• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

  • ...

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Session 34

Session 34.0 Ardashir (with edits)

Chrysalis was the one the rest of the queens avoid at the family/hive reunions.

"Ugh, here comes little sis again to brag about how she beat Celestia."

"Let's turn into some of the griffon waitstaff and dodge her." She growled."Too late..."

"Hello potential threats to my rising to Queen of All Changeling, II beat Celestia at Go this week!"

Session 34.1 Grogar-the-oneser

"So you fools have arrive to my chambers," Luna said, she recognized the Shadowbolts from Twilight's reports, she was hiding in the shadows for dramatic effect. As she step into the light... she wasn't expecting a 'what-the-buck' look from them.

"Huh, the new Nightmare Moon reminds me of Cheeksqueeks," Lemon Zest said.

"From Yokai Watch?" Sugarcoat asked.

"Yeah, they have the same exact face," Lemon zest said.

Nightmare Moon blinked as she summoned a mirror, and Luna screamed at the sight of her face.

"WHO DID THIS!?!" Luna roared so loudly it cause the screens of the Shadowbolts computers to shake.

"Wow, you weren't kidding, they did went full out." Indigo zap whistled.

(Heres what cheeksqueek looks like http://yokaiwatch.wikia.com/wiki/File:Char-cheeksqueek_2x.png )

Session 34.2 Mtangalion

"Ninety-eight... ninety-nine..." Giselle the griffon finished her last wing-up and flopped, panting. "One hundred!" Somegriffon started slow-clapping. Giselle rolled over and saw Gilda perched nearby.

Gilda grinned like the griffon who caught the canary. "Still practicing for the next Griffonstone buckball tryouts, huh?" She waved a claw towards the boxes full of water balloons that she'd brought. "You wanna help me with these, or are you all tuckered out?"

Giselle grinned right back at her. "I'm down with a good prank." Their talons brushed as Gilda passed her one of the boxes.

Cupid sprang out from behind a bush. "Yes! The circle will be complete! Mwa-ha-ha!" Two water balloons smacked him right in the muzzle, soaking him.

"You again?" said Gilda, tossing another water balloon in her claw. "Go on, get outta here! Come back when it's Hearts and Paws Day. Actually, don't come back then either!"

Session 34.3 Mtangalion and Alex Warlorn

Cupid smiled. "Actually, when you're hit by my arrows, you'll work up the guts to decide you need to brush up on your cooking via the legendary griffin chef with the fake mustache."

Gilda gasped. "Who told you about my crush?! Er, I mean... no way would I have a chance with somegriff famous like Gustave, so why bother?"

Session 34.4 Grogar-the-oneser

AN: (Base on this scene from Gintama (With dialogue), you do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HOAY0XdzzM )

"URRGH! Whatever, I'll fixed it after I take care of you," Nightmare Moon shouted as she summon the Shadowbolts, but again something weird happened, the Background Music changed to something different.

"Is that.... Rocky?" Sunny Flare questioned.

"It's more of a rocky-like theme," Indigo Zap stated.

"It's sounds similar, but it clearly different," Sugarcoat noted.

"Probably due to them avoiding having to pay those pesky copyright laws," Lemon Zest said.

"Why the heck it's playing a Rocky like theme!" Sour Sweet snapped. "It's a fantasy game!"

"I think its kinda fitting," Indigo Zap said. "We lost the first time we played against Nightmare Moon and Rocky lost in the first movie."

"He did!?" Lemon Zest shouted surprised.

"Oh right, you never saw those movies.... sorry about the spoiler," Indigo Zap stated.

Meanwhile Nightmare Moon's eye was twitching. wondering what in Tartarus was going to go wrong next.

She got her answer in the form of the Shadowbolts singing, "DROC ID!"


(IN the real world)

"I do so love these comedy anime references," Discord cackled as he typed on his computer at almost breakneck speed.

Session 34.5 BrutalityInc

(ATTENTION READERS: This is the highlight of a narrative arc that I begin in Session 29.1, and continued in Session 33.18, [PLEASE re-read them again if you want some basic context] although arguably it begun earlier, with my entries where expies of boardgames like Zathura, Jumanji and Shadow of Brimstone started mysteriously appearing all over the place, or when Kendell2 introduced Empress Blackrose in Session 21.1, which interested me to no end between her relationship with Chrysalis and Discord, and the opportunities for worldbuilding that I had since indulged in)

(This, effectively is culmination of all that, with many big reveals, written in a hurry since certain... things involving Session 33.18 made it such that I had to rush it)

(Special thanks to :iconkendell2: for inspiring me. Credit to :icongrogar-the-oneser: for a segment which I promised to add in.)

(This would either be very good, or very bad. Alex, please keep the disclaimers in-text this time. Without further ado, the reveal of what really happened to Braeburn in Session 33.18)

Appleloosan Deserts, A Few Weeks Ago

Most nights in the deserts may be quiet, but they are far from silent.

When the wind blows, its distinctive high-pitch wails and whistles, could be heard echoing in the valleys or rounding the bend of mesas, picking up with it other sounds – the rustling of desert tree leaves and rolling tumbleweeds, loose sand sent flying into the air, rocks and pebbles tumbling across the ragged ground.

Near an errant bush, one might hear the sound of nocturnal critters, whether it be rodents scurrying and foraging for food on the ground, or flights of bats in the air. Meanwhile the chirping of crickets could be heard for miles.

Add the occasional travelling carriage, galloping through the night, or the sounds of a passing train, all joint together into a cacophonous orchestra that would resound from dusk to dawn, adding a most unique music that would liven the otherwise complete dullness under the sunless sky.

And yet, in this stretch of desert tonight, after a hard rain, no such music was present. There was no wind, not even a breeze to send ripples across the fresh ponds of rainwater yet to evaporate. There was no critter in sight, singing their nightly songs. There were no roads nor tracks in the vicinity, where passengers in their vehicles would, or could, notice just how awfully quiet everything had become.

Everything was silent, as if something had driven nature away.

That is not to say that all was lifeless and still.

Someone was making his way up a great mesa that night, far out the desert, in the middle of nowhere. He looked like a unicorn, though in the darkness of the night, one would struggle to make out his silvery mane and tail, or the maroon colour coat he had beneath the light-tan suit and hat he wore.

His cutie-mark: a caterpillar, hanging from a branch, weaving a cocoon around itself.

At last, his trek reaches the end, and with a green flash of teleport to circumvent the sheer-cliffs, he reached the top.

Yet, he found that some-pony is already there, long before him.

Tonight was a new moon, and what little moonlight is filtered by what little clouds that remain after the rain. Even so, it was just enough for the new arrival to make out a tall black pegasus, standing alone, in the centre of the flat plane.

