• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 15,411 Views, 2,073 Comments

Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

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Session 89

Session 89.0 Mtangalion

“YES! Item level 320!” shouted Smolder, as she equipped her new crafted cloak. On the computer screen, her orange and purple griffon fire mage struck a confident pose and did the “claws up” emote. “Now, can we finally go kick Lavan’s gooey molten butt already?”

Spike chuckled, logging into his own character on the next workstation over. “According to the guide Twilight wrote, yeah, looks like that’ll do it!” His griffon warrior was purple furred and feathered, with a bright green crest and tail tuft. So what if Gallus burst out laughing when he saw it? At least nocreature would mix this one up with Spike the Dog’s earth pony mare, Purple Pup.

“Well then, come on!” said Smolder, grinning from ear to ear. “I’ve gotta see if there’s more lovey-dovey cutscenes with Garble the Dragon Brawler and Ember! Make sure to cast the magic recording spell.”

“Magic spell... right...” said Spike, tapping the hotkey to start recording video.

“Gear, check… Spells, check!” The dungeon queue popped, and Smolder mashed the Start button repeatedly. “Make sure you don’t mess up, Spike! I don’t want to have to spend any of this treasure on repairs. We’re gonna show all those humans playing this game what real dragons can do!”

Spike waggled a claw. “Actually, they won’t know anything! That’s the beauty of it. On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dragon.”

Smolder blinked. “I don’t get it…” She smirked. “Whatever! Less talk, more lava elemental smashing!”  

Session 89.1 Ardashir

"Wait a minute, Smolder, where did you get the bits for that book anyway?" Spike thrust a scaly thumb over one shoulder at the wall of Smolder's room. There lay a pile of brand-new Crystals & Rainbows books. "Or them?"

"Oh, that?" Smolder grinned, got up and sauntered over to her closet. "I and the other dragons heard about your arrangement with those wallet manufacturers, selling them your old molts? So I decided to start selling them mine." She opened the door. Shadows played over what looked like a hollowed-out young teen dragon dangling inside, her scales looking tattered and dark when compared to Smolder's currently soft and shiny set of scales. The mouth hung open and her empty eye sockets stared at nothing. "Gotta hand it to you, Spike, no dragon would have thought of selling their old skin before this."

"Okay, now I know why Twi keeps asking me to keep my molts somewhere else." Spike shuddered at the sight of a flayed dragoness. "That's just creepy and -- hey!" He glared at Smolder. Flying into the air, he looked her right in her very amused face. "That's why I've been getting paid less for my molts this past year!"

"Yep." Smolder folded her arms smiled smugly. She reached inside the closet and lightly poked her old skin. "With how well I get fed here, I've already molted three times. Maybe you should talk to your girlfriend Rarity about it," Smolder looked at her frilly dress and sighed. "Maybe she can make clothes from dragon scales."

"Rarity probably could, especially now." Spike scratched his chin as a new worry hit him. "Uh, you said something about 'you and the other dragons'. Which ones?"

At a shop in Canterlot.

"You okay in there, lady?" One of the two stripe-maned unicorns called as his mustached partner counted the bits.

"I -- will be -- in just a minute," Princess Ember's grunts and growls came from behind a privacy screen that displayed nothing but a silhouette of a sleek dragoness pulling sometiing tight and form-fitting away from herself. With a final grunt of effort she removed it. Ember stepped out from behind the screen. Her scales looked shiny and new, and she handed over what looked like an emptied-out Ember suit. "There! Remember, forty bits to the yard, you said Mister, what is it, Skim?"

"That we do, my fine scaly sovereign," The unicorn with the mustache said as he handed a bag of bits over. "Skim and Scam of Equestrian Dragonhide Unlimited thanks you and hopes you remember us for your next transaction."

The two unicorns waited until Ember flew away. As she did 'Skim' and 'Scam' exchanged a high hoof.

"One more dragon hide for wallets and clothes to sell to the upper crust, Flim!" Flam brought over a potion bottle. He put the dragon hide in a machine hidden behind another privacy screen. It ground through and came out the other side, missing only a few scales. As it did a thin stream of blue liquid dripped into the potion bottle. He bottled it and handed it over.

"Indeed, brother dear, and more dragon essence for a surprisingly profitable sideline business!" Flim said as he checked out the mailing list. "Better hurry up and sell these transforming potions before the Princesses outlaw another business opportunity of ours!" He chuckled. "Making friends with that lunatic Discord was one of the smartest things we ever did."

Session 89.2 Mtangalion

Sandbar gaped at all the workstations that had been installed in the “Friendship Dungeon” beneath Headmare Twilight’s castle, mesmerized by all the whirring sounds and blinking lights. “Are you serious, Professor Pie? We can really play games with creatures from another world in here?”

Professor Pie giggled. “Of course I’m not Serious, I’m Pinkie! And setting all this up was super easy, barely an inconvenience… at least, if you’re Twilight, which is lucky because Twilight is the pony who did it!” She pronked across the room, pointing. “Those cables there, there, there, there, and there go upstairs to the portal, and the magic box there talks to the magic box on the other side, even when the portal’s only open a teensy-weensy crack!”

Sandbar could see it all in his mind’s eye… somehow. Princess Twilight, wearing a plain coverall with a cute ponytail… only she wasn’t a pony, she was a weird biped like an Abyssinian. She installed a magic box full of crystals and gadgets in the base of… a big pony statue? And a weird biped Rainbow Dash repaired the statue super-fast, while a weird biped Applejack buried a network cable with super strength, digging with her bare… hands?

Pinkie Pie bounced right into Sandbar’s face again, popping the thought balloon. “Celestia… human principal Celestia, I mean, not pony princess Celestia obviously...  was happy to take care of the boring human stuff like Internet access and money and paperwork, since we literally saved the human world like five or six times! Long story!”

Sandbar smirked. “Just one more question… when can I play one of these ‘computers?’”

Pinkie beamed at him. “I’ll put you on the signup list right away! There’s just a few little things that Twilight’s taking care of before we give access to more creatures!”

Princess Twilight stood in a stuffy, formal office in the human world, wishing that she’d asked the human version of Rarity to loan her something besides her very purple high school outfit with the mini-skirt and knee-high socks. “So, um…”

“Princess,” said the pale-skinned human facing her, sounding like he was putting some warmth into his voice only with a practiced effort. He had a black goatee and long swept back hair, and he wore a dark business suit with wide lapels, and some kind of official badge on a red ribbon. “I’m Senior Agent Neighsay, and let me just say first that while you’re free to leave at any time, I hope that you’ll stay to discuss certain matters.”

Twilight took a deep breath, reminding herself again not to assume, just because she knew this person’s pony counterpart. The staff at “Crystalsoft” was certainly proof of how different pony-human pairs could be. “Certainly! What would you like to talk about?”

