliver!"

Session 76.11 Ardashir

Shining Armor watched the horror from the lightless depths drag Gizmo out the door. Gizmo dragged his hooves, trying and failing to seize hold of the floorboards. He looked back once and saw Tempo smiling at him, revealing triangular fangs. His renewed shrieks tore at the air as the door swung shut, cutting off the sight of the Siren lowering her fanged muzzle to Gizmo's mouth.

As it closed Shining shuddered.

"Well, sis told me how those 'other us'' dealt with the Sirens. I was wondering how Dra-Gon would seek revenge on ponykind." Horrid screams coupled with savage grunts of lust came through the door, making him shudder. "Our sole consolation is that no pony else should be stupid enough to fall for this -- what did I just say?!?" He ran to the window and whinnied out to the uncaring skies above. "THAT WASN'T A DARE, UNIVERSE!"

Thunder rumbled above, somehow seeming to say, "Sounds like one to me!"


"Prince Erik of the Diamond Wolves?" The lovely and very out of place mare smiled at the Siren looming over her beside the deep pool in Icehome. "Oh, ah, he is waiting for Miss 'Sea Anemone' at gates of Crystal Empire! You should go there and look for him!"

The mare kept smiling as the Siren slithered away. Only then did they yank the suit off to reveal the terrified Diamond Wolf Prince.

"Lousy dating service! Thank Fenris I remembered that pony cartoon and how stallion hides from hungry monsters!"

As he spoke a pair of scaly forelegs wrapped around him in a death grip, and a deep musical voice said in his ear. "I remembered that cartoon, too, handsome!"

Panicked yelps filled the air as the smiling Siren dragged Prince Erik into a nearby empty ice cave.


"Big brother? Pharynx? You're waiting for a girl?"

"Sure am, little brother Thorax! Don't wait up for me, either, and," Pharynx looked at the letter, his eyes widening in confusion. "'Pay no attention to any screams'?"


"I've got a daa-aate!" Zephyr all but danced around Ponyville's town square as he got ready. Fluttershy looked on in delight, and Rainbow Dash in disbelief. She recoiled as Zephyr trotted up to her. "Dash, my darling, try not to be too jealous! Just because I've won the heart of a sea pony."

As he skipped away Dash shuddered. "Ugh, one of Novo's herd? Yuck! I thought they had more taste than that. Uh, sorry, Fluttershy."

"It's alright," she said, staring at her brother. "I know Zephyr can be a little -- much. But I'm so happy he found a date. I wonder what," she looked at the letter, it had no picture with it, "Miss Oratorio Waltz looks like?"

From the edge of the village the first screams arose as a voice called, "Yoo-hoo! Lover boy!"


In another world Adagio stopped writing the latest chapter of her guide to black magic and smiled.

"Aria, Sonata, I'm not sure why I think this, but I get the idea our sisters back home are finally bringing some new blood into the school."

Session 76.12 Grogar-the-oneser

"Nope, don't wanna know," Aria said.

"What, what do you mean?"

"We suffer our most crippling defeat, we're no longer sirens, and quite frankly I feel the only reason our sisters are doing this is cause Dad's afraid Hydra's going to rip his head off if he doesn't deliver the new kid quota," Aria said.

"I don't care if I am getting sued, my wife is terrifying!" Dra-gon snapped to Ponythulu.

"You're still singed from being hurtle into the sun."

"Better to get sunburn twice than suffer her wrath," Dra-gon stated firmly.

"But this-"

"NO! I want to at least recover from the last humiliating defeat before suffering a new one! Leave us out of this!"

"Fine, you killer of dreams," Adagio growled.

Things were silent for a moment.

"Probably for the best, I mean, I really don't wanna know if other sirens are getting-"

"SHUT UP SONATA!" Both sisters snapped blushing.

"...So you really didn't fall for that?" The siren said in a net.

"Nope, didn't want my brother freaking out. Our Queen invented this scam," Pharynx stated. "You really okay with this."

