• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

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Session 68 (movie spoilers)

Session 68.0 ArcanaMaverick7 (continued from Session 67.14)

"Well, we can just focus on making our characters and getting them started on their journey for today," Rainbow Dash said as she started adding details for her character.

"Yeah, you're right," Sunset agreed. "We can have another player join after we make our characters."

After several minutes, the girls all finished up their character sheets and started to share what they made. "Okay, who wants to introduce their character first," Twilight asked.

"Allow me," Rarity said before she cleared her throat. "My character's name is Lucy Diamond. The last name is obvious, but the name 'Lucy' means 'light'. She's an elegant girl who was born and raised in the high society of her home country, but she felt like it wasn't entirely for her. While her family runs a company with dubious connections to the black market, Lucy was always a kind and generous girl growing up. Doing what she could to help others in any way she could, Lucy believed she could do more. When she was on a trip to the Dust mines with her father, there was a Grimm attack that nearly killed Lucy and all the workers. Luckily, a Huntress was nearby and responded to the monsters, saving everyone. Inspired by the hero she saw, Lucy decided to become a Huntress herself and began her training."

With the backstory explained, Rarity started elaborating on the weapons and skills of her character. "She uses a rapier that holds several types of Dust crystals for a variety of attacks. She also has a Semblance that allows her to create glowing shards of crystal to attack from a distance. The crystals break on impact with their target, but they can pierce into thick armor when grouped together into larger formations."

"Huh, nice. I've got my character all set up too," Applejack said as she looked over her character sheet again. "Malus Granite. Her first name means 'apple'. She grew up on a farm with her family, but she wanted to become a Huntress after seeing a Huntsman rescue several farmhands from a Grimm attack. She managed to get training in while she did her chores and she soon got so strong, she was able to make holes in full-grown trees by punching them. She uses martial arts in combat with some metal boots that have ax blades and she can control plants with her Semblance."

OOC: That's what I have so far for characters that the girls made up. I'll figure out more later.

Session 68.1 Alex Warlorn *Movie Spoilers*

Sapphire Shores looked over the contract. She's been dragged from her cage, and sat down in one of Canterlot's law offices. The collar around her neck had two hooked on rods being held by a storm guard each on either side of her.

One of the Storm Troops, looking rather strange in his business suit while still wearing his tribal mask, explained, 'We were going to sign the Countess, but after her style change, we concluded that she'd narrowed her demographic, while your work remains the most mainstream." Sapphire wasn't sure if she should take that a compliment or not.

"This is of course your big chance to have your business distributed all over half the world. And all of the world very soon. This is of course a great honor, the Storm King only employs the best as you can imagine.

"All your music will be released under the Storm King label. All ideas and creative works and variances there of will be the intellectual property of the Storm King, including but not limited to your name."

Sapphire cringed.

Session 68.2 Grogar-the-Oneser *Movie Spoilers*

"Umm... I may have to think on that one." Two of the storm guards glared at her. "Not cause I don't think your master is great, far from it it just that the idea is a bit... shocking is all."

"Hmm... very well we will give you seven days. I strongly suggest you make the right decision." At the business suit one snapped his fingers, Sapphire gagged as both her handlers pulled on there rods as they dragged her away.

Session 68.3 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*

"Hey, have you ever played Rainbows and Crystals?" Pinkie Pie asked as they re examining Skystar's game collection.

The Princess blinked. "No, never heard of it."

the Pink Party Pony gave a wide eyed gasp. "You. Would. Love. It!" she said.

"You think so?!"

"Yes! It's happy, fun, and friendly!"

"I love all of those things!"

"So do I! And the people in an alternate universe made a computer game version of it that's so much fun!"

Skystar looked completely lost, but smiled anyway. "...I don't understand a word you just said, but it sounds fun!"

"...So, Skystar and Pinkie Pie are getting along great," Rainbow Dash said, swimming around. "Is anypony surprised?"

The rest of the group shook their heads.

"Didn't think so...So...anypony else have a comment?"

"...I'm STILL a Pufferfish!" Spike complained, puffing. "I swear if I turn into one more humiliating thing..."

"Ah come on Spike, at least nothing will EAT you now," said Rainbow Dash.

"She's right, you're extremely poisonous," Fluttershy pointed out. "Pufferfish have a tetrodotoxin 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide and each one has enough toxin to kill 30 ponies...And there's no known antidote except for certain magic spells..." she explained, seeming to find that trait fascinating.

Rainbow Dash gave a wide eyed look. "...I thought they were just covered in spikes..."

Spike looked...conflicted. "...That's either awesome...or disturbing..."

A Yeti, named Fluffy, stood guard over some slaves. He frowned under his helmet, watching as his fellows tried to get the town prepared for the King's arrival. The King despised the 'cutesy' look, but he'd wanted to paint some artwork of it before they did this. It wasn't entirely that it appealed to him (though he did have a fondness for white, it reminded him of home) but that he was so bored of black and blue and the Storm King's face...

He looked at the sad, depressed ponies behind him. He just felt...empty...Sad. Why were they doing this again? 'Honor' was what his family said...but he just didn't GET it. He'd never wanted to be a warrior or a conqueror. He just wanted to be back home painting the auroras and the mountain peaks, why couldn't he have that?

Honor...What was honorable about this again? Fighting monsters and exploring forbidden lands were the legends told in their myths and legends, that was how their legendary heroes found honor. Father Old Monkey * from which their people spawned from according to their legends sought out and asked the God of Compassion for the food to feed his family (their ancestors) and invented agriculture, that was how he got his fame. How was attacking somebody who couldn't fight back honorable? Didn't harming the innocent get you reincarnated as a lesser creature in your next life?

The Ponies seemed closer to Neighvana than their kind seemed at the moment, at least to Fluffy.

However, those things were not his job to think about. The Storm King didn't care about what he thought, and he'd defeated the chief of Fluffy's tribe in pitched combat. He was the Chieftain and Fluffy was just a drafted rank and file soldier, he had no say. He would just do what he was told, then maybe the Storm King would reward him with off time to paint.

* Inspired by the Pha Trelgen Changchup Sempa Legend of Tibet. Yetis come from Tibet, Storm King's actor originally imagined him as Tibetian, so seemed to make sense. There's also another part of the legend that the guy married a demon because otherwise she'd mate with another demon and their spawn would overrun the world, but that didn't feel very MLP. The direct translation of the name is 'Father Old Monkey Enlightenment Intention' so I just went with Father Old Monkey.' Also why Fluffy is thinking of things from a Buddist standpoint, given that's Tibet's main religion.

OOC: Decided to flesh out Fluffy some. Yeah, he's only in one scene, but come on: a minion who breaks down crying when faced with a pony who is empathetic towards him has to have a story, right?

Session 68.4 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*

"..." Twilight looked at Tempest from her cage. "...Will it really be worth it?"

