• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,348 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 15 - Secrets Of The Castle

Rainbow calmly broke the hug, allowing Scootaloo to climb up and nest behind her crown, tears still running down her face in giddy happiness.

"Is this a dream?" She cried in her hair. "I don't wanna wake up if it is!"

"Nope! It's real!" Rainbow said happily. "Now let's get some dancing in, ponies!!"

Everyone on the floor cheered before the musicians began playing the happy music, allowing couples and those who enjoy it to dance.

Rainbow watched for a moment before she backed up into the throne setup for her. Scootaloo got down from her back and settled in between her legs while she sat down, enjoying the show.

"Congratulations!" Cadance said from the other side of the princess row. "At first, when you were in the hallway 'so nervous', I thought you were going to ask out a stallion or something."

"Nope, I was talking about Scoots," Rainbow responded, stroking her filly's mane. Scootaloo grabbed onto of Rainbow's legs, continuing to watch the other ponies dance. "You hungry?"

Scootaloo shook out of her daze and looked up at her mother. "Yes."

Rainbow smiled before picking the filly up in her magic and set her on her back again before trotting off the stage, security detail right behind them.

They made their way over to the snack table, their stomachs grumbling in approval of the snacks there. Rainbow grabbed two plates in her magic, displaying her "Twilight level" in magic, before putting vegetables, protein, and a desert on both.

"Hey, Princess Dash!"

The two looked to the left to see Octavia and DJ PON-3 walking over. "Hey, girls, wassup?" She greeted, walking over to them.

"We just want to say congratulations on your new family," Octavia said as the two of them bowed slightly in respect. "Is Fluttershy involved?" She added with a wink.

Rainbow looked around before nodding.

"We thought so," Vinyl scratch said. "She's been wanting to come over here all night, but too afraid that, you know, ponies will find out." Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. Nopony knew about them dating?

"Yeah, I know. But we cope by giving each other subtle winks." Rainbow looked back up towards the stage where Fluttershy was sitting next to her throne, speaking to Celestia. "Well she's talking right now, but we'll find something."

"I bet. Hello, Scootaloo!" The filly gave a tiny wave before backing up out of view. "She's so shy."

"Well it was a big night for her."

"For you as well. But we got some news that involve both of you. You more than the other." Scootaloo poked her head back into view in interest while Rainbow listened closely.

"A rumor has been spreading around Canterlot. Prince Blueblood is doing a secret investigation underneath the Princesses' noses, despite them telling him not to."

"They're trying to figure out where you came from and how you ascended to royalty," Octavia whispered. "So far he has some shady contacts, mostly ponies close to Celestia and Luna. Not to mention Cadance as well as Twilight Sparkle."

Rainbow's eyes started changing colors, displaying her upset state before she took on a more professional role. "How have you gotten word of this?"

"Being musicians, we go all over Equestria," Vinyl explained. "But we are usually called to do shows for the Elite and royal. So we hear a lot of things. We figured we should warn you."

"Of course. Thanks for telling me, girls."

"You're welcome. Good night." The two bowed at the mother and daughter before going on their way, back to wherever they came from. Rainbow huffed before grabbing her plate and Scootaloo's, making her way back up to the stage.

"We have a little problem," she announced, grabbing Fluttershy and her mother's attention.

"What is it?" Celestia asked. Rainbow made a slight movement, indicating Scootaloo still on her back. "Scootaloo?"

The filly looked up from poking Rainbow's crown. "Would you like to talk to Luna?"

"What?" Said princess asked. Scootaloo nodded eagerly before jumping off Rainbow's head and over to Luna, ready to start a conversation about cutie marks.

"Fluttershy? Could you make sure Scoots eats her vegetables?" Rainbow asked her. She nodded and grabbed the plate Rainbow was holding out to her before making her way over to the filly, leaving the mother and daughter alone.

"Now what is it?" Celestia asked, giving her daughter her full attention.

