• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

  • ...

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Session 39 (The Rest, Season 6 finale spoilers)

Session 39.5 Alex Warlorn


Mayor Mare cringed. "Now understand Fluttershy, those construction workers have a union contract, they're already paid, and ponies are STILL demanding the construction of a multi-use stadium... in particular the Buck Ball crowd ... "

"Well I'm going to REFUSE to play Buck ball in that stadium!"

"... And that's your right, seeing as you never signed a service contract of any kind with Applejack or the Buck Ball League... but I do imagine that would reflect poorly on your teammates, and on Ponyville itself... Personally I'm confounded how it's scientifically possible that somepony who owns the largest business in Ponyville could have ruined the economy that badly in just a few days in office. And I'm not sure what else Filthy could have done while doing his hardest to KEEP his campaign promises. He raised taxes on business owners because he needed capital for his civil improvements, and when they demanded he lower taxes, he then had to use sub-par materials for the new playground BECAUSE he didn't have the capital. If anything, I imagine Filthy's problem is that he couldn't accept that sometimes, no, VERY OFTEN as a elected official, you have to abandon promises you made."

"That's horrible! You'd never do a thing like that!"

"I did. When I first ran, I promised I'd replace the fire hazard straw roofs in Ponyville with much safer and rain resistant tile roofs... but I realized the actual post when I saw the budget would have driven Ponyville into debt and have to shut down basic upkeep... and other towns already give us the stink eye for the subsidies that Princess Celestia already gives us."

Fluttershy blinked. "Subsidies?"

"We've had to reconstruct Ponyville several time in the last five years Fluttershy, it's the price we pay living right next to Everfree."

Fluttershy's eyes brightened. "Therefore! That stadium would be too dangerous for visitors, and wouldn't be up to safety code! So you HAVE TO cancel it!"

"... That would be true... but also... so would your cottage... "

"... Never mind."

"Fluttershy... do you think Ponyville when it was built was completely devoid of any fauna or flora? Like where this office is? Or Manehattan? I've asked the -certified- ecological experts, and they say the impact will not be catastrophic. As populations grow so does their infrastructure. ... Besides... how do you think all those construction workers are going to feed their families? Being paid to run off in defeat and being lectures on forest conversation?"

"... I'll be going now."

Session 39.6 Kendell2 (Spoilers, Finale)

"Now this is my kind of game," Chrysalis said, sitting on her throne and overlooking thirteen Changelings. "Queen says 'Celestia surrenders'."

One of the Changelings turned into Celestia. "Queen Chrysalis, I am no match for you. I surrender. But only if you leave my little ponies alone," the changeling replied, managing a near perfect impersonation of the Princess of the Day.

"Wonderful job!" the Queen replied. "Queen says 'Luna surrenders.'"

The Changeling next to that one morphed into a perfect copy of Luna. "You are right sister. Chrysalis and her armies have grown far too powerful for us to hope to defeat!"

Chrysalis smirked. "Wonderful. Queen says 'Twilight is defiant.'"

Another Changeling transformed into Twilight Sparkle and took on a completely defiant and angry look. "You won't get away with this Chrysalis!"

"Good. Queen says 'Twilight is beaten'..." Chrysalis said, and fired a beam. Nowhere near her full strength, blasting the Changeling to the ground where he (mostly) pretended to be knocked out cold. Chrysalis' face showed she enjoyed that a bit TOO much.

"Alright, my changelings. It seems we're ready..." Chrysalis replied, rising from her throne. "And none of you have said a peep about this to the outside world yet?"

"No, my queen. IF any spies overheard us outside of the castle, they believe you are pursuing an artifact with no real power," replied one of the Changelings. "And several changelings genuinely were told that."

"Good..." Chrysalis said, trotting over to the window and looking out at HER kingdom...and laughed.

=My Lullaby - Lion King II=

"Get ready my changelings, prepare to take wing,
After waiting oh so long, they will know our sting!" she sung, flying back to the middle of the room and closing any entrance.

"I've been beaten, humiliated,
To which I take great offense!
When I think of what those two did,
I get a little tense!" she song, her magic projecting an image of Cadence and Shining Armor with a snarl.

She then smiled and laid on her throne in a relaxed fashion. "But I dream a dream so pretty,
That I don't feel so depressed.
Cause it soothes my inner filly,
And it helps me get some rest."

"The sound of Cadence's frightened gasp!
Her daughter squealing in my grasp!" she song, suddenly jumping up with a viscous look on her face.

"Her kingdom believing my lies!
That's my lullaby!" she sung, morphing into Cadence while the Changelings around her bowed to her in the guise of Crystal Ponies.

"Now the past I've tried forgetting,
And my foes I could forgive," she sung, pulling a O&O board from a closet...

"Trouble is, I know it's petty,
But I hate to let them live!" she roared, burning the board to a cinder.

The Changelings in the room turned into the Mane Six, Spike, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart.

"So you/yah found yourself/yerself somelings,
That can be them for all to see," they sung, each in an good mimic of the pony they were copying.

"Give them a rude awakening,
And let them know it's from me!" Chrysalis sung back, flying up as changelings poked out of the walls by the dozens.

"The melody of hungry growls!" she sung, her army giving ravenous snarls and growls in response.
"A counterpoint of startled howls!"

The 'mane six' pretended to be the ponies in question being caught unaware by the swarm.

"Deceit's grand symphony, oh my!
That's my lullaby!" Chrysalis sung, the swarm flying around her.

"My mask is gone, no where to be found,
I hope they're not too sad,
The queen is back! Free and unbound!
Oh how I missed being bad!" she continued, having the drones pile every game she'd accumulated into a pile which she burned to a cinder. She landed on the ashes, crushing the last piece that'd remained untouched. For a moment she felt a little sad...moment past, back to megalomania!

"Get ready for our great coup my little changelings!
For their love I know you long! So you'll eat like kings!" the Changeling queen sung, her Changelings cheering.

"Now it's time to settle the score!
We'll shake their kingdom to the core!
The joy of vengeance!"

"Testify!" called one particularly viscous looking Changeling.

"Oh they should be fearing,
This, our greatest lie!
Payback time is nearing,
And then our flag will fly!
Against their lovely sky!" Chrysalis sung, the swarm flying around her with two raising a flag behind her.

"That's my lullaby! HAHAHAHAHA!" the queen cackled as her dark stone throne pulsed with eldritch magic and the room darkened until only Chrysalis' laughing visage could be seen.

Session 39.7 Grogar-The-Onser and Ardashir

TImeline A

"You idiots actually manage to grab her!" Chrysalis said at the sight of the cocooned Flurry Heart. "I gotta tell you... I'm honestly impress you lot manage to successfully capture her this time. How were you able to do it?"

"We kept singing a lullaby to keep her asleep," A changeling said.

"... Really that all it took?" Chrysalis said.

"Yeah but it wasn't a perfect method, those singing off keys were punched through the wall." The changeling shrugged.

"Well, whatever works." Chrysalis shrugged.

"I can't feel my face," another changeling groaned.

"Hopefully it goes as smoothly with the other acquisitions.


A changeling dragged Rarity off her bed, cackling all the while.


A changeling gulped as he carefully carried Fluttershy while sneaking past Harry the bear, who might attack him if woken up (or worse, try to find Discord) before he made it to the safety of the hive. 'Why do I get the scary jobs.' the changeling thought.


"I can't see why we can't slit the dragon's throat." A changeling grumbled/ "A dragon nearly killed my great hive forebear when our kind was trapped in a volcano."

"The queen told you, he's too much of an adored figure in the Crystal Empire to simply killed. Plus as a friend of that traitor Thorax, she gets the chance to use a particular nightmare scenario for his cocoon," a second said as it took Twilight's crown and pose in front of a mirror.


Pinkie yawned as she went to get a glass of water. A changeling sneaks up on her holding a baseball bat menacingly, he got in close and gently tapped her in the head. She fell like a sack of hammers.

"There is no possible way that should have work," the changeling muttered.


Applejack and Rainbow Dash panted, both were checking out an adventure movie when changelings attacked them, they were able to escape via the exit.

"Why the heck is Chrysalis' hive attacking now?!" Rainbow asked.

"Guess she found a game-changer," Applejack panted. The streets were empty as most ponies were asleep. Both stop to see changeling glaring at them. "Aw horse-" Before AJ could finish a changeling blasted her knocking her out cold.

"AJ!" Rainbow said but was tackled by the changeling. Both tumbled a bit but Rainbow used her hind legs and kicked the changeling off her but a second changeling was more prepare as he fired a blast hitting RD spot on. Rainbow Dash groaned as the two changeling got near her.

"No..." Rainbow moaned as one raised a hoof, and all went to black.

"Such heroic nonsense."

Timeline B

"Shining! RUN!"

"I can't! I won't abandon --" Shining Armor turned and blasted one Changeling just as it leaped on him. The bug pony smashed into the wall and slid down it, leaving an imprint behind.


Cadence stood in the midst of a swarm of Changelings, her horn blazing as she hurled away one Changeling after another. Those who jeeringly thought of her as merely 'the pretty pony princess' would have been stunned and even terrified to see just how fierce she could be when she had to.

"Just GO!" She cried at her husband. "They don't just want us! They want Flurry too!"

Shining's eyes went wide, and he charged out of the throne room, leaving her embattled wife behind to protect the other most important life in the world to him. It took only moments for him to reach the nursery.

He gasped to see little Flurry crying as a pair of Changelings were carrying her towards a waiting cocoon.

"MONSTERS!" He charged into the room in full rage shift, almost ablaze with his own magic. "Get away from my daughter, you! --"

Which was the moment when a dozen Changelings dropped on him from above. One immediately snapped a restraining lock on his horn. For all his rearing and hoof-boxing and kicking, they soon had him down.

"Her Majesty was right," one of the Changelings chittered laughter. "They did act like fools when we went after their puny nymph." It looked at the helplessly furious Flurry Heart. "Why was anyling afraid of some useless brat, anyway?"

Shiny just cried out the 'unlocking' words on his daughter's restraining spell.

"Flurry! Do you want to see an aardvark?"

Flurry's eyes suddenly glowed. She began to struggle with greater strength. The Changelings holding her tried to restrain her -- and with screams both of them were sent hurling through the nearest wall.

Wings outspread, her horn alight, and squalling in infant fury, Flurry flew at the Changelings who'd just stuffed her father into a cocoon.

They had one collective reaction.

"This is gonna suck."

Five minutes later, the still furious Flurry Heart was flying down the hallway, leaving a devastated nursery and groaning Changeling foalnappers behind her. Her father's cocoon floated along with her, held by her magic. Flurry 'sensed' Cadence's presence down this way, the familiar combination of magical energy and physical scent that meant 'Momma' to her.

Along the way some of the other Changelings tried stopping her. After a moment or two the even angrier Flurry Heart left them in silent heaps as she passed by.

Then: "Flurry! Oh, darling!"

"Momma!" Flurry flew straight to Cadence where she stood in the hallway, accompanied by Crystal Guards. Cadence embraced her little daughter. "Flurry love Momma."

"And I," Chrysalis snarled as she changed back to herself and began draining Flurry's potent love and magic, along with her Royal Guards, "love feasting on silly foals like you, you brat!"

Flurry tried blasting her away, but one of the Changelings snapped a restraining lock on her horn. In moments Flurry was helpless, beyond angrily biting several Changelings as they forced her into the cocoon. They whimpered and lingered over their hurts as they returned to Chrysalis' side.

"You've dealt with my son Vordul, you've been bitten harder than that," she snapped at them. "Now get moving! Three of you replace these three vermin," she kicked the cocoon of Cadence's they'd dragged along. "The sooner it's done, the sooner I will finally rule Equestria!"


"AHH!" Prism Bug shouted as she fell out of her cot.

"Darn it Prism, it too early for this," Apple Moth growled.

"Wha..." Prism Bug blinked. " Apple Moth I had this weirdest dream! We were both ponies, and I was a member of a special aerial team while you were a apple farmer, and the hive attacked us!"

"... Were you over-eatin' the love from those creature from lovey-dovey land again?" Apple Moth asked annoyed.

"I can't help what I dream, especially one that felt so real!"

"Well, try to dream less realistically. We have a big day tomorrow!... Also just cause Ah have Apple in the name doesn't automatically make me a farmer."

"Then why do you have farming magazines?" Prism bug questioned.

"None of your business!" Apple Moth snapped.


"HYAH" Desmoxytes Purpurosea shouted (She keeps trying to start the nickname Pinkie, but it wasn't sticking) with her axe at the giant who roared in pain.

"Hurry up with that MP restoration!" Prism Bug shouted.

"Alright I'm casting it!" Proboscis said as she use the MP given to her by the stylish Queen Chrysalis to restore Golden Bug magic.

"FIREBALL!" Golden Bug shouted.

"Poison Slash!" Antimachus shouted as she hit the creature head on, it poofed into smoke giving out experience.

"Good work. We have successfully claim victory for the hive!" Prism Bug shouted.



"So for the most part, the queen's enemies are stuck inside cocoons thinking they're changeling in a RPG," a changeling guard stated.

"Yes! What part of that aren't you getting?!"

"Don't bite my head off, I just find it weird is all." The guard said defensively. He looked at the queen who horn as glowing as she touched Cadence's cocoon. "Makes me wonder what she's doing inside there."


"My queen, we have them on the ropes, what do you suggest we do next?" Honeymoon Fly asked.

"Lead them into the trap Cad- Honeymoon Fly," Chrysalis stated. "Let them think they're masters of their destiny when in truth there going to suffer the machination of my plan."

"Yes my queen!" Honeymoon Fly said as she flew away.

'Mental note, make sure no one realize i'm still playing RPGs with these idiotic prisoners/trophies, even if it is on my terms,' Chrysalis thought. It wouldn't matter after she'd enslaved all of Equestria and publicly executed Thorax and Kevin. 'Maybe I'll brainwash the zebra into a pole dancer. And lobotomize Luna and Celestia to being just sun/moon moving zombies. And I won't have to channel so much magic to the two impersonating them right now to pull off the farce. They'll like being my changeling minions by the time I'm done playing with them.'

Spike meanwhile was great fierce dragon... in a goth dragon slayer campaign... playing every dragon as the vampires, ghouls, mummies, flesh-golems. and werewolves got him. Over and over.

"Pupa! STOP! Playing with that one!" Chrysalis snorted.

"But we're playing Crystals and Rainbows 3.5!" Pupa said as her horn glowed touching Flurry Heart's prison, Flurry Heart's mind currently in the happy go-lucky land of Crystals and Rainbows hugging sourpuss after sourpuss raising her friendship points with her best friend Princess Pupa of the Flutterponies and defeating the evil muffins who didn't want to be eaten.

(PS Pinkie Pie insect name on the real life pink millipede species) http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01206/millipede_1206254i.jpg

While Fluttershy is based off of this species of butterflies http://hubpages.com/education/Worlds-most-poisonous-butterfly-Austrlias-smallest-butterfly-review

Rarity's name of proboscis comes from the part of the mosquito that drains blood.

Golden Bug (Legend of zelda twilight princess reference).

Session 39.8 Mtangalion and Alex Warlorn

Alisa said, "Mistress Rarity's Little Sister! Will give you big stack of favors to remove 'safe word!"

AJ said, "And Ah'll give ya a yearly supply of Zap Apple Jam till yer eighteen to keep it on!"

-And a while later-

"Hey! Where did all my mind-control suppressing coffee go?" Gilda snapped, seeing paw prints.

"This could go on a while," Starlight said looking out a telescope.

"Oh no it isn't!" Twilight stamped her hoof. "Enough with the mind cotrol!" Twilight teleported in front of Alisa who was smuggling out with Gilda's anti-mind control coffee. "Alisa! From now on you limit your game to consenting ponies!"


Alisa cheered. "Hah! Alisa has transformed Apple Pony into Diamond Wolf with her tricksy magic!" There was a note near her that read ominously, 'You Now Owe Discord One Favor.' She put on some earmuffs and blews the whistle.

Applejack blinked, "... was somethin' supposed to happen?"

Rarity said, "I always knew Applejack was lacking in that department."

Alisa's ears drooped. "But, it worked on Big Macwolf just fine..."

Princess Twilight used the Royal Canterlot Voice, "Enough with the unlawful transformations too."

"Pinkie cheered. "What you need is a pony whistle!"

Twilight shouted. "No, don't blow that!"

Twilight shuddered. "It's a good thing I have batpony hearing, and those whistles can't affect my subconscious. On the other hoof... OW."

Starlight's lit up. "I'm going to mind control everyone to ignore all other mind control they're under! Nothing can go wrong with this plan!"

Twilight whacked her with a news paper. "NO! Bad Starlight! Bad!"

Pinkie Pie nodded. "You'd also make Rarity act like a tomboy and Rainbow Dash act like a girlie girl."

Starlight's eyes widened. "What?"

Pinkie Pie shrank away. "NOTHING!"

Windy Whisper stuck her head out her window. "Would you ponies stop blowing those whistles already! Can I be at the table again? Typical, forgetting all about me for twenty game sessions..."


Meanwhile in the human world...

Spike The Dog stood on his hind legs with his foreleg stiffly out like a zombie. "What is thy command oh master?"

Sci-Twi said, "You can start by not fighting with Sunset's new dog, Garble."

"And you command my master."

Sunset tilted her head concerned. "Is using a dog whistle on Spike now that he's a sapient being really ethical?"

"What would happen if I told him to 'dragon-up' ... Wait, that wasn't a command... yet..."

"Well that was anti-climatic." Starlight said, Spike now having a draconic tail and scales... oh and he breathed fire too.

"Hey! Sunset! Twilight! Look what Ah found sleepin' underneath the Apple farm! Ah named 'er Winona... she is a girl right?" Applejack asked riding a big brown dragon.

Human Alisa strolls in. "What is Mistress's bidding?"

Sci-fi Twilight felt the urge to pull her hair out. "What are you all doing in my house?!"

"Alisa will answer, Mistress! Alisa was spying on you to learn the secrets of pegasus costumes that really fly."

Sci Fi Twilight shook her head. "There is no way, in the world, a dog whistle would affect you. Therefore, I fainted when I saw Applejack's dragon. I'm dreaming aren't I?"

Princess Luna said behind her. "Just ignore me please."

Sunset puts on a she-demon costume that Alisa just made. "Command me... Mistress Twilight..."
Princess Luna grins and keeps her dream camera aimed at the action.

"Should we wake her up now?" Sunset asked as Winona kept licking Twilight with her giant tongue.

Session 39.9 Ardashir

Princess Twilight (visiting Canterlot High) asked, "Are you sure wearing that's a good idea? I mean, given what's happened here in the past."

"I've learned to handle it. Besides, I see two somebodies I need to speak to..." Sunset said looking like Nightmare Inferno.

Sunset Snuck up behind Snips and Snails. "Hey guys? BOO! Remember me?"

Snips cheered. "Look! Our Mistress of Evil has returned!"

Snails smiled and nodded. "Transform us once again, oh bride of darkness! So we can terrorize all the jocks and shop kids and band members and Fluttershy's stoner hippie pals and -- well, everyone in the school, really! Because they all keep treating us like we're miserable creeps for some reason."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Yeah, it's a mystery to me why that happens."

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page:


Session 39.5 Alex Warlorn
Session 39.6 Kendell2 (Spoilers, Finale)
Session 39.7 Grogar-The-Onser and Ardashir
Session 39.8 Mtangalion and Alex Warlorn
Session 39.9 Ardashir

Cover image by http://dsana.deviantart.com http://dsana.deviantart.com/art/Grasp-of-the-Purple-Claw-637350818

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

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