• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 15,395 Views, 2,073 Comments

Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

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Session 65

Session 65.0 Mtangalion

Gilda was slumped in a chair at Sugarcube Corner, wearing an ice pack on her head and surrounded by empty cupcake wrappers. Gilda wasn't the type to leave Pinkie Pie's cheer-up cupcakes just sitting around, but they didn't seem to have cheered her up much so far.

The doorbell jingled and Gerold padded in. "Rough day?"

Gilda groaned and pushed a parchment that smelled of brimstone across the table to him. "You could say that."

Gerold padded closer, swiveling his head to read it. "'You are not Garble's mother. He never remembers to bring me a gem on Mother's Day, but he is mine, Tiamat help us. Dragon Lord Ember has decreed that this is his penance, so I resisted my first impulse to fly over there, light you on fire, and bring my son home.' Jeez!" Gerold cringed, fur and feathers fluffing up. He skimmed the rest. "Classy lady…"

Gilda half-grinned, waggling a talon. "There's an old pony saying. 'Never play chess with a dragon.'"

Gerold considered this. "Uh… why not?"

"I don't know! Cause they tear your legs off when they lose or something? Twilight didn't tell me that part. She had to fly off because their best-buddies map called them all to the biggest O&O convention in Manehattan." She leaned closer to Gerold, smirking. "I'd bet my bag of shinies that one of them faked it. Okay, half my shinies. Let's not go crazy here."

Then Gilda put a wing around Gerold and nuzzled him, purring.

Gerold's eyes grew wide, but he didn't push her away. "You realize, you've probably got some leftover hatchling fever from the mother hen thing, right?"

"Don't care," cooed Gilda, preening a few of his ruffled feathers.

"Remember how I said I used to date the other you, in the human world?"

Now Gilda looked annoyed. "I remember saying that we weren't gonna mention that again."

Gerold coughed, scratching the back of his neck. "Funny thing… I got a letter too. Beats me how the pegasus with the funny eyes got it here, but the other Gilda, she said she met a new griff… a new guy, I mean. Bumped into him at an arcade, had a few sodas... I'm sure it wasn't *that* big a deal, and she was just playing him up to hint that I should move on, but…"

Gilda swept Gerold off his paws, holding him close with a smoldering look in her eyes. "Too much talking." She grinned, licking her beak. "Sheesh, we've both been hanging around ponies too long. You could have just said 'I'm available.'"

Gerold gulped, purring back at her. "But, the thing is… this guy the other Gilda met, his name was Zephyr Breeze."

Gilda blinked several times, then focused on Gerold again, stroking his chest with a claw. "You know what? I really don't want to think about that." She flicked his beak playfully and tossed the ice pack aside. "It's your fault I'm thinking about that thing I'm not thinking about, so I expect you to do something to take my mind off it!" She padded out the door, letting it slam behind her. "Well, come on, loser!" she shouted through the closed door. "Ain't got all day!"

"Sheesh, whatever!" Gerold shouted back at her. "Crazy hen! Keep your beak on!" Then he grinned and raked his claws through his crest, giving a claws-up to the mirror beside the door before following her.

Gilda the human forced herself to chill. She'd gotten a lot stronger since she learned how to griffon-up, and that was super awesome, but she didn't want to crush another cell phone in her fist. "Maybe I wasn't clear," she shouted into the phone. "If you come by here again, I'll break your other hand."

Ember the dog growled energetically. "And I'll bite his other pants, mistress!"

"Good girl," said Gilda, smirking.

The voice on the other end of the phone call protested.

Gilda blinked. "I didn't break your hand, Zephy? Well, maybe I should fix that!"

The phone call hung up quickly.

Gilda grumbled under her breath. "Okay, who's next on the match list?" She switched to the phone's browser, tabbed over to the AlrightCupid dating website, and scrolled past the pony-cherub logo. "Featherbangs? Eh, can't be any worse."

Session 65.1 Kendell2

Adagio laughed, looking at her pendant. "The Sirens are going to be making their comeback tour tonight..." she chuckled.

"Uh, sis, I think there's one BIG thing you've forgotten about in all this," Aria pointed out.

The Alpha of their little school snarled. "What?!"

"Last time we were at full power and those seven STILL kicked our tail fins, which is how we ended up in this mess to begin with!" her fellow replied. "So other than hoping any new Sirens we make, who might I add won't be nearly as powerful as us, will tip the scales, which given how unbalanced they were is unlikely, how exactly do you plan to prevent us from getting demolished AGAIN?"

Adagio gave a menacing chuckle. "Oh sister, did you forget who you're talking to?" she asked, producing a new necklace that seemed a mesh of cold and technology. It seemed to have a perfect slot for the amulet. "This will solve that little problem."

"...What IS that?" Aria asked, almost disturbed. She stopped being disturbed and just looked curious when she noticed that two more were in the bag.

"You know how Princess Purple managed to boost and change how the Mirror Portal worked with magic and technology?" Adagio asked. "Well THIS new amulet was made from a shard of a magic mirror, and the new ones I create for you two will be copies...So I decided to upgrade a little bit this time."

"...Where did YOU learn to do that?"

"We've been around this place for centuries without our powers, you think I haven't picked up a few things?" Adagio asked, giving her typical smug smirk. "The Sirens are going to be new and improved..."

Session 65.2 QuartzScale

It was time. Time for action. Time for change. Time to wow these fools out of their socks with something amazing.

"Sombra." A voice called out.

He had to sell it. He was going to make things go great for Radiant. She couldn't stay standing all day even if her pregnancy was still in its first trimester. It was time for action. They needed to reveal Crystals and Rainbows to the masses. Discord had the special trailer ready for the expansion in World of Hoofcraft.

"Sombra!" A voice answered more firmly.

Sombra instantly looked up noticing that Hope was in front of him looking slightly worried. They were back stage while everyone else was getting ready for the first show of the convention. A comprehensive look at everything in Crystals and Rainbows.

"Sorry dear. I was psyching myself up. It's been a while since I've been back on stage once again. We're showing off an entire pile of new things. I am worried about what those singing girls are releasing for us. The last time we thought about a MOBA we had to deal with a food fight in the mess hall between the forces that allied with Accord and Chrysalis after her last failed date. I really don't want that to happen again." Sombra shuddered. He still couldn't look at tapioca anymore.

"I know Sombra but this will be fine. The MOBA is weird in that we're using the races from Hoofcraft working in harmony together to make sure guard their side." Hope smiled. It was the only thing that they could argue to keep since Adagio was in charge of the project for all her contributions to the music they created for everything.

"We really shouldn't have given them a contract ruling like that but since it was the only way they would work on Crystal and Rainbows soundtrack I suppose it was worth it." Sombra muttered under his breath.

"I was certain Sonata would have done it for free." Hope answered with a smile on her face.

"Right. Well let's get out on stage already. Are you ready to reveal your project?" Sombra asked as the two walked beyond the curtain.