"I've just been told that Prince Blueblood is overseeing an underground investigation of my origin," Rainbow whispered, unaware that Cadance's good hearing was listening in. "It could cause a bit of a problem for us in the future."

Celestia grunted before looking out at the dancing ponies, specifically Twilight who was doing some weird thing with Pinkie Pie that was SO bad. "Then we must keep an eye out and watch out for him. Although he is Luna and I's distant nephew, he is a pain. Very hardheaded. Is there any solid evidence of these claims?"

"Not that I heard of. But if there is, I'm sure I'll be told by a few musicians."

"Then we have to wait for some evidence. But that does not mean you are going unattended. If he doesn't get what he wants in at least a month's time, he will try to take it by force through family members."

"What?" Rainbow whispered bewildered. "He would stoop that low?!"

"Yes." Celestia picked up a slice of cake and took a bite while Rainbow took a seat at her throne. "Hopefully he won't try to mess with a royal that is higher then him. But just to be sure, I'll add some security around Ponyville. Your castle in particular."

"Thank you....Celestia," Rainbow said, winking at her mother.

"You're welcome, Rainbow." Cadance stopped listening in. Something fishy was definitely going on but it would cause too much of an issue to bring it up now or even later. Celestia wasn't one to go behind a pony's back and hold secrets, but THIS sounded big. REALLY big. But what was it and exactly HOW big?

"So then we tried hang gliding," Scootaloo said, catching Rainbow's attention. "But that didn't work out so well. Then we tried mining but instead of actually getting rocks OUT, we caused a cave-IN. Next we tried firefighting. But you already know how that turned out. Then......"

"Uggghhhh," Luna groaned, obviously not being able to take it anymore. Rainbow chuckled before going over and picking up the little filly by the tail with her magic, making her stop.

"I think Princess Luna has had enough of your Cutie Mark attempts, ya' awesome filly." She placed her back down in front of her and checked over the food she ate. "I see you ate all the vegetables. Thank you, Flutters."

"I don't like vegetables," Scootaloo groaned in protest. Rainbow laughed, rolling her eyes at how much she reminded her of herself when she was her age.

"Well you got to eat them to grow big and strong squirt. I'm pretty sure that if you eat enough, you'll be flying in no time." Rainbow looked around for a clock. Spotting one, she learned they had around fifteen minutes before it was time to go back home. "Why don't you go teach Twilight how to dance?"

The other Princesses all nodded and spoke in agreement. "Hey!" Twilight said from in front of the stage. "I know how to dance!"

"No you don't. Go help her out, sweetheart." Rainbow gave Scootaloo a little push with her hoof, giving her the courage to go out and give Twilight a dance lesson. She darted onto the dance floor and stopped next to Twilight, giving her a lesson on how "not to look like an idiot on the dance floor."

Finally, after fifteen minutes, the dance came to an end. Princess Celestia told all the ponies how the Princesses greatly enjoyed the party and that they would answer to their demands as soon as they could. Afterwards, the ponies all started filing out and leaving the castle.

"Alright, squirt! Time to go!" Rainbow called out. Fluttershy picked up the filly and placed her on her own back before being joined by Rainbow. When all the ponies were out of view and ear,Rainbow turned back to her mother, and Luna, who was sitting on the side, and gave her a nuzzle.

"Will you stop by again sometime?" She asked. The two stopped their nuzzling before Celestia responded.

"It will have to be two weeks from now since we are all going to be busy. Hopefully not TOO busy, but busy nonetheless. Cadance will be having her wedding in two months and before that, a breakfast two weeks from tomorrow. Saturday. That will be as soon as we can see each other. In the meantime, make sure you get the Everfree roped off. It is highly dangerous and some young adventurers amy try to go see what is so special about those woods. Also.....we will have to keep a lookout for any sign of Spectrum. She is due any day now if she has not returned already."

"Alright. I'll keep a low profile. Love you, mom."

"Love you too, sweetheart." They nuzzled one last time before Rainbow turned away and walked towards the doors, Sweetie Drops right beside her. Celestia curled her lips into a tight line, her eyebrows curving upwards once they were out of sight.

"You're worried, aren't you, sister?" She looked over to see Luna staring at her intently, worry written all over her own face. She sighed before responding back, the answer written all over hers.

"Yes. I am. Right now, we have two enemies. Our foolish nephew, Blueblood. Who is going against our wishes and launching an undercover investigation. And Spectrum, who is to be awoken within the upcoming week, if she has not yet. One of which will spark the other. If Blueblood does slip by our grasp, he will lead Spectrum right to us. And to my daughter specifically. Rainbow is strong and fast. But Spectrum has experience. Speed cannot beat knowledge."

Luna sighed and sat down next to Celestia, taking the cake that was meant for her and eating it. "We will be on high alert. In secret of course so as not to trouble the land. But we both know how this is going to end. Does she know yet?" She popped the last bit of the cake into her mouth.

"Yes. I have told her of different procedures to take and to take them seriously. I instructed her to tell the other ponies, her friends, in any way she sees fit. As long as they know." Celestia reached down to grab her cake, her hoof touching glass plating instead. "Did you just...eat my cake?"

"Your daughter ate mine."

On the way back to Ponyville, Rainbow relayed what was going to happen to Twilight, Cherry Berry, Fluttershy, and Sweetie Drops. Scootaloo was asleep, the night's activities having drained her entirely. Twilight told Rainbow the status of the letters and that they were already receiving answers back from the neighboring cities, most of them coming in from Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus.

"How many so far?" Rainbow asked.

"Two hundred," Cherry answered. "At least so far. There will of course be more by tomorrow afternoon." Rainbow nodded before looking down towards her sleeping daughter. "Twilight did tell me you were more than likely going to propose tonight."

"To be honest, it was on my mind the whole time," Twilight chuckled. "Congratulations, mom. You're officially a......mom. I just hope Pinkie doesn't plan on throwing a party."

"She will, more than likely. I just hope not in the middle of a meeting or something. She has always been random." Scootaloo stirred in her sleep, attracting her mother's attention. She flopped onto her back and moved her legs in the air before going back down onto her side. Rainbow looked around before grabbing a blanket from what she was sitting on putting it over the filly, watching as she grabbed the blanket and pulled it over herself in her sleep, a smile gracing her face.

"Here's to hoping that doesn't happen," Sweetie Drops said. "Because I'll literally throw her in the dungeon." Rainbow chuckled before the guards pulling the chariot landed in front of Twilight's library smoothly. Cherry Berry and the brainy librarian hopped out and over to the front door, waving towards Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy before they took off into the air again, headed towards the castle. Scootaloo stirred again, reaching out with her hooves trying to find whoever was there.

"She's having quite the dream," Fluttershy commented, chuckling lightly.

"Yeah.....I wonder what about." Rainbow reached out with her hoof towards Scootaloo, watching as the Filly grabbed hold of it tightly. "Well.....I guess it's either about me, or us, or Sweetie Drops."

"What? Why me?" The personal guard asked over her shoulder as she looked around for any threats.

"Believe it or not, she likes you too," Fluttershy answered. "She sees you as a sort of....protective godmother." Rainbow tried to pull her hoof back, but Scootaloo readjusted her grip, holding on tighter than before.

"No......don't go," she muttered. Rainbow smiled before leaning down and nuzzling the little filly.

"I'm not going anywhere," she whispered. Fluttershy smiled before they landed in front of the castle, slowing down before coming to a complete stop. Sweetie Drops opened the door for the two mares while Rainbow Dash slowly flew out of the chariot and landed next to fluttershy, being careful not to move too much considering that Scootaloo is still latched onto her hoof. Goodness that filly has a grip.

