• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

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Session 51

Session 51.0 Kendell2

The Bearers of Harmony and Chaos looked at one another.

"My Element of Harmony is Magic..." said Princess Twilight. "What's your Element of Harmony?

"Magic! Oh, well kinda Dark Magic," Draconequus Twilight replied.

"Dark magic?!" Twilight asked, eyes going wide.

"...I take it that's a bigger deal for you than for me?"

Applejack and Orangejack glared at one another. "And what exactly are yah? Mine's Honesty?"

"Fantasy," replied the refined mare. "I admit, I'm willing to make things up if it helps stop the bad guys."

"...Didn't yah ever learn where lyin' gets yah?" AJ asked. "Oh right, yah stayed in Manehattan so yah missed that little tip."

"And what, exactly, is WRONG with Manehattan?" the refined mare asked, the two now literally butting heads.

"What about you?" asked Rainbow Dash to her counterpart. "I'm the Element of Loyalty?"

"Me? Free Will," the other Rainbow Dash replied, sitting on a cloud with her hooves behind her head. "Loyalty? So are you like Celestia's lap dog or something?"

Rainbow Dash glared. "I guess you don't give a darn about anypony but yourself then, huh?

"Generosity," Rarity introduced to her alternate self.

"Desire," the other Rarity replied, looking a bit more aloof. "So do you give away everything we have or something?"

"Um...I'm the Element of Empathy..." Chaos Fluttershy said.

"Oh...I'm Element of Kindness...we're not that different..." Fluttershy replied.

"Hi me!" Pinkie Pie yelled, hopping over to her alternate self. "I'm Element of Laughter? What are you?"

"You remind me of my sister Limestone," Pinkamena replied. "Courage."

Pinkie Pie gasped. "You remind me of MY sister Limestone!"

"..." the two Starlights stared awkwardly at one another, seeming able to guess what the other was like and not liking the concept.

"...So did you enslave your Our Town?" Chaos Starlight asked.


"More 'dog eat dog, everypony out for themselves'...didn't end well..."

"Neither did mine."

"Now, todays game will be," said Discord, he and Accord snapping their fingers and a game table forming. "Good old O&O!"

"The campaign will be as follows: Grogar, the Shadow King of Tambelon, has returned to try and conquer Equestria," Accord explained. "The Elements of Harmony and Chaos are scattered across the game world and must be gathered to oppose him. Simple enough."

"Who's the GM?" Twilight asked, still giving her alternate self frightened looks, who in turn looked HURT.

"Hmm...that is a good question..." Accord said, tapping his chin. "Two GMs may be a little too chaotic..."

"But I like chaotic...oh well..." Discord muttered. "It's not like we could fuse into one or something..."

"...Well...technically...we could always..."

"...Normally I'd say no...but I've always wanted to do that!" Discord admitted, looking frustrated. "Fine! Let's do it...Just so I can say I DID..."

The gathered ponies blinked, watching as Discord and Accord stood next to each other.

"Fuuu... sion! Ha!" both Spirits said, doing the classic Dragon Eggs Z Fusion Dance and vanishing in a bright explosion of light that faded to reveal...Discord with a monocle and slightly different hair, wearing the appropriate fusion attire.

"We are Disaccord! Spirit of Neutrality!" he announced, his voice with an echo. "I will be your Gamemaster for this evening! Now please make your characters! I can only exist for 30 minutes at a time!"

"Uh...that might take longer than 30 minutes..." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"...Horseapples...We knew we should have used the Potaras..."

OOC: For the record: I only did this because it's FREAKING DISCORD and he's the only character I could see doing this.

Session 51.1 Mtangalion

In a slightly different dimension...

"Fuuu... sion! Ha!" A length of rope fell to the ground in a coil and did absolutely nothing.

"Hah, hah," deadpanned Rainbow Dash. "Discord plus Accord is just Cord. Get it?"

"Oh my," fretted the orderly Fluttershy. "What do we do with them for the next half-hour?" asked the chaotic one.

(Zip-pan to all the ponies taking turns skipping rope.) ;)

Session 51.2 Mtangalion

Cheerilee’s class was back in the “Transformation Time Adventure” educational comic for another day of fun… and learning, if Cheerilee had anything to say about it.

“So!” she rumbled, once again a full-grown dragoness with shimmering amethyst scales. “Last week, our battle with the evil Time Changers didn’t go so well! What did we learn from that, class?”

Snips the minotaur calf snorted, arms folded across his muscular chest. “Snips totally could have defeated them and ended the threat then and there! We just weren’t prepared.”

Silver Spoon the griffon raised her claw. “Hey, meathead, how were we supposed to be prepared for all five of them at once? Ugh, that was so lame.”

“Classic hopeless boss battle,” said Button Mash the deer fawn, nodding. “Come on, knocking us all down to one hit point, then laughing and saying we weren’t worth their time? We were supposed to lose.”

Cheerilee learned towards him, growling, and the fawn sprang away, hiding behind Sweetie Belle the purified changeling. He peeked out from behind her wings cautiously.

Sweetie shared some love with her coltfriend/fawnfriend/prospective mate to reassure him… she’d picked that up surprisingly quickly. “Maybe… we need to learn more about the creatures we’ve become, and their history, and that will help us battle more effectively?”

Cheerilee clapped her forepaws together. “Excellent answer, Sweetie! For the rest of the morning, we’re going to split up in the comic world and learn individually. In fact, some of you are in for a real treat, because I was able to bring in actual members of the species you chose to help with the lesson.”

When the scene changed, Silver Spoon found herself alone, standing on an elegant metal terrace of a style she’d never seen before, with a doorway into a sheer stone cliff behind her, and dizzying drops in every other direction. “Whoa,” she breathed, spreading her wings in awe. There was an entire city built into the mountain peaks, with archways and castle towers rising even higher.

Wings overshadowed her, and before Silver realized what was happening, Gabby the griffon had already snatched her up and hugged her tight. “Aw, you make such a cute fledgling, little pony! It’s too bad Sweetie, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo didn’t chose to be griffons, but you did, and that’s awesome!”

Silver’s indignant squawk came as naturally as if she’d been born with it. “Hey, lemme go! You’re not my mom!”

Gilda landed beside them, cackling, and rubbed it in with an extra fluff of Silver’s crest. “You see? Even Gabby Gumdrops here will tell you that we’re the awesome ones. That’s lesson one, by the way.”

Silver squirmed loose and groomed some of her fur back down. “Whatever,” she grumbled… although she did have to admit, she *did* feel pretty awesome, in a way that was different than just being a rich filly with cool friends. “Where are we?”

“I’m so glad that you asked!” said Gabby. “This is Griffonstone, just like it was five hundred years ago. It’s a prime target of the Time Changers.” She took off and hovered, sweeping her forelimbs out wide. “Pretty much only griffons lived here back then. Can you see why?”

Silver looked around. “There’s no bridges or anything, no way to get around without flying.” She scratched her crest with a claw. “But, what if a griffon couldn’t fly, because they got old or hurt, or something lame like that?”

Gilda shrugged. “Then they lived down there, in Lamesville.” She pointed towards a slum-like gathering of tents, on the ground far below. “Sad, but true. The new Griffonstone, that’s gonna be a lot more accommodating for grounded folks and ponies. Heh, they’re helping pay for it, after all. Plus, they’re doing radical things with replacement wings these days.”

“Now then…” Gabby flipped through some note cards. “In the battle with the Time Changers, you fell into a pit trap.” She leaned close, grinning hugely. “Why?”

Silver bristled. “I… forgot I could fly.”

“So fly!” cheered Gabby. “Let’s do it! Go, go!”

Silver Griffon extended her wings, cringing. “I know I did it once without thinking about it, when I’d just changed… but I don’t know if I can now. What if I suck at it?”

Gilda scoffed. “Meh, thinking too much... gets you every time. Don’t worry, squirt. We’ll teach you how to fly… the griffon way.”

Gabby blinked, smile fading. “Are you sure, Gilda?”

“Duh, it’s an enchanted comic!” squawked Gilda. “She can’t get hurt.”

Silver watched Gabby shrug and take off, gliding away. The silver fledgling was getting a nasty suspicion. “Can’t get hurt? Wait… Oh no, you’re not seriously going to….”

Gilda grabbed her and tossed her right off the ledge.

Silver plummeted down the cliff, screaming and tumbling end over end… and some instinct made her snap her wings open, flapping hard. She kept screaming anyway until she realized that she… wasn’t falling? Or going squish on the rocks below?

In fact, Gabby was hovering ten feet below her with claws outstretched, happy that she hadn’t needed to catch Silver. “Woohoo!” she squealed, pumping her fisted claws. She rose past Silver, doing corkscrews in the air. “Now follow me, and let’s fly!”

Silver flew upwards too, even daring to try a spin of her own, and squealing when sky and ground whirled around her. “This is awesome!”

Gilda swooped in, gliding alongside them. “I know, right? Race ya to the big snowy peak!”

Session 51.3 Alex Warlorn

The Under-Pony game, Fluttershy and the others decided, would be a good way to teach foals some empathy, and would help Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both grow out of their old attitudes. What better than the table top game where no one had to die?

Except... Things weren't quite working out that way.

Fluttershy herself was finding herself bewildered, unsure of herself, and rethinking the basic adventure path and the morals that the game was supposed to be teaching.

There was supposed to be a hidden 'killer' stat that the Game Master would keep track of, rising every time the player's character killed someone, and as it reached critical mass, the player's character was supposed to start attacking monsters without their input.

Diamond Tiara had no clue this stat existed, but her unwitting rules lawyering was keeping it from rising to anywhere that it should have by now!

"I GET that she was trying to raise money so her star-spider friends who safely move from the ruins. But she tried to murder me for not buying her insanely overly priced star-spider cakes that I didn't have money to buy in the first place! If she couldn't afford to lower the prices, and if she was that desperate, she could have been asking to donations too! But instead she just tried to eat me! That doesn't make her misunderstood! That makes her a psycho!" Diamond Tiara exasperated.


"She says she's sorry, but she says she can't be friends with a murderer," Fluttershy said calmly.

"Wait! She said 'murderer'? Explicitly?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Well, yes, but I don't see-"

"Is she friends with the Mountain King?"

"Uh... yes?" Fluttershy responded cautiously.

"Then isn't she being hypocritical? Haven't the Mountain King killed foals?"

"Well... that's... different ..."

"First, 'murder' implies whoever you killed was helpless, or otherwise posed no immediate lethal physical threat to you or somepony else, SHE was trying to murder ME ... And do the monsters keep expecting ponies to just politely stand there and die, and then get angry when THEIR would be murderer dies when their victim enacts self defense?"

Fluttershy felt her head spinning. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

"The Mountain King premeditated killing the previous six foals, rather than the foals jumping him while he was walking in the park and tried to kill him and go through his pockets for loose change. So either she should be friends with me, or she shouldn't be friends with the Mountain King."

"Uh... Excuse me!" Fluttershy fled. Leaving the two foals at the table rather befuddled. "TWWWWWILLLLIIIGHT!"


Twilight blew some dust off some old law books (There hadn't been a murder in Equestria in over a hundred years), and scanned the aged and yellow pages. "Uh... technically, she's not wrong."

"... " Fluttershy felt dizzy. "I think I'll go check on Mr. Oinky, AJ says the griffins who want to buy them want to be sure they don't have worms or any other diseases. I know they'll make great pets."

"Who wants fresh bacon?!" Gilda came in kicking open the door. Sizzling bacon strips in her claws. Fluttershy fainted. "Uh, oops, thought this was where they were having Bacon Con, sorry."

Session 51.4 Quartzscale

Button Mash stood expectantly in his deer form watching the forest around him and for some reason feeling at one with all the nature around him. It was entrancing and seemed to occupy his thoughts. He had heard that the deer were kind of rude and jerks but Princess Twilight had met with King Blackthorn who took over from King Aspen. He was kind and worked for the benefit of his deers. She had also muttered about trying not to shoot any more gigantic laser beams near the Everfree Forest but that didn’t seem important to him.

“Hello young one.” A voice called out to him from behind him.

Button Mash turned around and saw a very beautiful doe though a small part of him was sure it was just the transformation magic coursing through his body making him feel that way. It was weird to say the least but like all games he knew he would have to learn from the trainer then the bar would go up giving him a stat increase. ‘Piece of cake.’ He thought.

“Hi. Who are you? I’m Button Mash.”

“I am Willow Reed. I am the attendant of the King and here to teach you how to use the abilities that this book has given you. First do you know anything about the deer at all?”

Button actually thought about it. There wasn’t a lot of information about deer. It wasn’t because he had fallen asleep in his book while Twilight had lectured. He quietly perished the thought but pulled out some clues he had read before passing out… he meant… passively learning.

“I think deer have latent telekinesis and the ability to control plant life. I’m not sure about anything else.” He sheepishly stared at his hooves.

“That is fine young one. This is a new body for you and I will help you learn about these abilities. You are right in that we have latent telekinesis but that is for fine tuning rather than picking things up. Here watch what I mean.” She stared at a small piece of bark on a stump. Her horns glowed a light forest green and the bark slowly starting peeling off the stump. It wasn’t fast but it was consistent and kept at a fine pace until she removed a ring of bark still perfectly connected to each other.

“Still there is a limit.” She focused the glow on a large stone which Button thought was bigger than Snips in his minotaur form. It barely lifted above the ground and only flew at low angles. The signs of overtaxing magic appeared on the doe’s face.

“So I can’t lift really heavy things then…” Button contemplated his own abilities and tried channeling magic. He didn’t know how to do it except for thinking about it. Just like in a game all you had to do was try something and it usually happened. While it was still weak he did manage to tear a piece of bark off of the stump. He mentally winced after what happened when some ponies tried to make a bridge out of a tree and that caused their prince to get angry beyond belief. She didn’t though.

“Good work. You seem to be a natural in this. Was something wrong when you moved the bark?”

“No. I… just thought…,” He trying to look away hoping not to look her in the eye. “ You would be mad at me for hurting the tree…”

“Oh? Why? It’s not like you’re doing it maliciously. And all you did was remove some bark. Had you tried to tear the tree down I might have scolded you a bit. There is a reason for it though I assure you.” She smiled at him.

Utterly confused and the emotion on his face quite readable she thought about how the next explanation would go. It was a bit complex and required some better accessibility to swallow. ‘From what Miss Cheerilee said Button is a visual learner and better with a hooves on approach.’

“Well… Deer are highly attuned with nature. We feel everything about the nature around us. Think of us as druids in your O&O games.” She smirked when Button’s eyes widened from the comparison. Instead of continually talking she pulled out the small barrel of potions she brought with her.

“This here,” She raised her hoof to the barrel. “ is the carrier for our brand of magic. We manipulate potions like zebras but with our own sway on things.” She poured a bit of the potion on the stump letting it seep into each ring and then coated the area where they had each removed the bark. It took only a few drops to fill everything strangely enough. Then the tree began to grow into a mighty oak tree which seemed to pierce the sky. Button Mash knew that it was the comic using it’s own mechanics to sensationalize the growth but he had to admit it looked pretty cool anyways.

After the demonstration the two spoke about what he needed to do to recreate the potions used and how much to use of each potion. Button felt a bit overwhelmed until she used stat boosts to explain the use of each potion and what it would affect on nature. She then presented him with a barrel already filled with some potions. Not enough to get through the whole game but enough to last him until he met with Apple Bloom again. Since she was a zebra the two of them could manipulate the potions together and probably create a super potion that would make them overly tough. ‘Game Breaker here we come.’ He tried to hide the triumphant look on his face and waved goodbye to his teacher.

Willow Reed watched intently until he left the room when former king Aspen walked up to her.

“You have done a wonderful job.” He stood impassively next to her. He had been curious on who had chosen the path of a deer and was surprised it had been a buck instead of a fawn.

“I suppose my king though I could tell by his eyes that he didn’t have the best impression of deers. Any ideas?” She nodded towards him.

“Leave that to Blackthorn for now. I’ll have to talk to him about increasing our visibility amongst the other races so we aren’t pushed to the side. Still at least our representatives are having an easier time reaching here than the zebras are. There haven’t been any delegates around here aside from Zecora and she claims not to be a leader of her zebras.” The former king sighed.

“Something wrong si- Aspen.” She corrected herself. She always had seen Aspen as king and it was weird right now.

“Nothing. I just miss the friends I made from there. Zinc and Zephyros. Both of those zebras knew the importance of working with nature. Come let’s go back and get ready for anything else we may have forgotten to teach him.

The two left the forest that had been conjured by the comic and went back to their own forest picking out some books they might need should the young buck need to learn more about the deer.

Session 51.5 Mtangalion

For a moment, Rumble thought that Miss Cheerilee must have thrown him into the enchanted comic’s dungeon. Had he fallen asleep in class or something? Did enchanted comics really have a dungeon? This room sure looked like a dungeon, the way it was built from heavy stone bricks with no windows, and lit only by a pair of torches, not glow gems!

“Hello?” he called out nervously. “Wait, what am I doing? I’m a thestral now!” He struck a cool pose, imagining that he was Robin the Colt Wonder. “Yeah! I own all this spooky stuff!”

And then a shadow cast by the torches swallowed up his own shadow before him, stretching across half the room. “Boo.”

“Arrrgh!” Rumble jumped in fright. When nothing pounced and ate him right away, he peeked his slitted eyes open and saw an ash grey thestral mare with a short blue mane walking towards him… upside-down? On the ceiling!?

She extended a hoof, amused. “Hi, Windy Whisper. And you’re the one who picked thestral…” She flipped through some notecards. “Rumble. Pegasus, huh? That’ll make teaching you to fly easier. Or harder. I’m actually curious which.” She stretched her bat wings out, still bizarrely upside-down. “I’m told that thestrals fly differently than pegasi, but heh, what would I know? I’ve never been anything else.” She gave him a look. “So, are you just going to hang around there all day?”

“Huh?” That’s when Rumble finally realized that the scary mare was right side up, and *he* was clinging to the ceiling! The moment he started wondering how he could possibly be doing that, his hooves immediately lost their grip, and he fell to the floor in a heap. The mare laughed, starting towards him, and Rumble jumped up, shying away from her. “Are you really a teacher? I’ve never seen you around Ponyville!”

Miss Cheerilee’s dragon voice spoke from thin air, startling the colt yet again. “Rumble, Miss Whisper is a friend of mine. It’s okay for you to feel safe around her. Like most thestrals, Windy Whisper is nocturnal. That means…”

“She sleeps during the day,” said Rumble automatically.

“Very good! That’s one of the reasons why you won’t often see her, even though she lives in Ponyville, the same as we do. Of course, we’re still trying to get her to step out of that cave of hers for more than just Dusklight game night…”

“You live in a cave, like Batmare!?” blurted out Rumble.

Windy smirked. “Yes, I live in a cave. No, it’s not full of crime-fighting gadgets. I feel like I’ve had this conversation before.”

Rumble blushed. “Uh, hehe… sorry about that, Miss Whisper. And, sorry I was afraid.”

Windy beamed. “Eh, I’ve gotten used to it. You will too, kid. You’re one of us now, at least for a little while.” She trotted away, towards the room’s single wooden door. “Normally, I’d tell you that thestrals are just like regular ponies, except when they’re not. It’s kind of my thing. However…” She glanced back towards him. “You signed up for a time travel adventure, so three guesses what’s outside there.” She unlatched the door and swung it open on creaking hinges.”

Rumble inched through the door, folding his unfamiliar wings tightly so they wouldn’t snag on the doorframe… thestrals were the same as pegasi that way, he supposed… and then the colt’s little eyes grew wide. “Whoa!”

They were standing on a torchlit castle rampart, decorated with tall gold and silver banners that were instantly familiar from his favorite exhibit at the Royal Canterlot Museum. The sky overhead was pitch dark and full of stars, stars that he could clearly see, even with the full moon looming large and cold over the castle towers. “The War of the Two Sisters a thousand years ago!?” He galloped all around, trying to get a better look at everything. “Are there gonna be cool sword battles, and magic spells blowing stuff up?!”

“That kind of chaos is what the Time Changers would want,” Windy Whisper reminded him, as she followed him watchfully. “And what we’re trying to avoid having any more of.” She paused to let that sink in. “At this point in time, about… two weeks before it all goes down, the Princess of the Night is only allowing her trusted thestrals inside the Lunar Wing of the palace. When your team has a mission here, the others will be counting on you, Rumble.” Windy smirked. “Now, before we get to the lesson plan… I could use a snack. Let’s see what kind of thestral you are.”

Rumble froze.

Windy groaned. “Not like that. Your teeth, let me see your teeth.”

“Why?” asked Rumble, but he opened his mouth like he was at the dentist, letting Windy squint and prod with a hoof, nodding to herself. “Nice! You’re a fruit eater, same as me.”

Rumble sat his hindquarters down, more confused than ever. “But… all ponies eat fruit.”

“Do they eat fruit like this?” said Windy smugly, tossing an apple at him.

Rumble snatched the apple right out of the air and hissed, wrapping his bat wings protectively around his prize. He had no idea what had come over him all of a sudden, but that didn’t stop him from sinking his fangs into the apple and sucking, drinking it up like a juicebox. “Sw- sweet!” he whooped. “It tastes SO good!”

Windy ate another apple herself, ears twitching contentedly. “I bet you’re glad the magic comic didn’t make you a bug eater or a blood drinker.”

Rumble shuddered. “I am now! Uh… can I have another apple, please?”

Windy nodded. “Sure. Drink up, we have a lot of ancient history to cover.”

Session 51.6 Quartzscale

Snails stood stock center on a large temple disk that seemed to be praising the sun. On that disc stood a large silver llama seemingly in a modified sukhasana position. Snails slowly stepped forth unable to really present what he felt at this point. Otherworldly came to mind and empty minded soon followed suit. The transformation didn’t really come with an instruction booklet. Still he was determined to at least figure out why he was floating. The head llama was sitting still and seemed to only move its ears whenever Snails hoof made a sound on the stone floor.

Snails took a deep look around him noticing the mountainous regions and how they seemed to be calling to him. There was this deep need to follow the desire but he kept to his guns and the fear that Miss Cheerilee would sit on him if he ran off into comic land.

“Welcome Snails. Please be seated before me.” The llama said with complete control of his breathing and tone kept quiet. The voice seemed to echo throughout the mountains and back to Snails.

“Woah! How did that happen?” Snails exclaimed as the levitation he was performing blinked out and deposited him on the ground with a clack.

“OW.” Rubbing his chin he stood back up and walked directly to the old master. The pain wasn’t bad but he was overly curious when he noticed that the old llama master was floating off the ground yet still seemed to be at the same position.

“Welcome once again young one. I am Pacha, Old Yogi Master from beyond the cascading sea. It is a pleasure to see one as young as yourself take an interest within our culture.” Pacha stopped floating and took an ardha virabhadasana position. With the sudden shift a nearby rock was crushed into dust within a few seconds.

Snails went wide eyed at the display and attempted the move as well facing a similar rock before him. Performing the same movements a force shot out from him. The rock didn’t turn to dust but a few cracks appeared on it. Nothing to write home about but enough to show that something was done to the rock. A little embarrassed at the attempt Snails tried again to diminishing results.

“Do not force it young one. The power of our people is through a clear mind. One you possess in spades. Think of nothing. Feel nothing. Then the power of the universe will flow through you.” Pacha moved into a new position. The vrksasana position. Plant life seemed to grow from out of nowhere all around him. Not to the extent of a deer but enough to feed a group for days to come.

“We live in a world of necessity and we can all perform our part for the world regardless of who we are or whom we have been. The universe flows through the hearts and souls of each being living in this world. Good and Evil are nothing and the concepts of inner morality must guide you. Princess Celestia has said it once to me as well. Friendship is something worth striving for.” Pacha spoke and Snails listened.

For hours the two performed position after position allowing the two to get to know one another and to learn what it meant to be a llama. Instead of words Pacha allowed the inner magic of his people to teach Snails. It was enough to cause the turned colt to learn a few tricks even though he never was good at school sometimes.

“Thanks you Master Pacha.” Snails said as the moon started to lower in the fake night sky.

“I claim to not be your master Snails. I am your friend and I have taught you what I can to make it so your friends will get through this. Meditate on these thoughts. They may teach you more than could ever be possible.” Pacha spoke succinctly.

Snails trotted away towards the rest of the group while the llama levitated on the stone disc in the first position he started in.

“I’m glad I called on you Pacha.” A voice called from behind him.

The voice startled Pacha causing him to fall flat on his face. The giggling that it caused was enough to make him groan.

“Celestia please you know I hate to be surprised.” The smile on his face dissuaded that line of thought really quickly.

“I know but could you deny me the chance to surprise you. I hope it went well with the child. I know you haven’t taught for a while.” Celestia sheepishly looked away.

“Do not worry about me. I knew how to handle a colt. A little flash and they listen better to the history. I don’t know if he absorbed it all but he at least knows what to do to help his friends.” Pacha solemnly spoke out.

“Thanks you for coming out and helping with this problem. I still think you should come to the summit more often.” Celestia motioned towards a Canterlot made out of her magic.

“Perhaps but I’m not a leader of my people. Just an old master who has gone out of his way for a friend.” Pacha silently smiled but kept his tone low.

“You are still a good one. I hope you enjoy your stay here.” Celestia bowed but stayed sitting with Pacha for a few more minutes while they reminisced about times that pass.

Session 51.7 Kendell2

The Crystal Empire was a place full of love and light, so it made sense to hold love based events there.

In this case, a couples table top gaming party for any who sought to come to celebrate Hearth's and Hooves Day. Other than games to play, there was naturally a large amount of red, as well

Cupid thanked his cousin for the gesture.

"Thanks for letting me come with Sweetie Belle, mom!" Button Mash exclaimed in excitement.

"You're quite welcome dear," Maternity said, giving a smile. "Ah, young love..."

"And thanks, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed to her big sister.

Rarity smiled. "You're welcome, Sweetie Belle..."

"Why are you grinding your teeth?"

"Oh nothing!" the Fashionista replied. 'I'm proud of you but why you and not me!'

"Okay, dear, that's the last of it," said Mr. Cake, putting a cake shaped like a massive heart on the table. "Shall we find a game?"

Mrs. Cake nodded. "Yes...do you think Pinkie Pie is doing okay with the twins?"

"Oh of course she is. And you know how much the twins love playing with little Flurry Heart."

Shining Armor waved to 8-Bit and Maternity, then looked to Cadence. "This is going well, but it feels like something is missing..."

Cadence nodded. "True...I'm not sure what..."

The stadium shook as two gigantic forms landed near by. Queen Tiamat and King Bahamut looked down on the arena. "...Are we late?"

Cadence chuckled and looked to her husband. "There they are."

Session 51.8 Alex Warlorn

"Oh sweet loving Rose Dust, when that teacher said one of the foals might chose to become a changeling, this isn't what I thought she meant."

Sweetie Belle, in the form of one of Thorax's changelings... found herself staring face to face with a Black Hive changeling, who happened to be particularly small, a foal's size, but had the shape of an adult, a dwarf changeling ... what a minute.

"Kevin?" Sweetie asked.

"Yeah, that's me." Kevin grunted. He cleared his throat. "Welcome cattle, I mean pony colt or filly, transformed into a vile abomination that looks like rainbow puke of the once proud but now technicolor Black Hive changeling swarm."

"... I'm guessing you don't like Thorax now being your king?"

"I don't want Chrysalis back in charge. But I thought the whole darn point of you ponies was that you learned not to judge a book by its cover, and so once we're all friends, we change covers. And I think the new forms look ugly. And it makes absolutely no sense for you to look like one if you're supposed to be 'fixing time' in this 'Edutainment' game, bleh. They should have stuck with the attacks by the Miss Speller's attacks of bad grammar."

"So uh... where are we?"

"Oh right, let me get into character." Kevin said then in a bored soulless monotone. "Oh hark oh brave Time Agent, the time breakers have come here to disrupt history, only you can protect time and space from their corruptions. Ensure history happens as it should."

Session 51.9 Alex Warlorn

Rainbow Dash and Rarity were playing Ages of Equestria, naturally a magically enhanced version, and were once again using the cutie mark map to enhance the game play.

In their imaginations, Rarity and Rainbow Dash imagined all their little citizens as miniature versions of themselves.

Rainbow Dash raised a massive Roamare army ... ready to crush Rarity's civilization from the history books.

Rarity on the other hoof... was spending all on her resources on... priestesses?

"What? Are they gonna sermon my army to death?" Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Come and find out darling." Rarity said with a simple smile.

Rainbow Dash never one to back down from a challenge, did exactly that.

The army of imaginary Rainbow Dash's in heavy armor flew towards Rarity's pathetic priestesses.

But at once Rarity's little miniature clones began to calling out, "Waa-haa-haa!" Over and over.

"Pst. What's that supposed to be? Pleas for mercy? You... better... think... a-gain... HEY! What are you all doing?! Get back here!" Rainbow Dash shouted at her little army of herself who began before her eyes to switch sides!

"AAAAAH! All my bad flank pegasus warriors are dressing up as foozy faashiontinas!" Indeed, Rainbow Dash was beseeched by the sight of herself several times over now dressing in style.

"This is why you need to read the manual darling," Rarity said still smiling.

Session 51.10 Quartzscale

It was an eventful time for all ponies as two particular ponies came out of nowhere to enjoy muffin time with Derpy. On her left sitting demurely with Angel by her side was Fluttershy. She daintily sipped some tea with her extra muffin while on her right was Rarity animatedly talking about something that Derpy couldn’t even follow. After twenty minutes of nonsense she wasted no time seeing that there was only one muffin left.

“Who would like the last muffin?” Derpy chirped out while her hoof rested against the muffin button.

Both mares raised their hooves stopping when the other did so as well.

“If you would like it darling by all means you may have it.”

“I couldn’t take it from you Rarity. You can have it.”

“Fluttershy I insist. A lady must watch her figure you know.”

Before the conversation could go any farther Derpy pressed the muffin button.

In a flash of light Fluttershy was now wearing a yellow suit jacket and blue tie. On her left hoof was a strange open hoof sock which might have been another glove like the doc said. Angel was turned into this strange blue light trapped in a watch. Her mane was done up in a pony tail. Derpy thought it was odd that she had a pony tail even though she already was a pony with a tail. The consequences were mind staggering.

Rarity, on the other hoof, was wearing a black trench coat and seemed to have a duality go on between the two. On her front hooves were the remains of manacles as if she had just been held on trial. Near her side was a large katana that seemed to emit a deadly force from just being in the room. From out of nowhere Opalescence flew in through an open window. Yes she flew as she now resembled a hawk. She flapped above Derpy and perched in place to watch over the proceedings.

“Um… Reasons for the muffin?” Derpy offered her hoof towards both mares.

“Quite Darling. I believe Fluttershy should have the muffin because she hardly ever gives herself a chance to enjoy life.”


“I know Rarity deserves it she has been working hard on that order for the Icehome branch store she opened. She needs it,”


“Fluttershy I insist that you have it look at Angel Bunny.”

Angel was flashing a multitude of colors mostly blues which seemed to indicate sadness and also some discord in her voice. The idea not the being. Opalescence yawned somehow even in the guise of a bird.

“Wait. Ideaaaaaa~” Rarity took the katana and sliced the muffin in half frightening everypony around them.

The two mares enjoyed their halves of the muffin. Derpy pressed the muffin button and everything returned to normal. She would never press the button whenever Rarity was around, ever again.

Session 51.11 Quartzscale

Diamond Tiara stood directly in front of a new area within the comic. Seemingly all around her were rolling plains and several pools of water cascading down to another pond. The most glorious sight before her was a large pagoda style tower reaching much larger than the Canterlot Palace and more intricate in design. Around the entire structure were thirteen statues of various animals which seemed to be weirdly set up in a pecking order. At the top was a stone eastern dragon. On the second level were a rat, an ox, a tiger, and something she didn’t recognize. (It was a horse.) On the third level was a rooster, a cat, a rabbit, and a dog. On the third level was a pig, a snake, a sheep, and a monkey.

“That’s really weird.” Tiara muttered to herself while she stepped into the pagoda. Torches were held equidistant from the center of the room and lit up the entire floor revealing three seats against the far wall.

“Hello! I’m here to learn thing about myself or something to that effect.” Her words trailed off as the torches went out and darkness took over the room. She screamed.

“Worry not young one. You are in safe paws within these hallowed halls. Please tell us your name so that we may understand one another better.” A voice called out from the darkness silencing the screams and filling Diamond Tiara with a sense of calm.

‘Remember what Daddy said. Confidence when you go into business deals. Does that apply here?’ Tiara’s eyes went wide when her own advice went against her fight or flight instincts.

“Diamond T-tiara.”

“Welcome Diamond Tiara. We are here to facilitate your venture into the wonderful life we have made for ourselves. I am the current chosen leader of my people. You may call me Tsuki no Kagami. Kagami for short if you would like.” The voice called out from the darkness. “I, of course, did not come alone though. Allow me to show you.”

Four blue flames appeared on the snuffed out torches while a fifth appeared near where Tiara saw the thrones set up. As the lights reappeared she knew why the lights had dimmed. A large white kitsune sat where the middle throne was as nine beautiful tails lazily draped around the kitsune. As she said she was not alone either. On either side were two other kitsunes. The one of the right was of orange fur and seemed to have six glorious tails. It also had a nasty scar across its right eye and merely bowed at Diamond when their eyes met. On the left was a red kitsune with three tails. This one seemed feminine and more playful as she waves at Diamond without hesitation.

“Allow them to introduce themselves.” A tap on the left came up. The female kitsune spoke first.

“Hi there little foal. I’m so glad you chose to be a kitsune like us. It will be so much fun. My name is Taiyou no Bizu. You may call me Bizu. I’ll be teaching you all the cool pranking ways its gonna be great.” The kitsune smiled as she disappeared into thin air only to appear behind Diamond Tiara and startle her.

“YIP YIP YIP!” The kitsune laughed aloud until one of the while tails smacked her across the head.

“Manners Bizu.” A paw reached for the scarred Kitsune.

“Welcome. I am Hikari no Tsurugi. You may call me Tsurugi. I will teach the Foxfire techniques you may need to battle these Time Changers.” His one good eye focused on Diamond sending shivers throughout her entire body.

“Hi… I’m glad to be here. Um… Where should we get started?” Tiara stammered out still feeling both intimidation and fear. The kitsunes she was around seemed really powerful for some reason she couldn’t place her newly formed paw on.

“I shall start.” Kagami stepped down and stood before Diamond. It was then she noticed that something was different about her tail. The tip of each tail seemed to have ink on all of them.

“What’s wrong with your tail Kagami?”

“Ah so you noticed then. You see our tails secrete something known only as the Lifeline of the Gods. Basically its like paint but this paint can somewhat manipulate reality in strange ways. Probably not to the extent of the other creatures on this world but enough to change some things. Did you see the statues outside?” Kagami started her explanation. From the info from Cheerilee she would need to be a confident being to keep her attention.

“Yeah I do. I didn’t really understand what they were.”

“Each is a representation of the gods we have come to worship within the land of neighpon amongst the older generations at least. Each one allows us to perform different abilities except for the dog and rabbit. We still don’t understand why though…”

A distant time and Far away…

“We thank you for allowing us to do this for thou.” Luna spoke regally to a small rabbit with red markings holding a large mallet. It seemed a bit angry though Luna had tried to steal some mochi.

Celestia and a large white dog with red markings stood off to the side relaxing with each other while they watched the argument reach a fever pitch.

“Well it does not matter. Allow me to explain. The dragon allows us to restore broken or lost objects, the rat slices through obstacles, the monkey grows plant life, the pig creates fireworks, the snake controls water, the rooster controls fire, the sheep slows the progression of time, the cat allows you to walk along walls, the tiger controls lightning, the ox controls ice and the last controls wind. No I won’t say what it is. Though it should look familiar.” Kagami explained quickly.

“I don’t think I’ll get all that.” Diamond looked confused.

“Do not worry we shall take the time to learn about it.”

Session 51.12 General Lemarc

Fluttershy, being Fluttershy, had planned on being able to talk down the godslayer from the very beginning. So she'd invested the majority of Aceso's points into manifestation and divine intervention, and had made use of nearly every one of her appearances to her followers to emphasize the importance of winning over the hearts and minds of foes, and of always being willing to give an enemy a second chance, further increasing her bonuses. Had the latest ancient evil threatening Equestria not reared its head, she'd most likely have been able to talk down Bellerophon, or at least point him away from her and her friends and towards the gods who had actually killed his family. And while she was peeved annoyed that she wouldn't be able to do that, she had to admit her excitement at her new task. She finally had the chance to redeem a villain without having to beat them first. Defeat wouldn't mean friendship, it would BE friendship. And, despite the prayers of her avatar/pc hero Tulip, she was confident that both of Zanza's godslayers could be reasoned with. As her essence entered the mortal plain, she made to call out to the Neighponese student and-


Aceso hurriedly shifted her focus towards the witch. "Wasn't his character supposed to be a confident genius chessmaster? " she mumbled to herself.

"I think having an actual god destroy his illusions of being all powerful might have broken a few things, love."

Aceso gasped, having forgotten that, in her current ethereal form her voice was made much louder, so that there would be no misunderstandings of her words(this being made to avoid something akin to Accelerator's " a tack/attack" blunder), and thus her murmurings had been readily available for Anlancia to hear. For her part, Anlancia had managed to not start shooting Aceso, though it seemed to be causing her pain.

"Lady Anlancia", Aceso began "One of my little ponies, er, deer has made it known to me that you are a reluctant servant of Zanza. Please, allow me to free you from his control."

"What's the point? If you free me, then I'm no longer capable of doing my job. You and your lot are about the only gods with any popularity right now; all the other gods and their angels barely have any halos in 'em. And no halos, no life. So I either fight you and die that way, or get claimed by my old contract."

"The gods you served are no more" Aceso pointed out(neglecting to mention that she was the reason for this, having convinced Twilight to avoid putting any truly evil deities in their first campaign). "And I am friends with the Goddess of Wisdom. She may very well know more about the workings of your contract than the gods who made it. I am sure she could free you."

Anlancia hadn't ever enjoyed fighting this latest bunch of gods. For the first time in her long career, she'd run into gods who actually meant all that rubbish about love and tolerance and friendship. And this one in particular seemed almost too innocent to exist, so she didn't doubt the sincerity of the offer. Her pondering was cut short, however, when Bright finally noticed the large ethereal image of an alicorn in the midst of the battlefield.


"What is it with me and children? Fine. I'll take your deal, and I'll even help you against Zanza. One one condition"

"And what would that be?"

Anlancia jumped in the air, pointed all four of her hoof-mounted pistols at Bright, and fired dozens upon dozens of bullets at him until she was absolutely sure he was dead-meaning that he had stopped talking.

"That you don't get mad at me for that."

Meanwhile, in the astral plane...

Zanza had finally been able to channel his divine might to once more wield the Bionis Sword...or Aequitas' spell had worn off, but he much preferred the first. The assorted gods had channeled their collective magic into a bubble shield, but a few swings from his sword had made it clear that it wouldn't last long. Just before he shattered it, the pink alicorn flew out and directly towards him.

"I've been waiting to use this one! I cast Totally Useless Prophecy!"

Zanza actually paused mid-swing in an attempt to understand that. "But why...?"

"Oopsie. Forgot to mention. I used it on YOU. Get ready for some visions!"

Fine then. Any moment now his mind would be filled with false possibilities, designed to trick him into acting the way they wanted. He'd most likely not be able to ignore them, since the spell probably had a suggestive element. He steeled his mind for the visions...and was greeted with a white void. Alright then, auditory. No different. He readied himself for the false oracles, when he heard a chorus of voices...

"I can see the fu-TUUURE!"
"Shining Armor and Cadence have a kid!"
"Discord joins a harmony cult!"
"Twilight becomes an alicorn!"
"Chrysalis comes back for revenge again!"
"Celestia's the most powerful being in the universe but still doesn't do CRAAAP!"

"...WHAT IN THE NAME OF ME WAS THAT?! Two of those already happened! And none of that had any relevance!"

"Well duh! Its' called 'Totally Useless Prophecy' for a reason, silly."

"But what was even the point of that?! Are you trying to annoy me to death!?"

"Nope. But we did manage to cast every single debuff we had while you were under the spell."

Zanza, having regained the rest of his senses, saw she was right. They'd be able to take him out quickly at this rate. Fortunately, he still had one more trick left. He began to glow, and cracks began to form in his body. As Minerva hastily raised another shield, his body exploded, revealing what appeared to be a blonde human wielding a sword, but who crackled with divine, unrelenting light.

"I thought it was annoying to have the ants who lived on me decide to fight their rightful master. I thought it was annoying when they actually hurt me. I thought it was annoying when they insisted on repeating the same half-dozen one-line catchphrases throughout all of our fights! But never, in all my existence, have I had to deal with a group of foes who treat me as if I'm some sort of game!!"

Ludicrissia smiled bemusedly. "Well, we kinda are in a game, y'know."

"I don't care! This ends now! Since we're yelling out attacks now, I activate True Monado Buster, allowing me to instantly remove whoever I hit with it from reality!"

Minerva started. "What?! There's no move like that in the game!"

"There is now!"

"You can't just make up stuff without asking the other players! Its against the rules!" Ludicrissia chimed in. "That's not very nice at all."


The girls and Indominus braced themselves, committed to defending Aceso to the last, when...

"Soothing Song!"

Zanza instantly froze in place, and the deities turned to see Aceso, back in her body, along with Anlancia and their player characters/avatars.

"Aceso dear!" cried Lucia. "Thank goodness for you and your pacifist spells. But however did you manage to bring mortals here?"

The mortal realm, a few minutes ago...

Anlancia fired her guns at a random point in the distance. The bullets impacted a barrier a few feet away from her, and somehow managed to punch a heart-shaped hole to the astral plane.

Aceso and the heroes all stared slack-jawed at Anlancia.

"Power upgrade. Came with the whole "servant of the evil god" thing. I do get to keep it once this is over, right?"

The astral plane, now...

"And that's not all I can do, your godlinesses" said Anlancia. "The makers of my contract may be gone, but I can still summon a demon or two. Just be warned, he's not...well, not quite right in the head." Anlancia's mane began to swirl, creating a portal from which emerged a very familiar draconequus...

"Greetings all! Tis I: Discord! Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, Lord of the Unexplained, Baron of..."

Minerva hurriedly brought all the gods into a huddle. "Ok, I know Anlancia can summon demons, but I thought there weren't any real gods in this game. Is this actually Discord, or a copy created by the pocket reality?"

"... Keeper of the Banhammer, Vice-Chairman of..."

"Look, either he's fake, or he's real and is just messing with us by acting fake. The real Discord would've commented on seeing us here by now." Accelerator chimed in. "Buuut I've got a way to deal with him if he's acting."

"Better hurry." said Minerva. "Aceso's spell has almost worn off. But it looks like he's almost done introducing himself."

"...Mayor of Hoofington, The Great and Really Great! Now, what need have ye of my services?"

"Hey there buddy!" Called Accelerator, who floated towards Discord. "We've got an evil god to defeat, and could use another warrior fighting on the side of peace and harmony"

"Oh come come now" oozed Discord in a low voice. "You can drop the act with me, we're both Draconequui here. What's your real game? Got a plan to take down those goody two-shoes?"

Accelerator grinned in a manner resembling a certain Hearths-Warming tale's villain. "You bet I do. See, I start by going after the healer princess. Figured I'd backstab her-literally! And then, while she begs for-"

"You will stop right there or I will turn your feathers into lead Rainbow Dash!!"

"Oh, hey Discord! Sorry 'bout that, but we kinda needed you to stop role-playing, and threatening Fluttershy seems to be the one reliable way to get you to focus. So. Evil god, trapped us in the game as our characters, reached his final form, help plz."

"...I'd be angry, but that was very well done, especially for you Dashie."


"Rage later, fight evil god now. I believe that was what you were telling me, after all? Oh, and nice job at the end there. Its a little known fact that Draconequui can transfer misspellings into real life. Now, let's pwn that nwb with hax!"

"Ow! Discord!" Minerva yelled, almost getting hit by a swing from Zanza's Monado due to flinching from the spelling errors.

"Not my fault you can't git gud!"(OW!) "Now, let's see what abilities I spawned with. Hmmm, Dancing Buffalo Stampede, Mind of a Dog, Printing Press of-Whoops! Can't use that one here. Oooh! Chocolate Milk Tsunami of Explosions! Now that sounds fun. Now to cast it..."

"No! No more casting, no more saving throws! I'm sick of this! It feels like my entire life has been nothing but a game."

"Well..." said both Discord and Ludicrissia(the latter having even more interdimensional-reference knowledge due to her temporary godhood.)

"That's it! Everyone dies! No, that's too good for you. None of you will ever have lived!"

"Everypony cast their most powerful spells now! That goes for you too heroes!" Minerva assumed the head of the formation of gods and champions(and one reformed godslayer), as a deluge of beams and projectiles launched at Zanza. He moved to deflect them with his Monado, but was suddenly frozen in place, despite having previously used a buff to prevent that healer from paralyzing him again.

"Funny thing about being petrified for a thousand years; you learn quite alot about how it works." Discord's grin was nothing short of malevolent, as if a small part of him had been let out for the first time since his reformation.

Zanza, confronting yet another doom, was finally out of rage, and took some solace in the fact that, doomed though he was, at least he wouldn't go out screaming 'NOOO' like the other antagonists in the wretched world that had been his prison. "...I hate you. I hate you all."

"I know." replied Discord. "I'm really feeling it."

Zanza would have commented on the irony of his previous musings coming right before his current screaming, but he was far too furious for words. "NOOOO-waitwaitwaitdamnitallNOOOOOO!"

Several hours later...

Celestia and Luna had just finalized the guest list for their all-deity session of Age of Gods, when a letter from Twilight materialized before Celestia.

Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I learned that you can defeat evil gods exiled from other dimensions with annoyance and bad jokes. I also learned that I have a tendency to joke when I'm relieved that a major crisis is over...and that this is the last piece of parchment in the castle somehow, meaning you're going to see that. Oh well. Age of Gods was a great game that really helped my friends gain a better perspective on how deities do their jobs, however this happened in a far more literal manner than expected. Enclosed in this letter is a description of an evil god from another reality known as Zanza, who pulled us into the game. I, along with my friends and Discord(who is also my friend and is really really awesome and totally isn't writing this part conveniently placed in parentheses) was able to defeat him, but it is unknown if he is still present in our universe. Discord has volunteered to search for him, and I've agreed to help him, but not just for the above reason. Apparently, Discord is(somehow) the legal mayor of Hoofington, and so I beg of you to use your authority to change this while I have him distracted so that he won't be able to attempt to institute a city-funded organization of spy pets wearing fedoras(his words). Hopefully the general public will have an increased understanding of the work you and the other deities do once the full, non-possessed version of the game is released.

Princess Twilight Sparkle

(OOC: And thus ends my first major, well, anything on this site. Hope you enjoyed it)

Session 51.13 Kendell2

"Discord!" called the human Chrysalis, walking into his office. "Are the servers almost fixed yet?"

"My part of it was done, you'll have to ask our anti-hackers..." Discord replied, typing away.

"Then what ARE you doing?" she asked, walking over.

"Oh, just making my contribution to that 'We Are Number One, but it's...' meme going around. I ALWAYS contribute to the memes!" Discord replied with a diabolical laugh and lightning effects. "In this case it's 'We Are Number One, but it's a boss fight with Discord!'"

Chrysalis face palmed. "Fine...Regardless, President Sombra wants to have us program a special event for when things go back up to make up for going down and having to deal with the hackers. Other than the capes for the people who helped beat the hacker."

"Hmm...well, I have this huge victory celebration party even programmed but had nowhere to put it..." Discord replied. "Programmed one for WoH and one for the life sim."

"...Why do you ALREADY have that?" Chrysalis asked.

"Because with the servers down I've been INCREDIBLY BORED!" Discord said, looking like he was going to pull his hair out. "I already did all the required stuff so I started programming random things!"

"...Okay..." Chrysalis replied.

"Also, I think since I was so bored and working on my Screwball anti-hacker program to upgrade her in case this happened again, I may have accidentally caused her to become self aware..." Discord said, peaking over to see a tiny screwball wave at him from the side of the screen. "Or I'm so bored I'm seeing things. Possibly both."

"Say what?"

"Nothing! I'll work on them so I can put them in," he explained.

"Good, get on that..."

Session 51.14 Kendell2

"Uh, Diamond?" asked Applebloom, dressed as Superstallion in one of the Enchanted Comics.

"Yeah?" asked Diamond, dressed as One Punch Mare. And one punching a monster three times her size as if she were stretching, causing it to go flying into orbit.

"Don't yah think a comic where One Punch Mare teams up with Superstallion is kinda overpowered?" Applebloom asked.

"And I'm Superfilly," Sweetie Belle commented, dressed as such.

"And I'm Batmare..." said Scootaloo, likewise dressed as the heroine...with a twist. "With a Green Power Ring!"

"Yes, it's overpowered, that's kinda the point," said Diamond, backhanding a monster as if she were just gesturing and causing it to vanish into the sky with a cartoony twinkle. "This was my 'happy place' after I stopped being a bully but before momma realized she was...not being nice..."

"Oh..." Applebloom said, rubbing her head. "Sorry..."

"Is that why the big bad looks like your mom?" Sweetie Belle asked, pointing to a cackling villain on a skyscraper.

"...I probably should get that changed..." Diamond Tiara said, blinking.

"SPOON!" yelled Silver Spoon, dressed in a blue, full body suit that only exposed her jaw with tick antenna, as she punched a bad guy.

"Also, Silver wanted to do that," Diamond Tiara explained with a smile.

"Hey, wait a second..." Scootaloo said, tapping her chin. "Your power is you can beat anything with one punch if you want to, right?"

Diamond nodded. "Yeah."

"And one of her powers is she can survive anything, even a black hole, right?" Scootaloo asked, pointing to Silver.

"Yeah, I'm nigh invulnerable! Why?" Silver Spoon asked as a thug hit her in the back with a pipe. The pipe bent.

"...So what happens if Diamond punches you?"

The two blinked, looking to each other...

The group floated in a black void, Silver and Diamond looking dizzy.

"Huh, apparently the universe implodes from the paradox..." Scootaloo pointed out, before the comic 'spat' them out back in Diamond's room and burst into flames. "Who knew?"

"Eh, I had to order a new version anyway," Diamond commented as Randolph put the comic out with a fire extinguisher.

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page: (update already)

Session 51.0 Kendell2
Session 51.1 Mtangalion
Session 51.2 Mtangalion
Session 51.3 Alex Warlorn
Session 51.4 Quartzscale
Session 51.5 Mtangalion
Session 51.6 Quartzscale
Session 51.7 Kendell2
Session 51.8 Alex Warlorn
Session 51.9 Alex Warlorn
Session 51.10 Quartzscale
Session 51.11 Quartzscale
Session 51.12 General Lemarc
Session 51.13 Kendell2
Session 51.14 Kendell2

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Cover art by Baraka1980

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.


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