"Always." Hope confidently stated.

The two walked into the spotlight where a whole group of women were waiting at the stage ready for the unveiling including several older consumers who wanted to destress as well. The guys in the audience looked to be uninterested or only there for their girlfriend but the fact that they grew excited that Sombra and Hope appeared on stage destroyed the illusion. The cheers were deafening.

"Welcome to you all you crazy ponies you! Are you ready to live!" Sombra screamed out to an overhyped group of cheers and happiness.

"Welcome everypony to my little project that I've been heading for a while already. I know you all have been needing a little more time to unwind before our next Hoofcraft expansion so I have decided to give you something to scratch that itch so to speak." Hope pointed out to the screen as the stylized logo of Crystals and Rainbows appeared.

"This game will truly let you live a life outside your own for your enjoyment. For your own sense of satisfaction. And for your own happiness. It's time to enjoy your time in a calm Equestria!"

The trailer started with one of the happiest renditions ever made.

~My Little Pony~

~My Little Pony~

Several ponies were exploring the world finding new paths to explore. An earth pony tripped before being picked up from falling by a pegasus. A unicorn managed to pick up several object looking over their map while a breezy searched a smaller area. A griffin sensed out a new object through smell.

Then several challenges appeared a pegasus with larger wings challenged another to a race. A unicorn taught some magical spells to create music. An earth pony did some farming mini game which seemed to resemble basketball. Breezies had to ride the wind managing to keep from being swept away. Griffins hunted down certain creatures to take pictures of them through a sense of smell.

Then the castles were revealed as several players made new music, families, rides, parties, even ceremonies detailing their accomplishments. As the lights came down the last screen showed that Crystals and Rainbows was available for purchase the next day after the convention was over.

"Thank you all for coming out here. This is Crystals and Rainbows and this is a chance to have your own pony, breezy or griffin life as you see fit. Enjoy the rest of the convention. We have another presentation in two hours!" Hope cried out to the cheers of the entire crowd.

Session 65.3 Alex Warlorn

"So... these augmented reality eyepatches, they're made on the cheap, but they still give a full HD color view of the overlapped game world and the audio piece to boot. Players may be upset at having to buy a new toy to be able to play a new game, but with how big MOBAs and Augmented Reality are right now, we should still get some players. And we're giving out a handful at the convention just to get the rock rolling. We should have a large player base in no time." Human Gilda went over with human Gabby, for their part in getting the ball rolling for the new MOBA about to be announced.

"Can I play?"

"NO! They're for the paying customers, not us."



"So remember the three special 'events' we have planned after the game is released, each one at a different spot. Sonata sings at the first one, then Aira does at the second, and I sing for the first part of the third, and then all three of us for our grand final. The first two with special event bosses... with bonus' for first attack, final attack, most overall damage done, most hits done, and the prizes get better if you get more than one bonus. They players will be backstabbing each other to get them. By the time of the third event, with me, some may have transformed, or are primed to be."

"I hope you'll remember how to keep our new sisters in line," Aria said.

"Don't worry about that. You said it yourself that they aren't going to be as strong as us since they're just created. And we're still alphas. Well, I am."

"First things I'm gonna do with our new army of sisters is-"

"Sonata, if you say 'bring me tacos' I swear you'll be singing with a broken arm." Aria hissed.

"... Never mind."

"The point is girls, don't worry, I've got that covered. They won't transform into 'nice' sirens. Or transform into pretty sparkly sirens."

"OH! OH! Does that mean we'll get cool new outfits, hair styles, and forms since we'll be more powerful!?"

Adagio got ready to hit Sonata over the head, but stopped and put a finger to her lip, "Actually, it might."


Aria rolled her eyes. "As long as we don't have to worry about them turning on us, or ignoring us."

"They'll be loyal to their new school, and no Sonata, I don't mean that kind of school. and our songs will help them along the right path until their transformation triggers."

"Here's hoping nothing blows up in our faces again."

"I've got that one covered too... with us working at Crystal Soft, I left a paper trail leading to Sombra's mother, if anything goes south, the records will show we were used as figure heads by the evil woman who created Crazy-Teacher Simulator and the rest."

"So we don't get blamed! Cool!" Sonata seemed quite happy at this.

"I've also finished programming the final boss... with sacred text of the Esoteric Order of Father Dagon and Mother Hydra. Some black box programming tied to the rest of the game so it can't be deleted without crashing the game. The ritual is written right into the game's code! If anyone finds it, they'll think it's just a in-joke easter egg like those monster symbols in Doomed's soundtrack! Just as his blessing flows through us, it'll flow through the players by the time we're done."

"So, do we make sure the Rainbooms get freebies so we can make sure they're corrupted, I mean blessed, or do we make sure they don't meddle by denying them and saying we're just being jerks to them like they know we'd be?" Aria asked.

"Oh, and we should make sure they give one to Trixie Lulamoon!" Sonata said.

"Who?" The other two sirens asked.

"Oh, remember? The one who was gonna be in the final until we brainwashed the principals? Who we mind controlled into trapping the Rain Booms in the basement so we could feed off their strife?"

"What about her?" Aria rolled her eyes.

"I think she's fun! She'd make a great siren! I can't wait to start ordering her around!"

"Fine," Adagio said.


The AI Screwball took one took at the hidden stat of the new game called 'Corruption'... and let it be, smiling and nodding, and didn't even think to tell her father about it. Since was a game AI after all, she didn't understand how some things acceptable in a game might not so acceptable in the real world (like people being subtly corrupted into monsters). In fact, she thought it was very clever.

However... she did frown at the final boss... not that its stats were insanely high, that was a given for final bosses, even for the first release of a game like this. You didn't want players beating it on their first try after all. But she find that Adagio MUST have made a mistake, since the boss wasn't just insanely hard, it was literally unbeatable, even the max number of players the servers could handle with all the best bonus couldn't beat it, its HP just wouldn't drop. So the AI Screwball wrote in an event during the boss fight that if the players did it right, would make the 'infinite HP' boss actually killable, but still easily the hardest challenge in the game by a large margin. Satisfied with her work, the AI Screwball felt no need to inform others of this. She didn't want to get some programmers in trouble over an honest mistake after all.

Session 65.4 Kendell2

The time came for the announcement of their new MOBA that would be introduced and playable at the Con, and the Sirens stood back stage.

"Alright, it's time girls. Are you ready?" asked Adagio with a smirk as her sisters did the same back.

The audience watched the stage until the lights darkened and the Sirens' Bonus Boss theme from World of Hoofcraft began playing. The trio slowly walked their way through fog produced by a fog machine, still using autotune to make their singing tolerable as they did their signature opera-like singing and came on stage, dressed to look like their in game counterparts as best as possible.

"Hello Crystal Con!" called Adagio, giving a charismatic wave. "I am Adagio Dazzle, and these are my sisters, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk. We are the brilliant minds behind all that wonderful music you've been listening to every time you play one of Crystal Soft's games." 'Though mostly me'. "Thank you for buying the soundtracks and listening to them over and over and over again."