"Most of us heard Hydra's going to kill dad with a hammer and for some of us it's been awhile." The siren shrugged.

Session 76.13 Alex Warlorn

Wallflower Blush was walking away from having just stolen memories from human Starlight Glimmer, when a portal opened up above her, and landed a demonic creature with bulging veins and clenched teeth, his eyes blazing with fury.


It rose up a giant axe screaming with the souls it had claimed.

Wallflower touched the Memory Stone.

*a few seconds later*

"Uh... what was I doing again?" The demonic being scratched his head. "Oh! I'm late for my card game of lost souls!" The demonic being left back through the portal.

Session 76.14 Alex Warlorn

Dra-Gon humphed, "You're suing ME? How cute."

Chrysalis snarled, "My species COPYRIGHTED this scam, and I still own half the shares in Equestria's dating services!"

"Who owns the other half?"

"... The Pink Princess of Getting Sealed In Mines On Her Wedding Day."

Session 76.15 Kendell2


"Oh come on suger, it won't be that bad!"

Oratorio Waltz screamed and ran as Zephyr pursued her, bouncing like he did in when he was skunk in the cartoon game. "NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE!"

"But I've been waiting all my life for someone to be this into me! I'm not giving it up now!" Zephyr called.


"Luna, we need to do something about this," Celestia said.

"Okay..." said Luna, producing her war armor.

"Not that!" Celestia replied. "No battle of gods!"


"We must stop this the only way we can!"

"...I will summon him."

Dra-Gon sweated, glaring down at his nemesis. "YOU TRULY ARE A WORTHY ADVERSARY! BUT I SHALL NOT LOSE!"

His children all sat around him, their captive 'dates' next to them, watching hopefully...except Oratorio Waltz who was trying to escape Zephyr and Pharynx's date hanging in a net.

Button Mash wiped his brow...as Dra-Gon drew another card and put a card face down. "You're pretty good too...So you guys use card games to decide world threatening thingies?"

"One of my siblings' idea..." said Dra-Gon. "Your move..."

Button sweated, the audience watching with bated breath as he drew his next card.

Session 76.16 Mtangalion (with one line by me)

Prince Erik struggled against his bonds, then slammed his head against Dra-Gon's card table. "Grrrargh! Just wanted date without ex-mate finding out about it! Stupid fate, that's so hard!?"

Sea Anemone burbled, stroking his mane with slimy claws. "But you're the diamond wolf alpha, my prize catch! No wolf tells you what to do." She showed off a grin full of needle-fangs. "And now I tell you what to do! You’re going to be my loyal Hound. I can give you so much more than any mangy ex-mate can."

Erik barked with laughter. "Shows what you know. Old mate was best, cleverest, sneakiest! Drive any wolf wild with her tricks!” He slumped. “But Ice magic and Dark magic clash. Nearly buried Icehome under ten feet of snow, siring one litter of pups! Worth it! But, could not happen again, couldn’t risk…”

There was a hammering on the door, and it burst open, letting another Sea Anemone hop through, furious at being tied-up and gagged

The Sea Anemone holding Erik grinned devilishly… and unzipped her face, revealing herself to be Alisa. “At last, truth comes out.” She nuzzled the frozen, gaping Erik, who finally managed to blink, before lunging to kiss her.

Dra-Gon looked irritated at the stormy snow clouds that were starting to cover the ceiling. “Ignore that!” he shouted at Button Mash. “The card game is still on!”

Sea Anemone said getting free, "Okay then, threesome."

The diamond wolves screamed.

'I better hurry.' Button Mash thought, he had no idea what the sirens were doing, but he knew it was a bad thing.

Session 76.17 Kendell2

Button Mash looked at his cards carefully. Dra-Gon was good. He was down to 900 lifepoints and had only gotten Dra-Gon's down by a couple hundred.

He needed to pull off a come from behind win here.