Tempest growled. "What?"

"ALL of this, betraying your HOME, betraying your PEOPLE, causing all this suffering to Equestria and everywhere else you've helped the Storm King attack," Twilight asked. "When you get your horn back, do you really think it will be worth it?"

"...Of course it will be, it's all I've wanted for YEARS," the Storm King's enforcer replied.

"...Do you mean that, or is it just what you hope?" the Princess asked. "That after all this, your life will magically be perfect just because your horn is fixed because otherwise it was all POINTLESS?"

"Stop talking like you know me, you don't," Tempest replied coldly.

"...I know better than you think," Twilight replied. "...Trixie got the Alicorn Amulet because she wanted payback for being embarrassed, by the end it was anything but worth it. Sunset Shimmer wanted the power of the Element of Magic, in the end she was horrified with herself. Starlight Glimmer wanted revenge on me for ruining her Our Town plan, by the end it was weeks before she could SLEEP with what her actions caused."

Tempest snarled. "...Shut up..."

"...And I thought it'd be worth hurting my friends to get the Pearl to beat you and the Storm King...even if I'd succeeded, it wouldn't be worth it," the Princess finished, a look of pure guilt on her face. "When you're desperate, when you're HURT, it's so easy, isn't it? To say 'it will be worth it'?...I'm guilty of it too...But when it's all over, it's not...because in the end, it takes more than grabbing ONE thing to make all our pain go away. Especially if you just cause more trying to get it...After you get your horn back, you'll still be a bitter, you'll still be angry at the world, you'll still be the Storm King's minion, and you'll still be..."

"What?! Pathetic?! Evil?! A monster?!" Tempest asked, getting in the caged Princess's face, her horn crackling with energy against the bars.



"In fact, you'll be more alone than ever, won't you? Because who will trust you ever again after you've betrayed and enslaved your own people and homeland?" Twilight gave a sympathetic, pleading look. "Please...stop this while there's still time. While there's still a chance to set things right."

Tempest kicked the cage and headed for the door. "Alone? Good...I don't need nobody else..."

"...That's where you're wrong..." Twilight said as the mare left the chamber. "...Not having anybody is how you ended up this way to begin with."

Princess Skystar slowly opened and closed her claws as Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and several of the pirates busied themselves making their 'Trojan Cake'.

"What are you doing?" asked Rainbow Dash, raising an eyebrow.

"Remembering what it's like to have talons!" replied the Hippogriff Princess. "I forgot what it was like!" she said, then kicked her back legs. "Oh! And backlegs! It's so weird!"

"Right...so how are you planning to help?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, I was thinking I'd just beat the bad guys up."

"...You know how to fight?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" the bubbly Princess asked, seeming genuinely perplexed.

"...Just checking."

"So, darling," Rarity said to Capper. "How exactly DID you find us?"

"Knew which way you were heading and saw Tempest's ship take off," the cat replied. "...Hey...sorry for...you know, trying to sell you...If it means anything, by the end it was the first thing I've done in a long time I felt bad about..."

"It's fine, darling," Rarity replied with a small smile. "...Okay, it's not, that was very very uncouth...but you came through in the end, that's what's important."

Capper returned the smile. "Thanks..."

"Guys!" Spike called, running over. "Remember that book from the Storm King's stupid O&O expansion?"

"Yeah," Rainbow replied. "What about it?"

"Well turned out that I was RIGHT, he was using reverse psychology!" Spike explained. "He really WAS trying to trick us into not using the weaknesses by showing them in the O&O game! When I lit that Yeti on fire it sent him running REAL quick! They ARE weak to fire!"

"...Anything else?" Applejack asked, looking over.

"Listen to this: 'Remember, our gear is great against magic, just okay against everything else. Be very careful to use proper air support, weapons, and strategy against anything else,'" Spike read. "Their armor and shields are meant to protect them from MAGIC, it'll just be regular armor and shields against anything else!"

The group looked around at themselves.

"Well, looks like we're in luck," said Applejack. "Only Rarity's got any magic to use."

"And I am far from reliant on it," Rarity replied, showing some martial arts. "Bringing anti-magic to attack Canterlot was a wise decision, but it might be one we can exploit."

"And if the Storm King is doing what he does everywhere else he's attacked," Celaeno explained. "He's probably spread out his airships and forces to try and take over the surrounding area, Canterlot itself should only have ground troops with the defensive weapons working OUTWARDS to repel attackers, and if we take them off guard from inside the walls, they won't have time to come up with a plan and can't use those defenses."

"Wow...we actually have a PLAN," Rainbow Dash replied. "Here I thought we were just going to go in Leeroy Jenkins..."

"RD, I ALWAYS have a plan," Capper replied with a smile. "Just some are made up real quick on the fly. Give me time, and I can trick a dragon to part from his horde...We've just got a BETTER plan."

OOC: For the record, Princess Skystar turning out to be pretty kickflank in a fight was both awesome and funny in the movie.

And this is something I noticed: in the movie the Storm King's army seemed well protected from magic attacks, but didn't seem to have any clear advantage in MELEE range. It seemed largely the Storm King's strategy and advanced air fleet that let them handle things other than that.

And that's just COMMON SENSE when it comes to fortified structures: the defenses are naturally pointed OUTWARDS to prevent the enemy from getting inside in the first place, so if they DO, the defenders can't make use of them and are at a disadvantage. That's why the Trojan Horse was so effective.

Mainly trying to explain how the mane six and allies got the upperhand in the final battle how I saw it in my head.

Session 68.5 Mtangalion (with one line added by me) *Movie Spoilers*

(Movie spoilers, inspired by a chat with Alex)

Even though Princess Twilight was locked in a small metal cage, on board an airship and flying towards her almost certain doom, she still found it in herself to clap her hooves politely. “Nice song.”

Tempest Shadow scowled. “It’s a weakness. One that you’d think I would have been rid of a long time ago. Diamond dogs gotta dig, griffons have to hoard shinies…” She made a sour face. “And ponies gotta sing, apparently.”

“My friend Rainbow Dash would say that ponies gotta pwn.” Twilight blushed a bit. “Sorry. That’s kind of an obscure joke.” She pointed a hoof dramatically. “However, even though your song was good, I’m going to have to disagree! My eyes are wide open, and I can clearly see that it’s time I stopped moping and got out of this cage!”

Grubber clapped his paws together. “Ooh! Hang on, can I get some popcorn first? It’ll only take a minute! Wait right there, okay? Okay!”

Twilight watched him waddle away, her confidence slipping a bit. “Hey, don’t take me lightly! I am an Alicorn, after all! Plus I’m a trained spellcaster who graduated with honors from the Gifted Unicorn program, and you’ve imprisoned me in a cage with widely spaced bars. There’s plenty of room for me to fire a stun bolt right through them!”

