• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 15,411 Views, 2,073 Comments

Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

  • ...

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Session 63

Session 63.0 Mtangalion

Thanks to sonicandmario826 for asking the question that inspired this. :)

"Yo, nerd princess!" shouted Gilda. "Uh, you know I mean that in the best possible way, right?"

When Princess Twilight flew out of the crystal castle halls, looking slightly cross, Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof at one of Twilight’s human computers. "It says the ‘network’ is down. Ugh, and just when I was about to play World of Horsecraft with Gilda! Can you fix it, Twi?"

"Let me have a look..." The computers had prototype hoof-friendly keyboards and mice now, but Twilight still prefered to work the human models with her magic. "It looks like the router needs to be restarted on Sunset’s end." She levitated a magic journal and a quill over. "I’ll let her know."

Rainbow watched, scratching her mane. "Um, Twilight? Didn’t Sunset give you that phone thing so you could talk to her just by, you know, talking to her? Why even use the journal at this point?"

Twilight gestured towards said phone, which was sitting on a pedestal in a charging cradle, which in turn was plugged into Twilight’s improvised mana converter, the same as the computers. "Because all the new human phones have these touch screens."

Gilda picked the phone up and poked a colorful icon with a claw, oohing when it zoomed in and opened a weather app. "So?"

"So!? It’s a capacitive touch screen, which operates based on the electrical conductivity of living tissue!"

Rainbow looked at Gilda, who shrugged, shaking her head. Dash looked back to Twilight. "Meaning?"

Twilight groaned. "Meaning, magic alone isn’t enough! The screen only responds when a physical object touches it. It works with hands and claws, but hooves are too big, and I am NOT using my tongue, not after what happened last time."

"Sunset did give me this special glove," added Twilight, opening a drawer and showing them a slim black five-fingered glove obviously not made anywhere in Equestria. "But frankly, I feel ridiculous using it." She demonstrated by pushing her magic into the glove and wiggling the fingers.

Gilda seemed mildly fascinated by this, lifting her own claw and making different gestures, which Twilight copied.

Princess Twilight sighed. "One time, I got so frustrated that I used my own magic to transform into a human, just to use the phone. Of course, then Starlight and Spike walked in, and I remembered that I didn’t have any clothes... Ugh, why am I even telling that story to you two?"

Gilda grinned insufferably. "I’d kinda like to see the tongue thing, myself."

Twilight swatted her with the glove.


Rainbow was slumped over a chair, bored out of her mind. "Isn’t the network fixed yet, Twi?"

Twilight read the latest note in the magic journal. "Soon, Dash. But, I think you lost your audience."

Gilda had the mobile phone gripped tight in both claws. "You greedy dirty pigs! Hah, that’ll teach you to steal eggs! Ooh yeah, BOOM!!"

Session 63.1 Kendell2

"So what's the game today?" asked Twilight, looking at the RPG box. Which was a bunch of teenagers and something random finding a monster in the closet.

"Okay, you know how they made all those 'teenagers and their wacky sidekick solve mysteries' things?" asked Spike.


"This is that, but as a game," Spike explained.

"...I'm game for that," Rainbow Dash replied. "So long as the sidekick doesn't get an annoying nephew..."

"...Do you hate that because you actually hate it or because it's popular to hate it?" Spike asked, seeming a bit miffed.


"And...um...didn't you pretend to BE that character when we were foals, Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked.

Gilda burst out laughing. "Yeah! She totally did! I remember it!"

Rainbow Dash blushed. "...Point taken..."

"...And that one time we actually DID end up foiling the school janitor when he dressed up as a monster..." the griffin remarked. "...Or was that a dream?"

"Anyway," the cyan pegasus interjected. "Who gets to be the wacky sidekick and what will it be?"

Session 63.2 Mtangalion

Gilda gave Gerulf the stink eye. "When you said that today was the day we were gonna taunt ponies and sit on their castle..."

Gabby grinned sheepishly, touching two claws together. "You have to admit, it is kinda funny."

Four griffons... four normal-sized and definitely not giant griffons... sat on the roof of Twilight’s crystal castle, ignoring the lawn chairs that Rainbow Dash had set out for chillaxing in favor of perching on the railing, where they could look down on all of Ponyville.

Gerulf chuckled, shrugging. "Your friends seem to be getting into the spirit of things."

"You puny ponies look like mice from up here!" crowed Gerold, lifting a claw and making a very griffon-ish gesture at the ponies below. "Hah, what do you think of that?!"

Far below, Lyra gasped. "That’s not very nice!" She started galloping away. "Just you wait until I get one of my gloves so I can do that back at you!"

Gilda snickered, then remembered that she was annoyed with Gerulf, and fluffed her feathers up in a huff. "You’re the biggest troll in Equestria, even when you aren’t BIG."

Gerulf shrugged his big wings grandly. "Oh, I doubt that one like myself, a mere few centuries old, could even hold a candle to Celestia, or your chaos godling whom I’ll not name." He grinned thoughtfully. "Perhaps later, I’ll resume my natural size and..." He leaned and whispered something to Gilda, making her blush something fierce.

"Uh oh, better watch out!" shouted Applejack’s voice from below. "Gilda’s ego might just crush us all! Heck, Ah bet her flank’s big enough to flatten a barn or two already!"

Gilda sprang back over to the railing. "Don’t you make me come down there!" She held two claws outstretched. "I’m crushing your head! Ooh, I’m crushing your head!"

"Oh my!" Four griffon heads turned to see Fluttershy hovering near the rooftop. "Somepony told me that, um..." Her voice got very quiet. "... there was a pigeon infestation on Twilight’s roof... I’ll just be going now!" She zipped away.

"Yo!" Two more griffons flew in, joining them on the rooftop railing. Gilda was surprised to recognize that pair that she’d seen before, from the local construction company. "Is this a private party, or can anygriff join in?"

"Aw, yeah!" boomed yet another griffon, this one still wearing a cooking apron from Ponyville’s meat restaurant. "I haven’t been to a good perch-in in ages!"

Gabby folded a newspaper into a pirate hat and a sword... she’d mastered origami in half an hour back when she’d been hunting for a "cutie mark." "Yarrr! We griffons be claiming this castle for Griffonstone!"

"Hey!" shouted a foal’s voice, not from below, but on the roof with them! Pipsqueak pointed a hoof at them all. "Who said you lot could play pirates in Ponyville?"

"Without inviting us?" added his mysterious playmate Moonlight, standing beside him.

"You said it!" shouted Dinky Hooves.

The huge owl-bear thing behind them hooted his approval.

Gilda pointed a claw. "Okay, what the squawk is that thing? How did you pint-sized ponies even get up here..."

Gerulf stepped in front, wings spread. "Griffons! We have been challenged!" He grinned at each of them in turn. "Shall we show them our heroic mettle?"

Spike ran into Twilight’s study, claws clapped over his ears. "Twilight! When are they going to stop singing sea shanties at each other!? The griffons can’t sing in tune to save their lives, and the foals aren’t much better!"

"Not now, Spike!" said Princess Twilight, wearing her winter earmuffs. "I’ve almost perfected the tree growing spell that will get us our nice quiet library back."