Neighsay smiled thinly. “There’s so many things we could talk about, Princess. Undocumented immigrants… High school students with super-powers… Extradimensional threats to world security… I’m a man who appreciates proper procedure… doing things by the book. And sadly, there is no procedure for any of this. It’s time we made new procedures.”

He paced a bit, hands clasped behind his back. “To begin with… You’ve borrowed a great deal of scientific knowledge and technology from us. Isn’t it time you started sharing your knowledge of magic with humankind? We could also coordinate on dealing with future magical threats.”

Princess Twilight sighed, tugging at her skirt a bit. “That’s fair. Actually, I’d hoped to be the one to initiate a dialog like this someday, but it looks like this day came sooner than I expected.” She tilted her head to one side. “I have to say, you’re surprisingly well informed.”

Neighsay tugged on his lapels. “Don’t underestimate us, Princess. We have our methods.” He gestured towards a door. “Step through here, Princess. Agent Inkwell will go over a list we’ve prepared.”

Once Twilight left the room, another young woman stepped forward, wearing a surprisingly gaudy outfit for a government agent, complete with colorful plastic sunglasses. Neighsay nodded to her. “Outstanding work, Agent Moth.”

Agent Moth grinned. “I can’t take all the credit, sir. The reconnaissance mission was child’s play, once I learned that my Equestrian counterpart is a changeling.”

Session 89.3 Mtangalion

Princess Twilight Sparkle settled into one of the many big comfy chairs in the Friendship Gaming Academy teachers’ lounge. The view through the tall, lightly-frosted windows made her smile… Gallus and Smolder were making an aerial snowball bombing run on “General Yona’s” best yak ice fort.

“What a wonderful morning for grading homework papers!” said Twilight brightly, and unlike anyone else teaching at her school, she meant it. One of the maids offered her a cup of hot cocoa. “Thanks!”

“Mistress Twilight’s welcome, it’s no trouble at all,” said an unexpected but familiar voice.

Twilight nearly spat hot cocoa everywhere. “Alisa!” She glared at the mischievous diamond wolf. “I’d almost forgotten you were around.”

Alisa winked. “All according to plan!” She was actually complying with the new school rules for once and not wearing a costume. Well, not a magical costume. She WAS wearing the Prench maid outfit from her days with ‘Mistress Rarity.’ “Alisa’s been clever and sneaky, she’s brought latest spy reports from human world.” She waggled a claw. “Fair’s fair, since they spy on us!”

"You don't need to do that." Twilight sighed. “That said, with everything we’ve done to keep tabs on your wolves and the reformed changelings… and the bad changelings who actually mean us harm and aren’t just out to prank us… you’d think we’d would have spotted the human Neighsay’s undercover agent in a flash. But with so many different creatures here at the school, and more arriving all the time…”

Alisa pulled a thick manila folder out of a carry bag with her teeth, tossed it onto Twilight’s desk, and opened it to the first sheet… which featured a photograph of a colorful changeling sneaking into the portal room.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t prove anything. We’ve had a rash of creatures visiting the human world first and asking forgiveness later. Twenty-three this month alone. Although…” She rubbed her chin with a hoof. “If the agent is a changeling, he or she will be that much harder to spot…”

Alisa simply turned to the next page, pointing out a photograph of ‘Rainbow Dash’... in the castle library… seeming fascinated by the thick dusty history book she was reading.

Twilight twitched. “But, that’s my library. You can’t expect me to have tight security there… I mean, that’s not even the locked and warded room where I keep the restricted spellbooks. Libraries are sacred places of vital public knowledge!”

Alisa just kept grinning smugly. “Human was extra sneaky, she knows how to play game. So, wolves return favor.” She pulled out a photograph of… was that Alisa herself, as a human?! Short pale-skinned girl wearing a fur-lined jacket, with small but pronounced canine teeth and strands of soft gray hair escaping a hoodie with cutesy wolf ears?

“Make that twenty-*four* unapproved visits.” Twilight took a deep breath. “You realize, we don’t *need* to spy on the humans in their own world? We already have plenty of human friends who can tell us whatever we need to know.”

Alisa pulled out a photograph of an imposing public office… the secure facility where Senior Agent Neighsay had interviewed her, and then more photographs of the interior halls, with no escorting guards in sight. “What if humans were holding ponies captive, doing secret experiments? Twilight would want to know, yes?”

Princess Twilight had a moment of panic. “Are they actually… !?”

Alisa shook her head, ears flicking in amusement. “No. But what if humans stole secret magic artifacts!?”

Twilight blinked at the latest picture, of a very shiny object surrounded by scientific instruments and some kind of laser fence. “Wait, is that Celestia’s missing golden hoofshoe? We looked all over Ponyville for that thing after her visit.”

Alisa pricked her ears up. “Is it magic hoofshoe that summons tempest, turns enemy to soap bubbles, predicts future?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “No… I’m pretty sure it’s just a hoofshoe. Celestia has a closet full of them.” Now it was her turn to smirk. “Sorry, but it looks like your big spy mission was a bust.”

The diamond wolf wagged her tail. “Alisa wouldn’t say that.” She spread out a half dozen selfies of her human form and… another Alisa? The human world’s actual native Alisa?! Every picture was the two of them having fun trying on different crazy costumes from the human Alisa’s shop. “Alisa’s got so many new ideas, enough for whole rest of year! Enjoy tea!”

“Huh…” mused Twilight, watching her pad away. “I wonder what she meant by… Huh?”

Twilight realized that instead of her magic, she was holding her teacup with a purple-furred paw. “Alisa! Get your fuzzy behind back here! I’m serious, Alisa! What did you put in my tea?” She bolted out of her chair and slipped everywhere on unfamiliar paws, falling over with a doggy whine. “Ugh, at least tell me how long this potion lasts!”

Session 89.4 Kendell2

"Bonbon, you do realize the food in the game isn't something we can actually EAT, right?" asked Patch, noting Bonbon had actually gone out and ground some random monsters in the time Rarity sweet talked the shop clerk to buy food with.

"It's in character for my Barbarian!" Bonbon replied.

"Plus it means Bonbon leveled up, so she's a better asset to the team," Twilight replied. "And we DO need food..."

"Just don't eat all of it," replied Patch.

"Don't worry, darling, my monk is carrying out saddle bags," Rarity replied.

"And I got some money going along as a healer to buy other supplies," Fluttershy said. Bonbon offered a high hoof and Fluttershy gave a small smile, returning it.

"Alright, darlings, I was able to get some information from the shop keeper. Anypony else have anything?" asked Rarity as the group met back up.

"The Vice Mayor is still stuck in the basement," said Applejack.

"But Clover did get some information out of other ponies there," Sweetheart informed.

"I wasn't trying to, I just got really good rolls..." Clover replied.

"You're on fire," Shining replied. "In all honesty if we weren't using my perfectly balanced regulation O&O dice, I'd wonder if they were defective." Clover blushed a bit at that.