The three blew a kiss, causing more than a few members of the audience to swoon.

"But you may know us better for our Bonus Boss battle in Hoofcraft. Especially since, given Crystal Soft's signature difficulty, we probably killed you a dozen times," Adagio joked, getting laughs and some admitting grumbles from the crowd. "But don't worry, in our knew game we're on YOUR side, so no worries there."

That got a few chuckles from the crowd.

"Now, I know a lot of you are looking forwards to starting your new life in Rainbows and Crystals," Adagio explained.

"I am!" Sonata exclaimed.

"...Which by the way, we also wrote the music for, I hope you appreciate it..." said Adagio, managing to hide her seething hatred of making that soundtrack. Given it was the lovechild of Sombra's wife and they still needed to have their jobs for the plan to work, she knew she had to promote her game. "But I also know plenty of you are looking for your fix of killing things and beating up monsters until our next Hoofcraft expansion comes out, am I right?"

That got a large amount of cheers from the crowd.

"Thought so...so we're here to introduce 'Heroes of Crystal', a new MOBA we've developed," Adagio continued, keeping her charisma running full blast. "A new foe has risen from the depths of the sea to try and drown Equus in darkness, and only you can stop it..." she said, dramatically. "YOU are the hero this time!...And I mean that literally..."

She walked over to a display and produced the new eyepatch. "This lovely little device will let you enjoy our new game from first person in an immersive experience that I'm certain you'll all enjoy...after all, who doesn't want to be the big hero and save the world, am I right?"

More applause.

"Of course where there's fame to be had there's only so much to go around, so make sure to grab yourselves as big of a piece as you can, we'll have plenty of opportunities during the game. But enough beating around the bush, you're here for the trailer, aren't you? So let's hit it!" Adagio called, motioning.

The lights dimmed and on the screen, a hero from Hoofcraft walked along the beach...when suddenly the ocean turned and out burst a Lovecraftian Horror, followed by legions of others behind it. Villains from Hoofcraft joined their ranks, preparing for battle.

A legion of characters from Hoofcraft rushed forward, including Celestia and Luna, and the two sides charged, a huge war taking place with heroes and villains fighting everywhere across the battlefield. This included a scene of the purified Sombra from the end of Horsecraft's expansion battling the True Final Boss, his mother Rabia. The camera slowly moved back, revealing the Sirens rising up on the HEROES side and singing, buffing up several of the heroes for the closing shot as the title appeared to thunderous applause.

"Fight, win, be the hero of your story!...Me and my sisters will be at a booth for sign ups! Come see us there everybody!" Adagio called as the trio retreated back stage, at which point she gave a sinister chuckle. "Perfect..."

Session 65.5 Mtangalion and QuartzScale

After the enthusiasm for the presentation of Crystals and Rainbows, and the overwhelming turnout for the new MOBA, it was starting to get a little warmer in the convention hall. Discord tugged on his collar, swearing that he could see steam rise from his body as he waited for his own presentation. The expansion was not done in the slightest, but the characters that were being introduced were in fact done and modeled out, thanks in no small part to Scorpan and Thorax working long hours overtime. Screwball had actually helped as well, secretly working on the animations in her spare time, though Discord couldn't exactly tell anyone about it.

Discord pulled out his mobile phone, but not to make a call. At least, not any normal phone call. "OK, sweetheart… Do you have the file ready for me?"

"Sure thing, Daddy!" Screwball messaged Discord through the program he'd created specifically for her to use whenever he was out and about and couldn't bring his laptop. "I just managed to get the right camera angles and all the models have been positioned and perfectly connected to their skeletal structure. It took a while to get the joints to work right but I got them to listen."

"Congratulations, my dear." He didn't often give genuine compliments to anyone. "Perhaps you could be the next Saddle Spoolburg or Raven Hitching Post."

"Thanks, Daddy! I'm gonna try my hand at some machinima later using the models we have. I have the perfect story. A yak and a griffon, lovers being dragged apart by fate." Screwball's virtual eyes sparkled. "There could be no more perfect pair!"

"Right… Truly there is no one more visionary than you, my dear." Discord heard the cries and heavy stomps of crazy fans ready to storm the stage. "Oh, it's almost time for the show."

"Break a leg, Daddy! Only don't… You know, just do good!"

Discord pocketed his phone and rushed out on the stage holding an air guitar which "wailed" along with the soundtrack from the new expansion, as the entire stage was enveloped in a haze of red lights. As the music came to an end, Discord smashed his air guitar on the floor and pumped his fists, bringing everyone to their feet.

"DO I KNOW HOW TO MAKE AN ENTRANCE OR WHAT?" Discord screamed at the top of his lungs to the wildly cheering crowd. He knew what the people needed. He knew what they wanted. He was going to give it to them… sooner or later.

Discord peered over the crowd, noticing several of Chrysalis's staff. Thorax was standing near his older brother Pharynx, who merely rolled his eyes and gave the signal. Never was Discord happier than he was now to know the rubber chicken in the bathing suit gag still was useful for something.

"Now, I know you've all been waiting. Truly, we've got some ferocious monsters to battle and tame but I have to know... Why do you want to fight these guys?" Discord held his microphone out towards the crowd.

"For loot!"

"For fun!"

"To impress that one girl I like even though I know this habit feeds into my faults which I am working on… eventually!"

Discord quirked an eyebrow at that and promptly ignored it. Otherwise, he might have actually felt some pity for the guy.

"All valid reasons I'm sure… except for that one fellow." There were a few laughs and scattered claps. "You're going to be facing demons and monsters from beyond the veil, you know! I doubt that even all of you working together... ponies, yaks, zebras, griffons, and diamond wolves, would be able to handle them." Discord grinned, stroking his goatee.

"We can handle them!"

"Yeah we're awesome!"

"All your base are belong to us!"

"Now now… retsu get tu the game!" Discord shouted out as the screen once again came down and the entire crowd went silent. The lights shut down, plunging the convention hall into darkness.

Then, the voice of Princess Luna spoke...

"In an age long past, We, the Sisters of the Moon and Sun, fought against the tides of darkness that sought to sweep over this land. The Umbrum. The Lord of Chaos. These you know, but there is an older, darker story. A tale of two brothers, who, in all their infinite wisdom, decided that Equestria belonged to them. They gathered an army of demons and corrupted dragons and sought to claim it. Some of you have heard this tale before, but be warned, it is no mere legend.

"Through the bravery of a unicorn hero, the younger brother finally saw the true light of friendship, and with his aid, the elder brother was cast down, and We banished him to the deepest pits of Tartarus… forever.

"Unfortunately, time makes fools of us all."

Fade in… Another glorious, sunny day for adventure in Ponyville. Pony archers in shiny new armor swapped tales with a grizzled griffon veteran near the Adventurer's Guild. A lime-green unicorn mare and a yellow earth pony with a blue and pink mane strolled past, gossiping. Several colts galloped down a street, kicking a ball.