Session 63.3 Alex Warlorn

"You do realize that it won't be 'our nice quiet library', it'll be just a NEW tree that you make into a library. I'm pretty sure your books say that isn't healthy as you'll cheapen the old library tree as something that can be replaced emotionally, and also expected the new library to be a clone of the old one with any deviances being seen as a failure on its part. And I'm pretty sure Mayor Mare declared our toasted library a memorial site for your battle with Tirek."

"I'll just pick out a new site, and that'll be that." Twilight said, getting in, THAT mood again.

Then the light through one of the windows focused, and set Twilight's parchment with her notes for the spell on fire.


"Uh..." Spike said unsure. "I think you just made the castle jealous."

"Spike! It's a CASTLE! A magically created castle that always seems to have new rooms and I'm pretty sure is bigger on the inside than outside, but it's still just a castle! It doesn't have feelings! Otherwise it would have done something when Chrysalis' changelings replaced us all. Right?"

"Maybe it doesn't run on -pony- sense of right and wrong?"

"Now you're just being ridiculous Spike! Hey! The singing stopped!"

Twilight stepped out, to find in the foyer, the griffins from upstairs all now dressed up as maids and butlers, all with spiral eyes.

"Oh beautiful, intelligent, and charming Princess Twilight Sparkle, we welcome you, your obedient servants, which makes this whole castle much better than any library."

"STARLIGHT!!!!!!!" Twilight used the Royal Canterlot Voice.

"IT WASN'T ME I SWEAR!" She shouted back.

"I don't want servants!" Twilight's voice echoed through the castle.

"Then what am I?" Spike asked.

"You're my personal ASSISTANT!"

"Oh beautiful, intelligent, and charming Princess Twilight Sparkle, we welcome you, your personal assistants-"

"I only need one!"

The griffins blinked and screeched. Gilda ripping off the maid uniform. "AGH! That was horrible! I wanted to clean stuff, smile, and say how perfectly great and greatly perfect Princess Dweep is!"

Gabby kept the costume on. "Don't look at me, I wasn't hypnotized."

"For goodness sake Spike! There is no way this castle is self aware! That is cliche, forced, and used up in every fantasy story I've ever read! I'd move back into mom and dad before I sleep in a castle I knew was watching me all the time!"

The castle shuddered... then all was still and silent and unmoving, forever.


"Spike, where'd you get all those crunchy rainbow colored gems?" Pinkie Pie asked at their next game session.

"I broke them off of the castle walls."

"SPIKE! YOU WHAT?" Twilight asked upset. "You aren't eating our house!"

"It's no big deal, the wall always grows back anyway."


"And so to prevent further dimensional contamination, Moonlight has 'moved to Elsewhere', and and Olo the Owlbear returned to my subconscious. And Castles will NOT be fully sapient beings." Princess Luna conceded.

(Hail Knights of the Dinner Table.)

"Okay girls, you see the branches of the forest swaying from a zephyr."

"A zephyr?!" AJ gasped. "Draw yer weapons girls! Ah'm drawin' mah bow!"

"Spike the wizard bringing his fireballs online!"

"Diplomacy! I try to get the zephyr to be my friend!" Pinkie said quickly.

"I pray for my goddess' protection!" Rarity said.

"Does the zephyr appear friendly? Maybe I can tame it." Fluttershy said.

"Oh for crying out loud, a zephyr is a WIND girls!"

Twilight stared.

"Twilight, I'm the ex captain of Ponyville's weather team! What makes you think I WOULDN'T know what a zephyr was?"

"... Point taken."

"And Fluttershy, it's your brother's NAME, an you don't know what it means?!"

"I... I may have failed my weather examine."

"Anypony else feel strange that we're actually having fun with a table top RPG instead of an enchanted comic, a LARP, or a video game?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Naw," the others all shrugged.


Shining Armor looked at a locked door, and wondered what that was about, there was something important in there wasn't there? He opened the door in the Crystal Empire Castle, his high school classmates falling out in a pile.

"WE'RE SAVED!" Gaffer cried.

"WE'RE FREE!" Poindexster cheered.


"How long have you guys been stuck in there?"

"TOO LONG! We kept tunneling but the place keep growing back!"

"Sorry guys! I don't know what happened! It's like I forgot about you with everything that happened!" Shining Armor apologized.

Session 63.4 Kendell2

"Okay, so how exactly did yah convince Twilight tah do this?" asked Applejack, the group in an Enchanted Comic...or Enchanted Manega as the case may be. "Ah thought she hated Masked Bug Rider."

"Dislike more than hate," Twilight replied. "But I liked the way this season played with video games and the writing was actually pretty solid with a lot of good foreshadowing."

"So what exactly IS this game, darling?" Rarity asked, holding up a strange, game cartridge like device with the 'box art' featuring several blacked out figures, the one up front having glowing green eyes. "...And why does this say Kamane Rider Chronicle? I thought it was called Masked Bug Rider."

"Cause in Neighpon that's what they called it and the dialog in this is dubbed, not so much the written stuff," Rainbow replied. "Some weird translation thing...*Anyway, it's based off of the latest guy, Ex-Aid. Long story short there's this game called Kamane Rider Chronicle, or Masked Bug Rider Chronicle, I just think Kamane Rider Chronicle rolls off the tongue better, kinda like that one animane where kids are trapped in a VR game. They modified it enough to make it a fun game. Anyway, we've got to fight monsters called Bugsters to stop the bad guy, got it?"

"...Yes..." Fluttershy said.

"So it's a game we're playing within a game we're playing?!" asked Pinkie Pie. "Gameception!"

"Yes...Alright, then let's find the first baddie..."

And they soon did, finding a strange blue, equinoid monster with a snail motif wearing a hat and cape, who was currently rampaging with a small army of strange, orange headed creatures all dressed like cooks.

"Okay...so now what?" asked Applejack asked.

"Follow my lead..." said Rainbow Dash, taking out her strange cartridge-like device and clicking the green button extending next to the 'mother board' on it.

"KAMANE RIDER CHRONCILE!" it announced, followed by a brief music clip.

Rainbow tossed hers into the air and caught it. "Henshin!" she called before clicking the button a second time.

"ENTER THE GAME! RIDING THE END!" it announced with a music cue, green energy going through the ground, yellow energy forming over her and transforming into a rather plain looking armored form, the base suit being black with silver stripes and leg and forearm armor, the primary colorscheme for the upper arm and chest armor and helmet being two tone brown (with the chest and part of her helmet being light brown), with video game-like animane-style eyes under her visor.

Rainbow Dash took out a bad she'd brought in and quickly 'customized' herself with some Wonderbolts memorabilia.

The others blinked, then followed suit, with Applejack taking off her hat before transforming and replacing it afterwards.

"Ugh...this is so drab, darling..." muttered Rarity.

"Don't worry, the game is set up so we get more special forms later on," Rainbow Dash replied.

"Alright, let's kick his flank!" Applejack called, charging in.

"Wait!" Rainbow Dash yelled...then cringed as the sound of lightning striking sounded and Applejack was sent flying back, smoking. The Bugster laughed and mocked Applejack for being 'too weak'. "...He's Level 10, we're barely even Level 1. I know this is weird coming from me, but don't go in all Leeroy Jenkins!...Plus, this is kinda a Rogue Like and if you die, your character goes bye bye and you have to start over."