"We got a map of the area," Bright Eyes informed.

"We got some stuff out of the guys at the bar, not sure how useful it'll be," Melody replied.

While the group naturally knew everything, their characters didn't so they had to exchange information at the meet up.

"According to the shop keeper, most of the Orcs in the area are working with Losvir Di Gemuth. One because they don't want to get eaten, and two the area being covered in smog makes their activities easier," Rarity explained. "So the Orcs may know where his lair is."

"Huh, one of the adventurers at the bar said there was an Orc clan living at somewhere called Rugged Ravine," said Melody. "Patch tried to steal the map to it, which is how the whole barfight thing happened."

"In my defense, the guy was also very rude to the bartender," said Patch.

"Okay, so we just need to find the location on the map," said Twilight.

Once the proper checks were done, they had the location...

"So, only question is are we prepared to take on an entire Orc camp head on," Rarity asked.

Session 89.5 Ardashir

Ember had once more taken some time off from her duties as Dragon Lord to visit Ponyville. Firstly, to see how her subject Smolder was doing.

Secondly, to find out about this 'Ogres & Oubliettes' that Smolder spoke about.

"So..." Ember said, looking at the little lead figurine she'd been given. Her tongue flicked out, licked at it. "This is supposed to be me? It's a pony!"

"Ah, no, Ember," Twilight said, sitting in as GM. Normally one of the Student Six handled this when they played, but when Twilight learned about Ember's visit she decided to try heading off any more problems by doing it herself. "It represents your character in the game. An Earth pony fighter." Better to start with something nice and simple.

Ember blinked in confusion. "An Earth pony? Those are the ones with no real powers, right?" Her eyes lit up. "Is this some pony way of teaching me that even weaklings can manage to do something once in a while?"

"Hey!" Sandbar snorted and stood up. "We're not weak, you -- er," he broke off when Ember glared at him. Behind her back Smolder waved her claws frantically in a gesture of 'don't say it!' "I mean, we can do lots of things."

"Yes, like pull carts and plow fields," Ember said with a smoky snort.

"And grow gems for dragons," Sandbar couldn't help snapping.

Ember licked her lips. "Right. That too." She looked at the figure. "I guess this is okay."

Twilight relaxed. "Phew. Okay! Now then, students, this time you'll be adventuring into a -- uhhh..." She looked at the module's cover and gulped. "Heh! Maybe we should try something different." Twilight began setting it away, but Ember snatched it in her claws.

"Wait, I'm not good enough for this one? I --" She froze as she saw the cover. It showed a party of pony and griffon adventurers plundering a dragon's hoard. The dragon it belonged to lay slain nearby, slashed, spell-blasted, and with a goofy expression on its lifeless face.

"Now, Ember," Twilight began speaking, raising her voice to be heard over the Dragon Lord's rising growl. All the students but Smolder hurriedly cleared the table as Twilight added, "This was done long before ponies knew anything about dragons. They,we, just thought of you as greedy town-destroying monsters. Mistakenly!"

"Barbarians!" Ember snapped, unaffected by the apology. She pointed at the cover art. "Is this how you show us? I demand to know who's responsible. I want their apology in person! This makes dragons look like we're overgrown scaly vandals and robbers!"

"Eh," Smolder shrugged. "It's not like dragons don't kill each other for their hoards. Or used ta," she quickly added as Ember scowled at her.

"It's only a game!" Twilight said, charging her horn in case she needed to use magic. "No one takes this seriously any more! Besides, what effect do you think it could have on anypony?"

Just at that moment Spike strolled in. "So!" He smiled and slapped his scaly claws together. "This the day we take down that rotten dragon? I was figuring, we stab him in his sleep and..." His voice trailed off as he noticed just WHO was at the table. "Heh, hi Ember. Hear any of that?"

Twilight just facehoofed and groaned as Ember jumped up atop the table and, with a roar, incinerated the module. Looks like it's time to tell Shiny to get those gamer lawyer friends of his again. Not another lawsuit!

Session 89.6 Mtangalion

Another day, another herd of young creatures waiting in line to play Pyro’s Dragon Adventure. Somehow, Princess Twilight’s enchanted comic conversion had turned an ancient Fillystation game into the talk of Ponyville…

Sweetie Belle was adapting surprisingly well to being a young dragoness with pearlescent scales and lovely purple wings and spines. Except for the no-flying part. She flapped with all her might, rising a few feet, only to plop back down to the ground, exhausted. “Why do I even have these wings if they don’t work?!”

Scootaloo the purple and orange dragoness jabbed a claw towards her. “NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS!”

Behind them, a herd of terrified sheep and gnorcs ran past, with a charging Dragoness Bloom in hot pursuit. Then all the NPCs went flying, dropping gems and dragonfly snacks.

Scootaloo watched, blinking. “I think you’re supposed to headbutt them.”

“What’s wrong with bucking?” asked Apple Bloom, trotting over and flopping on the grass beside them.

“You mean kicking,” said Sweetie brightly. She lifted a hindfoot and wiggled clawed toes. “Creatures with feet don’t buck, they kick.”

Bloom made a face. “Ugh, don’t make this any more complicated. Ah can’t figure how dragons put up with having all these extra limbs and toes and things all the time.” She pulled a sack out of nowhere and poured out the gems she’d collected. “Let’s see, I’ve got one hundred and fifty-eight gems… that includes forty-six reds, twelve purples…”

Princess Twilight beamed, watching her number-one assistant sort the morning mail into a small pile of actual letters, and a large pile of junk mail, which he incinerated. “What fresh new challenges does the world have for us today, Spike? A letter from Celestia? New creatures wanting to attend our school?”

Spike opened one of the letters and read quickly. “Uh oh. Try a cease and desist letter.”

Twilight frowned. “Is this about the enchanted comic game conversions? Which company complained?”

Spike pulled several more letters out of the pile. “I think it might be all of them…”

Session 89.7 Ardashir

[OOC: Starting something based on Alex's idea here: https://www.deviantart.com/alexwarlorn/status/16044293

"Twilight?" Sunset Shimmer walked into Twi's lab, looking around for her. "Are you here? I was hoping we could get back together in World of Horsecraft and look in on that new Revenge of Tirek expansion." She chuckled. "I have to admit, those cut scenes of the romance between the Dragon Lord Ember and that brawler Garble just get better and better. That and I've been hearing some really weird stories from the other gamers..." Her voice trailed off. She heard a TV playing, which was odd enough, but was Twilight singing along with it?

Moving stealthily, Sunset walked to the corner from where the sounds were coming. She looked around and froze -- as she stifled a laugh.

Sci-Twi was sitting in front of her old television, a bored-looking Spike near her. Twilight was watching the screen, where what looked like someone in a happy and goofy-looking blue Siren costume (like the yellow one she'd seen at the amusement park) was singing along with an audience of what looked like hypnotized children:

"Good is better than bad!"
"Happy's better than sad!"
"Want advice? Just be nice! Good is better than bad!"

Twilight chirped the song along with the Siren as a disbelieving Sunset watched. As it ended, the Siren turned to her audience and said in a very familiar voice, "That's it for today on the show. Remember, I'm Sonata the Singing Siren, and I'll be your friend as long as you keep tuning in!" She waved one clawed flipper at the screen and the show ended.

"Oh, Sonata," Twilight turned the TV off and sighed. Spike mimed gagging as she leaned back. "It's such a happy, innocent, trusting show. How could anyone be opposed to it?"

"Other than anyone with good taste, ya mean?" Spike grumbled as he headed for the kitchen. "Guess I gotta fill my own food bowl again. Oh, hi, Sunset." He walked past her and to the fridge.

Twilight turned and saw Sunset standing there, looking amused. "Sunset! I was, ah, just checking on current TV programming for a paper in social studies, and, ah --" She shook her head. :"What's the use? I'm in love with that Singing Siren show."

"Whatever you like is your business, Twilight," Sunset shook her head and laughed. "Everything seems a little strange right now, anyway. You should hear the stories going around on the Horsecraft fan sites about people chatting in Skype with the in-game characters -- a snarky griffon, a bubbly hippogriff, and some orange dragon."

"What?" Twilight blinked. "Seriously?"

"Supposedly." Sunset shrugged and pointed at the TV. "I just hope it's not really Sonata doing that show. We beat the Dazzlings twice; I hope it doesn't become a yearly event."

"Oh, please, Sunset," Twilight laughed as she got up and turned the television off. "Can you imagine Sonata or the Sirens being nice? With children?"


"I love this show!" Sonata said back in her dressing room as she removed her costume Siren head. She sat back in her plush chair -- a gift from the executives to the star of their best-rated show. She clapped her hands at the sight of a pile of letters on her dressing room makeup table. "Aww! More letters from the kids! Aria, Adagio, isn't this great?"

The goofy-looking yellow Siren removed her head to reveal Adagio with her hair all crumpled.

"Oh, yes, little sister," she choked the words out. "I can't BEGIN to tell you how p-p-prou, BLEAGH!" Adagio shuddered and made a horrible face. "How proud I am of you. There, I said it! Now ever ask me to say those words to you again!"

Aria, her costume beside her, smiled as she looked at her check for this week. "Heh! Between the marketing, the merchandising, and what we're still getting for sales of that 'A Very Windy Christmas Special' DVD that you did the vocals for, I think we're making more money here than when we worked at Crystalsoft." Aria smiled -- genuinely smiled -- at Sonata. "I have to hand it to you, sis. I thought this was the most idiotic idea you ever came up with, but it's working. So far."

"Yeah, isn't it great?" Sonata hugged both her sisters. Adagio gritted her teeth as Sonata said, "I always knew people would love my songs when I got to sing them. Hey, maybe we can talk Mister Flim and Flam into doing more holiday specials!" Sonata all but skipped out of the room. Aria followed her, stopping at the door.

"Hey, 'Dagi, don't make your boss wait too long," Aria snickered as she walked away. "She might replace you."

Adagio just glared after her sisters, pleasant fantasies involving things like poison and starving hogs running through her mind. She glanced at the laptop in the corner and came to a decision.

Maybe it was time for an anonymous tipster to warn Sunset and her troublemaking friends about this, after all.


"So that's how you get past those guards on the Nightmare's castle!" Silverstream touched one claw to the screen of her computer; that voice-to-text thing with the linked translation spell from Headmistress Twilight was such a help! "Hey, thanks, Norman!"

"Uh, sure," the brown-haired human boy on the other side of both the screen and reality itself said. He touched the screen where Silverstream did. He wished again that he dared ask just who at Crystalsoft was behind all these 'gamers' who were creatures from the setting and who chatted with everyone on Skype, but so far everyone seemed to agree that it'd kill the fun. "Hey, you take care too, Silver. Be seeing you and the other 'Friendship School' students for that big raid tomorrow."

Silverstream smiled at him -- how did you smile with a beak? -- and signed off. Norman sat back and thought.

"If it wasn't totally nuts, sometimes I could almost think she was real."

Session 89.8 Mtangalion

(Kingdom Hearts related, but no spoilers for Kingdom Hearts III… I’m still playing through it. :) )

“Where are we?” An earth pony colt trotted out of the Everfree Forest at a relaxed pace. With his brown coat and spiky lighter brown mane, he resembled an older Button Mash, or maybe Button’s big brother, but he wore a black and red outfit with numerous belts and zippered pouches, and his cutie mark was a golden heart outline with a key. A tiny silver crown hung from the chain around his neck.

“It looks like Ponyville,” mused the older Sweetie Belle following after him. She, too, looked like she’d just escaped from one of Discord’s live action O&O games, with her blue-ribboned cloak and bladed hoofshoes. She smiled. “Don’t you think so, Button?”

Button Mash gasped, looking every which way for threats. “Then, we’re home? Is Herd Seven here!?”

“Of course it’s not home, doofus,” said the older Rumble bringing up the rear. He was wearing a dark overcoat bearing an emblem made of many nested whorls. “Think about it. The sun is out, for one thing.” The young pegasus landed and pointed towards the Everfree Forest. “No Castle Nightmare, see?” Then he gestured towards Ponyville, pointing out the towering crystal castle, and the other building near it that stood nearly as tall. “I don’t recognize those either.”

“Oh… Right!” Button scratched the neck of his neck sheepishly. “So it’s a different Ponyville?” He blinked, then trotted in place excitedly. “Say, remember the time we found another Button, Sweetie, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom in the forest? What if this is their Ponyville? I always wondered what happened to those guys.”

Amused, Sweetie lifted her hoof, and a keyblade flashed into existence. “Hrrm… it’s close, but I don’t think so.” She took the keyblade in her magic and trotted down the path into town, with her friends following. “If there were here, I’d be able to feel their connection with our hearts with Heartsong. Actually… huh. I’m not sensing any Heartless or Nobody activity in this world.”

Rumble blinked. “None at all? Then why did our path lead here?”

Button rubbed his chin with a hoof, deep in thought, for him. “I’ve got it! We’re in a fun and games world, like Whinney Land Town! There’ll be a race somewhere and all kinds of minigames and prizes to win!”

Rumble facehoofed. “Seriously?”

“Hey, heroes need a break now and then too!” They were approaching the tall buildings, so Button flagged down the first creature they came across, a weirdly bright blue griffon. “Hey, you! Are there any fun games to play around here?”

The griffon twitched his wings, eyebrows raised. “You’re kidding, right?” He pointed a claw. “You’re only standing in front of *the* Friendship Gaming Academy.” He leaned closer, squinting at Button and his friends. “Do I know you ponies from somewhere?” He shrugged it off. “Anyway, I wouldn’t bother Headmare Twilight right now. She’s in a tizzy about those lawyers saying that nocreature is allowed to have any fun.”

Rumble startled the griffon by summoning his own keyblade. “Lawyers! I see...  Perhaps there’s evil to fight in this world after all!”

Session 89.9 Grogar-the-oneser  (edited by Kendell2) Epilogue to the sick Alicorn Hasbro short.

"Darling, it's not as if we're not thankful for what you did... but did you have to turn Twilight into a baby?" Rarity questioned.

"What Rarity mean is, HAVE YOU GONE INSANE?!" Rainbow Dash snapped.

Zecora quirked an eyebrow.

"Right, you weren't there during Flurry Heart's rampage so you probably think we're going crazy..." Rainbow Dash muttered.

"Maybe we're overreacting," Applejack stated. "Maybe it won't be as bad as Flurry's out of control magic."

"AHHH!!!" everypony in Ponyville screamed as houses were floating and twirling around, being stacked on top of each other as Twilight giggled.

"Ohh that's not good," Spike gulped, regretting having suggested they should play with blocks.

"... But just in case, how long till she's her proper age?" Applejack asked

"When the clock strikes three, returned to normal she shall be," Zecora stated.

Session 89.10 Kendell2

"Aww, we're not going straight to the Orc camp?" asked Patch.

"Bon Bon is the only one who's done any level grinding, and knowing my brother, we're probably going to play hard ball with a party this big," Twilight replied as the group took a few side quests from townsfolk to level up and get some good loot."

"Guilty as charged..." Shining said with a smirk as they did the rolls. "And that's it for that group of goblins who'd been pillaging , time to check for loot..."

Everyone got decent loot...then they got to Clover.

"Wow...you got the best possible loot on the random loot table I prepared...for the fifth time in a row," Shining said wide eyed.

Clover blushed. "Oh, I didn't mean to..."

"It's fine,?" their DM/OO replied with a smirk. "I wouldn't have had the option to get that stuff if it'd be a game breaker."

"Which I admit, is something my brother does a lot better than I do..." said Twilight.

"I know the feeling, sometimes I feel like my big sister Meadowlark is better at me than anything," Clover replied. "Thankfully that includes believing in me..."

"Hey, believing in little sisters is the big sibling's job," Shining replied, giving his sister a smile. "That and babysitting."

"Oh, now THAT I get," Melody replied with a smile. "My little sisters can be a handful."

"I think Twilight probably had them beat," Shining replied, prompting Twilight to blush. "Unless they can burst into flames when throwing a tantrum."

Melody blinked, looking to Twilight wide eyes. "That can happen here?!"

"Emotion related things and baby unicorns can get a little...crazy," Twilight admitted.

"And that's why Clerics are awesome," said Shining Armor with a smug look.

"You had one of our side quests involve finding a broken key broken into multiple parts because Sweetheart had a Make Whole spell and had one of the pieces be in the middle of a dark zombie infested grave yard so she could use Channel Divinity to use Turn Undead against them and dispel the darkness, didn't you?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe..." replied Shining with a smirk. "Hey, part of my job is to make sure the party has to make use of everything it's got available and everyone gets a chance to have fun."

"I'm just glad I was useful," Sweetheart replied, giving a smile. Being a Cleric of a Light and Life domained god was making her a very good support character.

"Okay, can we please go after the Orcs now?" asked Patch.

"I think we're strong enough now," Twilight replied. "So I think so."

Session 89.11 Mtangalion

Young Button Mash gaped at the teenaged Button Mash in the fancy adventuring gear, who gaped right back. “You’re me from another world?” said both of them, perfectly in sync. “Cooool…”

The older Sweetie Belle giggled, walking along with the native still-in-grade-school Sweetie Belle. “Button’s just having some fun.” Older Sweetie smiled warmly. “This isn’t exactly the first time we’ve seen an alternate Ponyville. I miss how innocent the town used to be, before Herd Seven. She hummed thoughtfully, glancing around. “Say, would you like to learn some magic?”

Young Sweetie Belle stopped in her tracks, frowning. “This isn’t a spell for making dresses, is it? I don’t even want to learn sewing spells, but Rarity never listens.”

“I was thinking I could teach you… Cure.” Older Sweetie lifted a leg, and her horn glowed pale green. At the same time, green bursts of light like falling leaves swirled around her foreleg. “Even if you don’t get mixed up in a Keyblade War, you can always support your friends, right?”

Young Sweetie’s ears pricked up. “Whoa… Could you show me that again, please?!”

“My cutie mark?” echoed the older Rumble. His mark was a black symbol made of nested whorls, like the emblem on his coat. “It means that I have the power to face the darkness, and protect my friends’ dreams.” He coughed. “Of course, it took me a long time to understand that…”

Rumble the young colt regarded the strange mark with deep suspicion. “I’d still rather get a flying cutie mark…”

“But why can’t you give me my own Keyblade?” complained Button Mash. His older self had gone off to ask Twilight about the lawyers.

Discord folded his forelimbs and turned his nose up… and up and up, until his whole body turned over backwards in a circle, beeping like a big wheel on a game show. “It figures, that you’d ask for something entirely out of my purview. Keyblade wielders are chosen by other keyblade wielders, or by the keyblades themselves. They also tend to appear where they’re needed…” He poofed into a shambling dark figure with accordian limbs and a crossed-out heart symbol on his chest. “And trust me, you don’t want any of that around here!”

Discord poofed back and blinked. “Is purview even a real word? It sounds odd when you keep saying it. Purview, purview purview purview…” He shrugged. “Oh, perhaps you’d like some chaos emeralds instead!”

Button Mash blinked. “What do those do?”

Discord grinned darkly. “It’s different in practically every game, hence ‘chaos.’ Do try to keep up.”

Session 89.12 Ardashir

"So you convinced Twilight to fly kites rather than fear ladybugs," Sunset Shimmer said. Currently a pony and visiting Equestria, she sat beside Starlight Glimmer in the open field outside the Friendship Palace. "And it lead to, well, that." She pointed her hoof.

A short distance away, Twilight flew a ladybug-shaped and painted kite, controlling its string with her magic. Nearby some of the Friendship Students flew kites of their own. Well, Smolder and Gallus still did. Yona grumped as her kite, painted with a spider, came crashing down within a few feet of her.

"Yona think it cheating to use unicorn magic in kite fighting," she grumbled, gathering up her kite. She stepped back with a snort as a wild-eyed Twilight spun on her.

"Hah! Now you all know why I fear ladybugs!" She sent her kite, equipped with a abrasive line, against Gallus' griffon-painted kite. He frantically worked his line. Not fast enough. Twilight's kite stopped on his like a diving eagle seeking its kill, slicing both kite and line and sending it hurtling to the ground. He slumped and walked off to join Sandbar, Ocellus, and Silverstream. All three held their beaten kites in their claws or hooves. Twilight whinnied with glee. "Hah! My ladybug kite is victorious. And she sees everything!"

"Actually, Pinkie Pie added that suggestion, accidentally, I should have locked the door. But I thought it was a constructive way to handle her phobia," Starlight looked shamefaced. They both watched Twilight send her kite after Smolder's Neighponese dragon kite. Neither of them noticed the orange dragon's look of glee. "I didn't think she'd get so competitive about it. I'm sure she'll talk to you as soon as she's knocked Smolder's kite down. What did you want to see her about anyway?"

"Believe it or not, two things. One, I want to know if her students have been contacting ones at Canterlot High through that new internet connection." Twilight cackled as her kite flew at Smolder's. "And I think the Dazzlings may be up to something again. There's this goofy TV show about happy singing sirens, and --"

A wild neigh of savage victory erupted from Twilight's throat as her kite headed for Smolder's. "Victory is mine, dragon!"

Smolder just grinned. "Oh, yeah?"

Her kite turned to face Twilight's and -- flame erupted from its 'mouth'. Twilight gasped as her kite dropped to the ground on flaming ruin. She kept staring as Smolder brought her kite down.

"I knew ordering that 'Neighponese Fighting Dragon Special' from Mina in Dragontown was a great idea!" She flew up and pumped one claw in victory. "Woohoo! Uh, Mistress Twilight, if it's okay I'd like to go inside and, er," she looked from side to side as though wary, "work on my lessons? I have some Friendship lessons I want to check on."

"My kite," Twilight said, carefully gathering her ruined champion up. "My unbeatable ladybug of horror. How could this happen to you? How?"

Starlight and Sunset went to her side and patted her on the withers in support.

"Um, Smolder, it's okay. You can go inside. The rest of you too," Starlight turned from the students as they hurried into the school, talking excitedly. She turned back to Twilight. "Twi, maybe I should modify that post-hypnotic command I gave you. And Sunset wants to tell you something."

A sad-eyed Twilight raised her head as Sunset began to speak. "Twi, you haven't been having any problems with the students chatting online with human students from Canterlot High, have you? Or with the Dazzlings?"

"Huh?" Twilight blinked. "Why would we have any more trouble with the Dazzlings? And how could the students be getting in trouble with he Canterlot High students?"


"Okay," Smolder said as she sat down at one of the computers in the Friendship Palace restricted room. Smolder wondered if she ought to make sure the door was locked. Not that she was doing anything forbidden, exactly, but something told her this went a little beyond the 'only for World of Horsecraft' purposes Twilight told them. She made sure the coast was clear, adjusted her frilly dress, and turned the Skype on. "Norman, you better be there -- Norman! Hi!" She grinned at the human face appearing on the screen.

"Hi, Smolder," he answered, still in his orange jacket and knit cap. Something about him looked different, though. "So, about those tips for beating Discord when you face him..." He blushed. "Oh, uh, you look good in that dress, too."

"Really?" She posed prettily and batted her eyes the way Professor Rarity once described to her. To judge by the poleaxed look on Norman's face it worked on human males too. "Huh, uh, yeah. Just decided I should try wearing something other than my scales for once. Hey, wait," she peered closer at the screen, "did you get a haircut?"

"Huh!" Uh, yeah," Norman looked nervous. "You know, I still wonder if I'm talking to either a really sophisticated program or a real person behind that scalesona sometimes."

Smolder just blinked. Program? Scalesona? Should I tell him? She shook her head. Princess Twilight said they could make friends online with the humans, but they shouldn't reveal anything about Equestria. "Uh, whatever you like, Norman. Now about beating Discord? My friends and I were hoping to beat him." She stuck her tongue out and shuddered in disgust. "Because wow did he ever mess up the game's Equestria. I mean, it's not as bad as what he did with the Dragonlands for real. He turned us all into cold slimy salamanders that couldn't stand heat." She shivered at the memory of cold slimy skin. "It was so gross."

"Ri-ight," Norman looked at her funny through the link. "Anyway, I can send you the notes." He hit a few buttons and the machine rung on Smolder's end. She got 'No1Dragon's mail and started reading. "So that's how you beat the big ham -- wait, 'Sonata Happy Funtime'?" She frowned. "Hey, this isn't like those 'scaley' pictures that one other guy tried sending me, is it? Because they were kinda creepy and I don't even have those things on my chest..."

"No! Not at all." Norman waved his hands. "That's something new, this new TV show. It's meant for kids but it's hilarious." He began to look dreamy as he spoke, chin resting on one hand as he sighed. "There's all this singing and jokes and happy magical creatures."

Smolder grimaced. "Ugh. Sounds like something for little girls. And you watch this stuff?"

"A lot of us do," Norman said in a sudden heated tone. "Sonata the Singing Siren is great. She makes you see the world in a whole new way." He adopted a pleading tone. "Just try it, you'll see." He hesitated, and added, "I, I wish I could see you too. Sometime."

Smolder almost laughed but stopped herself. It'd hurt Norman, for one thing. And then no more tips on beating the boss villains. More... more, she just didn't want to. Norman was one of the few guys who never laughed at her dresses. Or called her a 'phony scaley avatar from Crystalsoft'. But lacking access to Discord's magic she knew what would happen if she went through the mirror gate. Spike and Ember and Garble had all warned her.

If she saw Norman, she wanted to see him as herself.


"Okay, Norman," Smolder rolled her eyes and hid a smile. "I'll look at your silly singing siren." He shot her a thumbs-up and signed off. Smolder shook her head and looked at the link. "Okay," she said out loud, as much for the sound of her own voice as anything. "How bad can a siren show be?"

She moved her mouse to the link and tapped it with one claw.


"Sonata, little sister, have you lost your mind!" Sonata smiled placidly as Adagio raged in front of her. Sonata continued getting into her Singing Siren costume as Adagio yelled, "You told some kid who emailed you to try tricking a dragon into getting addicted to the show? A REAL dragon?" Adagio shuddered. "One basic lesson, little sister. You do not mess with Tiamat's spawn!"

"Hey, every time we tried controlling ponies or humans, we lost," Sonata slipped the mask over her head. Her only slightly muffled voice came through. "Maybe if we get some dragons under our control the Elements won't be, like, such a big problem if the bearers get burned to ashes." She headed for the dressing room door. "Now hurry it up, Dagi, and remember, today Aria gets to dump a bucket of dead fish on you."

Grinding her teeth, Adagio followed Sonata out to the cameras.

Session 89.13 Ardashir

"Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming! Yeesh!" Garble growled as Smolder almost bounced her way down the hall towards the computer room. He walked into the room behind her and froze. Spike was sitting in front of one of the turned-on computers, looking even goofier than usual.

As Garble approached the little purple dragon began to sing:

"Good is better than bad!
Happy's better than sad!"
"Want advice? Just be nice! Good is better than bad!"

Garble shuddered. It was the most un-draconic thing he'd ever heard. He leaned over Spike and sneered at what saw on the screen. Some loser in a silly-looking blue siren costume was bouncing up and down before the screen, singing as they did. A purple and orange siren were close by. The purple one looked almost as amused as her blue sister, but the orange one seemed to seethe with a fury obvious even through the screen.

"Hi, Spike!" Smolder almost chirped as she sat down beside him. "Aww, I missed the show?"

"Huh? Oh, Smolder! Oh, and Garble." Spike looked back at the screen. "No, you didn't miss anything. See, you can start the video all over again and watch it from the start --" He stopped as Garble put his claw over the screen. Smolder and Spike glared at him.

"What's so special about this thing, anyway?" Garble looked at the show and made a disgusted face. "Bleah! That's creepy."

"It is not!" Smolder pointed at the screen. "Sonata the Singing Siren is all about being happy and kind and good things like that."

"Like I said, creepy." Garble snorted smoke in disgust. He pointed at Smolder. "You're getting to be as much of a pony in a dragon suit as Spike. What do you want, anyway? You were asking about the time I went ta that other world and Ember saved - I mean, when I saved Princess Ember from being locked up in a cage."

"That's not how she told it," Smolder snapped back. She leaned against the table. "It ain't important. I, uh, want ta know if you or Spike ever figured out a way ta visit that other world and stay a dragon." She scratched her scaly chin. "Why do we turn into dogs anyway?"

"I asked Pinkie Pie once, and she said the animators just thought it was a good joke." Spike shrugged at the confused looks of his fellow dragons. "Yeah. I didn't get it either. But why do you want to stay a dragon there, Smolder?"

"Huh? Oh! Uh, no reason," Smolder started rubbing her claws together nervously. "There's just, ah, someone I want ta see. It's not a date or anything," she glared at them defiantly. "I definitely won't be wearing any cute -- I mean, silly frilly dresses like Rarity makes!" Smolder put her claws on her hips and looked her most intimidating.

Spike just looked confused. Garble snickered and elbowed him.

"Sounds like Smolder wants ta go kidnapping a princess, heh! Or maybe it's a prince with her --" He choked as Smolder grabbed him by the neck, squeezing her tightest.

"Don't even go there," she hissed. Then she let go and went back to looking cheery. "Anyway! I also wanted to see the Sonata thing while I was there. Uh, you know, to make fun of it," she quickly added. "I mean, dragons don't do kind and nice and stuff like that." Her voice got dreamy. "Even if Norman wants to see it with me --" She clapped her claws over her muzzle.

"Norman who?" Spike and Garble both asked.

"What!" Smolder flew at them with a snarl, eyes blazing. They shrank back, clutching each other tightly as she spat. "You. Heard. NOTHING!" She watched them until they both nodded in fear. She went back to happy-cheery Smolder. "So! Any advice?"

Garble wondered if he should just make a run for it. Something about all of this was creeping him out. But he got so few chances to mess with anyone these days, and the only other dragon to associate with around the place was that fat slob Sludge. He asked, "What's it worth to you? Hey, we're dragons," he waved one claw in dismissal as Smolder looked ready to plead. "We don't do nothing for free." Smolder looked thoughtful. Garble wondered how she'd react when she found out he knew nothing about the mirror gate other than to avoid it. He fought to keep the smile off of his snout at the idea.

"You're right," Smolder pouted, and then smiled. "I have an idea. It's a bet. A game," she pointed at the computer. "You watch the show with us, and if you like it at all, you help us. Okay?"

Garble rolled his eyes. "I haveta watch that dumb stuff? Yeesh, okay. Just ta make a point about how dragons oughta act." He squatted on his haunches between Smolder and Spike as the purple dragon re-started the show. He prepared to be bored stiff as those two looked wildly happy. Stuff like this only appealed to stupid losers. At least this would be better than cleaning the floors again.

Fifteen minutes later:

"Good is better than bad!
Happy's better than sad!"
"Want advice? Just be nice! Good is better than bad!"

Three temporarily stripped of all savagery and greed little cuddly dragon hatchlings sang the song along with Sonata. They hugged each other as the show ended.

"Now remember, everyone, to come and see the BIG LIVE ACTION show this weekend at the Canterlot Mall!" Sonata waved at them all. The orange one tugged at her tail insistently. Sonata pushed her back one-handed without even looking. "Oh, and Dagi said to tell you all to look in mommy's purse and daddy's wallet and if you find any funny little pieces of green paper with pictures of dead presidents on them, mail them to us courtesy of the show. It'll be a big surprise! Now bye-bye! I love you all!"

"We wuv Mistress Sonata!" The little hatchlings said in the most sickeningly sweet voices imaginable. Garble and Spike nd Smolder knew just one thing. They were going to see that show. In the scaly flesh.



Back in the other world, beyond the mirror:

"Mistress Sonata," a smiling Sci-Twi spoke in chat. "I've repaired my magic extractor and re-worked it to open more gates between worlds. It will allow creatures to come from Equestria to this world without being transformed." She looked uncertain." I think so, anyway."

"Great!" Sonata clapped and smiled at the screen. Behind her Adagio was going through some fan mail. She smiled as she pulled out wads of money. Sonata said, "I'm so glad we're friends now! Remember, don't tell any of your friends who haven't watched the show about this, we want it to be a big surprise!"

Sonata cut the connection and grinned evilly. "A really big surprise!"

Session 89.14 Kendell2

Spoilers for SSSS Gridman

Back in that alternate reality, a couple times removed from this one, and may a few years down the line, Fluttershy again walked in on her daughter watching a series she's gotten invested in. She was happy to see she was in much higher spirits than last time. " What show are you watching now, dear?"

"SSSS Gridstallion, this anime based off the show that Superpony Samurai Syber Squad show used stock footage for, but the creators made it a love letter to both," Fluttercruel replied, giving a smirk.  

"Oh, it was nice of them to recognize the ponies who liked both shows," Fluttershy said, flying over.

"Yeah! And here's the cool part: the monster maker of the show, this girl with way more power than she ever should have had who made the world and thinks it's like a video game."

"Oh, so like that one villain from Digiponies?"

"Yeah! Anyway, she made this monster to be an evil knockoff of Gridstallion, but he survives and sticks around until he becomes his own person and then turns good, becoming an awesome second Gridstallion! He even gets a happy ending with these good kaiju!"

Fluttershy smiled. "I see why you like it, dear."

"In all honesty, I think I like Gridguard better than Gridstallion, darker colors look cool and he can shoot an energy buzz saw!...oh, and they beat the final baddy by shooting him with a healing beam and made the little world the bad guys had made into a whole world all on its own, which you'll probably like."

"I do, dear," Fluttershy said with a smile. "I'm glad you liked it...and found another hero you like a lot."

"And one that gets his happy ending..." replied Fluttercruel. "...Uh...mom, Figmane is making action figures of them...think I could..."

"Of course dear."

"Thanks!...Hey, think we could play that Ultra Stallion RPG and I make a guy based off Gridguard?"

"Of course, I've still got my characters for it."

OOC: Since me and Alex both loved SSSS Gridman...

Session 89.15 Ardashir

"So, uh, Purple Smart," Gilda said as she sat on a chair in Twilight's office. She twisted in it. The thick plush cushion on the wooden seat felt almost too comfortable to her. "I was just gonna ask how Gallus is doing now that he knows about that Horsecraft game, and if it might be time ta send more griffons here ta learn about, ugh," she shivered, ruffling her feathers up, before adding in a sour tone, "how to be friendly with everyone all the time..."

"Oh, Gallus is doing great!" As she spoke Twilight went to her filing cabinet and took out a sheaf of papers. "In fact according to this he's scoring better than ever in Fluttershy's classes. Though she gives everyone a passing grade anyway, she doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings." Twilight smiled. "That's our 'Shy."

Gilda tilted her head to one side. "Riiight... Anyhow, figured I'd ask. I met the dragons and, well, what's going on with those flying firebreathers?" She went to the window and pointed outside.

Twilight went to see. Outside the students were playing a game of buckball against some of the town fillies and colts. She flicked her ears back to see Garble and Spike playing alongside Smolder.

Playing very oddly.

"Spike!" Applejack yelled at the little purple dragon. He smiled widely as the ball, kicked by Apple Bloom, sailed right by his scaly head. It was snatched by Diamond Tiara who dashed at the goal bucket with it. "Y'all are supposed ta try an' block that shot!"

"But Apple Bloom put so much effort into that shot!" Spike said, sounding shocked. "It'd be so mean of me to not let her get the goal."

Behind him, Garble smiled. Pleasantly. Twilight blinked once or twice to be sure she was seeing properly as he deliberately moved the bucket so Diamond Tiara could hurl it in. "Oh, here, nice little pony, let me help with that."

"What?!?" Diamond froze. She barely bumped the ball. As it slowly rolled into the basket, with Garble helpfully setting it on the ground to catch it, Diamond gaped. "Are you nuts? That shot wouldn't have made it in a thousand years! Have you lost your mind, lizard?"

The game screeched to a halt. Everyone stared at Diamond in horror. Silver Spoon, also playing, moved to stand by her, a worried smile on her face.

"Like, Diamond," Silver hissed to her under her breath. "You know what we were told about the 'L' word."  Before either could say anything Garble loomed over them. He reached out to the cringing fillies -- Applejack and Rainbow Dash raced towards him, looks of horror on their faces -- Twilight gasped and with a snap of teleportation magic took herself and Gilda to their sides...

And all the adult ponies froze as Garble laughed and gently patted the two stunned fillies on their heads.

"Hey, it's okay! That doesn't bug us any more. Does it, Spike? Smolder?"

"Not me," Spike said, still smiling. "Heck, I even forgive you two for time you mailed me that picture of Zilla with the words, 'From your father' on it."

Diamond and Silver's manes were going frazzled as Smolder flapped over like a giant scaly bat and said, "An' that time you told me that when I wore that dress it looked like some gargoyle from Prance was headed for a tea party?" She laughed and slapped her thigh. "You were so right! I love dresses and cute stuff but I looked ridiculous in that!" She hugged The frozen Diamond around the neck. "Thanks so much for telling me! Only a real friend would want me to know I was making a fool of myself."


Moments later the dragons had gone back inside, marching in a row and singing some utterly silly song. Behind them Diamond was being taken off to Ponyville Emergency. Silver hurried along beside her, eyes wide with worry behind her glasses.

"We're your friends, Diamond! Eh-eh-eh!" The once spoiled little filly mumbled as her eyes rolled in different directions. The restraints on the stretcher looked unnecessary as she shivered, paralyzed with shock. "So what if you called us overgrown geckos just to be noticed again?" She raised her hoof to her lips and began fanning them with it. "Bbl-bbl-bbl!"

The stretcher ponies left with her, Silver and the CMC following, as Diamond cackled madly.

"Okay," Gilda shuddered in horror, "now try and explain THAT ta me. What happened with those three? Are they being mind controlled?"

Gilda, Dash, and Applejack all turned to look at Starlight Glimmer as she trotted to the school. "What?" She yelled at them. "Will nopony ever get over that?" She left with a sniff, muzzle in the air.

"I get it," Twilight said after several long moments. She began smiling wider than ever. "My school works even better than I thought! I managed to make wild dragons into kind-hearted, gentle citizens of Equestria!" She turned and hurried off to her office. "Sorry, Gilda, but I just have to write Princess Celestia and Dragon Lord Ember about this. They won't believe it!"

Gilda watched her leave. "I was here, and I don't think I believe it," she grumbled. She looked around. No one was nearby. Moving cautiously, her claws and talons gliding softly over the stone pathway of the school with the faintest scratching noises, Gilda followed the three back into the school.

"Okay," she muttered. Her claws clicked lightly over the floor and her long tail rustled softy as she lashed it behind her, a hunter on the prowl. "Dweeb ponies might not know better, but I do. There's something rotten in the Friendship School."


And in another world entirely: "I've got it finished, Mistress Sonata!"

A smiling Sci-Twi handed her new and improved mana extractor over to Sonata.

The Siren petted her on the head. "So, with this I can open gateways back into Equestria? And anything I want to come through, can?" Sci-Twi nodded so enthusiastically it looked like her head might fall off. Sonata stopped her. "Okay, you go and watch all of my show's episodes again. Me?" she hefted the hand-size device and giggled as it powered up, growing warm and with flashing LEDs.

"I have some dragons to recruit!"

Author's Note:

This chapter needs cover art!

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

P.S. Addendum. No adding entire new fanon countries and/or fanon species.

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?
What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.

Trope Page: (PLEASE update already!)

Session 89.0 Mtangalion
Session 89.1 Ardashir
Session 89.2 Mtangalion
Session 89.3 Mtangalion
Session 89.4 Kendell2
Session 89.5 Ardashir
Session 89.6 Mtangalion
Session 89.7 Ardashir
Session 89.8 Mtangalion
Session 89.9 Grogar-the-oneser (edited by Kendell2) Epilogue to the sick Alicorn Hasbro short.
Session 89.10 Kendell2
Session 89.11 Mtangalion
Session 89.12 Ardashir
Session 89.13 Ardashir
Session 89.14 Kendell2
Session 89.15 Ardashir

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.

Basic grammar:
-Periods go at the end of sentences. (.)
-People and place's names are capitalized.
-Questions end in Questions Marks. (?)
-The word 'I' is capitalized.
-"When characters start or stop talking, use quotations."
-'There' is a place, 'their' is someone's property or trait, 'they're' is short for 'they are.'

Picture by used with permission.


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