The music turned ominous, and the camera plunged through the ground, past a cavern where diamond wolves were digging up gems, past lava-filled caves, and finally down to a vast and gloomy underworld.

Prisoners sat on flat-topped stone pillars, each surrounded by a bottomless abyss and reachable only by a winding and narrow path. Grim-faced young dragons in armor guarded all the exits, and a huge three-headed dog gnawed on an enormous bone in the middle of it all.

(Cerberus, the Hound of Tartarus)

The camera moved towards one of the "cells," where a feeble and decrepit creature sat, mostly hidden by a black cloak. "Weakness," he spat. "Infirmary. The indignity of it all!" He looked across the cavern, sneering. "For millennia, I have been locked away in this place, and even after millennia, ponies still fear me." He grinned cruelly, gleaming eyes visible beneath his hood. "Soon, I will remind them why."

Below, the air crackled and warped, and a giant shiny rubber ball appeared from nowhere, bouncing by itself. Cerberus immediately sat up and drooled, wagging his tail. He barked, chasing after it, and when he caught it in his jaws, both dog and ball vanished.

Tartarus itself trembled… without Cerberus present, the locking spells began to fail. Hordes of demons poured out of their cells. A cloud monster boiled into the caverns, racing ahead of the others. A path of frost formed, turning to solid ice as a penguin marched forth. A strange bipedal catwoman slinked into the shadows.

Worse followed… A giant dog made of solid rock and monster made of lava smashed through stone walls, burrowing their own paths out. Seven creepy foals headed for an exit, floating along in single file, and no one even dared get near them. A trio of human witches barked orders at the demons, cursing a dragon into a toad when he tried to get in their way.

The hooded and cloaked prisoner started to leave with them, but a dragon hissed for his attention, beckoning towards a secret passage. "Lord Tirek! This way…" The dragon grinned, holding out his claw expectantly.

The traitorous dragon was himself betrayed when Tirek siphoned all the magic right out of him, growing larger and stronger until the cloak barely covered him. "Your… offering… is appreciated." Tirek left the dragon twitching on the floor and walked away, laughing coldly.

In the throne room of the Palace of Canterlot. Celestia and Cadence were talking, and Luna was pacing impatiently.

The great double doors slammed open. "Hey, you can't come in here!" shouted Shining Armor. His guards readied their lances.

"It's okay, Shiny!" said Cadence, smiling. "I have a feeling that they're here to help."

A trio of young dragons flew into the library and landed with loud thumps, bowing only slightly before the gathered Princesses of Equestria.

A purple dragon in a robe grinned cockily, balancing a green fireball on one claw.

(Spike, Dragon Mage)

A red and yellow dragon in heavy armor hefted his battleaxe, eager to put it to use.

(Garble, Dragon Brawler)

A blue dragoness removed her helm and thumped the end of her ruby staff on the floor. "Those jerks escaped from Tartarus on our watch, so Dragon Lord Torch has vowed that we'll do whatever it takes to make it right again." She smirked. "Even work with ponies."

(Ember, Daughter of the Dragon Lord)

The camera zoomed out with a loud boom, showing all three of them posing dramatically.

Princess Celestia smiled. "Welcome, friends. Tartarus has fallen. Any one of the prisoners within would be a grave threat, but if Lord Tirek escapes… We're going to need all the help we can get."

A group of ponies were trapped in the Everfree Forest, surrounded by equine demons. A few of the ponies stumbled, losing hope. The demons leapt into the air, diving for the group, when several new creatures jumped into the fray. They were equine shaped, but taller, and they had antlers on their heads. With a glow of their horns, vines burst from the ground, tangling and crushing the demons before they got any closer.

"It seems that once again our prowess is required." A tall white deer with overly ornate antlers appeared, a green heart of magic appearing between his antlers, held up by magic.


At a guard post on the edge of a craggy mountain range, Princess Luna launched herself into the air, fully armed and armored and accompanied by a force of winged pony guards. These were no ordinary pegasi, though. Every one of them had darker coats and leathery bat wings. The strange ponies assaulted a giant whale demon floating through the sky, warping through the shadows and using them to speed up or even redirect attacks. Several of them even wove constructs out of shadow, making it into shields and sharp spears as they danced around the field, striking whatever weak point they could find.

"CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT! STRIKE THEM DOWN!" Luna cried as she charged in, splitting the whale demon in half with a beam of pure moonlight.


In a desolate waste on the border of Equestria, an ancient archway stood, a towering stone monument carved with demons and cowled figures. There were no watchers, no armies standing guard, only a swirling red vortex that churned angrily.

(The Gate of Tartarus)

A huge red-skinned hand burst from the portal, gripping the edge tightly enough to crack the stone. Lord Tirek braced himself, snarling, and reached out. The ward over the portal flared, sparkling with the symbols of the sun and the moon bound together in harmony, until he gripped it and squeezed, crushing the ward to dust.

Demons began to rush out of the portal and past Tirek, who still stood in the shadow of the great gate. "Secure this area!" he shouted. "Organize the slaves and begin raising the new Midnight Castle!" He chuckled, eyes glowing. "Wait till they get a load of me…"

The camera rushed away and rose higher and higher into the heavens, until the stars and the curve of the world were visible, over a fiery sunset.

(CrystalSoft proudly presents)

Princess Celestia's voice spoke, "He knows our magic, sister. None of it will work on him again, and I fear that Cadence alone will not have the strength to oppose him. We need new magic."

Luna's voice answered, "Entirely new magic? But that could only come from…"

"Yes, sister. New Alicorns."

Ghostly images of two ponies appeared over the sunset, as if cradling the world in their hooves. One red and yellow, the other purple, their features indistinct.

(World of Horsecraft: Ascension)

"Ascension is coming!" shouted Discord as the convention hall lights came up, and the crowd started cheering. "Are you ready for it?"

Session 65.6 Alex Warlorn

"Humans in Equestria?" Lyra gasped from her spot in the crowd. "SACRILEGE!!!!" And Bon Bon and others near her had to physically restrain her from storming the stage and trying to attack Discord with a folding chair.

Session 65.7 Alex Warlorn

Adagio asked, "Aria, what's that?"

"Oh! Heheh! I wasn't hiding this! It's our percentage of the micro-transactions for the MOBA!"

Adagio stared at the computer screen, jaw open. "... How do humans have this much money to throw away on nothing?"

"Oooh! Does this mean we can order that-"

Adagio said, "Sonata, baby sister, big sister loves you-"

Aria coughed. "Notreally."

"-But if you mention 'taco-mobile', or anything else taco related, I swear I'm taking you to therapy! And I'm bribing them to put you in evasive therapy so you can't even LOOK at a taco by the time they're done!"

"... I'll be good."

"Good! Now what about a down payment on a yacht?" Aria asked grinning.