"Alright then, what DO we do?" asked the farmer, dusting herself off.

"Simple, take out the mooks first to level up, then use power ups on the big guy," the cyan pegasus replied, producing a weapon resembling a short sword and charging, attacking the minions.

"...I like that there's actual strategy involved in this," Twilight replied, charging in.

The group fought of the mooks for a bit until there were no more left, with Fluttershy primarily using 'deadly dodging', on accident mostly.

"Okay, so NOW what?" Applejack asked.

"Power ups!" Rainbow called as the boss began charging up his lightning attack. She jumped up, breaking what looked like a large chocolate block and revealing circlar token depicting a character with a sword breaking on them. Grabbing it, it absorbed into her and made her gain a chrome silver sheen. She charged the monster, the lightning bolt having no effect as she reached him and slashed him several times.

"Okay..." said Applejack, looking around and finding another, which she broke to reveal another token showing a pony flexing, which she collected, causing her to briefly bulk up before returning to normal. She promptly charged forwards and mule kicked the monster, sending him flying back. "Alright, now THIS is more like it!"

Twilight tapped her chin, breaking several and finding power up. "Looks like they're pretty clear on what they mean..."

"Oh! I'll take this one, darling!" Rarity commented, grabbing one with a character turning invisible, causing herself to do likewise.

Fluttershy eeped as the monster fired at her after knocking away Rainbow and AJ, looking around and grabbing a power up showing a beam reflecting off a person. The lightning attack did just that and sent it right back at the monster, knocking him on his back. "Oops...sorry..."

"You're tougher than you look..." muttered the monster, getting back to his feet...right as Rarity snuck up behind him while invisible and did several precision slashes to him, mainly mainly from the knees and vitals.

"Watch yourself, darling," Rarity commented, jumping back.

"Ah! That will do!" Twilight said, finding one showing three of the pony figures and collecting it, causing her to split into seven copies of herself. All seven turned their swords into a gun mode (the instructions were on the handle) and firing at the monster, sending him craching backwards. "I'm liking the strategic aspect of this..."

"Alright, time to finish him off!" said Rainbow Dash, grabbing a power up depicting the pony jumping high into the air. Applejack followed suit and both jumped high up into the air.

"Okay, so no what?!" asked Applejack.

"This!" Rainbow called, doing front flip. "Rainbow Critical Punch!" she shouted, a 'finisher splash' coming across the panel as her hoof became surrounded by rainbow colored lightning bolts.

"Uh...okay..." said Applejack, clearning her throat. "Uh...Apple Critical Kick!" she called, getting the same as she came down with a drop kick, her hind hooves being surrounded by energy apples.

The monster looked up with a surprised look before they connected, sending him flying and causing him to explode.

"GAME CLEAR!" announced a voice from nowhere, the words projecting into the air above the fire.

Rainbow Dash caught another of the game cartridge-like things, only this one had a much shorter 'mother board'. "One down!"

"That was actually kind of fun, having to overcome a stronger opponent by strategy and team up," Twilight replied, getting up. "Now what?"

"We should be getting to design our actual games now..." Rainbow replied, as in game a black cart pulled up next to them.

* Funny story, typing 'Kamen Bug Rider into Google Translate, at least for me, still yields 'Kamen Raida' rather than anything else.

Session 63.5 whitebearboy

Meanwhile, in the Human World...

"So, what is this Underlegend game about?" asked Fluttershy as she looked at the new game Rainbow Dash had gifted her. "Well, it's kind of complicated, but, basically, it's about this kid (we never learn if they're a boy or a girl) who falls into an underground kingdom of monsters." answered Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, that sounds scary!" said Fluttershy as visions flashed through her head of a vulnerable little child lost in a cave full of fearsome monsters.

"No, no, the monsters aren't that bad!" Rainbow Dash said quickly. "They do attack the kid, but, like, you can get them to stop attacking and be your friends if you figure out how. Underlegend is known as 'the friendly RPG where no one has to die'!"

"Oh, well, in that case, this sounds like just my kind of game!" Fluttershy said happily as she opened the game and watched the intro, which told how monsters had been sealed underground after a war with humans long ago, and showed the protagonist child climbing up a fabled mountain and falling down a hole into the monsters' subterranean prison. After typing in a name for the Fallen Child, which she assumed referred to her character, Fluttershy guided the child forward into the next room from the patch of flowers they had landed on. "Oh, a talking flower, how adorable!" Fluttershy squealed as she encountered her first character in the Underground.

(OOC: Someone else can continue this.)

Session 63.6 Ardashir

Sunset Shimmer had just settled herself down to a study session, turned on some music by her favorite band, and dared to relax -- when the call came through on her cellphone (which courtesy of Twilight now had a extra-dimensional connection):


She never ran so fast to the mirror gate as she did that day. She burst through to find a horrified Spike facing her.

"Sunset!" He grabbed her by her mane. "You gotta help! Twi's gone off the deep end!"

"Again?" Sunset regretted her tired flippancy when Spike gave her a wounded look. "I mean, what is it this time? She's being mind controlled? Someone put a curse on her?"

"No, it's something she drank!" Spike raced from the chamber Sunset hot on his scaly heels. From outside came neighs and snorts of equine laughter, but with such a manic tone it put Sunset's teeth on edge.

She froze as a thunderous boom seemed to come right through the ceiling. She glanced to make sure the roof was still on the palace.

"Hah!" Starlight yelled somewhere outside, her voice wild. "See THAT? Try and do better, Trixie, if you can!"

"The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie will never be topped! Except maybe in her dreams by Feather Bangs, but pretend you never heard that!" Trixie's joyous shriek rang out in response. By now Sunset followed Spike to a door leading outside, one knocked off its hinges and smoldering. Behind her in the map-and-gaming room small figurines, books, and dice were scattered on the table. Sunset saw her three friends standing under a clear night sky. They looked to be almost vibrating as Trixie pointed her horn skywards and said, "Now watch THIS!"

Trixie's horn glowed like steel in a blast furnace. Her smile became a rictus and Sunset barely closed her eyes in time. Even through the lids she felt a painfully bright flash of light and heard a rolling BOOM that reminded her of the time a lightning bolt struck maybe twenty feet away from her. What sounded like a roar echoed from above as the massive spellbolt lashed out into the sky.

More delighted laughter came.

"That was great!" Starlight said. Trixie leaped to her hind legs and bowed.

"That was nothing!" Twilight Sparkle trotted out between the two. "I'll show you two a spellbolt!"

"Twilight!" Sunset dared to run out into the middle of the three mares. They grinned madly, jittering from hoof to hoof, sparks coming from their horns as she said, "What is wrong with you three? You're acting like you're drunk!"

"We're not as think as you drunk we are!" Trixie said, as Twilight and Starlight collapsed laughing. "We feel great!"

"I've never been so awake!" Starlight teleported close to Sunset, then to the roof of the palace, then fifty feet straight up. Before Sunset could grab her with magic Starlight ran down on steps made of magic.

"Me neither!" Twilight said. She danced awkwardly on her hooves. Sunset wondered if she was celebrating or trying not to go to the bathroom. "I feel like I could raise the sun and moon! And I have you to thank for it, Sunset!"


