• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,348 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 10 - Canterlot

"Stop squirming!" Rarity demanded, as she fit Rainbow into a dress. "It won't go any faster if you continue to fight it!"

"Hate to disappoint ya', Rarity," Rainbow said as she stepped off the stand, only to be levitated back on. "But I'm KNOWN for fighting against things. Like how I fight wind pressure when I'm soaring through the air." Rainbow created a waterball above the mare in front of her before letting it drop, drenching her pristine coat.

Rarity gasped in horror. "Rainbow Dash! You've ruined my perfect pristine hairrrr!"

Rainbow took that chance to run out of the room, leaving the dress floating down from the air as she zipped out from inside of it. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!" She said to everyone in the lobby. They all stood up and followed the princess out the door.


They turned to the right running past all the other ponies walking by before slowing to a trot, and eventually a walk. "Well...that was fun," Rainbow said, grinning. "Right, Flutters?"

She looked to her right to see Fluttershy nearly out of breath. "What...ever...you...say," she panted. Rainbow chuckled before looking over her shoulder, making sure they weren't followed.

"I thought we were going shopping, not playing dress up," the princess said as they turned a corner. "Next time it happens, Sweetie Drops is doing it. She needs to get in touch with her inner beauty."

"No I am not, your highness," the scar-eyed pony said, chuckling and shaking her head. "Let Second-In-Command Shine Heart do it."

"Nuh uh," the black coated mare said, said, shaking her pink mane. "Make Spear Head do it. He'd look great in a dress."

"It's true," the golden coated stallion said proudly in his deep voice. "I actually look great, but I'm still not playing dress up with THAT one."

"Well whoever feels giddy enough to try on stupid outfits, be my guest," Rainbow said as they passed a group of bowing ponies. Soon, they arrived at the Library of Magic. The princess looked under her right wing and levitated out her finished book in front of her before walking up the steps and into the building.

After walking in, she got a bewildered look and froze, seeing the place filled more than when she was last here. "Why are we stopping?" Fluttershy asked her before noticing the amount of ponies in the building.

"There were not this many ponies when I came here last," Dash said shaking her head slowly. After getting her mind back, she walked over to the counter before ringing the bell.

"I'd like to drop this off!"

The librarian popped her head up from behind the counter, freaking Dash out with her way too large grin and eyes. "Uhh... are you ok?"

"Absolutely, your highness!" She said as she took the book in her magic. "Is this all for today?"


The librarian nodded before she placed the book into the scanner. "Alright, thank you!" Dash nodded and turned around to face her personal guards.

"Let's get out of here," she ordered frantically, walking towards and out the door, nearly bumping into a very familiar small purple dragon. "Oh sorry...Spike?"

"Hey, Rainbow!" He said smiling before getting a mischievous look on his face. "You go to the library?"

"Uhhhh.....no," Rainbow objected before pulling Fluttershy close to her. "Flutters wanted to check out a book so...we came here."

Spike grinned before turning to the pegasus. "Where's that book, Fluttershy?"

"You know what, Spike?" Rainbow said as she walked forward. "Go get the egghead's book and mind your business, okay?"

"Whatever you say, egghead," Spike said.

The cutie mark crusaders were walking down the dirt road heading into town, thinking of ideas on how to get their cutie marks. Being the last three fillies in class to get them was embarrassing enough to Scootaloo and horrifying to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. But how could they get theirs? Just what in Equestria could they be good at?

"We could be fixer-uppers!" Apple Bloom announced, grabbing their attention. "You know go around town fixing things!"

"Yeah, but fixing what?" Scootaloo asked before gasping. "We can try to fix your Granny's hip!" The other two crusader's just stared blandly at her. "Yeah, you're right. That's...that's probably not the best idea."

"So fixer uppers is probably off the table," Sweetie Belle said. "Ooh! I know! Let's see if we can get our cutie marks in cooking!"

"That's a great idea!" Scootaloo said, jumping up and down. "Let's help Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner!"

The three of them looked at each other before giving a three-handed high five. "Cutie Mark Crusaders Pastry Chefs!! YAY!!"

"So you want to help me make Gummy some pancakes?" Pinkie asked the three fillies from behind the counter.

"Yep!" Scootaloo answered. "We wanna get our cutie marks in baking!"

"So we want to do it with you!" Sweetie Belle continued.

"Hmmmm," Pinkie hummed, squinting her eyes and pouting her lip at the fillies as she thought deeply on the outcomes of this. "Welllllll........alright! I'll let you help me cook!"

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Pastry Chefs again!!! YAY!!!"

"Hmmm," Rainbow hummed, stopping by the Canterlot Castle gates.

"What is it, Princess?" Sergeant Cloudstorm asked.

"I feel like...a very very VERY terrible thing is happening in Ponyville right now involving three fillies. I don't know." She shrugged before leading the group through the gates and up to the castle doors. "I might just be paranoid...but my instincts are rarely wrong.

They walked through the castle doors, opened by guards stationed outside of it. It was a little busy inside, for it to be lunchtime. "Shouldn't ponies be eating instead of working?" She asked aloud.

"Yeah," Fluttershy said. "It's strange, it's almost one o'clock." They continued on, the guards walking behind her as she made it to the throne room doors.

"There's a meeting, Princess," one of the guards stationed at the doors said.

"Nobles?" She asked him.

"Nobles," he answered, making her sigh. This could take awhile.

"Princess Celestia, we want to know where did Princess Dash come from," Prince Blueblood spoke. "We've checked her records and there's absolutely nothing about her being involved with royalty."

"I concur," Fancy Pants stated. "She has essentially appeared from nowhere and has taken a royal title! We demand to know who she really is!" He punctuated the last word with a stomp of his hoof, the sound echoing throughout the room.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other from their thrones before turning back to the nobles. "I will not be telling you who she is, and neither will my sister. Shall you try to search any further, I will strip you both of your titles and any other connections you have with royalty. You are dismissed."

"Princess Celestia we-"

"THOU ARE DISMISSED, Prince Blueblood!" Luna yelled. The two ponies bowed before reluctantly walking out of the throne room, nearly bumping into the Princess on the way out.

They stared at her for a moment before walking around her, making her confused before the group walked into the throne room, making sure to close the doors behind them as they walked in.

"What was that about?" She asked her mother and aunt coming off of their thrones. "They just gave me a dirty look like I killed their pets."

"They are becoming suspicious," Luna said giving her niece a hug and a nuzzle, Celestia repeating the action. "I would not be surprised if those two were stalking your every move."

"They were asking where you came from, sweetheart," Celestia said, giving her daughter a kiss on the top of her head, making the mare groan. "Oh stop, you love my kisses."

"That is so sweet," Sweetie Drops cooed, poking Rainbow's muzzle.

"Get-get out of here," Rainbow said as she pushed her hoof away, trying not to blush.

"Awww, it's ok, Dashie," Fluttershy said. "I barely even see my parents. And you visit yours like everyday."

"Yes, Dashie, you'll be fine."

"Don't push it, Twilight. Wait...Twilight?" Rainbow turned around, shocked at seeing Celestia's protege waving to her while her family was bowing behind her. "Please rise. Why are you here?"

The bookworm shrugged. "We're having lunch with you! That and I'm one of your advisers."

"I had Twilight become the Senior Adviser of your cabinet," Celestia said. "Her knowledge of Equestrian law is excellent."

"She knows a lot, your highness," Twilight Velvet said, stepping forward.

"I know," Rainbow said, rolling her eyes. "From what I heard, she creates her own spells."

"I'm rusty but I can still do it," Twilight agreed.

"Well I'm glad to have you onboard," Rainbow said, hitting her with her wing. "Who else do we have on my advisory?"

"Lady Justice, Cherry Berry, Tall Order, and Sir Pony Moore. We made sure to put in a normal pony to represent the possible problems for ponies that are affected by rulings."

"I'm gonna take a very large guess here and say that THAT would be Cherry Berry."


"I meet them all at lunch?"


"Is there cake," Rainbow asked, a child like grin on her face. "PLEASE tell me there's cake!"

"Of course. Do you like fudge? Or Strawberry?" Rainbow gave her a sparkling smile before she responded.


"How....did you make....a whole cake?" Pinkie asked unbelievably as she looked at the cake sitting in a pan on top of the stove. She turned to the fillies grinning widely behind her. "We were aiming for pancakes. But somehow, you were able to make a whole cake using a pan and the stove. That makes no sense, even for ME!"

"I don't know," Sweetie Belle said, pointing to a jug beside her. "We used this stuff that says 'mix' on the side of it. So we added that and a whole bunch of other stuff."

"What...other stuff?" The party pony asked, a little afraid of the answer.

"Take a slice an' find out!"

"I don't...I don't think I'm gonna do that." Pinkie grabbed the pan with the cake on it before walking back over to the alligator positioned on top of a table. "Here, Gummy! Somehow, we made a cake for ya! I actually have no idea what is in it though, so...take small bites."

The group watched as the cake was set in front of the reptile, watching the scene, hoping for something good to happen. Suddenly, Gummy tipped over over on his side, his feet sticking out and shocking the owner.

Pinkie gasped, deeply and loudly before turning around. "Oh no! Gummy passed out!"

"But his eyes are still open," Scootaloo pointed out, motioning towards the alligator.

"Thanks for the help, girls, but I uhhhh think I got it from here," Pinkie said before pushing the three fillies out of the shop and closing the door.

"We're never gone get our cutie marks!" Apple Bloom cried, sitting down dejectedly.

"Don't worry, Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo said, walking up to her. "We'll get our cutie marks soon! All we have to do is keep trying! This IS our first try after all. Now, what other things could we do?" The three fillies took on thinking poses, trying to figure out ways they could get their cutie marks.

"I know!" Sweetie Belle yelled out. "Let's see if we can get our cutie marks in sewing! My sister's got all kinds of things for her business! Let's go there!" The other two gasped excitedly, grinning and eyes widening in excitement.


Rainbow Dash stopped suddenly as they made their way to the dining hall, feeling a sense of anxiety. "What is it?" Fluttershy asked her.

"Scootaloo just did something," Rainbow said. "I don't know what, but I have a bad feeling about it. And it has to do with Rarity's boutique."

"I hope not," Twilight said, over her shoulder. "Rarity will tan YOUR flank if she finds out."

"I know, I know. I wonder what they're doing in Ponyville anyway." Fluttershy shrugged before they all arrived in front of the dining hall doors, where the guards opened the doors for the group, led by Celestia. They walked in seeing four ponies converging around some topic, stopping once Celestia walked into the room.

"CELESTIA!" One of them yelled out, jumping out of his chair and bowing. The others followed suit as the rest of the group walked into the room.

"Rise, ponies," Celestia said, letting them all relax. She turned around, gesturing a hoof to those who followed her in. "May I introduce Twilight Sparkle, my personal protege and the senior adviser, her family. Fluttershy, Princess Dash's personal assistant, and The Princess of Nature, Princess Rainbow Dash." They all walked into the room, the last one being Rainbow, who the ponies once again fell on their faces for.

"Rise," she said, stopping in front of them. "As you all know, I am Rainbow Dash, Princess Of Nature and Equestrian Royalty. Not to mention the fastest flyer."

"Oh my god," Twilight mumbled, shaking her head.

"Shut up, Twi'. Now can I have all of your names?"

An earth pony mare stepped forward, wearing only a collar. She had the cutie mark of an hourglass and her coat was a lime green, her mane different shades of orange. "Hello, your highness. I am Lady Justice. I was a judge in Canterlot before I was selected to be one of your advisers."

"Thank you for accepting, Lady Justice," Rainbow said. "I hope our future will be bright with you on board." The judge bowed once again before she went back to her chair. Another pony walked up, this one a little average looking. She had a hot pink coat with a golden mane, and a cutie mark of a pair of Cherries.

"Hello, your higness," she greeted, bowing quickly. "I am Cherry Berry. I was actually working here as Princess Celestia's personal pastry chef here at the castle."

"Wait a second!" Rainbow said, pointing an accusing hoof towards the mare, her eyes narrowed. "Did you...make those cakes? For the royal breakfast?"


Rainbow grinned and pulled the mare into a hug before yelling in the royal Canterlot voice. "IN MY NAME, YOU MUST MAKE THOSE AGAIN!!!"

"S-sure," she squeaked out. Eventually Rainbow let go, allowing her to step aside and for more people to come forward. Before she went back to her seat, she caught the eye of the bookworm, who smiled at her. Cherry blushed and smiled back before walking back to her seat.

There were more introductions before everyone was given a chance to relax and have some food. Rainbow sat down beside her mother while the others sat down around the table. Cherry Berry took this opportunity to sit beside Twilight and learn about her.

"Hi! I'm-'

"Cherry Blossom, I know," Twilight interrupted, turning to her and chuckling. "I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm a librarian in Ponyville, but I study magic on my off time. You know, Rainbow's going to come after you all night once you come to Ponyville."

"I guessed that from the hug." The two mares chuckled before looking towards the Princess sitting beside Celestia. She was currently eating a bowl of soup like there was no tomorrow, making Celestia raise an eyebrow and chuckle. "Is she always like that?"

"Pretty much. It's funny, she was never like this. She was more..." Twilight waved a hoof around, trying to emphasize her point. "She was more....arrogant. Doing whatever she could to impress people. But now? She's Princess Dash, a Princess Of Equestria. About to do so much more."

"What was she before?"

"Wonderbolt hopeful. I'm surprised she hasn't actually taken the time out to meet them yet, seriously." The two mares giggled before they started on their own plates, downing it before everyone else could finish theirs.

"So what are you going to do now?" Celestia asked her daughter. "I hope taking action now."

"Yep," Rainbow said, wiping her muzzle. "Gonna open court up soon. I'm gonna have a meeting with these guys on it, have some rules and regulations set and sent out in the closest cities. Cloudsdale, Ponyville, Las Pegasus, and Baltimare on problems in nature. You know, possible people who dump there stuff into rivers, into the mountains, pollutants, litterers, Equestria's becoming a little dirty."

"I see. Anything Else?" Luna asked from beside her.

"Raising Scootaloo. Gotta make sure the squirt gets a nice home, even if her real family is gone. I'm not gonna let that kid go."

"What are you saying?" Celestia asked tentatively. Rainbow sighed and put down her daisy sandwich before turning to her mother.

"I want Scoots to be happy. Me and Scootaloo are in the same situation, although mismatched. She had her real parents but lost them. I didn't have my real parents, but I do now...sort of. I want her to be as happy as I am, and so far? I've noticed her getting more attached to me. She was yesterday when we first met, last night, this morning, and more than likely more so this afternoon, when I get back."

"So...you want to give her a great home?" The princess of the sun asked.

"Yeah....yeah I do. But I need to find the right person. How do I do that?"

"You'll know when you do, trust me." Her mother winked at her, confusing the young alicorn before she shrugged and went back to her daisy sandwich.

Author's Note:

How did I do on this chapter? I don't know if it was my best, but I tried. I've been focused on a original work called "What Am I?" I'm doing that, Queen Scootaloo, The Rise Of Rainbow, and Jessica Collero: The Heart Of Kahreen. Dang, I'm on a roll!

What do you think will happen in the next chapter? Voice your opinions in the comments. I'll try to have the next chapter by tonight or tomorrow morning, I promise.

If you wanna see the Rainbow Dash's Advisory Committee, check out these links for the characters:

Cherry Berry: https://goo.gl/iG6SHD
Tall Order: https://goo.gl/73UgHb
Lady Justice: https://goo.gl/8su6Le
Sir Pony Moore: https://goo.gl/eiyfxD
Twilight Sparkle : https://goo.gl/1Czmao

P.S. Twilight does not become an Alicorn in this story. Sorry, readers and viewers.