Session 65.8 Mooncalf99 (with one paragraph added)

Rarity narrowed her eyes. "You've gone too far this time, Rainbow Dash."

"On the contrary - I haven't gone far enough!" the Wonderbolt retorted, grinning victoriously.

"No… you've definitely gone too far." Rarity indicated the game board, which consisted of connecting circles and squares overlaying a city scape. The title "Elkham Horror" was written on top, and several game tokens were spread across. "See, you lose two moves if you move through a monster-occupied space without stopping to fight."

"Okay, but then I can't reach the gate, and… Gilda!" Her head snapped up and she glared at the griffon sitting across the map table. "I thought you were on monster-clearing duty! Why the hay is that thing still there?"

"Okay, see, I was gonna kill it on my turn," Gilda said. "But since I could reach the antique store, I figured I'd look for artifacts so I could complete my personal quest."

"So you completely dropped the ball on the one thing I asked you to do, and now I can't reach the gate in time to close it," Rainbow said. She facehoofed. "Not cool, G."

"Hey, if I'd found an artifact, I'd complete my quest and be immune to sanity damage, which would've been super helpful," Gilda protested, looking a bit put upon. "I'll kill your monster next round, sheesh."

"Except we'd have won right now if I could've sealed the gate!" Rainbow pointed out in annoyance. "With the terror level this high, and the round ending…"

Spike drew an event card from the deck. "Yeah, she's right. Oh look, sinister howls, terror level rises another step… and the Ancient One awakens. So much for this universe."

"Does that mean we get ta fight it, though?" Applejack asked hopefully. "Las' time we fought Nyarlathotrot an' won, 'cept everypony but me died."

"Not this time," Spike says. "Big bad guy this time is The Smooze, and, quote the description, 'Nothing can stop The Smooze'. He wakes up, everything goes to Tartarus in a tea kettle, no save, no fight."

A chorus of sighs and groans resounded around the table. "Well, so much for that, I guess," Twilight said, shuffling up the game cards and pieces. "But it was fun while it lasted."

"Doesn't it feel a bit out of character, though?" Fluttershy said. "I mean, Smoozey wouldn't hurt a fly. Intentionally, at least. He's a sweetheart."

"I think the writers based him on the old pony tales from generations past," Starlight said. "I've looked him up, and there's a lot of 'true' stories that cast him as a villain. Plus he's a friend of Discord, so…"

"So am I," Fluttershy pointed out. "And you as well."

"Fair point, but still," Starlight protested.

"Actually," Spike said bringing out a book with three maple leaves on the cover. "The game 's referring to the PURPLE Smooze, not the GREEN Smooze. The purple WAS pure evil. And turned anypony who touched it depressed and nasty. It was only vulnerable to Flutterpony magic. Who some of you may recall faded out of history the exact same time that the changelings faded into history."

"So what are we gonna play next?" Pinkie asked, abruptly changing the subject. "Settlers of Butterfly Island? Bouncy Breezies? Save Doctor Lucky? Global Thaumomagical War?"

"Ugh, no," Twilight said, gagging a bit. "That's Shiny's kind of game. I haven't even figured out how you're supposed to win in it. I'd rather play a nice game of chess."

"Unless you figured out how to play chess with nine players, I don't think that's gonna be too much fun," Spike pointed out. He was right; between him, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Starlight, and Gilda, a drawn-out two-player game wouldn't cut it.

Also, Gilda would probably start to argue about how the 'pawn rush' should be a legitimate move. Again.

"Actually, I invited you all because I did have something planned…" Twilight scanned the assembly of ponies and non-ponies again. "Except we're missing a few. Where's Discord, Trixie and Sunburst?"

"Sunburst is a bit… indisposed at the moment, sorry," Starlight said curtly.

"That sounds foreboding," Rarity said. "Did something happen between you two? Something bad?"

"Oh, no, not really," Starlight said dismissively. "Well, okay, a little. See, he got his hooves on some expensive tickets for a romantic day and evening in Manehattan for us both."

"But that sounds--" Rarity began.

"Several months ago," Starlight clarified. "Because he completely forgot about them when he found some books about the legends of Equestria that were more interesting."

Rarity stared. Then she said, knowingly, "I see."

"I'm not breaking up with him or anything," Starlight clarified. "I'm not even mad at him anymore. But I needed to make a point, so he's cooling off for a while."

Several miles north of the Crystal Empire, beneath the Everfreeze Glacier…

"This isn't so bad, after all," Sunburst mused. "These ice deposits trace back to the pre-Umbran era! Assuming I get out of here before freezing solid, I'll have enough research material for three papers!"

A keening howl cut through the air, sounding unsettlingly close by.

"Was that… a rimewolf howl?" Sunburst said. He grinned maniacally. "Incredible! Make that four papers!"

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Starlight said reassuringly.

"Okay, but what about--" Twilight began. However, she was cut off when the doors were slammed open, and two objects bearing an uncanny resemblance to flying pigs soared in like porcine rockets, accompanied by screams of either excitement or terror (or possibly both). "--What the?"

The group could only stare as the fliers strafed the room, sending gaming paraphernalia and decorations flying. One of the pigs careened into the other, which promptly winked out of existence on collision, dislodging a blue and purple rider onto the floor in a heap. The first pig then flew straight into the wall, flattening its own rider against the unforgiving crystal surface as it disappeared in a puff of logic.

"...Discord?" Fluttershy asked in disbelief.

"...Trixie?" Starlight echoed.

"...Rocky?" Pinkie chimed in.

"...The hay?" Applejack said.

Starlight rushed over to her friend while Discord slowly unpeeled from the wall and floated to the ground like a cheap paper banner. "Trixie, are you okay?"

"Euuugh… Trixie is fine, Trixie is fine, really…" the magician muttered, trying to regain her footing. She straightened up her hat and looked around dizzily. "Hello, Starlight… hello, girls… uh… did you invite your parallel-universe counterparts again? Glimmy, you never said you had a double… I need scissors, sixty-one…"

"Well, I guess that answers that question," Twilight observed.

"Sorry about the mess," Discord said, trying unsuccessfully to stand up. Instead, he only tangled himself up further. "We missed the train from Applewood, you see, so we had to hurry, and… oh, this isn't working." He snatched a compressed air tank out of somewhere and put the tube in his mouth, inflating himself like a balloon. "Much better. Can't have ponies call me a two-dimensional character." He exhaled a burst of excess air, sending the discarded game board flying again.

"Applewood?" Spike asked. "I'll probably regret asking, but what were you guys doing in Applewood?"

"Oh, what weren't we doing in Applewood…" Trixie said loftily as Starlight tried to lead her to a free seat. She shook her head vigorously, trying to get rid of some of the dizziness. "Auditioning. We were auditioning."

"Auditioning?" Twilight asked. "Auditioning for what?"