"Ask Spike! We're gonna tour Equestria!" And with that the trio vanished, teleporting away.

Sunset looked at the little dragon in confusion.

"Uh, well, they were playing an O&O game earlier," Spike nervously scratched his scales. "And it was getting late, but they didn't want to stop... So they asked if I could give them that stuff you sent through from the mirror last week."

"You boiled up that Egyptian coffee," Sunset asked flatly.

Spike shook his head 'no'.

"You gave them the Jolt cola to drink?"

"We-ell...." Spike waggled the claws of one hand. "Yes -- and no. I sorta... used that 'Jolt' stuff to boil the coffee in and then served it all."

"You WHAT?" Spike winced as Sunset said, "Are you INSANE? You gave three of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria some of the strongest coffee in my entire world, boiled in a mixture of pure caffeine and sugar?" She stalked forward, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "Do you have any idea how bad that can get?"

"Do you?" Spike asked defiantly.

With a snap of a teleport Twilight and Trixie reappeared. Sunset and Spike blinked to see Trixie now had longer legs and sported wings.

Worse, Twilight bore Luna's cutie mark, and Trixie had Celestia's.

"WowStarlightDidn'tLieSheReallyCANChangeThePrincessesCutieMarks!" Trixie hurtled through the words. "IHopeCelestiaLikesMine!" She grinned at Spike and Sunset. "Hey! New game! Polymorphing contest!"

"You're on, Trixie!"

"No, wait --!"

Too late. The spells were hurled, the transformations were done, and Trixie and Twilight vanished with a laugh.

Sunset the Phoenix glared at a purple and green pufferfish in a bucket of water.

"Being a dog was more dignified than this," was all Spike had to say.

Session 63.7 Alex Warlorn

"Okay everypony, ready to begin?" Dinky asked at the Oubliette Overseer screen looking around... "Hey, where's Pipsqueak?"

"I'm here!"

Noi, Ruby, and Featherweight turned around to see Pipsqueak hop in through the door of the Crystal Friendship Castle room Princess Twilight had set up for foals to play table top games. "Hi! Sorry I'm late! Had to get my things together!"

Pipsqueak put down his character sheet on the table, along with some extremely beautiful hand carved dice that looked liked they'd been made from precious stones. And a figurine of his character that was obviously custom, down to even the smallest detail like the love charm he carried from a fling with a seapony in game.

Dinky looked over the game screen and at Pipsqueak's character sheet, her eyes widened. "Two Plus 5 Daggers of damage resistance penetration? A plus 5 coat of elemental resistance? A sash of perfect fluid motion? Horse shoes of water walking? A headband of arrow deflection?! A ring of Air Elemental Command AND a ring of Water Elemental Command?!?!!!! A tattoo of ogre strength?! An eyepatch of true seeing?! Pipsqueak! Where did your character get all of this?!"

Pipsqueak blinked. "Oh, it's all legitimate! Don't worry! Princess Luna ran me through some exposition modules. So let's set off for adventure right?" The foal smiled, dressed in costume much like his character with (hopefully) non-magical props.

Ruby asked, "Aren't those adventure less about winning and more about how long your characters survive?"

"That's TOURNAMENT modules," Dinky explained. Then narrowed her eyes. "Exposition modules basically hand out treasure so players will feel super great will want to buy the rule books."

Pipsqueak looked genuinely confused. "But Princess Luna is a certified Oubliette Overseer, she wouldn't run me through any adventure that weren't fair. He's at the right level. And I made him the way the rule books describe."

"Rule books? As in more than one?"

"Well, yes, Princess Luna got me this too." Pipsqueak showed a supplement book title 'Swash Buckles Vital Handbook.'

Dinky sighed. If she rejected his character outright, she was bound to get nightmares this week, if she had this adventure suddenly take place where none of Pipsqueak's items did any good or had him targeted by every thief in her campaign world, she's be violating the honor of being an Oubliette Overseer. Not to mention that she'd have to deal with Pipsqueak's character stealing all the glory, or she'd have to load up Noi, Ruby, and Featherweight's characters with similar loads of junk, ruining the growth of the entire adventure... 'This is going to be a long session.'

Session 63.8 Alex Warlorn


"Crowd still out there Spike?" Twilight called, the girls huddled in for what was going to be a very long game of Ogres and Oubliettes, table top style.

"Sure seems that way, they've divided up into camps outside... and they seem to be debating on who you should all get married to."

Twilight tried to ignore the headache that new caused.

"RAINBOW DASH!" AK Yearling, not dressed up as Daring Do... came stomping in.

"AK YEARLING? HOW'D YOU GET IN HERE?!" Twilight gasped.

"You think I couldn't get in here... I'm Daring Do remember?... " Yearling growled. And she pulled out a copy of the Friendship Journal... showing the events of the chapter entitled "Daring Don't"... "And I didn't want other ponies to KNOW THAT!!!"

Rainbow Dash paled. "Uh-oh."

Session 63.9 Grogar-the-Onser

"Twilight, before Daring unleash her wrath on us, I want to say this is why I decided to stay in the castle for awhile. Cause I literally called the deranged fans and possible ticked off ponies who were apart of said lessons when Twilight said she was publishing it," Spike said.

"You did no such thing," Twilight snapped.

"No but I was thinking about it pretty hard," Spike admitted.

Session 63.10 Kendell2

"Okay, I'm just going to say it now: this was Twilight's bad..." said Rainbow Dash.

"MY bad?" asked Twilight. "How?!"

"I wrote the passage but you didn't think to double check them first!" Rainbow Dash pointed out. "I thought that would be for OUR EYES ONLY back then!"

"I don't CARE who's fault it is!" Yearling replied. "Someone fix it!"

Twilight sighed. "You're right, this WAS a mistake, but I'm sure I can fix it..."

"Time travel?" asked Spike.

"No! We've been there! Never again!" the Princess replied. "Now let's think this through, it's not like one of Daring Do's enemies didn't know she and AK Yearling were the same person and is going to do something drastic because of it, right?"

Suddenly, the wall exploded dramatically. "Daring Do!" yelled Ahuizotl, laughing manically. "At long last, I have discovered where you were hiding between our confrontations! Now there is no escape from me! The great Ahuizotl!"

Yearling gave a glare to them. "You were saying?!"

Twilight gulped as the two prepared to have an epic battle in the middle of her castle. "Think...think...think..." she muttered, almost hyperventilating...

"Who would've thought that this entire time, you and your little 'ghost writer' were one and the same?!" asked Ahuizotl, laughing. "To be honest, I never put two and two together, even when that sell out Caballeron told me! You, the great Daring Do, hiding as a reclusive little writer! How drool."

Twilight gasped, a lightbulb going off next to her head. "That's it!" she muttered in a hushed whisper. She turned to Rainbow Dash and whispered something in Rainbow's ear. The mare nodded and gave a salute, silently dashing off and taking Daring's bag with her. "Uh...that's because...uh...It's not true!"

"What?!" asked both the adventurer and her mortal nemesis.

"Uh...yeah, you see that was just a tie in to the the novel Yearling wrote based off it! Promotional stuff!" Twilight replied. "They're different ponies!"

Ahuizotl gave a chuckle. "You really expect me to believe that?!" announced the supervillain in his typical over the top evil ham.

"Yes! Because...Daring Do is ALSO here! She's in the bathroom!" the lavender Alicorn continued. "She'll be out in a moment!"

"Did someone call me?" asked a voice.

The group turned to see Dash emerge into the room, having dressed up as Daring Do and gotten a change of fur color to match (thankfully Trixie had happened to be in the castle playing O&O in the game room with her group). She then saw Ahuizotl." Ahuizotl? Aww, do you miss me so much you tracked me all the way to this little town?"

Ahuizotl blinked in confusion, then Yearling gave a smirk and, as her author alter ego pretended to stagger back from him in fear.

Rainbow Dash gave a smirk and zoomed in between them. "Leave her out of this, Ahuizotl! This is between you and me!"

The supervillain gave a snarl, looming over them...then giving a relieved sigh. "Thank the gods, I was worried for a second!"

"...You were?" asked Twilight, raising an eyebrow.

"My mortal nemesis reduced to a mere pony hiding in the forest?!" asked Ahuizolt dramatically. "It made our battles somehow seem less! Our larger than life confrontations little more than diversions! I am grateful it was but a publicity stunt!"

The mythological monster jumped back. "And so, we shall meet again Daring Do! On a field of battle more worthy of rivals such as I!...Also, I will one day kill you all in a fiery apocalypse!" he shouted, then exited...once again through the wall.

"...Alright, well that worked..." said Dash, rubbing her face and making the illusion spell disappear. "But what about the book?"

"I've got an idea about that..." said Twilight, giving a smile.

And thus a 'reissue' was sent out with a preamble that'd been 'forgotten' from the first release stating the events of the Daring Do chapters were tie ins to Rainbow's appearances in the Daring Do books and not how the events that inspired them actually transpired, as well as a public announcement of such.

Session 63.11 Grogar-the-oneser

Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres...

"Granny Ah feel guilty about this," Apple Bloom said as she loaded the last unconcious fan of AJ on the cart.

"They were eatin' us out of house and home and won't work! Quite frankly addin' sleep potion to their food and loadin' 'em on the next train out of town would be good for them." Granny stated.

"But would they believe that?" Big Macintosh questioned.

"That's why we're drenchin' 'em in alcoholic cider, make 'em think they accidentally drank it and got so worked up they accidentally left town," Granny smith stated.

"But what if they come back?"

"By then, hopefully we can talk sense into my grand-daughter to see the difference between carin' for family and working ourselves to death for visitors," Granny angrily muttered.

Session 63.12 Ardashir

(Continuation of 63.7)

"Okay," Dinky said, forcing herself to remember some of the lessons she'd gotten from Doctor Whooves on how to handle powerful enemies and allies. "I think I've thought of a way to handle your," incredibly over-powered thanks to Luna, "character, Pipsqueak."

"I can still use him, right?" Pipsqueak asked, sounding uncertain.

"Of course," Dinky said, displaying a sweet and innocent smile that would have sent any experienced O&O player running for the border. Because it meant, 'the Overseer is Up To Something.'


"Girls!" Noi yelled as she cast her spells at the onrushing monsters. "Lil' help here!"

"We're on it!" Ruby and Featherweight said, hurrying to her side where they added their spells to hers. They rolled their dice and looked at Dinky anxiously.

"And!" Dinky grinned. "You've knocked down the first wave! But behind them the Squizzard is waving his tentacles as he casts yet another spell! 'Hah!' he says, 'You troublesome ponies are still no match for me! My skeleton ponies will defeat you all -- just as soon as that demon I conjured through my well of worlds can help them!'"

Dinky then turned to Pipsqueak, sitting slightly apart from the rest where he faced the Squizzard's unexpected champion. A mighty (but lesser) balrog that looked like an evil, fanged and bat-winged Celestia faced his plucky hero.

"Here's my latest roll, is it any good?" Pipsqueak showed Dinky the dice.

"It's great! You caused severe damage to the balrog," Dinky waited for Pipsqueak to stop hopping up and down in excitement. "Unfortunately she's still able to fight! 'Cursed moon-loving hero!' She says, 'I will first defeat you, and then your spell-casting friends, and finally your dumb night-bringing Princess Moon!'"

"No you won't, villain!" Pipsqueak rose up as defiantly as such a small colt could. "I will protect the fair Princess Moon from your wickedness!" He returned to rolling the dice for the next attack as Dinky prepared the moves of the balrog and the Squizzard.

It was just like Doctor Whooves, her mom, and Princess Twilight told her: As long as everyone was having fun, you were doing a good job as Overseer.

And wasn't that what games were all about?

In the Equestria Girls world, online:

"Hah!" Adagio almost writhed as energy seemed to flow right off the computer screen in front of her and into the new and still-weak Siren Amulet she wore. "Yes! Those geeks are fighting over everything in the new game; we should have thought of this long ago!"

"Yeah, well, just try and not to get fat from sitting there all the time, Adagio," Aria complained, her arms folded. "We need to get our amulets back too."

Beside her Sonata just looked into their tiny remaining scrap of the magic mirror, delighting as its magic showed her what she wanted most. Her back in her siren form and being served endless food by a re-Sirenified Adagio and Aria, both of them in maid outfits.

Session 63.13 Kendell2

"Did they have to include the whole surgery scene, darling?" Rarity asked, giving a shudder. Granted it just skipped away before it could get too dark, but still.

"Eh, it wasn't that bad," said Rainbow Dash. "It's just how the powers work, you've got to get this immunization thing to use the actual Belts."

"...And Rare, ya did know there was a 'skip cutscene' command, right?" Applejack asked. Fluttershy nodded, having used it.

"...I do now..." the fashionista said flatly.

"That does make sense," said Twilight. "Antibodies would be quite useful in combating sapient viruses."

"...Okay, so that Mr. Expert Stage* said we needed games fer our powers," said Applejack. For some reason Rainbow seemed to be trying not to laugh during that part of the comic. AJ got the feeling she knew something they didn't. "So what does he mean?"

Rainbow Dash gave a smirk, flying back. "Like any time you come up with a spell or power set up! We think of how the game works and we'll make it...Though Expert Stage will act like they were his ideas...it's in character for him...I've already got mine ready!"

"...You could've told us that ahead of time..." said Twilight, a little annoyed.

The cyan pegasus rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah, sorry about that...Can I still explain my game?"

"Probably a good idea, it will give us some idea what to do with ours..." the alicorn replied. As with most of these games, the in universe characters seemed incapable of noticing she was one.

"Alright! My game is called Breakneck Bolt! A nonstop thrill-ride action game! You're trying to stop a tyrannical despot on an island as an awesome secret agent while dashing, shooting, and blowing your way through a free roaming world! With LOTS of weapons!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, the group jumping as another of the cartage appeared in her hoof, a cyan colored one with a classic, retro style game cover on the side, staring a character wearing full, Wonder Bolt inspired armor with an explosion behind them, dual wielding a rocket launcher and grenade launcher.

"...Subtle..." Rarity said flatly.

"Eh, the bad guys blow up when we beat them anyway!" Rainbow Dash said. "At least now they have a reason to!"

"...Alright, so we need game mechanics, plot, main character, and genre?" asked Twilight. "Okay, I can work with that..."