Dra-Gon smirked as he towered over the little colt.

"I summon Jowgen the Spiritualist in defense mode," said Button, doing so. "And put one card face down," he said, putting one card in the spell/trap card area, resulting in a magic projection of a pony in spiritualist attire manifesting in a kneeling position. "And end my turn."

Dra-Gon smirked. His card destroyed any Special Summoned monster on the field and prevented both sides from doing any further, but lacked any other attributes. He had a few other facedowns and spell and trap cards face down. Dra-Gon was completely prepared for some 'epic duel ending move' worthy of an anime protagonist, and had studied the rules enough to rule lawyer any possible move, and even was prepared for the dreaded instant win cards. "I sacrifice one of my face downs to summon Amphibian Beast in attack mode."

One of his cards dissolved and from a whirlpool of water emerged a green skinned monster resembling himself with 2400 attack points. Due to another Starfish monster named Star Colt he had on the field, its attack instantly increased to 2900.

"And I play the card Lunamuria, the Forgotten City," said Dra-Gon, placing a card and causing an ancient forgotten city to rise up around the monsters. "Increasing all water monsters' attack and defense by 200 points."

His Amphibian Beast's attack raised to 3100.

"And I equip him with Big Bang Shot..."

The monster now held a huge, black sword, attack power increasing to 3500.

"Now if your monster is in defense mode, it doesn't matter!" he announced, the spell's effect permitting that.

The group gasped. Now if Button's monster was destroyed it'd be the end of the game.

"Now I attack your Spiritualist!"

The monster raised its sword to strike.

"You've triggered my trap card!"

Dra-Gon smirked, feeling prepared to rules lawyer.

"Last Turn!" Button Mash said, showing a purple card with a muscular soldier fighting a hydra. "I pick one monster on my side of the field and all others on both our fields and hands are destroyed!" he called, his Spiritualist the only one remaining as they had to discard everything else.

"Ha! I still get to summon one monster of my choice!" Dra-Gon replied. "And if it beats your Spiritualist, then I win!"

Button gave the most feared look in all of gaming. The 'gotcha' face. "Wrong! You get to special summon one monster!"

Dra-Gon's eyes widened. "Wait...Jowgen the Spiritualist's effect prevents Special Summons! That means..."

"You don't get to summon a monster this turn! And since Last Turn means the player without a monster on their side of the field loses instantly!" Button Mash stated.

"NO! The only thing I didn't anticipate! A legitimate, practical strategy!" the eldritch abomination exclaimed, his lifepoints hitting zero.

"YES!" yelled the stallions.

"Aww..." said the Sirens.

"YES!" yelled Oratorio Waltz.

"Aww..." said Zephyr Breeze.

"Well at least you didn't get thrown into the sun again," Ponythulhu pointed out, sympathetically patting him on the back.

"DRA-GON!" yelled a voice that forced Celestia to insanity proof everyone present and shook the ground.

Dra-Gon gulped.

A portal opened and tentacles shot out of a portal to a sunken, eldritch city, wrapping around him and pulling him in.

"AH! HURL ME INTO THE SUN! PLEASE!" he screamed in horror before vanishing into the portal.

"...I saved Equestria..." said Button Mash, before his mom kissed him a million times with pride.

"So, did you get Discord to give him more Discord favors?" asked Twilight.

"No...we gave him Princess favors," Celestia admitted.

"...How many?"

"...Keep your schedule flexible for a few weeks..."

OOC: For the record, Button's strategy IS a real Yu-Gi-Oh card game strategy that's legal and practical in real life.

Dra-Gon didn't see it coming because he was expected 'anime protagonist' moves or some epic card that one shots his, not a legitimate practical strategy that could be pulled off by a real life player.

Session 76.18 Grogar-the-oneser

Wallflower grinned, It's been a few day and so far and she was able to use the stone power effectively.