Twilight lit her horn and did exactly that, but the purple bolt only made it a few inches out of the cage before it fizzled into motes of light, which were drawn right back into the cage bars.

Tempest lifted a foreleg and examined the polish on her hoofguard casually. “You’re doing it wrong, princess. Out here in the real world, you shoot your enemy first, preferably in the back. If they fall down, then you can do the big speech.”

Twilight opened her mouth, then shut it firmly and tried to grab Tempest with her telekinesis. That fizzled too.

Tempest smiled coldly. “You’re learning. Too little, too late though.”

“Fine!” snapped Twilight. “I’ll just teleport out!”

Tempest watched impassively as there was a bright purple flash, followed by a ping-thwhack-thud!

“Ow, my head!” groaned Twilight. “That didn’t work, but… I bet you didn’t take my Alicorn strength into account!” She grabbed hold of the bars. “Hrrrrr… Ughhhh!!!!” This is what Twilight get for having Spike do all the heavy lifting.

Tempest allowed herself a small evil smirk. “Please, do keep trying to escape while I’m standing right here, ready to pummel you if you do think of something clever. I heard that you’re fond of games, princess. Didn’t you learn any strategy from them?”

“How?” was all Twilight could say, slumped on the cage floor and gasping for breath, with the bars not even slightly bent. “This is an impossible situation! How can you have a cage that can hold an Alicorn!? We could have put Nightmare Moon or Discord in one of these and saved so much trouble...”

“Sure, let me explain to you all about how our anti-magic metal works.” Tempest blinked. “Oh, wait. That would be stupid. I guess I won’t be doing that.” She tapped Twilight’s nose with a hoof and wandered off. “Enjoy the rest of the trip. It won’t be much longer.”

Grubber came racing in, spilling popcorn as he went. “Aw, I told you to wait!”

Then he gasped loudly and spilled all the rest of the popcorn, because Tempest Shadow was in the cage instead of Twilight! “Let me out of here, quickly!” she ordered. “The princess has escaped!”

“Sure thing!” said Grubber brightly. “Just tell me today’s passcode.”

Tempest slammed her head into the bars, incensed. “We don’t have time for that nonsense, fool! Open the cage now!”

“Ooh. Yeah, really, I’d love to.” Grubber held up a dark purple book with the Storm King’s logo on the spine. “But, workplace safety first.” He pushed a small button on the cage, and an electrical charge zapped Twilight out of her illusion spell.

Twilight struggled to stand, still smoldering slightly. “Workplace safety is… definitely important!” Then she fainted.

Session 68.6 Grogar-the-onser *Movie Spoilers*

Queen Nuvo eye twitched "What do you mean she gone..."

"Err... well to use the phrase back when we were hippogriff, Princess Skystar flew the coop and decided to help the ponies." A guard gulped.

Queen Nuvo grumble a bit. "That girl, driving me crazy. Helping those who were trying to steal from us... Is there any chance of catching up."

"Not... really we only notice after a lot of hours passed."

"GRR! She better save Equestria... cause if she dies.... I'M GOING TO BRING HER BACK ALIVE TO KILL HER MYSELF!!" Nuvo shouted.

Skystar shiver in fear while Pinkie was trying to keep everyone morals up.

"I spy with my little eye!" Pinkie shouted punching Rainbow in the foreleg.

"Sky," Everyone stated.

"Wow you guys are good!"

Session 68.7 Grogar-the-onser (and one line by me) *Movie Spoilers*

"Sir, we're almost in Equestria's border," A storm trooper said.

"Bout bloody time." Storm King said, "I was tired of waiting for ultimate power... i can't wait to get this party started... Storm King cackled. "Btw how goes the other invasion forces."

"Most of it going well with some areas being... harder than other to control."

"YAK SMASH!" Rutherford bellowed as the yaks viciously attacked the storm king forces to help there allies in the crystal empire."

The storm troopers screeched as food and building supplies were being shot at them, courtesy of the hooffield and the McColts.

"AHH!!" A stormtrooper bellowed as they fell into a trap.

"Heh, didn't see that one coming did ya?" Daring Do cackled, "And that why you don't mess with a archeologist who make it her work to avoid traps!"

"And don't come back." Maud Pie said calmly as threw the Storm Trooper towards the horizon, where he happened to land right on the Storm King'd personal observation deck.

"Meh, doesn't matter, all the opposition will surrender when i become all-powerful." Storm King said dismissively.

Session 68.8 Mtangalion *Movie Spoilers*

The Crystal Empire had been enduring some very gloomy days already. With Celestia and Luna both sealed in stone, the world lay in perpetual twilight, with dense clouds perpetually hiding the sun and moon. Now, a fleet of dark airships was swiftly approaching, each flying the banner of the Storm King.

The airships pulled right up to the barrier that separated the tundra outside from the warm air and green grass within, and two of them fired grapples made of magic-absorbing metal. They pierced right through the barrier and caught, and the airships began winching them back, physically tearing open a portal through which they could invade.

There was a deafening whine of feedback from a voice amplification spell, and then the yeti in charge of the invasion spoke through a translation crystal. “Equestria belongs to Storm King, and this land is his too! Surrender now!”

“Excuse me!” shouted an unexpected voice, on the snowy side of the barrier. It was a large white diamond wolf… Prince Blueblood, wearing his enchanted collar. “I should like to parlay! May we talk?”

The yeti leader glared down at him from the airship deck, snarling.

Blueblood winced, but smoothly pressed on. “Yes, we did indeed hear about your invasion of Equestria, and so we’ve had time to make a few preparations. I strongly suggest negotiation! This isn’t going to go the way you hope.”

The yeti snorted and started barking out orders in his own language. The translation crystal roared, “Begin the invasion! And go fetch that wolf and bring it here in a cage!” More yeti soldiers started leaping down from the airships, advancing on him.

Blueblood sighed theatrically. “Well, they can’t say we didn’t warn them.”

Then the entire snowbank behind him exploded in a flurry of snowflakes, revealing a small army of snarling, armored diamond wolves. The snowbank had been a paper thin blind cast by Prince Erik, whose claws were still glowing icy blue. He wasn’t done, either… the glow brightened, and two towering ice golems rose, ready to fight. “Diamond wolves done with running,” he growled. “Icehome is ours, you’ll never be having it!”

The pack bayed and charged!

On the other side of the barrier, a crystal pony field commander in gleaming armor put down his binoculars, amazed. “The wolves are fighting on our side!?”

“Why not?” said a grinning Flash Sentry. He was flying alongside the empire’s very small force of crystal pegasus guards, hovering over the much larger crystal earth pony force. “It’s their home too!”

The commander laughed heartily. “And I was sure they’d seal the caves and stay hidden in their holes. Well, come then!” He raised his spear. “Charge! We’ll strike the yeti from behind!”