The air seems to faintly simmer around him, surrounding him like an aura, blurring the details. Only when the unicorn approached did more details come into view; he could make out the impeccable attire the pegasus wore, including the hat that the pegasus had taken off from his silver maned head and tucked under a wing.

He was staring heavens-ward, smiling faintly, his emerald pupils seemingly glowing in the darkness.

The unicorn came to a stop, standing just next to him, and looked upward, in the same direction as the black pegasus. He found the stars, in their resplendent glory, looking right back at him.

"The night sky is beautiful; don't you think?" The black pegasus asked, his smooth, refined baritone voice breaking the silence between them. His tone sound as if he expected the visitor's arrival.

"... Yes, it is." The unicorn replied simply.

"Tell me, what constellations do you see up there?" The black pegasus pressed.

"I can see the Hydra and the Hunter to the east." The unicorn answered, "And the Fair Maiden to the west. Canis Alpha and Beta should be observable this time of the year, but the night is still young."

"Very astute..." the black pegasus concluded, with a humph, "... and painfully straightforward. Have you no artistic opinion of it all?"

The unicorn replied, after some consideration. "... Personally, only that it would all look better under a full moon."

"So very typical of you, young ones." The black pegasus muttered, sounding unimpressed, "Only valuing quantity, but never quality where it truly lies. You see the Moon as the greatest jewel etched into the tapestry, ignoring the fact that its grandeur drowns out that of the other jewels of light, ultimately dimming the glory of an otherwise brilliant work. What beauty is the Moon, by itself, when only pitch-darkness accompany it?"

He gaze returned towards the sky, "It is good then, that the Moon is inconstant in its glow, allowing the other lights their chance to radiate their presence. The Moon, in a way, is like what we are, waxing and waning, constantly changing its mask. And yet the stars, always, stays the same, year after year, age after age."

The unicorn looked uncertain for a moment. Then, he began, cautiously, "If I may... not always."

The black pegasus looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"It hasn't been since Princess Luna had return among the ponies." The unicorn added, "Since then, some stars had changed position, and new constellations had been added."

The black pegasus grinned, shook his head, "Perhaps... So too had it happened, more than a thousand years ago. Such artistic passion and quality, and yet... she received not a single shred of love for it, only scorn and apathy from her own subjects." He gave a mildly disdainful look for a moment, "Her loss to madness was such a loss to the world, and hardly any of them even cared until she returned. What Celestia saw in her little ponies, I believe none will ever know."

The unicorn blinked, as he recalled something. Then, he looked rather crestfallen.

The black pegasus noticed, "A troubled thought?"

"It is nothing." The unicorn insisted. At the pegasus' lingering look, he sighed, and elaborated, "I just wished my mother was here to see this. She, for one, always loved to see the stars."

"... That she did." The black pegasus said, matter-of-factly.

Both were silent for a few moments, admiring the stars.

Then, "Well, then. To the business at hoof."

The unicorn nodded, straightening himself.

"Of course, father."

For a brief instance, two pillars of flames burned away the darkness of the Appleloosan desert night, devouring the two ponies where they stood.

One was green, of a darker hue, casting shadows upon the rocks and plants where it flared. The other was blue, brilliant and bright, with such glow and power that night briefly turned to day across the mesa.

And when the flames faded...

= = =

Canterlot, Now

"And you turned him down?" Applejack asked, as they walked down the cobblestone streets of the Equestrian capital.

"Well, no, I didn't... Not really." Braeburn explained, rubbing the back of his head, "It's odd enough that... thing, told me he accepted baked goods for service, but asking for half a tonne of it so he could sue some horror from beyond just isn't going to happen for me. I'm not swimming in bits as it is, and I don't have time to bake all that."

"Well, can't blame you for that." Applejack said, "You know, cous, we actually met him once, back when Discord decides to open a portal to his home dimension or wherever it was during a game of Call of Ponythulhu. Imagine our surprise when he offered us tea and cookies instead of driving us mad and eating us. And to think, he's a lawyer!"

"Yeah... it was so darn surreal." Braeburn concurred, "He's so polite, yet still so horrifying."


"Now lets' get down to business. Have you experience blackouts, people fleeing from you, getting all weird images where you see some eldritch scenery or being, and having terrible heart burns?" Ponythulhu asked nicely.

"Err.... yes, to all but the last one." Braeburn said, confused.

"Ah, then we can rule out a possible fire elemental and go straight to the next culprit. It appears you been chosen, by random chance, to be the next host to a powerful eldritch being."

"... what?"

"I said - "

"I heard what you said but, how?!"

"Probably by a complete mess up with some idiotic cultists. Not to worry though, luckily there are rules for this sort of thing, although you may have to consider playing a game to get this being out of you. Standard procedure, sir, I assure you... unless you wish to serve as a pupa."


"Yes, that's the funny thing. Unlike a natural reincarnation, this one is more likely parasitic in nature, meaning that your body is a cocoon and your soul is a tasty caramel for the Eldritch being, until you're gone. Then it'll break out of this body like a nasty little moth."

"WHAT!?" Braeburn shouted, "I don't want that! Oh no, I got to tell AJ. Maybe she can use the Elements or something."

"That reminds me." Ponythulu pulled a strange stone, which zapped Braeburn.


"There, that should let you talk about these sort of things to any mortal. Now back to your lawsuit, sir."

"I don't feel any different." Braeburn said.

"... Really?" Ponythulhu asked incredulously, "So it isn't that? Let me have a closer look..."


"And right after he took a second, closer examination, he told me that whatever did something to me, even he can't say, only that it wasn't covered in his sphere of expertise, so he couldn't help."

"Figures. Still, at least we know where to start with helping you." Applejack noted. "No bucking monster here or beyond is allowed to curse or possess my cousin and get away with it!"

"Wouldn't it be simple to just blast me with 'em Rainbow Powers o' yours?" Braeburn queried.

"If only it was that simple." Applejack sighed, "As it is, both Pinkie and Fluttershy need rest from the Buckball match. Rarity is in Manehatten, methinks. Twilight and the other Princesses are in another friendship summit. Even Zecora's out, going back to Zebrica briefly for a family visit, she said. So we're on our own for at least a week or two."

Braeburn groaned. Just his luck, as Troubleshoes Clyde would say. "Can we ask that student of Princess Twilight for help? You know, Starlight Glimmer?"

"Apparently, those curses and eldritch horror stuff are not her specialties in her studies, and Starlight is busy managing the castle to help anyways. But thankfully, Starlight did referred me to some ponies who knows how to deal with these sort of things, real good ones, apparently."

They arrived at their destination; it looked like your average private clinic from superficial appearance, but that's where more to it. The sign was a horn overlaying a cross, and the the sign on the front read:


And under it:

Magical Affliction Professionals. For all your curse-removal, possession-exorcisms and magical-disorder remedy needs, accept no substitutes.

Braeburn looked to Applejack, who shrugged.

"Well, she said she THINKS they could help. It's not like there's any other option..."

= = =

The black pegasus went across the desert, and Braeburn Apples followed him.

Braeburn was convinced, since that night of poker with him and friends, that there was something suspicious about that pony, that he was up to something not good. There were just too many warning signs, things that it seems only he noticed.

Call it intrepidity, call it concern for his town and loved ones, but this was something he couldn't let go.

Tracking wasn't his strong suit, but he learnt a few things from Strongheart, and combined with sheer persistence, it carried him through. One way or another, he'll get to the bottom of this, and find the truth about him, and this errand of his.

Now, he wished he haven't found it. There, he discovered through his binoculars, was the awful truth.

When the flames faded, the ponies were gone. In their place, stood two Royal Changelings. Of course, who else but a Changeling could do all that he witnessed back in Appleloosa?

With cavity-ridden legs touching a mildly singed ground, the one who had been the unicorn stood as tall as Queen Chrysalis, and had fangs, wings and carapace like hers. That's where the similarities ended; he remained male, his mane and tail were cut shorter and smoothly, tidily groomed. His pupiled eyes are amber-orange in colour, a maroon coloration saturated both the chitin of his carapace body and his wings. He wore a humble-looking crown behind his crooked, gnarly horn, more in common with ones worn by baron, or a duke, than one worn by a monarch.

And the other royal changeling who had been the black pegasus... Braeburn wasn't sure if he was seeing a royal changeling, or something far grander and terrible, standing upon a shallow depression of soot, molten rock, and hot, broken silica glass in the wake of his transformation. Paradoxically, he was both impossibly beautiful, yet utterly hideous at the same time.

He stood taller than the other Royal Changeling by a head. His carapace is very dark, nightfall blue, with a charcoal tint, as if his body had been immolated, like Empress Blackrose. Jagged holes adorned his legs, while a pair of tattered, moth-like wings adorned his back. He did not have any regalia on him, like any normal royalty; instead, he wore what appeared to be a once regal-looking cuirass on him, charred, blackened, gashed by what seemed to be dragon claws, and seemingly fused into his carapace under extreme heat. And his crown, worn behind his serrated horn - a crown seemingly made of other royal changelings' horns, tied together by a ring of thorns, encrusted with crimson gems, all of it based upon what appeared to be a burnt, older and lesser crown, seemingly made to be obscured and unimportant beneath it all.

What set him apart more from the other royal changeling, Braeburn felt, was his presence... it felt like that of an Alicorn, like Princess Celestia, and it seemed to fill the entire mesa without trying. Yet whereas Princess Celestia's aura was warm, gentle and comforting, his was chilling, painfully cold, seemingly draining the area around him of colour and vibrancy, just by standing there. An aura of dread and revulsion surrounded him, like his very existence is an affront to reality, a monster in its truest form; only this time, unlike back in the saloon, he didn't even bother to hide it beneath a façade.

Braeburn found himself reviling and hating him, just from the mere sight of him. It was as if his presence triggered some part of his brain, making him seemed like a blasphemous thing before his eyes, digging up raw emotions of hostility.

If the other royal changeling was affected in such close proximity to him, he didn't show. He bowed deeply, as if in reverence, to the taller, likely elder royal changeling, who nodded in acknowledgement. The former looked serious and businesslike, focused and steadfast. In contrast, the latter royal changeling seemed aloof, belaying a demeanor of calm and calculation. He showed an absolute confidence, likely in his own power, like Braeburn has never seen in any pony, or any one being, as he regarded his son, and everything else around him, seemingly with utter indifference.

In the silence around them, Braeburn can just barely hear what they were saying to each other, even from his distance. Thus, Braeburn unwittingly became a silent witness to what should had been a secret meeting, beyond mortal eyes.

"So, Metamorphosis." The elder royal changeling began, "How goes that little errand I sent you to complete?"

"Your will is done, father." Metamorphosis reported, "We have isolated the mining settlement as you commanded, using a report of a monster hidden in the mines to force an evacuation of the populace and quarantine the area. The ponies are trusting of our disguised Royal Guards, and the settlement is remote, but for extra security, we cut off every line of communication from the rest of Equestria, and ensured not a single individual would be out of our sight in the temporary camp area we designated for them to stay for the duration."

The elder royal changeling smirked, and turned briefly to look towards the horizon, faintly visible far away in the darkness.

"And what of the sample I asked you to acquire from the depths of the mine?"

Two flashes of green magic, and Metamorphosis presented two dark stones before his father.

"I had my hive's mages and academicians examine it thoroughly." Metamorphosis reported, "The unique properties of the stone made initial analysis difficult at first. What we are certain so far, however, is that it is definitely not of this world. It is an intruder from... Elsewhere."

"Oh?" The elder royal changeling asked, seemingly curious, "How peculiar. What makes you come to that conclusion?"

Metamorphosis pressed on, but a paranoid part of his mind suspected that somehow, his father knew something he didn't, "In terms of composition, the stones are different from any substance of this world; nor does it physically, chemically or magically behave in any way resembling terrestrial substances. The energies it radiates comes matches no known frequencies or spectrum. They only react to the presence of each other. And when they do, this happens."

Metamorphosis held the two featureless stones close. Both emitted an auger of lifeless black light, but in close proximity, it seemed to increase. Even in Metamorphosis' iron-hard telekinetic grip, they started to vibrate ever so slightly.

"Resonance. Amplification. An existence that violates all known rules. An affront to nature as we know it." The elder changeling merely commented. Then, he added under his breath, "In a way, just like I am."

Metamorphosis pretended he didn't hear that.

"Have you taken the necessary precautions?" The elder asked. A rhetorical question.

"We did so as soon as it became apparent." Metamorphosis replied instantly, "We dismantled the silos, and separated all stones into smaller caches, all under layers of wards."

Satisfied, the elder changeling allowed himself one of his disconcerting smiles.

"There is no doubt about it." He said cryptically. "It matches what was written perfectly."

"It was written..." Metamorphosis muttered to himself as he putted two and two together, and realised something. "You knew?" Metamorphosis blurted out, shocked. Then, inwardly he cursed himself for forgetting formality.

His father seemed to be more amused his outburst then anything. "In a way, yes. Though, like all facts, it required verification, and you did your part efficiently in confirming it." He produced, in a flash of blue flames, a booklet, "As your reward, I shall share with you the source, one most peculiar. I do believe you would find the information in it most intriguing."

Nonchalantly, the elder royal changeling tossed the booklet to his son with a flick of telekinesis, and Metamorphosis caught it. He saw the cover, and found himself even more dumbfounded, though he didn't show it, hiding his emotions beneath a stoic mask.

"‘Shadow of Brimstone – a fast-paced, fully cooperative dungeon crawl for one to four players'?"

Metamorphosis browsed through it quickly, and he found his incredulity increased with every turn of the pages. He found within it description of the Dark Stone, its outer-worldly origins, and its unique, eldritch properties, matching exactly the mineral his changelings found in that mine. He read the story of the ruination of the town of Brimstone because of it, when they exploded upon accumulation to a critical threshold, unleashing dark energies that opened rifts to other worlds, from which unholy, unnatural monsters poured through to terrorize the world, leaving only brave, intrepid adventurers and heroes to stem the tide and save the world.

"How can this be? How could the premise and backstory of a... table-top game, of all things, captured the situation we're facing so completely?"

"It would had been a most interesting coincidence... had it been merely written by some ordinary mortal." The elder royal changeling speculated, "As it stands, it is not the product of any game company in Equestria, nor those from any other realms upon this world."

Metamorphosis grasped the implications quickly, "It came from elsewhere, too. Either the Dark Stone followed it, or it came afterwards. And... it wasn't some cosmic accident."

"Correct. There is a pattern here." His father casually confirmed. "In recent months, some outside agent had been introducing these little distractions into our reality. These ‘games' of mysterious origins had manifested, all across Equestria, each of them unique, beckoning the curious and reckless to play. With the current ‘craze' for games these ponies are indulging in, hardly any would suspect a thing."

He gave a tittered laugh, "It is almost as if this intruder wishes to see how these little ponies would react to the premise and challenge they present. Well, it seems either that it has decide to step things up, manifesting fiction into reality, or it has somehow drawn it here, from some alternate world where it is real."

"If I may, father." Metamorphosis asked, as a possibility came to him, "Could it possibly be...?"

"No. It is not HIM." The elder changeling answered evenly. Even so, for a brief moment, Metamorphosis could swear he sensed enough rage and hatred to shatter mountains and boil seas if ever unleashed, coming from his father. "Though it certainly fits the character of the chaos serpent to do such thing. Rather unfortunate, really, that it is not the case."

With a flash of green arcane flames, Metamorphosis stored the booklet away. "I shall have my agents scour the land to remove as many of these as possible. That booklet... it is just one manual. If so, that game itself must be somewhere else."

"All in good time." The elder royal changeling concurred, "But our current priority is ensuring the disaster as described in it does not come to pass."

"Father, should the other immortals and divines be notified in secret?" Metamorphosis queried. After all, this might threaten the entire world.

"Sensible. Although they would notice it themselves, eventually. Just not quick enough to prevent the Dark Stones from unleashing its horrors." The elder changeling grinned, "How fortunate that I happened to notice it, first."

Metamorphosis saw his father's expression, and realized that he has other ideas, "I see... does father wish us to solve this crisis ourselves, so to have them in your debt, as well as monopolizing all and any important knowledge to further advance our interests?" Metamorphosis asked.

"Think what you will. I have my own plans..." The elder royal changeling said simply, "... and it shall all become apparent, come tomorrow or a thousand years more. Ready your forces; have your changelings contain whatever emerges from the mines, while we ourselves shall enter into its depths and end the threat at its source."

Metamorphosis bowed his head once more. "It shall be done."

= = =

"Mr Braeburn Apples? The mages would like to see you now."

The two Apples looked up at the orderly waiting for him. The waiting room is large, with many seats, suggesting a large establishment used to receiving many customers. Although, strangely enough, they seemed to be the only ones here, at the current moment.

"Well, let's get this done and over with." Braeburn muttered, standing up. Applejack tried to follow, but the orderly stopped her.

"Sorry, madam. The rituals involved in diagnosis and remedy are delicate and easily disturbed. Only the patients and authorized staff is allowed in the chambers." The orderly explained.

Applejack narrowed her eyes, but accepted the explanation.

Well, he is a grown stallion. He should be more than able to take care of himself, she thought to herself as they left.

After being instructed to put on a patient's gown, Braeburn found himself in one of the ritual rooms, and four ponies waiting for him.

"Good afternoon, mister Braeburn Apples!" The tallest among them, a unicorn mare wearing what seemed to be a cross between a mage's robe and a doctor's coat, spoke, whilst reading from a report "So, I read that you have a possible case of possession and/or hexing by some unknown eldritch entity?"

"Why, yes..." Braeburn said, whilst watching the others prepare the chamber for the procedure.

"Just making sure we're getting the information correctly. Now, please sit here." She motioned to the reclining chair in the centre of a hexagram of lines, runes and wards, all in a script he doesn't recognize, "We'll find out the source of your problem, and maybe have it out of your system in no time!"

"Well, I know I'm in good hooves with you pretty ladies, that's for certain..." Braeburn said with a grin. The other three mares seemed to brighten just from his words, whilst the one he's speaking giggled.

"Oh, you're making us blush!" She teased. Then, she added, "Truth be told, we aren't the ones who normally run these procedures, but many of the staff had taken holidays during this week, so we're filling it in for them."

"Really...?" Braeburn mused. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a nagging worry is making itself known.

"Don't you worry, we're all professionals, here. Now, for this ritual, we'll going to have to sedate you. Just relax, and let the anaesthetic spells do their work."

"Alright, then... Wait." Braeburn said suddenly, "I can't say I know much about ‘em sorceries, but what sort of unicorn spell requires me to be ..."

Before he could finish, there was a flash of green magic, and he was out like a light.

"Is he out?" The one he had been speaking to inquired, in a suddenly urgent voice.

"Yes, your highness." One of the other mares responded.


In flashes of green flames, the changeling queen and her three loyal minions dropped their guises. She has purple wings, mane and tail, and a prominently larger skull with distinctive ridges running from her gnarled horn.

"Be quick, my mind-witches." The changeling queen ordered, "Let us finish the mind-worm ritual before any-pony notice us. But remember, the Empress wants him to come out of this alive, and unharmed. If you fail, she might be merciful, but I certainly won't!"

"As you wish, so it shall be." The three chorused. Then, they set to work, applying their magic, while their queen supervised.

For most part, they succeeded.

= = =

Far away, Braeburn didn't hear all of it, but he had seen enough to come to a decision.

‘I've got to warn the others!' He thought.

He tucked away his binoculars, and moved to get down and away from the mesa, as fast as he could, before either of them notice his presence.

He never got the chance. When he turned, he found himself nearly running into a row of spears, and staring into the maroon compound eyes of those who wielded it.

Metamorphosis' horn glowed, and his expression turned to a frown when he received a telepathic report from his changeling warriors.

"It seems we have a guest." His father said suddenly, his smile widening.

Metamorphosis' eyes widen. How does he always know?

"Yes... the guards have caught an intruder in the perimeter." Metamorphosis reported, "I shall have him identified, and then dealt with."

"Actually... let's invite him to our little meeting, shall we?" The elder royal changeling said, "As it happens, I do believe we're acquainted. I know for one he had been following me from Appleloosa."

Metamorphosis frowned, but did as he was told, ordering his guards to bring him in.

Braeburn found himself tied up in arcane chains, and thrown before the two royal changelings. They stood over him, the younger one, Metamorphosis regarded him with deadly seriousness, while his father, the elder, seems merely amused.

"Well, well... we meet again, Braeburn Apples. Did I not warned you that this is a matter that is best not pried?" The elder royal changeling said, "You're too curious for your own good, little stallion."

"I knew there was something wrong with you!" Braeburn yelled, struggling in his bonds, "But I should had figured it out right from the start, after all the stunts you pulled!" He looked around him, seeing the royal changelings before him, and their minions surrounding him, fangs and weapons bared, "Changelings... you're all changelings, aren't you?!"

"Well, isn't he a master of the obvious?" The elder royal changeling remarked snidely.

"Who are you, pony?" Metarmophosis demanded, glaring down at the spy in the midst, "What are you doing here? Who sent you? How do you know of this meeting?"

"I just followed the one who you called father here!" Braeburn spat back at him, "I could ask the same about you lot!"

"We're the ones asking the questions here." Metamorphosis groused, "Answer us, and no harm will come to you. How much have you overheard?"

"... A little bit of everything." Braeburn admitted.

"Typical of one from the Apple clan." The elder changeling commented, "Even in his direst moments, he couldn't find it in him to bluff, even to save his life."

"Mostly because I'll be very bad at it." Braeburn retorted sarcastically, ignoring the murderous looks from the changeling soldiers for his impudent tone.

Braeburn took measure of the one he had been stalking, "And what in Tartarus are you supposed to be? You're not a queen, ..." At this, the other changelings became tense, as if mentioning a changeling queen triggered some primal response, "Like that Chrysalis who attacked Canterlot. Are you some sort changeling king or something?"

"King?" The elder royal changeling repeated. He grinned, and shook his head, "No, I'm not. My son," he gestured to Metamorphosis, "Is a king, of his own hive. As are his brothers." Metarmophosis seemed to scowl slightly at the mention of his siblings, "But a king is simply too small a title to address someone like me."

In a glow of blue magic, Braeburn found himself bodily lifted up and forced to look, face to face, with the royal changeling who had him at his mercy. Looking into his intense eyes – green pupils within sapphire where his whites should be – was like looking into a bottomless abyss. Braeburn found himself trying with all his efforts to avert his gaze, lest his mind becomes swallowed by it.

"For the record, little pony." The elder royal changeling continued. His smile is now become a slasher's rictus, baring his sharp fangs and teeth. "All my sons, and their subjects, call me EMPEROR."

Braeburn found himself gaping in utter shock.

= = =

Later, Empress Blackrose received the telepathic communique that she had been expecting.

Mother, it is done. The mind-voice intoned.

Thank you, my dear daughter. Blackrose replied. Has it been difficult?

Indeed. The safeguards to ensure no intrusion are of a level I didn't believe was possible, even knowing from mother that it is His work... the changeling queen paused, then, I don't think even with the Hive Chiron's mastery of mind manipulation, we would had been able to read its contents. But perhaps, dear mother you could; we had successfully extracted it, in fragments as you instructed.

Again, thank you. Blackrose replied, please be sure to reward your subjects.

I aim only to please.

Empress Blackrose's horn glowed, and she summoned a glowing sphere of writhing, ethereal magic, containing a copy of the memories that had been suppressed in the depths of Braeburn Apples' mind.

Carefully, with skill and experience only a physical deity could possess, she slowly undid the wards and spells that had them all under lock and key, while mending the pieces back together into a readable whole. When she was ready, she played the memory like a video, from start to finish.

And Empress Blackrose saw everything.

= = =

Unceremoniously dropping the earth-pony, the Changeling Emperor turned to the other royal changeling, "So, Metamorphosis. What should we do with our little interloper?"

The changeling king looked at his senior, then at Braeburn. After scrutinizing his every detail, and thinking hard, he said, "Knowing that he had been following you for days, his community must had noticed his absence; and given his resistance, altering his memory is also out of the question. We could, however, force a suppression." He explained, letting the intricacies that separated memory alteration and memory suppression go unsaid, "And put him back where he lived. The same applies for those who he interacts with on a daily basis, which should be few enough to be practical, to ensure that few ponies notice he had been missing during this time."

"Oh? Would it not be simpler to just eliminate him, as your brothers would had done?" The Changeling Emperor asked, both curious, and subtly testing him.

King Metamorphosis resisted the urge to seethe. He did not like being compared to his brothers. All he ever received from them: Ridicule and hatred, for being unwilling to indulge in conquest and oppression, seeing his preference for learning and ruling fairly as weakness. Scorn and envy, for seemingly always being in the favour of their father despite his weakness.

They would had eliminated Braeburn, devoured his emotions like cattle and cast his emptied shell into a ravine, not because of any good reasons, but just because they could. But Metamorphosis is nothing like his short-sighted, arrogant, squabbling and ambitious brothers, and he never will be.

"Normally, it would be the safer option... But he's a member of the Apple clan." Metarmophosis explained, "Given how closely-knitted they are, he would be greatly missed. His unusual disappearance and demise would attract the attention of the Wielder of Honesty, who is a member of this clan, and from what we know, close to her cousin. She would investigate, which in turn could attract the attention of the other Wielders of Harmony, such as Princess Twilight, one of the four Princesses of Equestria. Thus, we could potentially expose ourselves not just to the Elements of Harmony, but all levels of Equestrian society."

"A very... prudent analysis." The Changeling Emperor said. Though, he sounds as if he heard some other motive beneath, "And, what, if I insist, that we cannot let him live?"

Braeburn's eyes widened in alarm, as did Metamorphosis. For a moment, Metamorphosis looked uncertain. Then, he answered.

"If, that is your will... I defer to your superior wisdom." He sounded resolute, but there was a tone of resignation beneath, "He knows we exist. He knows YOU exist. He has become a liability that we can't ignore. If that is what it takes to prevent our enemies, current or potential, from using his knowledge to threaten us, however small it may be, then I will do so myself if I had to, without hesitation."

It was barely noticeable, but this time, Braeburn saw the Changeling Emperor regarded Metamorphosis seemingly with approval.

"I'm pleased to hear that." The Changeling Emperor replied, then, he turned his attention to Braeburn, "However, I do in fact have some special plans for our little interloper from Appleloosa. He may be of aid to us in our little venture."

Both Braeburn and Metamorphosis looked baffled.

"How, may I ask?" Metamorphosis asked.

"You said so yourself," His father replied, "He's a member of the Apple-clan."

"... Of course, truth-vision!" Metamorphosis said with realization.

"Beg pardon?" Braeburn muttered.

"Yes. All of the Apple clan possess this gift, to varying degrees. Lady Applejack, by virtue of being the strongest with such gift, makes her the perfect wielder of the Element of Honesty. That is also how this one here," He referred to Braeburn, "Almost saw through my disguise. The Equestrian Diarch knows it, and so do I."

"We'll face an enemy no one on this world has face before, thus his presence... would be of critical importance, uncovering hidden dangers and powers that may evade even our sights." Metamorphosis nodded, "I understand."

"Go make your preparations. We shall be joining you tomorrow." The Changeling Emperor ordered.

Metamorphosis and his minions bowed, and then teleported away, leaving only Braeburn and the Changeling Emperor upon the mesa.

"Don't I have any say in this?" Braeburn objected.

"You can say no." The Changeling Emperor replied sarcastically, "Your presence merely increases our odds for success, but ultimately, it is not mandatory. Of course, we cannot guarantee nothing will happen to you if you refuse."

"And if I say yes," Braeburn asked, "Will you let me go?"

"Young stallion," The Changeling Emperor said disparagingly, "My son wasn't making a jest when he declared you had become a liability."

Braeburn's hopeful expression became one of despair, realizing what he implied. Then, he got angry.

"You're all just going to use me up like some disposable tool?!" Braeburn exclaimed.

"Why do you suppose I lured you out here?" The Changeling Emperor casually revealed his true ploy. "You will make a very convenient ally, or a useful servant, but either way, I will not take any chances afterwards. You will be dispatched, and though it would be a fitting challenge for Metamorphosis, he and his subjects will work to remove every trace of your presence from the world and from the mind of all those who know you. In another month... it will be as if you never even existed."

"You bastard..." Braeburn seethed, "Go ahead, do you worst!"

The Changeling Emperor raised an eyebrow, pleasantly surprised. Any other pony would had been sobbing and begging for mercy by this point, "Are you not afraid of death? Of such a terrible fate?"

Braeburn bared his teeth. "All ponies are like grass..." He began, quoting from a book he read sometime ago, "And even the greatest of us are but flowers in the fields." He kept himself going, to overcome the gnawing fear growing inside him, "The grass fades, and the flowers withered. Only Celestia herself will endure forevermore."

"Well, I certainly know how she feels." The Changeling Emperor remarked.

"I know we're all going to bit the dust one day." Braeburn said, "Some in worst ways than others, but we all can't escape it. I won't blink looking at death in the eye." He glared up at the Changeling Emperor, at a deceptive being that, in his honest eyes, represents everything that's anathema to him, "And I certainly am not afraid of you! Never, do you hear me?!"

The Changeling Emperor regarded him for a few moments.

Then, he LAUGHED. A cruel, amused laughter with his ancient, regal voice. It infuriated Braeburn even more, if anything.

"You may have nothing to be afraid of, perhaps." He said with a sneer, "But I sense your feelings, little Apple... and I know you have much to fear FOR."

A flash of blue fire, and he was posing as Sheriff Silverstar. He even spoke with his accent, "Poor Appleloosa, soon to lose such a vibrant and hard-working member of its community." Another flash, and he was replaced with Strongheart, "Poor Strongheart, soon to mourn his dearly beloved, never to be together again." Another, and Applejack stood before him, "Poor AJ, soon miss seeing her favorite cousin in reunions from now on..."

Braeburn's eyes widened, "How did you...?" Then, Braeburn yelled, "YOU STAY AWAY FROM THEM!"

More laughter as the Changeling Emperor returned to his true form. "Young stallion. You're in no position to do ANYTHING."

That did it. Braeburn roared in fury and tried to pounce on the Changeling Emperor, only to collapse in a heap thanks to the arcane chains. Hissing and growling in pure rage, he tried futilely to rip his restrains off with his teeth, writhing and rolling on the ground.

At last, his body failed where his will held, and he stopped, breathing ragged breaths of exhaustion. All the while, he never stopped glaring defiantly at the amused Changeling Emperor.

Any other times, it would had been a pathetic display. But the ancient being found himself feeling growing approval for the mere mortal, for he sensed no desperation or despair in Braeburn's heart; even in the depths of anger and hatred, it was the truest of love, for his family and friends, and absolute determination to protect them no matter the costs, that was driving them. It was enough that a hive could feed on it for months.

To him, these individuals, rare as they are, are worth their weight in gold.

"Well, it seems you're a worthy specimen, after all." The Changeling Emperor declared finally.

"... What?" Braeburn panted.

"Surprised?" He asked, "The facts point to themselves; either you're a fearless fool, or destined to become a great hero. Either way, I'm impressed by your courage and strength of will," Then, he added mockingly, "if not your intelligence. Such qualities deserve preservation. So, a challenge: if you can defeat me in some way, I think I can let you live."

Braeburn considered this, then said "... you're a god of the changelings or something like that, aren't you? And I'm just a simple country farmer. What chance do I really have?"

"Well... none, really." The Changeling Emperor admitted. "But I never said I wouldn't give you one. How about a game?"

"What? Poker?" Braeburn muttered mordantly.

"If that's your preference..." With the glow of his horn, a pack of cards manifested before him. "Five rounds, and if you win any one, we'll follow my son's proposal and let you return home - risky it may be, given how your gifts might react to our magic. And if you care about the fate of the world, you can even join us out of your own free will, and aid us in destroying the source of these Dark Stones, as well as any horrors that they might have already manifested."

"..." Braeburn was silent for a long while.

Then, "I'll take what chances I can get. And I'll be damned if I let those damn stones and monsters from a board-game you lot kept talking about overrunning Appleloosa. Cut me loose, and you'll get your five rounds."

With barely a pulse of magic, the chains vanished. Gingerly, Braeburn got back up on his haunches, in time for the Changeling Emperor to finish shuffling the cards.

"Just so you remember, you already lost four games against me back in Appleloosa." The Changeling Emperor reminded. "Make what you will about your odds."

For the first time that night, Braeburn broke into his own trademark grin, something which surprised the Changeling Emperor. "Well, I play better under pressure." Braeburn boasted. Then he asked, "And... since I'm either going to forget all this, or get my soul eaten, I don't suppose you can at least tell me your name? Or whatever you call yourself, besides ‘Emperor'."

The Changeling Emperor smiled back sardonically.

"If you must know," He replied, "It's Blackthorn."

= = =

Empress Blackrose saw the rest – the poker duel, where Braeburn played against the Changeling Emperor, with his life being the stakes; the mines, and the horrors they faced there, like a harrowing adventure coming straight out of a role-playing game; at last, ending with Braeburn closing his eyes, accepting memory suppression/modification, as both royal changelings cast their spells, and him reopening it in his own bedroom, as if it was all nothing more than a bad dream.

When she was finished, she decided on what needed to be done, and contacted her daughter again.


When Braeburn came back out, he was still groggy.

"So, how did it go?" Applejack asked, "Did they manage to get it out?"

"... ‘fraid not."

"What?!" Applejack exclaimed.

"They said they never seen anything like it," Braeburn explained, "At least, not at their current level o' expertise. However, they promised that they know a professional, and access to knowledge, that could either remove whatever is causing it, or at least reduce its effects that it'll never bother me again for the rest of my life. But it'll take time for them to do the needed research, get her here, and make preparations, so they told me to come back in a week for a check-up and operation. Until then, they prescribed me some medication and spell scrolls to remedy the symptoms."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. Something nagged at her, telling her that this wasn't the complete truth.

"Sure... if that's what they said, then I guess we can go along with that." Applejack said, leading Braeburn away to the reception.

However, she was resolved to try something else before then.

(In summary, yes, what happened as hinted in Session 33.18 was that Braeburn discovered another branch of the changeling race, met its progenitor emperor/god, then managed against all odds to beat him in a poker game for his life, earned his respect, helped his changelings save the world the next day, and finally made to forget all about it afterwards.)

(Quite an achievement for an ordinary Apple farmer, isn't it?)

Session 34.6 Alex Warlorn

"Forgive me for being crabby, but one thing does confuse me about dear Gabby." Zecora said as she and Twilight played a game of Kalah. It had been imported from Zebrafica.

Twilight had, to her own embarrassment, thought the game was called 'Mancala' when in fact that referred to the GROUP of games that the game of Kalah itself belonged to.

The game wasn't that hard once you actually heard the rules.

The board was composed of six cups on the right and then again on the left side of the board, with the players facing each other, and a larger cup symbolizing a store house, with the player controlling the houses and store house on their right. The game started with four stones in each of the 12 total cups.

A player would win if they had the larger total of stones in their store house at end game (it could end in a draw).

They'd take the four stones, then deposit then in the other houses counter clockwise.

If the last stone landed in their storehouse, they'd go again, possibly infinitely. If the last stone landed in an empty house owned by the player, and there were stones in the opposite house of the other players, all stones involved were added to the store house.

The game ended when there were no house stones in the houses of one of the players, and both tallied up the total number of stones on their sides of the board. Zecora had allowed Twilight to go first, since she was new to the game, and the first move player had a natural advantage. There were many, MANY variances, but Zecora felt Twilight learning the basic version was best.

Twilight waited for Zecora to continue, but when she clearly wanted a prompt Twilight said, "What's that Zecora? I know she helped you as an assistant."

"And that was a very selfless deed, she truly wishes to help any in need.
Even if she did so for the sake of a cutie mark, her heart is anything but dark.
Wen I heard of her goal, it did not trouble my soul.
All progress is made by reaching high, it was once thought impossible for earth ponies to fly."

"... Which is why I didn't say it was 100% impossible. 'That's impossible' has been said to a lot of ponies who have then proved their opponents wrong."

"And I don't wish to cause a hassle, but Apple Bloom told me what you said at the castle.

"I do not wish to bark, but what did you mean only ponies can have a mark?"

Zecora showed off her hind flank and the spiral sun.

"Huh? Oh! OH! I!... I... I didn't really think about it! I mean, I always assumed that was some sort of birth mark."

"I admit they do not look the same as yours, I admit I first thought yours came from a store."

"You thought cutie marks were tattoos or stickers or something?"

"I said not 'cutie marks', I said -yours- when you find your sparks."

"I... sorry Zecora... I... I think... maybe I thought of zebras as a sub-tribe as earth ponies?"

Zecora gave Twilight a glare. "I know you have no ulterior, but to be 'sub' anything is to imply 'inferior.'"

Twilight stiffened. "Zecora I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean that."

"I know you didn't in the least, but it reminds me of when tribes thought others creatures were but clever beasts."

"... I'm sorry Zecora, it's just I've had a lot more experience with the crystal ponies than Zebras, and they ARE pony tribes who have been ... modified."

Zecora sighed. "I did not wish to burden you with guilt, but history is quite the complex quilt. Ironically, creatures thinking others were inferior versions of their own kind, actually paved the road for them accepting others as having thinking minds."

Zecora blinked and now Twilight had completely forgotten the game and was holding a quill and book and now was in 'must learn everything' mode. "Tell me more." She grinned.

Session 34.7 Mtangalion

Rainbow Dash darted over the Cutie Map table like one of Fluttershy's hummingbirds, setting everything in place. "Okay, *girls*. Are you ready to get this started?"

"I suppose, if we must, darling," said Rarity reluctantly.

Twilight twitched her wings. "Do we have to?"

Dash threw a foreleg around her. "Come on, Twilight! It'll be just like your sunshine and ladybugs dance."

Twilight groaned. "If we really have to..." The three mares hopped up on their hind legs.

"It's Girls Night! Uh huh! It's Girls Night! Oh yeah!!"

"Flawlessly executed, fellow mares!" said Rarity, slipping elegantly into her throne. "I must say, I didn't expect Discord to include himself in the bargain without making a fuss."

"Tisk, tisk, Rarity! I'm a draconequus of my word, though technically I never gave it. And please, call me Eris!" The Lady of Chaos was smaller than usual, with a cute mare's face in place of the leering grin of... whatever Discord usually was. She had a mop of white mane too, and...

Rarity blinked. "Are those... my eyelashes?"

Eris disappeared in a white flash and reappeared looped around Rarity's throne. "Why, what other example more lovely could I have patterned my own after?"

Rarity blushed, batting her eyes. "You old flatterer, you!"

Applejack read a character sheet, trying to remember where they'd been last week. "You okay, Big Mac? Or should Ah call ya Orchard Blossom now?"

The transformed Big Mac kept looking at her own hooves and trying different facial expressions on her slimmer muzzle. Mercifully, she *didn't* look like Big Mac in a dress. She looked like her sister more or less, a bigger, more robust mare. "Ah don't really feel like Orchard Blossom," she finally said in a quiet alto voice. "Truth is, this ain't anything like what Ah expected. How about 'Macareina,' like our great great aunt?"

AJ grinned. "Ah reckon that'll do... sis."

Twilight grinned, leaning towards the baby dragoness who'd curled herself into a ball in the miniature throne beside hers, trying to turn invisible. "And how are you holding up, Barb?"

"F-fine!" she stammered adorably. "Just fine! N-no problems here!" The rounded green ridges going down her head and back had become slimmer swept-back frills.

Gleaming Shield, Twilight's big brother turned big sister and geeky gaming mare, grinned and nudged Barb with a slim hoof. "Aw, get over it. Relax, enjoy the moment!"

Barb shook her head vigorously. "The moment I'm going to enjoy most is the moment when this is over!"

"Ah, finally! Here you all are!" said an unexpected voice. Another mare trotted into the map room, a white unicorn who was the spitting image of Rarity, except for having a wavy red mane and three glittering rubies for a cutie mark. "Allow me to introduce myself, darlings. I am Red Gala. What a wonderful occasion for me to come spend time with my dear younger sister."

"Sister!?" shouted Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack all at once.

Rarity gritted her teeth. "Alisa, dear... We discussed this. You were only going to do this in Canterlot when Sassy Saddles needs a vacation."

"Alisa? Whoever is that?" Red Gala blinked. "By chance, are you referring to your exotic and so very capable new assistant? I should love to meet her!"

Rarity sank lower in her throne, very conscious of all the stares coming her way. "Darlings, you *know* Alisa, how utterly convincing she can be." Even AJ didn't seem to know whether to believe Rarity or not. "I know how the last few years have been, but I am NOT concealing yet another mystery sibling, at least not... ugh, now she's even got me wondering!"

Gleaming Shield lit her horn, setting up the Oubliette Overseer screen and her manuals and figurines quickly and efficiently. "Okay, so last week you finally tracked down the evil witch Hydia, who cursed all the female members of the party to be stallions. You demanded that she reverse her spell... and she did, cackling as she transformed ALL of you into mares instead... big surprise, huh?"

Twilight grinned. "I thought this was going to be as awkward as both of us being stallions, but you're really taking this well, BSBFF."

Gleaming beamed and tossed her long blue mane. "Well, of course. I've had experience."

Twilight hesitated. "I really didn't need to know about that. Let's move on with..."

"Cadence is really good with transformation spells, and we like to switch it up sometimes, if you know what I mean."

"No... No, I don't want to know what you mean!" said a furiously blushing Twilight.

"That time when we were both griffons was amazing!" gushed Gleaming. "Though I can't remember if I was the griff or the hen that time. I guess we took turns! Ooh. Hey girls, now that we're all mares, we can all talk about our..."

"No!!" wailed Twilight.

"Mane styles! What? What did you think I was going to say?"

Twilight fell out of her throne. "This is my punishment for roping you into this Girls Night thing, isn't it?"

The doors banged open yet again, and Zephyr Breeze trotted in. "Well, well, hello ladies!"

Eris grinned devilishly and snapped her claws.

"Aiiiieeee! Oh no you didn't!"

Session 34.8 Ardashir

"Girls! Twilight, sorry I'm late!" Starlight Glimmer cantered into the room, a tray of snacks in her magic grip. "I just wanted to try something new I read in Spike's recipe book, and I..."

Her eyes went wider and wider as she looked around the room.

"Uh, Big Mac?" The crimson mare blushed and nodded. "Spike?" The little female dragon's scales darkened as she blushed. "Shining Armor?"

"I'm Gleaming Shield tonight, Miss Glimmer," the unicorn mare responded in a throaty voice.

"Hello, Miss Glimmer," Red Gala said. "I am Rarity's sister! That you haven't heard of yet."

Starlight just looked from the mares to -- Discord?

"See anything strange, deary?" Eris snickered as she asked. "After all, this is girls' night."

Starlight relaxed. "Oh well, if this was Discord's idea." She set the snacks down and seated herself between Twilight and Gleaming Shield. "At least we won't have to worry about everypony getting sidetracked if Sweetcream Scoops shows up."

Session 34.9 Alex Warlorn and Ardashir

"And with that, the goblin raiders' camp is completely wiped out, and you go through their corpses' pockets looking for stuff to sell at the local pawn shop," Spike narrated.

Rainbow Dash smiled. "Ah monsters, if only they valued life like we ponies do. Then we wouldn't have to kill so many of them."

And Fluttershy was giving Dashie a very dirty look.

Dash blinked. "What?"

Session 34.10 Ardashir

"Hay, don't look at me like that!" Dash snorted. "It's not like we killed ponies. We didn't even pretend to! These guys are monsters!"

"Ah kinda have ta agree, 'Shy," Applejack pointed at the monster book picture of a short, green, big-headed, fanged biped setting a farmpony's house on fire. Nearby others waited in hiding, crude knives and spears in their hands. "Goblins are bad news in this game! They burn yore house down, drag fillies an' colts off ta be their slaves, an' torture helpless critters ta death."

Fluttershy still looked unconvinced. Spike, as usual their gamemaster, listened intently as Rarity spoke next.

"And dear, they're not real, not like ponies or dragons or even changelings like Thorax." Rarity shrugged. "Goblins are mythical, like humans, er, in our world. You could slaughter a whole tribe of them --"

"I'm just about finished with that," Dash interrupted, flaring her wings out proudly. Rarity rolled her eyes and went on.

"No one is being hurt, Fluttershy. It's harmless fun."

"Okay." Fluttershy looked at Spike and a secret message seemed to pass between them. "Um, maybe after this adventure, Spike and I can come up with the next one?"

When everyone agreed, Fluttershy lowered her head to hide her smile.

A week later, everypony was gathered once again to play Ogres & Oubliettes. They found Spike and Fluttershy seated at the head of the table.

Dash flapped up to the table, grinning smugly.

"So what is it this time? Orcs? Werewolves? Undead?" She looked down at the table. "Aw for pete's sake, Fluttershy! Goblins again?"

"Oh, this time will be different," Fluttershy said as they sat down and she passed the character sheets out. Her friends stared to see the warty fanged green faces looking back at them from the sheets.

"This time, you're the goblins and you have to fight the adventurers!"

Session 34.11 Grogar-the-oneser

Rainbow gave an annoyed look. "Really?"

"Yeah Ah didn't want to say anythin' but it is obvious why you choose this particular scenario Fluttershy," Applejack said.

"We did promise her darlings," Rarity sighed.

"... Can we be any kind of goblins we want when we confront these adventurers?" Twilight asked.

"Sure I guess," Fluttershy said.

"In that case I call Tengu," Twilight said.

"What, that not a goblin!" Spike said.

"Oh yes it is," Twilight said.

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page:


Session 34.0 Ardashir (with edits)
Session 34.1 Grogar-the-oneser
Session 34.2 Mtangalion
Session 34.3 Mtangalion and Alex Warlorn
Session 34.4 Grogar-the-oneser
Session 34.5 BrutalityInc
Session 34.6 Alex Warlorn
Session 34.7 Mtangalion
Session 34.8 Ardashir
Session 34.9 Alex Warlorn and Ardashir
Session 34.10 Ardashir
Session 34.11 Grogar-the-oneser

Cover image by Flutterknight http://flutterknight.deviantart.com/

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

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