"I think this is a good sign, most of the magical stuff, usually cause they take it too far but so far I been relatively contained... but I don't want to draw attention. Plus theirs a risk I'm deluding myself with the stone affecting me." Wallflower frown giving herself a once-over.

"Doesn't matter. I just need to do a final job and I can put all this behind me." Wallflower said determinedly. "Tomorrow, you're getting your comeuppance, Sunset Shimmer!"

Session 76.19 Mtangalion

Gilda picked her way through her family’s junkyard, accompanied by… Gilda? They’d left a very confused Ember behind to watch the house.

The first Gilda, the one with bruised knees and elbows, skimpy shorts, and a tank top, pulled a last year’s model smartphone out of the trash, and grinned when a few button presses made the screen light up. “Yes! I’m gonna need a whole bunch of these.”

The second Gilda, wearing jeans and a brown leather jacket, hung back with arms folded. “Seriously? You know, those phones are in my junkyard for a reason.”

“Don’t care. Just find me the ones that got knocked around, beat up, and tossed away, and *still work.* I’ll pay top quality shinies for them.”

“Shinies?” exclaimed the second Gilda. “This ain’t no swap meet… ‘sister.’ I do hard work like that for cash, not…” The first Gilda shook some items from a sack into the second’s palm… a few bottle caps, pieces of tinfoil from a party cannon, and several solid gold coins. “Okay! Shinies… yeah, shinies are good!”

“And that’s how it’s done!” said Rainbow Dash, holding up a small molded cloud.

Gerold poked the matching cloud in his talons, and got a mild electric shock. “Yowch… nice! You’re alright, Dash.”

Rainbow beamed. “That baby will keep turning wind magic into a trickle electric charge for weeks, and it’s so simple that even a griffon can make one.”

Gerold instantly bristled. “What did you say?! Are you saying that ponies are better than griffons at magic? Huh!?”

Rainbow waved a hoof, unworried. “Dude, chill! I’m not saying anything like that. But, uh… call me when you griffons set up your own weather factory to compete with ours.”

Gerold turned up his beak and stalked out of Rainbow’s house in a huff, only to duck his head back inside a moment later. “Wanna race sometime?”

Rainbow jabbed a hoof towards him smugly. “Anytime you don’t mind losing!”

Trixie frowned at the items that Gabby had brought to her wagon. “Are you certain these are teacups? The Great and Powerful Trixie has never seen any quite like these.”

“They’re new, modern art teacups!” said Gabby, grinning a bit desperately. “See? They have bowls, and handles. Teacups! So if you could just magic up twenty copies of each...”

Trixie prodded at one. “These teacups look suspiciously like Twilight Sparkle’s Internet broadcasting devices with teacup handles glued on. Why, if Trixie didn’t know better…”

Gabby cringed. “Oh, I didn’t want to have to do this, but…” She rose on her hind legs, posing her forelimbs just so. “I’m a little teapot, short and stout! This is my handle, this…”

Trixie’s eyes instantly glazed over. “Teacups! Trixie cannot pour tea without more teacups! Bwahaha!” She fired duplicating beams every which way, which Gabby frantically ducked and dodged.

A few days later, Princess Twilight Sparkle took the train to Griffonstone in response to an urgent letter, and was gobsmacked to see smartphones everywhere. Griffons standing in line to shell out bits for phones, griffons playing mobile phone games and arguing vigorously over the results, griffons standing impatiently around a cloud station, waiting for their phones to recharge…

One griffon was playing with his smartphone and walking along on his other three legs… right off a cliff… only to fly right back up and resume strolling while gaming in another direction.

“You!” said Twilight, zeroing in on Gilda, who was counting up stacks of bits. “Gilda, how did you do this? Why did you do this?!”

Gilda chuckled. “Mostly, it was to annoy Garble. He wouldn’t shut up about how making bits was soooo hard.”

There was a commotion nearby, and an angry griffon guard captain pushed his way over to Gilda. “Hey! You wanna explain why my griffs keep sending me ‘tweets’ about cheeseburgers instead of reporting for duty?”

“Who’s responsible for this!” shrieked a female griffon. “My darling hatchling touched your recharging cloud, and just look what happened!” She held up an adorable ball of fluff with a little beak sticking out.

Princess Twilight grinned. “You know, Gilda… This is where a real business-hen would step up and deal with it, instead of skipping town like a couple of con-ponies we know.”

Gilda groaned, and motioned Gerold and Gabby over. “Okay, griffs, you heard the princess. We gotta put our heads together on this one!”

“Right!” said Gabby.

“Okay!” declared Gerold.

And then they literally knocked their heads together.

Twilight watched the three griffons curse and rub their aching feathery skulls… then blink with sudden inspiration, rushing off to smooth everything over. “I’m not even going to ask,” she said cheerfully, taking notes for the Friendship Chronicles, volume two.

Session 76.20 Jarkes (Grogar-the-oneser, Alex Warlorn)

"Are you sure you don't remember, Starlight?" Sunburst asked his friend.

"Remember wha-" Starlight suddenly had a wide-eyed look on her face. "Ooooooh, yeah! Now I remember all that stuff with Dra-Gon and all that!"

"What even made you forget that?" Sunburst asked.

"Some girl with this weird memory stone thing erased my memories. I guess it wore off because I believe in magic and conspiracies too much," Starlight explained.

"Should we tell anyone about this?" Sunburst asked.

"Honestly, even with all that's happened lately, I doubt anyone would believe us," Starlight said. "Let's just sit back and see what happens. I wonder what sect of the Men In Black she belongs to."


Human Bon Bon sneezed.


Wallflower frowned as she observed this. "Should've known it wouldn't have been very effective on her... I mean for pete sake, she admitted to be a conspiracy theorist, that profession isn't known to be nice to someone psyche.. Oh well, as long as she won't spill the beans... Besides, I'm just about ready to enact the final steps of my plan, so she wouldn't be able to do anything anyway..."

Session 76.21 Alex Warlorn

"So..." Cadence asked the Good Sombra and Radiant Hope from the world line who had visited when Cadence when pregnant with Flurry Heart had demanded to role play with Sombra and Chrysalis. "Iron Will, Flim and Flam, and Lightning Dust all worked with Chrysalis to invade the Crystal Empire, and resurrect you while you were still evil, and they, along with Chrysalis, all basically ran for the hills when they learned your REAL plan was to free Sombra's extended family?"


"So... Why weren't they all arrested and tried for treason again?"

Radiant Hope smiled and nodded. "They said they were all taken over by evil alien parasites to agree to help me, and since that was obviously true, they were all let go."

Cadence just stared.

Session 76.22 Alex Warlorn

"DISCORD YOU IDIOT!" Princess Twilight Sparkle shouted in the Royal Canterlot voice. "What did I tell you about unleashing monsters from he O&O creature compendium!?"

"What? I picked one at random, I'm chaos," Discord said innocently.

"Do you have ANY IDEA what you've unleashed, what it's capable of?!"

"What? I stayed away from the demons, the abominations, the undead, it's not even that powerful a monster considering some of the Ogres in there." Discord shrugged.

Twilight Sparkle pointed to the page with the missing picture of the monsters. "Werefox, better known as the were-vixen or fox-mare, due to their curse only able to affect females. Chaotic Evil. Unlike other versions of Lcyanthropy, the curse affects the victim's personality even in the non-transformed state, do you realize what that MEANS?!! Can shape change without the use of the full moon. Are low level magic users. Can Charm males just with her beauty alone and use the best looking ones as body guards. Can Pass Without Trace. Incredibly vain and self pampering!"

"They should get along fine with Rarity then."

Twilight gave Discord the death glare. "Also, unlike other were beasts, their curse renders them unable to have children, so they can only reproduce by infecting new victims! As such, THEIR MAIN TARGETS FOR INFECTION ARE USUALLY CHILDREN!"

Discord shrank a bit. "I make a boo boo?"

"YOU THINK?!" Twilight was tempted to shape shift into a dragon and breath fire on him.


"Hi guys! Sorry I'm late!" Said Sweetie Belle to her Diamond Wolf friends she had made a while back. "Uh... why are you a looking more foxy than doggy right now? Are those new costumes?"

"We now only love Mother... you too shall only love Mother." They all said together, they were not wearing costumes. A insanely beautiful cross between pony and silver fox crept up behind Sweetie Belle, then came the sound of the bite.


"I too, only love Mother." Sweetie Belle said.

Session 76.23 Ardashir

"You are the best, in fact only, eligible stallion in this town," the silvery-coated and maned mare said as she gazed into the eyes of Big Mac. Her eyes seemed to glow, lit from within with an emerald light, a light that spread into Mac's eyes. "You will serve as my bodyguard and concubine until I rule this pathetic town. Understood?"

"Eee-yup," the stallion said in a monotone voice. "Ah will obey mah mistress."

"Hey, Big Mac!" Spike strolled into the room, wearing his wizard's costume for O&O. "You ready for the game yet? And yeesh, who's this?" He scowled at the vampish silver mare standing beside Big Mac. Behind her stood half a dozen Diamond Wolf puppies and Sweetie Belle -- wait, why had she styled her tail to look like a fox tail? "So, uh, she interested in joining?"

"I do not join others," the mare near purred. Her eyes began to glow emerald once more. She slunk forward, Spike's eyes widening as her form changed, going from a sleek mare to a pony-sized vixen. She leered down at him, tongue flicking across her ivory fangs. "They join me, little scaly mage. As you now will!"

Session 76.24 Zaku679

"Spike we need to- what?" Twilight blinked at the sight of a slobbered Spike who look pretty annoyed yet a tad proud.

"What happen to you?"

"I got attack by some sort of werefox, jokes on her though, her teeth couldn't get through my scales. and while she was in shock that didn't work, I ran before she could charm me." Spike said a tad smugly.

"Spike this is very important, where is she?"

"She said something about going to the cmc camp thing."

"AHHH!" Twilight shrieked as she teleported away.

"For the last time Sweetie Belle, WE DO NOT WANT TO BE WEREFOXES!" Applebloom shouted as she, Scootaloo and a bunch of foals were in a tree as the diamond wolves (And Sweetie Belle) circle it with the werefox watching.

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

P.S. Addendum. No adding entire new fanon countries and/or fanon species.

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page: (PLEASE update already!)

Session 76.0 Kendell2
Session 76.1 QuartzScale
Session 76.2 Kendell2
Session 76.3 QuartzScale
Session 76.4 QuartzScale
Session 76.5 Alex Warlorn
Session 76.6 QuartzScale
Session 76.7 Alex Warlorn
Session 76.8 QuartzScale
Session 76.9 Kendell2
Session 76.10 Alex Warlorn
Session 76.11 Ardashir
Session 76.12 Grogar-the-oneser
Session 76.13 Alex Warlorn
Session 76.14 Alex Warlorn
Session 76.15 Kendell2
Session 76.16 Mtangalion (with one line by me)
Session 76.17 Kendell2
Session 76.18 Grogar-the-oneser
Session 76.19 Mtangalion
Session 76.20 Jarkes
Session 76.21 Alex Warlorn
Session 76.22 Alex Warlorn
Session 76.23 Ardashir
Session 76.24 Zaku679

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.

Basic grammar:
-Periods go at the end of sentences. (.)
-People and place's names are capitalized.
-Questions end in Questions Marks. (?)
-The word 'I' is capitalized.
-"When characters start or stop talking, use quotations."
-'There' is a place, 'their' is someone's property or trait, 'they're' is short for 'they are.'

Picture by NekoHybrid used with permission.


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