The yeti were proving to be tough opponents, even with two or three wolves to one foe, but then the ponies charged in, tackling yeti, bucking their legs out from underneath them, and jabbing with crystal pikes… while the pegasi blinded them with sudden snow gusts.

A large group of ponies got trapped under metal-mesh nets that foiled every attempt to break them with earth pony strength, but a group of diamond wolves tunnel right into the ground to free them, and more yeti suddenly found themselves plunging into unexpected holes in the earth, hidden by the snow cover.

Two more airships pulled up and dropped off reserve troops… two dozen yeti that hadn’t engaged anyone yet. The approached in close formation, metal shields and long barbed pikes at the ready.

Alisa padded up beside Blueblood, wearing a sly grin. “Watch close. Not every day you’ll be seeing this.” An inky black field seemed to drink in the light around her claws, and she lifted her head, giving a long lonely howl. A gravity whirlpool formed beneath the reserve yeti soldiers, yanking them violently off the snowy ground and sending them crashing into each other.

Blueblood gawked. “Is that how wolves channel magic without a horn?” He lifted a paw and wiggled his clawed toes, grumbling to himself. “Aha!” A familiar blue glow matching his eyes sprung up, forming into his favorite enchanted rapier spell, just in time to jab a yeti that was sneaking up on him. “Why doesn’t anywolf tell me these things?”

Inside the city, Royal Crystaller Sunburst trotted back and forth in front of the citizens gathered before the palace. “That’s it, everypony! Just keep thinking those happy thoughts. We’re almost there!”

A young crystal pony colt facehoofed. “This is stupid. There’s an invading army out there! What are we trying to do, friendship them to death!?”

Sunburst grinned at the Crystal Heart, now spinning faster and faster until it was just a blur. He adjusted his glasses. “Well, not to death…” A burst of power washed over the crowd, and then over the whole city, turning all their coats to shining crystal. “But something like that!”

A rainbow laced with spiraling heart swirls shot out of the Crystal Heart, arcing out of the city and coming down right on top of the yeti army. When the dust settled, the yeti commander pulled off his helmet, sniffling. “We don’t want to fight any more,” said the translation crystal. All over the battlefield, yeti were throwing away their armor in disgust. “Just want to go back home, to mountains. But Storm King won’t let us until we pay for all Storm King brand games and merchandise we bought.”

Blueblood approached him smugly, in his element. “Fortunately, I know just the lawyers who might be able to help you with that.”

Session 68.9 Alex Warlorn *Movie Spoilers*

"And this is why the magic of long range artillery was invented," the Storm King said as he pulled a lever that made a incredibly long canon fire, rocking the ship from the recoil, making some of the Storm Trooper seasick. "Right, these are better for land artillery, see? Learn something new." The projectile sailed in an arc toward the horizon, and hitting the Yaks spot on.

"OW! Yaks smashed! But... smashing was... perfect... take... nap... for now..." The Yaks fell over to the sound of felling trees, shaking the earth as they fell to recover from being introduced to Equus' first ballistics prototype.

The Storm King arrived in Equestria proper, with the other half of his air fleet, and was now in direct view of Canterlot Castle. And he was getting reports on what was going on, including a prisoner escape, several secondary invasions being rebelled in the most humiliating of manners.

"Ya see? Ya see? THIS is why I get stuck doing so much stuff myself. AND it's why we just take stuff we want and leave, instead of this staying in one place nonsense. And it's why we just sell off slaves most of the time. You get resistance cells, revolts, and the rest of that nonsense. Being stuck in one place like this ruins your mojo. You end up coming across as a buncha whimps that a kitten with a wet noodle can beat back. And that is not good for business boys! In business like ours, it's being o scary that the enemy surrenders without a fight, just a quick show of force, we take what we want, an then leave. This whole 'occupation' deal was a bad idea. Tempest seriously screwed up on this one. I knew something like this would happen. This is really gonna effect merchandise sales across the charts. Do you have ANY idea how STUPIDLY EXPENSIVE it is to raze kingdoms? And there's no profit!

"I don't blame you boys... you weren't built for occupation, you were built to be shock troops, I mean, our good old 'smash and grab' deal. This whole 'occupation' gig is a whole new dance for ya, and I shouldn't blame you for stumbling. You guys were bred and trained to be on the offensive, on the move. Not this 'staying in one place' deal. So yeah, the boss understands boys.

"And seriously, who was it that authorized spreading out numbers so thin? This is what happens every time someone invaded those reindeer, so much empty country. And it means I need to delay becoming a god to clean up your messes.

"Okay. I know I'm about to achieve godhood and all that jazz. Really blow'em all away. But I've still gotta think about the business. You guys need to do your parts too. No matter how cool or imitating I am, it's not gonna do any good if you guys start coming across like imperial troops in a Star Mares movie. Which I'll note! Only came across as incompetent in one scene where they were LETTING the heroes escape. And they were deadly attcurate in the sequel. And in the third movie, the teddy bear people only had the advantage with the element of surprise, and the terrian. As soon as the imperial troops got their acts together, the little teddy bears began to take a lot of causalities. So boys, what I'm saying is..." The Storm King's face became a growl. "GET. YOUR. ACT. TOGETHER!!!"

= Space Battleship Yamato 2199 OST - White Comet Disco =

*deep bellow cord*

A cart felt the sky, filled with fire snails, the happy mindless creatures producing fire slime for the back mounted flame throwers that the Storm Trooper armed themselves with, and got in formation, and began to CHEMICALLY BURN the deer controlled vines as the vines came closer, leaving ashes. The the winter loving Yetis themselves look rather uncomfortable with their own weapons, and moving by inches.

*deep bellow cord*

The siege tower was dropped with an earth shaking thud from the airship, the yetis climbing inside, shielding them from the HoofField and McColts' projectiles, and it wheeled right to their door step, and with one giant mechanical fist, punched it open.

*deep bellow cord*

Instead of entering the trapped filled temple, the storm troopers just threw the crates of dynamite they'd been air dropped, and began glowing the ancient historic monuments to bits. Collecting the piece to sell off. This left Daring Do in a blind rage, and with no friends to calm her down, she attacked, she knew it was a trap, but it was better than seeing history destroyed before her eyes. Sadly, while her rage made a good show of the first Storm Troopers she clobbered left with dents in their armor from her righteous fury, it left her open to be tackled by more.

*deep bellow cord*

"Your King commands you" REACH DOWN A FIND A PAIR! We're Yetis! The freezing cold is where we fight best! They're Diamond Dogs who wanted to look cooler! Second! Put your friggin' anti-magic armor on your ninnies! That's the whole damn reason we spent to much to develop and mass produce so much of it!

"Also... you will all receive a Storm Buck raise to your salary. And a hundred Storm Buck Bonus upon me achieving godhood. Also... *TO THE THEME OF 1960s Batman* "Nananannananana STORM KING! Nananannananan Storm King! Nanannananananannanan Storm King!"

The theme song quickly being picked up by some of the Yetis.

Naturally, not all the Yetis were quick to go back to fighting after being exposed to the light of the crystal heart (a lot didn't! And were perfectly happy not to fight more)... but not every Yeti there instantly abandoned their job on the spot either: these were the ones who actually LIKED bullying others around, the rest who kept fighting thought abandoning their side in the middle of a battle was dishonorable!

*deep bellow cord*

The Storm King set foot in Canterlot, making sure to look at intimidating and awe inspiring as possible, he couldn't risk his brand suffering more than it already had.

"Now... where's Tempest? She said three days, and I've already paid some major losses to my mojo for this, so she better have all four winged horned horsies as statues for me to power up this baby. With my staff I claimed the gargoyles... geeze they were more badass in the comics, when they say 'the rightful master may only be the one who defeats the current master in one on one combat' I really expecting more of a challenge. ... Didn't they say it came from a crystal tree or something? OH WHO CARES?!?! You!" He pointed at a random yeti, "Where Tempest?"

It grunted in its own language.

The Storm King replied, "Thanks!"

OOC: This is meant to be The White Comet Shows Up moment from Star Blazers, NOT 'The DM won't let you do that.'

Session 68.10 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*

Follow up to Alex's:

"What do we do now?" asked Cheerilee, watching the fire burn everything they tried to use against them.

Blackthorn gave it thought. "...The creatures of Everfree...but I'm not sure any of them could stand up to those flames...there's the Hydra, but their airships...Everfree's resident dragon is Tiamat's, not my own..." he said, trying to think of some creature capable of repelling this force. He then got a somber look. "...Our only choice...We must awaken the Queen."

Cheerilee cocked her head. "The Queen?"

"The Queen of Everfree, it's mightiest beast and her daughter..." Blackthorn replied. "They are the only creatures in Everfree that might be able to turn the tide...the Big Bear and her cub, the constellations made flesh..."

The teacher blinked, then gasped. "The...the Ursas?"

"But my friend, you know how that may end," said Zecora. "The Ursa Major and her cub are beyond your magic's ability to control, if you awaken them and they do not listen, there will be a grave toll."

"I know...that's why I will be the one to awaken them."

To everyone's surprise this was not Blackthorn himself, but Aspen.

"You can't..." Blackthorn said. "I'm the king, I have to be the one to do it."

"That's why you SHOULDN'T be the one to do it," Aspen replied seriously. "The people need you more than I right now...Besides, I am still the Heart of Everfree, my empathy with creatures is greater than yours, I stand the best chance of rousing the Ursa and her daughter to defend their home...Besides, I owe the ponies for my foolishness, let me save these foals even if I must risk my own life...after all, I was the one who always said 'tit for tat'..."

Aspen and Blackthorn stared at one another for a moment before both nodded.

Aspen turned and began heading off. "...Also, Miss Cheerilee? The Ursa and her cub do not care for your kind. They do not care for Ponyville. They don't even care for the deer, merely permit us and all things of the forest to live here. They care for each other and their territory, and will protect both...if they do rise to protect Everfree and all who live in it, they will not leave it...they will not help retake your land, only protect their own...And if I do not return, tell Bramble at least I died a selfless buck."

Aspen slowly trotted into the depths of the cave. The lair of Everfree's grandest creature. One of the most powerful beasts known to Equus, so massive and immense that even dragons feared her wrath. "...Queen of Everfree! I have come to seek audience with you!"

Two gigantic eyes opened in the dark, each dwarfing the deer...then two others high above, dwarfing even the first pair.

The Ursa Major towered over him, glaring down at he that dared to awaken her and her daughter from their slumber. The Ursa Minor growled, preparing to pounce, only for her mother to stop her...if only barely.

Aspen knew if he said one wrong thing, he was dead. The Ursa Major could crush him with the effort one squashed and insect. As mighty as he was, he was no Celestia or Luna. Or even his mother, the Mother of All Deer. "Ursa Major! The constellation of the Big Bear made flesh! I ask you to please, rise! Rise and stand against the invaders that disgrace Everfree!"

The Ursa Major gave a disinterested growl and looked like she was already ready to squash the Deer where he stood.

"I know you care not for me and my people! We are tolerated by you! I am not asking you to defend US, I'm asking you to defend what is YOURS. Everfree Forest, your territory! The invaders seek to burn it down to find what they seek!"

He kept his words only to what was needed. If the Ursa Major believed the deer and ponies were to blame, that could end poorly.

The mightiest beast of Everfree growled in rage, giving a bellowing roar.

"Yes, I speak the truth!" Aspen said, trying not to show any fear despite his heart racing. "Please! Rise to defend Everfree!...That is all I ask...not to defend my people or my family."

The behemoth blinked, giving a questioning growl.

"I have a son..." Aspen explained. "...I know your wrath when you child is threatened...she's being threatened now. Her home is being threatened. If not for me and my son, please rise for you and yours."

"Did it work?" asked Cheerilee, watching the Storm Troopers grow closer with their weapons...when a deep, powerful roar shook the earth.

The troopers turned and looked as the Ursa Minor emerged from the cave, roaring in fury. They still prepared to fight...when the cave itself practically exploded. Dust shot up into the air as something rose. And rose. And rose. Higher and higher.

Aspen emerged from the dust, standing in the claw of the behemoth. "Invaders! Behold! The Queen of Everfree! This forest's mightiest beast! The Spirit of the Constellation Big Bear! The Ursa Major! And she has but one thing to say to you! You are not welcome here!"

The mighty beast reared back her head roared in fury, swinging a claw and reducing one of the airships to debris crashing to the ground below in one swipe. She set down Aspen and marched forwards, treating the flames coming at her like a warm breeze as she sent Yetis flying with a single swipe.

"Hmm..." the Storm King said, watching from the telescope of his ship as the Ursa rampaged against his men. "Ursa Major, didn't see that coming," he said, uninterested even as his men tried to face it. "On the bright side, if Tempest's little story is to be believed, these things never stray all that far from their turf. Remote forest...Okay, just fall back and watch the edge of the forest, any ponies come out, round 'em up. I'll deal with big bear once I'm a god."

One of his Yetis roared questioningly.

"Simple: I'm interested in image, not STUPID," the King replied. "Throwing men at a giant monster? Just going to embarrass me. Never fight a fight you can't win. He who fights and runs away, comes back when they get a bigger gun and wins round 2. Thrashing that thing after I'm a god? That'll be REALLY intimidating...Speaking of which, I've got becoming a god to get ready for. Excuse me."

Session 68.11 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*

Talked this over with Alex and he said to go ahead. Had a few options on how to do this, but this one felt more logical for a 'flesh out the canon' thing rather than a rewrite.

Twilight's ears rung as the roar of tornado sounded around her as she gripped the Staff. She just had to survive this and then it was-


The Alicorn could barely move out of the way in time as the Storm King launched himself at her. She felt his claws nearly graze her cheek. As the creature flew by, he grabbed onto the staff and held on for dear life.

Twilight gasped, barely able to keep ahold. The Storm King's face was a picture of viscous rage in sharp contrast to the Satyr/Yeti hybrid who'd been playing with the sun and moon like toys before.

"That's MY Staff!" he roared in fury as he attempted to slash her with his claws a few times, forcing her to dodge. "I won't let you take it away from me! Not now!"

Twilight glared, trying to manage a magic beam but unable to with her magic stolen. The two gave a scream and had to pull themselves out of the way of a piece of debris caught up in the storm. "The Princesses powers don't belong to you!"

The Storm King snarled in fury, concentrating, causing lightning to begin crackling about the Staff's tip. Twilight barely moved her head enough to avoid a point blank blast of powerful lightning, but left herself open to the Storm King punching her off, sending her tumbling through the twister. "I don't care! If I want something, I take it! That's how the world works, you stupid equine!"

Twilight eeped as the Storm King charged up lightning. She saw a piece of debris and clung close to it, launching off of it as the lightning was fired, blowing it to bits. She repeated this several times before launching herself at the Storm King and slamming into him as both were swinging through the storm. "No it's not!" she yelled, grabbing onto the staff and continuing to fight him over it. "That's just how you want it to work so you can live with yourself!"

The Storm King seemed intent to rip her to shreds with his bare claws, swiping madly at her. "I did not come this far to be lectured by a pretty little Princess! I came here to become a god! And I won't let you take literal GODHOOD away from me!"

Twilight finally noted her own magic glimmering in the staff and focused on it, blasting the Storm King in the chest with a magic beam and launching him off into the storm. "You don't even know what being a god MEANS! You only see a shallow outline! You're no different than Tirek!"

The Storm King grabbed a piece of debris and swung around it, launching himself back at Twilight. "Well he WAS my inspiration!" he roared, grabbing onto the staff and forcing Twilight to maneuver past several lightning bolts as she struggled to hang on. She retaliated with several magic bolts from the staff, forcing the two to take evasive action just to hang on. "And you're right! I want an outline! Who would want all that power but be bogged down by too much responsibility to actually use it?!"

"That responsibility is what gives the power PURPOSE! A child can learn that from a comic! With great power must come great responsibility!" Twilight replied, then focused, channeling a beam of solar flames from the staff and launching the Storm King back. Twilight growled. "Without any responsibility you're no god, you're not even an ADULT! You're just a child with too much power! And you're living proof of that!" she shouted. "...And I've acted childish...like with the Sea Pony kingdom...selfish...But no more..." she said, dodging another lunge from the Storm King and blasting him back into the storm with a beam of moonlight from the staff. "I'm going to stop you, for my friends and everyone else!"

"Stop talking and just die already!" the tyrant roared, leaping off one of his own minions caught up in the storm and lunging at her, claws bared. Twilight swung the staff, growing two pillars of crystal out of debris and slamming into him to knock him away. "I'm the Storm King! Conqueror of Countless Kingdoms! Terror of the South! Lord of All Yetis! How?! How are you stupid little miniature horses able to give me this much trouble?!"

"...Because you're all alone...And...you never even bothered to LEARN the kind of power you were trying to steal! That's how little what you cared about anything but power!" Twilight replied, holding up the staff. "...But I HAVE had this power! I DO know its burden!" she said, eyes lighting up as the power crackled around the staff's tip. "So let me show you what the sun, moon, love, and friendship can REALLY do!" she yelled, swinging the staff forwards and firing a swirling beam of all four magics surrounded by lightning at him.

The Storm King's eyes went wide and he quickly grabbed the largest piece of debris he could find to shield himself with. The beam slammed into him, his makeshift shield cracking as magic erupted and began destabilizing the tornado. "NO! NO! NO!" he bellowed in rage. "I CAN'T BE BEATEN BY A PRETTY PONY PRINCESS!"

"It's not just me who's beaten you! It's everypony who's helped me get this far! Every CREATURE!" Twilight yelled, her friends (Princesses and new friends included) manifesting around her as glowing shades, her power seeming to increase. "I'm Princess of Friendship, without them I'd be NOTHING! With them? I'm more than enough for you!" Finally, a huge explosion erupted, the tornado dissipating as the Storm King slammed hard into the ground, battered by the debris of his makeshift shield from the blast. Twilight hovered for just a moment to make sure he was out before heading back down.

However...as Twilight descended to meet her friends...the tyrant crawled his way towards the castle with a demented, animalistic look on his face. "I'm not done...I'm not done yet! That's my Staff! MINE!"

OOC: Basically, things continue as normal after this, just we don't know WHAT happened in the tornado so I decided to touch upon it.

Session 68.12 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*

That statue thing made me come up with this.

As the Storm King found his own minion tackle him (sure, he'd betrayed her, but why wouldn't he? Her little slip had made it clear she was no longer trustworthy, no different from Strife. There was only one pragmatic way to deal with a potential traitor in your ranks after all), turning him to stone and sending him plummeting several hundred feet towards the hard, unforgiving ground, he took a moment to rethink his life.

'If I had any single regret for the countless horrific events that have transpired in my wake...it's that I'm dying...'

The ground grew closer and closer.

'And not conquering Hawaneigh. That would've been a great vacation spot. I had to settle for Storm King Territory 516...at least they had a pool...Oh, and never making those Storm King action figures with kung fu grip.'

And closer.

'Wow...time REALLY goes slow when you're dying...And here comes my life passing before my eyes...I was awesome...and evil...Crud, that means I'm going to the bad place, doesn't it?...Horseapples!'

And he finally hit.

Session 68.13 Zaku789 (with one line added by me) *Movie Spoilers*

Storm King blinked as he looked at the new cavernous location. "What the-"

"Hey mac." Storm King turned to see a frail centaur who looked pissed/bored. "What are you in here for?"

"Uhh... who are you?"

"A tyrant who got killed by a rainbow twice." Tirek growled. "You?"

"Got turn to stone and plummet to the unforgiving ground." Storm King answered.

"Yeah well welcome to Tartarus for all eternity." Tirek sighed.

"Oh wait! Great and Terrible Tirek is that you?!"


"Got your pre-order... not sure if it'll be delivered now, no refunds."

Session 68.14 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*

"Okay!" the restored Discord yelled, looking BEYOND furious. "The unicorn may have sacrificed herself to save Fluttershy, so she's off the hook...I guess...so where is this 'Storm King'?! He will face my chaotic wrath instead!" Lightning crackled around him and thunder boomed.

"Over there," a pony replied, pointing to the Storm King's shattered form, which were currently gathered and awaiting proper burial (he didn't deserve one, but ponies were ponies).