* Kuroto Dan's name, if read in Japanese style (Dan Kuroto), basically means 'Expert Stage'.

OOC: Rainbow Dash's game is pretty much Just Cause 3.

Session 63.14 Mtangalion

The flock of griffons stormed out of Princess Twilight’s castle, their feathers still ruffled from being forcibly turned into maids and butlers. "Well, I’m out," grumbled the griff from the construction crew.

"Time to am-scray," agreed the hen. "Should have known those ponies wouldn’t let us have any real fun."

Gabby held a claw out. "But..." Her wings drooped when the pair ignored her and flew off.

The chef from the meat restaurant gave Gabby a sly grin and a wink as he strutted past. "But it was great while it lasted." He grabbed what was left of his suit-jacket and tore it off so he could spread his wings properly. "Catch you later, toots."

"Well, that’s just fantastic," said Gilda, watching him fly away as well.

Gerold blinked, then looked all around, turning in a circle. "Aren’t we missing somegriff? Where’s Gerulf?" He scratched his crest with a claw. "I don’t remember seeing him in a suit. What’s up with that?"

All three of them jumped when a familiar voice spoke faintly in their heads. ‘This way, young ones.’

The griffons glanced at each other, Gerold seeming at a loss for words, and Gabby shrugging her wings. "Let’s go," said Gilda finally, and they took to the air, following her.

They found Gerulf just inside the Everfree... grown back to his enormous true size and sprawled across a whole forest clearing. Gilda flew right up to the reddish-brown furred and black-feathered behemoth, bold as brass, and hovered in front of a beak that could have swallowed her whole. "That was totally not cool back there. What the squawk happened?! Where’d you go?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Gerold swooped in, getting between them. "That’s Gerulf!?"

Gilda smirked. "Um... yeah? I told you he was a Grand Griffon, didn’t I?"

Gerold sputtered, "Well, yeah! But you didn’t tell me he was so..."

"Big!" exclaimed a delighted Gabby, eyes wide and sparkling. She hopped on top of one of Gerulf’s paws, dancing from toe to toe. "Big!" Then she was on his flank, struggling to lift a single one of his wings. "BIG!" In another flash she was perching on top of his head, pumping a clawed fist like she’d just soared to the highest peak of Mount Canterhorn.

Gerulf chuckled, rumbling. "Yes, yes I am." Then he sighed heavily. "Not that it was of much use today. Hmph! A fine protector I am, not being able to defend the griffons in my care from an enchanted castle, of all things. Still, I had a very stern talk with the pony princesses. The castle has been dealt with. It will not happen again."

Poor Gerold was still gawking, and something finally seemed to click for Gilda. "Right... This is the first time you guys have seen him like this. But seriously, dude... What did you think we meant when we kept talking about giant griffons, and the Idol of Astra, and him being hundreds of years old." Gilda blinked. "Wait, wait... you didn’t think we were *roleplaying*, did you?"

"Give me a break!" countered Gerold, jabbing a feather at her "Boreas, Astra, Grand Griffons... those are just dumb hatchling tales! Mom and dad always said, any day now they were gonna swoop in and fix everything and put griffons back on top... but they never did!"

Gerulf cleared his throat, amused. His idly flicking tail thumped against a whole strand of trees.

Gerold gave the giant griffon an exasperated look. "Yeah, yeah, obviously I don’t still think that *now*. But if you’re real, then where have you guys been?" He flew back and forth, pacing in midair. "I mean, have you seen Griffonstone lately? You could fix it... you could fix everything! Just march right in and put your foot down. Make them stop squabbling. Fix those busted buildings. Rebuild the gates. Make Griffonstone something us griffons can be proud of again!"

Gerulf gave him a long, thoughtful look. To his credit, Gerold stood there panting after his big speech, and didn’t flinch away.

"To tell the whole story properly," said Gerulf at last, "I would have to begin far away and long ago. I could spend days telling you of Grover, the greatest mortal champion of our great games... how he claimed the Idol of Boreas and made a pact with us, that he would journey to a faraway land and found a new kingdom, undimmed by the shadow of our wings. Those were his words."

Gerulf smiled ruefully. "What is the modern phase? ‘Spoiler alert?’ You know how that turned out, in the end. Enough was enough, we decided not so long ago. The pact would be set aside, and we would finally take charge and make things right... but then, something amazing happened."

Gilda tilted her head to one side. "What?"

Gerulf pointed a huge claw directly at her, making her squawk and fluff her feathers. "You happened, young Gilda. You embraced the magic of friendship, and you began to teach it to other griffons." He grinned broadly. "For the first time in so very long, Griffonstone griffons are beginning to clean up their own mess. I daresay, you might even teach us Grand Griffons a thing or two, in time. You have so much more potential than you know."

"Potential, huh?" said Gilda slyly. "Is this where you make me big and all-powerful? You can sing a sappy song if you want. I won’t even mind!"

Gerulf blinked, then roared with laughter, slapping the ground with a thump that shook the very earth. "As if any self-respecting griffon would do that! True strength isn’t something that anygriffon can bestow upon you. It’s what you’ll find here." He thumped his chest with his fisted claws. "Within!"

Gilda glared at him, then exhaled slowly, the steam of air ruffling her crest. "Are you pulling my tailfeathers?! That’s, like, the lamest thing I ever heard!"

Gabby raised a claw. "You know, technically... we don’t have tailfeathers. And neither do pegasi! Isn’t that weird? I mean, who came up with that, and why do we keep saying it, and..."

Gilda reached over and pinched her beak shut. "Are you secretly Pinkie Pie’s sister or something? Don’t answer that."

"Sheesh, what a day." Gerold shook his head. "I don’t know about you guys, but I’d kinda like to finish raiding Lord Blackhoof’s tower before Gerulf there flies back to Mount Ponlympus or wherever."

Gabby beamed. "Sounds fun!"

Gilda looked up at Gerulf. "How about it, big guy? We were just getting to the good part, where your warrior mistook an unstable potion of giant growth for wine and drank the whole thing! You in?"

Gerulf tisked, fishing the Idol of Astra out of a magic pocket. "Spending so much time being tiny makes my hide itch... but I will endure it!" He licked his beak. "If I get dinner at Sugarcube Corner and more of those clawsants in the bargain. I was hoping you’d forgotten about the potion, though."

"Not a chance, pal," purred Gilda. "In fact, your noble warrior is starting to feel his stomach acting up again as we speak!"

Gerulf nodded sagely. "Oh my. I suppose he won’t be getting his deposit back on that armor, then!"

Session 63.15 Alex Warlorn

"While we wait for the crowds to die down, I have a new game from the Breezie kingdom we can try out." Twilight suggested.

"They have role playing games?" Rainbow asked surprised.

"Yes they do... it's apparently quite popular, and they finally were able to create a version for ahem, 'giant ponies'."

"Giants? Where?" Fluttershy looked around.

"You know darling," Rarity said. "To the Breezies, we're giants. So what do they call the GIANT-giant ponies then?"

"Nightmares from hell?" Pinkie Pie of all ponies suggested.

Twilight shuddered trying to imagine it from the Breezie's point of view.

"Well, in this game, you're job is guide a 'giant' pony through their adventure and keep them on the straight and narrow."

"Really?" Rarity asked. "Well, it sounds like a unique challenge, and we all pretty much are willing to play almost anything once."

"Sure, doesn't sound worse than keeping a leash on Apple Bloom."

"Or Pound and Pumpkin."

"Or Zephyr."

"Or Sweetie Belle."

"Or Scootaloo."

"Or Spike."


"Sorry, well, let's roll up your characters, and the giants you'll be guiding through."


"UGH!" Rainbow Dash snorted. "I can't believe this idiot! He couldn't figure out how to open a door in the dungeon?!"

"Well, the deer do come from a open natured society, so doors aren't really a common invention." Fluttershy said.

"HEY! LISTEN!" Applejack shouted at her hero. "Come on ya idiot! Put the gem in the eye of the statue, don't sell it!"

"STOP. DIGGING. IN. THE. SAND! The scorpion monster was the only thing here! It was a dead end!" Rarity hissed. "You have a zero percent chance of finding anything!"

"Uh, excuse me, the princess said we should go visit her right away... could you PLEASE stop fishing?... Right now?" FLuttershy tried to reason with the young stage who seemed to be completely ignoring her.

"At least none of yours put you in a bottle and tried to drain away your life force forcing you to respawn at the fairy fountain," Pinkie Pie lamented.

"These 'heroes' are all idiots!" Rarity exasperated. "It's like they're determined to come up with ever more inane ways of wasting time or the most convoluted way to get themselves killed!"

Rainbow snorted. "Come on Twilight! There's no way anypony is this dumb!"

"I'm just playing the way the rules wrote them."


"And that's the story of how my great, great, great, thousandth grand mother, stopped Prince Aspen from eating a poison mushroom, for the fifth time that day, after pointing out to him the ones without the screaming purple skulls would be safer to eat!" Seabreeze explained.

Session 63.16 QuartzScale

Continuation of 52.9 and the History Changing Comic (before Shadow Lock's rampage through the comic.)

Scootaloo huffed after being turned into a breezie desperately trying to keep steady as random breezes battered her to and fro. This form let her fly but it was so small and unintimidating.

The area around her was full of mushrooms and flowers grander than she was making her uneasy at the size difference. It had taken her hours just to figure out what exactly she was going to do about the flowers around her... mocking here for not being like the other flowers when she heard someone call her out.

"Ah! One giant kinder come to see how the other half lives. Good to know giants aren't all rude." Seabreeze shouted out. Even tiny Seabreeze still towered over her.

"Yeah. Chose this off the bat. Breezies are cool..." Scootaloo trailed off. Seabreeze luckily didn't notice.

"Of course. We power the magic to make flowers bloom and the very essence of spring itself." Seabreeze proudly stated. Scootaloo merely rolled her eyes and went along with it.

"You are kinder Scootaloo, are you not. Can we trust that you will keep this to yourself?" Seabreeze scrutinized Scootaloo who huffed and sighed.

"Of course you can. I am one of the founders of the Cutie Mark Crusaders." She boasted almost as well as Rainbow Dash.
Somewhere else Rainbow Dash was being more smug that usual until Applejack managed to rope her up and drag her through a rain cloud.

"Good. Let us begin your initiation." Seabreeze announced as several breezies popped out from the mushrooms all dressed in white robes. Along their right forehooves they wore fancy gauntlets with ornate designs. A blade popped out of one of them before retracting as the breezies surrounded Scootaloo.

"For the past thousands of years Breezie kind has held a hoof in all politics making sure equinity followed the true path. For ages we managed the threats hidden in plain sight. The hidden blades of Equestrian Society. Today Scootaloo you join our prestigious order." Seabreeze motioned a hoof towards Scootaloo as several breezies brought out an ornate chest.

When it was opened Scootaloo was give her own hidden blade gauntlet. They taught her the ways of the hunt using pollen to create powerful poisons that induced paralytic shock that could last for years, potent sleep clouds that could take out dragons, and smokescreen that created paths of wind to zoom through without being subject to the breeze.

"This is so awesome! What else can I do?" Scootaloo cried out.

"Now we teach you what it means to be a hidden blade of Equestria." Seabreeze stated as a large pony creature was put before them.

"Subdue the giant!"

Scootaloo rushed in using a smokescreen to hide her approach shooting out a small cloud of pollen through the pony’s nose. The fake pony snuffed and tried to sneeze but it was too late. The paralytic took hold and instantly made the fake pony fall over.

"You are ready." Seabreeze bowed.


"Thank you so much for acting a bit Seabreeze I know it wasn't ideal but you made Scootaloo really happy." Fluttershy kindly spoke.

"Secrets should be more secretive. Augh... how am I to be making sure we stay hidden." Seabreeze complained.

"It’s okay. I made sure Starlight placed a little spell so she couldn't speak about it... with Twilight’s permission of course." Fluttershy shyly kicked at one of the mushrooms while in her breezy form.

Later still...

"Hey Scootaloo what's wrong with you?" Sweetie Belle looked surprised.

Scootaloo’s tongue swelled up and didn't allow her to speak.

"Stop being such a sourpuss Scoota-breeze." Snips waved off at Scootaloo who glared and tossed some paralytic powder at him. Her tongue finally lowered as she could finally speak again.

"Guess he was right. Nothing is true and everything is permitted." Scootaloo muttered under her breath as Sweetie Belle had to telekinetically carry him till it wore off.

Session 63.17 Kendell2

"Hmm..." said Twilight, writing out the specifics of her game. "Okay, I do believe I have mine..." she explained, then cleared her throat. "My game is called "Golden Age", it is a country management and civilization builder game where your job is to create a civilization from the ground up and build it up to be as prosperous as possible, all the while dealing with other countries either diplomatically or if need by with force."

A new cartridge appeared for her, being brown in color and having a classically designed video game label with a country with towering buildings, with a white furred, blue maned unicorn queen at the front above the title.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "You know you have to FIGHT with that, right?"

The lavender Alicorn nodded. "Yes, I know."

"Ah got mine too," Applejack stated, putting down her paper. "Mine's called "Silver Star", you're a sheriff in the old west and have tah be quick tah shoot the bad guys..." she said, the orange cartridge-like device appearing in her hoof, the label VERY retro, like something from the 8-Bit era depicting a lawstallion with his trusty pistol.

"Kinda old school, huh?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Ah LIKE old school...by the way, what exactly ARE these things called anyway?"

"Gashats I think," Dash replied.

"...And what does THAT mean?"

"Gasha is a Neighponese onomatopoeia," Twilight explained. "It basically is a stand in for a clicking sound, you know like when you put a cartridge in a console or something. From the sound of it it's mixed with cassette probably, given it'd make sense. Game cassettes or something like it..."


"Oh! Me next!" Pinkie Pie called. "My game is called "Sugar and Sweets"! It's a baking game where you bank all kinds of tasty treats for hungry customers in the most fun way possible!"

To no pony's surprise, the Gashat she got was pink and had a game label that was very much a cooking game with a happy baker as the center focus.

"...No pony should be at all surprised by that..." Rainbow Dash stated.

"Well my game is a bit more refined," said Rarity. "It is called "Glamorous Mysteries", a detective noir game where you play a beautiful globe trotting detective trying to solve crimes with your wit and charm. All the while looking positively fabulous in the countless gorgeous disguises!"