"Climb higher and you'll fly," Fluttershy whispered down to her. Whatever she was doing, it worked when Scootaloo smiled and climbed onto Rainbow's back in her sleep. The princess looked at her marefriend impressed. "It works for Mr. Squirrel and his family too. He gave me some advice."

Rainbow chuckled and gave her a kiss as they walked into the house, determined to get some sleep. After they walked into their room, they took off their dresses and Rainbow placed Scootaloo underneath the covers, leaving her moaning and groaning for attention. "I might make her blush in the morning because of that," Rainbow said as they climbed into bed.

"Don't do that....no matter how tempting it may seem," Fluttershy playfully scolded. Fluttershy nuzzled the top of Scootaloo's head, making her coo softly. "She's a darling. Look, she's already cuddling up to you." Rainbow looked down to see the filly scoot towards her and grab hold of her hoof again. "Don't be surprised if you wake up with her on your face."

"I'm actually expecting it. Goodnight, Flutters."

"Goodnight, Rainbow." The two of them fell asleep, cuddling the filly in between their bodies to let her know that she was in safe hooves.

During the night, news about Rainbow's adoption of Scootaloo had spread fast, all the way from the Crystal Empire to Trottingham. Everypony was mulling over it. Having conversations, discussions, even a party for it. Why? Rainbow Dash had no idea. But they did there was a party. And then there were those who did not like it. Like the Canterlot Elite. They were, of course, confused. Not outraged yet, just confused as to why a Princess, who no one knows the origin of, has already adopted a filly like she'll be staying there forever. Which is actually what will be happening.

But they weren't the real problem. The big problem was Blueblood, who will probably have contacts roaming around in Ponyville, according to Rainbow's mother. Celestia advised the Princess of Nature to place some undercover royal guards all over the small town so Rainbow can know if anypony decides to ask any questions, it will be used as evidence on her part. She also told her friends to tell her if anyone is trying to bribe them into releasing the information, to let the undercover guards know immediately. Of course they agreed. But that was it. All she could do now was wait, please the citizens, watch her back, and be a good mother. Speaking of which, shouldn't she be waking up right now? It's Saturday. She setup a doctor's appointment for Scootaloo with her own personal doctor at the town's hospital yesterday for eleven this morning.

Rainbow groaned, her mouth muffled by something covering it. "Ugggghhhh....uhhh....HUH?!" Rainbow reached up with her hooves and felt along her "face", feeling only a small Pegasus body. She groaned and attempted to pull the still sleeping, and slobbering, filly off of her face. She had a tight grip still, so she had to yank her off, making her sit up in the bed. Her grunting woke up her marefriend who took this opportunity to make getting up much harder.

"MMmmmm.....Rainbow, get back in bed," she moaned, grabbing the alicorn and pushing her back down, thus dropping the filly onto her face again.

"Fluttershy!" She yelled underneath the makeshift facial mask. The two sleeping ponies all woke up, one moreso than the other because of the vibration that went through her underbelly.

"What what huh?" Scootaloo said, doing a little dance on Rainbow's face. "What's going on?"

"Well....you're on my face." She looked down and giggled at the tiny hoofprints all over the Princess' muzzle. Fluttershy came over and nearly guffawed at the display.

"Oh...sorry, Rainbow."

"No, Scoots...it's 'mom' now. Now get off my face." Scootaloo grinned before hopping onto the bed next to Fluttershy, letting the princess sit up and climb out the bed to stretch. "Well.....that was a great wake up call. My daughter on my face and Fluttershy slamming me back into the bed. Who doesn't enjoy it."

"I did that?" She asked unbelievably.

"This is the second time," Rainbow answered, holding up two feathers from her left wing. "The first time, Mo....mmmm Celestia came over and saw us in the bed. I'm pretty sure she knows we're dating. She just hasn't said anything yet. Morning, Scoots!"

"Morning, mom!" Scootaloo greeted, jumping off the bed and onto Rainbow's back. "To the kitchen!"