Discord grumbled. "Darn it...fine, then I'll just go find some of his unrepentant minions to turn into toys for Flurry Heart! Because I CAN!" he said, teleporting away.

Session 68.15 Mtangalion *Movie Spoilers*

“You!” said Gilda irately, hobbling on three legs with one forelimb still in a cast. “Tempest Shadow!”

Tempest had been looking out from a terrace near Canterlot Palace, the morning after the Friendship celebration. “Actually, my name is…”

“I’m not calling you that,” snapped Gilda. “I won’t have anygriffon saying that I got beat by ‘Fizzlepop Berrytwist.’ We’re having a rematch, you and me… after I get this cast off.”

Tempest smiled, recalling a bit of her dark glamour. “I don’t mind at all. I hope you enjoy pain.”

On another part of the terrace, Twilight and some of the others were talking with the new friends they’d made. Discord appeared near them in a flash, scouting here and there, high and low. “I have the strangest feeling that I’ve forgotten something! Is it a cake in the oven?” He snapped his fingers and an oven appeared, opening itself to show an empty rack. “No, that’s not it.”

Gilda squinted at the other gathering, then lifted a wing to muffle her conversation with Tempest. “Say, what’s with the freakshow parade over there? Those hippogriff characters look like somebody glued a griffon and a pony together, and those gals look like the front half of a griffon walking around by itself… and that guy, he looks like just a griffon’s back half!”

Discord floated by again, chortling and slapping his knee. “Parrots! Parrots who are pirates! Teehee!”

Twilight Sparkle frowned. “What’s he going on about now?”

Fluttershy just smiled. “Oh, Discord gets like that sometimes. Don’t bother asking. He never explains the joke.”

Tempest smirked. “I’m no expert, but I have a feeling that the parrots and the cats are just parrots and cats. You and the hippogriffs are the chimeras.”

Gilda stared blankly.

“I mean, griffons and hippogriffs are hybrids… who are you again?”

Gilda’s beak fell open. “You think… Pfft, that’s crazy talk! We griffons are perfect, just the way Boreas made us!” She flexed and yelped. “Stupid leg!”

Tempest rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say, griffon.”

“That’s Gilda, and don’t you forget it!”

Tempest gave her a look that somehow conveyed both indifference and dark amusement. “Whatever you say, Gilda.”

“I just know I’m forgetting something!” mused Discord, frustrated. “Oh well, I’m sure it will come to me later.”

Session 68.16 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*

"Grubber," said Celestia, the hedgehog facing the Princesses. "You have defected from the Storm Kings forces and pledged loyalty to Equestria."

"Yeah, I did..." he said, though admittedly, it was only because TEMPEST had. If she hadn't, he'd probably have just ran for it.

"However, unlike Miss Fizzlepop, you did not perform a heroic act of redemption," Luna replied. "So you will no receive your punishment for the following crimes: invasion, child abuse, and child labor."

"...Child abuse and labor?" Grubber asked, cocking his head. He then recall the 'ponyback rides'. "...Oh...Hey, I was just having fun!"

"By working innocent foals to exhaustion for your own amusement against their will," Luna replied. "As such, your punishment will be 'play time' with the foals for the next week."

Grubber gulped, looking over to see a mob of children, all glaring at him. Sweetie Belle produced a make up case and gave a somewhat creepy smile.

"If you do not wish for that punishment, you can always have the one we would've given you if you had not reformed," Cadence replied. "The wrath of their mothers..."

Maternity was suddenly a foot away from him with a katana in hoof.

The hedgehog paled. "I-I'll take the kids..."

"Alright then," said Luna. "Do with him as you will."

"I call piggyback rides!" Diamond Tiara shouted as the children swarmed Grubber and began carrying him off.

"Only after I make him VERY pretty," said Sweetie Belle, right next to Grubber's head.

Silver Spoon produced a frilly dress that was the most girly thing her money could buy.

"I was just going to make him play Phantoms 'n Ghouls..." said Button Mash.

"...Tempest, help..." Grubber begged.

"Sorry, you were the one who decided to slack off and 'play' with the kids," was the mare's response.

"...Fluttershy, why is he here?" asked Rainbow Dash, looking at one of the Storm Troopers sitting in a chair way too small for him.

"This is Fluffy, he's that minion I talked to during the final battle," Fluttershy replied.

The Yeti gave a bellow in his own tongue.

"He says he's very sorry for invading," the pegasus translated kindly.

Fluffy gave a series of almost sad bellows.

"He says his family made him for 'the glory of the tribe'," Fluttershy explained with a frown.

The Yeti nodded and bellowed several more times.

"He wanted to be an artist."

Fluffy produced a professional quality painting of him and Fluttershy hugging.

"He's actually quite good," Fluttershy said reassuringly.

Fluffy smiled happily and gave the pegasus a hug.

"Aww. You're welcome, Fluffy."

Session 68.17 Ardashir *Movie Spoilers*

Grubber stood atop the 'tower' made of a pair of old crates, wearing a tinfoil crown and saying in a deadpan voice, "Oh, see me, the mighty Hedgehog King, conqueror of Ponyland. Who dares to defy my awesome, er, awesomeness?"

"I do!" Beating her little wings as hard as she could, and with a magical assist from Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo flew straight at Grubber and hoofed him lightly (but not too lightly; she remember being dragged around in chains) on top of his head.

"Ow," Grubber said, very bored. He very dramatically fell over backwards. "I am defeated by the mighty pegasus pony. Oh, woe is me."

"Aw, come on!" Sweetie cried up to him. "You expected us to like it when you stuck us in those circus horse outfits and rode us!"

"That was different!" Grubber hopped up, looking indignant and lively for the first time in hours. "I was being a bad guy then! Besides, you're ponies, you were made to be ridden!"

Session 68.18 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*

*Spoilers for MLP Movie- Read at your own Risk*

"Wow, so you FINALLY lit someone on fire?" Ember asked in the aftermath of the disaster, playing some majong.

"Yeah!...Well, intentionally," the little drake replied with some pride.

"Good job! Did they scream and run around?"

"Yeah, a lot."

Ember nodded approvingly. "Did you feast on their scorched remains while roaring triumphantly?"

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Uh...no...they're in jail...They still fear me though."

"Oh...right..." the Dragon Lord replied, rubbing her head. "Ponies don't approve of that...still, good job!"

Tempest, or as she was going by again, Fizzlepop, found the three rulers she had turned to stone looking down at her.

Cadence was the first to speak. "...You're lucky my husband protected my daughter from you..." she said, then gave a furious glare that made even Tempest begin to sweat. Her tone was calm, but clearly full of rage. "Because if you'd hurt her, not even Twilight and my aunties would be able to keep me from you. Are we clear?"


Cadence simply nodded and returned to her silence.

"...Cadence is Bonds, Miss Berrytwist," Luna explained, keeping a stern glare. "Including the bond between a mother and her child. Few bonds can produce more fierce of anger. And few things are as terrible as the wrath of a mother deity, even a young one."

Tempest nodded.

"...You betrayed your people and your homeland, you caused the suffering of many solely to ease that which you experienced," Celestia explained. "...But you were also willing in the end to potentially give your life to right your wrong...So you are forgiven."

"But forgiven is not forgotten," Luna replied sternly. "You were a traitor, you helped conquer your homeland. As such you have broken the trust of your people and your homeland. You did save Twilight and her friends, and for that they trust you. But the trust of the people you've betrayed must be EARNED back...and take it from our personal experience, it will NOT be easy. Earning that broken trust back will be part of your punishment."

Fizzlepop lowered her head. "I understand."

"The rest of your punishment will to be experiencing the nightmares your actions have caused others, from their own perception, so you may understand the pain and trauma you have caused. So decrees I, Princess of the Night," Luna stated.

"...I accept that."

"Good...then go and sin no more."

"And, if you wish to start," Celestia said, showing some of her warmth. "Helping reverse engineer the Storm King's technology for the betterment of Equestria would be a good place, my little pony."

Fizzlepop managed a small smile. "...That sounds good..."

Session 68.19 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*

"So, the Storm King kept how to make those bombs to himself?" asked Luna, playing a game of chess with Tempest.

"Yes...Storm King I don't think could trust that it wouldn't be turned on him otherwise," Fizzlepop replied, moving her piece with her hoof. "That and just getting the main ingredient was...trouble."

"How so?" Luna questioned.

"Now remember, Tempest," the Storm King said as Tempest stored the Obsidian Spheres. "DON'T waste these, you only have five shots so DON'T miss. Because no matter the fancy tricks you can do with that broken horn of yours, those two older Princesses will hand you your flank if you do."

"Understood sir," replied Tempest.

"That and do you have ANY idea how big of a pain it is to get these?" Storm King asked. "If you mess up, I'll have to send some minions to get more gorgon venom!"

Several yetis suddenly panicked. They suddenly collectively took a step back, leaving one standing forwards. He noticed this and leapt back into the pack, resulting in a shoving match to try and get someone who WASN'T them forwards.

"And that is a pain in my tail! I mean yes, no one has to dig the holes like with a dragon and the Gorgon gets a lovely statue for her garden, but I still have to send condolences and fruit baskets! And I can't just mass produce the condolence letters, or they'll notice and think I don't care so I have to hand write them, and it's all just a big mess, so don't screw up!"

"I see..." Luna said. "If I had known what those things were before you managed to launch them, I would've sniped the first one the moment you brought it out."

Fizzlepop gasped slightly...but made her move. "I...I see...That would've turned me to stone..."

"I know. and given you leapt into the air, likely would've had a poor landing," said Luna simply, making her own move. "...You didn't seem to care about that in my case, did you?"

The unicorn gave a cringe, remembering she'd petrified Luna midair. "...No...I didn't..."

"...I know exactly what you feel like, Tempest," the Princess replied. "Desperate, hurting. You turned to means to remove your pain that now that desperation is past you feel guilt over, realizing they were never worth it...but accepting one's actions were wrong and seeking redemption for them does not mean they didn't happen. I forgive you for what you did to me, but I do not have a right to forgive you for turning Miss Derpy to stone, or for the citizens of Canterlot you hurt except as their ruler who's subject you've hurt. That is why I declared re-earning their trust that of your punishment."

"...I understand..." she said, moving her piece...

Luna moved her own. "Checkmate...But don't worry, so long as you remain on the straight and narrow, you will succeed in making up for it...I know that from experience."

"Thank you...I...I'm still getting used to ponies being understanding me..." Tempest admitted.

"As someone who failed for feeling as though no one understood her, I can appreciate that."

Celestia gave an annoyed sigh, staring down at the Yeti standing before her, a pony next to them. "So...you're saying you purchase this pony fair and square and you wish for that deal to be honored?"

The yeti nodded smugly.

"Alright, fair enough," Celestia said.

"Yes!" the Yeti bellowed in his own language.

"What?!" asked the pony, eyes wide.

"Guards, seize the yeti," the Dayarch ordered.

"Yes!" the pony yelled.

"What?!" the Yeti bellowed.

"Slavery is illegal in Equestria," Celestia explained. "And has been for centuries, if you desire to be a slaveholder, I can not stop you, but your actions have consequences."

"But the Storm King changed the law!" yelled the Yeti.

"The Storm King was never crowned King of Equestria or rightly recognized as its ruler by any country or leader, except himself," Celestia replied. "...Except Chrysalis, but she is likewise not recognized as ruler of any country...So he had no right to change the law. So you are in violation of the law and under arrest."

Celestia watched the Yeti be taken away...and sighed in annoyance. Twilight had to fix the problem, she and Luna had to fix the mess afterwards. "Once I'm done fixing the Storm King's mess, I am inviting Twilight, her friends, and Cadence and her family, and we are playing Crystals and Rainbows ALL NIGHT!"

"A toast! To the destruction of Equestria!" Chrysalis called, holding up a glass of wine and forcing her remaining followers to do so as well, cackling happily.

Right as they took a drink, a Changeling entered. "My Queen, the Storm King has been defeated!"

Chrysalis spat out her wine all over Imago, the nymph seeming to have seen that coming but being nonetheless annoyed.

"...On the bright side, we did manage to salvage your copy of the Storm King's O&O expansion from the wreckage of the ship carrying it...It's only slightly water logged."

"...We're playing it...After I go to my happy place..." said Chrysalis, slowly walking over to a memory crystal and replaying Cadence being turned to stone and Starlight being beaten unconscious on repeat.

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

P.S. Addendum. No adding entire new fanon countries and/or fanon species.

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page: (PLEASE update already!)

Session 68.0 ArcanaMaverick7 (continued from Session 67.14)
Session 68.1 Alex Warlorn *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.2 Grogar-the-Oneser *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.3 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.4 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.5 Mtangalion (with one line added by me) *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.6 Grogar-the-onser *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.7 Grogar-the-onser (and one line by me) *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.8 Mtangalion *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.9 Alex Warlorn *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.10 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.11 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.12 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.13 Zaku789 (with one line added by me) *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.14 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.15 Mtangalion *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.16 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.17 Ardashir *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.18 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*
Session 68.19 Kendell2 *Movie Spoilers*

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.

Basic grammar:
-Periods go at the end of sentences. (.)
-People and place's names are capitalized.
-Questions end in Questions Marks. (?)
-The word 'I' is capitalized.
-"When characters start or stop talking, use quotations."
-'There' is a place, 'their' is someone's property or trait, 'they're' is short for 'they are.'

Picture by HeartlyRosalie, used with permission.


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