Her Gashat was white in color, the label depicting a 'game cover' of a mare dressed similarly to Shadow Spade standing in a streetlight in a classic detective pose.

"...Eh, detectives are cool," Rainbow replied with a shrug.

"Um..." Fluttershy said. "My game is called "Animal Friends"...you have to take care of animals, keeping them safe and healthy and making sure they don't get hurt. They're you're responsibility, but are very loyal to you if you're good to them..."

Fluttershy got a yellow Gashat with a label depicting an almost druid-like pony surrounded by animals in, once again, a very retro style.

"Ugh...are me, Applejack, and Rarity the only ones with games that actually involve FIGHTING?!" asked Rainbow in annoyance.

"If I recall, didn't you say one of the strongest characters in this series uses a PUZZLE game as his basis?" Twilight asked. "The genre doesn't matter, it's how you use it."


Suddenly, one of the stethoscope-like devices each of them had been given when they'd been brought into this part of the game sounded an alarm.

"Finally! Let's go kick some flank already!" Rainbow Dash stated.

Session 63.18 Kendell2

Time to finally end something from awhile ago...

The group gave a laugh as in game, Princess Rarity, pretending to be Applejack's game self while the real Rarity still possessed the Frazzit scrambled personality of Applejack, made an apple pie. Which they all accepted was awful (her score for baking was extremely low), but it was all in good fun.

Meanwhile Applejack's character was acting like a playful filly, while Rainbow Dash was floating around using balloons, Minty was acting like a Nightmare Night Witch while Abracadabra was decked out in green instead of orange or her normal witch attire. AAnd other craziness which

"Hehe...okay, that was honestly pretty fun..." Trixie with Twilight's personality replied.

"Yeah, I guess it was..." Fluttershy said, still stand offish like Gilda, who'd made a character more or line with her true personality to make this work. Even if by game terms her character was more like Gilda's nicer moments.

"I liked it..." Gilda replied. "...I...I admit, it's kind of nice to be...NICE...I don't feel like any of you are judging me for being nice..."

"...And it's kind of nice not being afraid to talk and say what's on my mind..." Fluttershy replied, a bit begrudgingly.

"It's kind of funny being so carefree!" Rainbow Dash replied, giving a laugh. "I feel like I ate an entire bag off Nightmare Night candy!"

"And in counterpoint, it is rather nice to being somepony who's not so scattered..." Pinkie Pie remarked.

"And I'm having a blast being brave!" Spike with Rainbow Dash's personality replied, using a broom to bat some of the Frazzits back into the barrel.

"And the Friendly and Royal Princess Twilight enjoys not being afraid of going all out and enjoying herself!" Twilight announced with Trixie's personality and levels of ham.

"And I enjoy actually thinking things through once in awhile," Trixie admitted. "And being so smart! Oh I have to write down some of these ideas before we get our personalities back to normal!"

"...Ah must admit, Ah can understand Rarity a lot better now...and finally understand some things about my aunt and uncle..." Applejack added. "...And it's kind of fun to be pretty once in awhile."

"And it's so liberating to not care about how I look and just being able to enjoy myself!" Rarity commented, Applejack's personality still shining through.

"And I feel so free!" announced Starlight, still occasionally laughing manically. "Chaos can be so much fun!"

Discord scooped another batch of Frazzits into the barrel. "...And...I have to admit...being like this makes me appreciate how lucky I am to have friends like you..." he admitted. "...Starlight likes to SAY it, but I really WAS totally evil. I was a monster...and yet you still are willing to be friend...Thank you..."

With that, he got the last batch of Frazzits into the barrel and put the lid back on. "Finally! Now all that we need to do is turn this barrel over and we can go back to being ourselves!"

The group was silent for a moment.

"...Could we maybe...wait until game night is over?" Rainbow Dash asked. Surprisingly, everyone seemed willing to at least give it a try...

"I suppose..." Discord remarked, sitting down. After snapping his fingers and putting a cage around the barrel too small for the lid to come off. "This could be fun..."

OOC: Anyone that wants to continue this, feel free. This can either be the ending or others can do something with it.

Session 63.19 Alex Warlorn

AJ the teenage girl held her geo in her in her hands. "From what Princess Twilight said, super strength is actually kinda natural for ... what did she call'em? 'Earth Ponies?' ... But touch telepathy, super speed, making sugar explode, talki' to animals and whatcha ain't. Ah wonder if there's more this here thing does for me."

AJ glanced at a super screen in the tech lab, once again being used for non-school activities.

On screen was an overweight man with red sunglasses sitting in a room full of neatly organized.

"Hi! I'm Film Critique! I will ruthless mock your favorite early 3-D video games for flaws you never noticed nor cared about, make you feel ashamed and alienated for ever loving them, and you will be shamed into falling more in line with the desires of the many..."

"He's so witty," said Sweetie Belle her eyes glued on the screen.

"And so funny," said Apple Bloom.

"And so awesome," finished Scootaloo in a wistful drone.

"It's like he knows exactly what Trixie is thinking."


There was a knock on Film Critique's door. "Miss? Is that you?" He opened it to find an angry Applejack pounding her fists together.


"For the last time you bumpkin, this wasn't one of our schemes," Adagio snorted. "We want humans at each other's throats so we don't starve to death! We don't want them all agreeing with everything!"

"Except everyone to love you."

"And how would that angry video game nerd have to do with that?" Aria asked.

"... Uh, test run?"

Adagio rolled her eyes. "Please, if you're that sure, then bring bacon hair to invade my mind."

"... If you were really behind it, you wouldn't suggest that... Okay, someone else is trying to make everyone else agree with everyone else."

"Or maybe humans are just that shallow." Aria said with a tone of a centuries old creature.

AJ snorted and stomped off.

"Wasn't that risky? Suggesting they sic their mind reader on us?"

"Pst. If there is somepony trying to get trying to get humans to all have same opinions it means the Rain busts are out of our hair for a while, while we continue with our real plan."

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

P.S. Addendum. No adding entire new fanon countries and/or fanon species.

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page: (PLEASE update already!)

Session 63.0 Mtangalion
Session 63.1 Kendell2
Session 63.2 Mtangalion
Session 63.3 Alex Warlorn
Session 63.4 Kendell2
Session 63.5 whitebearboy
Session 63.6 Ardashir
Session 63.7 Alex Warlorn
Session 63.8 Alex Warlorn
Session 63.9 Grogar-the-Onser
Session 63.10 Kendell2
Session 63.11 Grogar-the-oneser
Session 63.12 Ardashir
Session 63.13 Kendell2
Session 63.14 Mtangalion
Session 63.15 Alex Warlorn
Session 63.16 QuartzScale Continuation of 52.9 and the History Changing Comic (before Shadow Lock's rampage through the comic.)
Session 63.17 Kendell2
Session 63.18 Kendell2
Session 63.19 Alex Warlorn

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.

Basic grammar:
-Periods go at the end of sentences. (.)
-People and place's names are capitalized.
-Questions end in Questions Marks. (?)
-The word 'I' is capitalized.
-"When characters start or stop talking, use quotations."
-'There' is a place, 'their' is someone's property or trait, 'they're' is short for 'they are.'

Picture by AlchemySugar, used with permission.

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