"Oh, you see, we're kind of big celebrities these days, after saving Equestria and rescuing a bunch of royalties and heroes and such," Discord said. "You may have heard of it. So some hoity-toity pony… not actually Hoity-Toity, some other guy…"

"He was a producer," Trixie clarified. "Wanted to cash in on our fame, see? All of us, Trixie, Discord, Starlight… except she said no."

"Right, that," Starlight said. "I'd forgotten. I turned them down because I didn't feel comfortable with it. I, uh, kind of had enough to deal with here, I felt."

"Smart girl," Discord said. "And Thorax too, of course. But he's royalty now. Also, the Applewood Guild of Changeling Actors have some strict rules. Can't let anyling just show up and take on roles."

"Wait, there's changelings in Applewood?" Applejack asked.

"Well, obviously," Discord said.

Meanwhile, in Applewood…

The handsome young earth pony slammed the door to his trailer open, stepped inside, and lazily fell into a stuffed recliner in front of his vanity mirror. He was well-toned, with a white coat and a chestnut-brown mane in that carefully tousled 'don't care about style' style. Coupled with his pearly white teeth, the devilish glint in his eye, and the beaten racing jacket with its upturned collar, he was the very image of a rake who could stop a princess' heart with one soulful look.

The pudgy unicorn trailing behind him, with the beard, glasses and baseball cap, carrying a stack of scripts, looked far more mundane, but was far more animated. "What a performance! Mime, darling! You killed them out there!"

"Yeah, I should be so lucky," the star muttered moodily, fitting the image. "What's my next role?"

"Oh yeah, your next role!" The manager pony quickly rifled through the stack before extracting a bundle. "Okay, you'll be playing Captain Lightspeed of the Cosmic Brigade, it's your typical sci-fi action adventure…"

"Lemme guess. Broad-shouldered pegasus with a lantern jaw, a true blue hero who always saves the girl and always finds a way to overcome adversity, but with a renegade streak who isn't afraid to break regulations and his superior's orders?" Green flames enveloped his body for a moment, leaving behind the exact kind of pony he'd just described, with a blue coat against his blond mane and even wearing an impressively retro red space suit, sans helmet. "Stars above, doctor, it appears… to be a… space anomaly!" he enunciated dramatically.

"Oh, you are a natural, Mime, a true natural," his manager gushed. "Exactly what they're looking for! I bet you could improvise some of the lines too, you're just that golden."

"Yeah, well…" His magic flared up again, this time turning the actor into a black-carapaced changeling with green accents. "When do I get to play any interesting roles? Forget the heart throbs and teen idols and action heroes. When can I play, I dunno, a homely but witty book store owner with a failed marriage and hopes for the future? Some witty but natural dialogue instead of cool one-liners, co-actors who act like real ponies instead of props… you know, real stuff."

"Mime… Mimicry, darling," his manager said. "I'm trying, you know? I'm checking with every writer I can get in touch with, I try pitching to every producer, just in case they wanna give you a chance with it. It's just, you're so goshdarn good at what you do, and it sells, you know? At least it beats starving."

Mimicry gave it a thought, and grinned. "Yeah, haven't done that since the day I got here." He changed back into the pegasus hero. "Okay, let's see that script. I get to improvise lines, you say?"

"I don't believe it," Rainbow Dash said, shakily.

"It was a surprise to us as well," Trixie agreed. "But when you think about it, it seems like a pretty good use of their skills, don't you think?"

"Not that!" Rainbow protested. "You! Why do you get a film contract after saving Equestria just once? Me and my friends have saved the world like, a, a dozen times--"

"Bit of an exaggeration, ah think," Applejack interrupted. "Assumin' we're talkin' big events an' you were involved directly, ah'm countin' five."

"--And nopony's got me a movie role!" Rainbow continued, completely ignoring the interruption. "How's that fair?"

"Technically, it was a serial, not a movie," Discord corrected.

"Also, tough it out, girl. We don't always get everything we want," Trixie said. She scowled. "Take it from somepony who knows. It didn't turn out too well, anyway."

"Now I want to know what happened," Rarity said, curiosity piqued. She was always eager to know about what went down in the big celebrity hotspots, and wouldn't pass up a chance to hear about it from a friend. Or, failing that, Trixie and Discord. "What was the whole piece about?"

"Glad you asked!" Discord said. He floated over and coiled himself around the high back of her chair. "Basically, it was to be an action-drama-comedy police procedural with heavy supernatural elements. I would be starring as the spirit of chaos and disharmony--"

"Gee, real challenging role," Gilda said dryly.

"Well, that's why they asked for the best to play the part," Discord retorted. "Except I had abandoned the position because I was bored, and was instead running a club in Las Pegasus. Or possibly Ponyville, according to some ideas they had. The very crime-ridden, corrupt, steeped in excess and depravity, dark underbelly of Ponyville. Which I can't find, and believe me, I've looked! Best pick is Berry Punch's cellar pub where she puts little umbrellas in your drinks." He looked distant for a moment, before snapping himself back to the topic at hand. "Also, Tirek would show up repeatedly and try to get me to take the old job back. Not the real Tirek, thankfully. Just somepony in a suit. Anyway, all of this changes when a close friend gets murdered."

Fluttershy gasped. "Not me, surely?"

"Of course not," he reassured. "It's not relevant now, anyway. So I'm spurred to find Fl-- uh, my friend's murderer, and in the process I cross paths with police detective Lulamoon."

"Who's a principled cop who's an outcast among her peers because of a bad decision in the past where she offended somepony who everypony else adores, because of course I love getting reminded of my own life," Trixie muttered. "Then we solve the case and find the scumbag whodunnit. And then the snake decides he likes fighting crime, and convinces Trixie's superiors to partner up with her, because apparently 'professional cop/eccentric amateur' team ups are really popular nowadays."

"Oh, and don't forget the unresolved sexual tension between us, as you become intrigued by my gifts and mystique, and I'm fascinated by your strange ability to resist my powers," Discord said.

"How would Trixie be able to resist your powers?" Twilight asked. "Or are we not talking about your chaos magic?"

"No, just my incredible charm and personal magnetism that I'm supposed to have," Discord said humbly.

"Yes, it's stretching the suspension of disbelief that 'not putting up with his attitude' is supposed to be a supernatural power," Trixie muttered.

"Okay, I admit that co-starring with Discord would tax anypony's patience," Starlight said. "But was that enough reason to give up a shot at fame?"

"No, Trixie's dealt with far worse," Trixie said, rolling her eyes. "I hang out with you ponies, for Luna's sake."

"I kind of backed out first," Discord admitted. "The writers had, shall we say, some funny ideas about what I did with my spare time."

"Like what?" Rainbow Dash asked. She was curious what Discord could possibly find strange to do.

"Oh, you know," he said. "The goings-on of ponies and their… carnal interests?"

Several ponies' eyes widened, and they broke into blushes. Not including Rainbow. "What's that mean?" she asked.

"Oh, you know, the stuff you dream of doing with your fellow Wonderbolts each night," he elaborated.

Rainbow looked puzzled. "Flying?"

"No, no, listen…" He stretched across the table to whisper into her ear, just as Pinkie Pie slipped her a can of soda, which she took a sip from.

A few whispers later, she spat a mouthful across the table. "Oh Celestia I'm gonna be sick! With you?!"

"Flattering," Discord muttered. "But yeah, that sort of thing. Nothing explicit, obviously, just lots and lots of implicit in every scene, all the time. Seducing ponies, waking up in beds with a few, dropping mentions of past conquests… I may be an insane being of chaos and strangeness, but you have to draw some lines."

"Also, we have to stick to the teen rating, so thank you for not spelling things out too much," Pinkie said, glancing upwards worriedly.

"Maybe not to you," Rainbow muttered. "Twilight, could you wipe my memory or something? Just the last five minutes, thanks."

"Certainly not!" Twilight protested. "That's far too invasive, and--"

"On it," Starlight said. Her horn flashed. "How's that?"

"How's what?" Rainbow asked, confused. "What were we talking about?"

"Nothing important," Starlight said, ignoring her mentor's angry glare. "I see how awkward that must have been. To you too, Trixie, since you'd be right in the middle of it."

"What? Since when would Trixie be bothered by being desired?" Trixie asked, confused. "Fair enough, Discord would be a bit weird, but it's all part of being a star. In fact, it can be quite enjoyable."

"Why did we even get into this topic?" Rainbow asked. "Weren't we playing a game just now?"

"So what did get you in a bind about it?" Starlight asked.

Trixie scowled. "The feathering writing, that's what. Could you guess who got all the good lines? Who got the witty repartées, snappy comebacks, clever remarks?" She pointed accusingly at Discord. "He did! He got to look good practically every scene, while Trixie had to set up his lines and be the butt of his jokes! Well, I'll tell you this. Trixie is the star of the show, Trixie does not play second fiddle, and Trixie is nopony's straight mare!"

Pinkie nudged Gilda. "Called it! You owe me twenty bits."

Trixie blinked. "What?"

Pinkie smiled disarmingly. "Oh, nothing. Nothing. We're just very proud of you for admitting that." To Gilda, she stage whispered, "We should throw her a party to celebrate with later."

"I think that would piss her off enormously," Gilda stage whispered back. "So I'm all for it."

"What?" Trixie asked again.

"Aaaanyway," Discord continued, not-so-subtly interposing himself between Trixie and Pinkie before any future hilarious misunderstandings could be prevented by her figuring out what they were talking about. "At that awkward point, since we both agreed that proceeding would be a mistake, we were trying to figure out the most polite way to turn down their proposal. Or possibly the most dramatic, impressive and scathing way to tell them where to stick their script. Or maybe both. But then the set next door exploded."

"What happened?" Fluttershy asked. "Was anypony hurt?"

Trixie shook her head. "Don't think so. Turns out they were shooting a cooking show, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had gotten on set and tried mixing something volatile, and one thing led to another, and… yeah."

"Hang on a bit," Applejack spoke up. "What the tarnation were the Crusaders doin' in Applewood?"

"...Participating in a cooking show, obviously," Trixie said, speaking a little slower. "Pay attention already."

"But they were supposed to go on a field trip to the Whitetail Woods today," Rarity protested.

"Trixie won't presume to speak for what could or should have been," Trixie huffed. "You'll have to take it up with their teacher."

"So while everything was on fire - and we were not to blame, this time - we slipped out under the cover of distraction, and decided that a return to Ponyville was in order," Discord continued. "But we missed the train by just a few seconds, so Trixie ordered me to take us home in that domineering way she uses when she forgets that I'm omnipotent and thinks it's a good idea to boss me around."

"Trixie does not forget how powerful you are," Trixie said. "After all, I wouldn't tell you to do things if I didn't know you could do them."

"Yeeeah…" He smiled wanly. "Good thing you amuse me. Anyway, I complied, hence the flying pigs, although that was probably not what she'd expected - but then, where's the fun in that? And roughly when we crossed over the Ghastly Gorge, Trixie suggested a race. Except we forgot the castle has doors - a lot of them, actually - hence our… unusual finish."


"Okay then," Twilight said finally. "I suppose this sets the mood for what I had planned. And I actually have every player here now. Except for Sunburst, but his character has excuses, so it works anyway."

"Ooh, what are we gonna do, Twilight?" Pinkie squealed excitedly. "What are we gonna do?"

"Remember that 'Teen Ponies From Outer Space' campaign we played?" Twilight said.

"Aww yeah, it's about time!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. The others chimed in with agreement. "We were fighting pirates, right?"

"I recall talking to a disembodied head," Starlight pointed out.

"Ooh, did we ever catch Parippa the Ripper, the Canterlot Cereal Ciller?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"Yes, yes, and that never happened," Twilight said. She made a note of it. "Yet. But thanks for the idea. Point is, I'm not entirely clear on what we'd done and what I was planning, so I'll need to prepare and rewrite a bit. But to help get us in the mood again, I have prepared something fun." She took out a stack of papers from a folder. "Extra-Equestrial student immigration forms!"

"What's that now?" Applejack asked.

"And how's paperwork supposed to be fun?" Gilda said. "You'd have to be a total dweeb to enjoy that and-- oh yeah, forgot who we were talking to."

"Funny," Twilight deadpanned. "Anyway, when your characters came to Equestria, you had to fill out these for official reasons, with all sorts of informative information. By which I mean… well, you'll see."

"Spoiler alert, I helped her and Spike write them," Pinkie enthused.

"Yes, she did," Twilight said, as Spike delivered the forms to everyone. "And yes, it was a very taxing evening. So now you get to fill them out retroactively. Should be fun."

"Hang on there, Twi," Applejack said. "Mah character's from Equestria an' not an alien. Don't that make me exempt? Why would I get a form?"

"Bureaucratic oversight," Spike said as he passed by. "Happens all the time."

"Yes, I'm afraid that you received one that was intended for an exchange student who cancelled, because…" Twilight paused.

"He grandfather-paradoxed himself out of existence," Spike suggested.

"Thank you, Spike," Twilight said. "That's right. But Crimson Tape's name got on the form due to a mishap when the universe tried to correct for paradox, so you still have to fill it out, or risk trouble."

"Fair enough. Crimson's too rule-bound ta try ta weasel out anyhow," Applejack conceded. "Just outta curiosity, what kinda trouble?"

"Deportation is standard," Twilight said. "Or community service. Or deportation and then community service at the place you got deported to. Probably a lot of messy planets out there with a lot of litter to pick up. Black holes too, full of garbage."

"Uh-huh. Good thing I know better than ta break the rules, then," Applejack observed carefully.

"Let's see…" Starlight mused, looking over her form. "Name: Libra. Species: Hmm… bipolar."

"Is that their name, or their main trait?" Trixie asked.

"Maybe both," Starlight replied. "Eyes: one white, one black. Greeble grubs: ...what the hay are those?"

"Make something up, I guess?" Trixie observed dubiously. "Hmm, Ego rating: twenty. Fashion no-no: socks in sandals, eugh. Age: two point four billion years. Hot Or Not: totally hot."

"What's an albedo, and how should I measure it?" Fluttershy asked.

"Just pick a fraction between zero and one and it's fine," Pinkie said before looking back at her own form. "Unusual dietary habits: yes. Limbs: seven, of which two are retractable and one is inflatable…"

"Notable felonies? Hmm…" Rarity considered for a moment, before writing hurriedly. "Conquered the Fields of Shag, enslaved the native lava ponies and trapped them in fancy glass lamps as decoration. And no, Diva's not feeling guilty about it."

"Mass: a hundred and twenty space-pounds. Luminosity: extra bright. Maximum velocity…" Rainbow Dash considered the question. "Currently not established, 'cause I can always go faster. Non-combat accessories: cool shades."

"Psychic level: max," Gilda filled in. "Slaw level: hardcore with no respawns. Mall level: five. Cow level: no. Favorite food: ...Equestria."

"Hey, I called dibs!" Pinkie protested.

"First come, first serve!" Gilda laughed.

"Preferred use of the appendix: reference illustrations an' lengthy charts fer the reader's benefit," Applejack noted down.

"Preferred use of the appendix: converting carbon into toys for deprived orphans," Discord noted.

"Um, since when could Random Act do that?" Fluttershy asked.

Discord shrugged. "He can't, since he's a normal pony. But if he could, he would, because he's such a nice guy, you know?"

"Primary ambition: revealing to everypony what Random Act is trying ta pull…" Applejack muttered.

Session 65.9 Trooper924, SomeRandomMinion, BrutalityInc

Diamond Tiara is dressed for war, her armor gleaming in the daylight. She glared intensely at the opposite side of the field, where even now, their enemies are preparing, like they are, waiting for the moment to strike…

"Sweetie, it's just a paintball match. I think you might be taking this a little too seriously." Filthy Rich said, interjecting into the scene.

Diamond Tiara groaned. "Daaaaad, it's not just a paintball match--it's the paintball match! The ultimate showdown to decide who's the supreme paintball champion of Ponyville!"

Filthy taps his daughter's helmet, making a slight *clank* noise.

"Even a championship match doesn't need metal combat armor, sweetie." Filthy Rich commented, "And besides, you forgot your goggles... Now please, stop being silly."

Diamond Tiara snorted, and points her hoof to the other side, the colts team. Said colts team just happens to be also wearing metal armor for the match, and looking grim, serious and determined like their honor - and everything else - is at stake.

"You were saying?"

Filthy balked at the display... then sigh with relief when he saw the foals did, indeed, ONLY wield paintball guns. He gave his daughter a worried look.

"I guess you aren't the only one taking this so seriously... PLEASE remember to HAVE FUN, alright? It's just bragging rights on the line, okay?"

Diamond Tiara nodded, "Okay, daddy. This will be fun!"

Just then, all across the fillies' lines, a bugle is blown, followed by a symphony of whistle-blowing.

"Sorry, daddy - no time to talk! The match's starting!" She takes out an officer's whistle, and blows it, immediately rallying all the fillies under her command, "Come on, you sissies! Do you want to live forever?!"

Drawing a foam-saber and roaring an epic war-cry, Diamond Tiara climbed out of the trenches and charges across the field, followed by every filly under her command and the fillies all across the fillies' trench line. Soon the air was filled with the sound of paintball guns firing, as well as the whistle and pops of firework rockets flying over the battle-zone and raining down upon both sides of the battle.

Filthy Rich was left to gawk at the carnage.

"Well, it can't get any stranger..."

A mechanical roar caught Filthy Rich's attention. He looked into the distance....to behold a rhomboid, tracked vehicle * rolling over a hill from the colts' lines, several large firehoses poking out from firing ports arrayed all along its hull, spewing paint in several bright colors at the charging fillies. Colts rally behind the machine, using it as cover as it slowly plods along and over the outer trenches....

Filthy pulls out a small metal flask and takes a sip. "It's waaay too early in the morning for this."

* http://tank-photographs.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ww1-german-Strumpanzerwagen-a7v-tank-replica-bovington.jpg

Session 65.10 Kendell2

"Something seems really fishy about this..." said Sunset Shimmer as the group were in line to sign up for the trial run of the Heroes of Crystal MOBA. "The Sirens are...the Sirens..."

"But we destroyed their crystals, what can they do now?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "Besides, this game sounds just plain awesome."

"I know, but I still don't trust them..." Sunset muttered, keeping an eye on them. "I'm going to check just to be on the safe side..."

Adagio signed up another player (which in her mind translated to victim) for the MOBA, watching the humane seven out of the corner of her eyes. "Thanks for signing up. Good luck becoming the Hero of Crystal," she replied with a wink. "I'll be routing for you, and I don't say that to everypony."

After they left, Sonata looked to her. "Yes you do-ow!"

Adagio saw the group approach. "Sonata, I have to go to the rest room, take over," she replied, getting up and giving her the chair.

Rainbow Dash was quick to sign up when she came. "Aww yeah! This is awesome!"

Sunset went to grab the pen...and 'accidentally' knocked it off the table. "Oops, can you get that for me?"

"Sure!" Sonata called, ducking down and grabbing it. "Here you go!" she said.

"Thank you," Sunset replied, making sure to touch Sonata's hand when she grabbed it.

Sunset blinked, standing in the middle of a huge world made of tacos that was also underwater. And all of that looking like it was filtered through Pinkie Pie.

"You okay?" asked Sonata.

Sunset shook her head. "Uh...yeah..." she said, signing up and moving on.

"What'd you see?" asked human Twilight.

"Tacos...so many tacos..."

Adagio watched on, chuckling. "Knew Sonata was good for something..."

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

P.S. Addendum. No adding entire new fanon countries and/or fanon species.

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page: (PLEASE update already!)

Session 65.0 Mtangalion
Session 65.1 Kendell2
Session 65.2 QuartzScale
Session 65.3 Alex Warlorn
Session 65.4 Kendell2
Session 65.5 Mtangalion and QuartzScale
Session 65.6 Alex Warlorn
Session 65.7 Alex Warlorn
Session 65.8 Mooncalf99 (with one paragraph added)
Session 65.9 Trooper924, SomeRandomMinion, BrutalityInc
Session 65.10 Kendell2

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.

Basic grammar:
-Periods go at the end of sentences. (.)
-People and place's names are capitalized.
-Questions end in Questions Marks. (?)
-The word 'I' is capitalized.
-"When characters start or stop talking, use quotations."
-'There' is a place, 'their' is someone's property or trait, 'they're' is short for 'they are.'

Picture by RobD2003, used with permission. https://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/PND-Alternate-party-328300064

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