"What, No! We're taking a bath first." Rainbow turned around and trotted into the bathroom. "And then breakfast, along with taking you to the doctor for a check up, just in case you caught something. After that, you can go with Apple bloom and Sweetie Belle for your super secret Saturday meetings that you think I don't know about."

"Wait! How'd you find out?!" Scootaloo asked incredulously. Rainbow setup the water in the tub before she responded.

"One? I'm the princess. So I know everything. Two? I'm your mother. So I know everything." She put a hoof into the water, finding the temperature soothing. "Hop in and let's get you cleaned up."

After the bath, Fluttershy and Rainbow decided to let Scootaloo have a look around her new home officially. Also per request from her mother for the upcoming storm that will surely come in less than a year. Of course they all knew about the throne room, dining hall, and the bedroom. Not to mention the office buildings. That's it. But Rainbow has been all over it apparently. While they ate their breakfast, she explained all the different parts in the castle, but not in too much detail. Most of it was underground through passages that Rainbow and the guards knew of.

After they ate their breakfast, Rainbow decided to show the room in the castle where Scootaloo would be most interested in. The armory.

"So where is this armory?" Scootaloo asked excitedly. "I wanna see, I wanna see!" She hopped up and down on Rainbow's back.

"Okay, okay!" She laughed. "I'm taking us there now!" The three walked past the staircase that led up to Rainbow's room and towards the hallway that led towards her throne room. They passed the leading hallway and walked towards the end where Rainbow stopped and turned left, facing a door on the end where no one could actually see. She knocked twice before twisting the handle, letting the group in.

"Attennnnntion!" Sergeant Cloudstorm yelled, making Scootaloo cover her ears. All the Royal guards in the room all stood up in respect for the royal.

"At ease. I'm just showing my family the parts in this castle that they don't know about." The guards all relaxed before going back to what they were doing. "This is the guardroom where the Royal Guards that are stationed here stay. It has two levels. Here and down those stairs, which is for those that aren't part of my special security but are still required to be stationed here." She pointed her hoof down a pair of white stone steps, where more soldiers could be heard talking and relaxing.

"And THIS is the armory." She walked over to the door on the right that had her cutie mark on it and opened it. Inside there were swords, crossbows with arrows, spears, and shields. There was also a golden one at the very end hanging on the wall with Rainbow's insignia on it. It had a golden blade with symbols on the edges, along with a rainbow colored handle. The pommel was a lightning bolt. Right next to it was an ornate suit of armor that was golden. It had Rainbow colored hoofshoes as well as leg pads.

"Whoaaaa," Scootaloo muttered in wonder, walking into the room and towards the one at the end. "What is this?"

"That is mine," Rainbow said, shocking her daughter and Fluttershy. She decided to ease them into the news before dropping the whole bomb. "All Princesses must have their own weaponry and armor in case of an attack that calls upon all the Princesses to fight. So I had my own created a few weeks ago. I won't use it unless I have to. I'm not a very violent person, no matter how much it looks like. It also has some of my magic in it as well. Sort of like a bank."

Scootaloo looked from Rainbow back up to the armor and weapon. It was so intricate, having padding, symbols, and so many slots. What was Equestria expecting, a slaughter house?!

"Come on, Scoots. We have more touring to do. There is far more to this castle than you would expect." She took one last look at the armor before running out with Fluttershy. Rainbow started to shut the door before looking back at the armor. She really hoped she wouldn't have to use that suit at all. But with the way things were going, it was inevitable. She sighed sadly before shutting the door back.

