• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,347 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 18 - Shipping; Confrontation

Princess Celestia led the group of Royalty out of the throne room and towards the entrance of the castle, making sure to maintain her smiling image although she was screaming inside. How Cadance had guessed that was a mystery even to Rainbow, who was walking right next to her. The Princess of Nature was walking with confidence towards the entrance with her daughter on her back and marefriend by her side. Celestia had been suspecting them of courting but hasn't exactly brought it up yet.

"Rainbow," she said getting her attention. "Are you and Fluttershy.......dating?"

The timid Pegasus squeaked before rushing behind Princess Luna, trying to stay out of sight.

Celestia looked from her and back to Rainbow with a smirk on her face. "Well......yeah, but you already knew that," she answered as they walked through the castle doors.

"I actually did not," her mother said, surprising her. "Seers cannot see everything. Only things that will have a major importance in our lives or a loved one's."

"So can you see my daughter's future?"

"In time, yes. But right now, no. I need to form a special bond with the 'squirt', as you so call her."

The royal chariots were all set to take off including Cadance's and Luna's. Celestia was riding with her daughter to maintain a conversation. That and she hasn't actually been in it before.

The group walked towards their rides and hopped inside while the guards strapped themselves in prepared to take off. Scootaloo was positioned on Fluttershy's head, looking towards the gates in the front while Rainbow Dash and her mother took a seat in the back to have a conversation.

"I call her squirt because I wanted to give her a nickname," Rainbow protested. "And the squirt likes it. Right, squirt?"

"Yeah, mom!"


Celestia chuckled before placing her hoof on her back. The chariots started to take off, running across the landing strip of the Castle grounds that were in the front that Rainbow didn't even know she had. They've been landing in the city and driving through the gates when they could've been avoiding all those media ponies by landing BEHIND the gates this whole time?

"Mom, why didn't you tell me we could've been landing behind these gates?"

Celestia looked at her daughter confused before making an "oh" with her mouth. "Uhhhhh.....it spaced my mind. Now there's a special day coming up really soon that you probably forgot about. And how convenient too."

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow asked nonchalantly.

"Come on, new mom," the Princess of the Sun teased. "Don't tell me you've forgotten your daughter's first birthday with her new family."

Rainbow Dash gasped loudly before clamping her hooves over her mouth when her marefriend and daughter turned around to face her.

"What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nothing, nothing! I'm fine!" Fluttershy nodded before turning back around. "How could I forget?" Rainbow whispered. "It's her first birthday, I have to do something amazing, I need to HAVE something amazing! We need to have....a party."

"Did someone say Party?!" Everyone turned their heads to see Pinkie Pie dangling outside of Rainbow's chariot, her hooves holding onto the edges.

"Pinkie Pie, wh...what are you DOING, how'd you even get up here?!" Rainbow asked, the question on everyone else's mind.

"Easy! I jumped!"

They all just stared at her while Rainbow pulled her inside. "Pinkie, you are so....you know what? Nevermind. Yes, I said party and I need your help with a surprise one."

Pinkie pulled out a top hat along with some shades and popped them on before pulling out a notepad as well as a quill. "Talk ta' meh."

Rainbow looked towards the front to see her family looking straight ahead again as they approached the town of Ponyville. She waved her hoof towards herself, making Pinkie come closer before she whispered it into her ear.

"Gotcha." Pinkie wrote down some things on the notepad once she pulled away. "I'll have the stuff setup on that day in the castle. You just get the others. Pinkie out!" The party pony threw off the shades and hat before jumping back and out of the Chariot. "Whhhhheeeeeeee....."

Rainbow Dash just stared nonchalantly at the display before sighing and facing forward again. "She is so random," she chuckled.

"The pink one is going to give me a headache!" Luna complained from behind them. "Does she not know that we are thousands of feet in the air....and she has jumped OUT of the chariot?!"

"It's Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow and her daughter yelled at the same time.

Soon, they landed back at Rainbow's castle, stopping in front of the gates that the Royal Guard opened for their arrival. When they stepped out, they all bowed towards them, letting them walk past and into the castle.

"You know....I have never been here before," Cadance said as they made their way past the two buildings in the front. Shining Armor was looking around too at the wonderland that was the Princess of Nature's castle. Especially at the rainbows in the background. "It's very......pretty."

"Thank you," Rainbow said before pointing to Celestia. "Mom had it designed and built within...."

"Three days," she answered.

"Three days?!" Rainbow asked in confusion before shaking her head, getting rid of that news. The guards opened the doors to the housing, revealing the grandeur design inside. "Straight ahead and up those stairs is our room. Scootaloo will eventually get her own, but for now she sleeps with us."

"I don't wanna get my own room!" The filly protested from atop Fluttershy's back.

"Oh.....you'll want to in the future," Rainbow assured her. "Everypony wants to get their own room. And you'll eventually get to big to keep sleeping with us."

They walked up the tall flight of stairs and opened the doors, revealing the room with a lounge and balcony on the left side. Scootaloo jumped off her timid mother's back and took off the dress with a clean movement, the Princess of Nature doing the same. "Ahhhhhh, that's SOOO much better," the filly said, jumping onto the bed face first.

Celestia walked forward and picked her up, looking at her giddy face. "You become way too happy, granddaughter," she chuckled, shaking her head. "Rainbow. I do hope you are not mating while Scootaloo's in the room."

Everyone stopped looking around and turned to Celestia shocked. "M-Mom!" Rainbow scolded. "T-They don't know about that!" She pointed towards her cousin, who was sporting a flashy grin and laughing out loud.

"Rainbow, I'm the Princess of Love," she said proudly. "It's normal if I hear about ponies having sex. As a matter of fact, I usually feel it in the air around the Crystal Empire practically everyday. Even Shining-"

"Okay, let's not get into me," the Prince said, blushing and trying to change the subject. He walked into the lounge looking at everything inside of it. "Oh it's very nice in here. You even have tiny little rainbows coming out of tiny little fountains? That's so cute."

"It's not cute, it's.....help me out here, Scoots."


"What she said, sophisticated. I'm too cool for the sappy." Rainbow jumped on the bed and laid down with Fluttershy, who curled up to her.

Shining Armor walked out with a grin on his face. "Are you sure about that?"



"Yes?" She said, looking at him suspiciously. He slowly pulled a large stuffed pony out into view that had a little heart on it, making Rainbow gasp.

"Are you absolutely sure that-"

"Put that down!" She yelled, conjuring and splashing him with a bunch of water. He yelped and dropped the teddy bear, trying to get the water out of his eyes. The mares all laughed as he fell down. "Next time it's dirt!"

"Okay, okay!" He stood up once all the water was off his face. "Geez that was a good shot. You hit me directly in the pupil without a second try, ow."

"Don't touch my teddy pony, then."

"Can I touch your teddy pony?" Scootaloo asked, scrambling out of her grandmother's arms. "Can I can I Can I?"

"Sure squirt, JUST DON'T RIP IT! PLEASE!?" She yelled desperately, getting up and making her way over to the plushy and making everyone else in there stare at her.

"She's really attached to that thing," Luna whispered to her sister. "Did you give that too her?"

"Yes, but it was originally from Rainbow Blaze. Her father. He wanted to give it to her when she was born, but he sadly couldn't. So I did for him. She treasures it immensely." They watched as Scootaloo picked up the stuffed pony with Rainbow watching right behind her with nervousness, just waiting for it to rip.

"Celestia....you owe us a story, remember?" Cadance reminded her, taking a seat in front of the bed.

"Of course, everyone in here." Rainbow picked up Scootaloo who was still holding onto the plushy before making her way towards the bed with Fluttershy already laying on it.

Once everyone got settled in, Celestia told the tale of the pony sisters. Including the bit that was erased from the history books.

"You have another sister?!" Cadance shouted. "Why haven't I met her?"

"Sadly, you will soon," Celestia said with despair. We all will....when we fight her again. Remember, she tried to take the Jewel of Rainbow for herself and we defeated her. Even in banishment, one cannot lose a grudge so easily. She will return. And really soon. I don't know when, I don't know how. But I have seen us fighting her. All the alicorns. It will be a very destructive battle. Like a battle of the gods. But only one will take her down."

"Who?" Celestia shifted her sights towards her daughter who was staring intensely at the plushy Scootaloo was curled up against.

"The plush doll is not going to pop," Luna teased her. "And it most certainly is not going to bite....or will it?"

Rainbow gasped and pulled Scootaloo away from it and shaking her awake in the process after she had fallen asleep during the story.

"Luna!" Celestia scolded. "She's already on edge that it's going to rip, don't make it worse." The princess of the night laughed and picked up the doll in her magic, bringing it to herself.

"Alright, fine. Rainbow the doll does not bite. See?" She tapped the mouth of it against Celestia's unamused face. Rainbow was either in her childish state or being an overprotective parent because she walked up to it and looked it straight in its eyes, trying to intimidate a stuffed pony.

Celestia tried so hard not to laugh at her daughter's face before the mare grabbed it and put it back in the lounge. "Nope. No one's touching my pony. No one. Forget it." She walked back towards the bed where Fluttershy was giggling while Scootaloo was straight up guffawing, nearly rolling off the bed in laughter.

"Why was your face so intense?!" She breathed out.

"Anyway," Celestia continued, trying to stifle her own chuckles. "Dash is the one who will become victorious in the fight. Although it comes with a price. She will be hit a with a bit of corrupted dark magic, that will make her current state of mind be pushed down and for Spectrum to takeover. But it will only last a year."

"So....Dash becomes corrupted for a year because of my sadistic aunt?" Cadance asked.

"Yep," Rainbow answered, getting comfortable on the bed before making a overconfident face towards the others. "I'll kick a lot of but though....hopefully. I don't know anything about you seers." Scootaloo climbed onto Rainbow's head, laying down in between her ears, draping her front hooves over her face. "Are you just trying to annoy me?"

"Yeah," Scootaloo answered. "I did it all the time with my...you know." Scootaloo laid her head down in Rainbow's hair, a little saddened still over her parents' death. Celestia sighed and went over to her, nuzzling the top of her head.

"We're here for you Scootaloo," she whispered. "We're your family now. I know you miss them very much. I would too were I in your place. But now....you have a new family. An entire family. You have me, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Dash's adoptive family, Cadance, Shining Armor, Luna, Twilight, and the others. We are your family now. Don't forget that."

Scootaloo looked up at everyone who was offering her a sincere smile. She huffed and smiled with them before jumping up onto her grandmother's muzzle, holding on tightly. Celestia sat down and reached up, rubbing her back. "You're welcome Scootaloo. Rainbow, wake up, it was not that sappy."

The princess snorted and sat up quickly. "Wha....wha-whazat?" Fluttershy rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"So there's no exact date as to when Spectrum will return?" Cadance asked, trying to get everything back on track.

"Nope," Rainbow answered, wiping the drool from her mouth. "We'll only know when she's awake. In the southeast, towards the Badlands and past Ponyville, there'll be a rainbow colored glow. You can't miss it....from here anyway. The Crystal Empire is a whole 'nother story."

"Then what?"

"Then we stay on our toes," Luna answered. "I am lucky enough my horn still works, although it is broken. It's healing because I am an alicorn, but it's still slow." She reached up to the top of her head and felt the broken end of it.

"We all have our armor and we are all prepared for a fight," Celestia said. "Let's just hope that she does not wake too soon. Rainbow still has to get some things done before the year is out and if more ponies find out about her being my daughter, I want her there during the inevitable interviews and all that."

"So let me get this straight." They all turned towards Scootaloo who was coming out of the lounge...painted in all different type of colors.

"You dipped yourself in the fountain in there, didn't you?" Fluttershy asked her, sighing a little.

Scootaloo looked at her for a moment before rubbing the back of her neck. "A little bit. But my great aunt....is evil. She wants the magic that mom has......and will kill over it?"

The princesses all looked over before Celestia nodded. "Yep. Now go get clean. If you don't get it off now, it will be permanent."

Scootaloo screamed before running into the bathroom while Rainbow chuckled and followed after her. "Stop lying to my daughter." The oldest pony in the room shrugged before the princess walked into the bathroom to help out Scootaloo.

Back in Ponyville, Twilight and Cherry Berry were having an intense discussion that Twilight thought was deadly serious. Since she had been interrupted by Sweetie Drops, she wanted to try to ask Cherry out again. A day before, Cherry actually came to her and said that she would love to go out to dinner with Twilight, but the librarian wanted to ask her "properly". First thing Cherry learned about Twilight since they met......she was very picky. But this time....she was going to do it right.

"Twilight, this is silly!" Cherry said, trying not to laugh as she walked over to the mare wearing a black suit that Rarity, for some odd reason, had made for her. The librarian was holding another bouquet of Roses as well as combing her hair with her magic. "You were fine last time."

"But it was interrupted and I hate it when an important moment gets interrupted!" Twilight yelled as she threw a tantrum, jumping up and down in frustration. "This was really important for me!" She gave the red earth pony a pout that Cherry just could not resist.

"Okay, okay, fine! Go ahead and try again, but we both know what my answer will be!"

Twilight gasped happily before jumping around her marefriend in a circle constantly repeating, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Over and over again. Cherry just chuckled and shook her head before grabbing Twilight by the tail, making her stop.

"Do it already before I ask myself out."

Twilight looked at her in mock horror. "What? And make me miss out on my dream?" Cherry snorted before grabbing Twilight's Roses and walking to the window.

"Hi. I'm Cherry Berry," she said to her reflection, smiling gleefully. "I've seen you across the way multiple times but I've been too quiet to actually say anything, but now.......CAN YOU GO ON A DATE WITH ME?!"

"No," Twilight protested as she got jealous of Cherry's reflection. "No, no, she's mine. Give me those flowers." Twilight took the roses out of Cherry's hooves and walked out the door. "Be ready!"

Cherry scoffed walked back to the middle of the room, getting back into the same position she was in a few days ago. Sitting at the table reading a pastry book. After awhile, the door opened letting Twilight in.....with a gleaming smile, making the reader raise an eyebrow in interest, as well as sport her own.

"Where...is...that...mare?" Twilight slowly turned her head and grinned at seeing Cherry Berry looking at her. "There she is. Hello, Ms. Berry. I brought you something."

'Oh my Celestia, this is soooo cheesy,' the pony in question thought, trying to not to laugh. "Oh? And what would that be?"

A burst of magic in front of her caused her to jump a little before realizing that they were the roses....with frost on them. 'Hmmmm....impressive.'

"Why thank you, miss......" Cherry said, pretending not to remember her name.

"Twilight. Twilight Sparkle. Top student at the school of magic, protege of Princess Celestia, librarian of the Ponyville library."

'You sound like a very lame Prince Blueblood,' Cherry thought giggling a little bit. "Yes, yes that's great. How can I help you?"

"Welllllll...." Twilight got real close to the pony's making her curl in her lips, trying not to guffaw at the absurdity of the situation. "I couldn't help but notice you across the way. And I said to myself.....she is so beautiful and she knows it. I want her for myself so I can spoil her.....make her happy......just like her beauty is making her right now."

Cherry blushed heavily, trying to avoid Twilight's hungry gaze. "So....Ms. Berry. Can I take you out to dinner sometime? At a specific place of your choice?"

Cherry chuckled and pretended to think about it, tapping her hoof against her chin and staring at the ceiling. "I......sure. I will take you up on your offer. How about we go to......that club over round the corner there where thou friends scour for the buggars?"

Twilight cocked her head to the side before she pulled in her lips, snorting uncontrollably. "What......what's a buggar?"

The two girls finally broke down with Twilight laughing uncontrollably and Cherry rolling on the floor. Soon, the laughing stopped after two full minutes with Twilight looking down at Cherry before leaning in and softly planting a kiss on her forehead. "You're so beautiful," Twilight whispered.

"And you're so gorgeous," Cherry whispered back before grabbing her by the cheeks and pulling her to her mouth, planting a passionate kiss on her lips and losing themselves in the moment. So much so that they didn't even hear the front door open. Or Rarity and Spike's voice.

"Twilight, darling we need....." Rarity and Spike froze with their eyes popping out of their skulls at the sight of the two mares' passionate filled kissing, making them both blush. "Uh.....we-we'll come back later then." The two carefully backed out of the building and softly closed the door behind them, letting the two mares have their moment.

Celestia and Luna had arrived back at Canterlot Castle to get back to work. The sun Princess had a small day court scheduled and Luna had to oversee some more stuff for the inevitable battle that would be coming for them in the near future. More than likely before this year is over with. Hopefully not too soon.

"You know what to do, Luna," Celestia whispered as they walked through the castle doors. Some guards saluted them as some more ponies bowed as they passed by. "You take the day shift, I will take the night shift. The time is near."

"Of course." The two ponies reached a junction before they went their separate ways to fulfill their task. Of course though....there were going to be problems.

"Aunty Luna!" The night princess groaned before she turned around to face Prince Blueblood approaching with law ponies beside him. Lawyers or something. "I demand an audience," he said while taking a stance of authority and stopping in front of her.

"You have to tell that to Celestia," she responded back before walking away. "This is not my shift to have an audience."

The prince huffed before turning around and heading to the throne room, bumping his way past the ponies who were waiting for the day court and walking right into the throne room. "Princess Celestia."

The princess of the sun looked to him and leaned her head back, groaning towards the ceiling. She was already thinking of different ways to take this so-called prince's title away from him and have him work as a bouncer at a club or something.

"What is it, Blueblood?" She sighed tiredly. "Here for another round of questioning? I have warned you that I would strip you of your title shall you ever pursue it again, did I not?"

"Well you cannot do that, aunty Celestia," he protested. "These two gentlecolts beside me are the top lawyers of the Canterlot area."

"Uh huh."

And they have decreed that it is unlawful to strip me of my title at all because I am of a royal line that is Equivalent of yours. Technically, I am a king."

"The day you are a king of some land will be the day Tartarus freezes over."

"And," he continued, ignoring that little comment. "They have also decreed that royalty is not allowed to keep any secrets from other royals! Now out with it, aunty!" Celestia looked at him unamused before giggling and straight laughing out loud, making the Prince confused.

"Blueblood," she said, wiping a tear from her eye. "Do you really think I don't know the laws of Equestria? I have been the Princess of this great land for over a thousand years, I know the law book."

"Do you know of the one that was just passed this morning?" Celestia stopped laughing before paying her full attention to the pompous prince. "It has been written that royalty is not allowed to keep her subjects of Equestria for such a length of time as of one week." Princess Celestia narrowed her eyes before snarling at the prince.

"And who made this law?" She asked, slowly stalking off her throne and towards the Prince threateningly.

"I had it billed and-"


"P-Princess Celestia, this is important though," he continued, trying to get some answers. "We must know the truth-"

"YOU WILL NOT BE GETTING ANY ANSWERS, YOU POMPOUS PRINCE! GET OUT OF MY CASTLE!!! NOW!" Princess Celestia used her magic to grab him and the lawyers in her magic and tossing them through the doors of the throne room, making them slide along the marble flooring and hit the wall on the other side. "LEAVE!! NOW!!!"

The three ponies yelped before they made their way out of the castle at a speed so fast, you'd think it was Celestia's secret daughter. Once they were gone, the Princess sighed and made her way up to her throne, taking a seat. "He is getting more bold," she muttered to herself. "This is not a good sign."

Author's Note:

Uh oh. Blueblood is getting more bold. The truth is coming soon. Along with more problems! Be ready! It will happen this week! :twilightsmile: