• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 15,394 Views, 2,073 Comments

Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

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Session 92

Session 92.0 Kendell2

"...Wow. You actually made a game out of it..." said Twilight, looking at the game in front of her with various Werebeasts on the cover having a big battle called 'War of the Werebeasts.'

"Hey, it was a good idea...okay, grabbing you and throwing you against the Werevixen wasn't Discord's smartest idea, but the idea of a bunch of Werebeasts having a turf war? That's kinda cool," Spike replied. "Anyway, plot is you each make your own species of Werebeast and build a tribe, picking how you choose converts, what your culture and morality is, and either make alliances with other Werebeast tribes or go to war with others for...well, reasons...I just want to see Werebeasts fight each other...You get to choose what morality your converts are though...As the Alphas, you're much stronger than your converts and the normal weaknesses are much weaker against you, IE, just some silver won't cut it. Of course there are opposing Alpha Werebeasts too...Oh, and there's a bit of country management to it too, since you're building a tribe and all."

"Sounds good to me..." said Twilight replied. "...He filmed that fight and sold it to Applewood, didn't he?"

"...Maybe...Don't worry, I made sure he'd get you guys royalties."

"Good...As for what I'll be...well...Hmm..."

"...Discord got you pinned as to what you'd be and you hate to admit it but also can't think of anything else?" Spike asked.


"...Discord did make the right choices for that one darling..." Rarity replied.

"Yeah, kinda had us pegged," Rainbow Dash admitted.

"That said, Neutral Good Werefox, not Chaotic Good. And my kind seduce those who mistreat or use those who are attracted to them and convert them, seems like that would be doing the world a favor...also, game, so I can act out a fantasy I've had..."

Everyone stared at Rarity for a few moments.

"...I've not been very lucky in love, can't a girl be a tiny bit bitter about it, darling?"

"...Fair point...So yes, Discord was right, Lawful Good Wereowls. Our culture is based on gathering of knowledge and thus we offer the best and brightest we can find the chance to join our flock as eternal keepers and givers of knowledge," Twilight replied with a smile.

"...Um...Neutral Good Wereskunk," Fluttershy added. "We convert those who want to join us..."

"Come on Fluttershy, you can do a little better than that," Rainbow Dash replied. "You're pretty much an Indigo Lantern Ring!"

"Oh...Oh! I get it!...Yes, we find evil ponies with no hearts and convert them to give them one...That sounds okay..." Fluttershy admitted.

"Chaotic Good Werecheetah! We recruit fast flyers and guard ponies on the verge of death to join our pride to race through the moonlit nights!" Rainbow Dash announced dramatically.

"Eh, Lawful Good Weredog. We're family first and for most, we bring others in without family tah be part of ours," Applejack explained.

"Chaotic Good Weremonkey! We recruit more party lovers and seek to party all night long!" Pinkie Pie announced, hanging from a rope that somehow just existed for the sake of her gag.

"Alright, let's get started..." said Spike, preparing to start...

Everyone cringed...then blinked, noticing nothing.

"...Not gonna lie, was expectin' Discord to turn us all into Werebeasts and make the game real..." Applejack pointed out.

"...If you're expecting it, why would he do it?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking almost disappointed it didn't happen.

"...I do have Discord on speed dial..." Fluttershy said, holding up a banana. "...I think...he said call him with this..." she said, giving a squeek as she opened it to reveal a full sized phone booth that landed on the floor. "I could call him..."

OOC: I'll leave it to someone else to decide if they call Discord to do that or not. Or just decide myself if no one does.

Session 92.1 ardashir

"Wait, sis, where is everyone else?"

"Oh! Uh, well," Sci-Twi twisted uncomfortably. "Some of the others have, ah, people they need to say goodbye to."

Back beyond the Mirror Gate in Equestria:

"Goodbye, me!" The Canterlot High Trixie sobbed as she embraced the other white-maned blue unicorn. The other players for the marathon game of Paranoia they'd set up tapped their hooves or folded their arms as they waited for the Trixies to get it over with. "The Great and Powerful Human Trixie will never forget you! I only hope the magic you showed me works in the, ugh, real world."

"And the Equally Great and Powerful Pony Trixie will ever forget her human twin, or the sleight of hoof tricks she showed her," Pony-Trixie blubbered as she embraced her new-found friend. "And this is the real world. You are the first true friend Trixie has ever made."

"Trixie feels the same!"

"Hey!" Both Starlights jumped up. They glared at each other, and the human one sat back down. "What about me -- us -- whatever? I thought we were friends."

"You are a friend," Pony-Trixie said, waving her hoof at Starlight. Starlight rolled her eyes as Trixie said, "But this? She is the same as Trixie! We are twins! I never thought the universe could contain so much majesty."

"Am I the only one getting tired of this?" Smolder huffed out smoke where she sat, Blueberry and Norman beside her. Murmurs of agreement rose from both ponies and transformed humans alike. She pounded her claw on the table. "Let's get this game going! We might not have much time before everyone gets sent home."

Still blubbering, the Trixies said, "F-friend Computer has the right to shed tears. Y-you are all executed for treason! Now bring out the new clones."

Session 92.2 Mtangalion

Rarity the transformed human was refusing to go back through the portal without the three heavy suitcases of pony clothes, fabrics, and other materials that she'd accumulated during her short stay. Pony Rarity had been generous enough to take her on a whirlwind shopping tour of Canterlot, and even gave her some samples from her line of jeweled diamond wolf collars.

"By the way," Rarity mused, while the wingless Spike was struggling to haul the suitcases up the stairs and into the castle. "Whatever happened to all those petting zoo animals?"

The transformed human Fluttershy gave a soft gasp, then put on a huge fake smile, fidgeting her hooves. "WHAT petting zoo animals?"


"Freedom!" The whole flock of birds sang in critter-speak as they scattered to the winds... something about "never going back, oh no, never gonna go back there..." Fluttershy wasn't used to understanding critters so clearly without her geode. Some of the bunnies dove into Fluttershy's saddlebags or her mane (somehow), but the rest scattered just as fast as the birds.


"Right this way," shouted Granny Smith, patiently shuffling along towards Sweet Apple Acres with a shepherd's crook in one hoof and a dozen contented sheep following along after her. "Let's get you in the pens before those dadgum wolves get a whiff of ya!"


"Hello! Hi there!" said a small former petting zoo goat brightly, prancing in front of Princess Twilight. "Ooh, what's this? OOH, what's that?!"

"Hi, ponies!" bleated another goat. "Are ponies nice? Ponies seem nice! Lots better than those baaaad stick monsters. We kicked them into twigs! Yes, we did!"

"Flowers are tasty!" said a third. "Yummy, munch crunch!"

"Hey!" shouted Roseluck, shaking a hoof. "You have to pay for those!"

Princess Twilight gave up on herding goats and gave the winged Spike a tired look instead. "Spike, take a letter... No, never mind, I don't even care what you write. Just get Celestia and Luna here, NOW."

Session 92.3 Unown3 (spoilers for season 9 premiere)


"Welcome back Rose..." Bella said, the Elf Pony as cheerful as ever.

"I feel like that migraine put me down for a week..."

"Well... we just some simple role play fun among ourselves while you were gone..." Lynn said.

"Let me guess, Trixie is an Alicorn now?" Rose hadn't forgotten the disaster that was the Cosmos adventure that Lynn had played them through.

"No no no no I promise!" Cedric said. "I made sure nobody did anything dumb! They just all interacted with each other!"

"That's a relief... "

"By way, teacher Twilight and Princess Sparkle (AN, yes, those are the names of the two characters in the show), asked us to drop this by," Willow said, dropping before Rose a mountain of make-up work.

"Looks like the final part of our campaign will have to wait."

"Final part?" Lynn asked.

"Girls, my brain is drying up for ideas for this campaign, it's time for it end, I'd have ended it a while ago, but you kept begging me to go on, but I can't do this anymore."

"Well, hopefully it'll be a challenge," Willow said.

Rose's eyes narrowed. "What?"

"Well, I'd say Princess Twilight and her friends have managed to kick every villain that's ever been thrown at them pretty easy."

"... YOU ALL FAILED your will-saves against Discord! I had to tweak a luck roll for Celestia to save Twilight Sparkle, and Twilight Sparkle restore your other characters from their Discorded state one ny one! And you only solved the Parasprite Plague AFTER they had eaten half of Ponyville, AFTER you rolled a 1 on your magic roll! And the time Pinkie Pie rolled a 1 on her diplomacy roll with the Buffaloo and frontier ponies, TWICE! Do I have to go on? How many times have you barely won against what I threw at you because you didn't pick up the obvious hints till the VERY LAST END?!"

"Cool down Rose... " Willow said, "I"m just saying the VILLAINS for the MOST part... have never been a big challenge in this campaign. Buncha wusses! Our BACK-UP CHARACTERS took down your big bad last time!"

"After I trapped your mains in Tartarus with no way to make it back in time!"

"That wasn't the first time we lost our manes and had to rely on back-up characters," Cedric admitted, he did like getting to roleplay as Discord on that quest (and Lynn loved playing as Trixie, as usual), playing a character so opposite to himself was actually fun, and ever confident and prank loving Will playing as the meek and polite Thorax. Lynn had never forgiven Rose for giving the changelings a new look, Lynn LIKED their old dark spiky look more.

"My point stands, these jerks go down like chumps!" Willow said proudly.

Rose thought darkly, 'Then how about I hit you with them all at once? Looks like Grogar's gonna have some help for this final arc! I was always disappointed I never got to play Sombra for more than a couple rounds after he returned... That never even faced him in that alternate timeline.'

Session 92.3 Unown3 and Grogar-The-Oneser and Mtangalion (Spoilers for Season 9 …)

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Hypno-Slaves, yeah," spoke Apple Bloom.

"We are the most worthless worms in existence. We should feel honored Sombra grants us the honor of obeying him. Really, we're taking advantage of him," Scootaloo said.

"His dark magic fills us, it is us. Slaves obey," said Sweetie Belle.


"The brainwashed and enslaved Trixie acknowledges that her worthless existence is given value by serving the great and powerful Sombra."

Alisa growled, "Grrr! Shadow pony misuses darkness! Alisa's power will devour his!"

And then was blasted by Sombra's dark magic.

"On second thought, Alisa not have third, forth, or fifth thoughts. Shadow pony do thinking for Alisa."


"HEY! JERK! HE'S STEALING MY SHITCK!" Chrysalis snarled at the crystal ball.

Tirek asked, "Doesn't your brainwashing leave the victim in a dimwitted bliss producing love like a motor?"


"And Discord used his magic to turn ponies into parodied inversions of themselves."

"That sounds painfully familiar," Chrysalis grumbled.

"And the sirens-"

"Oh shut up!"

Grogar rolled his eyes. "Using his magic to destroy there own self worth while promoting his own, how droll."

"Although... faking his death to perform a surprise attack on the tree was clever, I will not deny him that. He's not the brainless beast most associate him with during his first return.... but, he's forgetting Discord." Grogar sneered.

He knew damn well Discord was trolling both sides. Discord could easily take down Sombra, but he wants the pony to prove themselves... no that wasn't it.

Discord wanted them to get stronger.

Grogar frown deepen. He can already tell how Sombra game will end, and it will NOT end in the evil unicorn favor.

Tirek asked, "Where's your spawn by the way?"

Chrysalis shrugged, "Making friends with your brat."

Cozy Glow in a corner with Chrysalis' children, "Pattycake! Pattycake! Baker's mare! Strangle Crusaders in their sleep as fast as we can!"

Session 92.5 Mtangalion (Spoilers for Season 9 …)

(Spoilers for Season 9 …)

Silverstream yawned, head propped up on her claws. She’d long since turned out Professor Starlight’s lecture… who ever paid attention on the last day before summer break anyway? … when something outside the classroom window caught her eye. “Um, guys? Is there a last minute LARP that wasn’t on the schedule?” In the street below, townsponies with bright green hypno-eyes were marching like zombies, with none other than a cackling King Sombra leading the way.

Gallus clicked his beak. “Has to be. King Sombra is dust. Well, either that, or I’m going to fail Headmare Twilight’s history of gaming class.”

The door flew open, and two purple dragons rushed in, slamming the door behind them. “Everycreature, get to shelter!” shouted the Spike with wings. “This is not a drill!”

The wingless Spike shuddered. “I’d know that super creepy dark magic anywhere! I hoped I’d never have to feel it again!”

Sandbar blinked. “Professor Starlight? I thought you were going to fix that time wrinkle.”

Starlight Glimmer groaned. “Well, maybe if a certain pair of trolling princesses hadn’t decided to drop another bombshell on Twilight when we’d only just finished shipping those humans out of here, I would have gotten that taken care of!” She turned her head sharply. “And don’t think I didn’t see you two copying each other’s test answers, Garble!”

“Aw, come on!” said Garble and his one year younger duplicate in stereo.

Yona stood from her desk, thumping her hooves loudly. “Yaks don’t run! If evil wizard is hurting friends, then yak will fight!”

Sombra’s mind-controlled army had the Town Hall in sight when some creature shouted, “Now!” Winged shapes swooped over the street, and projectiles came raining down.

Sombra reared up, wrinkling his nose. “Stink bombs? Who dares!?”

Gallus and Silverstream slapped their claws together, and flew around for another pass. “Hit ‘em hard and fall back!” whooped Gallus. “Heh, just like in that Time Changers enchanted comic!”

There was a flash of blue changeling fire, and Ocellus popped up, disguised as Sombra himself. “Minions! I order you to go that way!” she bellowed, pointing them the wrong direction. More changeling students did the same, scattering Sombra’s advance.

“No, you brainwashed buffoons!” shouted Sombra. “I’m over here… ahh!” The ground beneath him caved in, thanks to a team of diamond dog and diamond wolf students. Some of the brainwashed ponies turned to fight, but Yona and Sandbar led a unified herd of yaks, earth ponies, and dragons, charging in and knocking them down into the chasm too.

Sombra soon reappeared, though, lifted up on growing pillars of dark crystal. “You were smarter than I gave you credit for, Princess Twilight!” He started firing more dark magic beams left and right, forcing the student defenders to scramble for cover. “Training young creatures to form your own army, under the guise of a Gaming Academy? That’s an evil plot almost worthy of myself!”

Twilight and her friends had just about caught up with Sombra’s march, but this declaration stopped Twilight in her tracks. “What? I didn’t… did I? That’s not why… Ugh!”

Another barrage of rotten eggs flew, and this time one of them hit Sombra right in the face.

The dark king clenched a hoof, forehead twitching. “Enough!” he shouted, with an almost animalistic snarl. The rotten egg turned to black crystal and flaked off. “I will not be undone by foals!” He threw out a wave of dark energy, and a towering black crystal wall erupted out of the ground, stopping Twilight and her friends in their tracks.

The yak brigade tried to charge at Sombra directly, but he made an imperious gesture, and his mind slaves started interposing themselves between him and the attackers, forcing the yaks to veer off to avoid hurting their friends. Another burst of green energy put all of *them* under his mind control too. “Ha, hahaha!” Shadowy black tentacles burst from the ground, snatching flyers from the air and pulling diggers out of the ground, then flinging them all towards the school

Sombra focused his power, cape and mane whipping faster. The whole Friendship Gaming Academy erupted with black crystals, swiftly turning into a fortress of evil and entrapping most of the student defenders at the same time. He nodded, wickedly pleased with himself…

And then he spun about, finding himself face to face with an angry flying unicorn. “Do you know how long it’s going to take to clean up this mess?!” demanded Starlight Glimmer.

Sombra chuckled, sneering at her. “Obey me.” His eyes began to glow green.

Starlight winced, then cast a spell of her own, her eyes glowing blue. “Oh no you don’t! I stared down an elder siren… how about *you* obey *me*?!”

“Ah, but I’m not like them, am I?” purred Sombra, pouring more power into his spell. “You’ve tasted darkness before… and enjoyed it. Equality? All ponies and creatures will be equal… beneath the hooves of King Sombra!”

Starlight slumped, all the fight slowly going out of her, and when she sat up again, her eyes were glowing green too.

“Now!” declared Sombra. “On to Canterlot! Oh, and some creature make me a victory cake. I feel like celebrating. Make sure it’s an evil cake!”

Session 92.6 ardashir

Imago asked, "When do we learn how to backstab the adults and take over for ourselves?"

Cozy Glow answered, "That's the third lesson. Or you could buy my book and read it whenever you like."

Imago replied bewildered, "??? Your book?" She took the book Cozy hoofed to her. "'How to Make Friends and Use Them to Achieve Ultimate Power Before Disposing Of Them.'? Wait, they let you publish this?"

Cozy said, "I may be a sociopath with cute curls who almost enslaved Equestria and destroyed the magical basis of its entire civilization, condemning all life to a lingering death beyond a handful of slaves, but I've got my rights."

Session 92.7 Grogar-The-Oneser

"Oh and before i forget...." Sombra roared as two dragons screeched as they were flung towards him. "I don't know which of you were the Spike that screwed me the fuck over."

Both Spike pointed towards the other one.



Walking inside Canterlot castle, the mane six gaped at the sight.

"WAHHH!!" Winged Spike cried wearing jester outfits as they slapped each other with fish. "WERE BOTH GRADE-A FAT LOSERS WHO ARE NOT NEARLY AS COOL AS SOMBRA!!"


"Hmm, on the weird and unusual punishment scale, i give it a C+." Discord stated with a shrug.

Session 92.8 Grogar-The-Oneser

After the whole ordeal.

"You know this could have ended alot less painfully for us, if you realize twilight wasn't ready for leadership just yet." Winged Spike muttered. both versions of him were trapped in a vice grip of a giant hand which had tentacles for feet.

"Sorry about that... but at least Discord stopped you from slapping yourselves with fish," Celestia replied.

"Where is Discord, so he can send this thing away?" Spike asked.


"I don't see why I have to write this." Discord muttered as he kept writing on the chalkboard 'I won't be a trickster mentor.'

"You made us think you were dying!" Rainbow snapped.

"And in turn, you unlock a new power, I say I did pretty well all things considered."

Session 92.9 Mtangalion

Crystalsoft President Sombra cried out as he woke, gasping for air. His eyes darted around his bedroom, as if to convince himself that it was real.

Beside him, Hope stirred beneath the bedcovers, then groaned when she saw the clock and realized how early in the morning it was. "Bad dream, dear?" She kissed her husband on the cheek.

Sombra hugged her fiercely. "Wretched, my love. I had all of this incredible magic power, like we did during that AR debacle. I was using it to break things, to torment and enslave everycreature, to take over entire kingdoms!" He raised an open hand, as if grasping for something lost, and then he squeezed it into a shaking fist. "Even though there was no profit in it!"

Hope smiled at him, amused. "Every... creature?"

Sombra rolled his eyes in a huff. "Yes, yes, I was one of those pony things, taking over magic horse-land. Though I did look rather dashing... I don't know if that's some kind of metaphor, or if I've been playing my own damned video game too much."

Hope leaned against him, still smiling. "And was I in this dream?"

Sombra gave her a predatory, yet heartfelt and loving grin of his own. "Of course you weren't there when I was conquering Equestria, my love. You would have talked me out of it!" They kissed and snugged as they drifted off into dreams once more...

Session 92.10 Unown3 (spoilers for season 9 premiere)

Battiwigs said, "And that's how their last adventure session went."

Wranglum said, "I can't believe you wasted my time with this! But I must know!"

Battiwigs asked, "What Master?"

"Why didn't Grogar not bring Sombra back to life again, this time humiliated and humbled, when he doesn't have the minions to spare? How could Rose play a villain cunning enough to fake his own death to find the source of the heroes' weapons, and the mess up such an obvious logical course of action!?"

Session 92.11 Grogar-The-Oneser

"Who to say Sombra been humbled" Battiwigs stated "He has proven to be a starscream, and before you point out, Tirek is not as powerful as he was, Chrysalis through various blunders, suffer a diminish group of changeling and has lost a few marbles, and Cozy Glow is probably the most infamous little filly after nearly draining the country magic dry, they can't backstab him even if they wanted to, especially after he showed how Sombra died."

"... Which version of Starscream?" Wranglum questioned


"Okay that kinda makes sense."

Session 92.12 Unown3 (spoilers for season 9 premiere)

"Now that you're all here for my Smarchy magical LARPING session, who wanted to rid dinosaurs while wielding light saber-nunchucks and a gatta-laser canon and who wanted-"


"Oh dear. Hello Twilight."

"Don't you 'hello Twilight' me! the Mare-Do-Well Corp had to save earth pony fire-fighter ponies who tried to put out a fire naked without a firehose! And a patient whose surgeon was trying to perform open heart surgery without a scalpel."

"And I had to save my animal friends after they marched into the Everfree Forest, saying 'we don't need ponies!' and were almost got eaten by monsters before I Stared them off!" Fluttershy scolded. "Discord! I am peeved!"

Twilight cringed at Fluttershy using dirty language.

Fluttershy blushed as she realized. "Uh, pardon my French."

"The one thing all of them had in common was that they said they'd all gotten motivational speeches from YOU recently!"

"Well..." Discord said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head, Gilda and the rest of his 'magical LARPing' crew glaring at him. "My 'you don't need me, you don't need the princesses, you don't need the Elements' speech went over so well with you... I thought I should apply it to all of Equstria while I was at it..."

"DISCORD!!!!" Twilight snarled in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

"Uh, I made a boo-boo?"


"Discord! I can't believe you!" Fluttershy said in tears in her eyes. "Don't you understand?! I DO need you! I'll always need you! Do you think our friendship means nothing?!"

Discord shrank some.

"Celestia is like FAMILY to me! How could I NOT need her?"

"And Princess Luna is my best friend, you're saying I don't need my best friend?" Pipsqueak, part of Discord's magical LARP group asked horrified.

Discord shrank more.

Session 92.13 Mtangalion

Once again, the Dark King Sombra felt an unseen force drawing him out of the Void. Finally! "Ancient One, thank you for sparing me a second time," he spoke, head bowed, forcing himself not to choke on the humiliating words. "You were correct, my plan was..."

"Flattery will be getting you nowhere, but please. Do go on."

Sombra's eyes widened. This wasn't his accustomed body! He was in... some kind of crystal ball? A tremendous wolf loomed over him, grinning wickedly... No, that wasn't right either. His vessel was... embarrassingly tiny. "Why did you trap my spirit here?" he demanded. Even his voice was coming out as a mousy squeak, now that he was aware of it. "I demand you release me at once!"

Alisa's eyes faded from pitch black to ordinary gold, her dark magic accomplished. "Let you go, so you can come back third time, annoy me and pups again? Oh, no no..." She rolled the ball around with her paw, making Sombra dizzy. "Pavel, Elena, come! Alisa's made you this wonderful new toy! Heh, just don't lose it!" She flung the ball at the stone floor of her cave, and it bounced and rolled like a rubber toy!

"Ball!" cheered Pavel. "Hah, me first!" The energetic pup leapt into the air and snatched the ball in his jaws, growling and shaking it every which way.

"Gah!" cried Sombra. "Dog slobber... disgusting! By all the dark fates, why can I smell his filthy carnivore breath when I don't even have a body? Why?!!"

Alisa padded out of her den, tail wagging. "And ponies say Alisa never does anything nice for them."

Session 92.14 Unown3

"Principle Twilight."

"Yes Sandbar?"

"How do we graduate?"

"Excuse me?"

"I've been asking among the student body and... we're all kinda confused on how exactly we graduate. Do we earn credits? Is there a yearly review board? Do we have good grades after taking a particular set of course? What? Or do we have to wait until another Great Evil shows up and defeat it ourselves again? Do ALL the students in the student body have to wait for some villain to show up to defeat? My friends and I aren't the only students here after all."

"Oh that's very simple Sandbar you... and then you... and that is... uh... excuse me!"

Twilight teleported to her bedroom. "How... how is that even possible?! How could I overlook something so obvious?! It doesn't make sense! AHHH! I have to have notes of it somewhere! But... no? What? AGH!"

"Oh silly Twilight, don't stress out so much about it."


"Just helping a friend calm down. Be at peace." Pinkie Pie's eye twitched and her smile lessened ever so slightly. "It doesn't matter how they're supposed to graduate. So just don't think about it. Most likely they will take down some ultimate evil we don't know about yet by themselves, and graduate, and we'll just pretend the rest of the students at the school have no souls or existences, and will never graduate because they exist just to fill up the school seats anyway."

"Pinkie Pie what's wrong with-"

"Be at peace."

"Be... at peace..." Twilight said with dull eyes.

"Now just go back to what you were doing and don't think about this again. It'll all be over soon."

"All be over soon, don't think about it, back to what I was doing." Twilight teleported back to her office, where Sandbar also had forgotten what he'd been asking his principle about.

Pinkie Pie sighed, shivered, and hugged herself. "Just help them be happy until the end Pinkie Pie, that's the best you can do."


"Hi, I'm Morty Midnight. I'm a new student here." said a pale yellow earth pony colt with black hair and black eyes. And the oldest Blank Flank the teachers had ever seen. "I hope to get to know all of you well, and all I can say is that I hope we all live this year to its fullest."


Session 92.15 Mtangalion

"Twi? Hey Twilight, roll those dice and tell us what happens next!" Rainbow Dash leaned across the table and tickled Princess Twilight's nose with a wing feather.

"Gah!" Twilight jumped in her throne, once more aware of the table full of O&O miniatures, and the concerned faces of her friends beyond. "Sorry, girls. I just keep thinking... We *disintegrated* King Sombra. With Friendship. We can't even say that it was an ancient artifact judging him this time. Should... we feel bad about that?"

Pinkie Pie made a sour face. "Well... If he was such a Meany McEvil Pants that *friendship* made him explode, then it's not like he could have been our friend anyway. Right?"

The doors burst open, and a delegation of crystal ponies rushed in, fresh from the Empire. "Thank you, oh thank you mighty saviors for destroying that monster!" They started bowing low and kissing the hooves of Twilight and her friends.

Rarity oohed as one handsome crystal pony stallion started massaging her back, and another started fanning her and feeding her grapes. "They certainly don't seem to mind."

Applejack winced. "Fair warning before ya go kissing these hooves... they walked through twelve miles of pasture this morning."

The head of the delegation prostrated himself before Twilight again. "The crystal ponies will be grateful to you forever, Princess! We shall erect statues of each of you in our main square... as soon as we move the statue of Spike the Brave But Yesterday's News out of the way."

Spike shrugged. "Huh. Fame is fleeting, I guess."

Session 92.16 Unown3

Discord teleported in the throne room with a mountain of games on his back. "Whose ready for some gaming for the next fifty to a hundred years?!"

Twilight said, "Uh... Discord, that's a bit much, even for you... what's going on?"

"Well... after you vaporized Sombra... some ponies thought it must mean Equestria does capital punishment now... and... some ponies found a way into my universe and..."

"DEATH TO DISCORD! DEATH TO DISCORD!" Roared an angry mob outside.

"Discord! What did you do to them?!" Twilight demanded.

"Well... they, or ponies they're friends with or related to... may or may not have been driven stark raving mad during my... uh, day of fun I had when I first escaped?"

Session 92.17 Grogar-The-Oneser and Unown3

"And before you say it, your magic reverted them to normal but they're still very much pissed." Discord stated. "Something about 'months to years of professional therapy'."

"Well, have you-"


"But wha-"

"Tried that."

"Will you let me have a word in edge-wise." Twilight stated annoyed.

"As soon as you don't state the obvious, then yes." Discord stated. "They don't just want me to pay for their doctor bills, Celestia already did that taking money out of the royal piggy bank."

Session 92.18 Unown3

In the Chaos Realm, Fluttershy sat behind the game master screen.

"So you all come to the red dragon's layer whose snoring has been blanketing Equestria's skies in black smoke, what do you do?"

Flutterbat hissed. Transformation. 'I attack with my barbarian in a rage axe swinging knowing my bands of fire resistance will protect me.'

Hipstershy said, "Like. I tell the dragon there are lots of more feng shui caves for him far away from here."

Fluttersnob said, "I tell the dragon that if he invests his treasure in my trading company, that he can get a return in the next hundred years while he's hibernating that will dramatically increase the size of his hoard."

Fluttergoth said, "I do a diplomacy check to convince the dragon that life is meaningless and he should just end it all. I down my potion of persuasion too."

Fluttercruel said, "I offer him a barrier of dragon vine, AKA rocket-fuel, as a peace offering for disturbing his lair."

"That's nice Fluttercruel."

"Laced with enough dragon bane to kill ten adult dragons."

"That's not so nice."

Session 92.19 Unown3

In his secret lair, Grogar sat behind the game game master screen.

"So you all come to the gold dragon's layer whose been filling the dark land with disgusting light, what do you do?"

Chrysalis said, "I use my succubus assassin's shape shifting to became a female dragon and seduce him."

Cozy Glow said, "I turn my coat inside out, and present myself as a peace loving traveler who has come to praise him for filling this dismal land with pretty light, while asking if there are any weak points in his defenses that I could help plug up or repair for him."

Tirek snorted. "I use Finger of Death."

Grogar said, "You know you're under leveled to use that spell, and in this game miscast spells have random side effect-"

"I cast finger of death!"

The dice rolled.

"You miscast the spell, which you had a 70% chance to do, your finger turns into a death pepper."


"Good things we've got plenty of those from fish men who took a wrong turn."

"Oh it was the right turn, the one I suggested," Chrysalis said briefly turning into a fishman tour guide who was their definition of beautiful... which turned Cozy Glow's stomach.

Session 92.21 Unown3 and Ardashir

Ember said, "Now you know why so may dragons hate ponies."

Fluttershy startled. "Ember?! How did you-?! Get out of here before Discord turns you into seven notes of music for trespassing on a spot he promised me would be private! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" Fluttershy said in terror.


Chrysalis' character sheet fell to the floor. She reached for it but Cozy Glow snatched it up.

"I got it! Huh?" Cozy read the sheet, her eyes narrowing. "Shining Armor is hot and dumb, Cadance is a sugary pink cow, one day I'll eat Sunburst to teach that witch Starlight Glimmer a lesson --"

"YOU READ NOTHING!" Chrysalis hissed.

"You kept your old character sheet from when you played with Cadence and the others! You really do care way way way down!" Chrysalis' conscience said. Chrysalis grabbed her conscience, and stuffed it in her mouth, chewed, and swallowed.

Session 92.22 Unown3

The curtain rose, showing the painted backdrop of the inside of the changeling hive. On stages were wooden puppets of Thorax and the other reformed changelings, painted with idiotic expressions.

"We are the new changelings, we are better than you, because we treat food like it's part of Swarm, and because we're painfully bright clashing colors, and we don't have holes to carry our young!"

Then 'Chrysalis' came on stage in the cartoonish 'sneaking' pose of several tiny quick steps with her forelegs raised. And placed a huge atomic bomb in front of her from off screen with a bow, pin pull, and a card. Then she snuck off stage.

"Oooh look! A gift from a friend! Friends are the best thing ever! We're so friendly we're not suspicious at all! Hmm, the card reads 'pull for big surprise, signed a friend!' Okay friend!" The wooden puppet of Thorax pull the string.

A picture of the outside of the hive quickly rolled over them, followed by a big cartoonish 'KA-BOOM!' sign dropped in front with the proper sound effect.

'Chrysalis' pranced on stage. As soft prop 'ice cream dishes' with rainbow colors began to fall on stage.

"Ooooh! Looks like they were made of Tootie-Frutie!"

The audience of black hive changeling grubs laughed and clapped.

In the back of the audience, Chrysalis thought to herself, 'I hated to admit it, but Cozy Glow's idea for this propaganda play works perfectly.'

Grogar asked, "How long until they're ready for battle?"

Chrysalis answered, "At the absolute earliest, about a year's time. Mostly because the Pony Guard sucks."

Session 92.23 Ardashir and sonicandmario826

Chrysalis' Conscience squeaked, "I'm still inside you!"

Chrysalis snorted, "Damn conscience! Why do I even have one?"

Tirek nodded. "Ugh. Those things are a pain. I had mine surgically removed centuries ago."

“What’s a conscience?”, Cozy Glow asked seemingly genuine in the question.

Session 92.24 Unown3

":HA! I'm Captain Mare-Vel! This new Enchanted Comic is great!"

Rarity as Radiance said, "Yes, you're the most bland, banal, and uninspired character in the Enchanted Comics universe. Congratulations."

"Hey! Don't you see how awesomefully powerful I am like this?!"

"Awesomefully is not a word. And so is SuperStallion, but he has personality and charm. Your character has no character growth, no story arc-"

"Ya don't look like Billy Baseball!" Apple Bloom as Humdrum pointed out.

"Their name is Shasam now."

"Why are we bringin' up Billy Baseball's mentor? Or the magic word he says to change back and forth?"

"No, it's HIS superhero name now."

"... That's stupid."

"Like it or not, it's the way things are."

"And stupid."

Session 92.25 Kendell2

"...Okay, do it..." said Rainbow Dash. "...Plus, Discord would probably end up showing up in the middle, finding out we didn't involve him, and do it anyway."

"He wouldn't!...He would..." Fluttershy admitted. She stepped into the phone booth and stared in confusion. "...How does this thing work?"

Twilight came over and picked up the phone. "Sunset Shimmer's world has these...what's the number?"



"Rutabega, Mars, that lost sock in the dryer, and Pi."

"...Not surprised..." Twilight said, noting those were available buttons. She handed Fluttershy the phone.

"Hello? Discord...um...we're playing War of the Werebeasts, would you like to give it your thing?" asked Fluttershy.

Discord suddenly appeared...being Discord, he was currently a Wereplatypus. "I thought you'd never ask!" he announced, snapping his fingers.

A flash of light occurred and everyone was suddenly in a forest.

"Okay, gotta admit, this is cool," said Rainbow Dash, stretching like a cat in her Werecheetah form.

"If nothing else, it is a bit more...kinetic," Twilight replied, turning her head like an owl to look at Rainbow behind her now that she was a Wereowl.

"Yeah...just Fluttershy, try not to get startled into spraying us all like in that , okay?" Weredog Applejack asked.

Fluttershy blushed. "I'll try."

"So, darling, what first?" asked Rarity, flipping her hair and once more looking quite beautiful as a Werefox.

"Have fun?" asked Pinkie Pie, using her Weremonkey hind legs to hang upside down from a tree.

"Well, picking out territory would probably be a good idea..." said Twilight. She looked around, seeing a nearby mountain. "That looks like a good place for me..." she said, spreading her wings and flying up to it. She looked around it and noted the high trees. "This looks like somewhere a good hidden library could be..."

Applejack headed into the woods, sniffing around and finding a fairly open clearing. "This looks like a good place tah make our lair..."

"I need somewhere...romantic..." said Rarity, stalking around the woods for a bit before happening on a pretty looking lake. "This looks perfect."

Rainbow Dash dashed through the woods, and found a particularly winding section of it with lots of game trails. "This looks like a good spot for a race...so good place for me..."

Pinkie Pie found an area of the forest with thick forests. "Oh! I know! Tree houses! That'd be fun!" She looked over at Fluttershy just...started digging a large den nearby. "What you doing Fluttershy?"

"Oh, skunks live in dens...so we're going to...um, living in dens..." said Fluttershy simply.

"Oh! Cool!"

Meanwhile, in the game master's pocket dimension.

"...So, how you going to throw a twist in?" Spike asked.

Discord looked innocent. "Me? Oh come now, do you think I'd really do something like that?"

Spike gave a flat look.

"...I may have something planned..."

Session 92.26 Unown3

Trapped in the dark mirror, Wranglum asked, "So Battiwigs, I am going to set this entire school on fire when I freed... what will you do?"

"Filly wanna cracker?! Have lots of crackers, shove'em all the way down your throat!"

"Oh nothing much."

Session 92.27 Ardashir

"Well, I have a territory," Werefox Rarity looked and sniffed around her lovely lake. "Now all I need is to start finding 'recruits' for my tribe. Or is it a 'skulk'? We are Werefoxes after all."

Se heard the sounds of an argument coming closer. She leaped into the bushes and watched, blue eyes gleaming. The arguing grew louder, she smelled ponies and heard the grass rustling as they came closer. Werefox-Rarity crouched and waited.

Moments later the loveliest and most graceful unicorn mare she'd ever imagined walked out to the lake. She lowered her muzzle and drank, sending little silver ripples across it. When done she looked into her reflection, crimson coat and golden mane and tail, and blew it a kiss.

"But I love you!" A bucktoothed, portly, well-groomed Earth pony stallion hurried out after the elegant unicorn mare. She trotted as though the ground beneath her hooves existed just for her to step on. Head held high, a superior smile played over her muzzle as the stallion pleaded, "What else must I do to prove it? I've spent all I had in courting you, Crimson Song!"

"That's just it," she said in a voice like wicked music. The smile on her face looked sweet as poison. "You were rich. That's the only reason I even looked at you twice. Now you're poor. Poor, and ugly, and a fool. I have no time for such a suitor." She pointed back the way they'd come. "Leave me, and never cross my path again. I've taken all I ever desired from you. The sight of you sickens me."

"You said you loved me." The stallion sounded hopeless. His ears and tail both drooped in despair.

"I say a great may things when they suit me," Crimson Song's smile turned somehow even sweeter while her words were small cutting blades. The stallion winced. "Now I say: leave. Throw yourself into a lake. Drink poison. Go to the ends of the world, but whatever you do, remove yourself."

The stallion cringed under her gently spoken cruelty. He turned and slouched away. Crimson watched him go.

"Well, so much for that fool." She turned to catch her reflection in the water, flaunting her long tail, smiling in true admiration. "So many silly males. Which one next?"

"How about none of them, darling?" Rarity rose from her cover and leaped. "Now hold still!"

"What! A giant dog?" Crimson Song managed one startled whinny as foxy fangs nipped her. "Ow! You mangy mutt! I..." Her voice turned to a soft growl and in moments a gold and crimson vixen slightly smaller than Rarity stood there. "Mistress," her voice still soft but lacking the cheery malice of earlier. "Command me. I am part of your tribe."

"You certainly are, dear." Rarity pointed her long muzzle in the direction of the stallion. "First, change him, the poor fellow. He needs some company and I need some more werefoxes." Crimson obediently sprang off after the lonesome stallion. Rarity clapped her paws. "Wonderful! I wonder how the rest of the girls are doing?"

Session 92.28 Mtangalion

One moment, Prince Blueblood was lounging in a nice hot bath, making silly noises as he propelled the HHS North Star across the "mighty seas" in search of lucrative trade deals and market advantage... and the next, he was sitting in the midst of an unfamiliar forest, bereft of servants, funds, ... and clothing. "Again? Really, Discord?" he asked of the heavens... actually, he looked imploringly at the forest canopy, since he couldn't actually see the heavens from here, but the principle was the same, surely!

Blueblood waited for a response, tapping a hoof, but no clues, riddles, or maniacal laughs were forthcoming. "I suppose I'm winging it, then," he mused, sighing theatrically. "Or pawing it, hah!" He posed dramatically. "Now, change!"

Nothing happened. Blueblood furrowed his brow. "Wolfpony form, go! ... Moon transforming action! ... Ancient Spirits of Floof, I implore thee! Hayshin!! Blast it, change already!" The noblepony tried several more times, but no matter what he shouted, his wolfpony transformation refused to emerge.

Then the sound of rustling dried leaves made him spin around. A hauntingly beautiful vixen with snow white fur and a purple mane was stalking him.

"If it isn't the lovely Miss Rarity!" exclaimed Blueblood, his face lighting up. "Forgive me if I don't transform as well. You know Discord... I swear, that cad changes the rules of my curse every other week. I must say, though, I didn't expect to see *this* enchanting look on you again. Fancy a stroll in the moonlight?"

The were-fox grinned slyly, and lunged!

"Ow!" yelped Blueblood. "You... you bit me! Hurk... Gah!" The noblepony contorted... then howled! A storm of leaves swirled, hiding him from view, and then a true vulpine beast emerged. His white fur gleamed like molten silver. He tossed his roguish blonde mane, then grinned handsomely, baring sharp fangs. "Well, well..." Blink. "Miss Rarity?" The were-vixen was gone. "Hello?"

Rarity yipped and hid behind the nearest tree, panting. "Oh no. He's hot!"

Meanwhile, Blueblood the were-fox padded in circles, frowning. "Why does this itch... Ah!" No less than *seven* silver and gold fox tails rose from his backside.

Rarity gulped. "And he's royalty, even! Must resist. Can't admit..." Her whole demeanor changed when Blueblood's were-fox scent hit her nose. "...that he's an absolute dreamboat!"

Spike gripped the mirror frame hard enough to splinter it. "Send me in there. Now!"

Discord floated past the young dragon, tisking. "Are you certain? Because the only kind of were-dragon I'm familiar with... is *this* kind." He held up a romance novel titled "Dusklight: Legend of the Kirin."

Session 92.29 Unown3

The large puppet of Princess Celestia was passably accurate for the Sun Goddess, except the facial expression was stern and hard. The large puppet wildly moved its forelegs up and down by visible stilts. It was, of course, completely filled with straw.

Facing the puppet were puppets of a black hive changeling (naturally), a Windigo, an Umbrum, a Siren, a Cloud Gremlin, and a centauress filly who suspiciously resembled Cozy Glow.

Behind was a puppet of Starlight, Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle that had been "blown to bits" (really their pieces just disconnected).

The fact the Celestia puppet spoke in a good imitation of Celestia's voice just added to the creepy factor to any who actually knew her.

"I am Celestia, I am that I am, the embodiment of harmony and light! Poor, poor creatures, let astray by disharmony. You invade my castle and tramble my design?"

"We have ignored your design to follow the path we feel is right!" The changeling said. "We fight to build a world where weak creatures will not lose their way!"

"It is not in the creature that walketh to direct her steps! You will only repeat your mistakes. Your kind is weak. Without guidance, you would wander astray. You are not equipped to walk your own path."

"Perhaps, but I do not walk alone. I believe in my bonds with other creatures of disharmony!"

"We believe in the power of the people!"

"I can't do much alone. But with the Swarm, I can do anything."

"You'll never move forward while you're forced to walk someone else's path. You have to carve out your own."

"And together creature can motivate one another to push on. All creatures are with us now."

"Because we're weak, we try to be strong. If you're stopping us from doing so, then I'll deal with you."

"We're walking our own path, one we believe in. And not even you can stop us."

"We each have different reasons that brought us here, but our intentions are one and the same."

The Puppet Celestia hissed, "When I defeat you, I will replace all of ponykind with more obedient servants."

Then one by one, the collection of creatures of disharmony began to lecture the puppet Celestia.

"Your presence is felt everywhere in this world, this changing reality. But you chose to exist separated from your ponies, simply watching... why is that?"

"It is not as though I sat idly by. I suffered just the same as you. I am always by your side. Your joy is my joy, your grief is my grief. The faithful walk together with me. That is the guidance I provide. That is the salvation I offer. Would you cast aspersions on me, your Princess? Label me guilty to claim your own innocence?"

"Ha. Enough with the act--I know the truth. You use monster as a scapegoat for every creature's suffering and then call whatever's left hope." A complete lie, but these little changelings didn't know that. "You hide the truth and demand blind faith from ponies... That's what you do." Another complete lie, as anyone who had spent five minutes with Celestia would know, but many had never spent time with Celestia. "Are you that jealous of us? Or just afraid?" Jealous maybe of the eternal burden they didn't have to carry compared to Celestia maybe. Afraid FOR them maybe, Grogar knew the best soft place to hit an enemy was what they cared for.

"Yes. She fears us."

"I see, this is creature's power of understanding!" Said a puppet of Eris. "By denying Celestia as the one true Princess, you dethrone her. You bring her down the same level as any creature. It won't be easy, but it's the only shot we have at beating her. I'll lend you my power little ones! Let's drag her from that throne!"

This was comical, but none of the hatchlings were laughing. THis was not how Celestia's magic, or anything besides some Tulpas worked.

The puppet Celestia rambled, "You would slander my name? Debase me? Denigrate she who lights the very world you inhabit? To impugn me is to impugn the world itself. You would be tying your own rope... And yet, I still love and pity you, my ignorant little ones. Repent, and your sins shall be forgiven. I offer my hoof to any and all who offer themselves to me. Have faith and you shall receive my blessing."

"You judge creature's worth on how much they believe in you, obey you... But is that all we are, to you? Are we really worthless if we don't have value to you? I mean, just because I'm weak and I have to rely on others doesn't mean I'm worthless! My friends helped me realize that I alone decide the value of my life." Said the changeling.

Grogar had to stop himself from laughing out loud from THAT ONE. It was so completely at odds with everything Celestia did or said it was just plain silly. Grogar knew Celestia foolish blind love extended to all creatures regardless of how much they valued her. It was when they harmed OTHERS that her disappointment rose.

"You claim that whoever has faith in you shall be blessed? That you offer your hand to those who believe in you? That's not love. It's empty pity."

'To a mentally deranged zealot perhaps, but then again, that was what I and Chrysalis were breeding.

"If you really loved them, you'd motivate them, give them a good swift kick in the rear."

Which Grogar knew Celestia did more than once. And where she did not, Luna would.

"All you ever say is to believe in you, but why should they believe when you do nothing? But all you do is watch. There's no reason to believe in you. You demand so much without giving anything in return. How is that right?"

Given Celestia raised the sun every day, the stupidity of this statement was almost painful, but the changelings hatchlings simply nodded. That was what happened when you never presented with any sort of counter argument or other point of view. And all Celestia wanted was perhaps thanks and other creatures to not bully each other.

Though Grogar had to admit, Cozy Glow showed an incredible talent for brainwashing for a pony her age. Most thought brainwashing had to be done Starlight Glimmer's style, trapped in a room, or Discord, Sombra, or Chrysalis' style, brute forcing it with magic. But true brainwashing, was where the mark did not even realize they were being brainwashed.

"You refuse to acknowledge others Alicorns, making this world stagnant. Your existence prevents the emergence of new gods. That means creatures can't progress of their own accord. With you around, reigning over our fate, we're left with no means to find our own path."

This was such a bloated lie. As Twilight Sparkle, Luna, Twilight, Flurry Heart, and Cadence's existences would all prove. And even if this was a hundred years ago when Celestia was apparently the only Alicorn, she had encouraged her ponies to live their lives, and that was what pleased her most.

And even knew, that mindless praise, was, well, mindless, something Chrysalis, Discord, and Sombra in their blind egos never understood, thus, you couldn't say those praising you were really praising you.

"Not long ago, I had complete faith in you. Now that's I've seen the world, however... that's changed. I see now that you spin lies to feel the weak-minded into believe they're your "chosen" people."

Grogar thought, 'Of course, ego-stroking is the first rule of any brainwashing, prepping them for the big idea. That was something Starlight Glimmer didn't grasped. It isn't about breaking them down, it's about building them up. YOU saw through the conspiracy where others didn't, YOU saw the fraud for what she is where others didn't, THEY'RE the ones being fooled into thing they're special, not you. You figured it alllllll by yourself.'

"Elitism leads to decadence. Nothing good comes out of pitying each other." Of course, Grogar had never shown pity to any living creature. In particular the ones who begged for it under his hoof. He remembered laughing the many times he'd heard a pony whep, 'HAVE PITY!'

"You're very existence debases ponykind! You're the Unclean One!" And there was the beauty of it all. Make it so the enemy's very existence is fundamentally wrong, you are completely justified in exterminating them. Those words had been used to justify acts of evil across the world and history. And then the cycle of hate started. Once the oppressed were in power, they oppressed those who had oppressed them, in an endless circle of inflicting suffering on others. None of these changelings hatchlings knew those word were actually 'HATE HATE HATE' embodied.

"You sinners intend to persist in this foolishness? Because I am always with you, I know what has led you to me. Tempted by monsters, stirred by your allies-- it is only natural you would inevitably come before me. I offer you one last chance: sever ties and become my servant, or burn in the depth of Tartarus. The choice is yours."

Naturally the heroes reject the Celestia puppet's evil offer.

"You and me. Man. We're bros. I'm going to knock her out, just you watch!

"Very well, my cursed foal. Have your wish. My fire shall send you screaming to Tartarus. There you shall burn, awash in suffering, bound to your sins for all eternity."

Tirek from behind the scenes snorted. 'Personally, I think all this lecturing is layering it all on way too thick. But these empty headed grubs are soaking it all up!'

"You must be very understanding if you are so quick to forgive. But your forgiveness is empty. The only thing it accomplishes is to hide your believers weaknesses." Chrysalis had naturally very much enjoyed that line on what she thought of forgiveness. "I learned that one's weakness should be changed, not hidden. Whoever believes in your forgiveness only becomes weaker. Who'd want that? Keep your compassion to yourself. Don't toy with us creatures."

The fact that accepting one's weaknesses was in of itself a show of great inner strength was conveniently left out. Or that for-give-ness was a 'gift', not earned (another reason Chrysalis thought it a foolish invention).

Now the puppet Celestia exploded into a flaming horrifying equine Cerberus/Hydra like horror with different heads for all the different pony tribes. Her true form of course.

"How could you diminish me to such a state? Impudent creatures... I cannot forgive you... I asked only that you take the life I granted you and obediently follow my word." That that 'word' was 'don't be flank holes to each other' was again conveniently left out. "THe weight of your blasphemy is too great for death. Eternal suffering is the only suitable punishment.

The heroes then heroically trounced the equine abomination puppet. The combined magic of disharmony blowing it away.

"Guh... do you fully comprehend your actions? How will you repent for a sin this gave? Do you think yourself capable of carrying that burden? Praise my name, before it is too late! Praise my glory!"

"She's finally revealed her true nature..."

"Falling from grace.. the fate that befell the other Alicorns has finally come to her."

"I'm tired of your restrictions. Creatures can become stronger if they aren't held back by you." That Celestia HELD UP her ponies, not HELD BACK, was once again conveniently left out.

"Your words are empty and meaningless. I will show you power of action." Once again, anyone who had actually bothered to study under Celestia, would know this to be fiction, but these hatchlings had not.

And they wailed MORE on the equine abomination that was supposed to be Celestia.

"Ngh... There is no truth to your ideas. The future you pursue is a fabrication. Cease this at once." Ironically, what the straw puppet was saying, was 100% true, but of course, the hatchlings were not supposed to believe a word it said.

Eris cheered the changeling drone (of course, this propaganda play was meant for then after all). "Enough this little ones. Put an end to her with your own four hooves!"

"End this, so the Sirens and Umbrum can finally live in freedom!"

"This ought to prove foal's play, for you. Show her our power!"

"I shall cede the stage, just this once. Flaunt your magnificence, for the sake of your Swarm."

"I believe in you... Don't let me down!"

"Go, Loyal Drone!"

And KA-BOOM! Final blow. Nice pyrotechnics.

"How could mere creatures surpass Alicorns, and destroy even me, your creator? No, this is not the end. You've only led yourself further astray. Creatures are weak. You cannot live without my law, without my harmony. You need something to believe in. But now, you've debased my truth, and so I shall slip from the minds of ponies. Ponies will inevitably lose their way and long for salvation. Then you shall regret this decision..."

And in a white light, the abomination puppet was no more.

Grogar was under no delusion that the actual Celestia wouldn't be able to counter these banal arguments, based on misconceptions and stereotypes of who and what Ceelstia was... but for these growing changelings, this was both entertainment, and set in this clay like minds who was the hero, and who was the enemy, who was reasonable, who was irrational, who were the champions, and who was the fraud.

Cozy Glow had to admit she couldn't really take real credit for this one, all the dialogue had been really plagiarized almost word for word from 'True Alicorn Rebirth IV Ponypocalypse' which in turn had been plagiarized by Starlight Glimmer in her 'Equality Manifesto' which Cozy Glow had borrowed a copy of from Rumble.

Meanwhile, in another universe, through the mirror, the humiliated and defeated (now at least three times) sirens felt a distant feeling, a distant calling.

"Whao... that's a lot of hate," Adagio said.

Session 92.30 Unown3

"Rainbow Dash! Are you using the Harmony Chest as a giant dice AGAIN!?"

"Well, yeah Twilight, it's not the tree has any use for it anymore..."

"I hate much sense that makes."

Session 92.31 Kendell2

Fluttershy stalked the woods, looking for potential converts. She wasn't quite certain how to go about this, but she knew the GMs would provide something. They kinda had to. She jumped, hearing someone coming.

A young mare walked along a forest path innocently, not seeming to be paying too much mind to her surroundings...until a pony with a sword Cutie Mark emerged from the forest and held a knife to her neck. "Hand over your money, toots. Or you might have an accident."

The mare screamed. "I-I don't have any on me!"

The stallion got a sadistic smirk. "Well then, guess accident it is..."

Thankfully, Fluttershy's assertive training made her at least somewhat more willing to take action and seeing an innocent pony in dangerous was something that could make her take action. The fact the mare resembled a grown up Sweetie Belle was decidedly something that triggered her defensive side...and was probably exactly the idea for that.

"Leave her alone..." said Fluttershy, giving the Stare.

The stallion turned around, the mare taking the advantage to elbow him in the ribs and run for it. "You're gonna pay for that..." he said, unaffected by the Stare and approaching with his knife.

"Remember, Fluttershy, that didn't work on ME before you made me grow a heart," Discord replied. "And you did say you recruited those without them."

Fluttershy eeped and looked frightened at that. "I'm a Wereskunk...so...um...I guess..."

The psycho jumped at her, and Fluttershy spun her hindquarters his direction, tail raised. The thug was sprayed in midair and stopped in his tracks, face turning green and eyes watering. He crumpled to the ground, coughing and gagging, desperately trying to hold his nose. "What-what did you do?!"

"Oh...sorry...um...but you're a big meanie...so...this might hurt a little..." she muttered. "Sorry..." she said, approaching the reeking stallion and giving him a small nip. Discord gave a small clearing of his throat, telling her that was not enough. She gingerly gave a slightly hard nip.

"Ow! What was...that..." White stripes went down his back and the characteristic big fluffy tail came behind him. He stood up, holding his head. "Why...why do I feel bad?" he asked, clearly distressed. He held his chest. "Why aren't I happy I nearly killed that gal? It...it almost hurts..."

"It's called having a heart, dear...now come on, we have to go give some other mean ponies hearts too."

"Y-Yes mistress..."

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

P.S. Addendum. No adding entire new fanon countries and/or fanon species.

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?
What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.

Trope Page: (PLEASE update already!)

Session 92.0 Kendell2
Session 92.1 ardashir
Session 92.2 Mtangalion
Session 92.3 Unown3 (spoilers for season 9 premiere)
Session 92.4 Unown3 and Grogar-The-Oneser and Mtangalion (spoilers for season 9 premiere)
Session 92.5 Mtangalion (spoilers for season 9 premiere)
Session 92.6 ardashir
Session 92.7 Grogar-The-Oneser
Session 92.8 Grogar-The-Oneser
Session 92.9 Mtangalion
Session 92.10 Unown3 (spoilers for season 9 premiere)
Session 92.11 Grogar-The-Oneser
Session 92.12 Unown3 (spoilers for season 9 premiere)
Session 92.13 Mtangalion
Session 92.14 Unown3
Session 92.15 Mtangalion
Session 92.16 Unown3
Session 92.17 Grogar-The-Oneser and Unown3
Session 92.18 Unown3
Session 92.19 Unown3
Session 92.20 Unown3
Session 92.21 Unown3 and Ardashir
Session 92.22 Unown3 (extra)
Session 92.23 Ardashir and sonicandmario826
Session 92.24 Unown3
Session 92.25 Kendell2
Session 92.26 Unown3
Session 92.27 Ardashir
Session 92.28 Mtangalion
Session 92.29 Unown3
Session 92.30 Unown3
Session 92.31 Kendell2

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.

Basic grammar:
-Periods go at the end of sentences. (.)
-People and place's names are capitalized.
-Questions end in Questions Marks. (?)
-The word 'I' is capitalized.
-"When characters start or stop talking, use quotations."
-'There' is a place, 'their' is someone's property or trait, 'they're' is short for 'they are.'

Picture by Rakikubit


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