They continued the tour, going towards the backside of the building that had a hidden room in it. The throne room. She walked into her room and stood in front of her throne before pressing down on a certain spot on the marble floor. The two mares gasped as a slab of the floor pushed inwards and towards the right, revealing a secret staircase. They walked down into it, going deeper and deeper for around five minutes, lit only by floating blue orbs attached to the walls like bubbles, sometimes floating off and onto a different spot. When they reached the bottom, they were met with another door that was densely covered in magical runes, keeping those who Rainbow didn't want going in out. She put her horn into a hole on the side before flowing her magic into it. The door clicked and unlocked before pulling it back out and pushed the door open, revealing something truly amazing

Inside, there was literally another castle. "This is our retreat should my family ever have to go into hiding," Rainbow explained. The castle was shaped just like one, just in a very big cavern. The building was as big as a football field, WAAYYY bigger than the castle upstairs. "I asked why it was so big. The size is for if I wanted to bring others down with me. Of course I would do that. My guards, my friends, and my family of course. This building is about as big as Ponyville. And only I can open the door into it. So long as I have my horn."

Scootaloo stared open-mouthed at the royal building before Rainbow turned back around and going out the door, fluttershy following close behind. Soon they arrived at the slab again, which was closed. Rainbow lifted a hoof and pushed it up. When it hit the top, it split in half, allowing the group to walk in. "That.....was amazing," Scootaloo muttered as they made their way out, headed towards another room that Rainbow hoped would NEVER be used. Once they made it to the front of the house outside, they stopped at the fountain in the direct middle of the complex. Rainbow put a hoof into the water and pulled on a certain lever. The water stopped running before it drained down. Once it was all out of sight. The fountain rose up and slid to the side, revealing another staircase. The guards behind her all stood stock still, having already been informed of the situation by Celestia herself.

"Awwww another one?" Scootaloo groaned. Rainbow looked up at her before going down the stairs. This one was lit with Rainbow colored orbs and went far deeper than any of the rooms, including the Retreat Castle. After around thirteen minutes of climbing, they arrived at a hallway...that was filled with runes. There had to be at least over a hundred in there. All over the curved ceiling, walls, and everything else down there. There were two stone statues of pony guards stationed against the wall, facing opposite of them that were covered in runes as well. This must be serious place.

"What.....what is this?" Fluttershy asked fearfully, Scootaloo having the exact same question on her mind. Before Rainbow answered, she reached to the left and pulled on a lever. Torches lit the hallway. When she stepped forward, the light in her horn fizzled out, the area diminishing her magic and hers alone. It was time to tell them.

"This....will be a very forbidden place if I lose to a fight that I am destined to be in," Rainbow answered. "Or if I am forced to make a decision that affects everypony critically." She walked deeper down the hall before Scootaloo jumped off Rainbow's back and onto Fluttershy's behind her, a little scared from the environment. If they had to run, Fluttershy was sure to bolt faster than anything.

At the end was a door. A thick, steel door. With locks all over it. They were all unlocked at the moment. Rainbow stood up and used her hooves to push the heavy bar aside, displaying her strength, before gripping the handle that was above the bar.

"Rainbow....what's in there?" Rainbow ignored her marefriend's timid question, only focusing on pulling the door open. Once it was cracked, she stepped around and inside. The other two ponies looked at each other before they tentatively followed after her. Inside were chains, shackles, and levers, definitely to pull whoever was at the end of those chains up to the wall.

All over the room, there were runes, lighting it up like it was daytime. Definitely defensive based on the red coloring of the shapes. "What...is all of this?" Scootaloo asked. "It's so.....cool."

"No....." Rainbow turned around to face them. "It's not. This room was built..............for me."

Author's Note:

Hey, guys! So I'm starting the conflict of the story. We got all the mushy stuff out of the way, you know, setting the scene. The characters, sides, and more have been take. Now it's time for the big one.

I hope this story hasn't been too misleading. There are a few more things that I'm going to put in, to make it more sappy at the end, which I already have planned out. I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Today's my relaxation day, So I'll be doing most of my writing on my fanfictions and my upcoming book, Sector One, which I'll putting out for free to those who request it. It's about Extraterrestrial life. But instead of taking over, they need help. And humans don't really like that.

If you want to read it when I'm finished, let me know in the comment section below or send me a PM(Private Message).

Thanks for reading! :scootangel: